Day of Service Special Issue (P. 3)
700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980 We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Vol. V No. 2 (Issue 223)
The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South Philly The Way It Deserves
Why You Need To Reconnect With Your Church
Catholics Hurting In South Philly by Rory G. McGlasson Catholic families are hurting in South Philadelphia, devastated by a report from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia that recommends five of its elementary schools are to be closed. The Blue Ribbon Commission Report announced all of South Philly’s elementary schools except, St. Monica’s will consolidate with other schools to form three regional Catholic schools. Teachers, alumni, parents and parishioners are in shock. Some are busy behind the scenes trying to find ways to stop the closures, slated for June. (Cont. Page 2)
by Maria Merlino The number of baptisms performed can predict the future of the schools, according to one local sister.
SISTER M. Paula Beierschmitt IHM, President of American Academy of Sacred Arts, stands in St. Monica’s Schoolyard during recess. Photo: Maria Merlino
Looking At Life Changing Through A Lens by Rory McGlasson As she looks up at a billboard above the Lime organic dry cleaners at 1357 S. 10th Street, British-born Lorna Kent of Fairmount Ave, says, “That lady looks like someone you could sit and have a nice cup of tea with.” Kent is referring to the 12x25-foot image of South (Cont. Page 28)
Pol Gives Back A South Philadelphiabased elected official is giving back the interest he made on his City retirement program.
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St. Monica School was the only elementary school spared from possible shutters. That’s because enough are children enrolled and there are enough baptisms each year. “We don’t have enough children to fill the schools anymore,” says Sister M. Paula Beierschmitt IHM, president of The American Academy of the Sacred Arts. “In 1961, sometimes in the Catholic schools, there were 80 to 100 children in a class. There were (Cont. Page 2)
Ron Donatucci, who holds the post of Register to Wills, will donate the interest he was paid from the $370,000 DROP payment he accepted from the controversial DROP program. “I’m doing an analysis right now on the interest part of it be(Cont. Page 2)
January 12, 2012
Keeping The Faith by Rory G. McGlasson As a community leader at Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Tom Betteridge is hurting as much as anyone in the parish. But despite the fact his beloved Sacred Heart of Jesus School is slated to be shuttered in June, he’s staying positive and keeping the faith. Betteridge is the leader of the men’s club at Sacred Heart. The group raised over $157,000 in 18 months for the parish. The nonprofit group has helped subsidize the school, rehabilitate the church and refurbish its convent on Moyamensing Avenue. It’s unsurprising many have asked Betteridge to lead a protest against the closure, but he prefers to look at the long-term positive impact. (Cont. Page 2)
Neighbors Host Meeting On Catholic School Closures A meeting will be held in Pennsport tonight about the closure of Mount Carmel and Sacred Heart of Jesus Elementary Schools. The public meeting will be held start at 7 p.m. at the Edward O’Malley Club, 144 Moore Street.
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Page 2
South Philadelphia Business Association Oldest Business Association in South Philadelphia – Chartered in 1897 To join as a member of the SPBA, please call: (215)-336-1108
The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012
1904 S. 30th Street • Philadelphia, PA 19145 (215)-336-1108 (215)-336-1149 (fax) Executive Board: President- Daniel Olivieri Treasurer: Jackie Fitzpatrick
Vice-President-Vince DeFino Esq. Secretary: Gaeton Tavella
Donatucci Sacred Heart Parishioner Stays Positive Gives Back (Cont. From Page 1) cause two of the years that it was accumulated during this period were years when the city lost money,” Donatucci said. “I don’t think it’s fair to take the 4.5% interest during those years.”
Register of Wills Ron Donatucci tells reporter he will return interest paid on his retirement plan.
(Cont. From Page 1) “I can fully understand why people want to protest against the closures – they have every right – but it’s important we stay united as a group,” Betteridge said. “Who knows what we might have at a super-regional school: a marching band? Intramural sports?” Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1329 E. Moyamensing Avenue, is one of five elementary schools that will be consolidated into a new Regional Catholic School, according to a report released by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Sacred Heart will unite with Epiphany of Our Lord, 1248 Jackson Street; Holy Spirit, 1845 Hartranft Street; Our Lady of Mount
Carmel, 2329 S. Third Street; and St. Richard, 1828 Pollock Street at the old Stella Maris School’s site, located at 814 Bigler Street. He said, “Change is coming, though. And it’s important we embrace change. Nobody likes it at first, but we must embrace it as a group.” Betteridge said he could see the closure of Sacred Heart coming. “We have turned over every stone,” he said. “We have tried to sell our parish on E-bay, you name it...we have tried to raise money in every way we can. The financial numbers reflected in the Blue Ribbon report citing the debts at Sacred Heart – $90,000
Catholic School Closures • 215-755-2000
Board Members John Savarese Louis Galdo Mark Rago Vince Giusini Bill Ciampitti
(Cont. From Page 1) The moves by the Archdiocese spurred by an internal, yearlong analysis of the struggling school system will displace Epiphany of Our Lord, 1248 Jackson Street; Holy Spirit, 1845 Hartranft Street; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 2329 S. Third Street; Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1329 E. Moyamensing Avenue; and St. Richard, 1828 Pollock Street into one at the old Stella Maris School’s site, located at 814 Bigler Street. St. Gabriel’s, 2917 Dickinson Street, will merge with St. Thomas Aquinas at a shared facility at 1719 Morris Street. St. Nicholas of Tolentine, located at 913 Pierce Street, will welcome students from its close neighbor, Annunciation BVM, 1150 Wharton Street.
Declining numbers at local parishes, and falling enrollment numbers at many schools, led to the closures that will take effect in June. Enrollment in parochial elementary schools dropped 27% from 2006 to 2010, to 2,572 students, according to its Blue Ribbon report. Many parents, teachers and parishioners are perplexed as to why their kid has to move, though. This has led to protests in the area, and concerned members of each parish organizing meetings behind the scenes to discuss what options they have. Over 300 attended a peaceful protest at St. Richard’s on Monday evening. A candlelight vigil was held at Epiphany. “It’s all about prime real estate,” said a former teacher at Epiphany, who did not
want to be named. The building at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, located at Pierce Street is much older than Annunication BVM. “Annunciation has a brand new gymnasium. At St. Nicholas, students use the Tolentine center for basketball,” the former teacher. However, members of the Blue Ribbon Commission dismiss suggestions that the value of properties affected what schools were closed, and the value was not considered when preparing the report. Archbishop Chaput told reporters at a news conference that closed parish school buildings remain the property of the parish, not the Archdiocese as a whole. St. Monica’s ES and SS. John Neumann-Goretti are not affected by the report.
– is “completely accurate,” he said. “The Pastor’s report is what it is.” “Father Feeney did everything he could,” Betteridge notes. “The unfortunate reality is people are not going to mass. “It’s hard for any parish to subsidize its school when the numbers at mass are so small.”
Father Feeney will be on the board of the new Regional Catholic School at the former Stella Maris site. “It’s important we have a voice on the board of the new Regional School,” Betteridge said. “But it’s just as important we now move to battles that can be won.”
Back To Ecclesia, Says Sister (Cont. From Page 1) a lot of children in the ’60s. As the culture changed, our Supreme Court made Roe v. Wade legitimate. Many children were never born. For example, Steve Jobs was given up for adoption. But if his mother aborted him, we would never have the technology we have today. God in His infinite wisdom endows his creatures with the gift necessary for harmonious living on earth. When we interfere with God’s plan, we harm ourselves. When citizens do not follow God’s plan, it becomes unbalanced.” Sister Paula used to teach at St. Martin of Torres School, a mission school. “Fortunately, because of immigration, the lost citizens are replaced by immigrants,” she said. “The immigrants are struggling. They have no money to send their kids to Catholic school.” But how are the children are going to get the Catholic School education? Sister Paula said, “There are many grants available, made possible by Catholic schools and BLOCs, businesses that support the immigrants, the poor or the needy.” Sister Paula also acknowledges that charter schools
have drained students out of parish schools. But how did St. Monica survive the cut? “The people who live here in the neighborhood are very solicitous toward their children,” Sister Paula says. “They stayed here in the city as opposed to other parishes.” Scandals within the Church also have a chilling effect on enrollment, according to Sister. “When those priests were abusing, it should have been made known immediately and investigated immediately, because it’s the right thing to do. If you don’t want to do something when you see criminal behavior because you like the person, you need to get courage and a backbone. The Prophet Jeremiah, when given the gift of prophesy, did not want it. He saw how those who spoke the truth were killed.” Does Sister Paula have any words of advice for us? “Yes. If you want your children to have a Catholic school education, you need to go to Mass. You need to give God one hour a week. You can’t operate without God’s good grace. If you do something wrong, go to confession and get infused with grace. We need God’s grace, that’s why sacraments were instituted.”
The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
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Over 85,000 volunteers will mark Martin Luther King Day Monday by working at projects through the threestate area. Founder and director of the Martin Luther King Day of Service Todd Bernstein, who is also president of Global Citizen, announced this number sets a national record for volunteers, honoring the memory of the civilrights crusader. Volunteers have signed up to participate in 1,300 community-service projects throughout the region on this federal holiday. That represents an increase of some 10,000 volunteers and 100 projects from last year’s turnout.
Organizers, sponsors, and community partners met in a ceremony at Girard College to announce plans for the upcoming 17th annual Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service. Girard College will serve as the region’s signature project site. The Greater Philadelphia King Day of Service includes projects throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Participants will include students of all ages from public, private, and parochial schools and colleges, senior citizens, community, religious, civic and nonprofit organizations, businesses, military veterans, AmeriCorps members, elected officials and families.
