Daily Record

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Vol. III No. 36 (404)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

February 27, 2012

Philadelphia Daily Record

Dominican Day

COMMONWEALTH’S hard-working immigrants from Dominican Republic have made a name for themselves, in Phila. in particular. Today their national holiday was recognized by a Governor’s Commission. See story page 3


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Feb. 27W. Phila. Coalition of Neighborhoods & Businesses meeting at Phila. Business & Technology Ctr., 5070 Parkside Ave., 1st fl., 1 p.m. Thomas McDade, director of Permit Services, Dept. of L&I. For info Lee Tolbert (215) 476-0600. Feb. 27Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots-S. Phila. Chapter invites all to hear Publisher Jim Foster of Germantown Courier. For info Barbara Dahdah Anderson (609) 634-4584. Mar. 1State Reps. Kevin and Brendan Boyle kick off reelection campaigns at The Hop Angel, 7980 Oxford Ave., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Buffet, open bar and 50/50 raffle $30 per person. RSVP (276) 988-6257 or send checks payable to Friends of Kevin Boyle, 8035 Burholme Ave., Phila., PA 19111. Mar. 3Bill Brunkel hosts Irish Night With State Rep. John Taylor at McCullough Ha., 6309 Torresdale Ave., 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Ticket $30. Includes beer, soda, and food. BYOB and setups welcomed. Music: Celtic Con-


nection. For info Paul Kiser (609) 774-1397, Fax (215) 739-7776. Mar. 5Councilman David Oh celebrates birthday at Racquet Club, 215 S. 15th St., 6-8 p.m. Trustees $500, Supporters $250, Friends $100Checks payable to “Citizens for David Oh.” No corporate checks.RSVP Eunice Lee elee@zarwin.com or (215) 561-2000 by Feb. 27. Mar. 10NIA-PAC’s Carnevale, 6 p.m. Union League. Vincent Papale, Master of Ceremonies. Formal dinner and auction. Black tie preferred. Chair Hon. Amato Berardi. Individual seating $185. For details Judy Camiel (610) 668-1730. Mar. 12Cocktail Event for State Rep. Tina Davis at Zia’s at Red Door, 110 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. Tickets $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. For info Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Mar. 13Friends of Damon Roberts hosts fundraiser at S. Philly Tap Room, 1509 Mifflin St., 6-8 pm.


Dominican National Holiday Is Hailed The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs today recognized the 168th anniversary of the Dominican Republic’s independence. “We are pleased to acknowledge and celebrate Dominican Independence Day because the ring of freedom and individual liberty is a hallmark of what being American means,” said Maria Montero, GACLA executive director. There are 62,348 people of Dominican ancestry living in Pennsylvania today, constituting the third-largest Latino subgroup in Pennsylvania. Census data show the overall Latino population in Pennsylvania grew by 83% from 2000 to 2010. At approximately 720,000 residents, Latinos now account for roughly 6R% of the state’s total population.

the United States, like immigrants from Europe, for an opportunity to work and have a better life for their families. One example is Varsovia Fernandez, a native of the island nation, who has lived in the United States since her youth and is a US citizen. Fernandez is the CEO and president of the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “Dominicans thrive wherever they go. Their hard work ethic enables them to succeed as they learn systems, culture and language,” Fernandez said. “In Pennsylvania, we have a growing number of Dominican businesses and they account for about 35% of the Latino-owned businesses. This represents an opportunity for the state to revitalize local economies and create and retain jobs.”

encourage more Latinos to take their best ideas to create prosperous businesses which enable them to be self-sufficient and aid in Pennsylvania’s economic recovery. Christopher Columbus landed on the island in 1492, and it became the site of the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic’s capital, was home to the first cathedral in the Americas and the first institution of higher education in the western hemisphere. Juan Pablo Duarte, Ramon Matias Mella and Francisco del Rosario Sanchez are considered the three founders of the Dominican Republic and were key leaders helping guide the island’s residents to independence on Feb. 27, 1844.

Montero noted many DoAs part of her goals for minican immigrants came to GACLA, Montero hopes to






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Brady Helps Bring Food Ctr. To Chester

INSIDE OF soon-to-be opened food center in Chester, Pa. Congressman Bob Brady joined a group of elected officials and stakeholders to announce the site acquisition for Philabundance’s community food center in Chester – a $4.5 million project modeled as a nonprofit grocery store that will be housed in a 21,000square-foot building. The community food center is an innovative approach to improving food access and equality, while alleviating food insecurity.

future it will become an oasis – transforming Chester from a food desert to a community no longer threatened by food insecurity.”

