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Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia
Vol. V No. 29 (Issue 250)
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The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South/Southwest Philly The Way It Deserves
Going Long
July 19, 2012
Twisting In The Cage
MAYOR MICHAEL Nutter shows youngsters at Chew Playground some of his football skills during coaching clinic hosted by the Philadelphia Soul at Chew Playground, 19th and Washington Avenue. Photo by Rory McGlasson
Gone, Not Forgotten by Maria Merlino John Keenan might be gone, but South Philadelphia-born superstar Chubby Checker shows off some moves inside the cage at Matrix Fights 6, a Justice Russell Nigro’s former Com- mixed-martial arts (MMA) event, held at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall. Checker, 70, world-famous for mon Pleas judicial aide, will never his song "The Twist" showed sell-out crowd he still has the moves. More photos, page 3. Photo by Rory McGlasson be forgotten. TRI-STATE MALL South Philadelphia lost a piece of Claymont, Delaware its fabric last week with the passing Liggett Monarch John W. Keenan. Marlboro Camel $ .34 $ $ .14 "He was a dedicated employee and 50 Carton 47.70Carton 55 Carton 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, loyal to his family and friends with an Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart Salem Kool $ Winston across the board generosity – be it 55.14 (Prices Subject to Change) • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: $ .14 $ $ .14 Carton (Cont. Page 2) 53 Carton 57.14Carton 52 Carton Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health
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John Keenan sadly passed away last week, age 69.
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Page 2
South Philadelphia Business Association Oldest Business Association in South Philadelphia – Chartered in 1897 To join as a member of the SPBA, please call: (215)-336-1108
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The South Philadelphia Public Record • July 19, 2012
Executive Board: President- Daniel Olivieri Treasurer: Jackie Fitzpatrick
Vice-President-Vince DeFino Esq. Secretary: Gaeton Tavella
Board Members John Savarese Mark Rago
Louis Galdo Dr. Jim Moylan Vince Giusini Bill Ciampitti
Political Community Remembers John Keenan (Cont. From Page 1) time or money," said Justice Nigro. "He had a unique personality with an offbeat sense of humor.” Former Congressman Michael Myers goes back a long way with him. “We were friends for a lot of years,” Myers said. ” We were nine months apart in age. We were probably 14-15 when we met on Little Sigel Street. He lived up 2nd Street and I lived down 2nd Street. We didn’t know the first thing about politics but his father, Stump Keenan, was a Republican committeeman when Sal DeMayo was the Republican Ward Leader. As Johnny got older, he kept getting more involved in the Republican Party while I got more involved with the Democrats. When I became a Congressman, there were many times when he asked me to help a handicapped child or another person in need. He helped without any compensation. He was never about money, but always about the heart. When his father passed away too soon, John stepped in and took care of his mother. He always went out of his way to help. The last time we spoke in May, he wasn’t taking visitors. He didn’t want his friends to see him in bed. He wanted to live to his 70th birthday but he died a few weeks short of his goal.” Also heartbroken by Keenan’s death is Family Court Judge, Kevin Dougherty. “Johnny was a genuine stand-up guy," Judge Dougherty said. "His passing is an end to a long chapter of Philadelphia politics. Without a driver’s license, Keenan got around the fact by having the subject drive, while he sat as a passenger. This led to some humorous conversations. Judge Dougherty remembers the day he was prepping for Judge. “I
was in my chambers when I heard a knock at the door," Dougherty said. "Johnny appeared and informed me that I was driving him so that I could be fitted for my robe!” Poignantly, he also recalls his first day. “His gift to me was the bible my children helped with on the day of my swearing-in. He will be sincerely missed.” In the late 1990’s, Steve Lauer, a Constituent Services Representative for Councilman Mark Squilla, was at a political event when he met John Keenan. “We hit it off right away” Lauer says. “He was a great guy, a good guy. He always had a story to tell. I considered him to be a true person because he spoke the truth and not what you wanted to hear. He’ll be sadly missed. He loved politics and politics loved him.” Labor leader John Dougherty, Business Manager of IBEW Local 98, said Keenan was a "great oldschool neighborhood guy, always willing to give a "helping hand somehow or someway." Dougherty said, "If someone was running for some type of political office to help the community, he was always there for you. Johnny was one-of-a-kind, with his gruff "matter-of-factness" and his heart of gold...he will be sorely missed." “I was lucky to call John Keegan a friend,“ says South Philadelphia-based journalist Joseph Stivala. “He could move mountains and be very humble about it. He could convince people that something was worth doing. Like the time in a campaign which took him to a small county upstate. They would help his candidate, but they wanted a bridge repaired. For years no one could get the bridgework done. John made some calls, and soon after the bridge trucks were rolling. It was the
The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Editor@phillyrecord.com
LABOR LEADER John Dougherty, State Rep.Bill Keller, Judge Kevin Dougherty, Ed McBride, Judge Walter Olszewski, Traffic Court Judge Michael Sullivan with John Keenan, Photo by Maria Merlino. who passed away last week, age 69. right thing to do for the common good. He didn't wait to be thanked. John's life was all about public service. If he stopped giving, he would stop living. John lived for his family with devotion and love. He could reduce complex problems to simple ones that could be solved. And when you thought that you had all the answers, John's knowledge of human behavior, told you the real truth. In his last job in Traffic Court he displayed his people skills and made everyone laugh. The graduation edition of the Furness Junior High School Gazette, said of the class of 9B-7: "John Keenan made everyone laugh. And the latest report is that St. Peter cannot get a word in edgewise with John. He may get his own cloud! John's good example on how to serve, taught us how to live. His grace in the face of pain and suffering
taught us how to die." Keenan was also a 30-year member of the Shooting Stars. Additionally, he was a Court Officer in Family Court, and worked in Traffic Court. If you never knew him, you were one of the rare few. Keenan indirectly influenced the young life of political consultant, Ken Adams, too. “I remember when I was a little kid, maybe 9-10 years
old. I was playing on Durfor Street and Keenan was there with all his friends, he was maybe 14 years-old, and I heard someone say, ‘That kid knows more people than anyone I’ve ever seen.’ I never forgot that and I told myself-one day I’m going to have a lot of friends like him.” John W. Keenan passed away on July 10, 2012, age 69.
The 7th Annual Car Show & Street Festival will showcase over 130 antique, show, muscle and custom cars, trucks and motorcycles next weekend. Vehicles will line up between Broad and Dickinson streets. Enjoy live music and DJs on every block, street vendors, summertime eats/drinks, kids activities and the Bang! Boom! CRAFT! Show at Singing Fountain. Trophies will be awarded to Top 50, Best Stock,
Best Modified, Best Engine, Best Paint, Best 50's Custom, Best Street Rod, Best Low Rider, Best Motorcycle, Best Truck, EPABID Pick and Car & Motorcycle Best of Show. Fee is $15 for show cars, FREE for attendees. All vehicle registration is day of, please enter from Broad Street between 8am - 1pm. Vendors are welcome, contact renee@visiteastpassyunk.com for more information.
