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Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Vol. V No. 10 (Issue 231)

The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South Philly The Way It Deserves

Still Army Strong

Ronald Donatucci

PTSD Vet, Abused By His Own, Still Fights For Himself -- And Others

Public Servant of the Year 2012

by Rory McGlasson John Cicirello wakes up at 3 a.m. every morning after another sleepless night. He washes his face and hands about seven times, dabs a little cologne, and walks out into the South Philadelphia night. For 27 years now, Cicirello, of the 600 block of Wharton Street, worries about the people of Philadelphia so much, he believes people are out on the streets needing his help. With the spike in gun violence and deaths in 2012, the 59-year-old veteran is lucky he hasn’t walked into a crossfire. Cicirello is no caped crusader. But he is fighting a rare battle for justice in another realm – the military. (Continued Page 2)

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March 8, 2012

VETERAN JOHN CICIRELLO, of 600 block of Wharton Street, won a Veterans Affairs court case in August 2011, proving he was physically abused during his time in the Army between 1970 and 1972. He suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He is waiting for VA to reconfigure Photo: Rory McGlasson his pension.



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South Philadelphia Business Association Oldest Business Association in South Philadelphia – Chartered in 1897 To join as a member of the SPBA, please call: (215)-336-1108 • 215-755-2000

The South Philadelphia Public Record • March 8, 2012

P. O. Box 31425• Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215)-336-1108 (215)-336-1149 (fax) Executive Board: President- Daniel Olivieri Treasurer: Jackie Fitzpatrick

Vice-President-Vince DeFino Esq. Secretary: Gaeton Tavella

Board Members John Savarese Louis Galdo Dr. Jim Moylan Mark Rago Vince Giusini Bill Ciampitti

Vet Fights Demons From ‘Friendly Fire’ PTSD (Cont. From Page 1) Cicirello, a US Army veteran, has documented he suffers from and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The former ailment is not uncommon among veterans who have served in brutal combat. But Cicirello’s case is unusual. His condition arose in peacetime – from abuse by his own officers. “The things that have happened to me,” Cicirello says, “they keep me awake. I have to get up every morning because someone outside has fallen over.” Cicirello lives with his younger brother Robert, nephew and niece, and 93year-old matriarch Yolanda in a rowhome adjacent to the Marshall Street Park. “We let him go outside. It’s what he does,” Yolanda says. For the last eight years, Cicirello has been embroiled in a lawsuit with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. He filed that suit in 2004 to prove his phobias, anxieties, obsessions, and stress-related mental-health issues were related to his time spent in the US Army from 1970 to 1972.

ON HIS STOOP, on the 600 block of Wharton Street, John Cicirello reflects on his time in US Army.

ENLISTED in the Army in 1970. If found to be true, his pension claim would be then classed as service-connected, as opposed to non-service connected. According to its VA pension guidelines, benefits are available where the veteran had at least 90 days of active military service, at least one day of service was during a period of war, the veteran’s military discharge was under conditions other than dishonorable and there is medical evidence the veteran is totally disabled as the result of a disability not caused by his or her own willful misconduct. Cicirello fits all the eligibility criteria, but he had to prove it. He started in 2004 and it took him eight years to prove it. Cicirello’s Veteran Affairs appeal transcript details how he was personally assaulted by a Staff Sergeant “R” and by another soldier during basic training in Fort Dix in 1970. He was hit with a pistol belt and shovel by a sergeant who went AWOL after Cicirello brought his accusations to his Colonel. “He (Staff Sergeant ‘R’) kicked me so hard one day in the butt, I couldn’t sit down for two days,” Cicirello said. “Also, they (Sgt. ‘R’ and another officer) attacked me in the bathroom. They scrubbed

my back and arms with a dry scrubbing brush so hard – after they had finished with me, my back looked like it had been squeezed out of a ketchup bottle.” According to the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, PTSD can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event like combat, assault, or disaster. Most people have some stress reactions after a trauma. If the reactions don’t go away over time or if they disrupt life, a veteran may have PTSD. While stationed in Korea in

YOLANDA CICIRELLO, 93, believes her son John would be dead if she wasn’t around “looking after him.” won his case in August 2011. He is waiting for retroactive payments he claims are owed him. He currently lives on $1,025 per month, which is paid by the VA. He takes prescription drugs to cope with his OCD and PSTD symptoms. The court ruling in August 2011 means the VA must pay him retroactively. He is owed eight years’ back pay. He’s been waiting almost one year to receive that pay now. JOHN CICIRELLO talks with his hand covering his mouth While he waits, he walks because he suffers from OCD. Looking back on his time in around the streets worrying the Army brings back painful memories -- of being beaten by about people falling over and his Sergeant. needing help. “If it wasn’t for of Juniper Street. They were my mom, I would be on the 1971, Cicirello broke his arm divorced in 1980. He hasn’t street with them,” he says. after falling on wet floor. Ci“People tell me he’s only seen her in 20 years, he said. cirello claims his Sergeant reHe was a volunteer photojour- alive because of me,” says his fused to let him go to the nalist between 1994 and 1995 93-year-old mother, Yolanda hospital until he had painted nee Francetti. for J. J Palumbo of the Cicirello, the dayroom. VA Court Yolando has lived on Wharton Philadelphia Exclusive. records confirm Cicirello had On the corner of Delaware Street since 1945. Her deto wait several hours before husband Carmen Avenue and Christian Street in ceased medical attention. worked on the old Reading June 1993, Cicirello was in a After being discharged in car accident. He has two discs Railroad. She worries every 1972, Cicirello entered the in his neck and a pin in his day about her wounded middle Army Reserve. However, back. It forced him to quit his child. medical records indicate a patShe says, “He has the job as a maintenance worker tern of increased anxiety, OCD. He gets up every mornfor SEPTA. stress, OCD, and PSTD The VA provides disability ing, we hear him. among other stressors that “He puts on his cologne – benefits for veterans who do eventually led to Cicirello’s not have any service-connected we smell it – I don’t know why being discharged from the redisorders. In 2004, Cicirello he does that – but he goes out serves in 1976. filed a claim to related to his and tries to help people. On Sep. 26, 1976, Cicirello “I worry about him, but Non-Service-Connected Penwas married to Lucille Bercosi sion. After two rejections, he he’s a really good boy.”

The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Photo: Maria Merlino

truck, struck the unit. She admitted she was on the phone and did not see the vehicle. A report was filed by the Battalion Chief to the Fire Administration, that the accident was not the fault of the driver. That should have been the end of it, Curtin says, but the Administration was determined to demonstrate otherwise. When they were proved wrong through insurance adjusters, who found indeed it was the fault of the cellphone using driver, they went to work, punishing the firefighter by docking 48 hours of pay and transferring him to a remote location, not only hurting morale but hurting his family as well. Scenario 2: A big part of the job is rescuing fire victims in a burning house with surrounding flames. Personal protective equipment is worn for the obvious reasons, but this equipment

For more info: 171. • 215-755-2000

UNAMED firefighter wants to know the answer.

Community activist Tina Curtin. Photo: Maria Merlino

is not fail-proof. Nothing is. In fact, I have seen the warning label inside the NOMEX hood that says, ”Firefighting is an ULTRAHAZARDOUS, UNAVOIDABLY DANGEROUS activity. This hood will NOT protect you from all burns, injuries, diseases, conditions or hazards. If this hood is exposed to heat you may be burned with No warning and No sign of damage to the hood.” In other words, straight contact with flame due to either a flashover or back draft will cause a heat buildup in the insulation material. This will not be noticed until it’s too late and will quickly burn the firefighter. Any normal person will realize firefighters don’t want to get burned and do wear their issued gear properly. However, injured firefighters are treated quite shabbily. It is assumed by the Fire Dept. that the burns were the fault of the firefighter, not the malfunction of protective clothing. In the meantime, a transfer takes place. “Rolling brownouts, transfers and wage docking hurt everyone in this city,” Curtin says. Curtin wants neighbors to show support by tying a red bow or changing your porch lamp’s light bulb to red. “It may just be a symbol, but better a red bulb than red blood.”

The South Philadelphia Public Record • March 8, 2012

A community activist has fire in her belly advocating for the men and women whom she feels are being mistreated by the city. Tina Curtin lives down the street from the 4th & Snyder Avenue Engine 53, Ladder 27. “You can’t use names,” says Curtin, a single mom. “They get punished.” She’s referring to the disciplinary action taken against Philadelphia firefighters who talk to the media. Firefighters who get into car accidents that are not their fault, and get burned using the protective gear issued to them. It all started two years ago, according to Curtin. “In October 2010, there was a huge fire at 3rd & McKean Streets that destroyed 13 apartments and smoldered for a couple of days,” Curtin said. “By the grace of God, 4th & Snyder was off the brownout. It was so poignant to me that I took it upon myself and recruited about 20 volunteers to do a Facebook fire donation page. The outpouring was miraculous. At the end, we still had five truckloads of clothing, furniture, household goods, and linens. That was donated to St. John’s.” Transferring and docking of wages are the two ways the Fire Dept. likes to punish its members, according to Curtin. She explains herself by using two scenarios. Scenario 1: Last year, according to Curtin, a a Philadelphia fire company was responding to a call. With a 4way stop sign on the corner, the driver stopped to check traffic. Two civilian witnesses saw the whole thing as it happened. A woman on her cellphone, oblivious to the red fire

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Activist Has Fire In Belly

Page 4 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

PA Make Or Break State For GOP Prexy? None of the contenders for President scored the 1,144 needed to secure the Republican nomination with the results in from Super Tuesday.

