Vol. III No. 59 (427)
Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia
April 2, 2012
Philadelphia Daily Record
Neilson Gets Power Push
ELECTRICIANS’ UNION LEADER John J. Dougherty introduces Ed Neilson, Democratic candidate in 169th Legislative Dist., at opening of Neilson’s campaign headquarters at 3356 Grant Avenue. A bevy of union members, labor leaders, and City and State elected officials joined Neilson to lend their support to his campaign.
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Apr. 5State Sen. Larry Farnese hosts Senior Expo at S. Phila. HS, Broad & Snyder Ave., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Seating limited. RSVP (215) 952-3121. Apr. 5Meet and Greet Dan Collins, Democrat challenger to State Rep. Kevin Boyle, at St. Stephen’s Green, 1701 Green St., 5:30-8 p.m. hosted by John Sabatina, Sr. and Joe Ashdale, DC 21. Donation $100(ticket), $250(friend), $500(patron), includes open bar and food. Apr. 5Pre-Primary Evening Reception for State Sen. Shirley M. Kitchen at Ms. Tootsie’s Restaurant, 1314 South St., 6-7:30 pm. $250, $500, Host $1,000. RSVP (215) 848-1283 or send checks payable to Committee to ReElect Shirley M. Kitchen, POB 50606, Phila., PA 19132. Apr. 7-8 Black History & Culture Showcase at Pennsylvania Convention Ctr., 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free, open to public. Apr. 7Easter Egg Hunt hosted by State Rep. Vanessa Brown at Horticulture Ctr. in Fairmount Pk., 12-2 p.m. Children 3-12 invited to egg hunt. For parents, on-
hand info from local and state health agencies and medical providers. Apr. 95th Ward Republican Party Fundraiser and Candidates Night at Paddy Whacks, 150 South St., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $30 at door, include wine, beer and food. RSVP required for headcount: mcibik@gop5thward.com or (215) 735-1060. Apr. 10Fundraiser for Congressman Bob Brady at IATSE Ballroom, 2401 S. Swanson St., 6-8 p.m. Jerry Blavat entertains. Contributions $150, $250, $500. RSVP by Apr. 5 Linda August (610) 659-5878. Apr. 11Phila. Republican Leadership Council at Racquet Club, 215 S. 16th St. VIP reception 5:30 p.m. costs$250.Reception 6 p.m., $100 or $75 for elected Committeemen. State Rep. Mike Vereb will speak. Apr. 12GLBMA Rooftop Business Breakfast. Speakers Mayor Michael Nutter, Michael Kelly and Emilio Cooper at Warnock Village, 2862 Germantown Ave., 8-10 a.m. RSVP, seating limited (267) 385-1939.
A Dedicated Lane For Yakking Walkers? A trailblazing breakthrough in safety and convenience is now painted on the 1400 block of JFK Blvd. Across the street from Philadelphia’s majestic City Hall and in the shadow of the great seal of Philadelphia that hangs from the Municipal Services Building, the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities has installed space on the sidewalk for a pilot Electronic Device Lane, referred to as the E-Lane. The E-Lane is a dedicated sidewalk space exclusively for pedestrians who wish to use electronic devices while walking. The E-Lane pilot is scheduled to last for one week. The lane is easily identified with its bright lines and with a first of its kind distracted walker icon – reminiscent of the bicyclists icons found
marked in the City’s bike lanes. “Philadelphia is the city of firsts. On Apr. 1, the world again sees a first in Philadelphia,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter. “Stand on any sidewalk in Philadelphia you will see fellow citizens with busy lives who can’t take the time to look up from their IPhones, BlackBerries and other electronic devices. The E-Lane is a safe and convenient option for those distracted walkers and should make sidewalks safer for the rest of us.” The Mayor continued, “More Philadelphians than ever before rely on mobile technology to do business and stay in touch with family and friends . We need to accommodate them.” Deputy Mayor for Transportation and Utilities Rina Cutler noted, “We are all pedestrians.
The transportation needs of Philadelphia are changing and my office is working hard to accommodate those changes. We’ve piloted bike lanes, transit improvements, parklets and other innovations. I am pleased to bring this latest pilot to our sidewalks.” Cutler added, “About every four hours a pedestrian in Philadelphia is struck by a car. The first thing one learns in kindergarten is to look both ways when crossing the street. Pedestrians have an important role to play in keeping themselves safe on the street: use crosswalks, wait for cross signals, turn down music and look up from electronic devices when crossing the street. At the end of the day, we just want to get everyone home safely.”