Gearing Up For Car Show
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
FIGHT CLUB! Philadelphia's iconic lawyer Jimmy Binns Sr., Dan Stevenson, of SugarHouse Casino; Brian Stevenson, Business Agent IBEW Local 98; Rock and Roll Superstar, Chubby Checker; former Philadelphia Eagle, and All-Pro linebacker Frank LeMaster, Promoter, Jimmy Binns, Jr., Ring announcer, Nino Del Buono; and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Photo by Rory McGlasson Belts, Rick and Phil Migliarese .
The South Philadelphia Public Record • July 19, 2012
Mixed-martial arts headliners Wilson Reis and Cody Stevens battle inside the cage on Friday night at Matrix Fights 6. Weis topped the judges scorecard after three absorbing fiveminute rounds against the spirited Stevens. Photo by Rory McGlasson
Page 3
Stars Come Out To Watch Mixed-Martial Arts
A JUBILENT Munah Holland celebrates her hard-fought PENNSYLVANIA STATE ATHLETIC Commisioner Rudy SOUTH PHILLY icons Chubby Checker and Joe Skats victory in the pro-women's match-up with Rock and Roll suBattle with his lovely wife, Maria Battle. Photo by Rory McGlasson perstar, Chubby Checker. Photo by Rory McGlasson Photo by Rory McGlasson enjoy MMA show.
Philadelphia Soul Host Coaching Clinic At Chew Playground www.phillyrecord.com • 215-755-2000
COUNCILMAN Kenyatta Johnson and community leader JorPHILADELPHIA SOUL quarter back Dan Raudabaugh dan Harris join Philadelphia Soulmates, volunteers and atten- YOUNGSTERS warm-up at Chew Playground with shows youngster football tips during clinic at Chew Play- dees at Philadelphia Soul coaching clinic at Chew Playground. members of the Philadelphia Soul Arena Football team. Photo by Rory McGlasson ground. Photo by Rory McGlasson Photo by Rory McGlasson
Page 4 The Public Record • July 19, 2012
The fact Cheri Honkala is the Green Party’s Vice Presidential candidate won’t imperil the chances of Barak Obama and Mitt Romney as the next president. But it may affect some changes in Pennsylvania. Honkala, who was selected by Green Party Presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein, may be the paint brush that puts Green into the Pennsylvania election voting booths. Her nomination may help the Greenies sign up the 20,000 signatures by August 1, the minimum number required to get the Green Party Presidential ticket on the PA ballot in November. “Ever since deciding to run for President, I’ve been thinking about who would have the strength and courage to take up this fight with me,” said Stein in a statement. “Cheri Honkala has shown tremendous perseverance and leadership, despite remarkable odds. Her selflessness and demonstrated capacity to inspire make her the perfect Vice Presidential candidate to help me reclaim democracy.”
Block Captain Boot Camp
COUNCILWOMAN Maria Quinones Sanchez promotes the 1st annual Block Captain & Community Leader Boot Camp held at Roberto Clemente. She provided participants with recycling bins. The elated Philadelphia delegation included Vivek Ananthan, chair of the Philadelphia Green Party; John Gonzalez, member of City Committee; and Hillary Kane, co-chair of the Convention, voting delegates, as STATE REP. JOHN
]|ÅÅç W|Çà|ÇÉ GOP (215) 468-2300
SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204
Can Honkala Boost Greens In PA? well as non-voting delegates Tara Colon, Glen Davis, Cheri Honkala and Elizabeth Ortiz. “Part of the arduous process of getting a Green Party candidate on the ballot in Pennsylvania involves collecting signatures on the candidate’s nominating petitions,” said Chris Robinson, member of the GPOP City Committee. “We ask everyone to please support more ballot choices and a wider spectrum of debate by signing the Greens’ petitions.” Honkala is optimistic. She reports receiving a flood of calls, emails and Facebook queries from fans asking how to help. She already has her old Sheriff campaign volunteers in harness. N.E.’s Scott Cummings Vice-Presidential Bid
If Mitt Romney is looking for a Vice Presidential candidate who can double as a secret service agent, as Philadelphian might be his guy. Saying that government has become too isolated from the reality most American
families face today, Scott Cummings, a longtime Northeast Philadelphia resident, threw his hat in the ring for consideration as the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate “I have watched as hard working people have struggled with the poor economy, high gas prices, a healthcare system in crisis and government policies that hurt more than they help. It’s time we sent real people to Washington. People who understand the true meaning of ‘public service.’ People who know what a loaf of bread costs. People who can identify with the problems and struggles we all face today,” said Cummings. Cummings pointed to his extensive community involvement along with his experience in the international arena as the perfect mix of experience needed for this important position. “I’ve also travelled in circles at the highest level of international diplomacy with Dr. Henry Kissinger and with one of the greatest business
State Rep.
Vincent Hughes
Brendan F.
4950 Parkside Ave. Suite 300 Phila PA 19131 215-879-7777
minds of our generation – Donald Trump”, he added. Scott has served as a Chief, Bench Warrant Unit, Family Court and Domestic Relations, City of Philadelphia. He has provided security services to the NFL and NHL, including Peyton Manning. He was also a security officer for pop music superstar Michael Jackson. He is a Former Senior Corporate Investigator, Trump Taj Mahal and Casino; and former President, Mayfair Civic Association. Scott has received Certificates of Appreciation from both The White House and United States Marshall Service. He is a graduate of Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice Administration. Corbett Getting To Be Millstone?
An impromptu poll among Pennsylvania’s Republican Congressional Caucus suggests the overwhelming majority wish Gov. Tom Corbett will see the handwriting on the wall from the Sandusky State Rep.Louise
Williams Bishop D-192nd District 1991 N. 63rd St. Phila. Pa 19151
170th Dist. 14230 Bustleton Ave. Phila., PA 19116
State Rep.
Kevin J.
172nd Dist. 7518 Frankford Ave. Phila., PA 19136
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1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538
State Rep.
Mark B.
COHEN 202nd District
6001 N. 5th St.
State Senator
Senator Tina
Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124
Badey Needs $$$ To Make It A Race
George Badey, former South Philadelphian long active with the Mummers, believes he is in a winnable campaign, but he understands he is the underdog. He is challenging 7th District Republican Congressman Pat Meehan, but is way behind in the all important component of campaign finance fundraising. Meehan now reports he has raised more than $2 million for this campaign cycle. Badey has less than $250,000. Badey is reported as showing a 400 voter survey in the district had him ahead 41% to 38%. Dems Bring In Heavies To Battle Voter ID
Representing Democrat interests, the Advancement Project, a voting rights organization, will join opposition to the Voter ID Bill when it is (Cont. Page 5) State Rep. Harold
1610 S. Broad St Phila PA 19145 P: 215-952-3378 F: 215-952-1411
Rep.Maria P.
