Ron Panepinto Jewelers
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PHILADELPHIA, PA 215-331-6600 Jim Stevenson Union Member Sales Representative
Vol. X. No. 34 (Issue 447) We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
Value 50 ¢
August 21, 2008
Vietnamese Government Detains, Badgers Democratic Committeeman
Charlie Ly Finally Makes It Home
Home Sales In City
Netting Higher Prices by Ed Goppelt, founder, Hallwatch.Org. Philadelphia house values exhibited resistance to further price declines this spring, even as the number of home sales continued its downward slide. According to the latest analysis by Wharton economist Kevin Gillen, the
Local 830 Pushes Matt In 170th Dist. Democratic nominee Brendan Boyle does not have a lock on labor support. Proving labor is not united in backing one candidate in the race to replace retiring State Rep. George Kenney, Business Mgr./SecretaryTreasurer Daniel Grace of Local 830 is campaigning hard for Republican candidate Matthew Taubenberger. Despite the fact Matthew is considered the underdog when it comes to labor endorsements, Grace feels his union could tip the scales in favor of his candidate. He’s doing what he can to make that happen. “I believe on behalf of my Team(Cont. Page 2)
typical Philadelphia home increased in value by an average of 1.7% on a quality- and seasonally-adjusted basis. This modest increase comes after three consecutive quarters of house price declines. However, this price appreciation still remains insufficient to offset previous cumulative declines, and house values remain down 6.6% from the peak of where they were one year ago. The price increases were uni(Cont. Page 2)
Navy Yard Gets Funds US Sens. Arlen Specter and Bob Casey have shepherded Federal funding for several Pennsylvania defense projects through the Senate Appropriations Committee as contained in Fiscal Year 2009 appropriations bill for military construction. It is anticipated when the Committee reports its legislation to the full Senate, the Dept. of Defense budget will appropriate $175.7 million for military construction throughout the state. (Cont. Page 23)
CHARLIE LY is greeted by friends and family after he lands at JFK in NYC after harrowing battle with Vietnamese government which detained him, threatening a long sentence. Groups here rallied to get him free.
Pay Raise Is Sought For Election Workers
South Philadelphian Charlie Ly, 43, a Democratic Committeeman in the 2nd Ward’s 10th Division, kept family and friends on pins and needles when the news arrived he had been detained from returning home by the government of Vietnam. Ly, who is also a board member of the Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia, and the Bella Vista Community Association, had departed the US on a trip to Thailand and then on to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to visit friends. He arrived in Vietnam on Jul. 20 and was planning to depart on the 24th. Government police stopped him at the airport and confiscated his passport and cell phone and its memory card. He was told he “could not leave Vietnam.” They said more investigation was (Cont. Page 23)
With a record turnout expected for the Presidential election Nov. 11, City Commissioners will be hard pressed to once again recruit Election Day workers and find polling places that meet all the requirements imposed upon it by the Americans With Disabilities Act. That is why Mike Cibik, GOP 5th Ward Leader and an attorney, is calling on Republican members of City Council to “begin beating the drum to get City Council and the Administration to amend the budget to allow the transfer of an additional $1.5 million to the City Commissioners’ budget.” Cibik noted the “Committee of Seventy critically observed during the recent primary election that several polling places were not properly staffed with Election Board workers. Finding Election Board workers has CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady kicks off Stu Bykofsky’s 18th Candidates Combecome a major problem. The Mayor edy night raising funds for Variety Club by telling a few “inside the Beltway” and City Council need to address jokes. Eighteen candidates had to joke their way through what turned out to (Cont. Page 2) be a hilarious evening before sold-out crowd. More pics on Pages 13 & 18.
Stu Bykovsky’s 18th Year of Laughs
Pay Raise Sought For Boards
page 2
The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1330 Ritner Street Phila., PA 19148 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1330 Ritner Street Phila. PA 19148 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Asian Columnist: Mary Faustino Entert.Columnist Bob Pantano Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Donna DiPaolo Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Graphic Designer: Susan Haidar Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2008 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
(Cont. from Page 1) ster members that Matthew Taubenberger is the bestqualified individual for this positon,” says Grace. “He will help this union and all unions, not only in that district, but throughout Pennsylvania.” He noted, “Matt is the only union member in this race, belonging to AFSCME. He understands the issues facing union members and their families. His family and friends are present and former union members. “In addition, Matt has shown he has the experience in dealing with the issues in that District and his involvement in many community groups there will stand him well on Election Day.”
(Cont. from Page 1) what has become a crisis.” The City Commissioners, led by Chairwoman Margaret Tartaglione, have made the case before City Council for additional money to almost double the present pay rates. The City Commissioners, led by Chairwoman Margaret Tartaglione, have made the case before City Council for additional money to almost double the present pay rates. According to Tartaglione, “It is hard to get even the most civic-minded citizens to work the polls from early in the morning to late in the evening, especially when
State Rep.
T HOMAS W. B LACKWELL D ISTRICT 190 101 NO 52 ND S TREET P HILA PA 19137 215-748-7808
Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130
215-684-3738 STATE SENATOR
DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643
1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538
Staffed by
Joe Evangelista • Debbie Toro Ready to Serve you
Councilman Wm.
Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927
State Rep.
ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145
State Sen. Shirley M.
JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204
3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161
State Rep.
Senator Tina
Dennis O’Brien
169th District 9811 Academy Rd Phila. PA 19114
2nd District 1059-61-63 Bridge St
215-533-0440 127 W. Susquehanna Ave.
215-291-4653 State Rep.
State Representative
William Keller 184th District
RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District
1531 S. 2nd Street
6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
some of them are asked to leave their jobs which pay more than they would be getting as Commission Election Day workers.” Present rates call for a Judge of Elections to receive $100, other Election Board members $95, and translators $75. Presently another $25 is awarded to those who attend instruction classes. Bob Lee, Voter Registration Administrator, said, “The State empowers counties to spend up to $200 per person working the polls for the Commissioners. It is a long day, averaging around
14 to 15 hours. What we now pay them is below minimum wage payments.” That is why the three City Commissioners, two Democrats and one Republican, have gone on record to campaign for City Council’s increase in their budget to a $1.5 million. Lee said, “We will be able to go up to $180 for most Election Board workers and double the pay for those attending school, insuring we get a majority of them to attend.” He indicated presently there is no mandatory requirement for training
lessons. The empowering legislation was introduced by State Sen. Christine Tartaglione over five years ago. Yet the City administration has failed to fund the Commissioners’ office for the money that will enable it to compete on the rental market for polling places and to attract citizens to work the polls. Cibik said, “If Council acts in time, the Commissioners will be able to give the needed pay increases. Otherwise some of us will be waiting in long lines on Election Day to vote.”
City Home Sales Netting Higher (Cont. from Page 1) formly distributed across the city’s neighborhoods, with only one exception. From lowest to highest, the price increases by neighborhood were: Upper Northeast Philadelphia (+0.6%), Lower Northeast Philadelphia and Northwest Philadelphia (+0.7%), Center City/Fairmount (+3.0%), West Philadelphia (+7.1%), Kensington/Frankford (+8.5%), South Philadelphia (+10.0%) and University City (+20.5%). The only neighborhood to experience continued price declines this quarter
was North Philadelphia (4.9%). Philadelphia’s movements in house prices continue to stand in stark contrast to trends in other major U.S. cities. According to CaseShiller MacroMarkets’ composite house price index, house prices have fallen by an average of 18% in the 10 largest US cities, compared to only 6.6% in Philadelphia. Although Philadelphia’s house prices may be resisting their continued declines, home sales continued their downward plunge this spring. Even though spring is nor-
Please join me on Friday, October 3 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the 2008 Senior Expo. The Senior Expo will take place at the PA Army National Guard Armory located at 2700 Southampton Road (corner of Roosevelt Boulevard and Southampton Road), Philadelphia, PA. Representatives from many state agencies and community organizations will be present to provide you with information. The organizations include SEPTA, the PA Lottery, City Agencies, Hospitals, and many other health and housing organizations. Refreshments will be provided. Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 2644 LeFevre St. • Phila., PA 19137 215-744-5361 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM
Sen.Mike Stack
mally the busiest time of year for housing transactions, only 4,546 dwellings changed hands under arms-length conditions this past quarter. This is a 25% drop from spring 2007, and a 42% drop from the housing boom’s peak in the summer of 2005. The low volume of sales, combined with only modest price declines to date, typically indicate a significant disparity between sellers’ hopes and buyers’ expectations about what the future holds. As sellers resist dropping their prices, buyers remain reluctant to commit to purchasing. The nationwide credit crunch exacerbates this disparity, as even willing buyers find it more difficult to qualify for a mortgage in the current environment. The gap between what sellers expect to obtain and what buyers are willing to pay can be measured by the difference between list prices and transaction prices. The median list price in Philadelphia this spring was just under $190,000, while the median transaction price was $107,500. This nearly 77% gap represents a significant difference between what sellers want and what buyers will (and can) actually spend. When a balance between buyers and sellers will return to the local housing market may be indicated by trends in (Cont. Page 23)
MEDAL OF HONOR winner John Cavaianni and State Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery were guests of 35-year-old Special Police Association, whose president is Tony LaRossa. Association raises money for charitable causes.