Brady Staffers Read Seuss

CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY observed Dr. Seuss Reading Day by assigning his staff to read Dr. Seuss tales in 20 city schools. Tom Johnson, of the Brady staff, reads to a class in Richmond School, 2944 Belgrade Street, on 108th birthday of Dr. Seuss. Johnson also made a presentation to school on behalf of Brady. • 215-755-2000

Photo by Joe Stivala

It is mathematically impossible for anybody to secure the nomination before Pennsylvania’s primary on Apr. 24, so Santorum’s home state is likely to play a major role in the Republican presidential race. Unlike some other states, Pennsylvania has a closed primary, so only registered Republicans can vote for Republican choices. Pennsylvania has 72 delegates to be awarded at the Republican National Convention. Fifty-four of these delegates are elected by the voters – three from each of Pennsylvania’s 18 Congressional districts. In addition, there are three delegates who are members of the RNC (the Chairman, National Committeewoman, and National Committeeman) and 10 “atlarge” delegates who are appointed by the Pennsylvania GOP Chairman. Pennsylvania also has five “bonus” delegates following the 2010 elections: one for having a Republican Gover-

nor, one for having a majority of the Congressional districts represented by Republicans, one each for having a majority in the State House and State Senate, plus one for having a Republican US Senator. Sixty-nine alternate delegates are also elected using the same formula (except for the three RNC members). These delegates are all unbound – meaning they can vote any way they want. They

may choose to reflect the preferences of Pennsylvania voters, but the actual vote for President carries no real meaning when it comes to nominating a presidential candidate. Therefore, the race for Delegates shows a great deal of competition by Party-savvy types. Sam Smith’s Take On Six Specials

The Supreme Court ordered State House Speaker

Sam Smith to call special elections for Pennsylvania’s six vacant State House seats. Per the Court’s previous ruling, the current lines, drawn in 2001, will remain in use for these elections. These elections will be held concurrently with the primary, currently scheduled for Apr. 24. The unhappy Speaker released the following statement: “The opinion by the ma-

jority of the court seems intent on creating a constitutional collision between two of the three constitutionally created co-equal branches of government. Make no mistake, they are tipping the scales of power in their own favor. “In establishing their position, the majority of the court has added new language to the constitution without the authority to do so. They have ig(Cont. Page 5)

At The Brothers Boyle Fundraiser

SHARING camera with State Rep. Kevin Boyle were legislative candidates from bordering districts Steve McCarter and Madeline Dean. Kevin has been endorsed by Sprinkler SHOWING their support for brother State Reps. Brendan Fitters 692, Plumbers 690, Steam Fitters 420, Bricklayers 1, and Kevin Boyle are Dan McCaffery, candidate William Boilermakers 13, District Council 47, IBEW Local 98, Dunbar, Kevin, and long-time family friend Bill Ivers. Roofers 30, and the Sheet Metal Workers Local 19.

setback for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians because these elections should be called in districts that comply with the Constitution. “Understanding that there are competing mandates in the Constitution, it is impossible to establish a perfect map. The more equal one makes the population of each district, the more one must split municipal and county lines, yet this court chose to invalidate a ‘better’ map while pretending it can achieve the perfect map. That decision is what triggered the legal quandary we are now facing. “That being said, and in the face of an overreaching court, my refusal to call these six special elections will only insure a constitutional crisis not of my making. Therefore, in an attempt to avoid that crisis, I will issue the writs of election. However, let me be clear, the court’s majority has rewritten the Constitution, ignored the clear intention of the law to exercise its own will and advanced its own veiled agenda at the expense of thousands of citizens of the

What’s At Stake With The Specials

For the remainder of this two-year term, the Republicans want to stay in control in the House, especially since it’s budget decision time and the six elected to the House to serve out the terms of the vacancies will have a vote in that process. The Republicans need to hold at least two of the six seats. Republicans currently have a 110 to 87 majority, meaning the House GOP needs 99 votes to pass legislation. When all six vacancies are filled, they will need 102. And if four or more seats are filled by Democrats – as is likely – they will require slightly stricter discipline within their own caucus. In special elections, candidates are chosen by party leaders. For five of the six seats, the rules are relatively simple because the entire district is within one county. Both parties must now select their candidates for the special (Cont. Page 6)

Law Firm Hosts City Officials

E. HARRIS BAUM welcomes State Rep. Tony Payton and 8th Dist. Councilwoman Cindy Bass to Zarwin Baum Meet & Greet event at its law offices.

COUNCILMAN David Oh welcomes Joseph Bongiovanni to his firm’s meet&-greet.

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

Commonwealth.” The big question, with all of the above said, is, “Why didn’t Smith say no?”

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State Rep.

William Keller 184th District


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The Public Record • March 8, 2012,

currently live in legislative districts that are 20,000 to 30,000 people over the lowest populated districts is unexplained by this same majority of the court. The solution that was legally consistent, and made common sense, was clearly articulated in the dissenting opinion of Justice Saylor which, if endorsed by the majority of the court, would have avoided this crisis. “Perhaps someday, the agenda of this activist majority will be unveiled. In the meantime, this order compromises the election process because candidates for these special elections will need to be selected and certified, counties will need to set up for the special elections in an abbreviated time frame and those who vote by absentee ballot, especially military personnel serving overseas, will have their opportunity to vote placed in jeopardy. “This order is not a setback for Republicans, nor an advantage for Democrats for that matter, since it will not affect the overall makeup of the House. It is, however, a

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(Cont. From Page 4) nored US Supreme Court rulings, as they ignored their own precedent in the recent reapportionment ruling. They also issued an order that tramples state and federal law. Notably, they did all of this without briefs being issued and without listening to any oral arguments. It appears that their minds were made up before the complaint was verified. “While the court rightly expresses concern for those citizens of the six districts that are currently vacant, it showed no concern for the thousands of voters deprived of equal representation, many of whom have special minority status under the Voting Rights Act, in its order on the reapportionment plan recently discarded by this same majority. That decision requires elections to be held in districts that, based on the 2010 census numbers, are wildly and undeniably unconstitutional. “How the citizens’ rights to equal representation in these six districts outweighs the rights of Hispanic and Latino citizens and those citizens who

‘Special’ Set To Go April 24

State Rep. Cherelle


1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE

State Senator

Anthony Hardy Williams 8th Senatorial District

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ATTORNEY Sharif Street, 3rd from left, welcomes to his firm’s meet-&greet Michael Joynes and State Reps. Vanessa Brown and Louise Bishop.

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124 LINKING UP at Zarwin Baum event were Councilman AMONG Zarwin Baum law firm guests were Chang Yun, Mark Squilla and labor leaders Barbara Fox and Erin Young. Councilman Jim Kenney and Dr. Hock Chung.


215-533-0440 • 215-755-2000

Senator Tina

Page 6 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

(Cont. From Page 5) election. In every case, the likely special election candidate is already on the ballot in his or her district for the general election. And with the party’s resources invested in making sure they win the special election, odds are they win their primary contests further down the ballot. The endorsements are in: For the 169th special election, David Kralle has the edge for the GOP and should survive to take on Democrat Ed Neilson. In the 186th, former Rep. Harold James picked up the endorsement. In the 197th, Leader of the 32nd Ward Gary Williams got the endorsement. However, he is ineligible to run in the district in the general and that endorsement won’t come this week. Jonathan Ramus survived a challenge to his nominating petition in the 108th. US Green Prexy To Campaign Here

The Green Party of Philadelphia will host Dr. Jill Stein,

Candidates Lined Up For Special Green Party candidate for President of the US, in Philadelphia on Monday, Mar.; 19. Dr. Stein ( will attend a brunch in Roxborough at Crossroads Coffeehouse, 6156 Ridge Avenue, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is limited room. Tickets are $20 and can be ordered by calling Chris Robinson, (215) 8434256. There will be another public event at the William Way Community Center from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. Christian Picks Up Tea Party Support

With a list of challengers vying for the State GOP nomination for US Senate, the campaign of David Christian marked the past couple weeks with thumbs up events. The first was the fact he has pulled first place on the ballot. The second is the fact he has received an endorsement from national Tea Party leader Sharron Angle announced her support for David Christian. Busy Bees In The 186th

Friends of Damon K. Roberts have moved into a campaign office the corner of Broad & Dickinson Streets. Roberts and the campaign team are excited to announce they will be hosting an Open House and Meet and Greet next Thursday, Mar. 15 from STATE REP. JOHN


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174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204

State Rep.

Councilman Bill

Green • 215-755-2000


Mark B.

Citing his experience and

State Sen. Shirley M.


6001 N. 5th St.

issues, and work with charity organizations. Traffic Court Seat Open Next Primary

A seat in the Philadelphia Traffic Court is up for grabs the next primary. The seat became vacant when Judge Willie F. Singletary resigned last week. Proceedings to dismiss him were announced by the Judicial Conduct Board. It decided to bring him to trial in the Court of Judicial Discipline, though he had resigned. According to Joseph A. Massa, Jr., Chief Counsel, “Singletary will have an opportunity to respond to the charges, obtain and inspect evidence which forms the basis of the allegations and the right to a public trial before the Court of Judicial Discipline.” Kleinman Quits 13th Dist. Race

Nate Kleinman must have a fan at the Inquirer. Otherwise, how could they have spared so much ink to publicize this guy who billed himself as the Occupier candidate, though he had no support from that group? But now he’s quit his primary challenge to Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, reportedly deciding he didn’t want to fight over his nomi-

nating signatures. Instead, the Inky reports he plans to run as a write in. He must believe his Inky clips. He has yet to wake up to the fact he was a minor-league tryout trying to compete in the major leagues. DeLissio Kicks Off Campaign For 194th

State Rep. Pamela A. DeLissio is campaigning to keep her to retain her seat in the Pennsylvania State House. Former State Rep. Kathy Manderino, whose chief of staff DeLissio was, commented, “Pam DeLissio has really made her mark as a bright star among the new legislators. Whenever I see my former colleagues or others at the state capitol, they tell me Pam is a smart, hard-working, outspoken advocate for the people of the 194th Dist. and for all Pennsylvanians.” Casey Holds 4th Toast To St. Pat

Pennsylvania’s Senior US Sen. Bob Casey holds his 4th annual St. Patrick’s Day Toast tomorrow, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden. Suggested Contributions: $35 Committee person/Young Professional, $100 Friend, $250 Sponsor. For info contact Aliyah (484) 557-3758 or

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as LIHEAP, helps low-income individuals and families pay their heating bills. LIHEAP is a grant that offers assistance in the form of a cash grant, sent directly to the utility company, or a crisis grant for households in immediate danger of being without heat. To apply for LIHEAP or to learn more about the program please visit or call 1-866-857-7095.