D-185th District 2115 W. Oregon Ave. Phila PA 19145 P: 215-468-1515 F: 215-952-1164
State Rep. Cherelle
Anthony Hardy Williams
200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303 www.pahouse.com/Parker
8th Senatorial District
2901 Island Ave. Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 492-2980 Fax: (215) 492-2990 Always Hard Working .. . for You!
fallout and elect not to seek reelection. The continued series of investigations on investigations will necessarily involve the governor’s role as Attorney General and what he knew or didn’t know or didn’t do, etc. They all run with him and presently they feel his coattails no longer exist, nor would they want them if they did.
Councilman Wm.
Room 506 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927
State Rep.
William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street
predict an early decision. Commissioners Ensure Military Get To Vote
Santorum To Serve As Stem Cell Voice
Rick Santorum, Chairman of Patriot Voices, will serve as the national spokesperson for Give Cures — The John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute, an organization founded to focus on alternative stem cell research that respects the dignity of every human life. The John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute conducts only ethical adult stem cell research and focuses on “therapeutic research” to finding cures and therapies for people with rare diseases, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Give Cures connects people, patients, and partners to the life-saving and ethical adult stem cell research of the Institute. Casey Raising Ahead Of Smith
Tom Smith shows $2.28 million in his campaign war chest, of which $1.5 million is from himself. US Senator Bob Casey raised $1.9 million in the same period and shows over $6 million in his war chest. Rendell Playing Ref In Top Race
Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell whistled
fowl to a President Barack Obama move on MSNBC, saying President Obama’s attack on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s severance with Bain Capital “went too far.” “All these attacks may be hurting the president’s brand a little bit,” Rendell said. “I think our supporters may have went too far with the felony business.” The attack Rendell referred to was made by Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, Stephanie Cutter, who said Romney may have committed a felony by signing filings with the FEC saying he was CEO of Bain Capital in 2002 – three years after he claimed to have left the company in order to coordinate the Salt Lake City Olympics.
right, who have reached across the aisle to get practical results, or who break the mold in which the freshman class is often framed. They represent the new institutionalists, those who might one day be the chamber’s top leaders, committee chairmen and messengers”. The former U.S. attorney and one-time district attorney said he spurns contentious bills in favor of legislation he thinks can pass the Senate as well. “I get frustrated because I think that we sometimes put ourselves into positions where we know what the end result is going to be, that it’s simply going to go to the other side and die,” Meehan said.
Meehan Among Five House Frosh Cited
Mayor Michael A. Nutter, reflecting on death of Joseph Smukler, said “ Joseph Smukler believed in service and leading by example. In the 1970s, he and his wife started the Soviet Jewry Council, an organization that helped Soviet Jews emigrate from the Soviet Union. He worked with the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and the National Museum of American Jewish History. His religion and
In an article in Roll Call by Daniel Newhauser Rep. Pat Meehan has been cited as one of five freshman congressman making a name for themselves. The otherws are Reps. James Lankford, Cory Gardner, Kristi Noem, and Tom Reed. The five freshmen, according to the article “have become favorites of leadership or leaders in their own
State Sen. Shirley M.
Room 312 City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930
ROOM 134
City Hall 215-686-3464
Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145
www.SenatorFarnese.com State Representative
A NGEL C RUZ RONALD G. 3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you
Controller Alan Butkovitz spread the word he is a grandfather for the first time by announcing his daughter Rachel gave birth, via Caesarean procedure, to Benjamin Henderson, by reporting the stats “baby measures 21 inches, born at 22:23 Sunday at 8 pounds.” Guess if you want to know color of his eyes, hair, and after whom does she look, you need to reach out to his dad, Dr. Carl Henderson in Durham, NC. Will Turnpike Probe Involve Local Names?
The three year investigation of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission may soon be coming to the toll gate. Still slowing it up are appeals and counter appeals of what is or isn’t privileged information. Rumors abound “abuse of power charges” could bring in some Philadelphia names.
WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave. Suite 104 Phila., PA 19132
215-227-6161 www.senatorkitchen.com
Thanks to a new state law, homeowners may be eligible for property tax relief under the Homestead Exemption. Although the exemption may not take effect for at least another year, the city has said it will honor any application filed this year. The deadline to apply is July 31. Please contact or visit one of my offices to obtain an application. Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
www.phillyrecord.com • 215-755-2000
State Senator
Butkovitz Stats Birth Of Granddaughter
Councilman Bill
Mayor Mourns Death Of Joseph Smukler
heritage played a huge role in shaping his interests and passions – we have truly lost a great Philadelphian. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family: his wife, Constance, children Andrew, Kenneth and Cindy and his grandchildren.”
The Public Record • July 19, 2012
City Commission Chairlady Stephanie Singer is working to ensure the Commissioners make it possible for every Philadelphian serving in the military to get their ballots counted. This has not been the case in some counties in other states where military personnel not only received their ballot applications past filing deadline, their ballots were not counted even though the errors were plainly on the side of the elections bureaus in those municipalities. Carmen Seminara, acting supervisor of Board of Elections, said all efforts are being made to get military ballots counted. “Since there are no contentious primary races, it is easier to get military ballots counted even if they are received after election day, Nov. 6th. Normally, we’d have a Nov. 2nd deadline, but in this presidential year, with wider participation, the Commissioners have extended the deadline for military ballots to arrive here up to Nov. 13, as long as they are postmarked no later Nov. 5.” Seminara pointed out “Military ballots have made
the difference in many tight races.”
Page 5
(Cont. From Page 4) heard in PA Courts starting July 25. They will be represented by two nationally recognized voting rights litigators, Project co-directors Judith Brown Dianis and Penda D. Hair. More than was first reported, a report by the Pennsylvania Department of State shows 758,000 registered voters don’t have photo identification cards from the state Department of Transportation - the most common form of photo ID needed to comply with the law. About 22 percent of these voters are considered “inactive” by state elections officials since they haven’t voted in the past five years. The 758,000 represent 9 percent of the 8.2 million registered voters in Pennsylvania, far higher than earlier estimates by Secretary of State Carol Aichele only 1 percent of voters lack a PennDOT ID card. Studies of the effect of Voter Photo IDs on turnout is revealing a consensus requiring photo identification does seem to decrease turnout by about 2 percent as a share of the registered voter population. Publicist Vincent Thompson informs our readers the Commonwealth Court will hear the Voter ID lawsuit July 25 in Harrisburg. He reports the 50 plus page docket will provide sufficient information to keep the court busy for several days at least. Commonwealth Court observers don’t
Commissioners Insure Military Vote
Page 6 The Public Record • July 19, 2012
Jannie Shares Homeless With Her Birthday
COMITTEEWOMAN Yvonne Gaines congratulates Councilwoman Jannie BlackCOUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell, hosting her annual well another outstanding birthday party for city’s homeless, receives commemorative community birthday party attended by over thousands birthday card from guests attending cookout. Photos by Rory McGlasson. of city’s homeless.
www.phillyrecord.com • 215-755-2000
STATE REP. Jim Roebuck speaks to crowd gathered to celebrate Jannie Blackwell’s birthday.