The national King Day of Service was created in 1994 through federal legislation authored by former Pennsylvania US Sen. Harris Wofford, a veteran of the civil-rights movement with Dr. King. Hunger and food insecurity will be a focus of this year’s signature project. Volunteers will be packaging some 100,000 meals through a partnership with Stop Hunger Now, an international relief program. A canned-food drive is also being held to help restock local food banks, including the Salvation Army, Philabundance and the Johnson Community Center. For the first time, the King Day of Service will host a Jobs & Opportunity Fair, pre-
sented by the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corp., Clear Channel, Global Citizen, Target, Comcast and the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Up to 500 prospective employees will be choosing among 20 local employers and several AmeriCorps national-service programs. Participants must pre-register at for one of two sessions – 9-10:30 a.m. and 11-12:30 p.m. Those who do not have access to the internet can register at any Free Library of Philadelphia branch or by calling 311 to locate one of 75 Freedom Rings Partnership computer centers. As part of the Jobs & Op-
portunity Fair, Drexel University, the Freedom Rings Partnership, the Urban Affairs Coalition and the Fathers Day Rally Committee will be presenting soft-skills workshops, including résumé writing, interviewing skills, restoring credit and a path to work for ex-offenders. “Dr. King may be most remembered for his efforts to achieve civil rights and social justice, but he also fought for jobs, particularly in the latter years of his life.” said Bernstein. “If Dr. King were alive today, he would no doubt be working for greater economic justice.” Girard College President Autumn Graves said, “Hosting this event not only pro-
vides the Girard College Community with an opportunity to serve the Philadelphia region, it honors the legacy of King, the Freedom Marchers, and many other Philadelphians who fought for this historic institution to educate boys and girls of all races.” Fifty King Day of Service sponsors are led by Target. They are an honor roll of leading public and private institutions in the region. Some 150 King Day of Service projects, workshops, and presentations will be held at Girard College. Sports equipment will be collected leading up to the King Day of Service. Volunteers will be sorting and packing the equip(Cont. Page 5)
The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Thousands To Volunteer For MLK Service
Honoring The Legacy And Memory Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. An Example For Each One Of Us
Congressman 1st District Paid for by Committee to Elect Bob Brady • 215-755-2000
Robert Brady • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Page 4
dozens more organizations providing expert advice, health testing and screening. Target will present a Kid’s Carnival for children ages of 5-12, which will include story-reading about Dr. King, “I Have A Dream” mobile making, testing voting machines, science demonstrations, skits on Dr. King and civil rights, entertainment and more. Vanguard will present a Philadelphia Mural Arts Program civil-rights mural coloring project. In an expanded effort to reach out to include children, the King Day of Service will make its coloring and activity book available to help kids learn about Dr. King’s ideals of civil rights and civic responsibilities. The King Day of Service will distribute bookmarkers with suggested readings on Dr. King for children and adults. The City Commissioner’s office will help future voters try out the first responsibility of citizenship in a
AFTER unveiling of King Day of Service mural by students from six area schools, one student representative from each school speaks about their individual mural. demonstration of voting City Year Greater Philadelbooths used in real elections. phia corps members will facilPNC will present the After itate reflection discussions at School Activities Program the end of each service projchess- and scrabble-mentors ect. Boar’s Head will donate lunches for volunteers at Gitraining. Thousands of students rard College, along with throughout the area have been WaWa and Herr’s. reading three different books There will be projects at as part of the “One King Day, dozens of Philadelphia public One King Book” project to schools and hundreds of other encourage children to read, schools throughout the region. write, and discuss essays Volunteers will beautify some about Dr. King. 25 city recreation centers. Target and AT&T will The Philadelphia Fire Dept. is present project registration. (Cont. Page 6)
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
MAYOR Michael Nutter addresses 200 community and business leaders who attended conference at Girard College announcing details of Monday's 17th annual Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service in Phila., largest King Day event in the nation. training Graduation Coaches (Cont. From Page 4) ment, which will be distrib- to ensure every Philadelphia uted to the Philadelphia Dept. public-school student has a of Parks & Recreation and the mentor, to encourage and supYMCA and Campbell Center port their success in high in Salem Co., New Jersey. school, college, and in a caCradles to Crayons will be reer. New Conversation on Race sorting donations of winter clothing, which will be dis- and Ethnicity will lead a distributed to homeless families. cussion – “The Conversation Volunteers from the US Mint of Kings: Post-King America will be making Valentines & the State of Race in Philadelphia”. Day cards for seniors. The Cecil B. Moore Workshops will include
Philadelphia Freedom Fighters, the group of men and women who demonstrated in the 1960s for the end to the discriminatory admissions policies at Girard College, will hold a workshop to share, first-hand, their experiences in the civil-rights movement. Students from the Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy and the Perelman Jewish Day School will volunteer together for the 11th straight year in an interfaith dialogue. Global Citizen, the HandsOn Network, the Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service and Sunoco will present a “MLK365 Civic Engagement Expo”, which will provide information on more than 50 local community organizations and the opportunity to volunteer with these groups throughout the year. McNeil Consumer Healthcare will present a Health and Wellness Fair, which will feature an American Red Cross blood drive, CPR training and
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Food, Jobs, Learning Are This Year’s Focus • 215-755-2000
Page 6 The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Social Media Will Tweet ‘King’ (Cont. From Page 5) organizing neighborhood-outreach projects on fire safety through all 63 fire stations. Habitat for Humanity volunteers will renovate houses throughout the region. Over 1,000 veterans, active-duty military, and military family members will serve throughout the region, including volunteers with
NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Philadelphia Veterans Comfort House and several American Legion posts throughout Philadelphia. Several projects will serve veterans, active-duty military members and their families. Other King Day of Service volunteers will prepare food at homeless shelters and dis-
tribute meals to homebound seniors, organize health fairs and legal clinics, and perform plays about Dr. King. Volunteers will be painting a second King Memorial-themed mural on Jan. 16 at Girard College, also led by the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Social media will be an important focus of the King Day of Service to increase aware-
Celebrating the Achievements and Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. May We Take His Example in the Service of our communities
CHRISTINE M. TARTAGLIONE 1061 Bridge St Phila. PA 19124 215-533-0440
Norris Square 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. Phila. PA 19122 215-291-4653
ness and volunteer participation. Updated information on service opportunities is available on Facebook – and Twitter – A free King Day of Service iPhone application – PhillyKingDay – has been developed by the Freedom Rings Partnership and Drexel University. The iPhone application lists over 100 King Day of Service project opportunities, along with links to Facebook and Twitter so volunteers can update their friends on their King Day of Service experiences. The 2012 King Day of Service is chaired by Sen. Harris Wofford; Jill Michal, president and CEO of the • 215-755-2000
Rep. Jim Roebuck Salutes the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 4712 Baltimore Ave. Phila., PA 19143 P. 215-724-2227 • F. 215-724-2230
PHILA. FUTURES helps low-income, first-generation-tocollege students reach college and earn degrees. Two-hundred public high-school students participate in its comprehensive college-access and retention program, Sponsor-A-Scholar. Over 500 members of Phila. Futures community attended annual conference at Drexel Saturday. United Way of Southeastern Philadelphia Police Dept.; Pennsylvania; Rev. Terrence Lloyd Ayers, commissioner Griffith, 1st VP of the Black of the Philadelphia Fire Clergy of Philadelphia & Dept.; Judge Ida Chen; SharVicinity; Leroy Nunery, act- main Matlock-Turner, presiing superintendent of the dent of the Urban Affairs School District; Sherrie Coalition; and Rev. Bonnie Savett, president of the Jewish Camarda, president of the Federation of Greater Hispanic Clergy of PhiladelPhiladelphia; Charles Ram- phia. Mayor Michael Nutter sey, commissioner of the serves as honorary co-chair.
King Association Marks 30th Day The Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence, Inc. will host its 30th annual Awards and Benefit Luncheon this Monday, Jan. 16, at the Sheraton Philadelphia Center City located at the 17th & Race Streets at 12:00 p.m. The Awards and Benefit Luncheon is a living representation of Dr. Martin Luther
Earthquake Marches
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Youths With Futures
Paul “Earthquake” Moore continues his lifelong campaign to promote peace in neighborhoods, and to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a community cleanup 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. It will be followed by an historical reenactment march starting at 4:00 p.m. from 65th & Woodland Avenue, ending at the New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, 7001 Woodland Avenue. “It is my desire to keep alive the ideals and dream of Dr. King and break down racial barriers that divide people not only in Philadelphia and throughout our country,” explained Moore. For more information, call Paul “Earthquake” Moore at (215) 386-2696 or email him at
King’s Dream of a Beloved Community. It honors a virtual Who’s Who of Drum Majors – persons and organizations whose deeds are exemplary of the fostered by Dr. King. This has been the largest luncheon in honor of Dr. King in the country. Mrs. Coretta Scott King, chair for the King Federal Holiday Commission, envisioned having the holiday commence each year with the ringing of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia – a worldwide symbol of freedom, justice, and equality—echoed by bells throughout the world. Thus, she charged the King Association with ringing of the Liberty noon which officially inaugurates the King holiday, just prior to the luncheon. The 2012 Drum Major Honorees include: DRUM MAJOR FOR GLOBAL RIGHTS, Malaak Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz; DRUM MAJOR FOR INT’L AND NATIONAL AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, Ilyasah Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz; DRUM MAJOR FOR INT’L AND NAT’L HUMANITARIANISM, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Actress/Activist for the cure for HIV/AIDS; DRUM MAJOR FOR CORPORATE COOPERATION, Daniel J. Hilferty, president and CEO, Independence Blue Cross; DRUM
MAJOR FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT, Judge Renee Caldwell Hughes, CEO, American Red Cross of Southeastern Penna.; and DRUM MAJOR FOR EQUAL RIGHTS, EQUAL JUSTICE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, Rosalee Smith, civilrights activist. Participants at the Liberty Bell Ceremony include the 2012 Honorary Luncheon Chairs, Hon. Tom Corbett, Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Hon. Robert Casey, US Senator, Pennsylvania; Hon. Pat Toomey, US Senator, Pennsylvania; Hon. Chaka Fattah, Congressman; Hon. Vincent Hughes, State Senator, Pennsylvania; Hon. Michael A. Nutter, Mayor, City of Philadelphia; Dr. William Tucker, President, Philadelphia Martin Luther King Association for Nonviolence, Inc.; Herman “Pete” Matthews, President, District Council 33 and King Association Board Member, as well as others. The Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence, Inc. is the sole affiliate commissioned by Mrs. Coretta Scott King to promote and perpetuate the nonviolent legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is committed to addressing pertinent social issues to reduce tension and violence in the Delaware Valley community.
Brownlee 195th Legislative District
Honors the Memory of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
January 16, 2012 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila., PA 19130 215.684.3738 • 215-755-2000
Tonight, two local leaders who are following in the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. will be honored at the White House as Champions of Change. The Champions of Change program was created as a part of President Obama’s Winning the Future initiative. Each week, a different issue is highlighted and groups of Champions, ranging from educators to entrepreneurs to community leaders, are recognized for the work they are doing to better their communities. Todd Bernstein is the president of Global Citizen and the founder and director of the Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service, the largest King Day event in the nation. In 1996, Bernstein launched the first King Day of Service in Philadelphia. For the last 17 years, the Greater Philadelphia King Day of Service has drawn some 760,000 volunteers. This year, on Jan. 16, more than 85,000 volunteers will serve in some 1,300 projects in the 17th annual Greater Philadelphia King Day of Service. What started in Philadelphia has become a national movement, with projects taking root in hundreds of cities across the nation. Bernstein also founded MLK365, which transforms the King Day of Service into a yearround civic engagement initiative. Rachel Turner is the outreach & programs manager at Global Citizen, the Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization that coordinates the Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service, the country’s largest King Day of Service event. She manages the outreach and registration process for the thousands of volunteers and hundreds of organizations that participate. Beyond the Day of Service, she creates and manages year-round volunteer and service learning programs for MLK365 and corporate volunteer groups. She serves as the President of the Philadelphia AmeriCorps Alums Chapter and is a member of Women’s Way’s Young Women’s Initiative. She is an alumna of Temple University’s College of the Liberal Arts and began her career in public service through the AmeriCorps program.
Rep. Michelle F.
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White House Hails Local Leaders
Page 8 The Public Record • January 12, 2012 • 215-755-2000
Statewide Primaries Get Steamy Bldg. Trades Give Dan Nod
by Joe Shaheeli The big question is will we get a Democrat candidate from Eastern Pennsylvania or Western Pennsylvania in the high-stakes Attorney General race? The next two questions automatically follow. Will either Dan McCaffery or former Congressman Pat Murphy or Lackawanna’s Kathleen Kane get the nomination when the Democrat State Committee meets Jan. 14 to decide? The State’s Democrats from west of the Susquehanna always seem to be united when it comes to decisions such as this, though none of them has announced as of now. Obviously a powerful draw, Dan McCaffery showed he had the blessings of the Democrat City Committee and big labor support, which includes a solid push from the building trades, at his announcement before 150 in City Hall late last week. The audience included elected City and State leadership, led by Party Chairman Congressman Bob Brady and union leaders. In addition, he had the endorsement of the Philadelphia Black Clergy, a powerful getout-the-vote force, with its
leader Rev. Terrence Griffith, adding comments to the event. Assuring him of Bucks Co. Democrat support was its Chairwoman Diane Marseglia. A split in Philly support, though not much of one, came when Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz announced the same day her support for former Congressman Pat Murphy. She endorsed this Iraq War veteran and former prosecutor for Pennsylvania Attorney General. Schwartz, the highestranking woman elected official in Pennsylvania, said, “Murphy has fought to ensure women get equal pay at work. He has been a champion for children who need access to a doctor. He has cracked down on shady financial institutions that rob our seniors. Patrick will always stand up for working families and the values we all hold dear. His record makes that very clear. That’s what Pennsylvania needs in its next Attorney General.” She added, “As a combat veteran, he showed his commitment to public service by putting his life on the line for our country. He’s demonstrated his ability as a prosecutor overseas and here at home. He has the experience and tenacity necessary to protect Pennsyl-
The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has created an insurance program called the PA FAIR CARE program. It helps Pennsylvanians with pre-existing health conditions. Many Pennsylvanians with pre-existing health conditions may find private health insurance plans to be unaffordable. The PA FAIR CARE program is subsidized with money from the federal government to make health insurance more affordable for people with pre-existing conditions. For more information or to submit an enrollment application, please call toll-free 1-888-767-7015 or visit Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM
vania families.” Along with Congressman Robert A. Brady, others at the McCaffery announcement included IBEW Local 98 Business Mgr. John J. Dougherty, Col. Harris Brooks (US Air Force, Ret.), Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 President John McNesby, Fire Fighters Local Union 22 President Bill Gault, City Controller Alan Butkovitz, former City Controller Jonathan Saidel, Councilman Bobby Henon, Montgomery Co. Commissioner Leslie Richards, Unite Here Business Mgr. Lynne Fox, Register of Wills Ron Donatucci, State Reps. Louise Bishop, Brendan Boyle and Michelle Brownlee, President-Elect of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association Tom Duffy and attorney Tom Klein of the law firm of Klein & Specter. The fly that could upset the ointment for of McCaffery and Murphy is Lackawanna Co.’s Kathleen Kane. She may be able to fund much of her campaign herself if she so desires, since her husband has the financial muscle that goes with operating a major trucking firm. The Republicans are looking for the time being at State Sen. John Rafferty (R-Montgomery) and Dauphin Co.
