Jim Stevenson
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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
Vol. XIV. No. 5 (Issue 627) We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
Griffith Guides Black Clergy
Value 50¢
February 2, 2012
Our Own 37th Soul Bowl
City Hall Won’t Be The Same! MAYOR Michael Nutter is all smiles as he peers through ADDRESSING city from his window at work beginning home pulpit in S. Phila., Rev. on major remodeling of DilTerrence Griffith assumes worth Plaza. Changes will top role in Black Clergy of make Plaza major social and Phila. & Environs. tourist attraction. See Page 8 Another pic Page 2
YMCA’s Employee Of Year
HONORED as W. Phila. YMCA Employee of Year is Sensei Brightful, 2nd from left, with YMCA Board Chair Tom Bender, Paulette Branson and Gary Burness of Crown Cork & Seal. See story Page 7
Do you have An IPhone, an IPod, an ITouch, Or any other Media-Enabled Device? Then read our Daily Mobile Edition at:
PHILLY’S own version of the Super Bowl, 37th annual Soul Bowl, was played out at historic Chalmers Field on N. 29th Street. Chairman and founder of Residents Coalition which sponsors event is Ralph Wynder, almost in center with football. Many above are third-generation players.
Brady On WURD Make Your Reservations
SPICING up political talk on Radio Station WURD 800 AM is Congressman Bob Brady, who, along with State Rep. Bill Keller, is interviewed in first of monthly morning drivetime appearances by Bill & Cody Anderson. More pics, details, Page 5
DUCKY BIRTS, veteran aide to Congressman Bob Brady, points to sign indicating Apr. 21 is date for his 6th annual Medallion Awards Banquet at 1st Dist. Plaza, 38th & Market, benefiting Ducky Birts Foundation for children.
Will Holy Family Pick Up PHA's Liddonfield?
Would You Believe? Landlords Honor PHA!
Story Page 6
Page 7
INJURED AT WORK! If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get ALSO OFFICES IN money for thousands of injured workers over PHILADLEPHIA, the last 30 years. MEDIA, LANCASTER Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?
Page 2 The Public Record • February 2, 2012
Remaking Dilworth Plaza Into Major Attraction The new Dilworth Plaza will remake the image of Philadelphia. That is the expectation of everyone who took part in ground breaking ceremonies this week. These included US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, members of the Philadelphia congressional delegation and a representative of Gov. Tom Corbett along with Mayor Michael A. Nutter, Center City District President Paul R. Levy, members of Philadelphia City Council, SEPTA and foundation and business funders. They gathered to celebrate groundbreaking for the $50 million transformation of Dilworth Plaza, the public space and transportation hub immediately west of Philadelphia’s City Hall. “President Obama has challenged us to build an economy that works for everyone, and with the work starting today, Dilworth Plaza will meet that challenge,” said Secretary LaHood. “All across America, there is work to be done on projects like this. Now is the time to connect people who need work with the work we need to do to improve our nation’s transit centers, highways, railways, airports and ports.” The Mayor added, “The
TRANSPORTATION Secretary Ray LaHood, left; Mayor Michael Nutter; and Congresswoman Allyson Schwarz listen intently as Center City District Director Paul Levy gives details of over $50 million refurbishing of Dilworth Plaza at indoor groundbreaking ceremonies. newly renovated Dilworth Plaza will create more than 900 jobs and will make Dilworth Plaza a green, transitoriented park for Philadelphians and visitors. I’d like to thank Secretary LaHood, SEPTA and especially Center City District for working in partnership with the City to complete this project.” By early 2014, Dilworth Plaza will be transformed into a sustainable, barrierfree, well-maintained, green public space with accessible connections to underground transit. The new Plaza will
have a large lawn, tree groves, seating for 400, a programmable fountain and a café, the revenue from which will be used to help maintain the plaza. During winter, a portable ice rink will cover the fountain area. “The Center City District thanks all who have supported the transformation of Dilworth Plaza into what will be one of the most vibrant civic spaces in the city. This critically important capital investment will generate more than 900 construction jobs, will enhance the pedestrian and transit-rider experience
and provide a place for visitors, residents and workers to meet, relax and enjoy the 24hour amenities of our growing downtown,” said Levy. The concourse beneath Dilworth Plaza will be dramatically improved as a new transit gateway, providing entrances to Broad Street and Market Street subways and the trolley lines. New elevators will make transit platforms accessible for the first time. Planning and design for the Dilworth Plaza project began in 2008, and more than 60 meetings were held with various stakeholder groups who reviewed and commented on its design. Following publicly advertised open meetings of the City of Philadelphia’s Art and Historical Commissions, City Planning Commission, and City Council, the project was formally approved. The CCD has a long-term (30-year) lease with the City to construct, maintain, and manage Dilworth Plaza. The CCD will assume all cleaning, site- and landscapemaintenance, and programming responsibilities for the Plaza. The transformation of Dilworth Plaza has been generously supported by the US Dept. of Transportation with
a $15 million grant from the federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery program, a $15.5 million grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, $5 million from the City of Philadelphia’s capital program, $4.3 million from SEPTA, plus generous donations from the William Penn Foundation, the John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, the Greenfield Foundation, First Niagara, Arden Group, Dow Chemical Co., Brooks Capital, Commonwealth Realty, Brandywine Trust, Pearl Properties, the Roberts Event Group, and many others. The project construction was competitively bid in the summer of 2010 and a contract was awarded to the Daniel J. Keating Co.; 39.5% in dollar value of the construction subcontracts will be managed by minorityand female-owned firms. The renovation of Dilworth Plaza was designed by KieranTimberlake architects, OLIN landscape architects, and Urban Engineers. A work of public art created by Janet Echelman will be integrated into the fountain and will trace the path of the trains below in real time. CCD’s owner’s representative is Gilbane Building Co. • 215-755-2000
Waters On Wall Street Panel Thomas Fights To Save State Rep. Ronald G. Waters will be a featured panelist Friday at the 115th annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit in New York City. The event is sponsored by the Rainbow Push Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund. Waters, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, will join five other elected State officials from the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Texas for a discussion of “From Crisis to Working Communities – Next Steps in Access to Economic Prosperity.” The focus of the panel will be on how states and cities are responding to the fragile economy and con-
sidering viable solutions to reduce the economic disparities in our society. Waters said, in Pennsylvania, with conservatives in the majority in the Legislature and holding the Governor’s office, the possibility of any State initiatives toward a large-scale employment initiative are slim at best. “Our best hope is, as asserted in President Obama’s State of the Union Address, a national commitment to job development in urban areas,” said Waters. “In the Pennsylvania General Assembly, no matter how practical a jobs program we propose, it is going to run into a brick wall on the other side of the aisle.”
Waters said the most immediate crisis for Pennsylvania is the massive defunding of public education by the Republican-controlled Legislature and Gov. Tom Corbett. “Without properly educating our children, it doesn’t matter how many or how potentially effective the economic redevelopment and jobs programs that we can design are … if we erode the next generation’s education, ultimate failure becomes more likely.” Waters said his presentation will include JumpstartPA, a 10-point plan House Democrats have proposed in light of the Republican failure to address revitalizing Pennsylvania’s economy.
Traffic Camera Funding State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas (D-N. Phila.) led the fight last week to defeat an amendment to a bill (HB 1458) that would have directed all revenue from Philadelphia’s red-light cameras to the State’s general fund rather than giving half to Philadelphia. “I am a supporter of the red-light camera program in Philadelphia because it has made driving on our streets safer, generated revenue for the City and possibly even saved lives,” Thomas said.
“I am disappointed that some of my colleagues in the State legislature attempted to deny the City of revenue collected from a program it piloted, but I am proud I successfully led the fight to defeat that attempt.” “If Philadelphia drivers are paying the fines for tickets generated by these redlight cameras, it is only fair Philadelphia be given part of the revenue from those fines, and that Philadelphia streets see the benefits from those revenues.”
The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
pleased, as were many Democrats in the General Assembly.