VOLUNTEERS DISH OUT Hot dogs, burgers, and the works to attendees at Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell’s Birthday party celebration. Construction at Dilworth Party caused Birthday gala to move to Holmes School in West Philadelphia.
COMMON PLEAS COURT Judge Paula Patrick and Janice Faulkner, mother of NBA basketball star Lou Williams, flank guest of honor Jannie Blackwell at her birthday party in West Philadelphia.
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COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell continued her annual event of feeding the homeless of our city on her birthday the Holmes School in West Philadelphia. Volunteers seen with Jannie are (lr) Wayne Johns, Board of Revision; Tutti Edwards, 11th Ward; and Pete Wilson, Democrat Leader of Ward #6. Construction at Dilworth Plaza, its traditional site, caused relocation.
Page 7
Our Opinion ... Operate Our Own Casino?
Mark Your Calendar
annual Friends and Family Barbeque at Shwartz Headquarters, 201 Leedome St., Jenkintown, Pa., 3-6 p.m. For info (215) 881-9202 or email ndeegan@allysonschwartz.com. Jul. 24- Night At The Ballpark Fundraiser for Controller candidate Brett Mandel at Citizens Bank Pk., 5 p.m. tailgate party, gametime 7:05 p.m. $250 Hall Of Famers, $100 All Stars get special tours; $50 Big Leaguers get $10 concession credit and Phillies hat. For tickets and info http://www.brettmandel.com/content/make-donation. Jul. 24- State Rep. Pam DeLissio hosts town-hall meeting at Roxborough Mem. Hosp., 5800 Ridge Ave., 7 p.m. Jul. 26- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown hosts Beat The Heat In The Street at Kelly Pool, 281 N. Concourse Dr., 1-5 p.m. Free. Jul. 27- Former Sheriff Barbara Deeley hosts evening with Councilman Bob Henon at 270 Seabreeze Ct., Anglesea, N.J., 6:30-9 p.m. Contribution $100. Make checks
payable to Bobby 11, POBox 22614, Phila. 19110. RSVP badeeley@gmail.com or call 215- 906- 0339. Jul. 28- Brady Bunch Beach Party at Keenan’s in Anglesea, Wildwood, N.J., 4 p.m. Tickets available at door. Jul. 31- Ebenezar SDA Church, 1437 Christian St., hosts Alzheimer’s Symposium, 6 to 10 pm. RSVP July 25-800-272-3900 Aug. 3- Arthur Green’s 14th Ward Cool Summer Madness Night, New Barber’s Hall, Broad & Oxford Sts., 9pm, $10 admission. Aug. 6- Golf Outing to support Charles Gehret, Penna. State Senate GOP candidate in 17th Dist., at Sand Barrens G.C., 1765 Rte. 9 N., Swainton, N.J. Registration 9 a.m. For info Judy Camiel (610) 668-1730. Aug. 15- Happy Hour FundraisEr for City COmmission Chairlady Stefanie Singer,5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Happy Rooster, SWC 16th and Sansom, enter Sansom St. $100 to $500. Checks should be made out to Friends of Stephanie Singer, 250 S. 17th st., 701, Philade-
phia, PA 19103. Aug. 18- Barrett Rec Ctr. Advisory Board Community Day, 8th & Duncannon Sts., 11 a.m.-3 pm. No charge. Family fun day. All invited. For info Sheila Bellamy (215) 457-4079. Aug. 184 7 t h Ward Crab & Shrimp Fest to Baltimore leaves Progress Plaza, Broad and Oxford Sts., 1 p.m. Open bar, massive menu. $150. For info George Brooks (267) 9715703. Aug. 19- Annual Bill Meehan Clam Bake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. Ferko String Band entertains. For details call Republican City Committee (215) 561-0650. Aug. 22- Stu Bykofsky’s Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Tax-de-
ductible tickets benefiting Variety Club are $75. For info and tickets Eric Perry (215) 735-0803, ext. 11. Sep. 3- Tenth annual AFLCIO tri state Labor Day Parade and Family Festival, starting 9 a,m. at Sheet Metal Union Hall, Columbus Blvd and Reed Street to Penn’s Landing. Freee events n Landing. Sep.7- Hospital Fire Marshals Association 12th annual golf benefit at Valley Breook Country Club, Blavcweood, NJ. Entry fee $125 per golfer. Benefit Burn Foundation. For Info call Bob Shewbrooks, 215-338-1052. Sep. 9- 7th annual Doo Wop Festival benefiting Phila. Vetersans Multi Service and Education Center, 12 noon to 6 pm at Penn’s Landing. Admission free. For info call 215-923-2600.
Editorial Warning!! Letters from an unidentified informant without any contact information cannot be considered for publication, no matter how valid their contents.
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Jul. 19- State Rep. Pam DeLissio hosts town-hall meeting at St. Joseph’s Univ., Mandeville Ha., Wolfington Teletorium, 54th St. & City Line Ave., 7 p.m. Jul. 20- Joe & Juli Stampone and John & Jackie Hagan host fundraiser at Shore for State Rep. John Taylor, 7 p.m. at Stampone home, 6806-08 Park Blvd., Wildwood Crest, N.J. To RSVP call (215) 545-2244. Jul. 20- Rep. Rosita C. Youngblood hosts Heat Safety for Senios event from 2pm to 4 pm at Cliveden Nursing and Rehab Center, 6400 Greene St. For info, call 215-849-6426. Jul. 21- Fundraiser for State Rep. John Taylor in N. Wild-
wood at Coconut Cove, 400 W. Spruce Ave., N. Wildwood, N.J., 2-6 p.m. , $25. Cash Bar. For info (215) 5452244. Jul. 21- Healthy Hoops Program at St. Joseph’s Univ. Michael J. Hagan Arena, 5400 City Line Ave., 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. For youngsters 3 to 16 with asthma, heart or weight problems. Hosted by AmeriHealth Mercy Fdn., Keystone Mercy Health Plan and Charlie Mack Party 4 Peace. Call (215) 863-6666 to register. Jul. 21- State Rep. Gary Williams’ 32nd Ward’s free Summer Day Trip to Wildwood, N.J., hosting seniors and children at no cost for full day of fun, water-park rides and beach frolic. Buses leave from 16th & Berks Sts. at 8 a.m. and return at 8 p.m. Jul. 22- C o n g r e s s w o m a n Allyson Schwartz hosts 5th
The Public Record • July 19, 2012
Why not! If a multi-million dollar enterprise as the National Football League’s Green Bay Packers is owned and operated by its citizenry and often wins championships, why can’t the citizens of Philadelphia put together a team, raise money and establish a second casino? No reason, except for the fact we couldn’t show deep enough pockets, a viable experienced Casino history, and so on. But we use this query to signify the urgency in keeping our second casino a viable Philadelphia economic opportunity. We are three months from losing an income source that will provide millions of dollars in tax revenues for this city. We will lose it for sure if we fail to welcome and support any or all Casino operators seeking to make the Nov. 15th deadline. That’s when it will change from a Philadelphia-only option to any one’s luck of the draw anywhere in the Commonwealth. If Casino interested developers call on the city administration with their intention to operate here and show sustainability, the Mayor needs to give them a green flag without undue delay and provide the lobbying support for their application. The more casino applicants, the better. Green flags are easy to wave. Red or caution flags are a total waste of time and, in view of the deadline, a total abdication of responsibility. Citizens, wake up and holler. We need dollars to help educate, fight crime, lower taxes. This is an easy way to go. In fact, we urge communities to welcome in the casino should it suggest being located in their back yard. Check with the neighborhood groups around the first casino. They fought and said no to a casino, but look who’s now enjoying the steady contribution of income they get from SugarHouse for their neighborhood needs.