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State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 215-748-6712

Pat Murphy Gets Allegheny Labor

record of fighting for working families, the Allegheny Co. Labor Council voted to recommend Iraq War veteran and former prosecutor Patrick Murphy for Pennsylvania Attorney General. “Right now, working families need a champion more than ever. Workers in Pennsylvania are under attack and they want an Attorney General who will stand up for them. Patrick Murphy has the experience and vision to protect the middle class and defend the rights of workers,” said Jack Shea, ACLC president. “Patrick’s record is clear. He has fought for laws that help provide workers with better wages and safer working conditions. Our members know they can trust Patrick Murphy to fight for them and protect their families. We are proud to recommend him and will make sure our members are mobilized to support him.” ACLC represents nearly 200 affiliated local unions, making it the largest labor council in Western Pennsylvania and the second-largest in Pennsylvania. The ACLC helps local unions within its jurisdiction with various organizing campaigns, community services, civil-rights

COHEN 201st District

Room 599 City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930

6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The campaign office, formerly occupied by Metro PCS, is in an ideal location in the heart of South Philadelphia. Because it is a Broad Street corner property, traffic studies show up to 19,000 residents and visitors pass by the campaign office per day. Damon K. Roberts is a practicing real-estate and landuse attorney and block captain in the 186th Dist. He is the former President of the citywide Neighborhood Advisory Council’s Alliance Board and Chairperson of South Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks. Roberts is endorsed by Councilman Wilson Goode, Jr., Councilman Curtis Jones, President of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia & Vicinity Rev. Terrence D. Griffith, Rev. Dr. Wayne E. Croft, Pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, Pastor Daniel T. Black of Gospel Temple, Pastor Waller of Mt. Hebron Baptist, and Pastor James A. Lovett of the Tasker Street Missionary Baptist Church. Community activist and wellknown Pastor Paul “Earthquake” Moore is also in his camp.

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave. Suite 104 Phila., PA 19132


Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


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The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000

Page 8 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Aloha From The 2012 Flower Show

BONNIE Squires and Nicholas DeBenedictis, CEO of Aqua America, admire 30-foot waterfall at one of the major ex- JOHN SALER, of Stradley Ronon, and his wife Christina, hibits at this year’s Hawaiian- join attorney Maria Wing and her husband Albert J. Motley, Jr. Salers co-chaired Academy Ball. Photos: Bonnie Squires themed Flower Show.

PHILA. International Flower Show, with its Hawaii theme this year, attracted 2500 patrons and sponsors to VIP preview reception and dinner Saturday night. Seen here are, from left, Dr. David Schwartz and his wife Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, with former Penna. Treasurer Robin Wiessman and her husband Ken Jarin, Esq.

FRANKLIN Institute’s CEO Denis Wint and his wife Ann like to support all the other cultural attractions in town. Wint is gearing up for his upcoming Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit.


Ron Donatucci • 215-755-2000

Public Servant of the Year - 2012

unequaled coverage of the city’s public life 215-755-2000 Also Follow Our Online e-zine The Philadelphia Daily Record Monday through Friday

Public Servant Of The Year - 2012

Another Opinion A Woman’s Perspective

young women think “shacking up” is an integral part of a relationship. A culture where dismembering a five-, six-, even nine-month-old baby in a mother’s womb while alive is considered a choice and not murder. So all of you who are fighting for the “cause of women”, who are standing up and banging the podium that women must have the freedom of choice … ask me my choice! Stop speaking for me! You have made it so that when I hear the words “women’s health” I cringe, because I know I am about to be grouped under some ideal that is against every core of my being. Do not group me with your ideals; do not include me with your rhetoric. If you are so concerned about choice, then stop stifling mine! Personally, I think these groups should held accountable for slander. Nowhere in the media do you hear the words “some women”. This means I have to be looked at as agreeing simply because I am a woman. I would like a group to speak for all men and see what happens. Dr. Lam is a physician who practices in New Jersey. • 215-755-2000

by Dr. Adele Lam I am in such a discouraged funk about our culture lately. The argument about birth control versus the freedom of religion was the straw that broke this camel’s back! Any discussions about the subject I hear are always “women” vs. the big bad everyone else. So here goes.… Hey women’s libbers, hey Planned Parenthood, hey liberal media … stop using me as your ploy! You never asked my opinion, so stop speaking for “women” and start speaking for “some women.” You don’t speak for me. I am an American, I am a voter, I am a mother of four, I am a wife and I am a doctor. I do believe freedom of religion is more important than the birth-control pill. I do believe that our Constitution and its amendments, fought for by the blood of our fathers, sons and brothers, is vastly more important than an employee’s being forced to pay for something that will allow our sisters, daughters and friends to continue to perpetuate a “safe sex equals freedom” culture. A culture that has left us with an amoral society where

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

The Honorable Ronald Donatucci obviously deserves the accolades which go with his selection as the Public Record’s “Public Servant Of The Year”. The reasons can be found on Page 12. Despite his many achievements and his continued dedication to the city, the community, its institutions and organizations, Donatucci has managed to keep below the everyday hubbub associated with those in the political arena. Those who know him best often times use the same word to describe his presence. That word is “humble”. Add to that still another. And that word is “dedication”. Together – “dedicated” and “humble” form the hallmark of this man and describe his political leadership and the unblemished record of his tenure as Register of Wills

Mar. 8- Hon. Ron Donatucci honored as Public Servant of Year at Waterfall Rm., Snyder Ave. & Water Sts. Ticket $50. Open bar, buffet. Tickets at door. For info John David (215) 755-2000, (267) 259-6654. Mar. 9- S Sen. Bob Casey hosts 4th annual St. Patrick’s Toast at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 5-7 p.m. Contribution: $35 for committeepersons and Young Democrats, $100 Friend and $250 Sponsor. RSVP Aliyah (484) 557-3758 or Mar. 9, 23, 30- Early-morning workout exercise sessions with State Sen. Vincent Hughes at Salvation Army, 4200 Wissahickon Ave., 5:30-6:30 a.m. Call (215) 879-7777. Mar. 10- Volunteers sought by Earthquake Moore and Southwest CDC to gather at 6328

Page 9

Our Opinion

Paschall Ave., 9 a.m. to launch cleanup of Woodland Ave. Mar. 10- NIA-PAC’s Carnevale, 6 p.m. Union League. Vincent Papale, Master of Ceremonies. Formal dinner and auction. Black tie preferred. Chair Hon. Amato Berardi. Individual seating $185. For details Judy Camiel (610) 668-1730. Mar. 10- Green Night Out features Prof. Heather Thompson discussing “Why Mass Incarceration Matters” at Singapore Restaurant, 1006 Race St., 7 p.m. Kosher Chinese food. Attendance $25. Open to public. RSVP (space is limited) (215) 243-7103 or Mar. 12- Cocktail Event for State Rep. Tina Davis at Zia’s at Red Door, 110 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, Pa. Tickets $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. For info Seth Skversky (215) 550-1186. Mar. 13- Friends of Damon Roberts hosts fundraiser at S. Philly Tap Room, 1509 Mifflin St., 6-8 pm. Mar. 13- S. Phila. Business (Cont. Page 35)

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Page 10

Jannie Lauds W. Catholic’s Salvation

“WHEN I sat in at other high schools to decide where to go for my senior year, everywhere I went, I found I’d already learned that material at W. Catholic,” said junior Haeley Horan, smiling because now she will be able to graduate from her beloved high school after all next year.

“I am so glad I will be able to come back to West Catholic next fall for my senior year,” said Haeley Horan in a corridor of her school on Tuesday. With her, West Philadelphia rejoiced at the news its flagship Catholic high school would stay open next year. The small but award-winning school, which sends 93% of its graduates to college, has been a lifeline for educational advancement for West Philadelphia families for 95 years.

Along with three other city high schools, West Catholic had been scheduled for closure by the Archdiocese last month. But all four were saved by a dramatic, last-minute fundraising drive organized by Main Line developer J. Brian O’Neill. In two weeks, O’Neill and a pickup team of donors raised $10 million for the four schools; more importantly, they vowed to forge ahead until they had raised $100 million. Such an endowment base




would put inner-city Catholic schools on a new footing to survive in an economic environment drastically changed by the advent of publicly funded charter schools in the last 10 years. “What this means is not only that we will have seniors next year, but also that we will have freshmen,” said school minister Father Michael Marrone, who could not hide his enthusiasm at the small school ceremony. Junior Haeley Horan spoke for the school’s students. Her older sister had attended West Catholic, which is located at 45th & Chestnut Streets in University City. Initially, Haeley was leery of following in her sister’s footsteps. “But the moment I set foot inside these doors, I knew I was home,” she said. Horan praised the school’s strong academic preparation and its intimate, caring atmosphere (the four-year high

school has 450 students). She gave a special shout out to the chef who teaches the school’s cooking class. When West Catholic students were told last month their school doors would be shuttered this June, 9ththrough 11th-graders were allowed to visit other schools to find out where they wanted to transfer to. Horan was disappointed by what she saw as she made her rounds. “Everywhere I went, I kept saying to myself, ‘I’ve already learned that’,” she said. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell was thrilled to attend the ceremony. She has relatives who were West Catholic alumni. She congratulated the school community for developing a path to survival. “This journey that we are all on together,” Blackwell said, “I have found is a journey of faith.”