Corbett Wins Welch GOP Endorsement The Pennsylvania Republican State Committee met in Hershey came away with endorsements, but not without the prospect of primary fights in its statewide slate. Throughout January, various regional State Committee caucuses had shown interest in moving towards an “open” primary in which Republican voters would be free to make decisions without the State Party promoting any one candidate. Despite these early rumblings, the members of State Committee — upon the urging of Gov. Tom Corbett, Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley, and State Chairman Rob Gleason — opted for a closed primary. Despite this, they expect to see a primary fight for at least the US Senate nomination and possibly the Auditor General. Republicans unanimously endorsed Cumberland Co. DA Dave Freed for Attorney General and 2006 Jack Murtha opponent Diana IreyVaughan of Washington Co. for State Treasurer. State Rep. John Maher of Allegheny Co. defeated former Philadelphia City Council
candidate Frank Pinto by a vote of 249 to 59 to win the nod for Auditor General. In the contentious race for US Senate, Republican-turned Democrat-turnedRepublican-again Steve Welch of Montgomery Co. took the endorsement with 182 votes, followed by 51 votes for wealthy coal baron Tom Smith of Armstrong Co., 46 for 2010 congressional candidate Tim Burns of Washington Co., 33 votes for former State Rep. Sam Rohrer of Berks Co., and 6 votes for former Santorum aide Marc Scaringi, with 9 abstentions. The vote came after significant arm-twisting by Corbett and his political team during the week leading up to Saturday’s vote. Corbett personally phoned committee members and visited each caucus individually during their premeeting breakfasts on Saturday morning, just an hour before the votes were cast. Corbett’s backing of Welch — who supported De-
3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you
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It’s time for Congressman Bob Brady’s announced primary candidate for the 1st Congressional Dist. to read the writing on the wall. It was highlighted for him at the Delaware Co. Democrats caucus which unanimously endorsed Brady this week. That candidate had come to the Caucus earlier with petitions in hand and left without signatures or a single vote. In the meantime, the city’s three (Cont. Page 4)
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Delaware County Dems Unanimous For Brady
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Sen.Mike Stack SERVING THE 5TH DISTRICT • 215-755-2000
Smith, along with Bedford Co. pharmacist John Kensinger and veterans advocate David Christian of the Philadelphia suburbs, promised to remain in the race. Pinto, with strong roots in South Philadelphia, also promised to remain in the Auditor General race without the endorsement, saying he plans to continue his campaign highlighting Maher’s decision to simultaneously seek his current seat in the House and the office of Auditor General.
Councilman Bill
mocrats Barack Obama for President and Joe Sestak for Congress — surprised many, especially the conservative grassroots organizations and Tea Party members. Using the bully pulpit of the governorship, Corbett gave a speech during the convention attempting to “scare straight” those members who were contemplating an open primary by telling them if they opted against endorsements, it would be akin to allowing President Obama to have a free pass to win Pennsylvania this November. One particular maneuver that perhaps had the most sway with State Committee members Saturday was the fact Corbett sat in the seat immediately next to the rostrum throughout the roll-call vote. The members who were going against his wishes for an endorsement for Welch were thus required to face him directly while calling out their voice vote during the roll call. Following the vote, Scaringi, Rohrer, Burns, and
The Public Record • February 2, 2012
stitution as well as terms of the state Constitution. As speaker, Smith must schedule the special House elections, where seats are now vacant. He will have to soon, since the time is quickly closing for circulation petitions, even though he argued in his lawsuit “the districts do not meet constitutional requirements for elections.” The State Supreme Court’s majority has not produced a written opinion to guide the Legislative Reapportionment Commission in crafting a new version of the legislative map. This panel consists of Democratic and Republican floor leaders in the House and Senate and a judge appointed by the Supreme Court. The seven-member court voted 4-3 to throw out the plan, which moved some districts across the state and split up dozens of municipalities. The high court and the reapportionment commission have Republican majorities, but Chief Justice Ronald Castille voted with the three Democrats on the court to send the plan back to the commission. The Supreme Court majority’s two-page order said existing lines remain in force “until a revised final 2011 Legislative Reapportionment Plan having the force of law is approved.” Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Max Baer apparently violated the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct and the Pennsylvania Constitution when he made comments to the press regarding this court proceeding. Baer said he thought the process of fixing the legislative maps will take time. Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa was obviously
Page 3
by Joe Shaheeli Though the deadline for filing registrations was extended two days until Feb. 16, the clock is moving and it is now almost at the point where even the last-minute lawsuit filed in Federal Court by Speaker Sam, if successful, will have little merit in changing the decision by the State Supreme Court to keep State House districts the same as they have been since 2001. The unexpected State Supreme Court rejection of the State Redistricting Commission’s approval, which received hefty majority votes of confirmation for those new districts in the State House and Senate, created some chaos, but not in as many districts as first thought. This city’s Voter Registration Office, which had done yeoman’s work on preparing for the new redistricting boundaries, quickly moved to put on hold what it had made and moved its files to continue as though no changes had taken place. What boundaries have been since 2001 will remain for this primary -- if it is still to be held in April. However, a powerful movement in the General Assembly is pressing for a two-primary solution, in which candidates for districts with the 2011 boundaries would campaign in a second primary in May, or even September. City Commission is mulling plans for this outcome as well. This duplicate work could cost plenty. Smith sued Secretary of State Carol Aichele in Philadelphia federal court, arguing population changes since 2001 mean the existing map violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Con-
Pols Adapt To Redistricting Fiasco
Page 4 The Public Record • February 2, 2012
(Cont. From Page 3) Democrat Congress Members are positioned well with their treasuries for the primary. Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, in the 13th Dist., leads the three members with a war chest of almost $2 million, followed by 1st Dist.Congressman Bob Brady with over $750,000 and 2nd Dist. Congressman Chaka Fattah with about $75,000. US Sen. Bob Casey (DPa.) has about $3.8 million on hand.
AT NEWS CONFERENCE held outside Shepard School Tuesday, Quetcy Lozada encourages voters to support Jonathan Ramos.
Rep. Cruz Faces Another Primary
Milton Street Enters 197th
Farnese Hosts State Senate Committee
State Rep. Angel Cruz (DKensington), who has been the Representative for the 180th Legislative Dist. seat since 2001, will again face one or more primary opponents this April 24. Because the Supreme Court decision nullified new district lines, he may be facing only one. Quetcy Lozada, vice chair of the 33rd Ward and Office chief of staff for Councilwoman Maria Quiñones Sánchez, had resigned and planned to run until the Supreme Court ruled the new district lines were to be ignored. On Tuesday, she held a press conference throwing her support to Jonathan Ramos.
Milton Street will enter the Democrat primary for the 197th Dist. seat left vacant by the departure of Sheriff Jewell Williams. He has yet to decide if he will also get involved in the special election. A seasoned member of the legislature, having served in both the House and Senate, he realizes without a primary win, “just holding the seat for several months, from April to November, will not serve well the interests of the voters of the District.” Street is expected to make his entry official with a press conference at his soon-to-beopened campaign office. He said he’s back home, where “I first started my political career.”
At the request of State Sen. Lawrence Farnese (D-S. Phila.), the State Senate Democratic Policy Committee is holding a public hearing on campaign finance reform this morning in the 5th-floor conference center of the Franklin Institute, 222 N. 20th Street, Philadelphia. The hearing will focus on Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa’s (D-Allegheny) campaign finance reform legislation (SB 1260) that addresses contribution limits, disclosure requirements and corporatedonor accountability. Testifying are Alan Butkovitz, Philadelphia City Controller; Ellen Mattleman Kaplan and Michael A. Schwartz, Esq., Committee of Seventy; Elizabeth Cosgriff, Common Cause of Pennsylvania; Kevin Greenberg, Esq., Flaster-Greenberg, PC; and Lora Lavin, League of Women Voters. • 215-755-2000
The 21st Ward GOP Will Be At Convention Walt Vogler, ward leader of the 21st Republican Ward in Roxborough and Manayunk, states, “Your report in ‘Elephant Corner’ on the approved slate for GOP convention delegates was wrong. Whoever provided you with your information would like your readers to believe this ‘compromise slate’ was crafted after extensive debate and deals. This could not be farther from the truth. There was no ‘infighting’ nor were there cooperation and discussion. (Cont. Page 5)
WITH BILL & CODY ANDERSON, above, Congressman Bob Brady discusses politics of being ward leader with 39B Leader Matt Myers at left; in center with 2nd Ward Leader Ed Nesmith. Also interviewed were State Sen. Larry Farnese, Harold James and Michael Ellis. At right, Richard Subbio, Farnese and Nesmith watch proceedings Photos: Joe Stivala with interestCongressman and Party Chairman Bob Brady brings politics to WURD listeners, from 8 to 10 a.m. last Monday of every month.
Sen. Kitchen Announces Reelection Bid
JUST A SAMPLING of support which showed up at State Sen. Shirley Kitchen’s reelection announcement is seen above. They include Councilwoman Maria Quiñones Sánchez; Ryan Boyer, Laborers’ District Council business manager; Ken Washington, Laborers District Council political ace; Lou Agre, 21st Ward Leader; State Rep. Tony Payton; John Connelly, 12th Ward Leader; Kitchen; Councilman William Greenlee; Shirley Gregory, 49th Ward Leader; Al Stewart, 11th Ward Leader; State Rep. Photo: Joe Stivala Vanessa Lowery Brown; and Dwayne Wylie, campaign manager.
SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204
State Rep.
William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street
State Senator
Anthony Hardy Williams 8th Senatorial District
2901 Island Ave. Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 492-2980 Fax: (215) 492-2990 Always Hard Working .. . for You!