Page 8 The Public Record • July 19, 2012 www.phillyrecord.com • 215-755-2000
Republican women held a rally in Love Park Monday as an early response to a women’s event for Obama at the Convention Center later that day which included hip-hop star Alicia Keyes and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The Republican headliners in Love Park were Pennsylvania Republican Party (PAGOP) officer and Chairwomen of the New Majority Council, Renee Amoore and Chester County Sheriff, Carolyn “Bunny” Welch. Welch noted that “Barak Obama was trained in Chicago politics: pay-to-play. We do not want four more years of political payoffs - we need to fix the economy.” Amoore echoed that theme and stated that Obama’s policies have not helped women. She noted that women want jobs and that Romney will be better at addressing the employment issue than Obama. This elephant does not believe that there is a Republican war on women, but conversely believes that the Democrats are engaged in warfare - - class warfare. Obama’s attack on Romney’s success in business is a case in point. Also Obama is campaigning to eliminate the Bush tax cuts on families with incomes of $250,000 or more. Obama and the Democrats tell us that increasing taxes on this income level is only fair. However, the U.S. federal tax system is already one of the most progressive among the top 24 economically developed countries according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, (OECD). OECD noted that the top 1% of US households paid 40% of federal income tax revenues in 2007. Obama has also turned to a Republican sounding argument as a reason to increase taxes on the higher income brackets. He claims that these tax revenues will help trim the deficit that has exploded to recent years. The Republicans have countered by noting that this tax change will only increase tax revenues by $148 billion next year which will only put a dent into our rising deficits. The Congressional Office of the Budget put the federal deficit at $905 billion for the first 9 months of fiscal 2012 which puts the annual deficit on track to be $1.2 trillion.
by Denise Clay When I went to the general meeting of the Pennsylvania Voter ID Coalition last week, I met Faye Anderson, who I’ve known through her blog Anderson@Large. She’s done a lot of writing about politics and the subject of Voter ID laws on her She’s trying to use the Internet to make sure that those of us who need one of those PennDot ID cards to vote in November thanks to the Voter ID law can get what we need to expedite that process. Anderson’s Cost of Freedom App is her response to those folks who may need to get that license or ID card, but might not know how to go about it, she said. “[The app] cuts through the confusion,” Anderson said. “It takes the frustration out of the Voter ID law. Everyone was telling voters that they would need ID, but no one was telling them how to get it. People can find that information themselves if they’re motivated, but you have to cut through a lot of things. This gives them the basics. This app goes beyond telling. It shows you how to get [what you need for an ID].” Anderson came up with the idea for the app at an event called a “Hack-athon”. The event, which was held at Drexel University and was sponsored by the group Random Hacks of Kindness, brings social activists together with like-minded techies to create and design apps designed to solve problems. Now write this number down: 1-866-OUR VOTE. This is the hotline that voters can call when they experience problems at the polls. It is a project of the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and is part of the Election Protection Coalition. When voters call in to 866-OUR-VOTE, they can talk to someone or leave a message about a problem they’ve had at the polls, and can find out their legal rights. But what happens to this information once it’s given to (Cont. Page 16)
Yo! Here we go again and with this hot weather I long for the days when we went under the plug. Plug? Yea, the fire hydrant. We opened the plug to cool off in the summer and to wash the street. To open it one had to have a plug wrench, but someone in every neighborhood had one. And the plug was only opened until the street was cleaned and the kids were cooled off. We never let it “run” full blast with no one using it. My good friend Linda Montgomery aka 9th street nanny sent me this and it is just the way I remember the plug – how about you? Linda writes; It is summer in South Philly again and being born and raised in a little street in South Philly I know how hot the street can get. When I was a little girl I remember how my neighbors on my street had their own unique way of cooling off on hot summer evenings when they heard my Grandpa yell “Yo Da Plug’s Open”! There is no translation book in the world that can tell you what those four words really mean but let me try to describe the social scene of this phrase. My Grandpa Gazzotti was a very “Important Man” on the street because he was the keeper of the street “Plug Wrench”. My Grandpa on hot summer evenings would come outside and place that big Plug Wrench on the plug and gave it a quick turn and as the cool water began to flow out he would yell down the street to his neighbors “Yo, Da Plugs Open”! As the water began to run down the street the folks in each row house would come out and enjoy the cool water in their own way. The ladies of the street would bring out their booms and wash their steps and sidewalk and sweep away the dirt from the street. The men of the street would wash their cars. But the kids of the street would really beat the heat by doing their “Plug Play”. The little kids would get bars of Ivory soap and pretend they were sail boats and pushed their soap down the curb streams but the bigger kids had the most fun. The bigger kids all had “Plug Names” like “Butchy the Butt”, “Louie the Lizard”, the “Sneeky Peeties and “The Girls with the Curls”. “Butchy the Butt” was the kid (Cont. Page 16)
HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to Judge DAN ANDERS, who has jogged the globe; Lawyer Eileen HURLEY, a prosecutor with a caring heart; and civic leaders Pearl MC KINNEY, who keeps the world happy on Facebook and Lawrence CLARK. who has taken the City Parking BAA successfully to court. Thank you all for being YOU!! GEORGE PEREZ of Congressman BRADY’S office met his lovely wife on the #57 bus They have been married 53 years. Will they need to contact SEPTA to celebrate the 57th? ...IN MEMORIAM JOHN KEENAN: John’s viewing was attended by many great and small. A boyhood chum of mine, he was able to convince people to do the right thing. He became a court officer for the state Supreme Court, but never drove a car. So it was not unusual to see the judge driving to work with John in the back seat. A wonderful family man and a self-taught SAGE on government. Many consulted him, I was lucky to call him friend, could move mountains and still be very humble about it. He could convince people that something was worth doing. Like the time in a campaign which took him to a small county upstate. They would help his candidate, but they wanted a bridge repaired. For years no one could get the bridgework done. John made some calls and soon after the bridge trucks were rolling. It was the right thing to do for the common good. He didn’t wait to be thanked. John’s life was all about public service. If he stopped giving, he would stop living. AVI IS COMING - the numbers need to be right for tax payers. The best line of the de-bate was Brett MANDELL’S ‘taxation without cessation.” News articles about AVI seem to always quote the same BORING sources. Writers should stop playing this old violin. NEXT YEAR will see three vacancies on the Board of Revision Hearing Board, most incumbents will run again, (Cont. Page 16)