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Page 11

The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000

Ronald Donatucci Public Servant of the Year 2012

Page 12 The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000

Hon. Ronald Donatucci Public Servant Of The Year - 2012

Register of Wills Ronald Donatucci has set the hallmark for Row Office holders in this city and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For over three and half decades he has carried out extremely well his responsibilities as custodian of family estates, marriage licenses, and a host of court related responsibilities that impact the lives of all Philadelphians. During that time his office has never suffered a deficiency in any of the audits made by the City Controller or other city and state agencies. When he first took office he had over 80 full time employees. Despite the increasing demands made on his office since then, he has reduced personnel by 25%. His self-effacing demeanor has earned

him the plaudits of all who have come to know him, as evidenced by the fact he was elected President of the Board of City Trusts. He has willingly contributed his services and time to many public service positions. He is chairman of the Board at Wills Eye Hospital as well as a member of the Board of Temple University and the Temple University Health System, to name a few. Ronald Donatucci is a dynamic political leader, credited with helping many of the city’s past and present officials get elected, by supporting them as Leader of the 26th Ward, a position he has held for 37 years. He heads a family which has contributed its members to public service in the House of

Representatives and to City Service, himself serving as State Representative prior to assuming his present post. A leader sought by all communities, Mr. Donatucci has earned the respect and support of the major Labor unions in this City and State. These are but a few of the many credits posted by Ronald Donatucci throughout his public career. They are but the tip of his hallmark career – one to be emulated by all in service – and why he has been chosen by the readers of The Philadelphia Public Record to be its “Public Servant of the Year – 2012”, an honor reserved for those whose influence has benefited all Philadelphians in every walk of life and in every occupation.

Politically, Ron has mittee. He continues to Firm. Over the years, held the position of serve as a Ward Leader he has lent his legal Register of Wills & to this day, and as a expertise to a wide vaClerk of the Orphans’ Super-Delegate for the riety of community Court for the City of State of Pennsylvania. and charitable causes. Philadelphia since As an attorney, Ron To name a few, or1979, being reelected is a member and Spe- ganizations such as the to that position an un- cial Counsel to the American Heart Assoprecedented nine Mattioni, Ltd. Law ciation to UNICO, the times. Prior to his 32 years as a citywide elected official, he served as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and at the age of 26 became one of the youngest Ward Leaders ever elected to a on the RON DONATUCCI, right, was in mix of things back position Demo- IN MORE recent times, Register of Wills Ron Dothen as he is seen here with Lynne Abraham, Debbie Philadelphia and Bob Brady in welcoming President Bill Clinton to cratic Executive Com- natucci escorts Hillary Clinton to Temple University Philadelphia.

Central High School, Temple University and the University of Baltimore School of Law, he has spent his entire adult life serving the people and the communities of Philadelphia.

Potter’s House Mission, and Programs for Exceptional People, the Lions Club, DVAC, Order Sons of Italy in AmericaLodge #2217, South Philadelphia Lions Club, Chapel of the 4 Chaplains, NIA-PAC, Regional Sicilian Association, PAL, the South Philadelphia Business Assn., and numerous veterans’ organizations which have recognized his time, his knowledge, and his generosity over the years by honoring him for his untiring service.

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

For over 37 years, Ronald R. Donatucci, Esquire has served the people of greater Philadelphia as a politician, an attorney, and a tireless advocate of the medical community. A graduate of

Page 13

His Record Speaks For Itself



Ron Donatucci Public Servant Of The Year

Robert Brady Congressman 1st District Paid for by Committee to Elect Bob Brady • 215-755-2000

From Your Friend

Page 14 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Busy Helping Others (Cont. From Page 13) In April 2011, Lubavitch of Bucks Co. honored his integrity and commitment as a dedicated public servant with the “Leadership Award” at their Annual Gala. As committed as he is to politics and his love of the law, Donatucci is equally known for his support, dedication and vision for the overall betterment of healthcare is known in the medical community.

He was recently elected President of the Board of City Trusts, which is charged with the administration of 113 trusts left to the City of Philadelphia for charitable purposes. The Board also oversees Girard College and the world renowned Wills Eye Health System, where he also serves as Chairman and oversees the operations of the Health System. In 2006, Ron was ap-

pointed as a Trustee for his alma mater, Temple University. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Temple University Health Systems, Inc., and the Arthritis Foundation, Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter Board of Directors, where in October 2008, was recognized by the Foundation as the “2008 Community Leader of the Year.” Ron is happily married to Stephanie, and is the proud father of

Congratulations To Public Servant Of The Year

Ron Donatucci Your Friend Craig Sabatino • 215-755-2000

Intech Construction, Inc. 3001 Market St. • Phila., PA 19104

Ron, Jr., Michael and Ava Marie. Ron, now 64, is a graduate of Central High School, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a law degree from University of Baltimore in 1974. He has set a record in the annals of elected state and city history by being reelected to his post as Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court, Philadelphia Co, for nine four-year terms. Throughout that time, his office has never failed to pass any audit by the City Controller's office or any other auditing agency. His duties impact on every citizen. They include sole jurisdiction over probate of wills and granting of letters to executors or personal representatives designated by law to administer the estates of deceased persons, and any other matter provided by law. Agent of the Commonwealth of Penna. for the collection of inheritance tax. The Register of Wills is ex officio Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. His first elected office was as a member of the 186th Legislative Dist. from January 1977 to (Cont. Page 18)

RON DONATUCCI with long-time friend Saverio Celia.

FRIENDS of Ron Donatucci look forward to his annual summer cruise on the Delaware. He’s seen here with long time friend Dominic Sabatini.

LATE World Boxing Champ Joe Frazier is flanked here by fans Ted Kirsch and Ron Donatucci.

BACK IN THE DAYS of Walter Mondale, greeters included Dominic Sabatini, Ron Donatucci and his late brother Rep. Bob Donatucci.

Page 15

Ron’s Public Record in Our Lenses

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

MAYOR Michael Nutter happy to have had support of JOY OF HIS Life is Ron's wife Stephanie, enjoying Register of Wills Ron Donatucci for both of his election river outing with her husband. campaigns. ATTENDING a Ron Donatucci party were Con- GOV. ED RENDELL often called on Ron Donatucci gressman and Democrat for election advice. Party chair Bob Brady, Union Leader Joe Ashdale and PPA’s Rick Dixon.

SHARING summer cruise were former Controller Jonathan Saidel and host Ron Donatucci.

POLITICAL old-timers will identify the man with a younger Ron Donatucci as Mayor Jim Tate.

MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR to civic and social programs, Register of Wills Ron Donatucci is an active member of Temple University’s Board of Trustees.


"Congratulations, Ron. This honor is well-deserved and a long time coming.


Our city owes you a debt of gratitude, and we look forward to your continued leadership here in Philadelphia."


Sen. Larry Farnese

PAST CHANCELLOR, 215.665.3511

Paid for by Friends of Farnese • 215-755-2000


Page 16 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

On Camera With Ron

ROBERT DE NIRO thanks Register of Wills Ron Donatucci and his wife Stephanie for help in filming scenes in City Hall from one of his movies.

ENVY OF her brothers was R o n ’ s daughter, Ava Marie, as she s h a r e d photo with President Barack Obama.

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON joins up with 26th Ward Leader Ron DoPENSIVE reflection as Register of Wills Ron Do- natucci at luncheon meeting of Denatucci attends of many proclamation ceremonies. mocrat City Committee at City Hall.

Congratulations To 2012 “Public Servant of The Year • 215-755-2000

Ron Donatucci

Congratulations to

Ron Donatucci 2012 Public Servant of the Year Your Friend Councilman

Mark Squilla

FORMER Supreme Court Justice Russell Nigro MEET Ron Donatucci family: wife Stephanie, daugh- shares moment with Register of Wills Ron Donatucci ter Ava Marie, Ron, Jr. and Michael. at event they attended.

For Your Years Of Wonderful Service

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Ron Donatucci

Page 17

Congratulations To

Your Friend

EVER-POPULAR Ron Donatucci shares photo with Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery, Marion HAPPY to have prayers of Sister Paula Beierschmitt is Register of Wills Ron Donatucci. Wimbush and State Rep. Frank Oliver.

To Ron Donatucci Public Servant of the year

T zÜxtà câuÄ|v fxÜätÇà tÇw tÇ xäxÇ zÜxtàxÜ UÜÉà{xÜ@|Ç@_tã

Paid by friends of Rep Maria Donatucci

Ron Donatucci From All Of Us At CATCH • 215-755-2000

Rep. Marie P. Donatucci 185th Legislative District

“Congratulations” Public Servant

Page 19

On Camera With Ron

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

SHARING THIS photo with Ron Donatucci are Matt JUDGE Angelo Foglietta was one of recent new judges Myers, Bill Dolbow and Traffic Court Judge Michael NEW JERSEY Councilman Al Frattali joins Congress- elected to bench thanks to efforts of Ward Leader Ron man Bob Brady and Register of Wills Ron Donatucci. Donatucci. Lowry.

TOMMY ST. HILL, Judge Jimmy Lynn, Kenny Adams and Ron Donatucci make election luncheon scene at Famous Deli. RON DONATUCCI shares photo with Vince DeFino, Congressman Bob Brady, Lou Galdo and Anthony DeFino.

Congratulations To

Ronald R. Donatucci, Esq. Register Of Wills Public Servant of The Year - 2012

Ron Donatucci Always A Friend First

Kaufman & Kaufman, P. C. 21 S. 12th Street - Suite 777 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-564-6060

-- Michael ‘Ozzie’ Myers

Ron Donatucci For His Many Years Of Service To The City Of Philadelphia And The Democratic Party

Friends of 39B Matt Myers Ward Leaders • 215-755-2000

Andrew R. Kaufman, Esqire Elizabeth A. Kaufman, Esquire

We Join In Honoring

Page 20 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

The Petrongolo Family At

J. P. C. Group Salutes Our Good Friend

FLANKING Ron Donatucci at river cruise were Councilman Jim Kenney and soon-to-be 6th Dist. Councilman Bob Henon.