Senator Tina
Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124
215-533-0440 • 215-755-2000
Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927
1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538
200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303
VOWING to win his old seat back, former State Rep. Harold James tossed his hat into the ring for 186th Dist. last weekend. He received support from Sheriff Jewell Williams Photo: Donald Terry and businessman Al Littlepage.
State Rep. Cherelle
Councilman Wm.
Harold James Back In!
Kane Reaches Megabuck Lackawanna Co’s Kathleen Kane announced she had reached the $1 million mark in her campaign for the Democratric nomination for Attorney General.
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
(Cont. From Page 4) Vogler cited three key facts: “ 1) The 21st ward has more GOP voters than any ward in the 2nd Congressional Dist.; 2) The 21st Ward has carried the load for years in efforts to identify qualified candidates for office and circulate petitions and obtain signatures in the 2nd Congressional Dist.; and 3) For the sake of diversity and regional cooperation, the 21st Ward took a back seat during the last two Presidential election cycles. “In 2004, the 21st Ward stepped aside and North Philadelphian Bruce Harris represented us. In 2008, we again stepped aside for Cheltenham Township GOP leader Gil Cox. We will not step aside again. “The slate you report was assembled by a group that did not include input from the 21st Ward until after the selections were ‘released’ to papers like yours. When City Committee ‘handed over’ the task of finding candidates, it assumed the 21st Ward would be represented. We were not. We did not agree to this ‘No 21st Ward‘ slate of primarily West Philadelphia candidates. “Moving forward, we have assembled a slate of qualified candidates that includes qualified 21st Ward representatives. This is as it should be. It is unthinkable to send the GOP delegation to the convention without representatives from one of its largest constituencies. Therefore, we will have 21st Ward citizens in Tampa and they will represent us well.”
Page 5
With Brady On WURD Radio
Holy Family University Has Plan For Liddonfield
The Public Record • February 2, 2012
Page 6
Pitching For SEPTA Subsidies
SENATOR MIKE STACK joins Septa, and public officials to urge Gov. Corbett to invest in transportation infrastructure at news conference at Holmesburg Junction Station yesterday. McGlasson Photography
CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady, Holy Family University president Sister Francesca Onley, State Sen. Mike Stack and Councilman Bobby Henon discuss Liddonfield Homes proposal. McGlasson Photography
by Rory McGlasson A plan to bring a new stateof-the art sports facility to Holy Family University has moved a step closer. A bevy of local politicians and civic leaders joined University officials to announce details of a proposed mixeduse facility at the Liddonfield Homes public housing site in northeast Philadelphia. Holy Family is backing a proposal from Philadelphiabased BSI Construction LLC, to redevelop Liddonfield Homes -- a Philadelphia Housing Authority site. “It’s a home-run of a proposal,” said City Councilman Robert Henon said. “The proposal benefits the University at-large, but it benefits every single community in Northeast Philadelphia.” Councilman Henon was joined by Congressman Bob Brady (D-Phila.), State Sen. Mike Stack (D-Northeast) and State Rep. Michael McGeehan (D-Northeast) at a news conference at the University cam-
pus last week. Holy Family University President Sister Francesca Onley backs the project, which is developed by Frankford native, John Parsons, president of BSI Construction LLC. Parsons proposes a 20-acre site that features recreation facilities with public access, including four new baseball fields, illuminated walkways and outdoor seating areas. The plan also includes shops and dining spots. In addition, the plan includes an assisted-living facility with approximately 300 beds to provide care for the growing elderly population of this venerable Philadelphia community. The proposal has widespread support among area residents and civic associations. Members of the Liddonfield Civic Association describe Liddonfield, which opened in 1955, as a “blight on the community.” The proposal is currently before the PHA Board.
MICHAEL P. • 215-755-2000
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215-546-7035 123 S. Broad St. Ste. 2140 Philadelphia, PA 19109
of HAPCO, said Kelly has done a lot to make it easier for landlords to resolve issues, some of which have been going on for years. “We really appreciate his willingness to listen and do something about it,” Pinckney said. He recalled the group’s first meeting with Kelly saying, “Before we could put our complaints out, he was addressing ’em.” Pinckney also had high praise for Lanier who had asked the landlords’ group to work with him and the agency to clear up outstanding issues including damage caused by residents, rental rates, and the servicing of landlords’ accounts. “Our Landlord Data Center made everything pretty much transparent,” he said. “It allows them to look at the results of their inspections and to look at the appointments for recertification and inspection.”
For her willingness to serve the community, Sensei Brightful has been named the “West Philadelphia Y 2011 Employee of the Year.” YMCA of Philadelphia & Vicinity President & CEO John F. Flynn, along with Gary Burgess, senior VP of Human Resources at Crown Cork & Seal USA, Inc, and Tom Bender, chair of the YMCA Board of Directors, recognized Sensei Brightful at the YMCA’s Em-
ployee Recognition Luncheon. Brightful started volunteering at the West Philadelphia Y in 1997. Soon after, she realized she wanted to make more of an impact. She decided to start working at the Y in 2003. At the West Philadelphia Y, Brightful teaches preschool, youth and adult Shotokan Karate Classes. The Y has seen steady growth in attendance for these specific classes.
MAKING his point to Mayor Michael Nutter, former Democrat Congressman Patrick Murphy wins Mayor’s backing in his race for Penna. Attorney General before Criminal Justice Center Friday.
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The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
The Homeowners Association of Philadelphia Co. has chosen two Philadelphia Housing Authority executives to receive the organization’s Public Service Award. PHA Administrative Receiver/Executive Director Michael P. Kelly and Charles Lanier, general manager of Client Services, were honored based on their efforts to address longstanding problems and concerns. “The participation of private landlords in the Housing Choice Voucher program is critical to its success, so we are committed to working with them in an expedient, efficient manner,” Kelly said. “It’s both gratifying and humbling to receive this honor from HAPCO and we intend to further improve our service and relationships in the future.” Victor Pinckney, Sr., president
Page 7
Landlords Honor PHA Sensei Brightful ‘Y‘ Nutter Sides With Murphy Execs For Public Service Employee Of Year
Page 8 The Public Record • February 2, 2012 • 215-755-2000
Rev. Griffith At Helm Of Black Clergy
FLANKED by his predecessor Bishop Audrey F. Bronson, Rev. Terrence Griffith takes over presidency of Black Clergy of Phila. & Vicinity at his home pulpit of 1st African Baptist Church.
ON SAME SIDE of aisle for once: Gov. Tom Corbett and State Sen. Anthony Williams share pew at 1st African Baptist Church as PROUD to lend their support to Black they prepare to witness induction of Black Clergy were Gov. Tom Corbett, left, and Congressman Bob Brady. Clergy’s 2012 leadership.
AMONG dignitaries in witness of appointment of 2012 officers of Black Clergy of Phila. & Vicinity were, from left, State Sen. LeAnna Washington, Councilwoman Marian Tasco and Cheryl Bullock of Sen. Bob Casey’s office.
ADMIRING bouquet of roses which Congressman Bob Brady had brought to give to new clerical leadership is Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell.
COUNCILMAN Kenyatta Johnson welcomed colleague Jannie Blackwell to his Dis- LICENSED PASTOR in her own right, trict to witness appointment of Rev. State Rep. Louise Williams Bishop played role from podium in ceremony. Terrence Griffith to lead Black Clergy.
SPECTATORS at induction of BCPV officers at 1st African Church in S. Phila. included, from left, Teamsters leader Dan Grace, attorney Jim DiVergilis and Judge Joe Waters.
Page 9
Our Opinion ... Need We Say More?
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
Our famous editorial cartoonist, whose works have graced these pages without fail for the past 12 years, has outdone himself with the cartoon on the right. We will frame it as a memento of a Supreme Court whose leadership seeks to pontificate from Mount Olympus, à la the Greek gods. With an important election less than three months away, and at least three contradictory ways of resolving the court decision being kicked around, no one is quite sure what to do next. Republicans were burned worst, but quite a few “victorious” Democrats are scratching their heads as well. By their redistricting action, the justices have proven to all politicos the adage, “The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft astray.”
