Vol. III No. 24 (394)
Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia
February 8, 2012
Philadelphia Daily Record
Even Easier
SEEKING ACUPUNCTURE will become easier in Penna. if a bill written by State Rep. Tony Payton wins approval in Senate. Story page 3.
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Translation/Interpretation Arabic, Hebrew, English, French For more information, call William Hanna
Calendar Feb. 8Judge Angelo Foglietta is sworn in at City Hall Rm. 653, 4:00 p.m. Reception follows at Law Library.
Rep candidate Al Simpson at Breen’s Pub, Huntingdon Pk., 69 p.m. Ticket, $35, sold at door.
Feb. 21Alliance Française de Philadelphie Mardi Gras celFeb. 9Steve Aldrich of ebration at Restaurant School, IBEW Local 269 invites all to 4207 Walnut St., 6:30 p.m. reception in honor of State Rep. Roaring ’20s theme, prize for Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & best costume. Tickets $60. For Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., info (215) 735-5283. Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, SupState Rep. James porter, $50. RSVP Seth Feb. 23Roebuck celebrates Birthday Skversky (215) 550-1186. Party at Warmdaddy’s, 1400 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-8 p.m. Feb. 10State Rep. Curtis Jazz, food. Friend: $125. SponThomas holds Job Fair at People sor $250. Benefactor: $500. for People, 800 N. Broad St., 10 RSVP (215) 382-1268. a.m.-2 p.m. Mothers in Charge Feb. 10Fundraiser for can- Feb. 25holds Flapjack Fundraiser at cer survivor Vicki Cummings at Applebee’s, 9141 Roosevelt SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 FrankBlvd., 8-10 a.m. Donation $10, ford Ave., 7-10 p.m. Donation $5 for kids under 11. For info $35. If you cannot make event, (215) 228-1718. donation to “Friends of Vicki Cummings” c/o The Lucas St. Patrick’s Day Family, 3128 Cottman Ave., Feb. 26Parade in Phila. Fundraiser at Phila., PA 19149. For info Insulators’ Ha., 2014 Horning Friendsofvickicummings@yaho Rd., 3-7 p.m. Beer, wine, soda o.com. and buffet. Music and Celtic Flame Irish Dancers. $35. ConFeb. 10Arthur Green prestact Mary Frances Fogg ents 14th Ward Pre-Valentine’s (267.228.0418), Kathy Fanning Day Cabaret at Barber’s Ha., or Joe Fox at Saint Patrick’s Broad & Oxford Sts., 9 p.m.-??? Day Observance Ass’n, Donation $10. For info Arthur www.philadelphiastpatsparade.c Green (267) 986-7948. om Feb. 10-12- Penna. Progressive Congressman Bob Summit at Convention Ctr., Feb. 26Brady Bunch Winter Party at Broad & Arch Sts. Variety of Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring registration fees, $50-$150. For Garden Sts., 3-7 p.m. Tickets info paprogressivesummit.org. $35. For info, reservations Tom Feb. 13Fundraiser for State Johnson (215-423-9027).
Welch Roasts Casey Over Birth Control In an Obama administration move that forces some religious institutions to violate their principles, US Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) has exposed himself to attack by endorsed Republican Senate aspirant Steve Welch. The controversial decision mandates religiously affiliated institutions, many of them Catholic universities, hospitals and organizations, to provide coverage for birth control and other contraceptive measures. “Despite the outrage and anger thousands of Pennsylvanians have expressed, Casey refuses to cosponsor bipartisan legislation to repeal this troubling mandate,” charged Welch. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) has introduced the “Respect for Rights of
Conscience Act of 2011” (S 1467), a bipartisan piece of legislation that would rescind this mandate and protect Americans’ religious freedom. Sen. Marco Rubio (RFla.) additionally introduced the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012” (S 2043) guaranteeing similar protections. “It’s easy for Sen. Casey to say he is opposed to a mandate, but when it comes to putting his name on legislation, Casey has yet to fall out of lock-step with the ObamaReid agenda and co-sponsor either of these bills,” said Welch. Welch said he not only fully supports legislation to rescind this mandate, but also would also repeal Obamacare, the law that created it.
cent ruling is very disturbing and frightening,” Welch said. “If they will force a mandate on the American people that directly violates one of our country’s most sacred principles, what is next? This is just another example of how Obamacare is an unconstitutional piece of legislation that I look forward to repealing when I get to Washington. “Sen. Casey is one of the biggest cheerleaders for Obamacare and has supported Obama’s failed policies 98% of the time,” Welch said. “Now it’s time for Sen. Casey to finally put party politics aside and co-sponsor bipartisan legislation that protects the rights of individuals and prevents the federal government from usurping our religious freedoms. I hope Senator Casey does the right thing.”
“The Obama Administration’s re-
Bill Would Let Needles Slip In More Easily State Rep. Tony Payton Jr.’s (DKensington) legislation (HB 1280) that would expand access to acupuncture has passed the House and is now before the Senate for consideration.
