the black nation in the next 1000 years

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Dedicated to you, the original nation, and a remembering of our eternal being,

All Begins with an Idea “You can take a little bitty match, start one little fire, and burn the whole state down – one, little bitty match!” ~ Dick Gregory This book is not an attempt to share in-detail what the next 1,000 years should look like. It is our job as a nation to determine that individually and collectively. My intention in writing this book is to initiate more dialogue that will lead to agreement on just where we are going as a people and how we are to get there. Some would argue that this is unknowable. Others would argue that we live in a colorless society – that as opposed to race, we should be more concerned with the affairs of Americans in particular or human beings in general. Where we find the latter mentality and the expression thereof, it is more evidence than just about anything that we are either dealing with someone who is completely naïve or someone who has been co-opted by one of the many illusionary ideologies that has been promoted to the American public. The true Western Paradigm (or worldview) is one of imperialism, dominance, and subjugation of the weak and the indigenous. While some would argue that this is not the case, both observation and scholarship prove otherwise. The paradigm (worldview) and ideology (body of ideas) on which the Western World was founded is best outlined in Jeremy Rifkin’s book, Entropy, where he gives actual names of persons most influential in shaping the Western Paradigm (worldview). Some mistakenly think that God is responsible for all of this – that if we just pray and believe, we can change things. Well, while you are praying to God, know that actual human beings are playing God. These ‘out-of-the-box’ thinkers are acting to change our reality day-in and day-out. After reading this book, it will become clear that even our collective understanding of who God is has been corrupted by the governing paradigm. The book of John in the Bible states that

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son”. It is hard to conceive of this making any common sense. If I am God and can have what I want, why would I sacrifice my only begotten son? And, why would I willfully choose have only one son? And, why would that only son, who said he was my only son also be found saying “Ye are all Gods, children of the most high God”? Why would I love the world more than this son? And, why (if I were God) would I not keep the world and my son, since I am God and can do what I want? So, either this is a corruption of the true account or the God of this account is a very limited God. What kind of game is being played here? This is just one of countless contradictions in the many false ideologies that permeate the Western World. America is supposed to be a Judeo-Christian society based on JudeoChristian values. If this were true, then the governing paradigm of the nation would be “to love one’s brother as one’s self and to want for one’s brother what one wants for oneself.” Simple observation offers sure proof that this is not the governing paradigm (worldview) of this nation. Further, one of the founding principles on which the nation was built is the separation of Church and State. So, if there were a Judeo-Christian worldview, it would only represent part of the worldview governing this nation. Assuming this is part of the Western worldview, what is the other part of this worldview? And, is it in our best interest to maintain this worldview? This book will show the value of a paradigm (or worldview) in shaping the ideology of people and why having a clearly stated worldview is the first step to determining the ideology (body of ideas) that is most beneficial to realizing that worldview. A nation’s paradigm (or worldview) leads to a clarification of the body of ideas (ideology) that best represent the ideals of the nation. That ideology is manifested in the form of learning, culture, and technology, toward advancing the worldview of the nation. It all begins with a big idea. And, the

biggest idea any nation can advance is its own worldview. So, what is the worldview of the original nation of the planet Earth?

Remembering the Circle “I will be the winner – living or dead.” ~ Elijah Muhammad What is a paradigm? What is a worldview? In this context, a paradigm is the model we use when reasoning. It is the over-arching program (whether known or unknown) that governs our pattern of thought and action. Our worldview governs how we create our reality. A paradigm puts the world in a box. Most of us don’t think outside of the box, because we cannot get clear on the worldview that formed the box. And, the walls of the box or the walls of the matrix would be considered that paradigm (or worldview). So, what is your worldview? What is this nation’s worldview? Chances are (99.999%) – if you don’t know the answers to either of these questions, you have adapted to the present governing worldview by default. The governing idea offered to the people of the United States of America is – “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” We are free to accept a JudeoChristian ideology, but that would not be the governing ideology offered to the American people. And, the ideology offered to the American people is governed by the Western Paradigm. The ideology we are offered has nothing to do with freedom. Freedom is not mentioned. It has little to do with justice. Justice is not mentioned. It has nothing to do with equality. That is not mentioned. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” sounds like something you would offer someone under your control. You can almost imagine some dictator saying – “You can live here. You can travel about and do just about anything you want. And, feel free to try to find some happiness while you’re at it.” Now, if you say you want freedom,

