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Jim Stevenson

700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XIII. No. 51 (Issue 621)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record” We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Value 50¢

December 22, 2011

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SINGING in the rain were these youngsters of St. Francis Xavier Church Choir who enthralled viewers at 15th annual dedication of Nativity scene. Crèche can be seen until Jan. 7 at corner of 16th & Arch Streets adjacent to Christmas Village. More pics Page 13

V{âÜv{ V{Ü|áàÅtá cÄtçá WHAT’S Christmas Eve without youngsters reenacting Christmas Nativity Scene in churches around Delaware Valley? Doing so at Christmas Dinner last Sunday were these youngsters from St. Maron Roman Catholic Maronite Church.

General George Washington’s Christmas Prayer General Washington’s Prayer for the USA on Dec. 23, 1783 in Farewell to the Army prior to Christmas Day. “Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. “And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen”

TÇw Z|ä|Çz4 GETTING RIGHT to the point of community service, Santa rode Phila. Independent Towers & Salvors Association towtruck to deliver check for $1,000 to Youth Service, Inc. in Powelton Village. Another picture, Page 34.

STATE SEN. Shirley Kitchen, standing left of Santa Claus, had help from her staff of merry elves in giving out new clothing and gifts to needy youngsters from her district for 15th straight year. Another picture, Page 13

THOUSANDS of new hats, gloves and scarves went to children from homeless shelters as Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown and McDonald’s hosted them at School District HQ, aiming to “make this winter a little warmer for those in need.”

RECEIVING annual truckload of toys purchased and donated by Carpenters Local 8’s Ed Coryell, Jr. is Barbara Leiferst, of Whitman Community Council, 3rd & Wolf. Delivering toys are Carpenters Ed Twiford and John Rowan.

INJURED AT WORK! If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get ALSO OFFICES IN money for thousands of injured workers over PHILADLEPHIA, the last 30 years. MEDIA, LANCASTER Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?

Page 2 The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Campaign Finance

Report As noted in our last two stories on this page, it appears

as though the Delaware River Port Authority Commissioner

Candidate/Committee Total Amount Year Friends of Mike Fisher Committee,Inc. $1,000.00 1998 RIDGE, TOM FRIENDS OF GOV COM$6,000.00 1998 Friends of Mike Fisher Committee,Inc. $5,000.00 1999 LALLY-GREEN, MAUREEN COM TO ELECT JUDGE $250.00 1999 SCHILLER, BERLE FOR SUPERIOR COURT $500.00 1999 SCHWEIKER LEADERSHIP FUND, THE $$1,000.00 1999 Bucks County Republican Committee $500.00 2000 CORNELL, ROY REELECT COM $500.00 2000 Friends of Mike Fisher Committee,Inc. $250.00 2000 HARPER, KATE FRIENDS OF $5,100.00 2000 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2000 LINCOLN DAY DINNER COMMITTEE$225.00 2000 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF $250.00 2000 REP STATE COM OF PA $25,000.00 2000 SALVATORE, HANK FRIENDS OF $200.00 2000 BRIGHTBILL, DAVID FRIENDS OF SENATOR COM $500.00 2001 COHN, RENEE FRIENDS OF $500.00 2001 GPCC PennPAC $1,000.00 2001 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2001 Pennsylvania Future Fund $10,000.00 2001 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF 1,000.00 2001 RYAN, MATT FRIENDS OF $500.00 2001 TILSON, ARTHUR COM TO ELECT JUDGE $150.00 2001 CASEY, ROBERT JR. FOR GOVERNOR $10,000.00 2002 Friends of George Kenney $250.00 2002 Friends of Rob Wonderling for State Senate $3,500.00 2002 GPCC PennPAC $500.00 2002 HARPER, KATE FRIENDS OF $250.00 2002 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2002 KENNEY-KELLER, FRIENDS OF $1,600.00 2002 Pennsylvania Future Fund $10,000.00 2002 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF $5,000.00 2002 Pittsburgh Good Government $11,000.00 2002 RENDELL, EDWARD FOR GOV $5,000.00 2002 CORBETT, TOM FRIENDS OF $15,000.00 2003 Elect Judge O’Neill 2003 $1,000.00 2003 Friends of Brett Feese $2,000.00 2003 Friends of Bruce Castor, Inc. $1,000.00 2003 Friends of George Kenney $800.00 2003 GPCC PennPAC $500.00 2003 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2003 JUDGES 2003 $750.00 2003 Killion Victory Committee $250.00 2003 LINCOLN DAY DINNER COMMITTEE$175.00 2003

The Stealing Season • 215-755-2000

tremely active politically. Today, we examine the contributions Commonwealth-wide of William Sasso, Board

OCONNOR, THOMAS FOR JUDGE COMMITTEE $500.00 2003 ORIE MELVIN, JOAN JUDGE FOR SUPREME CT COM $5,000.00 2003 Pennsylvania Future Fund $10,000.00 2003 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF $1,000.00 2003 PHILA REP CITY COM $500.00 2003 BARASCH, DAVID FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL $500.00 2004 Committee to Elect John Taylor $250.00 2004 CORBETT, TOM FRIENDS OF $1,250.00 2004 Friends of George Kenney $3,000.00 2004 GPCC PennPAC $500.00 2004 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2004 Pennsylvania Future Fund $10,000.00 2004 PEOPLE WITH HART INC 0.00 2004 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF $1,000.00 2004 PHILA REP CITY COM $500.00 2004 Progressive Democratic PAC $2,000.00 2004 STREET, JOHN F. FRIENDS OF $6,000.00 2004 TAYLOR, ELINOR Z CAMPAIGN COM $1,000.00 2004 THOMPSON ROBERT LEADERSHIP COM $1,000.00 2004 America’s Foundation $2,000.00 2005 CORBETT, TOM FRIENDS OF $1,000.00 2005 Friends for Dwight Evans $2,500.00 2005 FRIENDS OF JEFF PICCOLA $400.00 2005 Friends of Rob Wonderling for State Senate $500.00 2005 GPCC PennPAC $500.00 2005 GREENLEAF, CITIZENS FOR $1,000.00 2005 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 2005 MONTGOMERY CO REP COMM $1,000.00 2005 Newman, Sandra Schultz Retain $10,000.00 2005 NIGRO, RUSSELL CAMPAIGN COM $10,000.00 2005 NUTTER, MICHAEL - 2007 $2,500.00 2005 Rafferty, John for Senate $300.00 2005 RENDELL, EDWARD FOR GOV $1,000.00 2005 SENATE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE $10,000.00 2005 THOMPSON ROBERT LEADERSHIP COM$1,000.00 2005 AICHELE, CAROL THE COM $2,000.00 2006 Committee to Elect John Taylor $2,500.00 2006 Friends for Dwight Evans $1,500.00 2006 Friends of Bruce Castor, Inc. $250.00 2006 FRIENDS OF DOMINIC PILEGGI $5,000.00 2006 Friends of George Kenney $750.00 2006 FRIENDS OF TED ERICKSON $500.00 2006 FUMO, VINCENT FOR SENATE $8,500.00 2006 GREENLEAF, CITIZENS FOR $2,920.50 2006 HARPER, KATE FRIENDS OF $500.00 2006

Inside Your Computer By Peter V. Radatti, CEO CyberSoft Operating Corporation It is that time of year again where people open their hearts and wallets. Unfortunately the crooks are standing there with their hands in your wallet and they don’t care about your heart except for what they can steal. Due to the Wild West mentality of the internet, where anything goes and nothing matters except what you can get away with, coupled with the international financial meltdown,

appointees (at least on the Pennsylvania side) are ex-

Route To DRPA

even legitimate companies are looking a little dodgy. This stealing season feels even worse than in the past. It seems like there is no end of scams on the internet, on the phone and in person. Then there is the outright stealing. Some thief gets an attack program on your computer and if you use your computer for financial processing your account is empty, the money moved off shore. If you are an individual, the bank generally will make good your loss. If you are using a nonbank broker, then i’s up to them

as to what they do. If you are a business, then say goodbye. Small businesses generally do not survive a cyber attack of this type. Once the money is drained away, it is never found and the business doesn’t get any back. If you have elderly people ,you need to be especially careful to help them at this time of year. Crooks that use telephone attacks love targeting the elderly. Even some legitimate companies like collection agencies have been playing the edge on what is legally and morally allowed. It is common for someone to call an elderly person and claim they owe money and to then threaten them with anything from jail time to ruination. Even elders who know better will sometimes get bitten

Chairman, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young. He was appointed to the DRPA board by Gov. Tom Corbett in 2011.

HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 JUBELIRER PAC $2,000.00 Killion Victory Committee $400.00 MATTHEWS, JIM FRIENDS OF $2,700.00 MCILHINNEY, CHUCK FRIENDS OF $500.00 PERZEL, JOHN FRIENDS OF $22,000.00 PHILA DEM CO EXEC COM FINANCE COM $2,000.00 SHAPIRO, JOSH FRIENDS OF $500.00 SWANN, LYNN FOR GOV $5,000.00 ARGALL, DAVID VOLUNTEERS FOR$500.00 CORBETT, TOM FRIENDS OF $5,000.00 FARNESE, LAWRENCE FRIENDS OF $1,000.00 FRIENDS OF DOMINIC PILEGGI $1,000.00 Friends of George Kenney $250.00 FRIENDS OF JACK WAGNER $2,000.00 Beiler, Chet for Lt Governor $500.00 Citizens for Pat Browne $1,500.00 GPCC PennPAC $500.00 HORSHAM REP PARTY $500.00 LECHTER, LYNNE FRIENDS OF $1,000.00 Republican Committee of Lower Merion and Narberth $1,000.00 STEPHENS, TODD FRIENDS OF INC $4,303.75 CARLUCCIO, CAROLYN TORNETTA FRIENDS OF $4,822.50 CUNNINGHAM JR., DON FRIENDS OF COM $5,000.00 HOEFFEL, JOE 2010 $2,500.00 MONTGOMERY CO REP COMM $1,000.00 PANELLA, JACK JUDGE FOR SUPREME COURT $1,000.00 POWELL, KEN FOR JUDGE $1,000.00 Committee to Elect Tony Payton Jr $500.00 Friends of Bruce Castor, Inc. $100.00 Friends of Pete Kohut $250.00 GPCC PennPAC $1,000.00 Kampf, Warren Friends Of $250.00 STEPHENS, TODD FRIENDS OF INC $1,990.50 Bucks County Republican Committee $2,500.00 Covey, Anne Com To Elect Judge $250.00 Friends of Bruce Castor, Inc. $250.00 HORSHAM REP PARTY $250.00 POWELL, KEN COM TO ELECT JUDGE $300.00

2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011

(David Lynn maintains an SQL Server database with approximately 12,000,000 campaign finance records. He also provides free software to run political campaigns. Email him at

and give out a credit-card number, social-security number or checking-account number to a stranger on the phone they don’t know. Tack up a reminder next to their phone and have them say the following: “I am not falling for your scam. Do not call here again. If you have anything legitimate to say to me, send it in writing by postal mail.” Then make sure they hang up the phone, call you and do not take any more calls from the individual involved. If the caller is legitimate, they will send a letter. Is it really as bad as I am writing? No, it’s worse. Words fail after awhile. What is happening to you and me is just the tip of the iceberg. Industrial espionage, government against government

cyber attacks, the undermining of our infrastructure in ways that we can’t even imagine because we really have no idea what has been hooked up to the Internet is all below the surface. What is a shame is that a lot of this is self-imposed. Is there any reason why our electrical grid or water supply systems should be hooked up to the internet and thereby available to anyone anywhere in the world? No? Yet it is. Having put out the welcome mat to crooks, spies and cyber attackers of all types, do we do anything to protect ourselves? No! Do you know what the most common password used to protect computers is? The password is “password”. The second most common is “123456”.