Letters • Letters Services Needed
second consecutive year. And we need it for the people in every Pennsylvania community who rely on a little support to continue working, caring for an elderly parent or escaping the devastating impacts of violence. This is the fifth year of cuts to health and human services, at a time when more people need them. We cannot afford further tax cuts. I agree with Sen. Scarnati that solutions to the State’s problems exist, and they require compromise and action by everyone. Pennsylvanians who need health and human services have already compromised greatly over the past decade of cutbacks. The legislature and Governor should enact the revenue opportunities available and maintain the safety net of State-funded local services. Peg Dierkers Executive Director, PCADV
Feb. 4- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown kicks off campaign at Parkside Ave. Banquet Ha., 4942 Parkside Ave., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For info Kim Gilmore (610) 7662566. Feb. 4- Green Night Out features Prof. Eileen Appelbaum to discuss “Paid Sick Leave & Paid Sick Days” at Singapore Restaurant, 1006 Race St., 7 p.m. Space is limited, so RSVP Green Party at (215) 243-7103. Feb. 4- Chris Vogler holds “Dash For Delegate” fundraiser at SmokeEater’s Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 p.m. Donation $40. Make checks payable to Friends of Chris Vogler PAC. For info Bob Cummings (267) 4719607. Feb. 8- Judge Angelo Foglietta is sworn in at City Hall Rm. 653, 4:00 p.m. Reception follows at Law Library.
Feb. 9- Steve Aldrich of IBEW Local 269 invites all to reception in honor of State Rep. Tina Davis at Bailey’s Bar & Grille, 6922 Bristol Emilie Rd., Levittown, Pa. Host $1,000, Patron $500, Friend. $250, Supporter, $50. RSVP Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Feb. 10- State Rep. Curtis Thomas holds Job Fair at People for People, 800 N. Broad St., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 10- Fundraiser for cancer survivor Vicki Cummings at SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 7-10 p.m. Donation $35. If you cannot make event, donation to “Friends of Vicki Cummings” c/o The Lucas Family, 3128 Cottman Ave., Phila., PA 19149. For info Friendsofvickicummings@ya Feb. 10- Arthur Green presents 14th Ward Pre-Valentine’s Day Cabaret at Barber’s Hall, Broad & Oxford Sts., 9 p.m. Donation $10. For info Arthur Green (267) 986-7948. Feb. 10-12- Penna. Progres-
sive Summit at Convention Ctr., Broad & Arch Sts. Variety of registration fees, $50-$150. For info Feb. 13- Fundraiser for State Rep candidate Al Simpson at Breen’s Pub, Huntingdon Pk., 6-9 p.m. Ticket, $35, sold at door. Feb. 21- Alliance Française de Philadelphie Mardi Gras celebration at Restaurant School, 4207 Walnut St., 6:30 p.m. Roaring ’20s theme, prize for best costume. Tickets $60. For info (215) 735-5283. Feb. 23- State Rep. James Roebuck celebrates Birthday Party at Warmdaddy’s, 1400 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-8 p.m. Jazz, food. Friend: $125. Sponsor $250. Benefactor: $500. RSVP (215) 382-1268. Feb. 25- Mothers in Charge holds Flapjack Fundraiser at Applebee’s, 9141 Roosevelt Blvd., 8-10 a.m. Donation $10, $5 for kids under 11. For info (215) 228-1718. Feb. 26- St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Phila. Fundraiser
at Insulators’ Hall, 2014 Horning Rd., 3-7 p.m. Beer, wine, soda and buffet. Music and Celtic Flame Irish Dancers. $35. Contact Mary Frances Fogg (267) 2280418, Kathy Fanning or Joe Fox at St. Patrick’s Day Observance Ass’n, Feb. 26- Congressman Bob Brady Bunch Winter Party at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 3-7 p.m. Tickets $35. For info, reservations Tom Johnson (215) 423-9027. Mar. 12- Cocktail Event for State Rep. Tina Davis at Zia’s at Red Door, 110 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. Tickets $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. For info Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Mar. 17- State Rep. Mark Cohen , NAACP and AARP host Health Fair at Zion Baptist Ch., 3600 N. Broad St., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Screenings, workshops, pharmacist’s advice and more. For info Lenise Miller (267) 5829489. • 215-755-2000
I am alarmed by the Corbett Administration’s freeze on State funding for health and human services. This freeze eliminates services to hurting people while our elected officials continue political gamesmanship and inaction on alternative solutions to a temporary shortfall. This crisis flows from political and ideological tactics employed last spring as part of the budget deal. Revenue expectations for the year were spread more heavily over the first six months, instead of evenly over the entire 12, creating an early bleak picture of State finances as we head into the 2012-2013 budget debate. The Administration also agreed to a budget that relied on cost savings far in excess of what the Budget Secretary, whom I deeply respect, said could be achieved. We are likely to end the year with a surplus for the
Mark Your Calendar
The Public Record • February 2, 2012
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Kept Busy At The Phones Bringing Jobs To Districts
NEW LEADERSHIP at Teamsters Local 500 was kept busy by early morning calls to their office and cell phones at PRPA Building at 3460 N. Delaware Avenue. They are President and Principal Officer John J. Potts, Jr., center; VP William Fitzgerald and Secretary Treasurer Kevin Hagerty.
STATE Rep. Michelle F. Brownlee, left, hosts visiting State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown, who came to check possibility of doing same jobhunting effort from her district office as well.
Sixth Dist. Outreach
6TH DIST. Councilman Bob Henon is seen here with Ward Leader Bob Dellavella and Jimmy Roybal as he answers questions from constituents at his first community-outreach session at Tony’s Place in Northeast. Photo: Harry T. Leech
Photo: Joe Stivala
Obama Team Meets Dems CLIP Winners 2012 Awards Kensington Gang Workshop
DEMOCRAT City Committee Chairman and Congressman Bob Brady introduces President Obama’s Penna. campaign staff to ward leaders at Finnigan’s Wake breakfast Tuesday. Leaders endorsed Pat Murphy for Attorney General.
CLIP MEMBERS were among awardees at luncheon for Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services which consists of CLIP, Vacant Lot Program, Anti0-Graffiti Network, Community Partnership and Community Services Programs. Standing from left are Jim McPeak, John Tucci, Steve Meeker, Dave Sosa, Manny Ramos, Chris Andrisio. Seated, Catherine Burns-Riloff, CLIP Director Tommy Conway and Cindy Lustick.
CHAIRMAN Bob Brady welcomes Obama State Director Bill Hyers and SE Regional Director Obra Kernodle to Democrat City Committee ward leaders breakfast.
WITH CLIP director Tommy Conway, center, are awardees John Horvay, Mike Beuttenmuller, Rochelle Smith and Jerry Eley. • 215-755-2000
Ringside With The Shadowboxer
Kymmberli Stowe
USA BOXING official Kymmberli Stowe plans resounding boxing tribute which begins tonight to her late brother William “Bobcat” Boggs. Some of the greatest amateur boxers in the United States have come to Philadelphia this week to compete in the 1st Annual Boggs Platinum Cup. The tournament begins tonight and will run consecutively until Sunday, Feb. 5 at the Crowne Plaza, located at 410 City Line Avenue.
Boggs Tribute The tournament is a memorable tribute to William “Bobcat” Boggs, a five-time National Philly Amateur Champ who went on to turn professional before he tragically passed away in 2006. USA boxing official Kymmberli Stowe, who is also the sister of the late Boggs, is running the event. “This weekend of boxing will be an incredible tribute to my brother. He was a terrific boxer and I find no better way to honor him with a weekend of quality boxing,”
said Stowe. A Who’s Who of the Philly boxing community is expected to overwhelming support this inaugural event, as Bernard “The Executioner” Hopkins, “Terrible” Tim Witherspoon, Steve “USS” Cunningham, and 5x Women’s Champion and MC Judge Jacqui FrazierLyde are all expected to attend over the course of the weekend. For additional info on the Boggs Cup, please call Kymmberli Stowe at (215) 906-4291.
DETECTIVE José Valdez was among 28 participants at Kensington/N. Phila. Gang Workshop held at W. Kensington Ministry at Norris Square, hoping to curb continued rise in killings in that area.
CRIME-FIGHTERS and long-time activists in attendance were Malik Aziz and C.B. Kimmins.
Judge Accepts Dad’s Honor
JUDGE Jackie Frazier-Lyde, daughter of late heavyweight champ Joe Frazier, accepts plaque from fight promoter and Schuler Gym owner Percy Custis and supporter at Boxing Night at 3801 District Plaza. Attending event were Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, Judge Joel Johnson and Sam Photo by Joe Stivala Staten, Jr. of Local 332.
KEYNOTE speaker at State GOP meeting was Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who got GOP fired up and curious about his future seen here with Bob Asher.
2ND CONGRESSIONAL DIST. nominee Calvin Tucker, left, and Linwood Hollan, right, join up with Republican City Committee Counsel Michael Meehan at annual GOP Lincoln Day Dinner.
NATIONAL GOP committeelady Renee Amoore finds herself with admirers at GOP meet in Harrisburg. From left are Ed Jenkins, Earnest Wilkerson, Ella Butcher, Amoore, Deara Person, Latasha Martin and Conrad Fuller.
FORMER Philadelphian Frank Pinto, president and CEO of Penna. Assn. of Community Bankers, discusses his bid for GOP State Auditor General nomination with Matt Wolfe and Denise Furey.
