How to Blow Up Your Business on Social Media
If maximum exposure is the end goal for every company's marketing department, then social media is the most likely tool by which you'll arrive there. By harnessing the power of social networks that can link your business with people outside of your immediate circles, you can give your business the boost it needs to take your brand to the next level. Unfortunately, many marketers simply don't understand how to create "viral" content. While there is no silver bullet in regards to creating an internet sensation, you should still follow a few key principles to give your brand the best chance at success. 1. Look at the Big Picture: Social media does not operate inside of a marketing vacuum, so your strategy shouldn't either. When you set out to drive engagement with your current (and potential) fans, ask yourself, what is the over-arching goal at stake? Is it to drive up awareness? Create more leads? Increase clicks to the website? Whatever your purpose is for making your brand explode on social media, keep that in the back of your mind as you develop your online presence. 2. Create Unique Content: Anyone who's watched television or been on social media for five minutes is aware of the standard operating procedure for marketers. It usually involves a colorful picture, large, boldfaced type, and a strong call-to-action.
Without negating those core principles, try to step your game up just a bit. What makes something truly go viral is when one person sees a post and believes that other people will benefit from it as well, whether for entertainment or educational purposes. One of the best ways to do this is to take a step back from your current campaign and ask yourself if you are intrigued by it; if you're not, your potential customers won't be either. Harness your creativity and funnel it into every campaign you produce. 3. Create Personalized Content: Nearly every customer wants to get a behind-the-scenes look at the operations of your business. They want to know how things are developed, but more importantly, the faces behind it in the first place. Well-produced video interviews or unscripted, raw pictures that can communicate the company's mission go over well with customers, allowing them to bond with the brand in realtime. 4. Create Relevant Content: Who is your direct audience? Are they teenage middle-schoolers playing video games online, or senior citizens looking to spend their retirement checks to travel the world? Whoever your specific demographic is, cater your content to their exact needs. The benefit to personalized content is not just in the ability to deliver to your immediate audience, but in creating shares to other qualified customers who will no doubt want to consume it as well. And, in return, you'll get more leads to your business. By drawing potential clients in to your business with the content that most closely correlates to your current operations, you'll create more and more people that will potentially want to buy from you in the future.
Phil Shawe is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of TransPerfect, a global family of companies and the world’s largest privately held provider of language and business services.