Ron Donatucci

2012 Public Servant Of The Year DONATING his help to Vendemmia charity, Ron Donatucci confers with Giovanni Pantani on rules for wine-tasting contest. • 215-755-2000

Fred Druding, Jr. From One South Philadelphian To Another

Congratulations To

Ron Donatucci 2012 Public Servant of the Year

Page 22 The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000

PRESENTING CITATION to Italian Member of Parliament Amato Berardi, center.

RON THANKS President Judge Pam Dembe and Judge Holly Ford for their participation in marrying off scores of happy couples at his annual Valentine’s Day Tradition.

JUDGE Joseph Waters and John Ramondi, Esq. and REV. RALPH WYNDER joins with Congressman Santa Claus' Helper Ron Donatucci helped give out Bob Brady and Ron Donatucci at Democrat City Comittee election rally gifts to needy youngsters.

LOCAL 98’s Brian Stevenson shows his support for Ron Donatucci.

PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC RECORD publisher James Tayoun is out of breath chasing Ron Donatucci to get Ron’s pictures taken.


The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Ron Donatucci

Page 23

CHRISTMAS gala brought together Mr. & Mrs. Ron Donatucci and their daughter Ava Marie with John Dougherty.

26th WARD LEADER Ron Donatucci lines up here with fellow ward leaders.

Barnes & Noble Stores and • 215-755-2000

#1 Best Seller Available At All

Page 24 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

BILL GREEN hams it up for this group of ward leaders and judicial candidates and Ron Donatucci, on far right.

SAYDE LADOV shares moment with Mayor Nutter and Ron Donatucci.

Congratulations To My Friend

Rob Donatucci Charles M. Golden, Esq. 1617 J.F.K. Blvd. • 19th Floor Philadelphia PA, 19107

Congratulations To

Ron Donatucci • 215-755-2000

For Your Dedication

Oliveri Famly And Congratulations


Ron Donatucci

2523 S. Broad St. Phila. PA 19148 215-336-1130

2012 Public Servant Of The Year

REGISTER Ron Donatucci chats with new Commissioner Stefanie Singer before both were sworn in for new terms at Academy of Music.

The Staff of Philadelphia Public Record Adds its Congratulations to Honorable

Ronald Donatucci

Page 25

Camera’s On Ron

The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Page 26

Capturing Ron Donatucci And Friends

Page 27

The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Page 28

Page 29

Roving Around City With Ron Donatucci

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Congratulations To Honorable

Ronald Donatucci On His Public Servant Of The Year Award “It is Well Deserved!”

Taylor 177th Leg. Dist. • 215-755-2000

Rep. John • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Page 30

by Michael P. Boyle, Esq. If SSA decides you don’t meet a Listing of Impairment, the next step is to determine if you are able to return to your Past Relevant Work. PRW is any work you have done at Substantial Gainful Activity levels in the 15 years prior to the date you apply for benefits. SGA for 2012 equals $1,010 per month

for a person who is not blind, and less for prior years. SSA determines SGA by reviewing your earnings records. Keep in mind that a part-time job may qualify as SGA if your earnings equal or exceed SGA levels at any time in the prior 15 years. To assess your ability to return to PRW, SSA must first determine your Residual Func-

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

months, based on information from the recent past. Above-median filers are “blessed” with having to pay the results of the Means Test, Form B22C. Both filers may adjust for virtually certain expected changes. Above-median filers could end up paying nothing for five years. Below-median filers have to pay something. The Bankruptcy Code has requirements for the distribution of the payments: Administrative expenses like the trustee and perhaps your attorney, and family support obligations, and recent taxes must be paid in full. Anything left over goes to the general creditors. There is no requirement that anything be left over. Next Week’s Question: Business bankruptcy: when, how, and what kind?

or perform other work. When assessing whether you can return to PRW, SSA will determine whether you can perform past work as you actually performed it or as it is usually performed in the national economy. If your case proceeds to a hearing, an administrative law judge will generally retain the services of a vocational expert to testify about your work history, including whether you performed PRW at SGA levels and whether your RFC allows you to return to PRW.

Page 31

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Does Chapter 13 bankruptcy have minimum payments for credit cards? Answer: Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings often requires that a filer pay something every month to a Trustee. The Trustee distributes those payments according to a court-approved plan. Nothing in the Bankruptcy Code requires a minimum payment, a minimum dividend, to be paid to any general unsecured creditor such as like a credit card. They may get zero. The required payment to a Trustee is based on a filer’s Projected Disposable Monthly Income. For a below-median filer, this is based on expected income and expenses over the next few

tional Capacity. RFC represents an assessment of an individual’s ability to do sustained work-related physical and mental activities in a work setting on a regular and continuing basis. A ‘regular and continuing basis’ means eight hours a day, for five days a week, or an equivalent work schedule. SSA must take into account the combined impact of all of your impairments, both mental and physical, in determining your RFC and in deciding whether you can return to PRW

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Page 32 The Public Record • March 8, 2012 • 215-755-2000

Tuesday night, Mac’s Tavern was packed with members of the herd. Mac’s is the site of the monthly Republican Happy Hour which is held the first Tuesday of each month and is sponsored by the pub’s proprietor, COMMITTEEMAN BEN HANEY and 5TH WARD LEADER MIKE CIBIK. Some elephants were watching the returns from the Super Tuesday primary elections. Former Pennsylvania SEN. RICK SANTORUM had a good night as he won Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota. However it appears that he narrowly lost Tuesday’s prize, Ohio, to MITT ROMNEY. Only a week ago, Santorum had a double-digit lead over Romney in the polls in Ohio. This elephant attributes this turnaround for Romney to his outstanding campaigning and last-minute decisions of Ohio Republicans to vote for the candidate that has the best chance of beating PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA in the fall. The Monthly Happy Hour’s attendance was enhanced by the migration of members of the herd from the Republican City Committee meeting held at the United Republican Club in Port Richmond. Ward leaders that attended both included WALT and CHRIS VOGLER as well as ANDREW GENTSCH, BILL PETTIGREW, JOHN STALMASTER, SUZANNE HANEY and STEVE NASEVICH. The RCC meeting was a non-event, as there was no quorum. The only real business was the distribution of tickets to be sold for the RCC spring fundraiser, which is traditionally held the Tuesday before the primary. During the past week, contests to the petitions of LEW HARRIS to run for Delegate to the National Convention and LINDSAY DOERING and CHARLES GREY for Al(Cont. Page 38)

When State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson became City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, the 186th Legislative Dist. was left without a representative. While the seat is technically open, it can’t stay that way until November. Thus, there’s going to have to be a special election held to fill the seat. Because this is Pennsylvania, and we don’t do anything in a way that makes even the least little bit of sense, both the special election and the Pennsylvania primary … for the same seat … are going to be held at the same time, Apr. 24. Three men are running for the honor of representing this district. Former State Rep. Harold James, the man from whom Johnson wrested the seat, is making a play for the job he held for 20 years. Damon K. Roberts, the former president of the Barristers who was among those running for City Council against Johnson last May, is also vying for the seat. The third man is Jordan Harris, the former executive director of the Philadelphia Commission on Children & Youth. Johnson and State Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams have endorsed Harris, who had also been a public-school teacher before deciding to run for office. Should he win, Harris says the connection he shares with Sen. Williams and Councilman Johnson will produce maximum benefits for the residents of the 186th Dist. The Ward Leaders in the 186th Dist. have endorsed James for the Special Election. But when I talked to Harris, that endorsement didn’t dim his enthusiasm a bit. As someone whose commitment to the district is such that he and his wife Amber are currently living in the house he grew up in, he believes he is the right man for the job. (Cont. Page 38)

Yo! Here we go again with this story about The Girls by Kathleen Valle. We are known as “The Girls”. We were originally 11, but three have passed away and one retired to Florida. We have known each other since kindergarten, some junior high and some high school. We are now 71/72 years young. Throughout the years we have monthly dinners and, now that we are retired, lunches, taking turns at each other’s homes. Several years ago when Emma, the traitor, retired to Florida, we all flew there and stayed with her for several days so she would not miss her turn for lunch at her home. We take weekend trips and we have taken pictures with Al Roker and literally bumped into Donald Trump once. At family parties, our daughters always ask us to behave. During all of the years we have been together, as unbelievable as it seems, we have never been angry with each other for long. Losing three of our group has been like losing a sister. We lost Grace suddenly 13 years ago, Roseann after a long illness 11 years ago and, two years ago, Julie after a brief bout with cancer. Our lunches and dinner will never be the same without Julie. She was the most loving, caring person you could ever meet. Hundreds were at her viewing. You only had to meet Julie once to be her friend. At her funeral luncheon, the toast was a Hershey bar because Julie loved her desserts, especially chocolate, and she would always have bites of dessert with her entree. We have been through the good and the bad together, always there to support each other. The weddings, births, illnesses, and deaths, but we are never alone. We were with Julie several hours before she passed. Recently Cathy’s husband was diagnosed with cancer. Cathy does not drive, but she knows that we will be there for her no questions asked. Leah is now recovering for a double hip operation and her husband knows we are at his beck and call when needed. We laugh at each other’s lost memories, we laugh when we get out of the car and all you hear are moans from us trying to straighten up our rusted joints. When we see older (our age) people, we say, “Look at those old people.” We don’t consider ourselves as being old. Maybe physically we are, but mentally we are still 20. Every five years we plan our high-school reunion. Our 55th is on Oct. 7, 2012. Everyone should have friends like us. But, then again, we’re not just friends, we are sisters: Kathleen, Leah, Lorraine, Santa, Cathy, Diane, Emma, and Barbara and never-forgotten Grace, Rosanne, and Julie – the girls.