Wadsworth Day Seeks Volunteers State Sen. LeAnna M. Washington is seeking volunteers and vendors for the 13th annual Wadsworth Day. The festival will be held Saturday, Sep. 13 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the 1500 and 1600 blocks of Wadsworth Avenue, between Cheltenham and Michener Avenues. In case of rain, the festival will be held Sunday, Sep. 14. “This is a great way to get involved in a traditional event that brings together friends and neighbors to share,” Washington said.
ORGANIZING backpack giveaway were Kirk Dorn of Phila. Housing Authority and Pam Bennett of Apartment Association of Greater PhiladelGETTING READY for school, this girl re- phia. That private housing providers' group ceives free backpack stuffed with classroom donated supplies and labor to send low-income supplies from Christy Metz of MSB Resources. kids back to school in style.
Record To Cover Dem Convention
The Democratic National Convention Committee and the Obama for America Campaign have scheduled leaders on the economy and energy who will speak at the Democratic Convention the week of Aug. 25. The Philadelphia Public Record will be covering the convention through the eyes of Bonnie Squires and Denise Clay. Tuesday night’s featured speakers include Convention Co-Chair Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and Arizona Gov.
Janet Napolitano. Govs. Ted Strickland of Ohio and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania will discuss how the failed policies of the last eight years have betrayed our values and left an economy out of balance. Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. of Pennsylvania and Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts are also scheduled. Building on Obama’s New Economy with New Energy message, Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana and
Federico Peña, former Mayor of Denver and Secretary of both Energy and Transportation, will speak about the nexus between energy and the economy and highlight new and innovative policies to help working families in rural, urban and suburban communities. Mark Warner, former Gov. of Virginia, will deliver the Convention’s keynote address, and Sen. Hillary Clinton will be the headline prime-time speaker on Tuesday night.
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Based on recent revelations by the Feds, State Sen. Vincent Fumo is reportedly leaning toward pleading guilty in his case when is scheduled for an opening in early September. What may be guiding the Senator to do so is the fact two of those facing trial with him, computer specialists, have recently pled guilty to the charges of obstruction levied against them by the US Attorney’s office. What also may be helping the Senator decide is the government’s reluctance at this late stage to accept a guilty plea. But the fact this case could go on for at least a month, if not longer, making it one of the local office’s more-expensive political trials, is the key reason why the Feds have decided a guilty plea would serve them in good stead as well. It is believed Fumo’s attorneys are carving out the plea agreement with the US Attorneys handling the case. Not sure at this time is the sentencing timeline, which will be based for the most part on what charges Fumo agrees to plead to.
Page 3
Will Fumo Honoring Top Soldier PHA ‘Packs’ Them Off To School Plead?
MORE THAN 500 kids from seven PHA housing developments packed Wilson Park’s community center, eager to receive brand new backpacks free.
Annual Bill Meehan Clam Bake Republican City Committee Invites you To Attend Clam Bake in Honor of the Late
William Austin Meehan Sunday August 24th, 2008
At Cannstatter Volksfest Verein 4 PM to 8 PM $85.00 Per Ticket
9130 Academy Road - Philadelphia
page 4 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
What Makes Our Housing Authority A Front Runner Who says you can’t put poor people in homes in the same block with individuals whose incomes have permitted them to pay half a million or more for their homes? It’s being done here with great success and to the satisfaction of those from both ends of the economic spectrum. Proof it can happen and will work is the history of the Philadelphia Housing Authority under its executive director of 10 years Carl R. Greene. Greene, who inherited the ills of Public Housing when he took reign, says, “Balance in the housing options we offer clients and a balance of incomes in rebuilt neighborhoods is key.” To make balance work, Greene literally and figuratively used public housing
funds, Federal programs and banking leverage to level to the ground every highrise project that “had jammed too many poor people into too small a space in an old-style ghetto project.” He began to build new communities in their place, creating homes that carried with them the basic amenities for washers and dryers and air conditioning as well as TV and computer outlets. Where possible, he created individual adjacent parking spots and worked to get a bit of grass and garden around each unit. No longer were the new developments tucked away in secluded a enclaves. Instead, city streets were allowed to run directly through them. Today, it is hard to distinguish where a development leaves off and a community
begins. It’s all been put together in a seamless stream of decent housing. Greene, whose management and directorship style are now being emulated by housing-authority executives around the country, cautions some of them not to rely heavily on the use of Section 8 Vouchers. Several had intended to close down their present facilities and send tenants into Section 8 housing. His contention is simple. “If those housing authorities sell or give away the land where the old projects stood to be developed as market rate housing, they will limit their section 8 tenants to choices were the only available housing would be substandard homes.” He urges those Authorities to keep balance in mind.
Forman Mills Gifts 900 Students Forman Mills, the national discount warehouse clothing chain, based in Pennsauken, N.J., will hold its annual Forman Mills Free Back-ToSchool Uniform Shopping Spree and computer giveaway next Wednesday, at Olney ES, 5301 N. Water Street. Garry Maddox, former Phillies star and creator of Youth Golf & Academics Program, will be the featured speaker at the 9 a.m. program after which students, with their parents and teachers, will be bused to the Forman Mills store at 3500 Aramingo Avenue. At Forman Mills, the students will receive free food and entertainment, including a Ringling Brothers stiltwalker, face painter and clown, along with a chance to win one of 13 free Dell computers. All students must be present at the Forman Mills Aramingo Avenue store to participate in the computer raffle. “We are honored and very grateful to have been selected by Forman Mills, one of Philadelphia’s lead-
ing retailers, as this year’s recipient of their free Back-to-School Uniform Shopping Spree. Their generous donation will help offset the purchase of school uniforms for many of our students in need,”
said School District of Philadelphia Regional Superintendent Lucy Feria. Approximately 900 shopping vouchers, valued at $30 each, will be given to the students from Olney ES.
GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA Give the 5 Waffleman Books Memories they’ll always Cherish. They will remember you everytime they read them!
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LDC HEALTH AND SAFETY FUND Laborers’ District Council Health and Safety Fund Of Philadelphia and Vicinity 319 N. 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-925-5327 Fax: 215-925-5329 Web: UNION LABORERS WE DON’T JUST DO IT WE DO IT SAFE Our mission is to promote and enhance Contractor competitiveness And to protect the occupational health And safety of Laborers and their families. Laborers District Council sponsors LDC Health and Safety Fund Local 135, Daniel L.Woodall, Jr., Business Manager; Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager; Local 413, James Harper, Business Manager; Local 57, Richard A. McCurdy, Jr. Business Manager; Laborers, District Council, Building Better and Safer Communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties Laborers, District Council of the Metropolitan area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Laborers’ District Council and Business Manager of Local 332, Emeritus
Remember – Do It right, Do It Safe, Do It Union Administrator, Richard Legree Director, Juan Bacote
Page 5
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Are you being forced to treat with a doctor you don’t know? You have the right to pick your own doctor to treat your work injury. If you’re not seeing your own doctor you need our advice.
The Law Firm of
Steiner, Segal, Muller & Donan
Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?