The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

such favors and deprives the City and State of fines that traffic violations impose.” This is where we see the kettle calling the pot black. Check our editorial on page 9. Judge Glazer is an obvious fit. Prior to his election as a judge in 1991, he was an Assistant US Attorney in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, serving as Chief of the Frauds Section and Acting First Assistant US Attorney. Now he becomes Castille’s commissar. Sullivan, as Administrative Judge of Traffic Court, was not criticized for his administrative supervision over all the judges of the Traffic Court in the exercise of their jurisdiction as well as the preparation of the proposed annual budget for the Traffic Court and the appointment and assignment of all personnel at Traffic Court. A review of Traffic Court by Chadwick Associates continues. Incidentally, it is a firm well connected in the State’s political circles to both major parties, which means it obviously understands the missions on which it is sent. Castille has ordered all personnel to cooperate with the internal review and the federal investigation and has directed that failure to do so will give rise to appropriate sanction. In the meantime, every judge in Traffic Court has now been tarnished by Castille’s decision.

anti-social. Poor Damon Roberts, Out Of 186th Mix

Attorney Damon Roberts, who has rapidly earned the distinction of being a perennial candidate, made the mistake of anticipating last primary’s promises, vowed to him to get him out of the 2nd Dist. Council race, held credence. He went around on the Nov. 8 general election day introducing himself to polling boards as “the next Representative of the 186th Legislative Dist.,” now vacant as the result of the election of State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson (D-S. Phila.) to the 2nd Dist. Council seat. That mistake is now evident, since the support he thought he had, State Sen. Anthony Williams (D-W. Phila.) and Johnson, are hosting Jordan Harris at a holiday party and cocktail fundraiser tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Tootsie’s, 1314 South Street. Rep. Mike O’Brien Touts New Website

State Rep. Mike O’Brien (D-Kensington) has announced his new website, www.rep-, will be used to help “organize our grassroots movement. Read my blog and leave a comment. Learn about the issues that I have been fighting for in Harrisburg. And check out the various resources available in the 175th Dist. Facebook is the best way to stay in touch with our campaign against the radical right in Harrisburg.” Progressive Summit Coming To City

The Pennsylvania Progressive Summit will be held in Philadelphia this year on the weekend of Feb. 10-12. Michael Morrill, Progressive PA leader, said, “If you’ve been to the Summit, you know it is the most exciting and important progressive political gathering of the year. Dozens of movement-building panels and workshops and op-

Specter Pens Book: Life Among Cannibals

Losing after 30 years in the US Senate was a shocker to


former US Sen. Arlen Specter. So he’s penned a book called Life Among the Cannibals. It will be launched on Mar. 27. Its full title is Life Among the Cannibals: A Political Career, a Tea Party Uprising, and the End of Governing As We Know It. The title comes straight from his farewell speech in the Senate last December – a stinging evaluation of his colleagues. “Collegiality can obviously not be maintained when negotiating with someone simultaneously out to defeat you, especially within your own party,” Specter said then, adding that “eating or defeating your own is a form of sophisticated cannibalism.” The Amazon description of the book says it’s a “revealing memoir” that takes readers behind the scenes in the Capitol, White House and on the (Cont. Page 5)

SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204

Councilman Wm.

Constituent Service Office

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19146 (215) 952-3378 State Rep.

State Rep. Cherelle

William Keller 184th District


Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

1531 S. 2nd Street




Speaking Of Rina Cutler’s Efforts


1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE

State Senator

Senator Tina

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124



Anthony Hardy Williams 8th Senatorial District

2901 Island Ave. Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 492-2980 Fax: (215) 492-2990 Always Hard Working .. . for You! • 215-755-2000

Rina Cutler, the City’s transit czar, long in love with bicyclists, is achieving a reputation for creating traffic slowdowns, following her increasing division of busy traffic streets by bicycle lanes. Shame she is not out more often seeing jams along the north-south arteries as they pass through Center City. Insuring her sway at the City’s Parking Adjudication Center is Jeremiah Connor, a Bostonian, who came from that city with her and became an employee of the Parking Authority which she was hired to lead. We understand he’s been reprimanded once already by his bosses at the City’s Finance Dept. for being summarily

portunities to meet other progressive leaders and activists — and that’s just a small part of what we offer.” Planned for this summit will be the first scheduled debate among the candidates for Attorney General, including all three declared Democrats — Kathleen Kane, Dan McCaffery and Patrick Murphy. Opening plenary will feature State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (one of the Wisconsin 14) and Jim Dean. One thousand are expected. Democracy for America will be providing its extremely popular Campaign Academy with a debate scheduled by declared candidates for Auditor General. Early confirmation has come from State Rep. Eugene DePasquale (D-York).

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

by Joe Shaheeli If State Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald Castille can prove beyond a doubt he has never had outside influences help decide some of the cases over which he has presided in his entire political career, then his removal of Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Michael J. Sullivan as Administrative Judge could be justified. In fact, his administrative actions in his handling of the new judicial building have merited an editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer calling for him to resign. Ignoring the above, appointed Gary S. Glazer, a Common Pleas judge, to take over the administrative chores held by Sullivan. His action came after a review of the operations of Traffic Court that began in September 2011, after the Federal Bureau of Investigation executed search warrants at the Traffic Court chambers and offices, and at homes and businesses related to Judge Sullivan and William Hird, the Traffic Court’s thendirector of courtroom operations. Federal agents also searched the home of former Traffic Court Administrative Judge Fortunato Perri on the same day. While an initial review determined many aspects of the Traffic Court’s operations were sound, it identified a longstanding practice of Traffic Court judges’ accepting external requests for favorable treatment of defendants appearing before them, primarily from political sources. The review found the practice of accepting external requests for favorable treatment was so prevalent it had become institutionalized in the operations of the court and involved administrative staff in addition to the judges. The practice is expressly prohibited by the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct. “In addition to being prohibited by the Code of Judicial Conduct,” Castille said, “the practice of accepting ex parte requests for favorable treatment exposes the court to the enormous risk of money changing hands in return for

Page 3

Castille, The Pot, Says Kettle’s Black At Traffic Court

Page 4 The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Legislature Likes What Has Happened With Red Light Cameras The effectiveness with which the Philadelphia Parking Authority has introduced and expanded the Automated Red Light Camera pilot program has paid off with a major recognition by the General Assembly. State Rep. Rick Geist (RAltoona), chairman of the committee, said his House Transportation Committee has sent legislation to the House floor extending the current Philadelphia Parking

Authority Automated Red Light Camera pilot program until December 2016. The program, which began in 2005, is scheduled to sunset at the end of this year. “We have been proceeding thoughtfully and carefully with this program, and with a good study recommendation from the Transportation Advisory Committee and PennDOT, this extension is proper,” said Geist. “The committee has been bringing

common-sense legislation forward for the full House to consider, and this bill is no exception. The City of Philadelphia does not profit monetarily from this effort and we are not looking to displace police officers. This is purely a safety issue.” Parking Authority Executive Director Vince Fenerty said, “We are pleased the legislature has studied and understood the Automated Red Light Enforcement pro-

gram is designed to improve safety at locations where red light running has been an issue.” The program is expected to no longer be simply a Philadelphia project. Geist said work on expanding the program to other cities is continuing and that he is working with the Senate on such legislation. “I am working with Sen. Dominic Pileggi, who has a bill expanding the ARLE pro-

gram in our committee,” said Geist. “The best legislation comes from cooperation for the best interests of our citizens. I look forward to keeping that effort going.” Geist said the study of the program revealed violations dropped by 48% in the first year, total crashes declined by 24%, enabling legislation had been well crafted, and program funding has been successful. The study recommended continuation of the

program and expansion to other areas of the Commonwealth, but only where engineering and/or accident history justifies it. An additional study independently conducted for PPA had similar findings. Even some of the staunchest critics of red-light cameras agree Pennsylvania crafted a fair program that addressed many, if not all, of their concerns.

Ringside With The Shadowboxer

FORMER MAYORAL candidate Karen Brown congratulates Olympic hopeful Damon Allen after he received the 2011 “Everett Brothers” award. • 215-755-2000

Suspension Cut Philly amateur sensation Damon Allen has been preparing to compete in the upcoming US Olympic Trials. Allen, 19, holds an unbelievable 110-9 record and is considered by many as having a strong chance to make the 2012 US Olympic boxing team that will compete in London. However, Allen recently saw his Olympic aspirations almost end before a single punch was even thrown. The United States Anti-Doping Agency announced that the prized amateur was facing a two-year suspension for using a banned substance during competition, which would have meant he would have been ineligible to compete in the Olympic Trials. Wanting to set the record straight on the circumstances around the suspension, Allen

said, “I had a swollen hand and my grandmother gave me a water pill and I looked on the website to make sure it was safe to take the anti-inflammatory. Water pills were not on the banned substance list, but the correct name was Furosimide”. Furosimide is a banned substance and it came up in the test and the USADA immediately moved to suspend Allen. Allen, who presented the USADA with a sworn affidavit that he thought he was taking a water pill recommended by his grandmother to reduce the swelling in his hand, apparently came across as being forthright and sincere. The USADA cut the suspension to six months, which will end on Feb. 29, 2012, in time for the lightweight to compete in the Olympic Trials.

