Vol. III No. 106 (471)
Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia
June 28, 2012
Philadelphia Daily Record
Nothing Else Happened Today! (See Inside)
0bama Care Photo Courtesy of: IndiaMart.com
The Philadelphia Public Record
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Translation/Interpretation Arabic, Hebrew, English, French For more information, call William Hanna
Jul. 7- Councilman Curtis Jones’ Block Captain Boot Camp at Belmont Picnic Grove, Belmont Ave. & Belmont Mansion Dr., 12-6 p.m. Workshops, picnic, games. Jul. 14-16Hispanic Fiesta at Penns Landing, 2-8 p.m. Jul. 21Fundraiser for State Rep. John Taylor in N. Wildwood at Coconut Cove, 400 W. Spruce Ave., N. Wildwood, N.J., 2-6 p.m. , $25. Cash Bar. For info (215) 545-2244. Jul. 21Olney HS Class of 1979 Bowling Party at Liberty Lanes, 6505 Market St., Upper Darby, Pa., 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Cost $20. BYOB (beer or wine only). Jul. 28Brady Bunch Beach Party at Keenan’s in Anglesea, Wildwood, N.J., 4 p.m. Tickets available at door.
Meat & Deli Prego Pizzelle Baker Uno Panini Grill
Aug. 18Barrett Rec Ctr. Advisory Board Community Day,
29.99 $39.99
2024 S. 10th St Philadelphia PA 19148
215-468-5363 2|
8th & Duncannon Sts., 11 a.m.-3 pm. No charge. Family fun day. All invited. For info Sheila Bellamy (215) 457-4079. Aug. 1847th Ward Crab & Shrimp Fest to Baltimore leaves Progress Plaza, Broad and Oxford Sts., 1 p.m. Open bar, massive menu. $150. For info George Brooks (267) 971-5703. Aug. 19Annual Bill Meehan Clam Bake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. Ferko String Band entertains. For details call Republican City Committee (215) 5610650. Aug. 22Stu Bykofsky’s Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Tax-deductible tickets benefiting Variety Club are $75. For info and tickets Eric Perry (215) 735-0803, ext. 11.
Fattah Calls Health-Care Decision ‘Victory For All’ Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-Phila.), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, issues this statement in response to the Supreme Court upholding President Obama’s health-care law: “Pennsylvanians and all Americans are the winners today. Thirty million uninsured Americans are now assured of healthcare coverage for the first time. The major investment in community health centers – a lifeline for so many – goes forward. Young adults now are assured of continued coverage by their parents’ health insurance, those with pre-existing conditions can breathe a sigh of relief, women are now guaranteed access to reproductive-
health services, and children with various health challenges don’t need to worry about coverage. “Students pursuing the American Dream through higher education are winners too, under the law’s major investment in student aid. “The impact of President Obama’s visionary healthcare reform has already begun to make a positive impact for American families and in every sector of our society. The Supreme Court has said it can no longer be questioned as the law of the land. Now we in the Congress can move ahead to finish the job of providing comprehensive and affordable healthcare for all.”
Pa. Family Institute Denounces Ruling The Pennsylvania Family Institute finds today’s decision by the US Supreme Court upholding the controversial federal health‐care law alarming and deeply wrong. “The law is a threat to personal lib‐ erty, religious freedom and family choices,” the group said in a release this morning. The statement continued, “The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act gives Washington whole‐ sale power over one’s individual health‐care deci‐ sions, and will lead to future collisions of conscience. Congress must move to repeal the law, which is a 2,700‐page federal takeover of our
health‐care decisions. “The law mandates employers to only provide “government‐approved” insurance, meaning fewer choices for hard‐working employees and their families. “ObamaCare holds individuals’ health care hostage and offers no real choice. Individuals and business‐owners are forced to choose to either comply and abandon their religious beliefs, or re‐ sist and be fined for their faith. (Cont. Page 5) • PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM
Daily Waffles From Joe Sbaraglia (The Waffleman) GIMBEL'S & SANTA - The Gimbel's Thanksgiving Day Parade is the oldest parade in the United States, It is always held on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It heralded the arrival of Santa Claus. He and his sled were always the last floats in the
parade. Some of the fire engines and hook-and-ladder trucks of The Philadelphia Fire Department led his way to the Gimbel’s Store at 8th & Market Streets. When they arrived, Santa was given the key to the City, which he used to open up the
Christmas season. Then, carrying a bag of toys on his back, he climbed up the huge ladder on Fire Truck 23 into a fourth-floor window, near the toy depart¬ment. There he greeted all the children and heard about their Christmas wishes. GIM-ME-YA - Would you please give me. For example: Gim-me-ya tuna hoagie – hold the hot peppers!
