Philadelphia Daily Record

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Vol. III No. 8 (378)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

January 17, 2012

Philadelphia Daily Record

Welcome To The Future

STATE REP W. Curtis Thomas opens the Mt. Tabor CDC Edwina A. Baker Cyber Learning Center at Mt. Tabor AME Church on North 7th Street near W. Girard Avenue yesterday as part of MLK Day of Service. Rep. Thomas said the center offers computerbased math and reading education activities based on the State Academic Standards for Pre-K children in his district. McGlasson Lens Photography


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CANDIDATES • POLITICIANS News You Can Use! Boost Your Popularity, Win On Election Day! Tell Your Constituents To Read About All the Work You Do For Them On the Email them a copy of this Publication!

Translation/Interpretation Arabic, Hebrew, English, French For more information, call William Hanna


Calendar Jan. 18Port Richmond W. Community Action Network meeting at Trinity Presbyterian Ch., Frankford Ave. & Cambria St., 7-9 p.m. Guest: L&I Commissioner Fran Burns. For info Jason McDermott (267) 650-6168. Jan. 20ACE Women’s Forum presents Professional Women’s Roundtable Political Forum, “From Your House to the White House”, on political impacts on business, at ACE USA, 436 Walnut St., 5th fl., 8-10 a.m. Continental breakfast. For info Leigh Ann Campbell (267) 287-8497) or Register by Jan. 17. Jan. 20State Rep. John Sabatina, Jr., holds Shrimp Night fundraiser at Harmonia Club, Aramingo Ave. & Orthodox St., Jan. 20, 711 p.m. $35 donation includes draft beer and shrimp. For info Scott (267) 984-7312. Jan. 21State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas hosts Weatherization & Energy Workshop at New Pathways for Women, Germantown Ave. & & Cumberland St., 10 a.m. Participating agencies include Energy



Coordinating Agency of Phila., Phila. Corp. for Aging, PGW, PECO and Public Utilities Commission. Feb. 9Steve Aldrich of IBEW Local 269 invites all to reception in honor of State Rep. Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, Supporter, $50. RSVP Seth Skversky (215) 5501186. Feb. 10Fundraiser for cancer survivor Vicki Cummings at SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 a.m. Donation $35. If you cannot make event, donation to “Friends of Vicki Cummings” c/o The Lucas Family, 3128 Cottman Ave, Phila., PA 19149. For info


$10,000 Reward For Olde City Killers The City of Philadelphia is offering a $10,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the suspects responsible for the murder of Kevin Kless. On Jan. 14, 2011, at 2:27am, the complainant and witnesses were walking on the 400 block of Chestnut Street where they attempted to stop a cab. When the cab stopped, the complainant became involved in a conversation with the cab driver. During this conversation an older-model Maroon sedan, possibly a Mazda, occupied by four unknown males began yelling at the complainant. The vehicle pulled over and three of the males exited the vehicle and began beating the complainant critically injuring him, the com-

plainant was transported to Jefferson Hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries. The three males then entered the vehicle that was occupied by a driver and fled the area east on Chestnut Street.

Suspect #4 Light complected male possibly Hispanic, no further information.

Suspect description:

If you see these males do not approach them, contact 911 immediately.

Suspect #1 Light completed male possibly Hispanic, 20 years-ofage, 5-10”, thin build, wearing a White shirt with Blue Stripes.

Vehicle Description: Older model Maroon sedan, possibly a Mazda

To submit a tip via telephone, dial 215.686.TIPS (8477).

Suspect #2 Light complected male possibly Hispanic, 20 years-ofage, 6’0”, medium build, Maroon shirt.

If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:

Suspect #3 Light complected male possibly Hispanic, 6’2, no further information.


Homicide Detective Division

Love On The Tracks? Do you have a love story of romance on the rails? Has exchanging glances with a beautiful bus passenger blossomed into romance? If Cupid’s arrow struck your heart while you were riding on SEPTA, the Authority wants to hear from you. If so, now through Feb. 6, riders who found new romance or re-connected with old flames on a SEPTA bus, train or trolley can

submit their “moving” tales, photos and videos to the SEPTA Love Stories website, The public will vote for their favorite stories through Feb. 6. The “SEPTA Sweethearts” with the most loved stories will win prizes, including an invitation to ride on the “Love Train” — a specially decorated Market-Frankford Line six-car train that takes passengers on a romantic ride with a perfect view of

the Mural Arts Program’s “Love Letter Project” — and attend a VIP reception at SEPTA’s 1234 Market Street headquarters on Sunday, Feb. 12. For complete contest details, a list of prizes and instructions on how to upload stories, visit or The public can also vote for their favorite SEPTA love story on the website.





Virgin Lands In Philly Virgin Airlines has finally landed in Philadelphia. Starting April 4th, the Californiabased carrier, Virgin, will launch three daily nonstop flights from PHL to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). On Apr. 10, the airline will begin two daily nonstop flights from PHL to San Francisco International Airport. “This is exciting news for the citizens of Philadelphia and the region as our great Airport scores another home run for us,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter. “Virgin America will join the Airport fam-

ily offering new service to the West Coast, while stimulating our regional economy and expanding the choices for our travelers. I congratulate Virgin America for recognizing the value of doing business in our great city.” Virgin America, award-winning chic airline that is known for its cutting-edge in-flight passenger amenities like custom-designed cabins, WiFi and seatback touchscreen TV all at competitive low fares is coming to Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)!


SRC To Host Open Meetings As part of their efforts to become more accessible to the community, the School Reform Commission has scheduled a series of committee meetings focused around strategy, policy, and priority that will be open to the public. The Safety and Community Engagement Committee will be the first meeting to take place on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. chaired by SRC member Lorene Carey. The meeting format will include short presentations in alignment with the topic and a roundtable discussion. Members of the public are invited to attend, and discuss the topic with the SRC and each other. No speakers’ registration is required. Future SRC committee meetings will take place on the third Monday of every month. Among the topics to be discussed at these meetings are: Choice, Turnaround and Rightsizing; Finance and Audit; Safety and Community Engagement, and; Post Secondary Education, Transitions and Success. All committee meetings will be headed by an SRC member and organized by topic to address two primary goals: 1. To discuss issues facing the District and 2. To update the public on the work of other SRC Committees.



THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD For a complete list of meeting

dates and topics please visit

Boys And Girls Club Net $1.4M Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia today announced it has received a five-year, $1.4 million contribution commitment from Shire Pharmaceuticals, the global specialty biopharmaceutical company with US headquarters in Wayne, Chester County, to upgrade computer labs – to be named “Shire Learning Labs” – and enhance technology education in 12 clubs throughout Philadelphia.

“The Shire gift will provide our kids access to high-level technology education delivered by techsavvy professionals,” said Al Mollica, interim CEO for Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia. “The children we serve are some of the most disadvantaged in the city, and many of them have limited access to computers and the training they need to be competitive in school and in the workforce. This donation gives us the chance to help them excel at the same rate as their more fortunate peers.”

The funds from Shire will enable the Clubs to provide young people with vital education programs and resources in basic software, hardware and network skills as well as in digital arts, video game design, animation and robotics. Additionally, Club members will learn about the safe and ethical use of technology and will explore hightech career options.




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