MICHAEL Untermeyer is all smiles as forCITY GOPers Chuckie Tilley and Susan mer GOP mayoral opponents John FeathCohen enjoy company of Montgomery Co. erman and Karen Brown seem to have Commissioner Bob Kerns. buried their differences.
DISCUSSING Supreme Court nixing of State House redistricting were Michael Untermeyer, 24th Ward GOP Leader Joe Samuel and political blogger and columnist Nathan Shrader.
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
HONORED at State GOP annual Lincoln Day Dinner in Hershey were Phila.’s newly elected City Republicans, seen here with GOP State Chairman Rob Gleason: Councilman David Oh and City Commissioner Al Schmidt.
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....With Local Republicans At State GOP Meeting
Gala Of Season Fetes Yannick’s Opening ‘Pitch’ ACADEMY of Music Concert and Ball featured red-hot new Music Director Designate Yannick NézetSéguin’s conducting debut here, with special guests multiple Grammy Award®-winners singer/pianist Diana Krall and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Bill Sasso, Esq., greets First Lady Susan Corbett and Gov. Tom Corbett at reception at Bellevue. Sasso’s law firm, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, was one of three Prime Underwriters.
ON RECEIVING LINE, from left, First Lady Susan and Gov. Tom Corbett; Joana McNeil Lewis, Chairman, President and CEO of the Academy of Music and cochair of Concert and Ball, with Mike Mills; Christina Saler with husband John Saler, co-chair of Concert and Ball; and Allison Vulgamore, president and CEO of Phila. Orchestra.
Photos: Bonnie Squires
LISA NUTTER joined friends Natalye Pacquins, CEO of Girl Scouts, and Mary Dougherty, of Nicole Miller Phila., in support of Orchestra and Academy.
VERTICAL ATTORNEY GENERAL candidate Patrick & Jenni Murphy were all smiles at Bellevue dinner.
MAJOR movers and shakers in Phila.’s economy were among 900 supporters at Saturday night’s Concert and Ball, including, from left, Ron & Rachelle Kaiserman, Robert & Caroline Zuritsky, and Renee & Joe Zuritsky. • 215-755-2000
LESLIE ANN MILLER, US Sen. Bob Casey, Ralph Mueller and Hon. Constance H. Williams helped celebrate 155th anniversary of Academy of Music, attending dinner at Bellevue.
STATE SEN. VINCENT HUGHES and wife Sheryl Lee Ralph would not miss Academy Concert and Ball, especially this year, with Yannick Nézet-Séguin’s debut on Academy stag.
STATE REP. DWIGHT EVANS and Natalia Gamarra, of PCVB, join Dr. Russel Kaufman, CEO of Wistar Institute, and his wife Jane Kaufman, at Bellevue.
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Last weekend, the herd thundered out to Hershey to attend the Winter Meeting of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania. Friday afternoon, there were candidate forums for those running for Attorney General, Treasurer and Auditor General. As DIANA IREY VAUGHAN and DAVID FREED had no opposition, the forums were really interviews. STATE SEN. JOHN RAFFERTY of Montgomery Co. until recently had been interested in running for Attorney General but backed out when GOV. TOM CORBETT told him he was endorsing Freed. It also should be noted that prior to Governor’s endorsement, Freed had the support of 21 of the state’s County District Attorneys. Freed comes from a respected clan of Elephant leaders. Prior to PAGOP’s annual Lincoln Dinner, the Commonwealth Club held a reception for the former Governor of Minnesota, TIM PAWLENTY, who also keynoted the dinner. The Commonwealth Club is a fundraising group for PAGOP. MIKE CIBIK, a Board member of the Commonwealth Club, could not make the meeting, but Philadelphia-area members of the club in attendance included KEVIN KELLY and DENISE FUREY. After dinner, there was a debate between the rather full field of US Senate candidates including Chester Co. businessman STEVE WELCH, Armstrong Co. businessman TOM SMITH, former STATE REP. SAM ROHRER, Philadelphia-area businessman DAVE CHRISTIAN, Harrisburg lawyer MARC SCARINGI and Washington Co. businessman TIM BURNS. Typically PAGOP’s Saturday morning meetings conclude by 11am. However, this winter’s Saturday meeting (Cont. Page 16)
Yo! Here we go again with this about Groundhog Day. The legend of Groundhog Day is based on an old Scottish rhyme: “If Candlemas Day is bright and clear, there’ll be two winters in the year.” The first official Groundhog Day was celebrated on Feb. 2, 1886 in Punxsutawney. Punxsutawney is located in Western Pennsylvania, about 80 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. The ceremony was held in secret until 1966 and only Phil’s prediction was revealed to the public. Since then, Phil’s fearless forecast has been a national media event. Every Feb. 2, people gather at Gobbler’s Knob, a wooded knoll just outside of Punxsutawney. The groundhog comes out of his electrically heated burrow, looks for his shadow and utters his prediction to a Groundhog Club representative in “groundhogese”. The representative then translates the prediction for the general public. If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow, it means spring is just around the corner. Approximately 90% of the time, Phil sees his shadow. Residents contend the groundhog has never been wrong since Phil started making predictions in 1887 and he has become an American institution. Now, most of us know all that information about Punxsutawney Phil, but did you know there is actually more than one weather-forecasting groundhog in North America. Some of the other groundhogs are: Wiarton Willie in Wiarton, Ontario; Staten Island Chuck in New York City; General Beauregard Lee in Atlanta, Ga.; Malverne Mel and Melissa in Malverne, N.Y.; Brandon Bob in Brandon, Manitoba; Balzac Billy in Balzac, Alberta; Shubenacadie Sam in Shubenacadie, (Cont. Page 16)
Today is Thursday, Feb. 2. And in the City of Philadelphia, my guess is that as you’re reading this, someone would have been murdered and some other folks would have been shot. We’ve had over 35 people murdered by the time of this writing and the year is just over a month old. At this rate, The City of Brotherly Love and Please Put The Damned Gun Down may just see the kind of murder rates that we used to see regularly in the late ’90s and early 2000s, when hundreds and hundreds of folks were shot dead in the streets. During his first term, Mayor Michael Nutter promised he’d bring the murder rates down ... and would decline to run for a second term if he didn’t. The first year or so, the rates did, indeed, go down. But starting last year, parts of Philly became Dodge City all over again, something that would occasionally make Mayor Nutter start cussin’ people out ... sometimes in front of live television microphones. At a press conference last Thursday, Mayor Nutter basically told Philly’s criminal element, “I’m tired of all of this murder and stuff, and I’m gonna get your asses!” Mayor Nutter announced a new program to fight the city’s crime issues. Included in this plan is a reward fund he hopes will make folks come our of their shells and tell police about the murders they’re seeing in the streets; more money for witness protection, which might keep people from getting killed when they do decide to do the right thing; at least 220 new police on the streets charged with going into the neigh(Cont. Page 17)
THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS was all-inclusive, and full of common-sense proposals. So much so that the GOP lawmakers applauded. Though they may not like the increased tax proposals for fat cats. To the GOP: Your remark that the proposals should have been enacted in the first term – blarney! You blocked the door. The GOP reply by Gov. Mitch Daniels came across as cold – good thing he did not run for Prez.... GOP could lose control of the US House. This would end the gridlock and 9% approval rating. THE REDISTRICTING DECISION and key vote cast by Ron Castille startled Republicans and Democrats. It creates potential battles like the vacant Northeast representative seat where a primary battle between Shawn Dillon and Ed Neilson may evolve. The high court did not elaborate, nor do they have to.... The suburban 7th Congressional Dist., a nightmare-shaped monster, is a safe district for the GOP. Incumbent Congressman Pat Meehan, former US Attorney and man of integrity, should NOT accept it. Speak up PAT! Legislation to CUT THE PA. HOUSE SIZE is a vote against local perspective. Largeness is not bad. It is good for people... SHRLEY KITCHEN’s reelection announcement was a gala event. Her fish was also a hit. Rep. Rosita Youngblood had a Fish Fry – a first with two on the same evening. The proposal for PRIVATE BAIL BONDSMEN is a good one! They will know how to collect!!... THE North Philly store clerk’s killing – where was police protection for a key witness? How about the kid that was beaten to near death near Frankford & Cottman? Nary a headline. Seems too hush-hush. Is Northeast Detectives closer to solving it? (Cont. Page 16)
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself! Lucky was on hand at the recent Republican State Committee to see it in chaos! Impromptu press conferences by self-anointed Tea Party Leaders, a seemingly desperate GOV. TOM CORBETT lobbying on behalf of his candidate, super-conservatives vs. super-moderates? Pennsylvania seems to be an example of what this party looks like nationwide. How could the GOP possibly expect to win a national election like this? Fractured infighting does not lead to a win! Lucky spoke with one “leader” who basically threw in the towel and has already conceded to Obama. But knowing Democrats as we do, they can still mess up a good thing! Hope they have their plans together. The recent ruling by the State Supreme Court, throwing out the Pennsylvania legislative-redistricting plans has left everyone in a spin, particularly COUNCILWOMAN MARIA QUINONES SANCHEZ, whose husband and Chief of Staff were kicked to the curb as a result. Speaking of legislative races, STATE REP. JOHN TAYLOR, a Republican, should have no trouble defeating his Democratic opponent, who has quite an interesting background if anyone should scratch the surface lightly. The Supreme Court ruling hasn’t caught most of the pros off guard, though. They are already rolling with “Plan B” for the 2001 district lines. The recent resignation of a State Dept. of Public Welfare employee was interestingly timed, as it appears he was allowed to resign on a day when he could pick up an extra month of health care on the Commonwealth’s tab. Way to go, Gov. Corbett. By the way, we’re still waiting to see those résumés, unless you’ve got something which may be similarly problematic.
MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER paid a special visit last weekend. He stopped by Bliss Restaurant to visit with eight State Senators. The Senators were in town to dine and attend the highly acclaimed show Memphis at the Academy of Music. STATE SEN. JUDY SCHWANK is the newest member of the Democratic Caucus. She was elected after political icon STATE SEN. MICHAEL O’PAKE passed from heart-related complications last year. Schwank is a former Berks Co. Commissioner and has made an impressive early showing in Harrisburg. Also in attendance were STATE SENS. JOHN YUDICHAK from Luzerne Co., JOHN BLAKE from Lackawanna Co. and Northampton Co.’s own LISA BOSCOLA. They joined STATE SENS. SHIRLEY KITCHEN, LeANNA WASHINGTON, LARRY FARNESE, MIKE STACK and TONY WILLIAMS. It was a smart move by the Mayor. The anti-Philadelphia feeling has grown more intense lately and Nutter will need all the votes he can find for Philadelphia funding. Also encouraging is the fact Philadelphia Senators are building friendships and alliances outside the city. The Southeast part of the state accounts for approximately 70% of the state’s GNP. The region continues to grow outward in influence and the northeast part of the state is a natural partner. CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY also joined the party at Bliss. Brady is a master at building relationships and he too needs to help in the effort of making friends for the city. The trial of former Democratic House SPEAKER BILL DeWEESE is under way. He may be the last of the Bonusgate defendants. DeWeese is a likeable character and may give the jury pause, particularly in light of growing concern (Cont. Page 16)
dollars saved as a safety net and being able to feed their families,” the Congressman said. Brady has written to Gov. Tom Corbett to reconsider implementation of the asset test. “This asset test will hurt and make life harder for lowincome families; increase the work of state case workers who are drowning now in additional paperwork. It will
hurt business,” explained Brady. The Congressman said it was important he join Sen. Kitchen to thank her for her leadership. “The fight to end hunger and poverty in one of the richest countries in the world will only be won by federal, state and local governments working side-byside with community-based advocates.”
FROM LEFT, Congressman Bob Brady, State Sen. Shirley Kitchen, State Rep. Michelle Brownlee and Steveanna Wynn, executive director of SHARE Food Program, Inc., discuss devastating impact of the Corbett Administration’s plan to implement an asset test on SNAP recipients. Photo: Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography
Bass Reaches Out Taylor Addresses Motorcycle Group State Rep. John Taylor (R-Kensington) spoke of legislative efforts aimed at motorcyclists before a packed roomful of members of ABATE, a motorcyclerights group, at SmokeEaters Pub. ABATE, which stands for Alliance of Bikers Aimed Towards Education, is a national organization that lobbies to educate elected NEW 8TH DIST. Councilwoman Cindy Bass is living up to officials and nonriders about her pledge to bring her office into community. Here she the motorcycle community. meets early in morning with constituents at Jim & Rita’s They have a full-time lobbyRestaurant, 4928 N. Broad Street, inputting into her laptop ist in Harrisburg and run information and requests from John Elliott Churchville, legislative seminars CEO of Greater Germantown Business Center, and his wife statewide. BIKEPAC is the Nancy, president of Liberation Fellowship CDC. Restau- political Political Action rant’s tables were filled with constituents waiting their turn.
REP. JOHN TAYLOR explains Legislative agenda to motorcyclists at A.B.A.T.E. meeting. Photo: Debbie Pettigrew
Committee of ABATE. Taylor spoke of the recent attempt to appeal the helmet law and various other laws affecting riders. Present were members of various motorcycle clubs: the Buffalo Soldiers, a primarily African American Riding group that boasts “they do not allow felons in their club”; the Northeast Riders, an old-school MC; GOP Riders, a Republicanoriented riding club made up of ward leaders, committeepersons and like-minded people; The Brothers of Flight 93, a riding group established to remember the
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
Congressman Robert A. Brady (D-Phila.), State Sen. Shirley Kitchen (D-N. Phila.) and other elected officials and advocates gathered last week to blast Pennsylvania’s proposed asset test for recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. “This proposed asset test will force families who are looking at poverty in the face choose between having a few
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Brady, Kitchen Protest Nutrition Test
plane that crashed into the field in Western Pennsylvania, as well as a few other clubs and nonaffiliated riders. Taylor invited the members to “know their representatives and to stop by their offices and let them know you care about motorcyclists’ rights.” ABATE‘s next meeting is scheduled forf Feb. 15 at 7:30 at SmokeEaters Pub. Motorcyclists are invited to join for a fee of $30 for the year. Next month’s guest speaker is to be announced. To be on the mailing list, please email BPettigrewA-
Sen. Hughes Says Bonds Casey: No Free Trade For Japan Can Help Transportation gives this issue a sense of urgency,” Hughes said. “We must take immediate steps to find a solution to fund our critical transportation needs. “GARVEEs could provide a short-term boost as we work toward enacting a longer-term solution. Many other states have effectively used GARVEE bonds to fund their transportation obligations. It is time we see if this is a practical solution for Pennsylvania.” GARVEE bonds allow governmental entities to fund highway and transit projects by issuing debt backed by future federal highway funds. This debt is not tied to state taxpayer obligations and does not impact the General Fund. Hughes added the benefit
of GARVEE bonds is twofold. The bonds will help address Pennsylvania’s infrastructure crisis and the construction projects would create thousands of new construction jobs. “Given Pennsylvania’s 7.6% unemployment rate, it is imperative we explore every option to create jobs now,” Hughes said. “Using GARVEE bonds to accelerate construction projects would certainly give us the opportunity to put more Pennsylvanian’s back to work.” Hughes, who serves as the Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, added that at least 35 states have issued or authorized the issuance of GARVEE bonds.
manufacturers and cost jobs,” said Casey. “Our trade policy should support the creation of high-paying jobs in Pennsylvania, but Japan’s participation in the TPP could threaten our industries and impede growth.” Spalding Automotive is an automotive-parts supplier that provides stamping, roll forming, welding and assembly
services. After nearly closing its doors at the height of the recession, Spalding has exponentially increased its workforce and continues to add workers to meet increasing demand. As Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, the Senator has held a series of hearings on US manufacturing policy.