page 6 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Nutter Weathers Union Contracts by Joe Shaheeli It makes a new Mayor … or breaks him. The first City labor agreement comes at him like a World Series starting lineup, with all the unions eager to get on base in the first inning. In 1993, Ed Rendell pitched them just right. He negotiated a bitter pill for City workers to swallow, and got them to swallow it without striking. He went onto a stellar eight-year Mayoral career that took a busted City and left it solvent, even booming in places, winding up as popular Governor of a rural state that overtly despises Philadelphians. But Keystoners figured if Rendell could settle down big, bad Philly … maybe he could walk on water for them. Now Michael Nutter too appears to have gotten past that crucial challenge. With three deals now under his belt – with FOP Lodge 5, and AFSCME District Councils 33 and 47 – labor peace with all the top unions has reigned. Nutter didn’t blow out his first budget yet he didn’t provoke his new employees in the process. Still to be closed is the Firefighters Local 22 deal. But they will likely hew to the path Nutter has laid down. “You may be tired of hearing words like ‘unprecedented’ and ‘historic’, but believe me there is no other way to talk about the agreements we have put in place and the optimism we have about what we – the City administration and the leaders of our unions – can achieve,” Nutter commented after reaching the accord with DC 47. Keynotes of the emerging City labor policy are holding the line on healthcare payments; a cash bonus; participation in a labor-management steering group led by the Managing Director, which will deal with sore subjects like contracting out; and participation in a Joint Labor-Management Healthcare Evaluation Committee. That one-year deal proved to be an important tool in negotiations. Rendell stared down the unions in 1992 because the City was broke, and everyone smart enough to run
a union could run the math and see it was true. In 2008, municipal government isn’t an obvious financial wreck. But Nutter is facing a shaky economy that can hurt tax revenues in the short term. No one in America can halt the exploding cost of health benefits. Furthermore, he has made promises to deliver new and improved programs in a host of neglected areas. All that will cost money. In Nutter’s campaign he talked hopefully about various sources of OPM, but few lie ripe for tapping in 2008. So Nutter needed to restrain costs without gutting benefits. He pulled it off – for one year. A full three-year contract contained too many economic uncertainties for the unions to agree to anything, but everyone has been willing to, in effect, see what the economy looks like a year from now. In the meantime, Nutter gains time to “make a careful exploration of the ways to increase the quality and competitiveness of health-care benefits while ensuring that costs are affordable to the taxpayers of this city.” When Rendell pulled off his epochal labor deal, the whole City could watch the sweat beading on his brow. It was thrilling at times. Cool as a cucumber, Nutter makes it all look easy. That may reflect his methodical management approach. By the time he comes to you, he has all the numbers. Opponents who also have strong numbers are respected,
though. But in general, a Nutter policy proposal doesn’t have buried treasures and booby traps; he presents an accounting that is straight and well worked. That doesn’t mean the labor unions were pleased by the City’s offerings. There was considerable grumbling in labor’s ranks. But good labor leaders are nose-counters as well as beancounters. They can tell as of summer 2008, the new Mayor of Philadelphia is ferociously popular, to a degree few politicians ever enjoy. Whites, Blacks and Others are all at peace with him. Rich and poor trust him alike. Philadelphians as a whole respond to his message – to assert the city’s right to dream big dreams, while coming down hard on its shortcomings – with a resounding “Yea!” So City unions picked no long-term fights now. Next summer will be the acid test. It’ll be clear where the economy has headed by then and if Nutter has any knack for making enemies, a few will have emerged to aid labor perhaps. Nutter’s success to date, though, is good enough for Year One. Consider some alternative approaches in the past. Frank Rizzo and Wilson Goode won labor peace, but chiefly by bankrupting the City with unsustainable promises while ravaging the private sector with predatory taxes. John Street won labor peace, but chiefly by scalping the City’s capital budget.
Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers' District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions:
Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., Business Manager Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager Local 413, James Harper, Sr., Business Manager Local 57, Richard McCurdy, Jr., Business Manager Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager.
This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust. Administrator, Richard Legree
Page 7
Our Opinion ... Getting To Know You
Another Opinion
Prisoner Reentry: Getting the Job Done missioner Louis Giorla have both been outspoken in the need for an effective reentry program that will reduce the prison population by helping offenders and ex-offenders become responsible members of the community. Mayor John Street and now Mayor Michael Nutter have been outspoken on the need for an effective prisoner-reentry system as well. State Sens. Shirley Kitchen and Leanna Washington; State Reps. Jewell Williams, Jon Myers, and Cherelle Parker; and City Council Members Wilson Goode, Jr. and Donna Reed Miller are all taking leadership in this area in the State and local legislative arenas. Sen. Arlen Spector has been a leading proponent of the "Second Chance Act," that may provide Federal funding for reentry programs at the local level. So here is a case where our elected officials are ahead of many of the people in an area critical to our well-being. Well, it's time to catch up with them. It is certainly likely if we release hundreds of offenders back into our neighborhoods without
adequate supervision, assistance in finding housing, drug treatment for those who need it, and job opportunities, then there are going to be lots of problems. If it costs $35,000 a year to keep someone in prison, why not invest $35,000 per year in programs that will help people find housing, overcome addiction and related problems, and find a job? That's what the people who advocate reentry are wrestling with -- and I'm one of those people. But at the other side of the argument is a position that says we can't overcome crime until we overcome all the social conditions that lead to it — poverty, inadequate education, broken families, the whole list. We can't do anything until we do everything. Well, I'm all for fighting to end poverty, build a strong educational system, and give people the assets and tools that they need to become responsible citizens. But to say we can do absolutely nothing to build a reentry system that at least achieves some success until we solve every related social and economic problem is self-defeating and wrong as well.
Aug. 21- Sen. Christine Tartaglione hosts annual Community Picnic at Norris Sq. Park, 2nd & Norris Sts., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Family fun. All invited. For further info (214) 291-4653. Aug. 24- Billy Meehan’s 24th annual Clambake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. Tickets $85, available at door and by calling Republican City Committee (215) 561-0650. Aug. 29- Young Democrats Membership signup, $10, at Fiso Lounge, 1427 South St., starting at 6 p.m. Sep. 3- Let’s Love Logan festival on Wyoming Ave. from Broad to 11th St., 12 m.-8 p.m. For info call Michael Hayward (215) 3247036. Sep. 4- Urban Family Council presents Making a Difference! Fundraising & Networking Luncheon, 11:301:30 p.m., Union League. For info call C. Wertz, (215)
879-2485, ext. 105. Sep. 5- S. Phila. Business Association and Linda & Victor Baldi III host fundraiser for Larry Farnese, candidate for 1st State Senate Dist., at 319 S. Reserve Dr. (formerly Buck La.) in reserve of Packer Pk., 5:307:30 p.m. $250 friend, $100 attendee. RSVP (215) 6298585. For directions call Vic (215) 888-7051. Sep. 6- Kenyatta Johnson sponsors Back To School Rally, at Marian Anderson Rec. Ctr., 17th & Fitzwater, 1-6 p.m. Sep. 7- Councilwoman Joan Krajewski’s party at Wissinoming Yacht Club, Devereaux & Delaware Ave.,2-6 p.m. Tickets $25. Call Kathy Price (215) 624-1872. Sep. 8- COPE-PAC Fundraiser at Phillies vs. Marlins, 7:05 p.m. game time. $250 includes food, drink at Roof Top Bleachers. For info call Joni Bernard (215) 665-9800. Sep. 12- Al Stewart’s 11th
Democratic Ward presents Fish Fry Friday at Lou & Choo’s, 21st & Hunting Park, 5-9 p.m. Tickets $7. For info call V. Tutie Edwards (215) 228-3134. Sep. 13- Block party to raise funds for Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski’s family hosted by Lower Moyamensing Town Watch, Laws of Justice Town Watch and Lobster NYA at 1300 block Porter St., 1-6 p.m. All donations appreciated. For info contact Mike D’Imperio (215) 3561518. Sep. 13- John Sabatina, Sr.’s 56th Ward Democrats will celebrate 26th annual Picnic at Burholme Pk., Cottman & Central Aves., 2 p.m.-dusk. 35th, 53rd, 55th & 66th Wards will join as cohosts. Admission $30. For info (215) 742-8600. Sep. 15- Monday Night Football with State Rep. John Taylor, Romano’s Catering, 1523 E. Wingohocking St. For info (215) 545-2244. Oct. 3- Committee to ReElect John Taylor Golf Outing, Torresdale Frankford Country Club, 12 p.m. tee off. For info (215) 545-2244.
by Ed Schwartz, Director Institute for the Study of Civic Values Crime is still our major problem, especially in neighborhoods where blight and litter reign supreme. That's what the "Broken Windows" theory is all about. If trash comes, can crime be far behind? Unfortunately, we can't stop crime just by sweeping the streets. We have to tackle that problem head on. Moreover, even Philadelphia residents who live in relatively low-crime areas are paying a high price for crime. In short: $1.4 billion of the City Budget is going into the fight against crime — 43% of the revenues we raise in local taxes and fees. Another way to see it: the budget of the Philadelphia Prison is now greater than the budgets of the Streets & Sanitation Dept., L&I, and the Recreation Dept. combined. Prisons may be an economic bonanza for small towns around Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Here, they exist as the most visible demonstration of the social decay that continues to undermine our economic success as a city. Former Prison Commissioner Leon King and now Prison Com-
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Mayor Michael Nutter, as popular as he is, has learned it takes time to get to know someone or get a handle on a sensitive program. He has convinced the City’s major unions that more time is needed to arrive at contracts that can span three years with provisions that are mutually beneficial to both rank-and-file members and the city’s economic base. To the credit of the Mayor and the unions, both sides understand this one-year contract signing gives all a chance to evaluate just where the city’s economic base will be by that time, and just what are the necessary features that need to be included safely in future contract negotiations. This one-year agreement accepted by the unions gives the Mayor a needed breather to escape the old scenario, when new Mayors faced the unions in a make-or-break standoff that would determine their careers. It is good thinking and bodes well for the city.
page 8 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
MEDICAL RECORD Keystone Mercy Teams With Del. Valley Community Health LEFT, Health Plan teamed with Delaware Valley Community Health to provide health screenings throughout area. Crowds turned out as evidenced by this scene outside María de Los Santos Community Health Center, 4th & Allegheny Avenue. Right, one of many information booths were manned by community volunteers Michael Santiago and John Averson of Aetna Medical.