Temple University Health System is on a mission to become world renowned. The biggest step in that process is the recent merger with Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC). The official announcement took place on a beautiful summer day on the Northeast Philadelphia campus of the world class cancer center. Hundreds of well wishers sat under tents and enjoyed lunch while celebrating the merger. Temple Health (TUHS) CEO Dr. Larry Kaiser was the master of ceremonies. He hoped that Temple can either join the Jefferson Health System or become even bigger. Also on hand was the CEO of FCCC, Dr. Michael Seiden. The merger will also include Jeanes Hospital and their CEO Linda Kaiser, who also attended the ceremony. A number of Temple Trustees were on hand including Lew Katz – former part owner of the New York Yankees, and owner of the New Jersey Devils. Katz was also one of Ed Rendell’s biggest contributors and a close friend of the former Governor. Pat Eiding, the President of the Philadelphia AFL-CIO, sat with federal judge Ted McKee. Lew Gould also attended. He is a close confident of Temple Board Chairman Pat O’Connor, and will lead the TUHS-FCCC Board of Directors. Former State Rep. George Kenney was one of the hosts. Kenney is an Assistant Vice President, for Government Affairs and Health Sciences. He was joined by politicos Senator Mike Stack and Rep. Kevin Boyle. Governor Tom Corbett reached out to powerful Congressman Bob Brady to help save the Sunoco plant in Marcus Hook. Governors come and go, but Brady is always right in the center. Also, crucial to saving the refineries was Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi. Pileggi is also the former Mayor of Chester. The deal is timely; it will save hundreds jobs at a time when both Brady and Pileggi are running for reelection…they know how to keep their constituents happy.
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(Cont. From Page 8) with the biggest (you know what); he sat at the opening of the plug to form a beautiful spray arch of water drops. For his talent he was the kid who got most of the time on the plug. Then there was “Louie the Lizard”, he was able to lick up tons of plug water with his tongue. And of course there was a gang of kids called the “Sneeky Peeties”, these kids would fill the smallest paper cup or the biggest bucket with water and throw it at you when you least expected. Yep, this was a social event, when the street plug would be open. Everyone would be outside talking to
their neighbors with their feet in the street and cooling off on hot summer evenings. Now a days everyone stays inside with their air conditioners and some folks up my street don’t even know their neighbors. My Grandpa Gazzotti has passed away but I inherited the street “Plug Wrench”. I remember one hot August evening last year when the electric power went out and I went outside with the big, street “Plug Wrench” and placed it on the plug, turned it and as the water flowed, I yelled — “Yo Da Plugs On” and like “South Philly of Old” all my neighbors came outside and began to sweep, wash, play and socialize. My neighbors are still talking about the fun we had that night
Out & About (Cont. From Page 8) the Election Protection Coalition? Supposed a reporter like, say, me, wanted to find out what kinds of things happened in the City of Brotherly Love and Put the Damned Gun Down on Election Day? Anderson and her team of fellow voting rights “hacktivists” have a solution for that too. At the most recent Random Hacks of Kindness Hackathon, Anderson and her team put together a site called Yo Philly Votes. What this site will do once it goes online is provide a blow-by-blow report for those wishing to know what kinds of problems voters are facing as they attempt to exercise their franchise.
Because newsrooms in Philly are a shadow of their former selves, Anderson realized that getting the word out about voting improprieties might be harder than it once was, she said. So in addition to getting reports from 866-OUR-VOTE, this site will provide video, Twitter feeds, Facebook statuses, and other information that people may need to know. The Cost of Freedom app made its nationwide debut this week as part of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s Unity 12 Campaign kickoff. But like all freedoms, the Cost of Freedom isn’t free, so Anderson is looking for a little help to get the message about her app out.
Walk The Beat (Cont. From Page 8) and the mayor will field candidates. It ought to get hot! ...CAPTAIN LARRY NODIFF, head of South Detectives and his team, resolved the case of the FDR playground fire with great speed!!! I was there the other day and it is back in operation. Twenty some kids were playing there, only the ground was blackened as the playground floor is/was wood shavings. It will not take 200k to restore it. ....AFL-CIO’S PAT EIDING, John DOUGHERTY of LOCAL #98 and local labor unions will host a pre-Democratic “Worker’s Stand for America” Convention in Philadelphia on August 11th.
...FIREFIGHTER Ed Verbitski won the top Firehouse Magazine Award for dedication in providing emergency services to citizens. Commissioner Lloyd AYRES made the announcement. ...STATE REPS: State Rep. John SABATINA lashed out at the severe cuts by Gov. CORBETT in human services. He showed his feeling with a “No” vote on the budget. ...STATE REP. Maria DONATUCCI is offering information in her office to many constituents who are discovering the state holds their funds in escheat, gift cards, insurance funds. She was right there with others to save the SUNOCO Refinery. ...BOB BRADY voted “NO” on the 33rd attempt by the GOP to end Obamacare.
The Public Record • July 19, 2012
ONE of Ushers, obviously enjoyDUTIFULLY posing for their first official ing his escort duties, was Rep. photograph are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Staten, Jr. Ron Waters.
CELEBRATING wedding of their colleague LDC Business Manager and Co Chairman Sam Staten, Jr., to Antoinette REVEREND Louise Willias Bishop Lynn Banks were, from left Local 135 Business Manager stretches to look up to ask groom Dan Woodall and his wife Maxine, and Charles and Karen Sam Staten, Jr., if he will take An- Tabourn. toinette Lynn Banks as his “lawfully wedded wife”.
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Staten-Banks Wedding Draws Luminaries
AMONG invited guests were Denise and Joel Trigiani, and Joseph an Rita Magurie, who were among those also attending festivities at Sheet Metal Caterers in South Philadelphia.