COUNTDOWN TO ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE. Be there! On the Ben Franklin Parkway. Mar. 11. Over 200 marching units. And televised, thanks to CBS-TV on Channel 3, and later on 57. COUNTDOWN #2 to St. Patrick’s MONTH! There are so many scheduled events and parties that you run out of green clothing. On Mar. 8 at 3 p.m., on the north side of City Hall, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will have a wreath-laying in honor of the Irish sons of our Revolution. Then upstairs to the Mayor’s Reception Room for MAYOR McNUTTER’S official declaration of the month itself.... There follows a vast sea of events including a double-header in MIKE DRISCOLL’S Finnigan’s Wake Pub on the 9th with a party for Sen. BOB CASEY, followed by a salute to JOHNNY DOC! YAWN, DULLSVILLE: Hearings were held in Philly of the State House Judiciary Committee, Chaired by State Rep. Bryan Cutler on HBs 1815 and 1816 to create an Appellate Court Nominating Committee to present lists of qualified persons for the GOVERNOR TO APPOINT (rather than elect). This bill is a step towards taking away rights of the electorate to choose judges! It is weird that as the rest of the world (following the USA example) becomes more democratic, we slide away from the will of the people. STATE REP BILL KELLER is out there supporting the working man. He is making it difficult for illegals to take jobs of legal workers.... STATE REP. MICHELLE BROWNLEE has a bill in mind for texting drivers.... STATE REP. BABETTE JOSEPHS did not need an opponent to push issues concerning her constituents – the pace is unchanged. (Cont. Page 33)

The lovely and statuesque SHARI WILLIAMS danced the night away with her husband STATE SEN. TONY WILLIAMS on Saturday night. The occasion was the Senator’s 55th birthday. The house was packed with friends and luminaries at the Oaks Ballroom in Glenolden. An emotional Tony Williams thanked the large crowd for their support during his battle with illness. He is now 70 lb. lighter and healthy. He even looked mayoral. Joining the Williams’ were STATE SEN. LeANNA WASHINGTON, CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY COUNCILMAN KENYATTA JOHNSON, NAACP Head JERRY MONDESIRE and operative GEORGE BURRELL. The well-dressed crowd stayed late. Also, there were consultant BILL MILLER with his lovely wife and daughter, STATE SEN. MIKE STACK and his wife TONYA, STATE REP. TONY PAYTON and Harrisburg hopeful FATIMA MUHAMMED. Sen. Williams demonstrated his gift at crossing party lines. The former Chairman of the Republican Party TOM JUDGE was in attendance. COUNCILMAN BOB HENON took MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER on a tour of Tacony in Northeast Philly. Tacony has a proud tradition of being like a small town within a city. But in the last decade, deadbeat property owners have caused deterioration. Henon is working to penalize the deadbeats. His goal is to make them maintain the property responsibly or get out. The Supreme Court called for a special election to fill the State House seat vacated by DENNY O’BRIEN. The former Speaker was elected to City Council. The legislative redistricting committee originally moved the seat to York Co. But the court ruling brought the district back to Northeast Philly. ED NEILSON was endorsed on the Democratic side by the caucus consisting of PAT PARKINSON, MIKE McALEER, Mike Stack and SHAWN DILLON. The Republicans will have to decide between DAVE KRALLE, a likeable aide to O’Brien, and newcomer JOHN McCANN. Neilson comes from Local 98 just as Bob Henon does. JOHN DOUGHERTY continues to develop talent and put it on the field. Longtime Northeast Ward Leader FRANK CONAWAY lost his lovely wife MARIA to illness. Maria was his key advisor and was crucial in helping Frank to succeed in politics. She will be greatly missed. CONWAY continues to remain active on the political scene. Once a ward leader, always a ward leader and he helps his successor whenever needed. Frank is highly regarded in this city’s political circles. Condolences to MR. & MRS. BRENDAN BOYLE on the tragic loss of their prenatal twins MARIAH and JULIET.

decrease on Mar. 1, 2012. The rate will stay in effect through Jun. 1, 2012, when PGW will determine, based on market conditions, whether or not the rate should change. “Everyone at PGW understands natural gas is a necessary expense for our customers. Thanks to our storage and contracting practices, we can purchase more economically priced natural gas for our customers,” said Craig E. White, president and CEO of PGW. “In fact,

thanks to these very practices, this is the fourth quarter in a row that we have reported a decrease.” With the abundance of natural gas available, the company anticipates its rates should remain stable for the foreseeable future, based on current market projections, producing savings for all of the company’s customers compared to recent years. PGW’s residential natural-gas rates are made up of two main components: a supply charge and delivery charge.

Walk The Beat

David Oh had a productive meeting with the Korean Ambassador in New York. The goal was investment and job creation in Philly. THE HYPE on the Singletary issue is supposed to be about that person. But it is used as an attack on the ordinary people working in Traffic Court. To pass blanket judgement on all in TRAFFIC COURT is not USA justice – but a court in IRAN!! One gets the impression that “edu-

cated” folks decide how to attack institutions over beer, wine and cheese (?).... ANNIE BERNARD, late grand leader of her family, was tendered an annual Mass in her honor in St. John’s Church by her son Charles “Burns” Bernard – with Hon. Charlie Bernard, Sr. on hand. Her namesake – little superAnnie – carries on the proud family tradition. AOH DIVISION 40 will hold its Annual “DAY OF

(Cont. From Page 32) THE OLD REFRAIN again. The “What did Jesus think about taxes?” is in print again. The author seems to know the thoughts of Jesus on this matter. The writing sounds like GOP neo-con blarney. Remember “Render unto Caesar that things that are Caesar’s.” 1% pay more taxes!... COUNCILMAN

State Sen. Anthony Williams (D-W. Phila.) has successfully shepherded two city bills to the Governor’s desk. The Nutter administration had asked for state legislation to empower it to transition the City and the School District to a property assessment system that more accurately reflects the value of the properties. Williams Homestead Exemption bill, SB 1301, authorizes the City of Philadelphia to provide a property-tax exemption for its citizens. Ours is the only jurisdiction in the ComTHE ROPE” Dinner honoring Dan GRACE, Leader of Teamsters Local 830. Mark down Apr. 13, in Local 401 Bridgeman’s Hall. Thanks to AOH City Leader JOE FOX for making AOH a strong force in the life of our city…. THE WATERFRONT CORP. seems ready to buy three old piers and riparian areas at the head of the Walmart Pier in South Philly. This will create a waterfront park at low cost.

monwealth whose residents did not already qualify under law for these exemptions. SB 1302 authorizes the City to create a new independent appellate board, the Philadelphia Board of Property Assessment Appeals. SB 1303 would eliminate the State-established millage rate and allow a one-time exception to Act 46, awaits a

hearing by the Senate Education Committee. This bill would allow the City Council to lower the City-established portion of the School District tax rate to correspond to the significant increase in property-tax assessments in 2013. Currently, Act 46 prohibits the City from decreasing the City-established portion of the School District tax rate.

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Philadelphia Gas Works announced it will decrease what residential customers pay for natural gas. The average residential heating customer will pay about 6.6% less per month for supply for the next three months. The new cost for gas changed from $1.51 per Ccf to $1.40per Ccf. Residential heating customers will pay $1.40 per 100 cubic feet (Ccf) of natural gas beginning Mar. 1, 2012. The price for PGW’s commercial, industrial and municipal customers will also

Page 33

PGW Rates Drop Williams Bills Address Tax Issues

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Page 34 The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Liquid Natural Gas Can Resurrect Defunct Refineries A solution to saving the now-defunct refineries in Philadelphia and its neighboring counties is now on the open market. Proposed by the Clean Water Technology Corp., which markets environmentally certified water-cleaning technology, the key to reopening the refineries is obvious. The corporation points to the fact Pennsylvania has unlimited natural-gas resources. A spokesman indicated, “Compressing Pennsylvania natural gas forms a liquid, which can be shipped by cryogenic tankers everywhere in the world.” What is needed, according to the corporation, is a go-

ahead by Gov. Tom Corbett to approve retooling the existing refineries to compress the natural gas and store it with the capability of transferring it at existing docks to these tankers. A Gas & Oil Institute spokesman, commenting on the proposal, said, “This could conceivably turn Philadelphia’s Port and Pennsylvania into an alternative source to Middle Eastern oil and gas sales.” An immediate spinoff will benefit Akers Ship Yard at the Naval Base, which is eager to take orders for the double-shelled tankers. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the construction of

three liquefied natural-gas terminals by British Petroleum, one of which will be built in Logan Township on the Delaware River at a cost of $600 million. This will more than triple the existing import capacity for liquefied natural gas, and help curb the rising price of this precious commodity. However, the New Jersey facility is still being disputed by the State of Delaware regarding development rights on the river, and a decision isn’t expected from the US Supreme Court until next year. Supporters of the dredging operation now going on in the Delaware River believe the same federal override of Delaware and New Jersey objections to the river’s deepening, will be used by the

federal government and the Army Corps of Engineers to bring the same results. Commission Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher observed, “The increase in natural-gas supplies represented by these projects, once constructed, would have a significant impact on domestic natural-gas prices in the future. Impor-

tantly, this new supply will land on not only the Gulf Coast but also in market areas on the East Coast, which will help meet demand and lower prices in market areas.”

Much of the gas pipeline infrastructure to deliver the natural gas to the compression facilities that would be erected at the old refineries is now in place.