DA David Freed, related to former Attorney General Leroy Zimmerman. The State GOP will make that decision when it meets Feb. 28. All three Democratic candidates — Kathleen Kane, Dan McCaffery and Patrick Murphy — will address the Pennsylvania Summit in Philadelphia the weekend of Feb. 10-12. The State Democrats will meet at Penn State Hotel, 215 Innovation Boulevard, State College tomorrow. A candidates’ forum will be presented in Room 207 at 6 p.m. to kick off events. Endorsement meeting will be held around 1 p.m. on Saturday. Don’t expect any of the candidates from both parties seeking the Attorney General nomination to blink. Should enliven what may be otherwise a dull primary.
ATTORNEY Dan McCaffery announces his candidacy for Democrat Attorney General in primary at City Hall. Looking on are MC Jonathan Saidel and Col. Harris Brooks.
No Shortage Of GOP Casey Foes
In the expected-to-be-busy GOP primary for US Senate race to become the candidate to challenge incumbent Bob Casey, Tom Smith has picked up the support of four commissioners. They are Lebanon Co. Commissioner William Ames, Armstrong Co. Commissioner David Battaglia, Indiana Co. Commissioner (Cont. Page 10)
State Sen. Shirley M.
SHOWING their support for Dan McCaffery as he seeks Democrat nomination for Attorney General are Pastor Reginald C. Johnson, Congressman Bob Brady and Rev. Terrence Hill, leader of Black Clergy of Phila.
AMONG VIPs attending Dan McCaffery press conference were Joe Ashdale, who was among leaders of strong Building Trades showing, and Register of Wills Ron Donatucci. Councilman Bill
]|ÅÅç W|Çà|ÇÉ Green Room 599 GOP
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RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
State Senator
Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145
Page 9
Our Opinion ... Our Living Legacy
Another Opinion RESOLUTION:
Put Pa. Back To Work
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
You can’t fight a recession by throwing more workers on the unemployment line. You can’t improve economic growth and recovery by continuing to redistribute the wealth to the top 1% of America. As the Legislature gets back to work, their first order of business should be passing transportation funding legislation to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Gov. Corbett’s own experts put the bill at nearly $3 billion, which would just cover the most urgent and needed repairs to our bridges, roads, and mass-transit systems. If it is done right, this will be a real job-creator for Pennsylvania. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed construction and manufacturing workers living here in Pennsylvania would be back to work in a matter of months. Not only would this be an immediate boost to local economies, but improving our roads and bridges will make us even more productive and (Cont. Page 13)
Mark Your Calendar Jan.12- “Men Only” Mtg. at Dobbins HS, 22nd & Lehigh Ave., 6 p.m. to address crime in neighborhoods. For info Irvin Shannon Jan. 12- State Rep. Pam DeLissio hosts town hall meeting at Society Hall, Simpson Hse., 2101 Belmont Ave., 7 p.m. For info (215) 482-8726 or (215) 879-8533. Jan. 18- Port Richmond W. Community Action Network meeting at Trinity Presbyterian Ch., Frankford Ave. & Cambria St., 7-9 p.m. Guest: L&I Commissioner Fran Burns. For info Jason McDermott (267) 650-6168. Jan. 20- ACE Women’s Forum presents Professional Women’s Roundtable Political Forum, “From Your House to the White House”, on political impacts on business, at ACE USA, 436 Walnut St., 5th fl., 8-10 a.m. Continental breakfast. For info Leigh Ann Campbell (267) 287-8497) or m. Register by Jan. 17. Jan. 21- State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas hosts Weatherization & Energy Workshop at New Pathways for Women, Germantown Ave. & & Cumberland St., 10 a.m. Participating agencies include Energy Coordinating Agency of Phila., Phila. Corp. for Aging, PGW, PECO and Public Utilities Commission. Feb. 9- Steve Aldrich of IBEW Local 269 invites all to reception in honor of State Rep. Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, Supporter, $50. RSVP Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Feb. 10- Arthur Green presents 14th Ward Pre-Valentine’s Day Cabaret at Barber’s Ha., Broad & Oxford Sts., 9 p.m.??? Donation $10. For info Arthur Green (267) 986-7948. Apr. 26- 2012 Centennial Pk. Celebration honoring Joseph Manko, Ryan Howard and Vanguard at Phila. Horticultural Ctr., Montgomery Ave. & N. Horticultural Dr., 6 p.m. For tickets, etc. Arthur (215) 988-9341. • 215-755-2000
Almost 50 years have passed since the civil-rights movement ignited the fires of change in American society. It began in the South, where Black Americans suffered under grievous legal and extralegal persecutions. Soon, though, it spread to Northern cities, where many Southern Blacks had immigrated a generation earlier. Although no laws discriminated against them here, they were largely poor and were viewed as outsiders by most Philadelphians. They were given only scraps when big business deals went down and they had their hands on few3 of the levers of power. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to this city to change all that. Today, it has changed in many ways. A vibrant African American professional and business community has blossomed to provide top-level urban leadership. No longer is it possible for an African American candidate for public office to electrify the community by becoming the “first Black” this or that. It is no longer possible to imagine a city where Blacks or other ethnic minorities do not make decisions for other people to follow. King’s work is not finished. Many Philadelphia communities remain mired in poverty, cursed by violent crime and low educational attainment. But the hope for improvement has not been lost. All Philadelphians want a better life for themselves and their children. Increasingly, all Philadelphians realize their hopes for better futures depend on each other. A city cannot offer dynamic prospects to some if others are shut out. Increasingly this is a city whose inhabitants, diverse though they are, are used to working with each other. Barriers still stand and suspicions still exist between ethnic groups. But that’s the nature of city life. Protestants rioted when poor Irish immigrants settled here in the 1830s. There goes the neighborhood! said others when floods of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe settled here. Today, the beat continues. Latin Americans, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and Russians are remaking our ethnic map once more. In fact, it is probably impossible for this city ever again to have a “racial majority”. We are all minorities – 44% Black, 39% white, 5% Asian – and a complex assortment of Others in the remaining 12%. In a city like this, the only way any group can gain power is by sharing it. Which is actually a good recipe for urban vitality and success. Can we grasp this challenge and rise to it as a community? Time will tell. But if we follow the direction Dr. King’s footsteps were leading in, we might just get there. Yet, too many of our elected leaders haven’t shared this urgency. Our recovery remains threatened by irresponsible budget cuts in Congress, states, and cities across the nation. Record numbers of home foreclosures, high levby Rick Bloomingdale, who outsource American jobs els of consumer debt, and a President, PA-AFL-CIO or manipulate their workers, weakened middle class also New Year’s resolutions make corporations pay their plague this nation. But instead of stepping up generally conjure up good in- fair share, and create new to the plate with commontentions to lose weight, spend jobs. The time to act is now. more time with family and The not so “Great” Reces- sense solutions to grow our friends or reorganize. But for sion officially ended in the economy, many politicians millions of Americans, this summer of 2009, but with have harnessed the jobs crisis year’s resolutions are more more than 13 million people to pursue a political agenda urgent: Find a job. Make unemployed, it’s clear the that rewards the wealthy while demanding deep cuts enough money to cover gro- struggle isn’t over. ceries and rent. Afford to Over the last year, our for working people. In Harrisburg, we are send kids to college. Save for country has continued to suffighting cuts in public and retirement. fer through a jobs crisis unlike It’s the American Dream anything since the great de- higher education, cuts in pub— but one that’s slipping fur- pression. Communities all lic safety, privatization of ther and further out of reach across the country are strug- public education, cuts in for the middle class. As the gling with long-term jobless- wages for building and constate Legislature starts a new ness. Nearly half of all struction workers, cuts in care session, our lawmakers in unemployed workers have for the elderly and disabled, Harrisburg have an opportu- been without a job for more and privatization of one of nity to help Pennsylvanians than six months. Nearly one Pennsylvania’s most valuable keep their New Year’s resolu- in four young workers is un- public assets – Pennsylvania’s tions by coming together and employed. In Pennsylvania, Wine & Spirits shops, which making jobs a No. 1 priority. over a half million workers provide over 5,000 good, The solutions are simple: are unemployed in any given family-sustaining jobs for working people in this state. Stop rewarding companies month.
Page 10 The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Three State Rep Fights Brewing (Cont. From Page 8) Rodney Ruddock, and Snyder Co. Commissioner Joseph Kantz. Tom Smith of Armstrong Co., has $4.4 million in cash in his campaign coffers. Most of it — $4.25 million — is his own money, with $125,000 he raised in the last quarter of 2011. Another major player, Steve Welch, is showing he’s in the primary to stay with a staff and a million dollar war chest in place. His Western Pennsylvania Finance Co-Chair is Jeff Kendall, who hosted fundraisers for Sen. Toomey and the Keith Rothfus for Congress Campaigns. Eastern Pennsylvania Finance Co-Chair Wayne Woodman has raised big bucks for Toomey and Congressman
Charlie Dent. He is reported to have the support of Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt, and the chairs of Lancaster and Lehigh Co. Key to where the GOP may go at their meeting is the fact Brian Nutt, political advisor to Gov. Corbett’s campaign, is on board. Marc Scaringi, another candidate for the Republican nomination to the US Senate, won last week’s Blair/Bedford/Huntingdon/Centre Co. Straw Poll. The vote came following a candidates’ forum sponsored by Republican County Committees of these four counties in Altoona. Addressing the audience were Scaringi, Steve Welch, Sam Rohrer, Tom Smith and Tim Burns. Scaringi scored the highest with 32% of the votes cast.
SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204
State Rep. Cherelle
Santorum Betters Got Money Back
The Irish betting company Paddy Power last week refunded just over $6,422 to customers who placed a bet on Rick Santorum to win the Iowa caucus, after the former Pennsylvania Senator lost to Mitt Romney by 8 votes. A spokesperson for Paddy Power said, “Having lost by only 8 votes, the Rick Santorum supporters had every reason to be disappointed, but as far as we’re concerned, the margin for error is just too small and we’ve decided to refund the money.” Mitt Romney was the clear favorite at 1/25 with Paddy Power to win next week’s New Hampshire primary. He was followed in the betting by Rick Santorum at 16/1 and Jon Huntsman at 18/1. Paddy Power is Ireland’s largest bookmaker and a leading provider of gaming services in the UK, Australia and Ireland. Chris Freind, a wellknown conservative online
columnist, hopes Santorum’s “previous arrogance” won’t lead to his downfall again. Good advice for Rick’s campaign team to heed. DePasquale Hands Down For Dem Auditor General
York lawmaker Eugene DePasquale is expected to have the Democrat State Committee endorsement for Auditor General. He was in the audience at the McCaffery press conference and Congressman Bob Brady announced his presence with kind words. State Sen. Anthony Williams (D-W. Phila.), who had indicated a while back he would seek the seat, is definitely ruling out a run. He is rumored to be focusing on a major goal four years hence. Allegheny Co.’s Dan Onorato, who had considered a bid, has endorsed DePasquale. Eugene is working the phones and traveling all corners of the state,” said DePasquale campaign manager
Councilman Wm.
State Rep.
Parker Greenlee
200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303
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DISTRICT OFFICE • 215-755-2000
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Liz Wagenseller. “We’re getting great feedback, especially in the west.” DePasquale was born and raised in Pittsburgh, where his grandfather was a City Councilman. Locally, Devon Cade said he would seek the seat. He’d best forget it, especially since he has no financing and did very poorly when he challenged State Rep. Jim Roebuck (D-W. Phila.), getting only 17% of the vote in that primary. Through it all, Democrat Bob Casey is viewed by many political experts as having a relatively safe ride to reelection this year. He has a campaign chest of about $4 million, with more coming in. Knives Are Drawn In 186th Primary
Anthony Hardy Williams
THEY’VE GOT HIS BACK: Behind Jordan Harris as he announces his bid for 186th Dist. Seat at Dixon House in Point Breeze are his mentor State Sen. Anthony Williams, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson who vacated this seat, Controller Alan Butkovitz and State Rep. Ron Waters.
Senator Tina
Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124
Brewing in South Philadelphia is a struggle to claim control of 186th House Dist. Seat which was just vacated by Kenyatta Johnson in order to take a City Council District office. On one side is the team of State Sen. Anthony Williams, whose protégé Johnson is. Williams has pressed forward another of his younger aides, Jordan Harris, to run for this seat, which represents parts of Center City, South of South, Point Breeze and Southwest Philadelphia. Kicking off his campaign at the Dixon House on Saturday, Harris was flanked by an intimidating bevy of backers. Williams was his fiery lead-off speaker. Also there to show their support and lay on hands were Johnson, City Controller
Alan Butkovitz, Legislative Black Caucus head State Rep. Ron Waters (D-W. Phila.) and State Reps Michelle Brownlee (D-N. Phila.) and Tony Payton (D-Kensington). Meanwhile, 2nd Ward Leader Ed Nesmith is also putting his hat in the ring for this slot. Many supporters and citizens of South Philadelphia believe this is long overdue. “Ed Nesmith is the people’s politician, not the politician’s politician,” said former 2nd Ward Committeewoman Wanda Davis. “He fights for us, not them.” Nesmith has a long track record in community and constituent service. Nesmith will be looking for support from fellow Ward Leaders. He may already have some. At a Dec. 13 dinner for Afro-American Ward Leaders of Color, then-Sheriff-Elect Jewell Williams moved that group endorse Nesmith for the 186th. The motion carried unanimously. Broadsiding both these candidates will be Fawwaz Beyha, owner of a string of barbershops and a major housing provider in Point Breeze. “Our main connections are not political, but with the community,” Beyha said. “We consider ourselves to be machine-busters.” He counts Universal Cos.’ Kenny Gamble as a “close friend and supporter.” A Dem. Primary In the 170th?
Political newcomer Al Simpson, who says, “I’m not a politician,” plans to challenge State Rep. Brendan (Cont. Page 14)
Page 11
The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is coming up next week and the folks at the King Center here in Philly and at Global Citizen are putting the final touches on the annual King Day luncheon and the all-important Day of Service in which thousands of people in the Delaware Valley participate in projects designed to help the greater good. Notice I said nothing about merchandising, marketing, or finding a great deal on a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, or a new pair of jeans. Now if someone would tell that to the folks at Sears, Kmart, Ultra Diamonds, and all of the other places that seem to have forgotten that the King Holiday isn’t about a good bargain, but about good works. When the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. became the first African American honored with his own holiday, the idea behind it, at least to the folks who were advocating for it, was to create a space to celebrate King’s legacy and to propel it forward. King, who also became the first African American to have his own monument on the Mall on Washington last summer, was a man of service. He marched through some pretty tough Southern towns to try and make it so true equality became the law of the land. He endured a lot of crap along the way. From jail, to dogs, to fatigue and even good old-fashioned haters, King took it all in and ignored it as he tried to reach his goal. While he didn’t get to see the fruits of his labors realized in full, his achievements have made things better for all of us. In the early days of the King holiday, everyone remem(Cont. Page 30)
The New Year has been rung in with all the new faces on City Council. The swearing-in at the Academy of Music was a who’s-new extravaganza. BOB HENON was finally sworn in to succeed legendary JOAN KRAJEWSKI. His lovely wife and children were by his side as he raised his hand. MARK SQUILLA officially stepped into the substantial shoes of FRANK DiCICCO. The Inquirer recently praised DiCicco as visionary that steered the city into achieving its development potential. It is typical of the Inquirer to praise public officials it has driven from office. Their relentless criticism of DiCicco’s status as a DROP participant overshadowed DiCicco’s far more-numerous achievements. The newspaper did a similar hatchet job on COUNCILWOMAN MARIAN TASCO, probably costing her the City Council Presidency. She could have been the first African American woman to lead that body, but the relentless attacks regarding her DROP status hurt her standing with other Council Members. The winner of the President’s post, COUNCILMAN DARRELL CLARKE, seems capable but comes to the post with baggage from his political alliance with JOHN STREET. Tasco would have been able to build bridges better. Former STATE REP. KENYATTA JOHNSON left a safe seat in the State Legislature to join City Council. His knowledge of how Harrisburg works may have provided him with valuable inside moves. CINDY BASS comes from the Chaka Fattah camp, but could be a fresh voice if she can show independence. On the Republican side, former SPEAKER DENNY O’BRIEN joins DAVID OH as the two Republican at-Large council members. How will all of these new kids play with the veterans? It should be interesting and healthy. Veteran member BRIAN O’NEILL will now be working side by side with the man he has been confused with for decades. Northeast voters have often referred to Denny O’Brien when they meant Brian O’Neill and vice versa. Apparently all these Irish names sound alike. At least previously, one could point to O’Brien as the guy in Harrisburg and O’Neill as the guy in City Hall. The other difference is Denny has been an independent Republican while Brian has been a Party stalwart. Haven’t the Republicans had enough problems with Democrats, and now they have to worry about their own Northeast Republicans? What about the newly elected COMMISSIONER AL SCHMIDT? Will he continue his (Cont. Page 30) • 215-755-2000
Yo! Here we go with these cute thoughts sent to me by Ralph, a reader who calls it “Kids in church”. According to Ralph, they were actually overheard in Sunday school. They seem to be blasphemous, but I think they just show a little bit of confusion by the children. But they are the real thoughts children have. For example: Reese, a three-year-old, said while he prayed, “Our Father, Who does art in heaven, Harold is His name. Amen.” Another little boy was overheard praying: “Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am.” After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, “That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys.” One particular four-year-old prayed, “And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.” A Sunday-school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” One bright little girl replied, “Because some people may be sleeping.” A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, five, and Ryan, three. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. “If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait’.” Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!” A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what happened to him?” the son asked. “He died and went to Heaven,” the dad replied. The boy thought a moment and then said, “Did God throw him back down?” A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, “Would you like to say the blessing?” “I wouldn’t know what to say,” the girl replied. “Just say what you hear Mommy say,” the wife answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, “Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?” And if you don’t tell this to at least eight people – who cares! Peace, love, happiness, and I hope this made you smile just a little.
SWEARING-IN CEREMONIES were a great pleasure this year, as superb citizens took office in the courts, City Council, and row offices. It was a mixture of youth and wisdom, and new blood for our City. DARRELL CLARKE was Master of Ceremonies, and impressed all assembled. The jurists selected by the voters will dispense even-handed justice, ever aware of the importance of not making our town a city of unemployables. Sheriff WILLIAMS is off to a good start with a cleanup of the department operations smartly dealt with. REGISTER OF WILLS Ron Donatucci is a super-competent fellow. The City Commissioner Chair, Stephanie Singer, took office with humility. It is an office which runs elections, which are sacred to our way of life, so it is important to be out of sight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to COUNCILMAN BOB HENON! We are lucky to get him. Our city will benefit from his many decades of caring and loyal service…. ROSEANN PAUCIELLO has a birthday this month. This top ward leader is much involved in civic life. REP. MYERS’ retirement could bring on Chris Kinsey as his successor. The announcement is coming on the 14th…. FIRE COMMISSIONER LLOYD AYERS’ year-end report shows most fire deaths are still due to having no smoke detector. Don’t be shy on this issue – the Commissioner wants to help. CANCER FOUNDATION For Personal Appearance was founded by Dr. Joseph Minniti, and offers free wigs and cosmetics to chemo patients. For more data call DON (Cont. Page 30)
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
The herd was somewhat but not totally surprised that the conservative Philadelphia-area Independence Hall Tea Party endorsed MITT ROMNEY this week. PAC co-founder TERI ADAMS argued Romney is an embodiment of conservative Republican values, and also the sole GOP candidate who has polled successfully or on an even par with PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Because of this sentiment, we believe the second-place showings of former Pennsylvania SEN. RICK SANTORUM in the Iowa Caucuses and CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL are indications the herd is looking for an alternative to Romney, because he is deemed to be too moderate and to have flip-flopped on issues. However, this elephant believes Paul and Santorum will fade because they have views many mainstream Republicans do not share. Paul’s libertarian views of foreign policy, which border on isolationism, are deemed extreme by many. Some of the socially conservative comments made by Santorum in the past and documented in his book It Takes a Family cost him his bid for reelection to the US Senate in 2012 and will, in this elephant’s opinion, cause him to continue to fade in this primary season. He came in a weak fifth in the first presidential primary in New Hampshire this week. In New Hampshire, we saw another non-Romney candidate gain traction. JON HUNTSMAN, who had been in the low single digits in most polls, came in a solid third with 17% of the votes behind Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. The New York Times noted earlier this year it believed that Huntsman would be the most-formidable candidate among the Republicans against Obama. Huntsman, a University of Pennsylvania graduate, is the former ambassador to China (Cont. Page 30)
Page 12 The Public Record • January 12, 2012 • 215-755-2000
Black Legislators Blast Daily News Cartoon
Both the chairman and the vice chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus are blasting the Philadelphia Daily News for a cartoon depicting five hooded individuals with smoking guns protruding from the hoods in place of faces. The words “Occupying Black Philadelphia” accompanied the cartoon. Chairman State Rep. Ron Waters (D-W. Phila.) said as “a Pennsylvania lawmaker and
concerned resident, I, along with Vice Chairwoman Vanessa Lowery Brown, charge the Daily News with treating Philadelphia’s gun-violence epidemic as a laughing matter. “It is time to move forward in this effort and attack the larger problem: the proliferation of illegal guns. Our No. 1 priority of government is to protect its citizens. Too many innocent lives have been lost in the crosshairs of gun violence.
It is a sad fact that within the city of Philadelphia the majority of homicides are committed with hand guns and by minors, as well as offenders with previous criminal backgrounds. “Easy access to guns has cost us hundreds and hundreds of lives and replaced safety with fear. It’s time we reclaim the streets of the Philadelphia area and replace fear with determination. As legislators, we need to collaborate with each other to bring about tangible
solutions to this problem. “I have been calling on Gov. Tom Corbett and the General Assembly to create a task force on gun violence and trafficking in the Commonwealth. The task force should be composed of law-enforcement officials, including the Pennsylvania State Police, as they are equipped with surveillance capabilities and the manpower to handle the influx of illegal weapons in the neighborhoods within our state.