Joe and Marie McColgan Dr. Marie Appointed

Former GOP Council candidate at large happily reports his wife, Dr. Marie McColgan, has been confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate as a member of the Board of the Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund. The Fund was set up to strengthen families by working with them child abuse and neglect, focusing on family strengths rather on deficits. DePasquale Gets Heavy AG Support

Former City Controller Jonathan Saidel and former Democrat candidate for Governor Dan Onorato are among the well-known Democrat supporters who have come out for State Rep. Eugene DePasquale for

The David Christian for US Senate campaign has appointed former US Congressman Jon Fox to Campaign Chairman for Montgomery Co. Fox has a 30-year political record in Montgomery and served as a US Congressman of the 6th Dist. between 1995 and 1999. He has since gone into private practice as an attorney in Jenkintown, but stayed involved in politics as a member of the Republican Party in Montgomery Co. “Jon is one of the few guys in Montgomery Co. who can travel between the different political circles there. He is a wellrespected leader and I am honored to call him my friend,” Christian said. “He will be a valuable addition to our team and I look forward to him coming on board.” In response to the appointment, Fox stated, “I am proud to support David Christian for US Senate in the State of Pennsylvania. David is the most qualified, dedicated and experienced candidate for the job.” Councilman Bill

]|ÅÅç W|Çà|ÇÉ Green Room 599 GOP

(215) 468-2300

City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930


3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643


Photo by Joe Stivala

The deadline to apply for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) Program is December 31. The PTRR program provides eligible Pennsylvanians with rebates up to $650 based on property taxes or rent paid the previous year. The program is open to residents 65 or older, widows and widowers 50 or older, and people 18 or older who have a disability. The income limit is $35,000 for homeowners and $15,000 for renters; only half of Social Security income is counted. To apply for the program, please visit, visit the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, or call toll-free 1-888-222-9190.

8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020

Ready to Serve you

6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A

SHARING a Christmas moment at 66A gals were Congressman Bob Brady, Bob Dellavella, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz; Shawn Dillon, Lorraine Bednarek, Numa St. Louis, Judge Joe Waters and Mike Fanning.

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


JURY COMMISSIONER Daniel Rendine and Judge Patrick Dugan discuss new legislative districts with State Rep. Mark Cohen at 66A gala. Photo by Joe Stivala

State Sen. Shirley M.

Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave. Suite 104 Phila., PA 19132

215-227-6161 • 215-755-2000


RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District

COUNCILMAN Bill Green THIS TURNED out to be a once-in-a-year brought former 66A Ward Christmas photo with granddad Frank DilLeader Frank Dillon a photo of lon, center, Ward Leader Shawn Dillon, left, Dillon with his Dad, the Mayor. and other members of family. WASHINGTON Savings Bank Martin Bednarek, center, a veteran of primary wars, shares moment with State Rep. Mark Cohen and 61st Ward Committeeman Numa F. St. Louis, who may be Cohen’s primary challenger.

Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539


State Representative

66A WARD LEADER Shawn Dillon, right, welcomes Ward Leaders Lorraine Bednarek, her husband Marty, and Ward Leader Bernice Solomon to his Ward Christmas Party at Fluke’s in N.E.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Fox To Chair Christian Campaign In Montco

Making Merry With Dem Ward 66A

Page 5

(Cont. From Page 3) campaign trail: “He recounts the difficult transition, the unexpected struggles he faced, and his tumultuous campaign and eventual defeat in the 2010 Pennsylvania Democratic Primary.” A more appropriate addition to the title would be “A Former Chief Among Pennsylvania’s Cannibals”.

Auditor General. Included in the group was Pennsylvania Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa. So far, he appears to be the favorite to win the Democrat State Committee nomination. He’s expected to put in an appearance after the holidays in this city to announce more local endorsements. On the Republican side, Chester Co. Treasurer Ann Duke and Pennsylvania State Rep. Paul Maher, from Allegheny Co., have announced, with the possible entry of Joseph Watkins.

Page 6 The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Sen.Mike Stack

Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154 215-281-2539

8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020

2644 LeFevre St. Philadelphia, PA 19137 215-744-5361

cluding members of the FOP and PFT, helped pass out toys and moving along the day’s events. In addition to thousands of toys, 65 bicycles were raffled up.This year, we will be raffling 65 bikes. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell thanked many and especially the Pennsylvania Convention Center; Aramark; The Eagles; Comcast; KeVen Parker Co.; TastyKake Baking Co.; Brandywine Realty Trust; Millennium 3 Management, L. Cruz Development; Pepsi; Drexel University; University of Pennsylvania; Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Linebarger Law Offices; Penn Mutual, Walmart; Fraternal Order of Police; and Philadelphia COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell checks over one of Federation of Teachers. two huge serving lines before opening to over 3,000 who at(Cont. Page 12) tended Convention Hall Christmas Party.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Meet Philadelphia’s undisputed Mrs. Santa Claus, the lady who for the past 14 years, has invited to the Convention Center for a sumptuous dinner and toy giving to over 3,000 of the city’s homeless. And each year they come, the needy families, those living in shelters, street people, and all very grateful to Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell, chair of City Council’s Education Committee and the Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development & the Homeless, for bringing some happiness and cheer to their Christmas season. Helping her were over 50 volunteers who helped serve a meal prepared by KeVan Parker Caterer’s and owner of Ms. Tootsie’s and another 100, in-

Page 7

Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell Hosts 14th Christmas Party For Homeless

LONG TABLES piled high with gifts for boys and girls of all ages stretched length of block-long Convention Hall lobby get last-minute check from Jannie “Mrs. Santa Claus” Blackwell. Every child had a toy and then some. • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

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Our Opinion ... Need Help? Know A Judge!

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

It’s been happening for years: a steady encroachment on the voting rights of the citizens of this city, a continued transfer of power to the courts. Always the announcement of such an encroachment is heralded as a “good government” move. But what it translates into is more power, more dollars, and more appointments within the huge creation, mostly unaccountable, called the Pennsylvania Court System. One such achievement was the takeover and dismemberment of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions by the courts, with an editorial drumbeat by the dailies, forcing the resignation of Clerk of Courts at the time, Vivian Miller. She was literally pressured to resign. Now it’s Traffic Court. The big announcement, imposing a Common Pleas judge over it and removing the authority of the Administrative Judge of that court from Judge Michael Sullivan, can be seen as the first step in winning total control over those elected Traffic Court judges in the running of their courts. Though Chief State Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille, who ordered the move, stated the administration of Traffic Court functions were “sound,” he made the move based on wiretaps garnered by the FBI. Those taps recorded calls made to various judges on their court lines from different political, labor, and community leaders, ward leaders and committeepersons. All they asked was for the hearing officer to give due consideration to the individual coming up before them, verifying their stories. This accusation of unfairness brands Traffic Court Judges, who for years have been the people’s judges in their consideration of traffic violations, as totally under the control of the voting public. Far from it. Ask those who have called, how often their calls have not produced the desired result. We remember one old-time ward leader who used to advise new ward leaders, “Why make a call, when 50% of the time the outcome would be favorable to the individual appearing in court anyway?” Now we ask what makes newly appointed commissar, Judge Gary Glazer, believe he can second-guess decisions made? And what proof do we have he won’t bend to “adjudicate a ticket” in favor of another judge’s request when called by that colleague to intercede on behalf of someone they know appearing in a Traffic Court hearing? And, by the way, why did the Philadelphia Inquirer cease calling for the resignation of Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille, after their stories cited him as being a major player in “who got what” for the new judicial building in town? We don’t mind suggesting to the Traffic Court Judges, from Judge Sullivan on down, they make Christmas and New Year’s gifts to alleged traffic violators by discharging all the cases coming before them during these holidays.

Another Opinion Viaduct NID’s A Legal No-No by Phil Browndeis I am a community activist leading the fight against a tax increase and the imposition of corporate-style rule of our neighborhood. Valerie Russ has written several stories about the struggle against a Neighborhood Improvement District in Callowhill/North Chinatown. Don’t let the name fool you; the majority of neigh-

bors do not want this NID. Mike Cibik, Republican 5th Ward leader, assisted us by offering us his knowledge and contacts in politics and the media. Joe McColgan and Michael Untermeyer agreed with our position and Cheri Honkala testified against the NID at the Oct. 27 City Council hearing. (Cont. Page 36)

Mark Your Calendar

Dec. 22- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown hosts Winter Wonderland Open House at HS for Future, 4021 Parkside Ave., 5 p.m. Clowns, face-painting, magic show, child-safety, constituent services. Santa will come with gifts for children. Free but must RSVP for ticket (215) 879-6615. Dec. 29- Friends of Council Majority Leader-Elect Curtis Jones hosts “Black Out Party” at 4130 Main St., next to Manayunk Brewery, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Dress in black. VIP Cocktail 68 p.m. $1,000 host, $500 spon-

sor, $250 VIP, $50 general admission, guest. For info Dorian Stanley (732) 642-2163. Dec. 30- Kwanzaa Dinner & Show fundraiser to send 50 students to Africa at Imhotep Charter HS, 6201 N. 21st St.,7-11 p.m. Tickets $40; seniors and children under 12, $30. For info Maisha Sullivan (215) 3850214. Jan. 2- Inaugural celebration for Jewell Williams, Sheriff of Phila., at Horizons Rooftop Ballrm., Sheraton Hotel, 17th & Race Sts. Attire: boots and denim, and party gear. RSVP m. Jan. 3- S. Phila. Tea Party meeting at Prudential Savings Bank, entrance from parking lot in rear, 1834 Oregon Ave., 7 p.m. Guest speaker. All invited.

Less Than 20% We had less than a 20% turnout in the November municipal election. If you looked at elections all over the world, one would see that most countries make election day a real holiday to vote. Then people vote. It could be a Sunday, but always a day that would concentrate on getting folks to the polls. Why can’t we do that! What could be more impor-

tant than holidays like Columbus Day to encourage folks to take advantage of the day to go out to vote! Joan Sage

Baffling Christmas Carol There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and espe-

cially the partridge who won’t come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas? From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members

of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. Two turtledoves were the Old and New Testaments. Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. The five golden rings recalled the

Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy. The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits

of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed. Nora Truscello • 215-755-2000

Letters • Letters • Letters • Letters

Page 10 The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Friends Of Wissahickon Grant IBEW Local 98 Gifts $10G To Scholarship Fund

The Friends of the Wissahickon have been awarded a grant of $10,000 from REI to support the Sustainable Trails Initiative, FOW’s multi-year project to make the 50 miles of National Recreation Trails in Wissahickon Valley Park a physically and socially sus-

tainable system that works for all park users. “REI Conshohocken is thrilled to help support stewardship of the Wissahickon’s trails,” says Charles Kline, REI Outreach Coordinator. For 13 years, REI Conshohocken has joined FOW

on workdays in the Wissahickon. These trails are widely used by the public for outdoor recreation and also serve as the outdoor classroom for the Wissahickon Environmental Center environmental education programming.