Prostrate Screening A No-No For Elders by Dan Sickman, Veterans Consultant Men age 75 and older should not be screened for prostate cancer and younger men should discuss the benefits and harms of the prostatespecific antigen test with their clinicians before being tested, according to a new recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task Force. The Task Force found evidence screening for prostate cancer provided few health benefits but led to substantial physical harm and some psychological harm in men age 75 and older. In men younger than 75, the Task Force concluded current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harm of prostate cancer screening. An estimated 218,890 US men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007 and one in six men will be diagnosed in his lifetime. Screening for prostate cancer is most often performed using PSA tests and digital rectal exams. The PSA test is more likely to detect prostate cancer than the digital rectal exam. However, prostate cancers that are found with a PSA test take years to affect health; most prostate cancers that grow serious enough to cause death take more than 10 years to do so. Since a 75-year-old man has an average life expectancy of about 10 years and is more likely to die from other causes such as heart disease or stroke, prostate cancer screening is unlikely to help men over 75 live longer. For the same reasons, men younger than 75 with chronic medical problems and a life expectancy of fewer than 10 years are also unlikely to ben-
efit from screening. There is also harm associated with prostate cancer screening, which includes biopsies, unnecessary treatment and falsepositive results that may lead to anxiety. Complications often result from treating prostate cancer and may include urinary incontinence and impotence. These slow-growing cancers may never have affected a patient's health or well-being had they not been detected by screening.
Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board.
by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: What does a Bankruptcy trustee do? Answer: The trustee's job is to: 1. Administer the bankruptcy 2. Make sure creditors get as much money as possible 3. Run the first meeting of Creditors (also called the "Section 341 Meeting")
We are a debt-relief agency 1500 Walnut Street • Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19102
Next week’s question: Can creditors object to a bankruptcy filing or plan?
Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.
4. Collect and sell non-exempt property (in a Chapter 7 case) or collect and pay out money on a repayment plan (in a Chapter 13 case) 5. Obtain information from you and documents related to your bankruptcy.
) ) No. 2008 - 0119 )
Richard Smith
You are hereby notified that a Petition to Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights has been filed against you, asking the Court to terminate all rights you have to your child, BABY BOY BARBEE, aka, HANEEF SAYEED KHALIL BARBEE (born 12/18/07). The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held in Court Room No. 6 (Orphans’ Court Room), on the Third Floor of the Lancaster Co. Court House, situate at 50 N. Duke St., Lancaster, PA, said hearing to be held on 09/04/08, at 9:15 o’clock a.m. If you do not appear at this hearing, the court may decide that you are not interested in retaining your rights to your child and your failure to appear may affect the Court’s decision on whether to end your rights to your child. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you, and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You are also notified that following the hearing to consider ending your rights to your children, an adoption hearing may be held, as a result of which the Court may decree that an adoption take place whereby your child shall be adopted by another and all parental rights with respect to the child shall be placed in another. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED AT THE HEARING BY A LAWYER. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. Court Administrator Court Administrator’s Office Lancaster Co. Court House 50 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602 Telephone No. 717-299-8041
Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.
Step 2:
Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information
Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor
Step 4: Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green Philadelphia
Page 9
In 2000, I covered the Republican National Convention here in Philadelphia. I was working for a daily newspaper at the time and was assigned to write for the website team because I had done radio, had an internet radio show, and knew how to gather and edit sound. During that week, I went out and covered things on the convention floor, nearly passed out while covering a protest on an extremely hot day and even went to a Christian Coalition rally in which Pat Robertson blamed all of the nation’s moral failings on “Harvard Lawyers”. (I’m guessing some of that vitriol came from the fact that Robertson is a Yalie.) My impression of the whole thing was that as carnivals go, it wasn’t totally horrible. I got to go to the occasional party, and I saw that women from Texas shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near beauty-supply stores. (The makeup jobs and bouffant hair-dos were insane!) But I was glad to be there, because it was a chance to watch as the nation began its transition from the Bill Clinton Years to The Not Bill Clinton Years. Eight years, two Presidential terms for George W. Bush, and a new career as a freelancer/academic/blogger/columnist (Cont. Page 14)
Snooper’s BIG EVENT: This SUNDAY, AUG. 24, at the famous CANNSTATTER, 9130 ACADEMY ROAD, 4 p.m.8 p.m. Hey Chief, it’s the 4th annual “BILLY MEEHAN” clambake. This year will be no different than any other year, because they expect a huge crowd. It’ll be packed! Whether you are a DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN, everyone is WELCOMED to come and enjoy yourself. We know all about the food; as usual they’ll have chicken and, I might add, plenty of clams – the best! Please, get there early and set up your own tables, as it’s on a first-come basis. Snooper’s Update file: HON. THERESA DENI, Judge, MC COURT, wants to THANK YOU, each and every one of you who came and paid your respects to her wonderful MOM. She was pleased to see so many of you, including THE BOSS, Mr. Tayoun. The family also thanks you too. Margaret Deni-Carr, her Mom, God Bless. Snooper’s Picnic News Bureau: TODAY, Aug 21, from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m., STATE SEN. TINA TARTAGLIONE will be holding her annual COMMUNITY PICNIC in Norris Square Park, 2nd & Norris Streets. Yes, The Senator would very much like you to also bring along your families. She will have all kinds of games and fun for your ‘Little Ones”. Yes, she will be there to see all of you. The Snooper suggests you (Cont. Page 14)
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
The Trunk Man hates to beat a dead Elephant, but I’m as confused as ever after reading the Inqy’s “Heard in the Hall” this week. The article talked about the continuing love affair between former Mayoral opponents HONEST AL TAUBENBERGER and MAYOR MIKE NUTTER. In all fairness, Nutter had little to say, but Big Al continued to act like a blushing bride on her honeymoon. It was bad enough that local Elephants had to go through the Mayor’s race last November thinking they were watching reruns of the dating game, but to still hear Taubenberger gush about Nutter and how wonderful he is, is a bit much. Also revealed was how the two meet on a fairly regular basis. What about, I can’t imagine. You almost would respect it more if Big Al got an administration job, but that hasn’t happened. The ultimate sin in the whole thing, in Trunk Man’s humble opinion, is the fact Big Al’s son MATTHEW is in the midst of a hard-fought campaign to help save a long-time Republican seat, and local Republicans led by JOHN PERZEL, MIKE MEEHAN and others are trying their best to help him win. Why in the Trunk would his dad spend time praising the heck out of the city’s top Donkey? Does he realize Nutter will be pulling for his son’s opponent BRENDAN BOYLE to defeat him? What a strange business! The other article that was interesting was top Donkey BOBBY BRADY revealing his Presidential candidate (Cont. Page 22)
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Consecutive/Simultaneous Interpreters Wireless Interpretation Systems & Booths 24hr fax 215.772.1823 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION INC. 1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1407, Phila., PA 19102
JUDGE EUGENE MAIER and his wife LANA will have their 33rd Annual Picnic in their lovely yard overlooking the bay in Brigantine. It will be this Saturday, and it usually starts around 4:00 p.m. There has always been a plentiful amount of good picnic food, including hot dogs, roast-beef sandwiches, potato salad, pasta, and a variety of nice, highcaloric, creamy deserts. Some of the people whom you can expect to see are retired Common Pleas JUDGE JOE BRAIG and his wife DEBORAH, Common Pleas JUDGE RICARDO JACKSON, former Chief of Elections in Philadelphia JOE MYGATZ, Senior JUDGE JEROME ZALESKI, JERRY SHANEY and his wife BETTY, Common Pleas JUDGE SANDY MOSS and her husband BILL, Municipal Court JUDGE FAY STACK and her husband MIKE, JOHN RYAN and his wife SUNNY, STATE SEN. MIKE STACK and his wife TONYA, and many others. This is a fun affair, and the view overlooking the bay and grassy sound is spectacular. The Democrats, as usual in Philadelphia, are running ahead of the Republicans in registrations. The Obama people have opened headquarters in Philadelphia and are responsible for a larger registration turnout than usual. The Democratic City Committee is relocating to Denver, Col. for the Democratic Convention. It is expected CHARLES BERNARD and LOU FARINELLA will accompany CHAIRMAN BOB BRADY to Denver to assist in the organizing of the Pennsylvania delegation. The Convention, despite all the assurances that it will be just a love-fest for HILLARY CLINTON, promises a full share of fireworks. The agreement to allow a roll call to show the extent of Clinton’s support is a loaded one, and promises to set off a lot of demonstrations which may get out of hand. It may well be in Hillary’s heart of hearts that she be(Cont. Page 22)
Yo! Here we go again with seven reasons not to mess with children. These reasons were sent to me by Anna K. and they made me a laugh. I hope they give one to you too. Ready? Here we go. A little girl was talking to her teacher about the story of Jonah and the whale. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl insisted Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher again said a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?” The little girl replied, “Then you ask him.” A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, “I‘m drawing God.” The teacher paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.” Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, “They will in a minute.” A Sunday school teacher was discussing the 10 Commandments with her five- and sixyear-old students. After explaining the commandment to “honor” thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?” Without missing a beat, one little boy answered, “Thou shall not kill.” One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, “Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?” Her mother replied, “Well, every time that you do something (Cont. Page 22)
LANGUAGES Spanish French Arabic Mandingo Chinese Vietnamese German and more
page 10 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Down Da Shore With The Perzels
LOOKING like a Gubernatorial candidate is former US Attorney Pat Meehan flanked by his hosts Sheryl and John Perzel, who welcomed a huge crowd to their summer home in Wildwood.