“The task force would be charged with investigating the use and transport of illegal guns and assault weapons across the state and how to take them off the street and out of the hands of people with bad intentions who will use them to commit crimes. By creating such a task force, Pennsylvania can be turned into a leader on crime reduction. “I also am requesting for a special session known as a Committee of the Whole to invite the entire General Assembly to meet in a bipartisan fashion to address the concerns of public safety. How do we show our constituencies across the state we are working together under the common goal of increasing public safety? We must be tough on crime, but also right on crime. “We also need to invest in programs with proven track records of reducing violence and the number of repeat offenders, such as Weed and Seed. Funding for the program was eliminated under the Republican-controlled budget and I am also calling on the Governor to reinstate it. “The Weed and Seed program is a law-enforcement/ community-revitalization effort targeting medium-sized communities whose inner
cities are plagued by crime, violence and social deterioration. It is a great example of the State doing right by citizens who live in inner cities, as it has been responsible for reducing crime and delinquency, and has enabled police to work with the community, the private sector and social service agencies to revitalize communities. “Currently I believe we are placing too much emphasis on the stick and not the carrot; we are way too strict on punishment and not on prevention. It is clear these guns are not in our neighborhoods by mistake. Many of the people who use these guns use them to commit crimes within the inner city against their neighbors and other community members. Let’s become more proactive on crime rather than reactive. We should be mindful that creating safer neighborhoods should be the true publicsafety goal. When resources are drained from neighborhoods where unemployment and poverty levels are high, the opportunities to gain a valuable education are low. Making the statement of ‘Occupy Black Philadelphia’ with a negative image depicting hooded individuals and guns is speaking to a symptom, but does not address the cause.”
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Mid-Atlantic Starts Now
NORTH PHILLY’S David Reid entered Mid-Atlantic tournament in 1996 and went on to be Olympic Gold medalist.
The 2012 Middle Atlantic Amateur Boxing Tournament got started this past week and looks to continue its longstanding history as serving as a start of bigger things to come for our area’s rising amateur boxers. Virtually every professional boxer to come out of Philly got their start in this pinnacle tournament of USA boxing. North Philly’s David Reid entered the 1996 Middle Atlantic tournament and went all the way to capture the Gold Medal at that year’s Olympics. The tournament will run consecutive Saturdays in January and will take place at the James Schuler Memorial Boxing Gym, located at 750 N.
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Brooklyn Street in West Philly. Competition will include both novice and open classes of male and female boxers in all weight classes. Weigh-ins are scheduled for 2 p.m. with first bout starting at 4 p.m. For additional info, please call (215) 906-4291.
The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012,
(Cont. From Page 9) competitive in moving products and services to customers in the future. There is a reason we are called the Keystone State. Pennsylvania is the hub for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region, and we should be taking more advantage of our position. It’s a win/win for both labor and business. The Governor and the legislature should pass legislation that gives preference in government purchases and
and care for the elderly and disabled. It also means closing the corporate-tax loopholes that are unfair to workers and small-business owners who do pay their fair share. We are asking our lawmakers to commit to a real jobs-creation agenda in the New Year, not more phony attacks on workers that are cloaked or marketed as being job creators. It is time to make good on the promises made to Pennsylvania’s working families in the last election. It is time to put Pennsylvania Back to Work!
Page 13
Another Opinion
Ringside With The Shadowboxer
procurement to American/Pennsylvania made products and services. A Buy American/ Buy Pennsylvania preference will ensure public funds aren’t spent on job creation in other nations when they should be spent protecting and creating jobs here. And we need to reform our tax system to ensure corporations paying their fair share by closing tax loopholes and taxing the rich among us. Here in our state, it means a fair tax on Marcellus Shale extraction to pay for environmental protection, cleanup, and to help fund education
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Page 14 The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012
(Cont. From Page 10) Boyle (D-Northeast) in the Democrat Primary in the 170th. He adds, “I am a former teacher and a small-business owner. I will bring these experiences and values to the legislature.” “I didn’t go to Harvard like Rep. Boyle. I have my degree from the school of hard knocks,” said Simpson. “After redistricting the 170th Dist. is now a solidly Democratic seat. So running in the Democratic primary against Boyle is the best way to get in there and work for real change.” Simpson’s first hard knock may be when his petitions are challenged, usually the first stumbling block for ‘political greenhorns.’ In 190th, Nibbling At A Challenge • 215-755-2000
With redistricting now set, an emerging name is being talked about in the 190th House Dist. Ordained minister, media personality and political consultant Micah Sims
is being talked to by a few groups to run against incumbent Vanessa Brown, a former Republican candidate years ago. The district includes his residence and his home church, St. Matthew AME. Raised in Wynnefield and the 1st Dist. Plaza, where his grandfather sat on the board, that’s a solid base for a campaign. With strong political friends, existing face and name recognition plus a strong church base, Sims could be the new face for the newly structured 190th Dist. Until it was redistricted, it was a solidly working-class district. Reapportionment stripped some of the neighborhoods which had been Lowery Brown’s base while adding middle-class voters in Wynnefield, Parkside and Powelton Village where she is unfamiliar. In districts like these, which have been radically redrawn for a junior legislator,
Montco Hoopla Casey Gets Training About Meth Labs ward leaders ome into their own as power brokers. The 52nd Ward Leader will be pivotal. His name is Michael Nutter. Locals Grace Montco Democrat Celebration
At least half a dozen Philadelphia Democrats were among many enjoying the Montgomery Co. Democrat luncheon, with Rep. Tony Payton and Derek Green, Rep. Daylin Leach, Larry Curry, Josh Shapiro, Joe Hoeffel and Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz among them. They showed their appreciation, along with attorney Hal Rosenthal, for doing a great job in his 18 years as Montgomery Co. Chair. Pat Murphy worked the room in his chase for the brass ring of Attorney General candidacy. Alan Butkovitz Takes On Watchdog Label
A new promotional piece labeled Philly Watchdog urges citizens to report on fraud, waste and abuse. It’s from City Controller Alan
Butkovitz and invites all to join him in protecting tax dollars. He is offering an app software enabling direct contact to his office with photos, videos, etc. Check his website www.philadelphiacontroller.o rg for more info. Sims Campaign Raises $72,000
Congratulating his supporters for helping raise $72,000 since his declaration to oppose State Rep. Babette Josephs (D-S. Phila.) in the 182nd Democrat primary is Brian Sims. His campaign manager Matt Goldfine said he expects to have a strongenough treasury to make a very noticeable campaign, up to and including primary day.
US Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) fought successfully to secure a methamphetamine lab awareness training for local law enforcement at the National Counterdrug Training Center in Fort Indiantown Gap. The volatile chemicals used to produce meth make busting labs perilous for law enforcement. As the number of meth labs uncovered in Pennsylvania continues to rise, an urgent need exists to prepare local officials for the unique dangers these labs pose. “To combat meth labs and the corrosive effects they have on our communities, law-en-
forcement officials put their own safety at risk and need to be prepared for the array of dangers the labs present,” said the Senator. “I am gratified the skilled Guardsmen and women at the NCTC will host and help facilitate this training to help local law enforcement, emergency-management officials and firefighters gain the skills they need to take these dangerous labs out of our communities.” The 2011 NDIC National Drug Threat Assessment noted abuse of meth is increasing, particularly among young people.
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Where Is The Study On Community Impact?
The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012
by Brian Stevenson COMMUNITY IMPACT – Where’s the study on this? Where’s the commitment to our community? Over 1,700 Catholic teachers are losing their jobs, families and communities are affected! These are our people, they live and support our neighborhoods! Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Mount Carmel have been the cornerstones of our neighborhood for over 100 years. Closing the doors at both these institutions will have a direct affect on the survival of our neighborhood! How are the new feeder schools going to be more competitive in this new educational environment and how will they be involved in our community? The Archdiocese is not willing to try and comprehend how their decisions affect our community. We need to make
....Brian Stevenson Catholic education happen here in our own backyard to teach morals and values above all else to our children and to ensure the survival of our community (2nd Street.) Times have changed, the Archdiocese have failed us. It’s time to look at private or charter options for one or both of our local Catholic elementary schools.
The City is seeking requests for participation in the 2013 Mummers Parade. Mummers organizations interested in participating in the 2013 Philadelphia Mummers Parade in the Comic, String Band, Fancy or Fancy Brigade divisions scheduled for the 113th annual New Year’s Day in January 2013, please submit requests through a letter. Please send the letter to Leo Dignam, City Parade Director, Parks & Recreation
1744 E. Passyunk Ave. • 215-334-0990
Program Division, 1515 Arch Street, 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102-1587. Aplication deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Applicants also can fax a request to the Parks & Recreation office, followed by an original letter sent through regular US mail. However, if you choose this method, the fax must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. The office fax number is (215) 683-3593.
Life Through A Lens
(Cont. From Page 1) Brian Stevenson is a graduate of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Class of ’88, and community leader in Pennsport.
Top of The Line Suits from Italy Tailored to your fit. • 215-755-2000
2013 Mummers March King Lives On Philly’s Walls
Philadelphian toinette Conti.
For eight weeks, people will get to know the Conti billboard, which is known as La Corona. The billboard towers above the drycleaners and looks over the Acme parking lot. The image of Conti will come down in March, and an image of her next-door neighbor, Fernando Trevino, will replace her. The image is one of many photos atop City Billboards that showcases the work of 41-year-old South Philadelphia street photographer Zoe Strauss. Strauss has images at two billboards above 34th Street & Grays Ferry Avenue and another at 25th & Washington Avenue too. The photographs
are part of an exhibit that opens at the Philadelphia Art Museum on Saturday through Apr. 22. It’s Strauss’ photograph of Conti that has neighbors and visitors along Passyunk Avenue talking, though. “She looks like someone who knows who she is,” said Elke Muller, of Dickinson Street. Muller, who is an amateur photographer, said Conti, looks like a woman “whom you would like to get to know.” “She (Conti) looks like she has a lifetime of memories to share,” said Maureen Haddow. Haddow, Kent and Muller should invite Italian American Conti for tea; after all, she only lives a couple of blocks away near Dickinson Street.
MARTIN LUTHER KING has inspired several artists in Mural Arts Program. This soaring image greets people entering Strawberry Mansion on Ridge Avenue.
IMAGE on Lancaster Avenue is based on Polaroid snapshot taken at actual rally on this site in 1965. Bronze bust and plaque also mark history here.
MORE ABSTRACT is this dreamlike façade that adorns Cheltenham Avenue.
Also! Here’s Your Chance To Meet And Greet This Year’s Primary Candidate From Both Parties! As You All Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Public Servant 2012 March 8th, 2012
Register of Wills Ronald Donatucci has set the hall mark for Row Office holders in this city and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In his over three and half decades as this city’s custodian of family estates, marriage licenses, and a host of other court related responsibilities that impact on the lives of all Philadelphians, his office has never suffered a deficiency in any of the audits made by the City Controller or other city or state agencies. When he first took office, he had over 80 full time employees. Despite the increasing demands made on his office since then, he’s reduced personnel by 25%. His self effacing demeanor has earned him the plaudits of all who know him, as evidenced by the fact he recently was elected President of the Board of City Trusts, Chairman, Wills Eye Hospital, Board of Trustees, Temple University and Temple University Health System, among the many other trusts and board positions he holds. A dynamic political leader, many of this city’s elected officials owe their elections to his committed support as Democrat leader of the 26th Ward, a position he has held for 37 years. He heads a family which has contributed its members to public service in the House of Representatives and City service. He served as a State Representative prior to assuming his present elected position. His pro-Labor posture has earned him the support of the major Labor Unions in this city. These are the tip of the iceberg as to the many reasons why Ronald Donatucci has been named to be The Philadelphia Public Record’s “Servant of the Year”, an honor reserved for those whose influence has benefitted all Philadelphians in every walk of life and occupation. • 215-755-2000
Join With Many Of Our Previous Public Servants Of The Year Honorees As We All Salute Ronald Donatucci 2012 Public Servant Of The Year
Ron Donatucci
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
It’s Also Our 13th Anniversary As The City’s Top Political and Labor Newspaper
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Don’t Say You Didn’t Know!