MICHELLE BROWNLEE Democratic Candidate For

ON BEHALF OF his Electricians Union, John J. Dougherty, business manager IBEW Local 98, presents former police officer Patrick Boyle $10,000 check toward Officer Daniel Boyle Scholarship Fund at Center City restaurant this week. Photo by McGlasson Photography

NOW IN its 20th year, Daniel Boyle Scholarship Fund keeps Dan’s memory alive, and assists families in education of their children. P/O Daniel Boyle was killed in Feb. 6, 1991. Scholarship fund has given out more than 600 scholarships since it started in 1991. Board of Directors was celebrating Photo a $10,000 donation from IBEW Local 98. by McGlasson Photography

Gathering Toys

41st Ward Yule Party

SECOND WARD Leader Ed Nesmith and a committeewoman welcome 1st District Elect Councilman Mark Squilla to their toy drive which gathered toys for 200 children. Nesmith teamed with 22nd Street Café and T.J. Autos in gathering and distributing toys at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Photo by Bob Shipman

FORTY-FIRST Ward Democrat Leader Connie Rogers, 2nd from left, welcomes Councilman-Elect Robert Henon, her ward chairman Robert King and Lisa Deeley, chief of staff of City Controller’s office, to ward’s Christmas Party at Roofers’ Union Hall. Photo by Joe Stivala

195th Legislative District Wish You All A Merry Chistmas & A Happy New Year!! STATE SENATOR



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The 62d Ward and her family mourn the killing of Sarah Gilmore, who was struck by an auto Dec. 16. Ward Leader and Commission Chair Margaret Tartaglione said ,“Sarah and her husband Jack, who passed away several years ago, were extremely active in all ward activities and gave us a feeling of family.” Sarah, whose maiden name was Boyce, was a staff member for outgoing Councilwoman Joan Krajewski and a major help to State Rep. Michael McGeehan. Funeral Mass was held today at St. Vincent de Paul, 654 Hatfield Road, Richboro, Pa. onations may be made in her honor to Amyiodosis Foundation,

THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY New York City weekend – why is it in New York? By tradition. 100+ YEARS AGO Pennsylvanians working and living in the Big Apple wanted to honor their state each year. The awards dinner was selected. This year saw some events go away or downsize. But with over 30 parties in two days, it was the place to be. Friday night saw a super reception for Jack Wagner, our Auditor General – well attended, for the fellow that should have been Governor. Gov. “Corporate” Corbett did appear for moments at various events. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL honored Congressman Chaka FATTAH in the Waldorf penthouse. The Waste Management party is always popular. The COZEN law firm party was jam-packed, and closer than the Arent Fox event which is too far crosstown. On the way back from the 21 Club, we crossed Park Avenue at 49th to the sound of wailing sirens. New York police were escorting Mayor NUTTER around town. Traffic moved aside.... Attendees headed for the BLANK ROME reception, which filled two large rooms this year. Principal event was the SOCIETY’S DINNER with astronaut Guion BLUFORD. The one event that rivals the dinner is Local 98’s. Massive in scope and size. BOB BRADY and Jerry BLAVAT had the spotlight, with Jerry featuring his new book on his life. Early Saturday morning, The UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA competes with the PNC Bank breakfast – both on opposite sides of town. Four law firms host post-dinner receptions. Also the Energy Association. But the event most folks were curious about was the (Cont. Page 36)

When will we see the last of Karen Brown? The Democrat turned Republican Mayoral candidate can’t seem to get enough of the spotlight. Next stop, Judge Judy of course, which is a must for wannabes lacking any scintilla of credibility in the political realm. Seems like this 15 minutes of fame is going into overtime. But at least she had the courage to get out there and run after being “recruited.” Nothing bothers Lucky more than the old “Somebody asked me to run for something so I’m thinking about it because they asked me” routine. Whether we’re hearing this from a prominent former politician or a current officeholder hoping to move up the food chain, we wish they would quit with the phantom recruiters. If you’re going to run, then run! Margo Davidson’s support of a controversial pro-life bill makes sense, given her deeply personal experiences which she courageously discussed in explaining her vote. But Lucky has heard a former backer of Davidson’s is saying she was not expected to get the same support this time out for a fast-approaching primary. The hunt is on for a Democratic replacement. A well-known pastor of one of Philadelphia’s most-prominent churches was seen networking at the Pennsylvania Society Weekend in New York. Although he has hushed rumors that he should consider running against a sophomore City Council member, his attendance speaks volumes! His recent profile boost seems to be part of a well-coordinated strategy to increase his visibility and name recognition. If it is not for a future campaign, what else could it possibly be? His easygoing and friendly demeanor is refreshing. We hope there will be a chance to hear him on the issues. Charity Christmas parties for helping needy families were hosted by at least a score of political leaders all across town, a fitting example this Christmas season.

The redistricting process for Congress and the State Legislature turned into a confusing and amusing fiasco the last two weeks. Under the Senate Republican plan, CONGRESSMAN CHAKA FATTAH now represents the vast majority of Lower Merion. The West Philadelphia Congressman will undoubtedly do a good job, but what does a Philadelphian have in common with the Main Line? But it gets better. CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY has expanded to the Far Northeast. He had a smaller portion of the Northeast in his previous district, but now will be spending more time with the sometimes fragmented, recently more united, always lovable Northeast Ward Leaders. CONGRESSWOMAN ALLYSON SCHWARTZ took on more of Montgomery Co., but maintains a sizable portion of Northeast Philly. But that’s how it all looks on the Republican map. The Republican plan prevailed because they know how to use their majority. The Republicans achieved pure political gain with their large majorities in the State House and State Senate and will likely maintain the majorities without dramatic change. Unsettling rumors swirling in Harrisburg said Philadelphia congressional Democrats were appealing to Republican Senate MAJORITY LEADER DOMINIC PILEGGI to improve their seats. This would have been funny if it was not so tragic. Democratic STATE SEN. TINA TARTAGLIONE broke a tie in committee to allow the Republican plan to get to the floor. Democrats continued their comedy of errors by proposing their own redistricting plan which was worse than the Re(Cont. Page 36) • 215-755-2000

One of my mom’s favorite activities was watching what I like to call “judge shows”. From “Divorce Court” to “The People’s Court” with Judge Mathis, Judge Joe Brown and Judge Alex in between, Mom would sit through a cavalcade of former lovers quarreling over money loaned, mothers and daughters arguing about cars, rent, and other expenses, and roommates parting badly. It is the dregs of small-claims court and it makes me really feel for the folks here in Philly that have to hear these disputes on a daily basis. Since I’ve been recovering from foot surgery, I’ve tried to sit through some of these flights of judicial folly. Most of the time, I can’t get past the back-story relationships of the parties involved … especially since they usually have absolutely nothing to do with the matter before the court. But in a couple of weeks, I’m going to be spending a lot of time with Judge Judith Sheindlin. Known to most as Judge Judy, she’s the standard by which all judge shows are measured. She’s been around the longest and dispenses “justice” with an attitude that would get her disbarred in most places … but works for television. Why? Because she’s going to help settle a little matter left over from Philadelphia’s Mayor’s race. Karen Brown, the most recent Republican to take a beatdown in a Philadelphia Mayor’s Race will appear on an upcoming episode of “Judge Judy” thanks to a lawsuit filed by a former campaign worker. That worker, accountant Stuart London, did the books for Brown’s mayoral campaign before she decided she didn’t like his work and fired him. (Cont. Page 36)

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Yo! Here we go again with this item sent to me by Greg M. He calls it They Walk Among Us! Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: “Free to good home.” For three days the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice. He decided people were too mistrustful of this deal. So he changed the sign to read: “Fridge for sale $50.” That night someone stole it! One day I was walking down the beach with some friends when someone shouted, “Look at that dead bird!” A blonde looked up at the sky and said, “Where?” Another blonde has a lifesaving tool in her car which is designed to cut through a seatbelt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in the car trunk. While working at a pizza parlor, I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into four pieces or six. He thought about it for some time then said, “Just cut it into four pieces; I don’t think I’m hungry enough to eat six pieces.” A noted psychiatrist took the opportunity to ask his class a question: “Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them – which one?’” One of his students thought a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, “Can we have another question please? I must confess I don’t know much about history.” A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he knew that he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny; he drove even slower on the third and a fourth time with the same result. (Cont. Page 36)

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The herd has been visiting a number of watering holes this week. Prior to the election, these events would have been fundraisers, but now are holiday parties. That does not mean that there was no politicking. Last Saturday afternoon, the Young Republicans in conjunction with the Loyal Opposition and the Philadelphia Republican Leadership Council had a holiday party at Liberties on N. 2nd Street. Republican activist KEVIN KELLY, who lives in the area, was instrumental in organizing the event. The party was standing room only. Many of the revelers then moved onto 27th WARD LEADER MATT WOLFE’S Christmas Party in West Philadelphia. Tuesday night, candidate for Council at Large MICHAEL UNTERMEYER held his annual Holiday Party at the Dark Horse. While Untermeyer’s party was sponsored by his business, there were many Republican politicos in attendance, including the local Ward Leader (5th), MIKE CIBIK. Some of the crowd moved onto newly elected COUNCILMAN DAVID OH’S holiday celebration at Drinkers Pub. Oh has been gearing up for next month when he will be sworn in as Councilman. He made a key and great hire in STEWART GRAHAM. Graham works for outgoing COUNCILMAN FRANK RIZZO. Graham represented Rizzo at numerous candidates’ nights prior to the primary. Frequently he was facing anti-DROP crowds that were somewhat hostile to Rizzo, but Graham handled the situations with calm and decorum. The elephant has heard some Republican Council staffers have not been as lucky as Graham. It’s said WARD LEADERS LEN AMODEI (53rd) (Cont. Page 36)

Page 12 The Public Record • December 22, 2011

3,000 Of City’s Needy Hosted By Councilwoman Blackwell

COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell checks in with her staffer Marty Cabry over VOLUNTEERS Keevin Allen and Terrance agendas, which include music, Santa, Eagles Brown were adding more toys to the piles to be given out. mascot and host of family events. • 215-755-2000

WELCOMING incoming guests kept Jannie Blackwell busy (Story Begins Page 7) for a while.

H e n n y Rogers, one of many volunteers, wore uniform of day which said it all.

