Philadelphia Daily Record

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Vol. III No. 19 (389)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

February 1, 2012

Philadelphia Daily Record

A New Face

MAYOR Michael Nutter ponders shape of things to come as he peers through window at work beginning on major remodeling of Dilworth Plaza below, while 9th-floor “groundbreaking was taking place high above, in 15155 Market Street. Changes will make Plaza major social and tourist attraction – a new face for the city’s hub and chief point of entry.


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Calendar State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Borwn kicks off campaign at Parkside Ave. Banquet Ha., 4942 Parkside Ave., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For info Kim Gilmore (610) 766-2566. Feb. 4Green Night Out features Prof. Eileen Appelbaum to discuss “Paid Sick Leave & Paid Sick Days” at Singapore Restaurant, 1006 Race St., 7 p.m. Space is limited, so RSVP Green Party at (215) 243-7103. Feb. 4Chris Vogler holds “Dash For Delegate” fundraiser at SmokeEater’s Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 p.m. Donation $40. Make checks payable to Friends of Chris Vogler PAC. For info Bob Cummings (267) 471-9607. Feb. 8Judge Angelo Foglietta is sworn in at City Hall Rm. 653, 4:00 p.m. Reception follows at Law Library. Feb. 9Steve Aldrich of IBEW Local 269 invites all to reception in honor of State Rep. Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, Supporter, $50. RSVP Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Feb. 10State Rep. Curtis Thomas holds Job Fair at Feb. 4-


People for People, 800 N. Broad St., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 10Fundraiser for cancer survivor Vicki Cummings at SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 p.m. Donation $35. If you cannot make event, donation to “Friends of Vicki Cummings” c/o The Lucas Family, 3128 Cottman Ave., Phila., PA 19149. For info Feb. 10Arthur Green presents 14th Ward Pre-Valentine’s Day Cabaret at Barber’s Ha., Broad & Oxford Sts., 9 p.m.-??? Donation $10. For info Arthur Green (267) 986-7948. Feb. 10-12- Penna. Progressive Summit at Convention Ctr., Broad & Arch Sts. Variety of registration fees, $50$150. For info Feb. 13Fundraiser for State Rep candidate Al Simpson at Breen’s Pub, Huntingdon Pk., 6-9 p.m. Ticket, $35, sold at door. Feb. 21Alliance Française de Philadelphie Mardi Gras celebration at Restaurant School, 4207 Walnut St., 6:30 p.m. Roaring ’20s theme, prize for best costume. Tickets $60. For info (215) 735-5283.


Obama Struggling In Battleground States President Barack Obama’s job-approval ratings in the some key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, are solidly underwater and, in many states, worse than publicly perceived, according to the latest Gallup Poll.

In Colorado, seen as a gateway to aggressively contesting the Southwest, Obama scored a net -12 job approval (40/52) throughout the year. In Nevada, also seen as a major bellwether, Obama has a 41% approval, with 50% disapproving. In the critical battle-

ground state of Ohio, a 50% majority of voters disapprove of his performance, with only 42% approving. In the must-win state of Pennsylvania, Obama’s job approval is underwater, with 45% approving and 48% disapproving.

Toomey Thanks Obama For Backing His Bills On Capital US Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) commended President Obama for sending his Startup America Legislative Agenda to Congress yesterday, which includes two of the three bipartisan capital-formation bills Toomey has introduced. In September, Sens. Toomey and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) introduced the Small Company Capital Formation Act (S 1544), which would cut regulatory burdens on small businesses and make it easier for them to raise much-needed capital through public offerings. The bill changes the Securities and Exchange Commission rule known as “Regulation A” to allow compa-

nies to sell as much as $50 million in shares without filing lengthy paperwork. Currently, businesses can only raise $5 million under Regulation A – a limit many businesses consider insufficient. The limit has not been changed in nearly 20 years. In December, Sens. Toomey and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced the Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act (S 1933). The Schumer-Toomey bill would make it easier for growing firms to go public by reducing the hurdles of an initial public offering by phasing in many of the costliest

obligations over time while maintaining key investor protections “I am heartened by the President’s embrace of these job-creating capital formation bills,” Toomey said. “In our struggling economy, quicker entry into the market will help small companies expand, hire new workers and create thousands of new jobs. The legislation I have offered with Sens. Tester and Schumer have wide bipartisan support and I hope to work with the president and my congressional colleagues to pass them as soon as possible.”

Brady, City Committee Bless Murphy’s Race This morning, the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee and the committee’s chairman, Congressman Bob Brady (D-Phila.), announced their endorsement of Iraq war veteran and former prosecutor Patrick Murphy for Pennsylvania Attorney General. The endorsement was unanimous among the city’s 67 ward leaders, who represent Pennsylvania’s

largest Democratic committee. The City Committee endorsement provides Murphy with a huge advantage in Philadelphia, home to 679,000 Democratic voters. The city accounts for roughly 17% of the total statewide vote during Democratic primaries. Brady cited Murphy’s background, experience and ability to win in

November as factors in the committee’s decision. “Patrick Murphy is our guy. He grew up in a Northeast Philly row house and is the son of a 22-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department. Most importantly, Patrick never forgot where he came from and has always fought for working families. He cares about our community and the peo-




THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD “I’m honored to earn the support ple in it. The Philadelphia Demoof Congressman Brady and the cratic City Committee is going to do everything we can to make sure Philadelphia Democratic City Committee. Over the years, I’ve Patrick Murphy is our next Attorworked closely with Congressman ney General,” Brady said. Brady, and I can honestly say there “Patrick took on terrorists in Bagh- is no one more dedicated to the dad courtrooms, so he’s clearly people and city he represents than shown that he’s tough enough to the Congressman. His commitment take on criminals here in Pennsyl- to improving the lives of Philadelvania. I’ve known Patrick personphians is inspiring and his passion ally for a long time. He has is legendary,” Murphy said. “And character, integrity and he’s spent under his leadership, the Demohis life protecting the people of our cratic City Committee has become Commonwealth. That’s what we one of the state’s most influential need in Harrisburg right now. I’m political organizations. I’m proud proud to support Patrick and I’m to earn their unanimous endorseexcited that our Committee is uni- ment and I truly appreciate the fied behind his campaign.” hard work each ward leader and

committee member does for our community.” The City Committee vote follows a string of major victories for Patrick’s campaign. Last week, Mayor Michael Nutter offered his endorsement, and Patrick has won the formal backing of county organizations across Pennsylvania, including Delaware and Chester Counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Earlier in the month, Patrick earned more than 60 percent of the vote at the Pennsylvania Democratic Party endorsement meeting and released a poll that shows him leading by 21 points over his near-




THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD est challenger. He has raised more than $1.4 million from more than

2,500 donors, including contributions from nearly every county in


Commission Finishes Plans For Far South Philly, Parkside W.

PHILA. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Alan Greenberger is congratulated by Mayor Michael Nutter at unveiling of first two regional plans last night. “Planning matters,” Mayor insisted.

PACKER PARK Realtor and developer Barbara Capozzi was one of many Philadelphians who have attentively followed planning process for Lower S. Phila. and for Parkside W. • PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM



THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD future of the city.” Mayor Michael A. Nutter and the Philadelphia City Planning Commission released two draft district plans for lower South Philadelphia and the area around City Avenue and W. Fairmount Park. The district plans are open to public comment for the next month. In June 2011, the Philadelphia2035 Citywide Vision was adopted as the City’s new comprehensive plan. It is part of an “Integrated Planning and Zoning Process” that also includes the district plans, the new zoning code, and the Citizens Planning Institute. “The Philadelphia 2035 planning process along with these first two district plans exemplify my vision for the rebirth of planning in Philadelphia and engagement with neighborhood residents,” said the Mayor Nutter. “Community leaders in West Park and Lower South should feel empowered by the way they were involved and listened to during the preparation of these plans.” The Philadelphia2035 comprehensive planning process continues with the preparation of 18 district plans covering every section of Philadelphia. The first two of these plans are: 1) The Lower South District Plan, and 2) The West Park District Plan. District plans recommend future land use and contain an analysis of municipal facilities. Development scenarios for key opportunity sites in each district are illustrated through urban design plans and renderings. “The district plans have a key role in implementing the Philadelphia2035 Citywide Vision and guiding future investment in our neighborhoods and business districts,” said Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Alan Greenberger, FAIA. “Amazing things can happen as a result of good planning supported by citizens who truly care about the



The Lower South district covers the Navy Yard, stadium complex, Sunoco refinery and neighborhoods to the south of Packer Avenue. The draft plan calls for improved highway and transit access, well-designed housing for seniors and families, and better connections to parkland and the riverfronts. Exciting new restaurants and amenities will make the stadium complex a busy and more vital place at all times of the day and night. The Navy Yard will continue to expand as a first class business campus, and the port will add roads and shipping facilities to support job retention and the creation of new jobs in Philadelphia. The West Park district includes West Fairmount Park, adjoining communities and the neighborhoods along City Avenue. Draft recommendations call for new mixed-use development on 52nd Street, Lancaster Avenue and Parkside Avenue, allowing Fairmount Park and nearby communities to improve in a coordinated and well-planned manner. Neighborhood playgrounds will be upgraded at locations most accessible to local residents, while City Avenue will develop into a more urban and pedestrian-friendly corridor at the city’s edge. Community engagement was conducted through a steering committee and three public meetings in each district. With the official release of the plans, public comment will be accepted until Mar. 1. Final adoption of the district plans is scheduled for Mar. 20, 2012. The City Planning Commission Meeting also included the third graduation ceremony for the Citizens Planning Institute. Extensive information about Philadelphia2035 and copies of the district plans are available at and the “Philadelphia2035 Facebook page.


Stack Joins SEPTA, Public Officials In Call For Transit Infrastructure $$$$

STATE SEN. MIKE STACK Joins SEPTA General Mgr. Joseph M. Casey, State Reps. Michael McGee and Tony Payton to urge Gov. Tom Corbett to invest in transportation infrastructure at aging Holmesburg Junction Station in N.E. Phila.





GOP Rallies For Loews Funder

LT. GOV. JIM CAWLEY, who keynoted Republican City Committee fundraiser at Loews Hotel last night, is seen flanked here by two city ward leaders, Chris Vogler of N.E. Phila., left, and his father Walt Vogler of Roxborough.




ENJOYING camaraderie at fundraiser were, from left, 21st Ward Leader Walt Vogler, 2011 mayoral candidate Karen Brown, SmokeEaters Pub owner Brian Haughton and City Commissioner Al Schmidt, who now guides Republican machinery in Phila.




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