The Public Record • January 12, 2012
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Walk (Cont. From Page 11) McDONOUGH at (856) 4274009…. LOOK FOR THE PRICE OF GAS TO SPIKE every time Iran blusters. Partly because oil flow could slow, and secondly because investors want to get more per barrel. THE ROBING CEREMONY is a time-honored tradi-
tion. This week Judges Dianna ANHALT and Judge Maria McLAUGHLIN were robed. Judge Mike ERDOS was a superb wry wit in the Anhalt event. At McLaughlin’s, Congressman Bob BRADY, John DOUGHERTY, and DA Seth WILLIAMS spoke well of the jurist. And of course, the awaited talk by JON SAIDEL was an apex for him, and from the heart…. LOOK FOR THE
In The Court of Common Pleas Philadelphia County Civil Action – Law No. 111004727 Notice of Action in Mortgage Foreclosure Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., for the Benefit of Bank of America, NA, Plaintiff vs. The Unknown Heirs of Catherine B. Carolina, Deceased & Eleanor Teagle, Solely in Her Ca- • 215-755-2000
pacity as Heir of Catherine B. Carolina, Deceased Mortgagors and Real Owners, Defendant(s) To: The Unknown Heirs of Catherine B. Carolina, Deceased, Mortgagor and Real Owner, Defendant(s), whose last known address is 2425 North Sydenham St. Philadelphia, PA 19132. This firm is a debt collector and we are attempting to collect a debt owed to our client. Any information obtained from you will be used for the purpose of collecting the debt. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., for the Benefit of Bank of America, NA, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 111004727, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 2425 North Sydenham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132, whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. Notice: You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below. This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a Lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee. Community Legal Services, Inc., Law Center North Central, 3638 N. Broad St., Phila., PA 19140, 215-227-2400 or 215981-3700. Phila. Bar Assoc., One Reading Center, Phila., PA 19104, 215-238-6333. KML Law Group, P.C., Attys. for Plaintiff , Ste. 5000, Mellon Independence Center, 701 Market St., Phila., PA 19106-1532, 215.627.1322.
ROBE CEREMONIES of Judges Ehrlich, Foglietta and Nichols in February, after the judicial schools and conference. THE WORD IS TRAFFIC COURT brought in some $26 MILLION in revenue to the Court System and Common-
Elephant (Cont. From Page 11) and Governor of Utah. While his views and record are truly conservative, he has been viewed as a moderate, which has hurt him in the polls. He reduced spending and taxes while Governor of Utah. He probably has the best foreign-policy credentials of any candidate, including the incumbent currently in the White House. Huntsman has been endorsed by former Pennsylvania GOV. TOM RIDGE and former Florida GOV. JEV BUSH. One of his major fundraisers is former Austrian Ambassador and Cozen O’Connor attorney, DAVID GIRARD-DiCARLO. Huntsman had said that if did not do well in New Hampshire, he would consider leaving the race. Apparently his showing on Tuesday was sufficient in his
wealth. Sounds like a solvent side of the court system. And it remains the human side of the courts here – A PEOPLE’S COURT. I sense a secret plan afoot by DETRACTORS. ALL THE CONUNDRUM of a judge-elect missing three quesmind to soldier forward. This elephant received an email at 12:34Wednesday morning announcing plans to go to South Carolina for the next primary and, of course, asking for a donation. New Hampshire showed us also how desperate former CONGRESSMAN NEWT GINGRICH and Texas GOV. RICK PERRY have become. Both have attacked Romney for being a good capitalist. Romney, who headed the financial house of Bain Capital in addition to being the Governor of Massachusetts, is believed by many in the herd as having the best understanding of the economy among the Republican contenders. As Obama’s weak performance on this front is expected to the key concern in the general election, Romney may be the Republican Party’s ace of trumps.
Superior Court of Arizona In Maricopa County - Case# JS 506837 In the matter of Jaylee Jenai Davis-Wallace. Notice of initial Hearing on petition for termination of parent-child relationship. Notice is hereby given that the petitioner Rena A. Wallace has filed a Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship with the Juvenile Court in Maricopa County regarding the above named child or children and Rachanna Davis & John Doe. An initial hearing has been set to consider the petition on February 7, 2012 at 9:00 a. m. before Judge David K. Udall at the Maricopa County Court located at: Southeast Facility; 1810 S. Lewis Street; Mesa, AZ 85210. • You have a right to appear as a party in this proceeding. • Request for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the office of the Judge or commissioner assigned to the case, at least ten (10) days before your scheduled court date. • The failure of a parent to appear at the initial Hearing, the Pretrial Conference, the Status Conference or the Termination Adjudication Hearing may result in a court order terminating the parent-child relationship of that parent. • Failure to appear at the Initial Hearing, Pretrial Conference, Status Conference or Termination Adjudication Hearing, without good cause, may result in a finding that the parent, guardian or Indian custodian has waived legal rights and is deemed to have admitted the allegations in the Petition. • The hearings may go forward in the absence of the parent, guardian or Indian custodian and may result in the termination of parental rights based upon the record and evidence presented
tions on an exam due to spending too much time on the essay portion of the exam. Let all the journalists who missed exams by less than three questions throw the first stone. The journalists did not do their HOMEWORK on this. THE CURIOUS THING about the attacks on Traffic Court and Councilwoman
Out & About (Cont. From Page 11) bered that. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Harris Wofford, who was among those who marched with King during the Civil Rights Movement, would get on the air to tell us about the whole idea behind the holiday. It also became a chance to honor those who were continuing King’s legacy and for communities that needed help but couldn’t always get it to get the assistance they craved. But as we approach the 17th anniversary of the King Holiday, I see more and more evidence everyone’s worse fears are being realized: it’s becoming another day exercise our right to unbridled capitalism. Man, does that miss the point! I understand, Sears and Kmart, that you’re having serious financial problems. I know that you’re about to close stores and put folks out of work. (Maybe you should hire Mitt Romney to help you out with that. He apparently likes firing people.) But advertising a “Martin Luther King Day Sale” is be-
TASCO in the press is that the attack writers were MEN!!!! It took a LOT OF COURAGE for them to stand up to these ladies from AFAR. One attacker must have had his car towed or something and went after the entire Democratic Party (?). Could he stand eyeball to eyeball with the party Chairman and say what he wrote? yond uncool. In fact, it’s downright disrespectful to the man, his memory, and what the day is supposed to be about. I’m guessing you know that already. It just appears you don’t care. Unfortunately, you’re probably not going to be the last corporation to try this. My guess is that three years from now, the 20th anniversary of the King Holiday will be awash in sale circulars … meaning that it’ll be just another holiday. And that will be quite sad.
City Hall (Cont. From Page 11) battle with MICHAEL MEEHAN and VITO CANUSO? He just knocked off JOE DUDA to take over the seat. Will Denny and Brian join with Al or just live with him? The possibilities are endless. Speaking of getting along, Council’s high-profile mavericks BILL GREEN and MARIA QUINONES SANCHEZ will likely have to make room for the new progressives on City Council. It should be fascinating to see if the progressives clash or mesh.
The Family Court of the State of Delaware, In and For New Castle. Notice of Termination of Parental Rights Action. To: Unknown Father “Octavio”, From: Confidential Clerk of Family Court Adoptions from the Heart, Petitioner, has brought a civil action (Petition number 11-37421) against you to terminate your parental rights of your minor female child, born: 10/27/2011. A hearing has been scheduled at the Family Court, 500 N. King Street, Wilmington Delaware, on 1/27/2012 at 9:30 a.m. If you do not appear at the hearing, the Court may terminate your parental rights without your appearance. If you wish to be represented by an attorney in this matter but cannot afford one, you my be entitled to have the court appoint an attorney to represent you for free. For more information, please contact the confidential clerk at family court, (302) 255-0244.
bankruptcy and won’t become completely destitute. Determining which set of exemptions to use, however, can be a little frustrating. Under current law, you can use the exemptions of the state where you are domiciled; if you have lived there for 730 days (two years). If not, you have to use the exemptions of the state you lived in for the 180 days before the last 730. And if there is no state that meets those criteria, then you use the exemptions of the state you lived in for the longest portion of that 180 day period. Clear? This is confusing at best, and to make matters worse, some states don’t allow you to use their exemptions unless you are a resident. In those cases, you can use the Federal exemptions. (These are laid out in the Bankruptcy Code at Section 522.) Filing bankruptcy is traumatic enough without taking the chance you could be giving up more property than you legally need to. Find a competent bankruptcy attorney to help. Next Week’s Question: How long can the IRS collect from me?
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We Invite You To Capitalize On The 20 Years Of Experience And Skill Of Attorney
Deborah M. Truscello Call and schedule a free initial consultation. Practice Areas: Workers Compensation Divorce and Family Law Personal Injury Social Security Disability
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alarming,” said Lighthouse Network founder and executive director, psychiatrist Karl Benzio, MD. “Pot has become nearly as accepted as cigarette smoking in our society, and the dangers of it are grossly underestimated, especially for young people. As high-schoolers smoke more pot, they are drawn to other drugs — drugs with devastating effects.” The “Monitoring the Future” report also found that: • The proportion of young people using any illicit drug has risen steadily in recent years, primarily a result of the increase in marijuana use. • 50% of high school seniors reported having tried an illicit drug at some time. • 40% of seniors had used one or more drugs in the past year. • 25% of seniors had used one or more drugs in the past month. The survey also reported that, while alcohol use and binge drinking have gradually declined, the use of “synthetic marijuana” products, such as K2 and Spice, as well as the drug Ecstasy, are growing and can have harmful and even fatal consequences to users.
Allan K. Marshall, Attorney 1819 JFK Blvd Suite #400 Near 19th & Market Phila., PA 19103
215-569-1944 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM) Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.
We are a debt-relief agency 1500 Walnut Street • Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19102
Happiness Possible Through Bankruptcy Don’t get a consolidation loan Bankruptcy will improve your credit
Allan K. Marshall, Attorney 1819 JFK Blvd Suite #400 Near 19th & Market Phila., PA 19103
215-569-1944 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM)
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, February 7, 2012. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. FEE BUDGET B-013C of 2010/11 Electrical Central High School $4,365,550.00$200.00 Relighting and Electric Service Upgrade 1700 West Olney Ave. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on January 20, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia. • 215-755-2000
Marijuana use among American teens rose for the fourth straight year, according to results from the annual “Monitoring the Future” survey released last month in Washington, D.C. The survey also found daily marijuana use is at a 30year peak among high-school seniors, with 6.6% using pot daily. The report, which surveyed 47,000 teens in grades 8, 10 and 12, stated fewer teens perceive the drug as harmful and that disapproval of marijuana use is dropping. The annual survey is sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan and is considered one of the leading indicators of trends in substance use among the nation’s teens. Many drug-abuse experts and counselors, including those at Lighthouse Network, an addiction and mental-health referral program, say marijuana is a gateway drug that will lead teens to experiment with other harder, more dangerous drugs. Lighthouse Network also provides the Lighthouse Addiction Helpline, a free, 24-hour counseling helpline. “This rise in marijuana use among teens is particularly
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: How do bankruptcy exemptions make the system work? Answer: When a bankruptcy is filed, the debtor can keep anything that is “exempt.” That always includes household goods and personal effects, and, most of the time, provides a homestead exemption that protects the debtor’s home. But why? Actually, bankruptcy exemptions are absolutely necessary to a fair and forgiving economic system. If filing bankruptcy meant losing everything, we would create a community of destitute, starving people who would have to live off of welfare or government aid unless we sentenced them to a Dickens’ debtor’s prison! Further, studies show the more liberal the bankruptcy exemptions, the greater the state’s economic growth. States with generous exemptions, like Texas and Florida, attract more entrepreneurs and businesses. The owners know if their business should collapse, they can file
ATTORNEY Will Help You Get A Business Loan
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Pot Use Rises Among Teens
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Sheriff Jewell Williams Reviews His Deputies Jewell Williams, newly elected Sheriff of Philadelphia, has reinstituted a monthly review and roll call of deputies on duty at the Criminal Justice Center, Family Court at Ludlow and Market, and Philadelphia Traffic Court. His first review of sheriff deputies in full uniform began last Thursday.