AMONG crowd attending annual summer bash at home of Speaker Emeritus John Perzel and his wife Sheryl were John Parsons, Pat Meehan, Dino Petrongolo, Carl Ciglar and Bob Duff.
SHARING a moment were Don and Pat Raymond with City Commissioner Joseph Duda.
GOP ladies enjoying Perzel hospitality include RCC’s Carmella Fitzpatrick, Susan Parsons and Mrs. Gloria Salvatore.
FORMER State Sen. Hank Salvatore talks shop with Joseph Cascerceri and host Speaker Emeritus John Perzel.
BOUT A K S A ULL F R U O AR 30 YE TEE AN GUAR IN LINE for outstanding buffet were Pat Meehan, Justice James Fitzgerald and his wife Carol, Carl Ciglar and Vincent Fenerty.
ON BACK PORCH were Commissioner Joe Duda, Lynwood Holland, Commissioner Tim O’Brien, Vincent Fenerty and Carmella Fitzpatrick.
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12260 Townsend Road REPUBLICAN Executive Director Al Schmidt catches up with host State Rep. John Perzel.
SEPTA’S Fran Kelly shares a moment with former Mayoral candidate John Egan and Kelly Wall.
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CTRL# CNTRL 819493 832898 816411 832990 833016 831221 832120 831750 831222 831225 831223 831277 831226 831278 831227 832991 832992 832994 832996 832995 832997 832973 832972
Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937
Mary Meder, president of Harmelin Media, Inc., has been named as Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s new Chairman of the Board. As Chairman, Meder will be the chief executive officer of the board and shall have general supervision and direction of the affairs of Special Olympics
Young Blacks Trade Talk With Williams State Sen. Anthony H. Williams traded policy positions with nine students, discussing everything from sports to gun violence to the importance of education and civic engagement -- all part of the Young Leaders in Government initiative. The Urban Youth Association and Peace Not Guns organized the pilot program, which exposes male highschool students from South Philadelphia to the inner workings of government, as presented by various elected officials. For the past five weeks, the group, aged 14-17, has combined these lessons with morning reinforcement of algebra and literature and afternoon debriefs with Kenyatta Johnson, founder of Peace not Guns.
Pennsylvania and play a significant role in leading the planning, operation and management of the organization. “We are excited to have Mary leading our team,” said Janine Cesare, president of Special Olympics Pennsylvania. “Her business acumen and savvy will bring a wealth of expertise and vision that will help to take our organiza-
tion to the next level. We are confident in her ability to further SOPA’s reach and mission to change lives through sports.” “Mary has impressive credentials and has demonstrated unprecedented commitment as a member of our board for 10 years,” said Al Senavitis, former Chairman of the Board. “We are fortunate to
have her leadership now at the helm of Special Olympics Pennsylvania. Other committee board officers voted on and announced included:Buddy Casado, executive vice chairman; Kenya Mann, vice chair; Tony Gillespie, treasurer; Greg Stewart, secretary and Frank Gwynn, chair elect.
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
In accordance with Chapter 73 of the Vehicle Code and authorization of the Department of Transportation, there will be a public auction of the below listed vehicles, Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 1:30 PM. The location: 7000 State Road, Philadelphia, PA. All sales final. Cash only.
Special Olympics Taps Mary Meder
Page 11
Aspite, Inc. Auto Auction Center
ADVERTISEMENT The Philadelphia Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation, is requesting PROPOSALS for PUBLIC INFORMATION AND PASSENGER AMENITIES SERVICES for the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL No. 0521.27). A MANDATORY Pre-Submission Informational Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM at 2 International Plaza, Suite 450, Route 291 at Bartram Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19113. A Terminal Complex Site Visit will be offered on September 16, 2008, with restricted attendance. All proposals are to be submitted to by 5 pm Wednesday, October 1, 2008 and also as directed in the RFP. Interested firms are invited to download the RFP directly from or request the RFP by email to .
CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, September 16, 2008. A nonrefundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET FEE B- 801 C of 2007/08 Single Prime Willard Replacement School $ 30,000,000.00$ 500.00 1930 Elkhart Street A pre-bid meeting will be conducted at 440 N Broad Street on September 9, 2008 @ 10:00 A.M in room 3126.
Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.
Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130.
page 12 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
16th Annual Summer Non Violence Campaign Ends With Luncheon BILL MACKEY’S City Wide Youth Leadership Agency graduated its 16th annual Summer Non Violence Campaign group at a luncheon at the new Patterson’s Place, 1621 W. Cecil B. Moore Avenue. Students spent summer visiting various City and State agencies and hearing lectures form police and elected officials. In photo at right, Mackey and owner Bruce Patterson take children on tour of new restaurant facility.
Chinatown Olympics
PHILADELPHIANS took to streets of Chinatown to celebrate opening of 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Chinese arts groups, athletics demonstrations, and vendors lined 10th Street near Arch. A large-screen TV broadcast opening ceremonies to crowd. Lilly Song, owner of New China Book Store, largest Chinese book store in the region, shows her Olympic pride. LU KAIZHI, singer, holds a copy of his latest CD, sung in Chinese. Lu, who is not Chinese, sings in other languages to promote bilingualism in America. Proceeds from his CD benefit Chinese earthquake victims. Photos by Susan Haidar
Roberts’ New Supporter DELANO KAIE Roberts was born to Arline Rosario Roberts and Damon Kaie Roberts, Esq., prominent real-estate attorney and former City Council candidate, on Aug. 13 at 10:47 a.m. Handsome young boy, who shares middle name of former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was born at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, weighing 6 lb. 1 oz. He joins big brother Cualyn. Mother and baby are doing well.
HUNDREDS of N. Phila. citizens queued up to get aboard one of seven busloads JACKIE GREENLEE, left, helped that day-tripped to Dorney Park, cour- State Rep. Curtis Thomas organize massive outing to Dorney Park. tesy of State Rep. Curtis Thomas.
ENJOYING a cheery summer morning before State Rep. Curtis Thomas’ trip to Dorney Park are, from left, Delores Bridges, Ornell Brown and attorney Seth Williams, who is running for DA.
She’s Out For Costello Local 234 Hosts Members At Clementon Park
THIS YOUNG campaigner has already made clear she’s supporting Rich Costello in his bid to take the State Representative’s seat in the 172nd Dist.
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
13TH CONGRESSIONAL Dist. Republican candidate Marina Kats held fundraiser at Racquet Club, drawing a good-sized crowd. Seen with her are Leonard H. Dagit, Jr. and Joseph E. Cafero.
Thomas Tours To Dorney Park
Page 13
Kats Hosts Fundraiser
TRANSPORT Workers Union turned a hot summer day at Clementon Park into a memorable one for its leaders, rank-and-file members and their families as seen by this montage of photos of smiling faces.
Candidates Variety Show Big Hit
ATTORNEY & Mrs. Hal Rosenthal, center, share evening with Bonnie Grant and Patty Spaniak.
SPEAKER EMERITUS John Perzel was ready to take the stage with support from his wife Sheryl.
REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES Adam Lang bounces off one of his jokes on Jack Morley. (More pics on Page 18)
VETERAN Jonathan Saidel gives State Rep. Democratic candidate Rich Costello a few tips and some good jokes to take to the stage.
page 14 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Out & About (Cont. from Page 9) later, I find myself heading to another one of these “transition parties”. On Saturday, I pack up my suitcase, my laptop computer, a few pairs of comfortable shoes and an oxygen tank and head to Denver for the Democratic National
(Cont. from Page 9) get there early, for she will have a huge crowd there as always. Hey Chief, is it all right if I go too? Snooper Sightings: I had a very busy week, and I know it’ll also make the Boss happy. I spotted a lot of our famous City Officials, including Judge James DeLeon, MC Court. The Judge was heading over to the Criminal Justice center, and he looked
Convention, or, as I’ve taken to calling it, “The Brawl to Settle It All”. Now I know many of you are looking at that last sentence and saying to yourselves, “Denise, that’s just not true! There won’t be any fighting. The Democrats are committed to winning back the White House and we’re all going to get together, join hands, and sing kumbaya!” Yeah. Right. I could believe that if I wasn’t still
washing the mud from the Pennsylvania primary off my car. I could believe that if it weren’t from the fact every time I turn on my television, I get another missive from the Ike and Tina Turner of Politics, otherwise known as Bill and Hillary Clinton. (They never, ever, do anything nice … and easy.) I could believe that if the folks at PUMA (Party Unity My, well you know), a group
of Hillary Clinton supporters who dislike Barack Obama so much that they can’t even articulate the reasons why coherently, weren’t threatening to somehow subvert his nomination. But since all three of these things are part of the current reality, I wouldn’t get Joan Baez on the guitar for the sing-along just yet. Sure, there’s a part of me that wanted the credential for this convention because it’s
going to be historic. But there’s also a part of me that wanted the credential because I believe that every journalist should be able to say, “I covered a bar brawl” at least once in one’s career. And this is gonna be a bar brawl. Mark my words. I hope the chairs at the Pepsi Center are nailed down so no one will get hit by one. I’ll be right in the middle of things, telling you what’s going on, what your Penn-
sylvania delegation is doing (or not doing) and who the best dancers are. And by extension, so will all of you. I’ll be blogging nightly from the Democratic National Convention and you can catch my reports at my blog, The Mad (political) Scientist, That is, if I don’t get hit by a chair or a beer bottle when the brawl starts.