CONGRATULATING bride and groom and flower girls are Congressman Bob Brady and ENJOYING wedding gala L.E.C.E.T. Administrator Juan Ramos , Ward Leader John Dougherty. Also among powere Lorraine and Marty left, and his wife, Anna, share moment litical leaders in attendance was Councilman Curwith Int. VP, LIUNA, Denny Martire. tis Jones. Bednarek.
LABOR topics obviously were part of discussion of this foursome enjoying Staten-Banks wedding. From left are Denny Martire, Charles Tabourn, Daniel “Tiger” Woodall, and Perry Di Virgilio.
JUDGE Lisette Shirdan-Harris shares festive moment with Harris Martin and his wife, Janet Ryder.
Congratulations To Mr. & Mrs. Sam Staten From The Staff of The Public Record
AMONG VIPs in attendance were Sheriff Jewell Williams, flanked by fiancée LaJuan Booker and former Sheriff Barbara Deeley.
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LINDA and Perry Blackman enjoy this mo- CONGRATULATING Sam Staten, Sr., ment with Judges Jimmy Deleon and Lori on his son’s wedding were Congressman Bob Brady and Sen. Anthony Williams. Dumas.
Page 18 The Public Record • July 19, 2012
Schmidt Investigation Finds Legal Voting In Primary City Commissioner Al Schmidt believes running an investigation of voting irregularities after each election will eventually eliminate many of the sources creating those reports. His office has just done that, completing an investigation of primary reports of irregularities. Schmidt said “We identified hundreds of cases of voting irregularities that warrant further investi-
gation. As our investigation continues, my office will refer all such cases to the appropriate law enforcement authority. “ His investigation found seven distinct types of voting irregularities: 1. Voting by non-registered individuals —This type of voting irregularity occurs when an individual who is not registered to vote in Philadelphia at the time of
an election casts a vote. Evidence in this report shows individuals who were not registered voters at the time of the 2012 primary, yet still cast votes included in the Certified Election Results. 2. Voting by individuals in the incorrect party’s Primary— This type of irregularity is one of the most common irregularities that occur in Primary Elections in Philadelphia. A division
in which all non-Democratic voters cast votes for candidates in the Democratic Primary is examined in this report. 3. Divisions with more votes than voters —This type of voting irregularity occurs when more votes are cast on the Voting Machines than voters who showed up to the polls. We examined a division where either 6 unknown voters were able to
vote without signing in, or at least one person voted more than once. 4. Voting by individuals in the incorrect legislative district —This type of voting irregularity ewr4563in which the voter is registered 5. Individuals voting more than once— This type of voting irregularity occurs when a voter is able to vote more than once in the same election. Evidence in this report confirms an example of an individual who voted twice, illegally in the 2012 Primary. 6. Voter impersonation— This kind of voting irregularity occurs when one individual impersonates another and is able to vote in place of the person whose name appears in the Poll Book. 7. Voting by non-U.S. citizens —In 2012 alone, the Philadelphia City Commissioners have already been made aware of 19 non-U.S. citizens registered to vote in Philadelphia County. Seven have voted in at least one election, as recently as the 2012 Primary. Schmidt udertook the investigation because he be-
lieves “Voting irregularities present a risk to the integrity of elections in Philadelphia County. Our core mission, to run honest elections, is undermined by illegal voting practices that alter election results and have the potential to change the outcome of close elections”. As a result of his findings, Schmidt has recommended to his fellow commissioners they initiate a comprehensive, manual review of all election-related documents after every election and provide a report of our findings to the public. The Commissioners need to work with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to develop a better method for identifying the voter registrations of noncitizens voting in elections in Philadelphia County. There is a need to end the use of Voter Slips. All voters not included in the Poll Books should vote by Provisional Ballot. The Commissioners will assist law enforcement authorities with identifying possible cases of voter fraud. Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.
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charter school office chief conceded the charter expansions approved so far this year could cost $139 million over five years—$100 million more than he originally stated. So, on top of a looming $282 million deficit, the school district is spending another $38 million, and making $100 million math mistakes? Clearly, the charter school expansion agenda has trumped fiscal soundness. “The current deficit is a major obstacle to reforming a school system that was already struggling to serve our children. With a new projected deficit of over $300 million, it’s time to abandon this high-cost, low-return re-
form model our kids have been subjected to. Kudos to School Reform Commissioners Joseph Dworetzky and Lorene Cary for voting against adding another $139 million to the school deficit, and advocating for a researchbacked, school-based approach to education reform. “We can save money and get better results by working with and supporting our own educators and administrators. They, after all, are trained to
do what we’re trying to accomplish: devise strategies to give our children the education they need. The District cannot afford the latest round of charter expansions but if the SRC insists on spending millions of dollars, our students and teachers could certainly benefit more from additional classroom materials and technology; safer school buildings; after school programs; social services... maybe even summer school!
“Of course”, President Jordan concludedd, “addressing the social and economic issues that directly impact student performance is apparently too difficult or too time consuming. Spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on failed strategies apparently provides this reform commission with the kind of instant gratification you get from watching “the Avengers” in 3D”. Getting lost in a comic
book world for a couple of hours is harmless entertainment. But tying our children’s future—and our finances—to fantastical education reforms is a dangerous endeavor with very real consequences. I hope that this fall we’ll be ready to leave multi-million dollar charter school expansion schemes behind with Batman and Spiderman, and have more reality-based discussions about what students really need from our schools.
The Public Record • July 19, 2012
Philadelphia Federation of Teachers President Jerry T. Jordan responded to the five year $139 million dollar expansion of charter schools as “a diversion from reality”. He wonders what is going on in the minds of the SRC Commissioners? “Philadelphia’s school district is so cash-strapped it can’t afford to provide summer school for the city’s students. The solution? Pay $139 million over the next five years for an education reform strategy that we already know won’t work to raise student achievement. And there’s a twist: $38 million of that will be spent this year! “Last Friday, the district’s
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Jordan Blasts Charter Expansion Dollars
Palmer Charter To Honor 150 With Portrait Unveiling Over 150 local Philadelphia iconic figures, who have given a minimum of 25 years of their lives working with communities to fight for social change, will have their portraits unveiled at the Walter D. Palmer Leadership Charter School, 910-948 North 6th Street, Sept. 20. The event will help raise funds for the Palmer Founda-
tion, Leadership Charter School, Palmer Library/Museum, Leadership e-learning center. Donation is $50 for the wine and cheese reception at 5 pm followed by portrait unveilings at 6 pm. For additional information, contact Francine Natal at 215627-9373 or Will Mega, 917618-1726 or Simone Janiq at 215-569-3501.