GIRL’S GAME - were only played by the girls. Some of the games were hopscotch, jump rope, jacks, doubledutch and dolls, among others. The guys never played these games . . . (period)!
GIRL’S OUTFITS - Typically were black and white saddle shoes with pompons on the laces, bobby-sox, poodle skirts, a few ruffled crinoline petticoats and angora sweaters. The tube dress, sack dress, short shorts were other popular outfits. To buy a copy of this book E-Mail Dwaffleman@aol.com
THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD Cont. From Page 3) “Based on initial appearances, tax dollars will still subsidize plans that include elective abortion, even if it violates the rights of conscience and sin‐ cerely held religious beliefs of millions of Ameri‐ cans,” said Randall Wenger, chief counsel for the Pennsylvania Family Institute. “The Health & Human Services Mandate still re‐
quires all plans to include abortion pills, contra‐ ception and sterilizations. “Rather than rushing through an unconstitutional overhaul on American families, Congress needs to take a reasonable approach to reforming what’s wrong with healthcare, not a federal takeover.” The Keystone Family Institute is a pro‐life lobbying organization based in Pennsylvania.
Labor Group Hails Supreme Court Verdict Keystone Progress, a liberal advocacy organization concentrating on Pennsylvania politics, hailed the Supreme Court’s decision in the following state‐ ment: “Just moments ago the Supreme Court upheld President Obama’s Affordable Care Act in a landmark decision. “This is an enormous victory for all Pennsylvanians.
“Now that the ruling has been announced it is time for our leaders in Harrisburg to get to work and implement the Af‐ fordable Care Act in Pennsylvania. No more excuses.
“This decision will ensure that children with preexisting health conditions will have the care they need, young adults will be able to stay on their parents’ health plans, small businesses will receive tax health insurance credits for the first time, thousands of Pennsylvanians will get rebates from their insurers this summer, and millions will no longer have out-of-pocket costs for routine preventive care. “Pennsylvania Republicans have been hoping for the worst case scenario and refused to plan. With this Supreme Court ruling it is time for our leadership to get to work and immediately take steps to fully implement the
Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania. “Sign your name and tell Gov. Tom Corbett and your
State Senator and representative to stop dragging their feet and face the facts - the Affordable Care Act is here to stay and it’s time to get to work. “Since Mar. 23, 2010 when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, Republicans in Pennsylvania have spent so much time fighting the Affordable Care Act that they have left our state unprepared for this historic decision. “That must end now. It is time for Harrisburg politi-
cians to put their partisan games attacking the Affordable Care Act aside. Sign your name and tell Pennsylvania’s leadership to: Stop delaying and move forward by implementing the entire Affordable Care Act. Establish a health care exchange that will allow millions of currently uninsured Pennsylvanians and hundreds of small businesses to access good healthcare coverage at affordable prices “While we should all take time to celebrate this historic decision knowing that millions of Pennsylvanians will finally have access to the health care they need, we must make our collective voice • PHILADELPHIADAILYRECORD.COM
THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD heard. We can’t sit back and celebrate while our state leaders remain woefully unprepared. Sign your name and tell our leaders to get to work and fully imple‐ ment to the Affordable Care Act now.
“In Solidarity, Michael Morrill
Keystone Progress”
Pa. GOP: Decision ‘Sets Stakes For November’ Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision regarding ObamaCare: “While we are extremely disappointed in today’s ruling, the Supreme Court decision sets the stakes for the November election. The only way to save the country from ObamaCare’s budget-busting government takeover of health care is to elect a new President,” Chairman Gleason said. “Under ObamaCare, President Obama’s signature legislation, health-care costs continue to skyrocket, and up to 20 million Americans could lose their employer-based coverage. Meanwhile, a panel of unelected bureaucrats now has the unprecedented authority to come between elderly patients and
their doctors. ObamaCare is simply wrong for America and wrong for Pennsylvania. We need market-based solutions that give patients more choice, not less. The answer to rising health care costs is not, and will never be, Big Government. “I applaud Gov. Tom Corbett for his tireless efforts to fight against the federal government’s massive takeover of our healthcare system in Pennsylvania. The fight now turns to the White House. We must elect a President who understands the economy, respects free enterprise, and can provide the leadership we now so desperately need. On Election Day, we must elect Mitt Romney and put America on the path toward a brighter economic future and successful health-care reform.”