as if he was in a hurry too. I got to speak with Charles Fuller, Airport C.E.O., and I found out he is a true SNOOPER FAN. Getting back to The Judge, had a nice conversation with him regarding a story I read in one of the other newspapers. What I don’t understand is here’s a Judge who tried to help someone, because a child was being abused, especially since no one else wanted to help. Personally, I commend him for what he did. It really wasgreat! Snooper’s Political Predictions: Yeah, I know it’s
early. However, I just can’t help myself in making the following predictions. I can tell you BARACK OBAMA will NOT be our next President. Sure, it’s early, but I honestly feel he’s going to ‘blow it’, just as AL GORE did, and we all remember that one. Sen. John McCain will emerge as the eventual winner. The D.A.’S RACE is going to be the one to watch, because there will be a very unusual finish. THE WINNER will not surprise you either. Snooper’s ‘Unbelievable’ Files: We all have heard the story about this creep who
shot and killed over 80 defenseless dogs. I cannot believe NOTHING CAN BE DONE to this creep for what he did to all those animals. Gov. Rendell, an animal lover himself, was also shaken up by what he did and, get this, he is now proposing some legislative action to see if something can be done to prevent something like this in the future. The Governor was on National TV with his best pal MAGGIE, his dog. Snooper’s Person Of The Week Files: I have been watching this gentleman for
quite a while, and I’m very impressed with all he does. I call him “THE IMPACT JUDGE” because, to me, he does it all. HON. JOSEPH O’NEILL, MC Court, is all over the place, and he keeps himself busy, because that’s the way he likes it. Judge O’Neill is like a “designated hitter” in baseball, who is always stepping up to the plate whenever he is called upon. Did you know his success rate is well over 90%? That tells me a lot about this Judge. Reminds me of Judge Patrick Dugan, both the same.
Snooper’s Update Files: Last week I told about MR. JOHN LUPO, of RALPH’S famous DELI. We have learned this topnotch student is going back to ST. JOE’S PREP and, get this, he only has two more years to go and he’ll be graduating, hopefully, with TOP HONORS. His Dad, ‘The Man’ RALPH, stated, “I am so proud of him and all he has accomplished academically. He is one who takes great pride in everything he does and still keeps his head on straight.” Hey Ralph, The Snooper likes him too.
OLD SCHOOL hip hop artist Doug E. Fresh rips up crowd at State Rep. Ronald Waters’ annual summer Village Family Reunion.
CORPORATE sponsor BRAVOHealth staffers were among organizations that engaged in event.
COMING together for this photo are Jim Reed, State Sen. Anthony Williams, State Rep. Ron Waters, Ann Brown, a BRAVO Health staffer and Ducky Birts for this photo.
IT’S A HIGH-FIVE thank-you State Rep. Ron Waters gets from youngsters thanking him for free refreshments, food and the “Fun Zone”, which this year came loaded with kid rides.
State Rep. Ron Waters before taking to stage to entertain over 3,000 who attended fest.
STATE REP. Ron Waters checks in on The Fun Zone and the train ride which proved FAMILY FUN is what “it is all about,” says State Rep. Ron Waters. extremely popular.
STATE REP. Ron Waters’ staff finds they are on stage with the 5PM singing group and Charlie Mack.
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
State Rep. Ronald G. Waters’ 2008 Village Family Reunion at Francis Myers Recreation Center was attended by thousands of people throughout the community. The event featured workshops that offered money-saving advice and the Dept. of Treasury's Unclaimed Property. Waters' legislative staff was present to assist people with their concerns. Also, the Squash-It Campaign gave out t-shirts to attendees who pledged to end differences peacefully. For more information about the Squash-It Campaign and its objective, call Nate Lee in Waters' constituent service office at (215) 7486712. Free to the public, the Village Family Reunion also included swimming, pony rides, arts and crafts, games, refreshments and a musical performance by Doug E. Fresh and Blue Magic. All photos by Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography
Page 15
Waters’ Annual Village Family Reunion Draws Thousands
AMONG VIPs attending w a s Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell.
STAR ENTERTAINER Doug E. Fresh gives Waters’ Office Manager Florence “Penny” McDonald a hug for doing a great job with the entertainment program.
How To Contact RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
SHARING A MOMENT with his son and daughter and State Rep. Dwight Evans is host State Rep. Ronald Waters.
HIP HOP artist Doug E. Fresh shares this photo with State Rep. Waters’ family and staffers.
State Representative
page 16 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
‘Latin Stephen Starr’ strikes gold again with Distrito by Len Lear José Garces, who might very well be called the Latin Stephen Starr, has struck gold again. One of the region’s most creative and prolific restaurateurs, whose new ventures are anticipated by foodies with the excitement that Phillies’ fans would reserve for a World Series appearance, invariably offers a compelling experience with every dinner. And he is definitely delivering the package with Distrito, his fourth restaurant, which opened July 21 at 3945 Chestnut St., formerly home to a Papa John’s pizza place. (Garces, 36, also owns Amada and Tinto, two of center city’s hottest tickets, and Mercat a la Planxa, a Catalan tapas restaurant in Chicago’s historic Blackstone Hotel.) Obviously a fortune was spent to create the new bilevel restaurant that can seat 250. Distrito (the name refers to an upscale section of Mexico City) even looks like a Stephen Starr palace of gastronomy — big, flashy, modernistic and with certain design elements that are sure to be conversation sparkplugs. For example, there is a working jukebox, a vending machine equipped with Mexican action figures and toys and an assortment of seats that swing, swivel and rotate. There is even a strolling guitar player who sings Spanish songs. Comfortable banquettes covered in hand-woven rattan fibers and resin table tops inlaid with colorful prints of Mexican fabrics suggest that customers are as likely to be impressed as they would be if the statue of Abe Lincoln in the Lincoln Memo-
rial was holding an entree of red snapper with refried beans and salsa. As with a Stephen Starr opening, foodies have radar. They don’t need advertising or promotions to know there is a hot new restaurant in town. They just close their eyes and follow the buzz. “We’re very pleased with the crowds here so far, when you consider the economy and the fact that it’s the middle of the summer,” said Garces, a Chicago native of Ecuadoran descent and culinary school graduate who previously worked at three Michelin Guidestarred restaurants in Spain and for five years in New York City with Douglas Rodriguez, the “Godfather of Nuevo Latino cuisine.” Stephen Starr hired Jose in 2000 and brought him here to open Alma de Cuba, his Nuevo Latino restaurant at 1623 Walnut St. Later Garces was also named executive chef at El Vez, Starr’s Mexican restaurant at 121 S. 13th St. (While at Alma de Cuba, Garces became smitten with a server named Beatriz, who later became his wife. Beatriz, of Cuban descent, is a graduate of Temple University Dental School.) “José is just amazing,” I was told by Steve Loose, who was a manager at El Vez and who also worked in restaurants in Atlanta and Lancaster Co. “Some chefs I’ve worked with yell a lot, which is understandable considering all the pressure they are under when they have a full restaurant. But José is just as cool as can be, not a screamer at all, and everybody has the utmost respect for him. He is a true professional, a class act.”
During a recent food writers’ preview event, we had the opportunity to sample many dishes on Distrito’s menu. If you insist on the humongous-sized portions that are served in so many American restaurants, Distrito is not the place for you. As in Amada, the portions are relatively small and the prices are not inexpensive, but the flavors are exquisite. My own favorites were the Atun, a ceviche of heavenly sushi-like big-eye tuna with little pieces of co-
Len Lear conut, a sublime serranococonut sauce, tomatillo and lime sorbet ($10); and Huachinango, juicy red snapper with poblano cream and delectable pieces
of pickled watermelon, a winning combination of textures and flavors. Margaritas are expensive, with most $10 or more, and I was disappointed in the selection of wines-by-theglass. The whites, in particular, are mediocre choices for $9 or $10 a glass. Garces was recently chosen to appear as a challenger on the Food Network’s hit show, Iron Chef America. The show aired last Sunday, Aug. 17, at 9 p.m., and Garces was declared the winner against
world-famous chef Bobby Flay This fall Jose’s first cookbook, Latin Evolution, will be published by Lake Isle Press. Garces has long been an ambassador of contemporary Latin cuisine and has often been quoted in the pages of the New York Times, Travel & Leisure, Esquire, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine and the Wall Street Journal. Distrito is open for dinner seven days a week. For more information, call 215222-1657 or visit
Page 17
At Lighthouse Pointe With Rep. Taylor
RECEPTION COMMITTEE and guests share a moment with host State Rep. John Taylor at his Lighthouse Pointe summer gala in Wildwood. They are, from left, Paul Kayser, Carl Ciglar, Kim & George Graeber, and the Representative.