Oh Boosts International Trade

Councilman at Large David Oh met with four executives from Hyundai Information Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Koreanbased Lotte Group, to discuss the benefits of establishing their North American headquarters in Philadelphia. Hyundai Information Technology is a global provider of integrated IT so-

lutions with a focus on healthcare products and services. HIT is considering Philadelphia as an option to house their North American headquarters due to the geographic location of the city along with the presence of world-renowned medical institutions in the area. The Councilman, who chairs the City Council Com-

mittee on Global Opportunities & the Creative/Innovative Economy, said, “Having the North American headquarters of a global company like Hyundai Information Technology is very positive for Philadelphia, a city with many highly ranked hospitals, medical schools and medical research institutions.” Oh also stated, “Working with Hyundai Information Technology is a good step for Philadelphia as their presence here could lead to developing a relationship with their parent company, the Lotte Group, a global conglomerate with subsidiaries in hospitality, food services, family entertainment, construction, finance and tourism.” • 215-755-2000

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Gary Grasty Adoption of R.G. Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child, R.G. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held as set forth below: PLACE: Luzerne County Court House Luzerne County Children and Youth Services 111 North Pennsylvania Avenue Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 DATE: April 23, 2012 TIME: 9:30 AM You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child (ren) may be ended by the Court without you being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO, OR TELEPHONE ONE OF THE OFFICES SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. Legal Services of Northeastern, PA, Inc 410 BiCentennial Building 15 Public Square Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 (570) 825-8567


Luzerne County Public Defender’s Office Luzerne County Courthouse Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 (570) 825-1754

Anthony J. Lumbis, Esquire Luzerne County Children and Youth Services 111 North Pennsylvania Avenue Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 Telephone No. : (570) 826-8700 Extension 5234

8-10 a.m. RSVP, seating limited (267) 385-1939. Apr. 13- SW Phila. Dist. hosts Candidates Forum at Kingsessing Rec Ctr., 50th & Kingsessing, 6-9 p.m. For info Louis Wilson (215) 275-8296. Apr. 13- Dan Grace honored as Outstanding Irish American Labor Leader by AOH 40 in “Day of the Rope” Dinner at Bridgeman’s Ha., 11600 Norcom Rd., 7-11 p.m. Apr. 13- Victim/Witness Services Fundraiser at Fleisher Art Memorial, 719 Catherine St. Ticket $50. Light fare, beer/wine, music and parking. For info (215) 551-3360. Apr. 21- Ducky Birts Foundation’s Medallion Scholarship Banquet at1st Dist.

Plaza, 3801 Market St., 6 p.m. Sponsored by Brown’s ShopRites. For info (215) 242-1220 or email Tickets $75. Two for $125. Apr. 26- 2012 Centennial Pk. Celebration honoring Joseph Manko, Ryan Howard and Vanguard at Phila. Horticultural Ctr., Montgomery Ave. & N. Horticultural Dr., 6 p.m. For tickets, etc. Arthur (215) 988-9341. Apr. 26- Black Tie Clover Club Dinner at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., starting 6:30 p.m. DA Seth Williams keynote speaker. Formal. Members seeking info should call Clover Club Treasurer Mike Cibik (215) 735-1060 or sign on at

In The Court of Common Pleas Philadelphia County Civil Action – Law No. 111202526 Notice of Action in Mortgage Foreclosure Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., Plaintiff vs. The Unknown Heirs of Leontine D. Scott, Deceased & Daniel L. Scott, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Leontine D. Scott, Deceased, Mortgagor and Real Owner, Defendant(s) The Unknown Heirs of Leontine D. Scott, Deceased & Daniel L. Scott, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Leontine D. Scott, Deceased, Mortgagor and Real Owner, Defendant(s), whose last known address is 3900 Ford Road, Unit 11P, Philadelphia, PA 19131. This firm is a debt collector and we are attempting to collect a debt owed to our client. Any information obtained from you will be used for the purpose of collecting the debt. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 111202526, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 3900 Ford Road, Unit 11P, Philadelphia, PA 19131, whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. Notice: You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below. This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a Lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee. Community Legal Services, Inc. , Law Center North Central, 3638 N. Broad St., Phila., PA 19140, 215-227-2400/ 215-981-3700. Phila. Bar Assoc., One Reading Center, Phila., PA 19104, 215-2386333. KML Law Group, P.C., Attys. for Plaintiff, Ste. 5000, Mellon Independence Center, 701 Market St., Phila., PA 19106-1532, 215.627.1322. • 215-755-2000

We offer rapid response to your request and to your construction needs.

Association announces 2012 Chili Cook-Off at Skybox at 2424 Studios, 2424 E. York St., 1-4 p.m. Mar. 29- State Rep. Rosita Youngblood hosts fundraiser at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 7-9:30 p.m. Dinner, open bar, dancing. Tickets $75. For info (215) 745-4306. Mar. 30- Retirement Party for Jimmy Lewis, School District, at Philadelphia Ballrm., 2041 Hornig Rd., 7 p.m. Open bar, Dinner, Music. $45. Make checks payable to J. Lewis Retirement. For info call Bob DeVincent (215) 651-8009 or Fran Kelly (215) 964-4775. Mar. 31- 38th Ward Family Style Cookin’ Party at 3521 Bowman St., 1-5 p.m. $20. Apr. 5- State Sen. Larry Farnese hosts Senior Expo at S. Phila. HS, Broad & Snyder Ave., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Seating limited. RSVP (215) 952-3121. Apr. 12- GLBMA Rooftop Business Breakfast. Speakers Mayor Michael Nutter, Michael Kelly and Emilio Cooper at Warnock Village, 2862 Germantown Ave.,

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

We service Big & Small We’ve got it all!

DeLissio holds fundraiser at Coyle’s Cafe, 6080 Ridge Ave., 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets $15. RSVP (215) 808-9167. Make checks payable to DeLissio State House Campaign. Mar. 22- State Sen. Larry Farnese hosts Senior Expo at Neumann So. Sr. Housing Ctr., 1601 E. Palmer St., 10 a.m.-12 m. Refreshments, light lunch. Space is limited, so RSVP by Mar. 15 (215) 952-3121. Mar. 23- 82nd Airborne’s All American Dinner and awards ceremony at Iron Workers 401 Union Ha., 11600 Norcom Rd., 6 p.m. Gov. Ed Rendell speaker. Tickets $35, includes dinner, dessert open bar, entertainment. Make checks payable to 82nd Airborne/HM Chapter and mail to 1818 Market St., 13th fl., Phila. PA 19103. Mar. 23- Bernice Hill hosts Democrat 63rd Ward Spring Fling at American Legion Post 810, 9151 Old Newton Rd., 7-11 p.m. DJ, dancing, drinks, refreshments, raffle. RSVP (215) 698-9421. Mar. 25- Fishtown Neighbors

Page 35

(Cont. From Page 9) Ass’n March dinner at Galdo’s catering, 20th & Penrose Ave., 6:30 p.m. Mar. 15- Commissioner Al Schmidt hosts fundraiser at Tír na nÓg, 1600 Arch St. Donations $100. Mar. 15- Councilman Jim Kenney’s St. Patrick’s Day Party at Galdo’s, 20th & Moyamensing Ave., 6-8 p.m. Tickets at door, $35 each. Mar. 16- State Sen. Michael Stack hosts St. Patrick’s Day celebration at Brookside Manor, 50 Bustleton Pike, Somerton Springs, Feasterville, Pa., 8 p.m-12 a.m. Tickets $40. For info Rosemary Rubino (215) 964-3140. Mar. 16-17- Programs for Teaching Educational Conference sponsored by Phila. Federation of Teachers Health & Welfare Fund at Sheraton, 17th & Race. 50 topics. State Rep. James Roebuck, special guest speaker. For info (215) 561-2722. Mar. 17- Pentecostal Clergy holds 12th Anniversary Breakfast at View, 800 N. Broad St., 7th fl., 7:30 a.m. Tickets $25. Full tables $250. Call Dorothy Sturgis (215) 991-9830. Mar. 17- Judge Jimmy Lynn hosts St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast at Plough & Stars Restaurant, 2nd St. south of Chestnut, 7:30-11 a.m. Kids eat free.

Traditional Irish breakfast and entertainment. Tickets $25 made out to Plough & Stars. For info (215) 686-8330. Mar. 17- State Rep. Mark Cohen, NAACP and AARP host Health Fair at Zion Baptist Ch., 3600 N. Broad St., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Screenings, workshops, pharmacist’s advice and more. For info Lenise Miller (267) 582-9489. Mar. 17- Democrat 42nd Ward Leader Elaine Tomlin hosts Primary Community Potluck Dinner Dance at Local 6 Bakery Hall, 5416 Rising Sun Ave. (enter on Lima St. through parking lot), 7-11 p.m. Music, food, dancing, open bar. Tickets $25 ($30 at door). For info Elaine Tomlin (215) 457-4024 or Sharon Vaughn (215) 329-0462. Mar. 18- State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas hosts 52 women over 90 and 114-year-old Genoveva Rodriquez for breakfast at William H. Gray III Youth Ctr., 1601 N. 12th St., 10 a.m. Mar. 21- Health Disparities amongst African American Female Teenagers.” 10:00 a.m.-12 m. at Wakisha Charter Sch., 900 W. Jefferson St., 10 a.m.-12 m. RSVP or (215) 236-4500 ext. 273. Mar. 21- State Rep. Babette Josephs hosts Public School Outreach Fair for families with preschool-aged children at Peirce Coll., 1420 Pine St., 5-7 p.m. For info (215) 893-1515. Mar. 21- State Rep. Pam

Fine Dining,

The Public Record • March 8, 2012

Page 36

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET FEE B-020 G of 2011/12 General Service Contract Various Schools $300,000 $100 Structural Masonry Repairs Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET FEE General Construction Rhawnhurst ES $253,000 $100 Asbestos Abatement 7809 Castor Ave. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on March 9, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. B-022 C of 2011/12 • 215-755-2000

BUDGET FEE B-029 C of 2010/11 Mechanical Warren G. Harding MS $2,527,320 $200 Mechanical Plant Replacement 2000 Wakeling St. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on March 6, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. BUDGET FEE B-030 C of 2010/11 Electrical Warren G. Harding MS $236,495.00 $200 Mechanical Plant Replacement 2000 Wakeling St. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on March 6, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130.

by Len Lear Lots of restaurants these days have more speed bumps than a church parking lot, but Parc is like a well-made choral composition, with voices entering and leaving, mixing and matching in contrapuntal harmony. And even though the economy is so bad that some customers are haggling over

prices in dollar stores, Parc, the French bistro that opened with a tsunami of publicity on Bastille Day of 2008 at 227 S. 18th Street, across the street from Rittenhouse Square, continues to hum like a new car engine despite its hefty prices. According to Carol Serena, one of the restaurant’s seven managers (they have more managers than many restaurants have servers), as well as 48 servers and 75 kitchen staffers, Parc has served as

many as 2,000 meals in one day. That sounds like an exaggeration, but every time we have walked past the stylish appendage to Rittenhouse Square, the crowd inside has been an anthill of energy and humanity. During our visit last Wednesday, it seemed every table was occupied, and as soon as a table was vacated, it was quickly filled right after being reset. And in addition to the 200 seats inside, about 100 more can be seated “en plein air”; even several of those al fresco tables under distinctive reddish awnings were (Cont. Next Page)

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. FEE BUDGET B-025C of 2010/11 Mechanical Pennypacker ES $2,049,840.00 $200.00 Mechanical Plant Replacement 1858 E. Washington Lane *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on February 28, 2012 at 09:00 a.m. NOTE: All bidders questions for B-025C of 2010/11 must be submitted via email to no later than March 9, 2012. FEE BUDGET Pennypacker ES $87,290.00 $200.00 Mechanical Plant Replacement 1858 E. Washington Lane *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on February 28, 2012 at 09:00 a.m. NOTE: All bidders questions for B-026C of 2010/11 must be submitted via email to no later than March 9, 2012 B-026C of 2010/11 Electrical

BUDGET FEE Stephen Decatur $2,078,300.00 $200.00 Windows Replacement 3500 Academy Road *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on March 7, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. B-003 C of 2011/12 General

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130.

Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia.

Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia.

The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

Dogs/People Watching In The Park space, but that was overshadowed for us by the food, service and surroundings. And the noise obviously has not kept the seats from being filled every night. Parc is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Valet parking is offered at the stratospheric price of $28 for a normal-sized car and $32 for an SUV. There are two parking garages one and a half blocks away between Walnut and Locust and between 16th & 17th Streets that are $11 and $12, respectively, on weeknights. More information at (215) 5452262 or

Carl Jeff & Barbara



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The Public Record • March 8, 2012

home run, as was the service by a knowledgeable, personable young gentleman. For us the only worm in the apple was the wines by the glass. (There is an encyclopedic list of wines by the bottle.) A Heinz Eifel Riesling ($9) and The Show Cabernet ($12) were underwhelming. The Show, in particular, lacked the full-bodied muscle and after-taste that should emanate from a Cabernet. In many restaurants the noise is as distracting as a scratched CD, and many bloggers have mentioned the omnipresent din at Parc. It is definitely a noisy lasagne of a

Page 37

Len Lear

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(Cont. From Prev. Page) filled last week during the springlike temperatures. One reason for Parc’s success is undoubtedly its tony Parisian ambience and unparalleled people-watching. From our window seat, we watched an unending stream of smartly dressed young women, bikeriding urbanites and people walking dogs that were as pretty as the female human pedestrians. (In some cases, though, the dogs appeared to be walking the people.) I swear the first seven dogs we saw were all white, making me wonder if there was some kind of canine racial discrimination on Rittenhouse Square — but then we saw a German Shepherd, who might have just been some kind of Affirmative Action dog. Our hearts were warmed by the fact that five of the white dogs were Malteses, and the other two were Bichons Frises, two wonderful, sweet breeds. (We just happen to have one of each.) But I’m pretty sure that most customers also go to Parc for the food, service and ambience as well as the nonpareil people-and-dog-watching. It was reported the Stephen Starr empire spent $9 million to create Parc in a property that was formerly Neil Stein’s Bleu and the entire ground floor of a hotel at 18th & Locust Streets. Parc’s front room is dressed in hand-laid Parisian tiles in shades of ecru and green, red leather banquettes flanked by frosted glass, reclaimed bistro tables, vintage framed paintings and mahogany-paneled walls. A more-formal dining room is somewhat more sophisticated, but the dining areas and the gorgeous imported zinc bar all maintain the aura of a brasserie merry-goround, each element pirating energy from the others. (I love merry-go-rounds, but they do

have their ups and downs.) Every dinner begins with a basket of made-in-house baguettes and breads that are crusty, chewy, soft inside and addictive. (You might say Parc subscribes to a policy of nocarb-left-behind.) A cheese-welded crock of onion soup was a thoroughbred of a French classic ($11), as was the crusty macaroni and cheese, whose inhaled aroma and oozing warmth made this simple dish eloquent ($9). A tuna carpaccio appetizer, perfumed with the distilled essence of leek vinaigrette, was featherlight, exploding with magical flavor and as soft as a dove released from a box ($15.5). A peppered New York strip steak, a substantial portion festooned with green herbs, was suffused with muscular flavor and a reduced sauce with the crucial scaffolding of abandon that characterizes the most adventurous cooking ($30). A special of the day, lobster Americaine, poached and accompanied by a reduced sauce and a wig of wide, malleable noodles ($30), was another

We Gladly Accept Food Coupons

The South Philadelphia Record • March 8, 2012

Page 38

Out & About (Cont. From Page 32) “I’ve been talking with ward leaders, but my main concern is my neighbors,” said Harris. “I was born, raised and still reside in this district. For me, it’s not about politics, it’s about getting the job done.” And to Harris, the president of the Board of Directors for the Lincoln Day Educational Center, the oldest African American day school in the country, that job begins by making sure everyone in the community has a good educa-

tion. It is through education that many of the problems in the 186th Dist. can be solved, he said. “I’m concerned about the eight-year-olds, the 18-yearolds and the 28-year-olds,” Harris said. “The reason why education is so important is because it is going to be the deciding factor in whether or not [residents] become what they want to be. If a kid doesn’t get a good education at eight years old, they’re probably going to drop out when they’re 18 years old, or the diploma they get won’t be worth anything.

Then, when they’re 28 years old and they want to start a family, they won’t have the means to do so.” That is why one of the first issues Harris says he’ll take up if elected to office in Harrisburg will be restoring some of the drastic cuts that have been made to education in the Commonwealth. These cuts have led to massive massive staff and programming cuts for Philadelphia schools. In a body in which he’ll be in the minority if elected, that will probably be tough to get done. But because of the con-

tacts he’s made throughout his academic career, Harris thinks he’ll be able to pull it off. “I’m very prepared to [reach across the aisle],” he said. “At Millersville, I worked with different opinions and from different political parties. Many of my former classmates are staffers in some of the legislative offices. I think these connections will help me go to Harrisburg and advocate.” But what of Harold James? Many in the area still remember the former Representative fondly. Is that too big a moun-

tain to climb? Harris says no. “I have a healthy respect for Rep. James,” he said. “But this is a democratic process.

Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 32) ternate Delegates were settled. Walt Vogler brought the challenges. Harris, who was represented by Republican attorney SCOTT SIGMUND, prevailed and remains on the ballot. Doering withdrew and Grey, who took his chances in court, lost. Sadly, the greatest problem with Grey’s petitions was he had signatures from individuals whom he persuaded to register to vote. But he delivered the voter-registration forms to the City Commissioners after the date the people signed his petitions. It is unfortunate Grey’s efforts to increase much-needed Republican registration did not help him get on the ballot. What is also unfortunate is that there was any battle over National Convention Delegates at all. MIKE MEEHAN cut a deal with Montgomery Co. GOP CHAIRMAN BOB KERNS that one of the endorsed Delegates for the 2nd Congressional Dist. would go to Montgomery Co. and the

My thought is that the community is ready to look forward and move forward. I have their support.” other two Delegates and the three Alternates would be from Philadelphia. He subsequently reached an agreement with the insurgent side of the Party that a caucus of ward leaders headed by FRANK HENDRIE would select those five. It appears he did not consult Vogler, whose ward is reputed to have the largest number of Republicans in the Philadelphia portion of the 2nd Dist. The Philadelphia Young Republicans has three new officers. They replaced SETH BLUESTEIN and BARRY SCATTON, both whom work for CITY COMMISSIONER AL SCHMIDT, as well as OWEN O’CONNELL, now with the Corrections Dept. Bluestein’s, Scatton’s and O’Connell’s new jobs prohibit them from being active in politics. Elections were held and Ward Leader John Stalmaster was elected Political Outreach Chair, 2nd Ward COMMITTEEMAN DR. SETH KAUFER to Public Policy Chair and DARIN BARTHOLOMEW to Secretary.


MASTER’S VOICE Wizard of Sunnylands Buys U.S. Presidents

Part 65/70 Hear me, fear me! Never dare to leer me! I’m the greatest necromancer ever was! All my deeds with magic reek, I’m the whole thing, so to speak! I’m the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! From the first unpublished dramatization oil. Frank Boums story, 1900 • 215-755-2000

Walter Annenberg with former President Bill Clinton

Forward: “Oz the Great and Terrible understood one thing about the people who lived in the land of OZ—they were gullible... The art of deceiving the public, however, isn’t a late 20th century development ... L. Frank Baum might have based his character Oz the Great and Terrible on (P.T. Barnum) this real-life entertainer and promoter (who) once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He used the media to prove it.” —Catherine Gourley, “MEDIA WIZARDS,” 1999 “RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. — Few places in the world have drawn guests like those who made it behind the pink walls of Sunnylands, the Walter H. Annenberg estate here in the desert. Ronald Reagan celebrated New Year’s Eve here 18 times... Richard Nixon retreated to Sunnylands after his resignation... Queen Elizabeth II was a regular. Now Sunnylands, built by Walter and Leonore 46 years ago, is about to lift its veil. In February, under the terms of a trust set by the Annenbergs in 2002, Sunnylands will open as what is being heralded as a Camp David of the West Coast... And in March, the estate—will for the first time be open for public viewing. . .Mr. Annenberg, an ambassador to England under Nixon... made much of his fortune as the publisher of TV Guide.. .The Annenbergs’ considerable connections (not to mention the $300 million endowment) bodes well for its success... The public is going to be able to get a glimpse of a world that was once shut off from all but the most high-powered of world leaders and the cream of Palm Springs celebrity society... and titans, most of them Republican, who were part of the Annenberg world...” (to be continued) —Adam Nagourney, The New York Times, Tuesday, Jan 24, 2012 —Nicola Argentina (c) 2012 Framer of TEA PARTY MOVEMENT

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