Development Fund, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who will bring online this first-of-its-kind food center, offering a nonprofit retail experience along with food assisBrady continued, “The men tance, making the dream of and women who have dedi- this oasis a reality.” cated their time and energy to Philabundance unveiled the making today happen represent the best in their fields: name “Fare & Square” for the elected officials from Gover- planned nonprofit grocery nor Corbett to Mayor Linder, store that will serve as a comand State Rep. Kirkland who munity food center offering have leveraged public dollars the lowest prices possible, to maximize efforts to fight along with a variety of food The Congressman said, hunger; nonprofits such as Phi- free of charge. Fare & Square “Today much of this site is a labundance, the Delaware Val- will accept SNAP benefits and vacant building, but in the near ley Regional Economic offer SNAP outreach as a re• PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM




source to the residents of Chester. This model promotes food equality by offering a full range of food products at one convenient location on a regular basis while allowing people to maximize their purchasing power. The West side of Chester is one of the 35 food deserts in the Delaware Valley according to the USDA’s food-desert locator. Fare & Square will deliver reliable access to food staples, including fresh produce, through a non-profit retail shopping experience. Residents will not need to leave the city limits for nutritious foods once Fare & Square is open. Philabundance hopes to replicate this model in other communities in the Delaware Valley. “Today marks a new day for Philabundance, and a new day for Chester — as we prepare to create a new gateway to the City with the Fare & Square initiative, said Bill Clark, executive director of Philabundance. “We could not be more excited to stand here today, to lead this partnership to build a community food center for Chester. With the realization of this initiative, the residents of Chester will have access to af6|

fordable and nutritious food right around the corner in a setting that provides the dignity and respect that they deserve.”

addition to countless shortterm construction positions. We are excited to be a part of this new initiative that provides Chester residents with employment opportunities and In November 2011, the access to fresh and affordable Robert Wood Johnson Foun- healthy foods.” dation awarded Philabundance with a $1 million grant; the Philabundance will renovate majority of the grant will sup- the vacant portion of the buildport the community food cen- ing and create 30 new jobs in ter model. The grant will help Chester, hiring from the comPhilabundance address food munity whenever possible. access equality and improve Fare & Square will operate in hunger relief in the Delaware 13,000 square feet of the Valley. 21,000-square-foot building and Family Dollar resides in “All Americans deserve the the remaining 8,000 square right to healthy, affordable feet. Fare & Square will be food. It is vital to the health clean, well-lit, attractive, conand well-being of all people,” venient and friendly. Philsaid Fred Mann, VP, commu- abundance will be working nications at the Robert Wood with community groups and Johnson Foundation. “We are social service organizations to happy to be able to assist Phi- provide services that are labundance in its effort to needed by the community. serve the needs of the people of Chester. Breaking up a food DVREDF joins other critical desert is always a win for supporters such as Wawa, everyone.” Sunoco, PPL, the MKM Foundation Socket Labs and many John Coffman, executive di- individuals who saw the promrector DVREDF – the fund ise of this new and innovative spearheading the acquisition – approach to strengthening the said, “DVREDF is focused on hunger safety net in Chester. creating jobs and helping to Their early support has alstimulate the local economy. lowed us to arrive at this critiThis project is directly in line cal juncture in the project. Two with our mission as it will em- regional banks offered financploy nearly 30 individuals in



ing for the acquisition of the which are food pantries. The building. food center will be a supplement to the agencies that alPhilabundance has been ready help those in need of serving the residents of food assistance. PhilabunChester for more than 20 years dance’s strategy to help build and provides food to 14 mem- agency capacity is essential to ber agencies in the city, 11 of strengthening the hunger

safety net. The recent Robert Wood Johnson grant includes $100,000 to help Philabundance expand their distribution and quantity of food through the agency network.

North Light’s Funder Teems With NW ‘Hoboes’

PACKED WITH Roxborough-Manayunk’s community leaders amid glamorous artworks was Artesano Gallery, which played host to “Hobo Ball” fundraiser for North Light Community Center on Saturday evening. From left are Democrat 21st Ward Committeeman David Focer, Republican 21st Ward Leader Walt Vogler, North Light’s Executive Director Irene Madrack, Activity Leader Keith Strand and Republican 55th Ward Leader Chris Vogler.





Young Progressive St. Louis Strikes In 202nd

INSURGENT community organizer Numa St. Louis, center, is surrounded by campaign workers at opening of his HQ on Old York Road in Olney. Of Haitian extraction, St. Louis mustered a large crew of Caribbean Americans to back his challenge to incumbent State Rep. Mark Cohen in 202nd State House Dist.

AT FUNDRAISER in E. Mount Airy, young progressive leaders of diverse origins gathered around St. Louis, who is tapping citywide network. From left are political consultant Anthony Ingargiola, Springfield Township Commissioner Jeffrey Harbison, small-business organizer Andy Toy, St. Louis, attorney Giovanni Campbell, and hosts Nina Ahmad and husband Hassan. 8|



Gambone Tackles 1st Dist. Challenge

ATTORNEY ALFONSO GAMBONE, center, and his campaign team is congratulated by Republican leader Vito Canuso, right at launch of Gambone’s campaign for 1st Senatorial Dist. at McFadden’s at Ballpark.




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