Daily Record

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Vol. III No. 9 (379)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

January 18, 2012

Philadelphia Daily Record

Casey, Toomey United For State

IN A BIPARTISAN MOVE, US Sens. Bob Casey and Pat Toomey will sit together during President Obama’s State of the Union address on Jan. 24. Story page 3


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Calendar Jan. 18Port Richmond W. Community Action Network meeting at Trinity Presbyterian Ch., Frankford Ave. & Cambria St., 7-9 p.m. Guest: L&I Commissioner Fran Burns. For info Jason McDermott (267) 650-6168. Jan. 20ACE Women’s Forum presents Professional Women’s Roundtable Political Forum, “From Your House to the White House”, on political impacts on business, at ACE USA, 436 Walnut St., 5th fl., 8-10 a.m. Continental breakfast. For info Leigh Ann Campbell (267) 287-8497) or leighann@seamlesseventsinc.com. Register by Jan. 17. Jan. 20State Rep. John Sabatina, Jr., holds Shrimp Night fundraiser at Harmonia Club, Aramingo Ave. & Orthodox St., Jan. 20, 711 p.m. $35 donation includes draft beer and shrimp. For info Scott (267) 984-7312. Jan. 21State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas hosts Weatherization & Energy Workshop at New Pathways for Women, Germantown Ave. & & Cumberland St., 10 a.m. Participating agencies include Energy



Coordinating Agency of Phila., Phila. Corp. for Aging, PGW, PECO and Public Utilities Commission. Feb. 9Steve Aldrich of IBEW Local 269 invites all to reception in honor of State Rep. Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, Supporter, $50. RSVP Seth Skversky (215) 5501186. Feb. 10Fundraiser for cancer survivor Vicki Cummings at SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 a.m. Donation $35. If you cannot make event, donation to “Friends of Vicki Cummings” c/o The Lucas Family, 3128 Cottman Ave, Phila., PA 19149. For info Friendsofvickicummings@yahoo.com.


Pa. Senators Will Sit Together US Sens. Bob Casey and Pat Toomey today announced their intention to sit together during President Obama’s State of the Union address on Jan. 24.

collaborated on a host of issues important to our constituents. I look forward to sitting next to Sen. Toomey at this year’s State of the Union address and to continuing our work on behalf of the Common“Pennsylvanians want their lawwealth in the spirit of bipartisanship makers to work together to solve throughout the year.” problems,” said Casey. “Over the past year, Sen. Toomey and I have “I am pleased to sit with my col-

league from Pennsylvania, Sen. Bob Casey,” Sen. Toomey said. “As the second session of the 112th Congress begins, sitting next to each other is a small but worthwhile step toward setting a civil and cooperative tone for the challenging work ahead of us.”

DA To Announce Details Of Fraud Case Philadelphia’s District Attorney Seth Williams will hold a press conference this afternoon at 1 p.m. to announce the findings of a 15month Grand Jury Investigation.

Williams will be joined by Curtis Three South Penn Square on the Douglas, Deputy of the DA’s Spe- mezzanine level in the Ray Harley cial Investigations Unit, and mem- Training Center. bers of the DA’s Insurance Fraud Unit. The press conference will be at the District Attorney’s Office at

Farnese Wants To Talk With Universities State Sen. Larry Farnese (D-S. Phila.) today issued a letter to State Sen. Jake Corman (R-Centre) asking why four of Pennsylvania’s universities, scheduled to possibly receive approximately $500 million in taxpayer funds, are not part of the regular budgetary process.

have they been omitted from the Appropriations Committee budgethearings schedule?” questioned Farnese. “With the cost of education rising each year … [we] should be given an opportunity to publicly question these institutions … to ensure our students are not bearing exorbitant cost increases in a time “I did not see a time for … [these] when so many are already economUniversities to come in to testify ically burdened.” about their budget needs for the upcoming fiscal year. This is concern- This year, more than 30 other State ing and leads me to wonder: Why agencies are scheduled to testify be-

fore Pennsylvania House and Senate committees, and this is the first time in recent memory these four were not scheduled to testify. The total funding appropriated to Lincoln University ($11 million), Pennsylvania State University ($228 million), University of Pittsburgh ($136 million) and Temple University ($140 million) combined is higher than all other agencies but the Treasury Dept., the Dept. of Public Welfare, the Dept. of Corrections and the Dept. of Education.





Congressman Brady: Joe Needs Statue Congressman Bob Brady (D-Phila.) joined a slew of boxing dignitaries at City Hall honoring “Smokin” Joe Frazier on what would have been the champs 68th birthday. Brady told the crowd that the time has come for a statue of Frazier and that he would do whatever he could to help. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell also attended and was a sponsor of the birthday ceremony. Joe’s daughter, MC Judge Jacqui Frazier-Lyde introduced numerous ....Joe Frazier speakers who addressed the capacall the speakers shared personnel reity crowd that assembled into the flections, the theme that was present City Hall Caucus Room. Although throughout was that Philadelphia LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 5PM (Preview 3PM) LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY AT 11AM (Preview 9AM) LIVE INTERNET AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY AT 4PM AT:

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must have a statue of our beloved boxing icon. Although talked about for some time, momentum for the statue seems to be mounting. A statue of legendary middleweight Joey Giardello was recently installed in South Philly and a number of those who were influential in that endeavor where also in attendance, including artist Carl LeVotch. Giardello Statue Committee Member Fred Druding, Jr. spoke to the crowd and predicted an outpouring of support for the Frazier statue. “I always said that the Philly Boxing Community is the biggest and most tight-knit family in the city, and this crowd today verifies that”, said Druding, who also offered any help he could to see that the Frazier statue moves from being a vision to a reality. While speaking to the crowd, former Penna. Boxing Commissioner George Bochetto, Esq. pledged a $5,000 donation while Laborers Local 332’s Sam Staten, Jr. said not only would his union be donation to the project, but that he would be soliciting donations from fellow unions. Another speaker optimistic about the chances of a Frazier Statue was boxing promoter Joe Hand, Sr., who predicted the statue could be up in time to honor Joe on his 69th birthday.



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