TIFFANY HELM and Attia Ruder were among many volunteers.

MEMBERS of Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5, join Councilwoman Blackwell at bikes which were raffled to needy youngsters during and after evening event.

BUSY ELVES were still sorting toys up to last minute, to make sure each boy and girl got a toy fit for their age.

CHRISTMAS CRECHE Committee chairman John Barry Kelly addresses crowd in opening ceremony of Nativity scene KNIGHTS Of Columbus members and Sister Paula Beier- at Love Park as Msgr. Arthur E. Rodgers, pastor of Catheschmitt ignore rain shower at 15th annual dedication of dral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, and Committee member Pat Stanton look on. Christmas Crèche.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

SANTA CLAUS, aka Darnell Deems, tells Ramieka Hart where her presents from State Sen. Shirley Kitchen can be found in huge room where Christmas gifts for her family were located. Another pic on Page One.

Page 13

Senator And Santa Dedicating 15th Annual Christmas Crèche

Wishing All Our Customers a Merry Christmas

Store Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-5 Sat: 9-4. Sun: Closed

2024 S. 10th St. 215-468-5363 • 215-755-2000

A tutta la nostra clientela..

Page 14 The Public Record • December 22, 2011 • 215-755-2000

Primary Election Information McGeehan Lauds Tougher Primary Election Apr. 24, 2012 General Election Nov. 6, 2012 This is a closed primary, which means only voters registered with a given party can vote in the primary. Parties may have the option to invite unaffiliated voters to participate. Typically, however, independent vot-

ers are left out of the process entirely unless they choose to sacrifice their freedom of association for the opportunity to have their say in who represents them. Closed primaries may also exacerbate the radicalization that often occurs at the primary stage, when candidates must cater to the “base,” yet the “fringe” of the party are typically more motivated to turn out.

Rules Facing Teen Drivers

State Rep. Mike McGeehan (D-Northeast), Democratic chairman of the House Transportation Committee, is alerting parents and youngdrivers new rules for teen drivers in Pennsylvania go into effect Dec. 27. The new law is named for Lacey Gallagher. The 18-

year-old senior at Little Flower HS was killed on Apr. 28, 2007 when an SUV she was a passenger in crashed on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Soon after the crash, McGeehan was contacted on behalf of Lacey’s parents and asked to help pass legislation that would better protect teen drivers and their passengers. From the start, McGeehan took an active role in the successful campaign to enact Lacey’s Law. The goal of Lacey’s Law is to reduce the alarming number of traffic accidents involving teen drivers. McGeehan said the new law increases the amount of behind-the-wheel training for young drivers, limits the number of non-family passengers teen drivers may have in the vehicle with them and increases seatbelt requirements for teens. McGeehan worked to update the Junior Driver Law through the Transportation Committee and to press for final enactment in the legislature in October. “This has been an ongoing effort to combat the higher risk for accidents among new young drivers,” said McGeehan. “It is not a knee-jerk reaction but is based on the research that shows us what makes the young driver most vulnerable, and driver distraction is a big factor.” According to the American Automobile Association, vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, and studies show that a 16-year-old’s chances of dying in a vehicle crash increase significantly with each new passenger added to the vehicle he is driving. For instance, a 16year-old driving with one teen passenger is almost 40% more likely to die in a crash than if he were driving alone.

Adding another teen passenger increases those chances by 86% and two passengers raises the likelihood by 182%. Teen drivers also increase the risk for other drivers and passengers on the road, McGeehan said. When teen drivers are involved in fatal crashes, two other individuals are killed for every teen driver killed. From 2009 to 2010, fatalities in Pennsylvania in crashes involving 16or 17-year-old drivers increased by 43% We keep seeing tragic stories of teen drivers and schoolmate passengers being killed or badly injured traveling to or from school or to social activities. Teen permit holders must have 65 hours of supervised behind-the-wheel training, up from the previous 50 hours. Ten of those hours must be at night, and five must be in inclement weather. Failure to wear a seatbelt is changed to a primary offense for drivers and passengers younger than 18, meaning the driver can be pulled over solely for that violation. The fine is $75. McGeehan said more information about the new teen driver rules is available online at the State Dept. of Transportation website at

Volunteer For M.L.K Day Philadelphia Cares is looking for volunteers to help flight urban blight on Jan. 16, Martin Luther King Day, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To register call Raymond Gant at (215) 9647627 or send an email to

CAUGHT by camera at Christmas Party hosted by Council President Anna Verna at Galdo Caterers were Council Members Frank Rizzo and Jannie Blackwell and Deb- THOUGH he had a packed house, host Register of Wills Ron Donatucci apologized to all for being late to his annual Christbie Rizzo.

mas gala at Galdo’s. He was late because he was held up by meeting of City Board of Trusts which had just elected him chairman, replacing John Egan, who retired from the Board after 32 years. In photo with him are Ward Leaders George Brooks, Roseanne Pauciello, Matt Myers and Anne Brown, as well as Attorney Michael Fanning. Photo by Joe Stivala

SOUTH PHILLY leaders turned out for Democrat 26th Ward Leader Ron Donatucci’s lively Christmas affair, among them 39B Ward Leader Matt Myers, left, and Councilman-Elect Mark Squilla.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

MAYOR MICHAEL Nutter and Councilman Wilson Goode, Jr. share moment with Councik President Anna Verna’s aide Maryann Mahoney.

Page 15

Council President Hosts Christmas Party Congratulations Chairman Donatucci

Hustling The Parade COUNCILWOMAN Marian Tasco, 3rd COUNCILMAN Brian O’Neill shares a quip from left, enjoys famous Waterfall Room bufwith Councilman Frank DiCicco staffer Nick fet with Sheila Louis, Deborah Johnson, Margaret Wright and, standing, Linda Callan. Shmanek.

WHAT was once free and glorious and drew huge crowds is the Mummers Parade. Its 112th year kicks off with Comics at Broad & Washington, not Broad & Oregon; String Bands from Shunk Street, not Oregon Avenue; Fancies from Broad & Passyunk, not Broad & Oregon. String bands can’t perform except at designated spots; half have industrial buildings lining them; and though most bleacher seats are free, some come with price tags. Best way to watch parade, period, is to go to S. 2nd Street.

COUNCIL President-Elect SHARIF Street’s lady com- OBRA Kernodle III teams Darrell Clarke shares mopanion was his 9-year-old up with Council President- ment with Ward Leader daughter Knight. Elect Darrell Clarke. Roseanne Pauciello. • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000

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131st Anniversary Of The United Republican Club Celebrated

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

OLDEST active Republican Club in nation, United Republican Club, celebrated 131 years at Sheraton Society Hill Hotel. Seen together at event were Republican Chair Vito Canuso, POLITICAL consultant Ken Adams, Ward Leader Mike 55th Ward Leader Chris Vogler and John Cibik, John Marshall, James “Skip” O’Connell were among Photo by Maria Merlino Photo by Maria Merlino many in attendance. Perzel.

SHARING camera op at birthday celebration were 55th Ward Leader Chris Vogler, Carl Ciglar and Philadelphia Parking Authority Executive Director Vince Fenerty.

PPA Employees Donate Toys

GENERAL Council to Republican Party Michael Meehan and L&I expeditor Dominic Aspite talk over old times.

Photo by Maria Merlino Photo by Maria Merlino

Retirees Hosted Christmas Party

NO PARKING tickets will be issued to Santa’s sleigh Christmas Eve as these members of Phila. Parking Authority staff gathered toys donated by fellow employees for distribution by their annual Toy Caravan to needy families.

Have You Done It Yet?

Giving For Goodness Sake PHILA. JOINT BOARD and Workers United hosted its retired community officers Christmas Party at its headquarters in Center City. The retirees are joined, left, by Phila. Joint Board and Workers United political director, Erin Young, and Manager Lynne Fox. Photo by McGlasson Photography

AWARDEES and sponsors of “Have You Done It Yet?”honors at State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson’s Peace Not Guns Initiative Banquet include, from left, James Minacci, Frank Pellicori, Councilman-Elect Johnson, scholarship winner Naheemah Salaam and William Manson. Johnson initiated Peace Not Guns a decade ago to fight against youth violence. HYDIY is initiative’s effort to make youngsters aware of Scholarship opportunities.

FIRST ANNUAL Society of Goalkeepers “Giving for Goodness’ Sake” fundraiser hosted by Communities in Schools brought out Board of Directors. Proceeds go to supporting over 25 youth programs designed to aid academic-scholarship mentoring. Back row, from left, Communities In Schools of Phila. President and CEO Martin Nock; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Kimberly Evans; Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP’s Kim B. Staudt (retired). In front row: President of Strategies for Well-Being, LLC Glenn Ellis, Sr.; and Hon. Levan Gordon (retired), Court of Commons Pleas First Judicial District of Penna. Photo by Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography

The City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia International Airport, is requesting PROPOSALS for “ON CALL PROJECT/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT”. All proposals are to be submitted to by 5pm JANUARY 20, 2012 and also as directed in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. Interested firms are invited to download the rfp directly from (click under “eContract Philly”) or request the RFP by email to . • 215-755-2000


The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Page 28

Clarke Brings Santa To Strawberry Mansion

COUNCIL PRESIDENT-Elect Darrell Clarke made it a merry Christmas this year for 25 chil- CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY for these dren living in Strawberry Mansion section of good girls and boys of Strawberry Man5th Councilmanic Dist., thanks to a partnership sion. Councilman Darrell Clarke urges with engineering firm CH2M HILL. Clarke children to keep up schoolwork -- so Santa joined members of CH2M HILL, who pur- comes again next year. Looking on are chased bicycles, and helped distribute them at CM2M HILL representatives Chris Peluso Mander Rec Center, 33rd & Diamond Streets. and Chris Thomas. Photo by McGlasson Photography

Photo by McGlasson Photography

Laborers Treat Youngsters At Yule Time • 215-755-2000

OVERSEEING Xmas festivities were, from left, Laborers District Council agent LABORERS threw holiday party for children at Jesse Hugee, Congressman Bob Brady’s their union HQ on Wallace Street. Magician en- aide Ducky Birts and LECET administratertained throng of enchanted youngsters. tor Juan Ramos.

SHEILA HARRIS, right, a resident of 500 block of S. Conestoga Street, accepts meal from Inner City Chef Mike Evans, left, and Michael Nixon, block captain and president of Conestoga Street Neighbors Association. The two teamed up to provide food for more than 50 neighborhood senior residents to celebrate Christmas season.