Seniors Back Brady
WILLIAM PRICE, president of S. Phila. Mercy Life Senior Citizens, endorses Congressman Bob Brady at Oregon Avenue Diner. • 215-755-2000
State Sen. Vincent J. Hughes (D-W. Phila.) has called on Gov. Tom Corbett to consider issuing Grant Application Revenue Vehicle bonds as a short-term remedy to Pennsylvania’s transportation crisis while a more-comprehensive funding package is being developed. In a letter sent to the Governor, Hughes said transportation funding must be at the forefront of the upcoming 2012-13 budget discussion and that there are other immediate steps that can be taken to boost transportation capital investments now, including GARVEE bonds. “The safety hazards that are the product of crumbling transportation infrastructure
US Sen. Bob Casey (DPa.) visited Spalding Automotive in Bucks Co. last week to call on the Obama Administration to oppose the possible inclusion of Japan in a freetrade partnership that would harm Pennsylvania manufacturers and cost jobs. Japan is under consideration to be included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an international trading body that removes barriers to trade between member countries. Inclusion of Japan in the TPP would give Japanese manufacturers greater access to the US market without affording US manufacturers the same increase in business potential, the Senator wrote in a letter to President Obama. “Japan has not proven to be a fair trading partner, and including them in this partnership could harm Pennsylvania
The Public Record • February 2, 2012
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A high-steaks operation that’s well done • 215-755-2000
by Len Lear There are some things in life that are way beyond my comprehension, including physics, Aristotelian philosophy, the New York Times
crossword puzzle and how a pricey steakhouse like Del Frisco’s at 15th & Chestnut Streets (which has a ton of competition with numerous other equally high-end steakhouses in Center City) is able to fill hundreds of seats every night during a severe recession. Not too long after they opened in November 2008, Del Frisco’s was trashed with a one-bell review by the Inquirer’s Craig LaBan, which is usually the kiss of death for a new restaurant. To make matters even worse, LaBan later returned and wrote that he was taking away the one bell, leaving
them with the dreaded “No Bell Prize.” Among the many negatives, referring to the short skirts of female servers, was: “The only thing missing is the stripper pole.” (In honor of LaBan, the restaurant now has “The Craig LaBan Memorial Stripper Pole” near the bar, but I have not heard of any-
one actually sliding down it.) Now, when you combine the LaBan reviews with the recession and the fact Del Frisco’s has more seats to fill than any other restaurant in Center City (about 600) as well as the stratospheric prices (appetizers from $15 to $19, soups and salads from $10 to $11, seafood entrees
from $33 to $38, side dishes from $9 to $18 and steaks and chops from $39 to $89), I was sure we’d pretty much have the place to ourselves during our visit in 2009 as well as last week. During both of those visits, however, it appeared as if every table was occupied, the bar as busy as a snow plow
after a two-foot snowstorm, and as soon as any nearby table would empty out, new diners would fill it. And both visits were on weeknights, not weekends. I should add last week’s visit was during Restaurant Week, but manager Rich Furino said at least half of the customers were or(Cont. Next Page)
Hughes Talks Of Health-Care Reform State Sen. Vincent Hughes (D-W. Phila.) discussed ongoing developments for Health Care Reform at the state and local level during a visit Jan. 23 with Health Partners’ employees. He informed attendees about Gov. Corbett’s upcoming State budget address on Feb. 7 that potentially could have an impact on Health Partners and Pennsylvania’s health-care industry. The Senator also reminded employees about their vital role in the political process
and encouraged them to speak out on the importance of providing all citizens in the Greater Philadelphia region with quality, affordable health care. President and CEO of Health Partners Bill George commended Hughes for his advocacy in assuring that lowincome populations receive coverage. Health Partners is a notfor-profit health plan serving more than 170,000 members in the Greater Philadelphia region.
by Michael P. Boyle, Esq. If you worry you cannot afford to pay an attorney to help you with your disability or SSI claim, relax. Most lawyers will represent you on a contingent basis that requires no upfront payment of fees. This means the lawyer will be paid only if your case is decided in your favor and results in you receiving lumpsum benefits.
Generally, a lawyer cannot charge you more than 25% of your lump-sum benefits (i.e., the benefits due from the month you are first eligible to receive benefits through the month the Social Security Administration finds you are disabled). You may pay attorney fees totaling less than 25% of your past-due benefits. Most lawyers in this field have language in their fee agreements
KEARLINE JONES, left, VP of government relations and compliance; State Sen. Vincent Hughes and Bill George, CEO of Health Partners, pose after listening to Senator’s encouraging words on Health Partners’ work. stating that they will accept fee of 25% of your lump-sum 25% of lump sum benefits or benefits. Note that SSA may a maximum of $6,000 if the approve a fee that is less than disability or SSI claim is ap- your lawyer requested, even if proved at any time through you agreed your lawyer can the first hearing before an ad- receive 25%. ministrative law judge. If your All fee agreements must be claim is approved at or before in writing and signed by you the first hearing, and your and your attorney. Ask your lump-sum benefits total lawyer for a copy of the $40,000, for example, your signed agreement for your lawyer would receive a fee of records. Even if SSA ap$6,000, even though this is proves he agreement, you less than 25% of those bene- may request review in writing fits. If your case is denied at of the amount of the fee. You hearing, but you ultimately have 15 days after you receive win on appeal, your lawyer notice of SSA’s approval of a may file a petition seeking a fee to request review.
protect a sole proprietorship. It will also allow you to reorganize a sole proprietorship and lets you to file a Chapter 13 if you meet the debt limitations for a Chapter 13, have regular income and incur “trade credit.” There are tremendous advantages to filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy if you are self-em-
ployed and running a sole proprietorship. You can renegotiate a lease or cancel one if you can’t afford it. You can continue to borrow money to run the business if necessary (although in some instances you will need court approval to do that). And, you can chose to not pay some unsecured debts altogether or pay others over time. You can even force the IRS to spread tax payments you owe over several years. And, at the same time,
by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Can bankruptcy save your business? Answer: Bankruptcy helps individuals with debt problems. It can also reorganize a business such as a corporation or partnership. And it can
you’ll get all of the other benefits of a Chapter 13. These include stopping a foreclosure on your home or stripping an unsecured lien (including a 2nd mortgage or line of credit). If you are facing financial problems in your business; seek the advice of a competent local bankruptcy attorney. You just might be surprised to learn that you can save the business! Next Week’s Question: Hey, Mr. Postman, is that a lawsuit?
good as it gets. An appetizer of tuna tartare ($16) was heavenly, as was a crab cake with an ambrosial Cajun lobster sauce ($18). A 22-ounce bonein ribeye steak ($49) had intense flavor, with meat slipping delicately away from the bone, like silk falling from skin. A butterscotch cheesecake with a sublime butterscotch sauce ($10) was a symphony of magic, probably the best cheesecake we have ever tasted. A pomegranate martini ($14) elicited a low moan of pleasure. Del Frisco’s is definitely
doing its part to revive our comatose financial patient, having added hundreds of new jobs to the local economy. And while everyone expects good food, drinks and ambience at an opulent restaurant, Del Frisco’s also offers highly choreographed team service. It seems as if smiling, omniscient service personnel are swirling around the tables to attend to every need. If you coughed, an attendant might just appear out of nowhere to hand you cough medicine. (By the way, one satisfied customer is Mayor Nutter, who
eats there often and usually orders the crisp duck steak.) One local food columnist called the service infantry overkill, but we thought it enhanced the dining experience, especially when the servers are as terrific as Erik Elliott, who waited on us. The Havertown native referred to me as “Mr. Lear,” and anyone who calls me “Mister” automatically goes into my will. Del Frisco’s offers valet parking at $18. For more information, call (215) 2460533 or visit their webpage
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
views of the restaurant. The tower has the capacity to hold about 2,500 bottles of wine (there are more than 7,000 bottles of wine in the entire restaurant), and the “Vault,” once the location of safe-deposit boxes, has been transformed into a regal private dining venue. According to Furino, there is one bottle of wine worth thousands of dollars. “We are going to open it when the Flyers win the Stanley Cup,” he said. If your credit cards can withstand the trauma, the food at Del Frisco’s is about as
Page 15
(Cont. From Prev. Page) dering from the regular menu. (He insisted, by the way, all portions on the $35-for-threecourses menu were the exact same size as those on the regular menu.) One reason for the crowds is undoubtedly the posh setting, which makes one feel
like a celebrity. It’s hard to imagine a more-spectacular setting for a restaurant unless they turn the Palace of Versailles into a steakhouse. The 1922 Packard Building, which was once a 1st Pennsylvania Bank but was then vacant for about 15 years, includes stately marble columns, ornate sculptured ceilings, gigantic windows and drapes and historical iron work. The original details are enhanced by a sprawling central bar encasing an exquisite 34foot glass wine chamber and mezzanine bar with aerial • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • February 2, 2012
Page 16
City Hall Sam
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(Cont. From Page 12) about the objectivity of the Attorney General’s Office. More folks are asking why it took former ATTORNEY GEN. TOM CORBETT so long to move against his Penn State friends. The office is perceived as more political than previously thought. But DeWeese still has a number of hurdles to jump. All the defendants of Bonusgate with the exception of the first case resulted in guilty verdicts or pleas. BOB HENON moved quickly to establish himself as the new Northeast Councilman. He stood with Brady, STATE REP. MIKE McGEEHAN and Sen. Stack at Holy Family
2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
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nary.” It was so proclaimed by the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club in 1887, the same year they declared Punxsutawney to be the weather capital of the world. Phil’s fame began to spread and newspapers from around the world began to report his predictions. Phil’s yearly Groundhog Day predictions are actually even entered into the Congressional Record! By the time you read this, Phil will have made his prediction. I don’t know what it was, but I hope his forecast is for an end to this dreary winter weather – don’t you?
