Daily Record

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Vol. III No. 114 (479)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

July 16, 2012

Philadelphia Daily Record

Happy Birthday Jannie Blackwell

COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell hosts annual birthday party for the homeless in West Philadelphia. The Councilwoman was given special commemorative birthday card from guest attending the cookout. Photo by Rory McGlasson


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Jul. 16Phila. Tea Party Patriots and So. Philly/CC group meet at Prudential Bank Bldg., 1843 Oregon Ave., 7 p.m. Parking and entrance in back.

$100. Make checks payable to Bobby 11, POBox 22614, Phila. 19110. RSVP badeeley@gmail.com or call 215- 906- 0339.

Jul. 21Fundraiser for State Rep. John Taylor in N. Wildwood at Coconut Cove, 400 W. Spruce Ave., N. Wildwood, N.J., 2-6 p.m. , $25. Cash Bar. For info (215) 545-2244.

Jul. 28Brady Bunch Beach Party at Keenan’s in Anglesea, Wildwood, N.J., 4 p.m. Tickets available at door.

Jul. 219th Annual Healthy Hoops Program, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at St. Joseph’s University Michael J. Hagan Arena, 5400 City Avenue. For youngsters 3 to 16 with asthma, heart or weight problems. Hosted by Amerihealth Mercy Foundation, Keyswtone Mercy Health Plan and Charlie Mack Party 4 Peace. Call 215863-6666 to register. Jul. 21Rep. Gary Williams’ 32nd Ward’s 5th annual Fee Summer Day Trip to Wildwood, NJ, hosting seniors and children at no cost for full day of fun, water park rides, and beach frolic. Three Buses leave from 16th and Berks sts. at 8 a.m. and return at 8 p.m. Jul. 27Former Sheriff Barbara Deeley hosts evening with Councilman Bob Hewnon at 270 Seabreeze Court, Anglesea, NJ. 6:30 to 9 pm. Contribution


Aug. 18Barrett Rec Ctr. Advisory Board Community Day, 8th & Duncannon Sts., 11 a.m.-3 pm. No charge. Family fun day. All invited. For info Sheila Bellamy (215) 457-4079. Aug. 1847th Ward Crab & Shrimp Fest to Baltimore leaves Progress Plaza, Broad and Oxford Sts., 1 p.m. Open bar, massive menu. $150. For info George Brooks (267) 971-5703. Aug. 19Annual Bill Meehan Clam Bake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. Ferko String Band entertains. For details call Republican City Committee (215) 561-0650. Aug. 22Stu Bykofsky’s Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Tax-deductible tickets benefiting Variety Club are $75. For info and tickets Eric Perry (215) 735-0803, ext. 11.


Alicia Keys To Highlight Women’s Summit Grammy-award winning artist Alicia Keys will be in town today. The singer-songwriter will join DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and senior Democratic strategist Valerie Jarrett to host the Barack Obama reelection campaign’s Women Vote 2012 Summit in Philadelphia. The event, held tonight at the Constitution Center follows, last week’s official launch of the national Women Vote 2012 Summit Tour. Prior to the event, Keys is expected to will with volunteers at the West Philadelphia field office at 209 S. 52nd Street this afternoon. “As a mother and a daughter, I know there is too much at stake in the upcoming elections to sit on the sidelines. I’m excited for next week’s Women Vote summit to talk about issues that are important to me and my family,” said Alicia Keys. “In his

three years in office, President Obama has been an advocate for us since day one – from making health care more accessible and affordable to ensuring women can fight for equal pay for an equal day’s work. He has proven that he has the people in his heart! As a new mom, I am going to do everything I can to reelect the President because this election will determine where we go as a country and what kind of world my child will grow up in.” The summit is free and open to the public, individuals planning to attend are encouraged to RSVP here: https://my.barackobama.com/Alicia-inPhiladelphia





Daily Waffles From Joe Sbaraglia (The Waffleman) FRANCIS READ SCHOOL - An elementary school where we spent the school day. After school or in the evening, baseball, basketball and other games were played in its large schoolyard. In the summer, it was the site of the local Summer Play Ground

Program. This was four or so hours of fun and games – three days a week. GARBAGE - was not trash, ashes or dirt. Garbage was food scraps, vegetable peels, fruit rinds and kitchen waste. No coffee grounds, though.

The garbage was collected twice a week. It was stored in garbage cans used to hold it till collection day. Then it was taken to New Jersey, processed and used to feed the pigs on the many pig farms. This was the utmost in recycling. GAW-NA – Going to. For example: We are gaw-na go to da Vet.


GOOD-A-GHEENE - Cote ghino, a kind of Italian salami. For example: Never, ever put good-a-gheene in a hoagie. GRATED CHEESE - is liberally sprinkled on macaroni, in gravy and is an ingredient in meatballs. It was never bought in round boxes at the Ack-a-me. Everyone had their favorite type and a preferred place to buy it. Cheese was bought by the piece and was grated at home. After grating, it was stored in the refrigerator, in a container, to retain its freshness, until used. To buy a copy of this book E-Mail Dwaffleman@aol.com




Let The French Eat Tastycakes BASTILLE DAY was rousing success as thousands gathered outside the Eastern State Penitentiary yesterday for the annual reenactment of the Storming of the Bastille. After the guillotine fell, post “Beheading Parties” occurred all across Fairmount.

FAIRMOUNT’s LONDON Grill owner Terry Berch McNally donned her Marie Antionette outfit and emerged atop her castile bestowing her customary address, “Let them eat Tastykakes”, before 3,000 were dropped to the militia assemble on Fairmount Ave.





Barnes President Honored

The Alliance Francaise de Philadelphie honored Derek Gillman, President of the Barnes Foundation, with its Ambassador of the Arts Award at the annual Bastille Day dinner event on Saturday at the Independence Seaport Museum. Seen here at the presentation ceremony are (l to r) Michael Scullin, Esq., Honorary French Consul of Philadelphia and Wilmington; Nancy Gabel, chair of the Bastille Day committee; Diana Regan, president of the Alliance Francaise; Gillman; and Rep. Jim Roebuck, from the Honorary Committee. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Yael Hirsch, wife of honoree Derek Gillman, chats with close friend Judge Arlin Adams at the Bastille Day dinner dance on Saturday. Photo by Bonnie Squires



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