This is the first time in 25 years an elected Sheriff has done this type of review — in or out of uniform — for those men and women charged with securing the transportation of prisoners to the courts, and the safety and security of the judges and courtrooms. “I want to reassure these hardworking deputies that what they do is vitally important and appreci-
ated, and to emphasize to the judges, clerks, and all employees of the court system the Sheriff’s office is dedicated to providing the best protection and security possible,” said Williams. The review of approximately 45 deputies — all in uniform — will continue at different courthouses across the city over the next several months.
SHERIFF Jewell Williams arrives with Special Assistant Alan Kurtz at Family Court offices at 11th & Ludlow manned by deputy sheriffs.
SHERIFF Jewell Williams checks out areas where his deputies’ offices are located. With him are Harriet Lessy and Alan Kurtz.
SHERIFF Jewell Williams returns salute to Sgt. Paris Washington as he toured facilities guarded by his deputies.
CAPT. Peter Lavini of Sheriff’s detail at Traffic Court welcomes Sheriff Jewell Williams prior to review of deputies on duty there.
SHERIFF WILLIAMS is welcomed to Family Court by Capt. Domenic Saia prior to reviewing deputies on duty at that facility.
WATCHING Sheriff Jewell Williams as he tours Criminal Justice Center is Peter Carrea of Winners Auto Valet Service.
$10 For 10 Trees
Residents of Pennsylvania can ring in the New Year and receive 10 free flowering trees by joining the Arbor Day Foundation any time during January 2012. By becoming a member of the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation, you will receive two white flowering dogwoods, two flowering crabapples, two Washington hawthorns, two American redbuds and two goldenrain trees.
“These beautiful trees will give your home in Pennsylvania lovely flowers with pink, yellow and white colors,” said John Rosenow, chief executive and founder of the Arbor Day Foundation. “These trees are perfect for large and small spaces, and they will provide food and habitat for songbirds.” The free trees are part of the nonprofit Foundation’s Trees for
America campaign. The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for planting, between Feb. 1 and May 31, with enclosed planting instructions. The 6- to 12-inch tall trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge. Arbor Day Foundation members also receive a subscription to the Foundation’s bimonthly publication, Arbor Day, and The Tree
Book, which includes information about tree planting and care. To become a member of the Foundation and to receive your free trees, send a $10 contribution to TEN FREE FLOWERING TREES, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Avenue, Nebraska City, NE 68410, by Jan. 31, 2012. Pennsylvania residents can also join online at
in the three months ending Sep. 30, led by a 3.7% decline in imports from Asia. For the full year, preliminary estimate numbers show US imports from Asia growing a scant 0.1%. The 3.7% gain in overall US international ocean container volume follows an 11.8% year-over-year increase in 2010. But that gain also followed a steep drop in 2009, including a 15.1% decline in import volume. In sluggish economies, different ports compete ever harder with each other for slices of the pie. Philadelphia, in practice, will be glad to hold its own this year.
The only factor that will fundamentally reduce the price of oil is the wholesale introduction of other competing transportation fuels. This alone will finally force OPEC to its knees — and deliver a massive blow to worldwide Islamic terrorism. A bill is being introduced in Congress that can do this. It is called the Open Fuel Standard Act (HR 1687 in the House and S1603 in the Senate). This bill does not support ethanol, methanol, or any other specific alternative transportation fuel source. The OFS Act doesn’t support any one particular transportation fuel. But if passed, it only opens up the market to competition and finally allows the American consumer to choose from a variety of fuels for their cars and trucks. Additionally, there are no subsidies tied to the OFS leg-
projected fuel-cost savings would be approximately $1,000 per year per car! Brazil has already reached this point. That country no longer imports oil.
2002 Honda Model EX 26,000 Original Miles 5-Speed Manual • Sunroof • New Tires
Call: 215-423-3631 • 215-755-2000
Contrary to what some believe, Canada does not supply the largest share of America’s imported oil. OPEC does. Even if we could purchase largely from our own domestic supplies and our northern neighbor, it will not destroy OPEC’s monopoly on the world-wide price of oil, nor will it decrease the terrorism that is funded through OPEC oil funds. Why? Oil is fungible. Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are capable of mutual substitution, such as crude oil, wheat, precious metals or currencies. For example, if someone lends another person a $10 bill, it does not matter if they are given back the same $10 bill or a different one, since currency is fungible. If someone lends another person their car, however, they would not expect to be given back a different car, even of the same make and model, as cars are not fungible. As long as OPEC controls enough of the worldwide oil market (and they certainly do), when they want the price to rise, they simply cut back slightly on their supply. Only a 2-3% drop in supply will typically create a dramatic rise in price. Therefore, even if the US.and Canadian markets are able to generate a 10 to 15% increase in the overall supply of world oil, OPEC would simply cut back their portion of the supply accordingly for a net zero result in order to maintain the level of current pricing. The fact is domestic oil suppliers have shown little stomach for increasing supply. Why? They like the prices OPEC’s strategy generates! This is why Gov. Sarah Palin had to file suit in Alaska just to get movement on additional drilling and production. US oil companies have a tendency for sitting on inventory, especially if it is likely that future pricing will be higher.
islation and there is absolutely no cost to the federal government or taxpayers. New cars would cost approximately $100 more for the alcohol fuel capability, but the resulting
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
US international containerized trade grew about 3.7% in 2011, a sharp slowdown from the double-digit from the year before. This has been reflected in the total gross of container tonnage in the Port here. The improvement over 2010 was led by an estimated 5.8% year-over-year gain in export volume, according to the figures.. Containerized imports, measured in 20-foot-equivalent units, grew only 2.2% in 2011 over the year before, and most of that growth came early in the year. Final figures through the third quarter showed import volume contracted 1.6%
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Container Trade Why Gas Prices Grew Just 3.7% Won’t Go Down
Page 34 The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Irish Honor Famine History
Kingly Gifts STATE REP Angel Cruz hosted “Three Kings” party over weekend. Joining Cruz at packed party are Ward Leader Emilio Vazquez, Sheriff Jewell Williams and his daughter Jewel Williams, and Lucy Rodriguez. Photo: McGlasson Photography
SIOBHAN LYONS, executive director of Irish Immigration Center of Phila., joins Board Member Judge Joe Waters at statue honoring Great Famine of 1845-52, which drove millions of Irish into exile.
FATHER Ed Brady assists two lads in lowering Irish flag at Irish Memorial on Front Street in Old City. Both Irish and SHOWING YOUTHS proper way to fold US flag American flags are changed there three is Judge Joe Waters, a former Marine and former months before St. Patrick’s Day. policeman.
STANDING IN for Joseph at Concilio’s celebration of Epiphany was John Dougherty. Irina Valentin was Mother Mary and Mayla Camacho performed role of Baby Jesus. Gaspar, Balthasar and Melchior were glad to bestow precious royal gifts on this child. Photo: Harry Leech NUTCRACKER SUITE was performed by Grupo Fuego for delight of largely Hispanic audience. Epiphany is traditionally a major celebration in Hispanic communities, when children receive “Christmas” gifts. Photo: Harry Leech
Jones Blacks Out In Style ShopRite Reopens in N.W. • 215-755-2000
COUNCILMAN Curtis Jones, Jr. hosted Black Out party fundraiser in Manuyunk. Council President Darrell Clarke and Passaic Co. Surrogate, Bernice Toledo, were among many guests in attendance.
CANDIDATE for Penna. Attorney General Dan McCaffery joins host Councilman Curtis Jones.
WARD LEADER Lou Agre, Councilman at Large LABOR LEADER SAM Staten, Jr. Bill Greenlee, 4th Dist. Councilman Curtis Jones, congratulates Councilman Curtis Jr. and Councilman At Large Bill Green enjoy party Jones, Jr. on his reelection. in Manayunk. Photos: McGlasson Photography
STATE REP. Dwight Evans called for a Group Hug to celebrate reopening of Cheltenham ShopRite and FastCare Clinic. Flanking Evans are, from left, Wendell Young IV, president, United Food Workers Local 1776; Sandy Brown and her husband Jeff Brown, who head Brown’s Super Stores; Mayor Michael Nutter; State Rep. Cherelle Parker; Councilwoman Marian Tasco; Councilwoman Cindy Bass; and District Attorney Seth Williams. Photo: McGlasson Photography
McLaughlin Robes Up
JUDGE MARIA McLAUGHLIN was given a traditional “Robe Ceremony” in City Hall. Event saw over 400 well-wishers attend. Judge McLaughlin expressed thanks to all as Judge Frank Brady, who Photo: Joe Stivala spent many years in District Attorney’s Office working with Maria, looks on.
Photos: Bonnie Squires
JUDGE PAMELA DEMBE and State Rep. Babette Josephs were among crowd of luminaries congratulating Chancellor John Savoth.
MICHAEL SCULLIN, ESQ., Honorary French Consul, congratulates newly installed Chancellor John E. Savoth at Phila. Bar Reception in Savoth’s honor last night. Scullin brought with him legal intern from McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, Céline Cardosy, from Lyon, France.
NEWLY MINTED City Councilman Denny O’Brien, 2nd from left, is congratulated at a reception in his honor at Vesper Club by Ted Kirsch, president of AFT of Penna.; Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell; and Jerry Jordan, president of AFT of Phila. Photos: Bonnie Squires
CHANCELLOR-ELECT Kathleen Wilkinson and her husband Tom Wilkinson, Esq., greeted Chief Justice Ron Castille in receiving line at Bar Association reception. NEW COUNCIL colleagues Jannie Blackwell and Bill Green showed up to congratulate newly installed Councilman Denny O’Brien.
Toasting Judge Kennedy
COUNCILMAN Councilman Denny O’Brien welcomes Pat Eiding to O’Brien’s inaugural reception at Vesper Club.
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
HEADING receiving line at last night’s Chancellor’s Reception of Phila. Bar Association at Park Hyatt Bellevue ballroom were, from left, newly installed Chancellor John E. Savoth and his wife Nancy, and immediate past Chancellor Rudolph Garcia. Hundreds of attorneys, judges and City officials lined up for hours to greet Chancellor Savoth.
Denny’s Pals Elated
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Legal Luminaries Tout New Bar Head
AMONG well-wishers at Denny O’Brien inaugural event were, from left, Bill Sasso, Esq., O’Brien, Hon. Gene Cohen and Realtor Myron Berman.