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Page 20 The Public Record • July 19, 2012
Learn What To Do From The Professionals by Michael P. Boyle, Esq. Two recent actions by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will make life harder for people seeking disability or SSI benefits. The first change, recently approved by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Corbett as part of the state’s new fiscal year budget, ends the state’s Geneal Assistance (GA) program
for single people who are not pregnant, blind, or living with a related child. GA provided cash payments of $102.50 twice a month to qualifying individuals, including many who applied for disability or SSI benefits and were awaiting a hearing or appealing an unfavorable decision. As of August 1, 2012, those individuals will no longer receive
Walk In’s Welcomed Appointments Preferred
GA payments. The second change involves the Medical Assistance (MA) program, which provides medical coverage for state residents with short-term disabilities who otherwise lack private health insurance coverage and whose income does not exceed $205.00 per month. Starting soon, people seeking MA coverage will need to have their doctors fill out a longer form that asks about a patient’s abilities in multiple categories. The old form was one page and simply asked the medical provider to list all applicable diagnoses and to certify whether the patient was temporarily or permanently disabled. The new form requires greater detail from the patient’s doctors and providers, many of whom are struggling to deal with an enormous amount of paperwork. Whether the more stringent requirements mean fewer people qualify for MA remains an open
by: Michael A. Cibik, Esquire American Bankruptcy Board Certified QUESTION: Do Both You and Your Spouse Have to File for Bankruptcy? ANSWER: In cases where both a husband and wife have a lot of debt, either individually or jointly, it may make sense and save money for both spouses to file a joint bankruptcy case….but it is never a requirement. Sometimes, it makes more sense in a Chapter 13 case for one spouse only to file, so that question. Simply put, if you’re not receiving medical treatment for an illness or injury, you won’t be able to prove you are disabled. One can only hope that the Governor and legislature reconsider their decision to cut back on those eligible for GA payments. This decision will negatively affect thousands of current GA recipients who reside in Philadelphia, and could result in increased homelessness and a surge of people relying on the city’s shelters.
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if problems arise in the ability to make the Chapter 13 Plan payments, the other spouse can file to get a “second chance”. Often, where the majority of the household debt is only in one spouse’s name, we will file for the spouse with most of the debt to keep the other spouse’s credit in better shape. And if you don’t have any joint debt, your filing will have no impact on your spouse’s credit. This is because, unless you live in a community property state, what you do individually with your credit will have zero, none, nada effect on your spouse’s credit. Even if there is joint debt, and your non-filing spouse keeps the payments current, it will not affect their credit.
Even if there is joint debt, in a Chapter 13, Section 1301 of the Bankruptcy Code imposes the automatic stay on co-debtors for consumer debt. This means that, during the Chapter 13 case, creditors cannot call, write, sue, garnish, attach, repossess or foreclose on your spouse. (Note that this does not discharge your spouse from joint debt; it only prohibits collections during your case. Once your case is over, the creditor can resume collection activity against your spouse.) So when someone tells you that you cannot file for bankruptcy unless your spouse also files, you can confidently tell them that they’re wrong. Next Weeks Question: How to Get Your Chapter 13 Discharge Court Order? Michael A. Cibik, Esquire 215-735-1060 ccpc@ccpclaw.com www.ccpclaw.com
CHARLIE'S FOLLY GOP's Political Maestro Part 82/90
From: Republican National Committee 310 First Street SE Washington DC 20003 1. November 21, 1977: "Dear Mr. Argentina: During the Chairman's absence, I am responding to your recent note regarding the return of your material. ..I regret that we will not be able to set up an appointment with Chairman Brock in the foreseeable future. I understand that you have met with Pete Teely and Charlie Black, and while they were impressed with your ideas, it is doubtful that we can use your talents at this time. I want to thank you for your interest in the Republican Party, and regret my response cannot be more encouraging." Very truly yours, Ed Cowling, Executive Assistant to Chairman Brock 2. February 15, 1978: "Dear Mr. Argentina: This is in response to your letter of February 13 to Senator Brock regarding the materials left at the Committee in September. Your folios are not here. All of our records show that they were mailed back to you in October... Very truly yours, Ed Cowling, Executive Assistant to Chairman Brock (a) CHARLES R. BLACK, JR: "Longtime uber lobbyist Charles R. Black, Jr., is John McCain's man in Washington, a political maestro who is hoping to guide his friend, the senator from Arizona to the presidency this November." --The Washington Post (Michael Shear & Jeff Birnbaum), 5-22-2008 (b CHARLES R. BLACK, JR.: "After serving from 1977 to 1978 as the political director for the Republican National Committee, Black resumed working with Reagan in 1979 as the national political director of his 1980 presidential campaign. He was a senior political consultant to the 1984 Reagan-Bush campaign." Charlie Black Political Maestro --Republican National Committee website (1977-1991) (C) PROFILE: One anonymous 'friend' said of Charlie (Charles R. Black, Jr.), “He's very folksy, but he's tough. Charlie will pat you on the back one moment, stab you in the back the next." John Buckley, an admirer, said, "Charlie would never stab you in the back. You would be gutted from the front. You just wouldn't know it until your dead." --The New York Times, February, 1996 CORRECTION (Part 80): ARgentina, Nick- - ARmey, Dick —Nicola Argentina (c) 2012 Framer of TEA PARTY MOVEMENT
Firefighters Go To Court!
Good question, first it may help to decide what vehicles you are looking at and narrow down a few. Many deals require certain down payments to get special pricing. In addition, put down as much as you can afford. It is best to put down at least 20%. A higher down payment reduces the amount of money you need to borrow, which lowers your monthly payments and reduces the amount of inter-
est you’ll pay overall. There are also tools to help you with this decision online. For example, on our website www.pacificoford.com if you are looking at a specific vehicle in our inventory there is a payment calculator where you can input a down payment, estimated financing and how long you would like to pay on your new vehicle. Depending on what kind of payment you can afford you can decide how much money to put down.
COUNCILMAN Jones is joined by Comcast’s Government Relations Director Sharon Powell-Lee and Block Captain IAFF Local 22 President Bill Gault is going to court to order Robin Murphy at Councilman’s annual Block Captain Booth Mayor Nutter to abide by arbitration decisions. He said “It’s Camp day.Photo by Delcina Wilson. time to end appeals after four years of winning arbitrations”. With him are Local 22 Board members and City Councilmen Denny O’Brien, David Oh, and Brian O’Neill. Not in photo, but attending was Councilman Mark Squilla.
Tom has been serving automotive customers in the Philadelphia area for over 20 years as a salesman and then General Manager of Pacifico Auto Group. Rocco is a top auto con- COUNCILMAN Curtis Jones and State Senator Vincent sultant. Hughes swear in new block captains at annual 4th District Booth Camp. Photo by Delcina Wilson.
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by Tom Flynn and Rocco DeGregorio Q: I am looking into buying a new car. This is my first time buying so I have a lot of questions. My biggest one is: How much money should I save for a down payment?
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Curtis Jones Boot Camp ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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