TEAMSTERS Local 830 President Dan Grace, right, and his officers hosted their annual Christmas party for members’ children. Santa was ready with plenty of gifts. Union officers on hand were VP Chuck White; Glen Fulcher, Secretary; and Trustees Jack O'Rourke, Jim Brown and Tony Photo by Joe Stivala Mastrome.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

STATE SEN. ANTHONY H. WILLIAMS presents Julius Jackson of Yeadon, an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II, with a Senate citation in gratitude for his service to our country prior to a Dec. 8 Senate panel discussion on workforce solutions for returning service members. Jackson was one of the trailblazing Tuskegee Airmen, first African American military aviators in US Armed Forces.

On Conestoga Street Local 830 Brings In Santa

Page 29

Williams Salutes Tuskegee Airman

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Attention All Mummers! WECCACOE CDC

Page 30

Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

We are a debt-relief agency 1500 Walnut Street • Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19102


The Family Court of the State of Delaware, In and For New Castle. Notice of Termination of Parental Rights Action. To: Unknown Father “Octavio”, From: Confidential Clerk of Family Court Adoptions from the Heart, Petitioner, has brought a civil action (Petition number 11-37421) against you to terminate your parental rights of your minor female child, born: 10/27/2011. A hearing has been scheduled at the Family Court, 500 N. King Street, Wilmington Delaware, on 1/27/2012 at 9:30 a.m. If you do not appear at the hearing, the Court may terminate your parental rights without your appearance. If you wish to be represented by an attorney in this matter but cannot afford one, you my be entitled to have the court appoint an attorney to represent you for free. For more information, please contact the confidential clerk at family court, (302) 255-0244. Superior Court of Arizona In Maricopa County - Case# JS 506837 • 215-755-2000

In the matter of Jaylee Jenai Davis-Wallace. Notice of initial Hearing on petition for termination of parent-child relationship. Notice is hereby given that the petitioner Rena A. Wallace has filed a Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship with the Juvenile Court in Maricopa County regarding the above named child or children and Rachanna Davis & John Doe. An initial hearing has been set to consider the petition on February 7, 2012 at 9:00 a. m. before Judge David K. Udall at the Maricopa County Court located at: Southeast Facility; 1810 S. Lewis Street; Mesa, AZ 85210. • You have a right to appear as a party in this proceeding. • Request for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the office of the Judge or commissioner assigned to the case, at least ten (10) days before your scheduled court date. • The failure of a parent to appear at the initial Hearing, the Pretrial Conference, the Status Conference or the Termination Adjudication Hearing may result in a court order terminating the parent-child relationship of that parent. • Failure to appear at the Initial Hearing, Pretrial Conference, Status Conference or Termination Adjudication Hearing, without good cause, may result in a finding that the parent, guardian or Indian custodian has waived legal rights and is deemed to have admitted the allegations in the Petition. • The hearings may go forward in the absence of the parent, guardian or Indian custodian and may result in the termination of parental rights based upon the record and evidence presented

Leaping For Health Time For Your Holiday Stretch Have the holidays left you with muscle pain? It’s common! “Generally speaking, gentle stretching of the impacted muscle groups will reduce the stiffness and improve flexibility,” says Phil Nicolaou, fitness expert. For example: For a stiff neck, do some “rolling” exercises – move the neck sideways, trying to touch each shoulder with the ear. Then bend the neck forward, extending it until the chin is tucked all the way. Even though you may not be carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, you might still be feeling some pain in that area. Shoulder rolls, shrugs, and squeezes will relax those tight muscles. Untreated, lower back pain can really sideline you, but a series of “cat” and knee-to-

chest stretches, as well as pelvic tilts, will bring some relief. Your feet are likely bearing the grunt of your excesses. Toe raises and curls, as well as ankle circles, will not only relax tired feet, but also make sure that you have two strong legs to stand on. While these measures will help loosen the muscles right now, the focus should be on preventing this kind of discomfort from happening in the future, Nicolaou notes. “Regular resistance and range-of-motion exercises will strengthen all the muscle groups, as well as keep joints and ligaments supple and flexible,” he says. “This way, they won’t be as prone to aches and pains as weakened muscles.”

Happiness Possible Through Bankruptcy Don’t get a consolidation loan Bankruptcy will improve your credit

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HEALTH PARTNERS held holiday Well Party. Hundreds lined up for fun, important wellness information and photos with Santa Roo, Health Partners mascot. From left are Bill George, Health Partners CEO; Santa Roo; Celine Vasquez of N. Phila.; and Chi Dang, Health Partners outreach specialist. Front, Jaliah Tomoney, Najia Colon, Charlize Colon and Amirah Tomoney, all from N. Phila.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: How to miss out on discharging credit-card debt. Answer: Somewhere in our recent past, the holiday season became the shopping season. Lots of people in financial trouble hang on through the holiday season before taking up bankruptcy as part of the New Year. If bankruptcy may be in your future after the holidays, it pays to know how credit card debt is treated in bankruptcy. Welcome to the short list of ways

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to miss out on discharging credit cards in bankruptcy. In the typical bankruptcy, credit cards make up the largest part of the unsecured debt. The basic premise in bankruptcy is that unsecured debt is dischargeable unless it appears on the list of non-dischargeable debts in § 523(a). As the heading to the statute says, non dischargeable debts are exceptions to the rule of dischargeability. There are two basic ways to blow your chance to discharge the balance on your credit card in bankruptcy: 1) Lie on the credit application to get the credit 2) Use the card fraudulently If credit was granted to you on the basis of a false application, there’s a risk the entire balance on the account could be non dischargeable. Suppose you misstated your income, assets or employment status to look more creditworthy. Those misstatements fall within the exception to discharge for debts created in reliance on a false statement in writing. Practically, I’ve only seen this kind of challenge once in 31 years of bankruptcy practice. The card application was submitted within months of the bankruptcy filing and the entire picture of the applicant in the application was a fabrication. Next Week’s Question: Another way to miss out on discharging credit-card debt.

number of less-than-healthy compounds. Nasty stuff like mercury (one of the most poisonous metals in existence), PCBs, dioxins, pesticides and herbicides. In his new issue of the Blaylock Wellness Report — Eating Fish: What You Need to Know — he discusses the dilemma: Should you eat seafood for the health benefits of the omega-3 oils, or should you avoid it because of the health-destroying effects of mercury and other compounds it contains? Even Dr. Blaylock agrees on the importance of omega-3 oils, the healthy oil found in seafood. He’ll tell you that omega-3 has been associated with dramatic reductions in heart-related deaths, strokes, cancer, and arthritis pain. Yet, is it really safe to eat more fish — and if so, which fish are safe? According to Dr. Blaylock, you can’t count on government agencies like the FDA (which regulates commercial seafood) and the EPA (which regulates fish from sports fishing) to protect you. He says they don’t share their concerns over contaminants with us — the general public — through the media or through public alerts. Why? Because they tread a

very thin line trying to protect the public, while at the same time not wanting to destroy the seafood industry. After all, commercial fishing is our nation’s oldest industry, and also the world’s last remaining industry for a truly wild food resource. Unfortunately, independent studies have shown methylmercury (the type of mercury

Allan K. Marshall, Attorney 1819 JFK Blvd Suite #400 Near 19th & Market Phila., PA 19103

215-569-1944 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM)





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cases where gums have pulled away from the teeth and leave teeth with root surfaces exposed, notably in the elderly. Toothpicks date back to 3,500 BC when the earliest known oral-hygiene kit featuring a toothbrush was found at the Ningal Temple in Ur. In the Old Testament, it is written that “one may take a splinter from the wood lying near him to clean his teeth.” Today, most toothpicks in the United States come from “toothpick trees” in Maine. The tree is a white birch. Dentists can tell when they have a habitual toothpick user in their dental chair. There are the tell-tale signs of toothpick marks. So use them if you have too, but don't make it a habit. Brush and floss instead.



Be Careful With Toothpicks by Dr. Fred C. Haddad, DMD Most dentists agree toothpicks should be used sparingly as a method of teeth cleaning and should never be considered a substitute for brushing teeth and flossing. Fact is, they should be used only when a toothbrush or floss is not available, for example, when you are in a restaurant and have food trapped between teeth. Toothpicks used overzealously can damage tooth enamel, lacerate gums, and even cause a broken tooth in severe cases. People who have bonding or veneers can chip or break them if they aren’t careful. Overly aggressive use of toothpicks can severely wear the roots of teeth, especially in

found in seafood) is highly toxic to many of your organs and tissues — and especially to the developing brain of fetuses and newborns. And mercury tends to accumulate in fatty parts of the body (your brain is about 60% fat) and remain for decades. Mercury triggers chronic brain inflammation and plays havoc with your immune system.

ATTORNEY Will Help You Get A Business Loan

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Have you fallen hook, line and sinker for fish? Fresh, frozen and canned — collectively, we eat 4 billion pounds of fish each year. Fried, grilled, blackened, in sushi, in fancy restaurants or in fast-food joints. And of course, our kids love their homemade tuna sandwiches and tuna casserole. In addition to fish, seafood consumption in general continues to rise. We love it all — shrimp, lobster, scallops, clams, oysters, and crab. Perhaps that’s because of the messages we get about eating fish and seafood. What have you heard or read about eating fish? You read in the popular press about the many virtues of eating fish. The director of the government’s NOAA Fisheries Service, Bill Hogarth, says, “Seafood is a safe and healthy food choice for all Americans….” And the American Heart Association suggests you eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids two times a week to keep your heart healthy. So what’s the problem? According to Newsmax medical editor Dr. Russell Blaylock, the fish (and some of the seafood) you’re eating may contain high levels of a

Page 31

How Healthy Is Your Fish Dinner?