JAMIE & Susan McDermott, right, share this photo op with Bill & Ann Godfrey at State Rep. John Taylor’s gala.
ATTENDING State Rep. John Taylor’s annual summer gala at Lighthouse Pointe in Wildwood were Local 830 chief Dan Grace, next to Taylor, and family members Pat & Fran Grace.
MAKING it a family-day event were Mr. & Mrs. Chris Vogler and their daughter 9-year-old Megan.
Raising Vets Center Funds
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
GUESTS joining up for this photo at State Rep. John Taylor’s party are Bill Rutter, Fred Druding, and John & Terry Paone.
Enjoying DooWop Festival that annually raises dollars for city’s Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center were Congressman Bob Brady, State Sen. Tina Tartaglione and Photos by John J. Kline former Plumbers chief Ed Keenan.
Down Under With Local 98 And PGW Local 686
THIS trio of judges was among 600 attending Local 98’s annual “Down Under” Party in Wildwood. From left are Administrative Judge Kevin Dougherty, Margaret McKeown and Photo by Joe Stivala Dan Anders.
WARD leader Donna Aument shares a moment with Electricians’ Business Mgr./Secretary-Treasurer John J. Dougherty, Jr. outside Keenan’s in Wildwood. Photos by Joe Stivala
CONGRATULATING newly sworn-in Local IBEW President Bryan Burrows, center, are Councilman Bill Green and former president Harry Foy. They were among hundreds attending Local 98’s Down Under gala at Keenan’s.
SHARING MOMENT with comedian Joe Coughlin were City’s Veterans Affairs Director Edgar Howard, Veterans Center Executive Director Ed Lowry and Francis Dean, president of Plumbers Local 690.
RECORD ATTENDANCE was highlight of this year’s veterans DooWop Festival at Penn’s Landing.
SHARING A MOMENT with PGW Local 686’s Keith Holmes, center, are TRAFFIC COURT Judge Bobby Mulattorney John Sabatina and PRPA Ex- grew and his wife Betty join Jim Mink at Keenan’s. ecutive Director Jamie McDermott.
PLEASED everything ran smoothly at DooWop Festival were stage manager Chuck Holloway and his wife Janice.
HOSTING parties at Keenan’s for their rank-and-file members were Electricians Local 98 John J. Dougherty, Jr., and Keith Holmes, of Gas Employees Local 686.
page 18 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Williams Pushes DA Campaign
55 Years After Korea AT KOREAN War Armistice commemoration were Hank Vanelli, Frank Thompson and David Oh, Esq., seen here with his daughter.
DA CANDIDATE Seth Williams is joined by Derek Green and three volunteers as he took his campaign to promote his DA race to State Rep. Rosita Youngblood's Germantown Community Resource Fair.
Photo by John J. Kline
CANDIDATE Seth Williams joins SETH WILLIAMS shares moment with up with State Rep. Ron Waters State Rep. Rosita Youngblood and her com- and his daughter Shelina James, mittee persons at her successful Germantown at “Peace In The Park Community Community Resource Fair. Festival”.
Shopping Along Germantown & Lehigh
Don’t Miss Our Annual Salute To Labor Next Week Call 215-755-2000
ERICK QUICK, SR., aide to Councilman Frank Rizzo, addresses Korean War Memorial ceremony marking 55th anniversary of Korean War Armistice. Photo by John J. Kline
Stu Bykofsky Brings In Another Winner
GOING SHOPPING along Germantown & Lehigh business strip was Mayor Michael Nutter who took advantage of merchants’ annual Sidewalk Sales day.
MAYOR Michael Nutter welcomes people to Germantown & Lehigh business district as merchants marked Sidewalk Sales day. Event was co-sponsored by State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas.
Gambrel – It’s Back!
ITS MAIN building freshly rehabilitated, Gambrel Rec Center cut loose with a Community Day Celebration featuring bands, DJs, giveaways, kids activities and sporting contests. HUNDREDS of people gathered with their families for barbecuing and picnicking at Frankford’s lovely Gambrel Rec Center.
SOLD-OUT 18TH annual Stu Bykofsky Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake featured record 18 candidates cracking jokes. Congressman Bob Brady’s 1st Dist. got him first appearance. Stu has raised over $300,000 for that charity.
ALSO on the dais was Democratic candidate for Senate in the 1st Dist. Andrew Farnese, right, cheered on by Fred Druding and his campaign manager Renee Gilinger.
TOUGH AUDIENCE reaction was expected from Lisa & Barbara Deeley, who have seen the candidates before and judged them by their jokes.
CORRESPONDENT and publicist Bonnie Squires is joined by State Rep. James Roebuck and Variety Executive Director Andrew Peck. Bonnie always contributes a front-row table.
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The Public Record • August 21, 2008
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City Earns Top Tech Honors
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Regardless of what you think, your City tax money is being put to good uses. So much so, Philadelphia won the prestigious President’s Award at ERSI’s (formerly Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.) 2008 User Conference held recently in California. The City received the honor for its leadership and innovation in developing Geographic Information Systems that improve numerous government functions and City services, while making a positive impact on the environment and society. Mayor Michael Nutter said, “The City of Philadelphia’s Division of Technology has worked hard to introduce innovative applications that create efficiencies for our employees, and ultimately lead to improved public safety, education, economic development, com-
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion
Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And
John H. Estey, Esq.
James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director
Robert C. Blackburn
Senior Deputy Executive Director
John F. Dempsey
Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800
It Is Now Non-Stop To Israel CHARLES ISDELL, director of aviation, announces Philadelphia’s first nonstop flight to Middle East, joined by, from left, Deputy Mayor Rina Cutler, USAirways Chairman Doug Parker and Mayor Michael Nutter. PHILADELPHIA Airport will now have direct flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, opening up burgeoning Middle Eastern market to its International Arrivals center. munity health, and services for our citizens.” Jim Querry, Director of Enterprise GIS for the City of Philadelphia’s Division of Technology, accepted the award.
Butkovitz Wants Lunch Time Recorded It’s time the employees of he Office of Fleet Management begin to document their lunch breaks on their daily attendance records. It’s one way of controlling just what is “overtime”. That is the contention of City Controller Alan Butkovitz who released the 2006 and 2005 Office of Fleet Management Audit Report. The Report identifies the following problems: Employees are not recording lunch breaks on their daily attendance records, supervisors are not always documenting their pre-approval for overtime and continuing its long-standing practice of overpaying employees and violating Civil Service Regulations by improperly classifying certain hours worked by employees as eligible for a higher overtime rate. Butkovitz stated, “By continuing to improperly classify certain hours worked by its employees as eligible for a higher overtime rate, Fleet Management is not only violating Civil Service Regulations but over time this cost will add up and cost taxpayers additional money.”
Page 21 The Public Record • August 21, 2008
Thursday: 6801 Essington Avenue
Saturday: 3201 N. Delaware Avenue
Sep. 2, 2008 • Sep. 9, 2008 Sep. 16, 2008 • Sep. 23, 2008 Sep. 30, 2008
Sep. 4, 2008 • Sep. 11, 2008 Sep. 18, 2008 • Sep. 25, 2008
Sep. 6, 2008 • Sep. 13, 2008 Sep. 20, 2008 • Sep. 27, 2008
Tuesday: 2535 S. Swanson St.
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
page 22
Mary Theresa Dougherty The funeral cortege of Mary Theresa Dougherty ran 200 cars long, necessitating the temporary closing of I-95 and then I-76 as the funeral procession made its way to Holy Cross Cemetery. That turnout was preceded by a two-day viewing at Rodgers Funeral Home in South Philadelphia which saw lines as long as three blocks of people waiting to pay their respects. Mary Theresa Dougherty was the mother of Electricians Union leader John J. Dougherty, Jr. Born and bred in South Philadelphia, she was always proud of the political accomplishments of her sons Judge Kevin Dougherty and John, Jr. In addition to her sons and husband, she is survived by her daughter Maureen Fiocca and eight grandchildren.
(Cont. from Page 9) BARACK OBAMA will reluctantly spread around some street money to the footsoldiers to get out the vote on Election Day in the city. I guess if Obama decided not to spread the cabbage, then there would be no turnout or victory in Pennsy! Who was it that made the famous saying, “Money talks and bull—t walks?” It was former STATE REP. OZZIE MYERS. More interesting was Brady’s calculation Obama must win the city by 500,000 votes in order to win the state. Kerry won by 400,000 and Gore won by 350,000. I get the feeling a lot of Demos who voted for Gore and Kerry won’t
Resales @ The Reserve At Packer Park 2009 W. Reserve Dr. 3BR-2.5BA, Interior Approx. 1600sq. ft. on two Levels. Driveway, Corner Lot, Hw. Flrs Thru-Out 1st Level $399.900.