Payton’s bill would allow acupuncturists to perform acupuncture on a person without a medical diagnosis if the person does not present symptoms of a medical condition. In addition, it would require licensed acupunctur-
ists to maintain professional liability-insurance coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence or claim made. “Many Pennsylvanians use acupuncture to improve their
THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD health, relieve pain, and treat and prevent diseases,” Payton said. “My legislation would provide patients greater access to this medical practice, while making it safer for both the patient and the acupuncturist.” Currently, an acupuncturist may treat a person’s condition without the condition being diagnosed by a licensed physician, dentist, or podiatrist for 60 days from the date of the first treatment. An acupuncturist may treat a person’s condition beyond the 60 days if the person obtains a diagnosis of the treated condition from a licensed physician, dentist or podiatrist. Furthermore, licensed acupuncturists are not required to carry liability insurance.
Taylor Vows To Fight School Athletic Cuts State Rep. John Taylor (R-Kensington) has issued the following statement in response to the School District of Philadelphia’s decision to cut extracurricular activities: “In all my years in public service, I have strived to make the lives of all Philadelphians better while providing for the future of our most prized asset: our children. “Youth athletic leagues provide our kids with invalu-
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THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD able life lessons for their emotional growth and maturity. Discipline, competition, the importance of hard work and good sportsmanship are important for integrity and success in adulthood. “As a parent, I have seen the good that these programs can provide. I, like all Philadelphians, was dismayed to hear of the recent Philadelphia School District decision to shut buildings on weekends
and close earlier on weeknights, which could affect more than 12,000 people. “I understand we must sometimes make unpopular decisions for a greater good. But I refuse to stand idly by and watch the displacement of thousands of children without trying to do everything possible to find a fair and expeditious resolution to this issue.
“To that end, I have been in contact with members of the Philadelphia School District and there are currently ongoing discussions between the Department of Recreation and the Philadelphia School District to find a solution to mitigate the cuts and closings as presented. These discussions will continue with the hope of reaching a fair and appropriate resolution by week’s end.”
Republicans Hang Out, Pens At The Ready
CITY REPUBLICANS gather at Ben Haney’s Mac’s Pub in Old City on First Tuesday of each month. Enticed by Happy Hour discounts, GOPers rub elbows and trade campaign tips. Among crowd this Tuesday were, from left, attorney Jay Borowsky, 169th Dist. State House candidate Dave Kralle, publicsafety retiree Lou Lanni and attorney Denise Furey. • PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM
LIVELY C ROWD included, from left, John Katrina; Paromita Haye with husband Geoffrey Haye, who is seeking 182nd House Dist. Seat; Linda Orr, 27th Ward Leader Matt Wolfe; and former congressional candidate Rick Hellberg.
THIS TUESDAY, candidates were busy circulating ballot petitions through crowd, eliciting signatures from willing Republicans like Todd Keller here, who is helping get Robert Allen Mansfield on ballot for a 2nd Congressional Dist. run.
Tickets For Madonna In A.C. Soon For Sale in Werchter, Belgium, an 85,000 sell-out in Helsinki (the largest show ever in the Nordic countries by a solo artist), a 40,000 ticket sell-out in Oslo, Norway, and 72,000 tickets sold out in one day in Tallinn Estonia. Other record breaking ticket sales around the globe include 650,000 tickets sold in her series of South American dates, 72,000 tickets at Zurich’s Dübendorf Airfield – the largest audience ever assembled for a show in Switzerland, 75,000 tickets in London and four sell outs in New York’s Madison Square Garden (60,364 tickets).
Madonna is having a huge party and everyone’s invited. The Madonna 2012 World Tour begins May 29, 2012 in Tel Aviv, Israel it was officially announced by Live Nation Entertainment, the tour’s international promoter. The shows will include arenas, stadiums and special outdoor sights. One stop on the tour, presented by Caesars Atlantic City, will take place at historic Boardwalk Hall on Saturday, Sep. 15. Tickets for the Boardwalk Hall
performance go on sale Monday, Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. and can be purchased at Boardwalk Hall Box Office, LiveNation.com, Ticketmaster.com, all Ticketmaster locations or by-phone at (800) 736-1420. Madonna’s previous tour, the phenomenally successful “Sticky & Sweet” Tour, reaffirmed her status as one of the most successful touring artists of all time. The historic tour included such incredible touring feats as a 70,000 seat sell-out
The announcement of Madonna’s 2012 World Tour follows an extraordinary week which included a monumental extravaganza of a performance at the Bridgestone Super Bowl Halftime which was seen in over 200 countries by over a billion people. Last week also saw the release of Madonna’s new single, “Give Me All Your Luvin” from her highly anticipated new album MDNA. U.S. residents ordering tickets online to a US performance will receive their choice of a digital or physical copy of Madonna’s new MDNA album with every ticket purchased.