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Page 32

Baker’s son, ‘Top Chef’ winner, opens Sbraga by Len Lear Not too many young chefs have a resume as impressive as that of Kevin Sbraga. The 32-year-old native of Willingboro, N.J., a baker’s son who trained at the prestigious Johnson & Wales Culinary School in Rhode Island, worked for a triumvirate of Philly’s top restaurateurs starting in 2004. Obviously Georges Perrier, José Garces and Stephen Starr all saw a budding star in Sbraga, who worked for Perrier at Le Mas in Wayne, for Garces at Tinto, Chifa and Distrito, and for Starr at Washington Square and Rats, a French restaurant in Hamilton Township, N.J. At one point he also directed the kitchen at the Ritz Carlton

Philadelphia. But as impressive as all of that is for a young chef, none of it garnered as much attention for Sbraga as the fact that in June of 2010, he was named the winner of the seventh season of “Top Chef,” the TV show on the Bravo Network. His prizes were $125,000, a spread in Food & Wine magazine and a showcase at the magazine’s annual event in Aspen, Col. He also won the “Best Meat Presentation” in the 2008 Bocuse d’Or USA culinary competition. After winning the Top Chef prize, it was inevitable that Sbraga would be opening his own restaurant rather than working in someone else’s kitchen and being restricted by someone else’s concepts. “All my life I’ve known I wanted to have my own restaurant,”

said Sbraga. And on Oct. 15 of this year that inevitability became a fact when Kevin opened Sbraga, a 65-seater at 440 S. Broad Street (at Pine) in the Symphony House. Previously in that location was Chu Man Chew, an Asian restaurant that I liked, but apparently no one else did. The Inquirer’s Craig LaBan gave it his kiss of death, his infamous “No-bell” prize. The restaurant lasted about as long as a touchdown. Sbraga’s new eponymous restaurant is a 65-seat affair. A local design firm used reclaimed Douglas fir wood slats from an abandoned textile mill in Fishtown to panel the restaurant walls. Edison-style antique lighting gives the space the appeal of a street-side cafe. The seats are comfortable, so you might say they have “good vertebrations”. And Kevin himself is the cynosure of the open kitchen.

Sbraga offers a $45, four-course menu, with several choices for each course, which includes dessert selections created by Kevin’s wife, pastry chef Jesmary Sbraga. “My cooking style is about redefining American cuisine,” said Kevin. “I’m constantly inspired to present the familiar in an unfamiliar way.” A chef’s tasting ranging from eight to 10 courses is also available, and menu items are available a la carte at the bar. Wine pairings with each menu item are offered ($30 for four), but most of the wines had not yet been delivered during our visit, just 11 days after the opening. Most of the food we tried was most impressive. Flavors are bold and distinctive without being overbearing. The bread popovers served before the meal were so warm and flaky, I would eat them off a flip flop. An eggplant terrine appetizer was a delightful marriage of flavors and textures, but the black garlic was the hero of the dish. Arctic char (like butter) with celery root and bearnaise sauce, and a fork-ten-

Len Lear der black cod with bok choy and kim chee were both marquee dishes, sophisticated but simple and savory. A duck dish with lentils and grapes was “responsible”, one might say. (Just before Thanksgiving, I checked to see what other diners have been saying about Sbraga. Of the 18 customer reviews posted, 14 gave Sbraga either four or five stars. Of the first 25 customer reviews on, 24 gave it four or five stars. I just could not bring myself to read all 90.) Because of the stratospheric rents on the Avenue

of the Arts, I can hardly blame Sbraga for jamming as many customers as he can into his small space, but we were so close to the diners on either side of us I could practically hear them breathing. On one side were two 25-ish women discussing their recent dates (believe me, we were not trying to eavesdrop, but we could not help but hear every word), and on the other side was an engineer (with three companions) whose cell phone rang five times within an hour. I now know much more about his co-workers than his boss does. (When is some courageous restaurateur going to write on his/her menu: “Turn off all cell phones, please!” as they do in movie theaters?) I expect Sbraga to be huge with the pre-theater crowd. It is literally just steps from the Kimmel Center and Academy of Music. Dinner is served (no lunch service) at Sbraga every evening but Sunday. More information at (215) 7 3 5 - 1 9 1 3 , or, on Twitter, @SBRAGA_dining.

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this week. Efficient, skilled International Longshoremen’s Association members immediately moved fruit into dockside ware-

Firefighters Say No To EMS Force Transfers Fire Fighter and Medic Union President Bill Gault met with members and staff of Philadelphia’s City Council to seek a delay in implementation of the City’s proposed mass transfer of all Emergency Medical Service personnel, the City’s medics. Gault stated, “This proposed change is being implemented against the wishes of the vast majority of medics. It is being implemented before any service-impact study is undertaken or concluded. It is being implemented only a few weeks after Controller

Butkovitz released a study saying that, even prior to the problems resulting from this massive disruption, Philadelphia EMS did not meet industry standards.” The Fire Dept. contends “75% of the EMS involved will be reassigned to sites to which they had agreed or had asked for when polled by the Department.” Gault contends to move all at one time will forcibly change for many their medic partner with whom they have developed life-saving routines, and will disrupt the routines

BORDERS, LANGUAGE, CULTURE From Music to Noise Part 54/60 Look to the TV station that opened doors Philadelphia's WFIL at 46th and Market Streets.

Before Rock n' Roll Hit the main stream Popular music embraced European roots.

Look to the Arena's property owner Triangle Publications As exhibitors.

After the transition Common pop music Featured the drum Idealized in Africa.

Apex of the triangle Lies its publisher/owner Ambassador Walter Annenberg Orchestra philanthropist.

Do not look to Dick Clark and 'American Bandstand' As national conduits.

Look to crony capitalism Look to Walter and friends For America's inventive export To the world. 12.4.11

downs at ER rooms, where paramedics have longstanding working relationship with doctors and nurses in their current locations. The potential for disruption and negative impact on patients is significant, with no apparent upside.”

FIRE FIGHTER & MEDIC UNION President Bill Gault met with members and staff of Philadelphia’s City Council this morning to seek a delay in implementation of the City’s proposed mass transfer of all Emergency Medical Service personnel, the City’s medics.

Footnotes: 1. NOISE: (L. nausea) 1. a) loud shouting; clamor; din. b) any loud, discordant or disagreeable sound or sounds. --Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, College Edition, 1966

2. During his presidency, Hon. Ronald Reagan spent New Year celebrations with Walter Annenberg Mr. Annenberg. Amid this era, RAP and Hip-hop culture swelled, and blossomed.

—Nicola Argentina (c) 2011 “You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania”

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937 • 215-755-2000

Stating the obvious Is sometimes scarce Everyone loves music But it is, what it is.

of their families and children. He noted what disturbs his members most is the fact there is no rational reason as to why this is being done as they ask what service it improves. The Fire Dept. has never done a mass rotation of employees before. There is a history of smaller-scale rotations of officers, but nothing approaching this level. Gault said the Fire Dept. claims the mass rotation is being done to give steady night-shift people a break. “But many steady night people want to remain on nights,” he stated, “and the 20 or so who wish to move to days can be accommodated into current daytime vacancies via the normal process. There is no need for the mass rotation.” The Firefighers Union feels mass medic rotation will place virtually every paramedic in a new part of the City at the same time. Gault added, “We expect major service delays due to unfamiliarity with streets, etc. We also expect service break-

houses for processing and eventual delivery to region’s supermarkets and other vendors. Officials of Phila. Regional Port Authority expect abusy, productive fruit season from now until spring, resulting in substantial jobs and other economic impact for the region, as well as excellent fruit products in area stores. Tioga Marine Terminal, which has been handling fruit from Chile for more than 30 years, is owned by PRPA, an agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and operated by Delaware River Stevedores, Inc.

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

REFRIGERATED breakbulk vessel Centaurus delivered first shipment of winter fruit from Chile to Tioga Marine Terminal

Page 33

Fresh Fruits Of Season Arrive In Port

Page 34 The Public Record • December 22, 2011 • 215-755-2000

Dougherty Hosts First Ward Christmas Party

IBEW INTERNATIONAL VP - 3rd Dist. Donald C. Siegel was guest of honor at 1st Ward Christmas Party in Center City. Here he is joined by IBEW Local 98 Business Mgr. - 1st Ward Leader John J. Dougherty.

1ST WARD LEADER John Dougherty hosted Christmas Party for committeepersons and supporters in Center City. Among crowd enjoying the yuletide celebration are, from left, Councilman-Elect Mark Squilla, Finnigan’s Wake proprietor Mike Driscoll, Councilman at Large Bill Green, Dougherty and Judge Joe Waters.

Photo by McGlasson Photography

Photo by McGlasson Photography

JUDGE-Elect Charlie Ehrlich, Angelo Foglietta, N.E. Phila. Ward Leaders Robert ENJOYING Xmas revels are Kevin Price, Dellavella, John Sabatina, Sr. and Judge Joe Hanneef Nelson and John Tart with host Waters enjoy 1st Ward Christmas party. John Dougherty. Photo by McGlasson Photography Photo by McGlasson Photography

Wolfe Sets Yule Party Standard

Ho Ho Ho, Cash In Tow

PLACE to end Republicans’ evening was 27th Ward Leader Matt Wolfe’s parkside home in University City, where city’s liveliest elephants gathered. From left, host Wolfe chews fat with insurance man Jay Borowsky and political scientist Nathan Shrader. PARK ACTIVIST Darryl Stovall and Party activist (and hostess) Denise Furey put their heads together at Matt Wolfe’s jumping Christmas Party, where Republicans from across city and W. Phila. neighbors mingled with Yuletide abandon.

MONEY is lifeblood for needy service agencies like Youth Services, Inc., lucky recipient of $1000 donations from Phila. Independent Towers & Salvors Association. From left are PITSA President José Giral, Santa Claus, YSI Executive Director Gwendolyn A. Bailey, PITSA VP Charlie Norton and PITSA Director Joe Parente.

Family Dodge Marks 18th Year Gift Giving

MARKING their 18th year as participants in US Marine Corp Toys for Tots Drive, Family Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge’s Greg Gentile, left, and Paul Sottile, right, hand over some of many toys gathered at their S. Phila. Airport Automall dealership to Cpl. Adam Huff and Sgt. William Simpson.

Laborers Treat Youngsters To Gifts And Show

MAKING spirits bright at GOP 27th Ward Leader Matt Wolfe’s Christmas Party were, from left, elf emeritus Don LABORERS threw holiday party for children at their union Carter, 5th Ward Leader Mike Cibik and his elegant escort HW on Wallace Street. Magician entertained throng of enMonica Dymek. chanted youngsters.

OVERSEEING Xmas festivities were, from left, Laborers District Council agent Jesse Hugee, Congressman Bob Brady’s aide Ducky Birts and LECET administrator Juan Ramos.

YRs Gary Feldman and Ward Leader Joe DeFelice chat outside Liberties, which was packed all evening with celebratory Republicans of rising generation, looking forward to great things to come.

NORTHERN LIBERTIES was magnet for upcoming Young (and formerly young) Republicans last Saturday, among them, from left, business leader Al Taubenberger, boxing activist Fred Druding, Jr., columnist Adam Lang and new star Commissioner-Elect Al Schmidt.

Evers Throws ‘Court Record’ Christmas Wingding

SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Seamus McCaffery was a magnet for other party-goers who yearned to be photographed with him alongside host Prothonotary Joseph Evers, who throws most-sumptuous Christmas party in City Hall each year.