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vote for Obama, so 500,000 seems like a lofty goal. Trunk Man’s condolences to the JOHN DOUGHERTY family on the loss of their dear
City Hall (Cont. from Page 9) lieves she will generate sufficient new support to overwhelm some of the delegates committed to Obama. In any event, it’s not going to be anything more than a donnybrook. Clinton has promised she will come out with a ringing endorsement of Obama. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate statesmanlike qualities, but it always runs the risk of the rabble-rousers taking over. This promises to be a real gainer for the plain people, since it could very well lead to a unhealed split in the Democratic Party. This has happened before, when the HENRY WALLACE
Waffleman (Cont. from Page 9) wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.” The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, “Momma, how come ALL of grandma’s hairs are white?” The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. “Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, ‘There’s Jennifer, she’s a lawyer,’ or ‘that’s
Public Record Classifieds: PAY HALF Buy below wholesale quality consumer items. All categories. Mention discount code “LC48306.”:
SECRETARY Looking For a fast and efficient legal secretary? Over 25 years experience, will do work on an as needed basis.
Call Renee: 215-549-0465
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SALES Looking For Sales Representatives to sell high quality sterling silver jewelry. Please call 215-549-0465.
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River and duck hunting retreats. Auction is Saturday, August 30 in Clayton, New York. Get property details at or call 800-551-3588 for a brochure. Woltz & Schrader Real Estate Auctions (NY#32SC1115028) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 Machines and Candy all for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027 Hottest Energy Drink Route Available. $40K-/400K Profit Potential Yearly! Turn Key Established National Accounts. Call 24/7 1-888-428-5392 HELP WANTED DRIVER DRIVERS- Martini is hiring Co.
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mother. A real tribute played out in South Philly for her viewing and funeral, which is a real testament to the three children her and her husband
raised. Every one enjoy their upcoming weekend and stay safe. Trunk Man’s heading for the beach!!
people walked out of the Convention and supported a third-party candidate in the election of 1948. Colorado is a great sightseeing state, and the delegates should take advantage of the opportunity to visit Pikes Peak and Mesa Verde National Park. That’s where the cliff-dwellers lived, and it is an interesting curiosity. If you have the time, there is the Painted Desert, Zion National Park, Salt Lake City and the Grand Canyon in close proximity. Of course, you’ll have to stay more than a week to take in these sights. If Philadelphia needs a fresh infusion of tax money, the only new source is the casinos. Is not MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER taking an inconsistent position? He
opposes the opening of the casinos to generate the revenues he needs to fulfill his generous campaign promises. You won’t get new money from the State, because of the Republican-controlled Senate, or from the Federal government because of the Republican-controlled White House. There’s a load of money lying in the tax revenues generated by casinos. You can’t have the best of all worlds. If you go for casinos, you go for improving the infrastructure of the city and the implementing of new programs. If you don’t, you’ll have the standard committee studying problems and making recommendations, none of which includes where the money to solve the problems comes from.
Michael, He’s a doctor.’ A small voice at the back of the room rang out, “And there’s the teacher, she’s dead.” A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, “Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.” “Yes,” the class said. “Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn’t run into my feet?” A little fellow shouted, “Cause your feet ain’t empty.” The children were lined up
in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: “Take only ONE. God is watching.” Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate-chip cookies. A child had written a note, “Take all you want. God is watching the apples.” Ya know, it doesn’t matter how many people you tell about these simple truths, just remember if they made you laugh, your friends will laugh too. Thanks, Anna K.
benefits. Need CDL-A & 3 months recent OTR 800-6358669 WANT HOME MOST WEEKENDS WITH MORE PAY? Heartland’s GREEN MILES program! $.54/mile company drivers and $1.38 for operators! 12-months OTR required. HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1800-441-4953 Drivers- Independent Contractors NE Regional Runs! Home weekly flatbed & Reefer Drivers, Strong Freight Network, Blue Cross Insurance 800-7716318 Drivers- Flatbed Drivers: Get paid for your experience. Regional or OTR, Dependable hometime. Class A-CDL re-
Estate Notices Letters have been granted on the Estate of each of the following decedents to the representatives named, who request all persons having claim against the Estate to present them In writing and all persons indebted to the Estate to make payment to them (unless otherwise noted all addresses being in Philadelphia): And now, this 13th day of May Term 2008, # D08058445 upon the motion of the petitioner Shauna G. Love , it is hearby ORDERED, that a hearing on the petition for minor change of name is Sean Maurice Burch fixed for the 25th of August 2008 at 9:00am in Court Room 2 of Family Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County 34 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All persons interested may appear and show cause if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted.
of The Democratic Party of Vietnam, had been in constant and direct contact with the State Dept., urging them to rescue Ly. In the meantime the Vietnamese Police returned his passport on the afternoon of Jul. 30, telling him he was free to go anywhere in the country or go back to the US. The next day, Ly booked a flight back home to leave Aug. 1. The Vietnamese Police called him at 8 p.m. the night before his flight and asked him to report back to their headquarters that next morning to pick up the cell phone at 8:30. “I said that would make me miss my flight,” he responded. They approved his showing up at 7:30 a.m. That’s when he was asked to sign two pieces of paper. The Vietnamese government wanted Ly to admit he went to Vietnam for the specific purpose of visiting a member of the Democratic Party of Vietnam who was just released from a Vietnamese jail. The primary mission of the Democratic Party of Vietnam is to persuade the Communist Party in Vietnam,
through peaceful means, to recognize the freedoms of the UN Charter and allow multipolitical parties, freedom of the press, religion, beliefs, the right to produce private publications, private proprietorship, and the opportunity for the people of Vietnam to live in a free-enterprise economy with free entry, exit and travel. They wanted him to pledge, upon arrival back in the United States he would not engage in any political activities against the government of Vietnam. He refused to sign and they refused to let him leave that day, moving his date to the 3rd. On the 2nd, he had to report again. He was asked to sign again and he refused again. They said he could not leave on the 3rd as a result, telling him to return to their headquarters on the 4th and he would have permission to leave on the 5th. Again he was asked to sign and again he refused. This time he was told, “You will stay in Vietnam forever!” He called the US Consul Gen. Alfredo D. Barela in
HCMC and told him the situation. They contacted the Vietnamese government, asking, “What are the charges against Mr. Ly?”, adding a request for a date he could leave. He checked every day with them,
Spode Dinnerware
Call 267-259-6654 For price
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and the door closed. He finally left on the 14th. Loi Ma, one of the District Attorney’s staffers assigned to the Vietnamese community, picked him up from JFK Airport Friday night.
Navy Yard Gets Federal Money (Cont. from Page 1) The measure contains $42.57 million for the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. Of that, $22 million is appropriated to construct a state-ofthe-art facility to test full-scale advanced Navy electric drive systems. The remaining $20.57 million is dedicated to renovation projects. The bill also includes $30 million for Willow Grove, for
the construction of an Armed Forces Reserve Center in Montgomery Co. “I am pleased my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee have recognized the valuable contribution these projects will make to our nation’s defense,” said Specter. “The construction and renovation of facilities that support our active and reserve military forces will strengthen our economy and
honor the brave men and women who serve our country.” “The projects are vital to the Pennsylvania’s economic development and the overall security of the United States,” said Casey. “I am pleased the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved this important funding to improve Pennsylvania’s military projects and strengthen our nation’s defense.”
Only N. Philadelphia Shows Drop
(Cont. from Page 2) inventory levels. After rising dramatically over the last several years, the number of homes listed for sale appears to have topped out. After peaking out at over 12,000 units in late 2006, inventories
Public Record Classifieds: 12 Settings (5-piece settings) Herring Hunt (Fox Hunting Scenes) Coffee Pot, Tea Pot, Serving Platter, Sugar Bowl, Creamer etc... Never used
being told by the Consulate no answer had been received. On the 12th, the Consulate told him to book his ticket. Two officers from the Consulate gave him a ride to the airport. They followed him until he boarded the airplane
The Public Record • August 21, 2008
(Cont. from 1) needed since he was an active member of the Democratic Party of Vietnam in America and the American Democratic Party as well. They took him back to their offices and kept him there from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., after which they sent him to a hotel. He was to report back the next day at 8 a.m. That day they kept questioning him until 11 a.m. and then in the afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. This went on for six days. Each day’s questioning was the same. They wanted to know where he had gone while in Vietnam, whom had he visited, and why he was there. He didn’t answer most of the questions, saying, “Those answers belonged to my personal life and it was my business, not theirs.” After the US Dept. of State in Washington, D.C. was advised by the Democratic Party of Vietnam’s California headquarters of his confinement, the State Dept. contacted the US Consulate in HCMC. Dr. Ngai Nguyen, vice general secretary of the Standing Central Committee
Page 23
Committeeman Rejects Vietnamese Threat
have dropped to just under 11,000 units, where they have remained for the past year. Although both inventories and the average time it took for a home to sell remain at historically high levels, both appear to have finally stopped in-
creasing. While these high levels will continue to exert downward pressure on prices, this pressure at least appears to have stopped growing, and may indicate that a bottom — while still a ways off — may be in sight.
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The Public Record • August 21, 2008
page 24