Brewerytown Gets A Grocer Mayor Michael A. Nutter, City Council President Darrell L. Clarke, Bottom Dollar Food and Soloff Development hosted a groundbreaking at the site of a new construction project planned in the Brewerytown and Fairmount communities. The construction project, a Bottom Dollar Food supermarket, will be the first grocery store in the neighborhood in more than 10 years. The store is expected to create 78 construction jobs and 30 to 35 associate positions when it opens later this year. “One of the goals of Greenworks Philadelphia is to bring local food within a 10-minute walk of 75 percent of residents by 2015. This new grocery store will bring fresh, healthy food to Philadelphians in the Fairmount 4|
and Brewerytown neighborhoods where it wasn’t easily accessible before,” the Mayor said. “Today’s groundbreaking is the result of a lot of hard work by the City, the developers, the neighborhood and our partners to make this site work. This Bottom Dollar Food store will meet the needs of the neighborhood in a sustainable and responsible way.” “When government works in partnership with business, we can accomplish big things,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke. “I am so pleased a new Bottom Dollar Food is coming to this neighborhood, and I’m eternally grateful for fantastic partners like State Rep. Michelle Brownlee; her predecessor, Frank Oliver; State Sen. Shirley
Kitchen; and my friend on Council, Bill Greenlee.” The store will be approximately 18,000 square feet and will feature fresh produce and a variety of grocery products. The project will be partially funded by a $2.2 million Qualified Redevelopment Bond grant from the City and City Council. “We appreciate the city of Philadelphia’s actions to provide a fresh grocery option for residents of the Brewerytown and Fairmount neighborhoods,” said Bottom Dollar Food President Meg Ham. “Bottom Dollar Food is committed to providing unbelievable prices on fresh produce, quality meats, and private and national brand products at our additional location in the city of
Philadelphia, and we look forward to partnering with the surrounding community to serve our customers.” Kitchen added, “We are glad the residents of this area will soon have access to nutritional foods in their own neighborhood.” Brownlee said, “As his chief of staff, I worked with my prede-
cessor Frank Oliver to bring a new food market here. With the help of our colleagues in City Council, Council President Clarke and Councilman Greenlee, we were able to see this project to fruition. We are happy Bottom Dollar Food is here, and we hope it is the start of further economic development for Brewerytown.”
Councilman William K. Greenlee added, “As a resident of the area, I’m just very happy we’re on our way to having a supermarket back on Girard Avenue. I’m old enough to remember when this was a thriving business corridor. I know Bottom Dollar Food will be an economic generator for this neighborhood.”
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2 Seekers Of Same Job Endorse Each Other
IN AN UNUSUAL twist, two candidates for same seat in State House, in same election, endorsed each other! Each is seeking to fill vacant 186th House Dist. position formerly occupied by nowCouncilman Kenyatta Johnson. But Harold James, left who held that post before Johnson knocked him out four years ago, is only running in Apr. 24 special election, to hold the seat until next year. Jordan Harris is running in Apr. 24 primary election to be Democrat nominee in November general election. Got that? They clinched deal at 20th & Pt. Breeze Avenue Saturday. 6|
SE Labor Head Slashes Kane As Anti-Union On Tuesday evening, Attorney General candidate Kathleen Kane declared her opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act on “PCN Call-In”. 19 minutes and 49 seconds into the show, Kane was asked by a caller if she supported the Card Check law sought by organized labor in Pennsylvania. Kane replied, “I am not a supporter of Card Check.” John Meyerson, the President of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation, condemned Kane’s anti-worker statements: “For weeks, candidate Kathleen Kane has sought to distance herself from her company’s stridently antiunion practices and rhetoric, but her recent comments show that she is every bit as anti-worker as her company, Kane is Able. On Tuesday evening’s “PCN Call-In”, Kane echoed her company’s previous statements by voicing adamant opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act. EFCA is the best way to ensure workers are free to organize and collectively bargain, without fear of workplace intimidation or threats to their livelihood. EFCA would allow the employees of Kathleen’s company to decide for themselves if they want to join a union. It is no wonder she is opposed to the bill What’s worse, Kathleen insists that because she grew up in a union household, she is pro-union. It’s time to set the record straight. You can’t run an anti-union company, fund your campaign entirely with money from anti-union executives, oppose laws vital to working families, and still claim to be pro-union. Excuse the pun, but I’m tired of this anti-union trucking exec getting a free ride. It is time someone called this what it is – a deliberate attempt to deceive voters on one of the most important issues of this election.” • PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM
Rendell Gives Nod To Josephs In 182nd Former Gov. Edward G. Rendell has pledged his support for State Rep. Babette Josephs (D-S. Phila.). The two worked together during the 1990s to revitalize Center City as a means of stimulating Philadelphia’s overall economy and boosting its standing among world cities. During his two terms as Governor, Josephs and Rendell worked to ensure Pennsylvania public schools were adequately funded. “There can be no dispute about the fact Babette Josephs is an effective fighter in Harrisburg for 8|
our values and the things we believe in,” Rendell said. “Given the attacks on education funding that the current administration proposes, we need Babette in the House to protect our investment in the youth of the Commonwealth,” said Lois Herr, Josephs’ campaign chair. Josephs recently announced endorsements from the political action committees representing Planned Parenthood and the Philadelphia chapter of National Organization of Women. She
scored 100% on the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Scorecard issued by the state’s four top environmental groups and she was named a 2011 Legislative Hero by Keystone Progress. “No one cares more about Philadelphia than Ed Rendell, and no one in recent memory has achieved more to make this city great,” Josephs said. “That’s why it’s so gratifying to have his support.”