HOST PROTHONOTARY Joe Evers, right, welcomes IBEW political guru Brian Stevenson, center, and Leonard Armstrong to his party in City Hall Law Library.

GREETING throngs of jurists and staffers who lined up 50 deep to pass Prothonotary’s sumptuous holiday buffet were staffers Darrel Young, Stanley Chmielewsky, Holly Clifford and Kevin Cross.

DAN RENDINE and Judge Pat Dugan share companionable moment in Law Library, where jurists, attorneys and City Hall staffers flock to Prothonotary Joe Evers’ annual holiday buffet.

DEPUTY Prothonotary Stanley Chmielewski shares a Yuletide moment with attorney Vito Canuso of Republican City Committee.

Irish Society Christmas Party Assessors Party For Christmas

Oh At Asian CC

OFFICE of Property Assessment held tannual holiday party IRISH SOCIETY Christmas Party at Finnigan's Wake Pub in Swan Caterers’ Waterfall Room. City department was brought together, from left, Anthony Melchoire, Esq.; So- formerly known as Board of Revision of Taxes. Above Suciety President John Dougherty, Mary Fogg, and Mike pervisor Lydia Johns and Sam Mattaway enjoy a line dance. Driscoll, Finnigan’s owner. Photo by Joe Stivala Photo by Joe Stivala

COUNCILMAN David Oh touched base with Asian American Chamber of Commerce and Chinese Restaurant Association dignitaries at Imperial Inn, living up to his promise to be of service to all. With him are Narashima Shenoy, president and CEE of Chamber and Mary Faustino, Programs Director.

Denny On Avenue

Paul Levy Honored

GATHERING at Greater Phila. Chinese Restaurant Association and Asian American Chamber were Trooper Brian Chen, Hung Lam, Mabel Chan, Yingzhang Lin, Steven Mac and Wing Yum Lau. • 215-755-2000

PAUL LEVY, president of Center City District, received Wanamaker Building Award for Civic Leadership at its LONG-TIME community activist Billy Denny, VFW Post 100th Anniversary Reception. Congratulating Levy are, commander, marks 2nd anniversary of his popular shop Sir from left, Carl Cherkin, VP of Philadelphia Union (soccer); William Art & Collectable Gallery at 1912 E. Passyunk Av- Levy; Charlie Pizzi, former CEO of Tastykake; and Bill enue. For unique gifts call (215) 334-1905. Whitmore, CEO of Allied Barton Security. Photo by Bonnie Squires

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

GATHERED at Liberties were Young Republicans marking Christmas season. In this photo, from left, are Steve Odabashian, Kristin Boc, YR Chair Steven C. Boc, political-outreach maven Barry Scatton, Vice Chair Phil Innamorato, Pamela Warren and Events Chair Jennifer Fair.

Page 35

Young Republicans Draw Crowd To Liberties

The Public Record • December 22, 2011

Page 36

Walk Beat (Cont. From Page 11) MARCELLUS SHALE COALITION in the Westin Hotel (invitation only and a magnificent event). All as the Inquirer says fracking may pollute water in Wyoming, and in one local community. The Economist says fracking DOES cause earthquakes. Temple University and Wells Fargo close the weekend with a Sunday breakfast…. The weekend’s busiest people were CAROL FITZGERALD, Pennsylvania Society executive director; HUGH LONG, Wells Fargo regional president; and John DOUGHERTY, labor leader extraordinaire. REGISTER OF WILLS Ron Donatucci was late for his office Christmas Party. We found out why. He was elected Chairman of the Board of City Trusts! Bestowing this powerful post on Ron is easily seen by those who have profound, professional respect for his performance in government and business. Ron will no doubt get more praise for Central HS, for having earned the titles of “living legend” and “fiscal fiduciary extraordinaire”. Bravo to Ron from the

Public Record! STATE SEN. LARRY FARNESE’S becoming 8th Ward Leader increases his clout. Stephanie Singer is proof it is an important tool to rise up with.... ASKING a RETIRED Police Captain lose his pension due to his arrest in New York City with the Occupy people is a bit too much. DEPARTURE of a School District official over pay allegations: It is not too much to say: Begone for all you have done. Here is hoping the door does not hit you on the way out.... MONTCO DA Risa Furman should have sent the Matthews case upstairs to avoid the questions it has raised. In Philly this would currently not have happened. Here is a MONTCO matter for the Committee of 70 to look into it. Let’s see what they do. DEREK GREEN, Esq. had a 41st birthday. This capable aide to Councilwoman Marian TASCO is a valuable person to know. Best wishes!... THE LIFE AND TIMES of Jersey City Mayor Frank Hague – I Am the Law was just released. This book, written by Dr. Leonard Vernon of Laurel, N.J., describes the Mayor who ruled from 1917-47, and

made his city modern. In his distinctive bowler hat at an $8,500 annual salary – he amassed $10 million. A good read. PEOPLE are talking of the WALMART RETIREMENT PLAN, which offers its retirees a plan some say can replace social security, 401(k)s, IRAs, and other pension plans.... VINCE FUMO, as of last Friday, was in Atlanta, Ga. on a long trek back to his incarceration in Kentucky. He has been on the road since the sentencing hearing. Word is that he was in Oklahoma, then Florida. They transport you on a bus in chains around the country. It is said you are fed baloney sandwiches. (Difficult to eat with chains). One rumor is one inmate did not get back to his cell for a year! This system is additional punishment. Since the Bureau of Prisons is not part of the prosecution, why do this? It is not cost-efficient to the taxpayer, and seems mean-spirited. It can impact the health of inmates, who might later sue. This, in the USA of 2011? If you want to track Fumo, go to BOP.COM, and click “inmate locate”. Reprehensible. And nary a peep from his media attackers(?).

Get an Insider’s Look at Politics in Philadelphia • 215-755-2000

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City Hall (Cont. From Page 11) publicans. Had they simply stood pat and criticized the Republican plan, they may have garnered more Republican votes. But once again, they fumbled. Watching the Philadelphia Senators in Harrisburg, it’s understandable why some legislators run for City Council. There was a still a chance for

Elephant (Cont. From Page 11) and BILL IVERS (61st) were informed they would not be on Council’s staff next year. This elephant heard Armstrong Co. Republican businessman TOM SMITH was making the rounds in Philadelphia looking for support for his race to be the Republican candidate to run against and hopefully defeat SEN. BOB CASEY next November. Smith was rumored to have meet (of course separately) with both factions of the Philadelphia Republican Party. Smith has retained Cold Spark Media to help manage his campaign. Cold Spark was recently started by MARK HARRIS, who was

Out & About (Cont. From Page 11) But London said Brown owed him $800. She said she wouldn’t pay it. He took her to court. They ended up in front of Judge Judy. (I should note Judy won the right to air this grievance after competing with Judge Mathis and Judge Joe Brown for the honor, or at least that’s what Brown told the folks at WHYY’s Newsworks.) O-tay…. Now, where shall I start? I have to wonder if this is the way campaign-finance disputes are going to be settled from now on. If a candidate owes you money, you can take it to Judge Mathis, or Judge Alex … or go straight to Marilyn Milian at “The People’s Court”. I also have to wonder what’s going on with female Republican political candidates. Brown joins

Waffleman (Cont. From Page 11) On the fifth time, he was now laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past, this time at a snail’s pace. Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt. You can’t fix stupid.

the House to kill the Republican plan, but Brady was rumored once again to be lobbying for Democratic votes for the plan. CHS doesn’t find the rumors credible. RON DONATUCCI became the new Chairman of the Board of City Trusts. The gossip was über-lobbyist STEVE WOJDAK was seeking the chairmanship. He ended up nominating Donatucci. Donatucci received the votes of

MICHAEL MEEHAN and VINCE FENERTY as well. Former Republican mayoral candidate JOHN EGAN had served as chairman for three decades. He originally went on the board as a Democrat. The Board of City Trusts oversees $2 billion in assets, including Wills Eye Hospital and the Stephen Girard Trust. The board consists of the elite insiders of Philadelphia politics from both parties.

SEN. PAT TOOMEY’S campaign manager in 2010. Philadelphian TOM STONER is also working for Smith. Smith is a self-made multimillionaire who made his fortune in coal mining. He is the first among the Republicans to advertise his campaign on television. Ads are being aired in Harrisburg and Western Pennsylvania. Other Republicans who have thrown their hats in the ring for Senate include Philadelphiaarea businessmen STEVE WELCH and DAVID CHRISTIAN as well as former STATE REP. SAM ROHRER, former Santorum staffer MARC SCARINGI and central Pennsylvania businessman Ted Burns. None of these candidates would be as formi-

dable against Casey as wellknown figures such as TOM RIDGE or BILL SCRANTON. Rohrer has the greatest statewide name recognition among the pack as he ran for Governor in the primary against GOV. TOM CORBETT in 2010. If no one else enters the fray, this elephant believes we Republicans will be choosing between Rohrer, Smith and Welch. Rohrer is on our short list owing to his name recognition. Smith and Welch have already sunk serious resources into the race and both men are very wealthy and capable of financing an expensive campaign. The herd expects the candidate will probably need to raise at least $20 million to be competitive against Casey.

a long line of crazy broads that begins with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and ends with former Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell with presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann in between. Thing is, it was unnecessary. The guy did the work. You pay him. Very simple. I say this because no matter what someone has told you, Ms. Brown, there is such a thing as bad press … especially if people thought you were nuts and weren’t taking you

seriously in the first place. But hey, don’t take my word for it. See how you’re received next time you run for office. By the way, London won his case and received $173. Next week is the annual “Out and About” Year In Review column. While I personally can’t wait to put 2011 behind me, I’ll still provide the kind of postmortem you’ve come to expect from your friendly neighborhood “Out and About” columnist… See you then!

Viaduct NID’s Illegal (Cont. From Page 9) On Dec. 15, despite the fact we submitted 315 letters of objection to the Chief Clerk of the City Council against the Callowhill Reading Viaduct NID (which is 51.9% of all property owners and the owners of 59.82% of all the assessed property within the boundaries of the NID), City Council voted to pass the bill. According to the statute, however, we could defeat this bill by submitting over 51% letters of objection. We followed the rule of law and Michael Decker, Chief Clerk of City Council, certified the results, but Frank DiCicco decided to ram the legislation through City Council. He claims the signatures have to be reviewed. The only problem is that the Community & Economic Improvement Act which authorizes the creation of the NID has no such requirement. If City Council can treat us with contempt, then whom else will they treat like us? Now the only question is whether Mayor Nutter will sign the bill into law before Jan. 2.

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