Get an Insider’s Look
at Politics in Philadelphia
Dance with The Oboe Sound System
For $30 a Year, Get Yourself a Weekly Digest of the Activities of State, City, Political and Labor Leaders and Behind the Scenes Reports. Subscribe to the Public Record Name: __________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ • 215-755-2000
(Cont. From Page 12) Nova Scotia; Gary the Groundhog in Kleinburg, Ontario; Spanish Joe of Spanish, Ontario; Sir Walter Wally in Raleigh, N.C.; Pardon Me Pete in Tampa, Fla.; Jimmy the Groundhog in Sun Prairie, Wisc.; and Octoraro Orphie in Quarryville, Pa. However, the boss groundhog’s full name is actually “Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordi-
University on Friday. Henon and the other legislators are pushing for the old Liddonfield public-housing eyesore to be turned over to the University. The plan calls for Holy Family and a local development team to build dorms for nursing students, an assisted-living facility, retail stores and restaurants, and a number of state-of-the-art athletic fields in Upper Holmesburg. This is Holy Family’s latest innovative expansion project. Under the leadership of SISTER FRANCESCA ONLEY, the University has expanded and flourished. This project will help the community and is supported by the community, but is that enough to win the support and approval of the Philadelphia Housing Authority? It should be.
__________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________ [ ] Check/MO enclosed [ ] Bill me [ ] Charge My Credit Card: ________________________ Expiration: ______/_______ Visa: [ ] MC: [ ] AX: [ ] Today’s Date: _____________
Cost is $30.00 yearly 1321 S. Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147
Part 60/70
The following are some responses to "The Philadelphia Oboe Sound System": 1. "NEW MUSIC MEDAL -- Queen Elizabeth II, seeking to raise the profile of music in Britain and to "reward individuals who have had a major influence on the musical life of the nation," has established a new prize, the Queen's Medal for Music. A statement from Buckingham Palace said the accolade was open to musicians of any nationality." --The New York Times, Thursday, March 3, 2005
2. CRONY CAPITALISM: Paul McCartney, Classical Composer -"Commissioned by the New York City Ballet, marks the first time McCartney (former Beatle) has written an original orchestral score ('Ocean's Kingdom')., or any music for dance."--USA TODAY, Thursday, August 25, 2011 3. IN THE SHADOWS, MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: "NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, ZUBIN MEHTA...leads his old orchestra in a Bruckner journey. ..Mr. Mehta's tempo felt broad but sensible, never ponderous. The principle winds, particularly the (solo) oboist Liang Wang (imported from China), provided Mayor Bloomberg eloquence and soul."
Walk The Beat (Cont. From Page 12) COMMITTEE OF 70 issues many mails on CITY COUNCIL. It’s almost like it decided to go after Council this year. I remember their chief Zac Stalberg testified on the Board of Revision, and took some hard questioning by Council on his board makeup. He seemed redfaced when he left.... Did Judge SILBERSTEIN, Chairman of the Board of Revision, open the door to homeowner appeal when he allowed an 18% ratio to apply to commercial market values? Equity demands that all may appeal, yes?
Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 12) turned into a marathon. The members debated the issue of whether to endorse a slate of candidates and then debated who would be endorsed. The PAGOP did decide to endorse. Freed and Vaughan were quickly affirmed, as they had no competitors. For Auditor General, STATE REP. JOHN MAHER beat professor and small-business owner FRANK PINTO. A few days before the meeting, Gov. Corbett endorsed Welch, who won decisively on Saturday morning. Tom Smith came in a not-soclose second. We understand the other candidates plan to stay in the race through the primary. This Elephant believes although Rohrer has significant name recognition owing to his running in the gubernatorial primary against Corbett, the primary will come down to Welch and Smith. Welch and Smith both are wealthy men and have the ability to raise additional funds. At this point in time, this Elephant gives the edge to Welch owing to the endorsement. Also we believe he will play well in the Philadelphia
Are TRAFFIC COURT investigators asking employees how they got their job? How is that germane to anything? In some cases, it sets the stage for probers to announce with SHOCK how the worker was recommended. How did the probers get their job? Workers were hired to WORK. They do work – so HOW they got in is not germane.... HEARD AN elderly woman grumble at the Parking Authority Adjudication Branch she had to go out into the cold to use the ladies’ room in a garage around the corner. The 909 Filbert office comes under Mayor Nutter. When is Rob DUBOW going suburbs owing to his articulate command of the issues. Voting members of the PAGOP State Committee from Philadelphia include Kevin Kelly, JOE DeFELICE, MIKE MEEHAN, WALT VOGLER, CHRIS VOGLER, JIM DINTINO, AGNES TILLEY, SUZANNE COHEN, TERESA TIERNEY, PEG RECUPIDO and ANITA ZELEWSKI. The entire Philadelphia contingent voted for Welch, as did most suburban members of State Committee. Tuesday, the Commonwealth Club held a luncheon at the Union League with CONGRESSMAN PAT MEEHAN as its keynote speaker. PAGOP CHAIRMAN ROB GLEASON was the master of ceremonies. Welch also addressed the crowd briefly. Attendees included the head of the Liquor Control Board, SKIP BRION; City COMMISSIONER AL SCHMIDT; WARD LEADER MATT WOLFE; Lower Merion Committeeman MICHAEL ADLER; New Majority Chairwoman RENEE AMOORE; Republican activist FARAH JIMENEZ; and MSNBC political commentator JOE WATKINS.
--The New York Times, Saturday, January 14, 2012
Footnotes: (a) CELL PHONE STOPS ORCHESTRA: "An idiotic audience member's smartphone alarm brought the entire New York Philharmonic to a halt Tuesday night in front of more than 2,700 stunned concertgoers at Avery Fisher Hall...During the last movement of (Mahler's Ninth Symphony) iPhone ringtone went off in the front row." --The New York Post, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012 (b) Telephone calls to the personnel and public relation offices of the New York Philharmonic failed to produce an answer to this question: Q. Please name the orchestra's english horn player (similiar to the oboe, but larger) as seen this season over the PBS television network. The musician appears to be a male, Asian in origin. * The Musian may also be from China —Nicola Argentina (c) 2012 Framer of TEA PARTY MOVEMENT
Walk In’s Welcomed Appointments Preferred
years, coming up with all of this money? Nutter has set aside $500,000 for the tips program, but could that money be used elsewhere? And could we get a little help from the same philanthropic organizations that you managed to raise a gang of money from to get rid of School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Arlene Ackerman? And did you have to use the word “bounty”? When I heard you say this while watching television coverage of your announcement Mr. Mayor, two things popped into my head: a mental picture of Duane “Dog” Chapman and his dysfunctional family scouring the streets of Philadelphia, looking for criminals on the lam, and the voice of the late Sammy Davis, Jr. singing the theme from the television show “Baretta”. Let’s hope it works because while my Mom is no longer around to call me every time someone gets shot to ask me if I knew this person, my older sister is. And it’s still going to annoy me. So if you’re smart, you’ll take Sammy’s advice: Don’t go to bed with no price on your head, nooo don’t do it Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, yeahhh don’t do it And keep your eye, eye, eye, on the sparrow When the going gets narrow Well, well, well,….
Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.
Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. FEE BUDGET B-006C of 2011/12 General Construction Lewis C. Cassidy $45,800.00 $100.00 Academics PlusStructural Modifications -Exterior Wall 6523 Lansdowne Ave. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on February 8, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
The Public Record • February 2, 2012,
(Cont. From Page 12) borhoods where the shootings are occurring the most; and, and (in a move sure to tick off the folks in Pennsylvania who believe a free society is a strapped society) a reward fund for people who turn in folks walking around with illegal guns. You get $500 for every illegal gun you get off the street. On its face, this seems like a series of really good ideas. I’ve been complaining about the sorry state of witness protection in Philadelphia in this column for years now. But while some of the failings of Philadelphia’s witness-protection program are financial, some of them stem from the fact the witnesses that this program tries to help don’t understand that you (a) have to leave your neighborhood to be protected (b) may also have to leave the state and (c) can’t contact your homies from the block because they’ll probably lead the folks who want to keep you from testifying right to you, to ice you. Hopefully, some of the $400,000 that’s going to this particular part of the plan will focus on educating the public on what exactly “witness protection” means. I’m also down with the whole reward thing. The Mayor came up with the idea of a reward fund designed to pay people for tips after a
$20,000 bounty was placed on the heads of three men who beat a man to death in Old City, one of Philly’s tourist areas. Since you just don’t beat people to death among the tourists, we all suspected Da Mayor was gonna throw down the gauntlet here. “To every criminal out there, I just put a $20,000 bounty on your head,” Nutter said. “We are coming for you. We will find you. People will give up that information.” He hopes.... Like I said, I’m down with the whole reward thing. I like that it’s $20,000. That’s a nice round number. But it’s not like we haven’t tried this before. Thousands of dollars go unclaimed every year because people say to themselves, “I’d like that $20,000, but if I testify, I won’t be alive to spend it! Snitches get stitches....” Which is why I’m glad this plan includes an anonymous tip and text line. This might just loosen things up. But while spending money on rewards, police, and witness protection is good, many of us here in Philly, a place where you can swim in the potholes in the summertime in some neighborhoods, and where unchecked urban blight runs amok in some places, have one question: Where is our supposedly broke city, a city where City workers have been working without a contract for four
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