Queen Mum Greets 80th
TRIBUTE to Judge Sean Kennedy was held in Finnigan’s Wake Pub. Many celebrants were eager to congratulate judge. Seen above, from left, are Ward Leader John Sabatina, Esq.; State Rep. John Sabatina, Jr.; Mike Boyle (Judge Erdos look-alike); Joe Russo; Plymouth Township Councilman Vincent Gilliam; Judge Kennedy; Ward Leaders Pat Parkinson, William Dolbow, John Connelly and Rosanne Pauciello; Irving Vaughn; and Ward Leaders Shawn Dillon and Robert Dellavella, Esq. Photo: Joe Stivala
DOMINICK CIPOLLINI of Keystone Outdoor Advertising; Realtor Myron Berman; Councilman Denny O’Brien; and Joseph Felici, Keystone Outdoor Advertising. CONGRESSMAN Chaka Fattah is joined by his family at City Hall, where he heaped praise on his mother, Queen Mother Falaka Fattah.
Mandel’s Friends Make Merry
SURPRISE! City officials, friends and family celebrated 80th Birthday Party of Queen Mother Falaka Fattah at City Hall. Fattah, founder of House of Umoja, Inc is joined here by husband David.
COUNCILPEOPLE Bill Green, Jannie Blackwell and Curtis Jones, Jr. present Queen Mother Falaka Fattah with City citation on her 80th birthday. Photos: McGlasson Photography • 215-755-2000
B U D G E T WATCHDOG Brett Mandel gathered his family and followers at his Fitler Square home for a holiday party doubled as a campaign event. Mandel says he is “walking, not running” for City Controller, a post he sought in 2009.
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Len’s top dining picks of 2011
Pacifico Ford Good Credit • Bad Credit No Credit • Don’t Sweat it!
The Public Record • January 12, 2012
(part 3)
6700 Essington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19153 ______________________ 215.492.1700 Rocky has been in the auto business since 1994. He has been recognized by Ford Motor Company with numerous achievements including Master Certified in car and trucks. He’ll use his experience to help you maximize your benefits and reduce your expenses!
by Len Lear • A few months ago I ran into Paul Roller on Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hill. Roller has been chef/owner of a catering firm and restaurants (currently Roller’s Express-O and Roller’s Flying Fish) in Chestnut Hill for three decades. He is known as a no-nonsense boss and a guy who hates pretension and restaurants that charge lots of money for flash and not substance. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned his choice for the city’s best bargain restaurant. It was Modo Mio (“My Way”), a BYOB at 161 W. Girard Avenue on the edge of Northern Liberties, which is packed every night (despite its cash-only policy), largely
Brighten Your Car’s Colors For The Holidays • 215-755-2000
6717 Essington Ave. Commercial vehicles by estimate. Body work, rust repair, and stripping of old paint extra. Not valid with any other offer. MAACO® Auto Painting & Bodyworks centers are independent franchises of MAACO® Enterprises, Inc. Prices, hours and services may vary.
because of its prix fixe menu — four courses for $34. Based on Roller’s strong recommendation, we checked out Modo Mio after reading rave after rave from customers on, menu and The funny thing is owner/chef/dining room entertainer Peter McAndrews (he goes around the dining room making customers laugh, as the late Gene Gosfield used to do at Under the Blue Moon in Chestnut Hill), who grew up in Southwest Philly, is not even Italian; he is Irish, but he spent a year studying traditional, rustic cooking in 1996 at the Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners in Torino, Italy, “because I wanted to learn real Italian cooking, not the bastardized version you get at most Italian-American restaurants.” Whatever he learned is working. We can’t wait to go back. More information at (215) 203-8707. (The website,, is currently out of order.) •Albert Paris, a South Philly guy (born Albert Parisi) and one of Philly’s most peripatetic chefs (he has been a chef at Mantra, City Tap House, Public House, Guru, Rococo, Oberon, Circa, City Grille and others), opened Heirloom, a 50seat BYOB, in a former Middle Eastern food market in mid-December at 8705 Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hill, next door to a State Store (perfect for a BYOB). His partner is Robert Bynum, a Mt. Airy native who was Paris’ boss at Zanzibar Blue and Warmdaddy’s. The transformation was impressive. Comfortable banquettes, hanging candles and greenery, reclaimed wood tables, caned chairs, bamboo flooring, vintage reproduction fabrics, soft music, etc., make for a cozy, romantic
setting. And Paris’ regional New American Cuisine features all American ingredients, including many that are locally sourced. All baking, curing, smoking, preserving, etc., is done in-house. Appetizers are all in the $10 range with entrees mostly in the $20s. Based on our “practice” dinner and comments I’ve heard from several customers, Heirloom has a very (Cont. Next Page)
2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
Len Lear
Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937
Thank Mr. Reagan "Take out all the music." -- Russell Simmons, Ethnocentric Promoter Part 57/60 “DON’T BLAME HIP-HOP, I’M SICK and tired of hearing people equate hip-hop music with murder.. .1 think with the recent rise of “black on black crime” in Philadelphia, most people think it makes sense to point the finger at the one thing that runs through this community, its love of hip-hop... So, why is this violence so prevalent in the African-American community?.. .hoplessness, distrust, lack of unity and poor education that has lead to this environment of violence didn’t happen by accident. So please, stop blaming hip-hop for black-on-black crime.” —Tara Cupit, The Phila Daily News, February 17, 2006
BUSINESS OF HIP-HOP: Hip-hop “culture could not have survived and thrived without the people who funded, promoted and sold it.. (Rap promoter) Russell Simmons’ key innovation, when he made Run-DMC’s first record, was to basically order his producerpartner Larry Smith to take out all the music - RUSSELL SIMMONS I just want to hear a beat.” —Dan Charnas, Author, “Fresh Air.” Dec 9, 2010 “OCCUPY ST. BARTS, HIP-HOP mogul and Occupy Wall Street supporter, RUSSELL SIMMONS, was spotted far from Zuccotti Park this week, strolling the beach in front of super-luxurious Hotel Isle de France on St. Barts. Simmons—the vocal OWS supporter and author of “SUPER RICH: A Guide To Having It All”— annually spends the holiday season on the island... (Said Simmons) ‘I need to continue to fuel
the revolution by traveling around the world, and engaging the good people that will do the work.” —The New York Post, December 24, 2011 —Nicola Argentina (c) 2012
“You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania”
(Cont. From Prev. Page) bright future in 2012. Some of the dishes that blew us away were the warm Carolina rolls, amazing cornbread, butternut squash bisque and roasted king salmon with bacon and pepper cream. More information at (215) 242-2700 or •Two years ago Philly’s nonpareil chef/entrepreneur/ wunderkind, José Garces, who, according to one wag, “keeps proving that there is no limit to his talent for assimilation,” joined forces with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and opened Garces Trading Co., a cafe, wine shop and on-site bakery at 1111 Locust Street. In addition to a full-service restaurant, customers can purchase topquality cheeses, cold cuts, breads, baked goods and other gourmet foods that are sold under Garces’ label. Garces’ competitors, none of whom are allowed to have a wine shop in their restaurants, are not too thrilled about the fact you can buy a bottle of wine at the usual retail price at Garces Trading Co. (instead of the usual 300% restaurant markup) and then drink it with your dinner. Quite a competitive advantage. Or you may even BYOB.
And you basically cannot go wrong with anything on the menu. Some dishes we loved during a recent visit were the funghi pizza with several different types of mushrooms ($16), the muscular Tuscan fusilli alla carbonara pasta ($13), the feather-light sauteed cod entree ($18) and the naughty chocolate mousse with chocolate pretzels and peanut butter center ($7). More information at (215)5741099 or •If Modo Mio has the city’s best bargain prices for topquality dining, then the best bargain in the suburbs has to be the weeknight three-coursefor-$33 option at the Old Guard House Inn, 953 Youngsford Road in Gladwyne. The price is amazing, considering the fact some of the entrees on the regular menu are higher than $33. “It (the $33 menu) serves a great purpose,” insists Albert Breuers, owner/chef for the last 33 years. “It fills in the seats on weekdays, and we don’t mind doing it because not everybody can afford these (regular menu) prices. Of course, every chef and restaurant owner wants to see as many people as possible enjoying his food, and not just on weekends. It’s also a great learning tool for some of our young chefs.” At Old Guard House Inn, you can dine like millionaire Main Liners at rowhouse prices. More information at (610) 649-9708 or
“Hey,” I said, “you know George Washington had wooden teeth.” Finally I saw a spark of interest across the eyes of my oldest. I took it and ran. For the next 20 minutes, we discussed how silly it is that someone would judge their life or another by how white their teeth are! I tried my best to convey in their language how commercials are meant to force emotions on us that will trigger our unconscious to associate the product with that emotion. One of the saddest contradictions is how these seemingly soulful messages have a soulless cause. How is it that selling laundry detergent makes us better mothers or how picking the “right” car insurance leaves us with a
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CITY COUNCIL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3290 2012 NOTICE OF STATED MEETINGS The Philadelphia City Council will have its Regular Stated Meetings on the dates listed below. All meetings will be held at 10:00 A.M. in Room 400 City Hall, except as noted below. Monday, January 2, 2012* Thursday, January 26, 2012 Thursday, February 2, 2012 Thursday, February 9, 2012 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Thursday, March 1, 2012 Thursday, March 8, 2012 Thursday, March 15, 2012 Thursday, March 22, 2012 Thursday, March 29, 2012 Thursday, April 12, 2012 Thursday, April 19, 2012 Thursday, May 3, 2012 Thursday, May 10, 2012 Thursday, May 17, 2012 Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012 Thursday, June 14, 2012 Thursday, June 21, 2012 Thursday, September 13, 2012 Thursday, September 20, 2012 Thursday, September 27, 2012 Thursday, October 4, 2012 Thursday, October 11, 2012 Thursday, October 18, 2012 Thursday, October 25, 2012 Thursday, November 1, 2012 Thursday, November 15, 2012 Thursday, November 29, 2012 Thursday, December 6, 2012 Thursday, December 13, 2012
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Call: Joe “Bag-A Donuts”
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commercials regarding teeth whitening! How is it that having white teeth causes you to smile bigger? Does having whiter teeth make your life better? Well, you and I can discern these advertising absurdities from reality, but unfortunately our innocent children cannot. It was at that moment I muted the commercials (much to my eight-year-old’s dismay) and had a discussion with my children about the marketing of teeth whiteners. Most of the time I got blank stares until I had an epiphany,
back control of our brains! Let’s empower our children with control they don’t know they have! Use the mute button and remember … the father of this our great country had brown, not white, chop-
The Public Record • January 12, 2012,
by Adele Lam Like the rest of you, I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to rolling my eyes at useless commercials. I am amazed at how many times I find myself muttering under my breath, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” or “Oh please” after being subjected to some effort to pull on my heartstrings just to sell car insurance or the latest medicine. The other night, while the children and I were having some TV time together, I was appalled that in a short frame of time we had watched seven
Ads are a seemingly endless assault on our intelligent being. A constant parade of distractions that stupefy our brains from being productive or creative during those 30second time clips. Let’s take
Page 37
Washington‘s Wooden Teeth Helps This Mama
feeling of being safer? How embarrassed I have been when I find myself victim to a commercial that actually brings a tear to my eye, only to find that it was for cat food! My revenge is that my children will now say, “we know mom … they just want our money.” What I have discovered is although we as parents have so much to worry about, to shield our children from, to have “conversations about”, it might make talking about “commercials” a bit ridiculous-sounding. Look at it like this … what if our kids where more able to be in the present moment? How much more true happiness they would attain if they could distinguish between their own thoughts and the thoughts they are told to feel by the thousands of advertisements they see daily? • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • January 12, 2012
Page 38
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Honda 1988 GL 1500 Motorbike for give away to responsible person due to my son sudden death. If interested contact:
The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012,
ADOPTION OR PERSONALS UNIQUE ADOPTIONS. Let us help! Personalized Adoption Plans. Financial assistance, housing relocation and more. Giving the gift of life? You deserve the best. Call us first! 1888-637-8200 24-hours hotline. PREGNANT? Loving, financially secure couple looking to adopt a healthy infant. Expenses PAID.
Page 39
Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals
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The South Philadelphia Public Record • January 12, 2012
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