what do you mean? If you say you want justice and equality, you would have to realize that those principles contradict the idea of liberty. Jordan Maxwell said “Liberties are something a sailor takes upon reaching port. They say this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are not free and we are not brave.” We must realize and never lose sight of the fact that this nation is governed from outside the box. And, those who think outside of the box govern this nation. So, what is the true paradigm for governing this nation? It is imperialism, domination, and subjugation of the weak and indigenous. This is the existing paradigm (worldview) and it over-arches the ideology (body of ideas) to which most nations in our world adhere. Those among the lighter races who do not accept the ideals or cannot attain to this paradigm are considered weak and incompetent. The indigenous, black, brown, or red, wherever they may be found are suppressed and overpowered in the faced of this paradigm. In every case where someone from among the indigenous people has chosen to play this game, he has either been neutralized through pacification or overthrown after being used to slaughter his own people and rape them of their resources. So, the question must be asked – What is it about a worldview that would be instinctive and organic to the original or indigenous people of our planet - that there is no synergy with the present dominating paradigm of the Western world? I once wrote: “War is not about winning. War is about survival. And, one has been conquered by an enemy force in war when the paradigm and ideology of one’s opponent has supplanted the worldview and ideology that would naturally perpetuate one’s own existence. Further, if you do not know the paradigm and ideology that is natural to

the perpetuation of your existence on this plane, (whether you are living or dead) you have been conquered in war.” So, the question, then, is – What is the paradigm and ideology that perpetuates the existence of the indigenous people of the planet Earth? Well, let’s start by making a simple observation. It can easily be observed that a world under the present system of control is not sustainable and cannot be perpetuated. After the outright rape of the planet and colonization through murder of its inhabitants, the only solution left to eugenicists among the controlling elite is to reduce the planet’s population by 90 to 95%. My guess is – this is the sadistic and psychopathic inevitable conclusion gained from adopting an ideology of world domination. No one can be trusted to live free. So, kill everybody! Thus, if you have somehow adopted this ideology (that everyone who is not like you must be killed), you must realize – it fits with the ideology and paradigm advanced by Western imperialists and ultimately you will attempt to kill everyone who is not like you. What must be realized, none-the-less, is that simple observation is proof that a world left in the hands of Western imperialists is a world doomed to fail. So, even if we don’t have a clue of what our paradigm might be, part of the answer is indigenous stewardship and control of the planet. We are the civilizers of our world. And, while the civilizing wisdom and ways of the ancients has long been held in some of the remotest, near-uninhabitable parts of our planet for safekeeping, even the sacrifice made in doing this has been used against us. These indigenous tribes are made to look like blood-thirsty savages in stories like Tarzan of the Apes and thousands of other Hollywood productions. Not limited to Hollywood, the depiction of our ancestors has been twisted and distorted in textbooks, novels, and magazines.

Now, I’d like to advance a paradigm (or worldview) for your consideration. This is not one I’ve concocted, but the worldview that is within the nature of a God-man. Thus, it fits with every good philosophy ever advanced by any prophet or sage of true significance and genuine intent on our planet. It is the paradigm that governs the ideology found within the oral and written history of the ancients: This ideology is best described in these simple words: “Ours, as the Original Nation, is the stewardship of the Earth and its resources, energy, and inhabitants, toward the perpetuation of life on this planet, the perfection of human existence on this plane, and the maintenance of healthy, productive relationships with our Mother Earth, the Earth Life System that maintains us, and the neighboring cosmos.” The embrace of this paradigm and the logical ideological outgrowth of such must not be limited to the indigenous people of our world. However, it must be realized that we are the ones most capable of advancing this paradigm, as it is within our very nature to do so. While we outnumber whites 11-to-1 we have not sought to use this clear advantage, even after suffering thousands of years of the worst treatment imaginable. Thus, whether we choose to admit it or not, murder is not in our nature. Left to our own devices, the majority of us would naturally adopt the above paradigm. When Western thinkers say that it is in man’s nature to be ambitious, blood-thirsty, cut-throats, what “man” are they talking about? If we are schooled in their ideology and way of thinking, we might be expected to adapt to some of these ideas over time. With the exception of South Africa, nowhere on the continent are guns produced and sold as a means of strengthening the economy of various nations throughout the Motherland. These guns are shipped-in by the thousands as a means of capitalizing on the destabilization created by the infusion of a Western worldview.

I disagree with those who have as a goal to ‘do unto whites what they have done to us.’ That strategy doesn’t make sense, because you will never be able to dig-up most of the guilty parties. Their bones are rotting in graveyards. Further, many of those responsible for the perpetuation of the idea of white supremacy are under the control of a more powerful force themselves – the ultimate force being a governing program that was instilled in them over 6,000 years ago. They are only holding fast to a program called “evil” that is the opposite of a program called “life”. If you don’t erase the program, you can kill as many people as you desire to no avail. And, again, if you have a mind set upon killing you have been infected with the virus. The paradigm within our nature is one that perpetuates life. It is one of love. It is one of God, which only means “good” but the “o” has been removed to represent the absence of the “ego” in the God-man, who does for the benefit of all, without regard to who gets credit. While we must get justice for human rights violations, hate crimes, and crimes against humanity, this has to be accomplished in a certain way and is just one of many goals that would occupy our nation in the next thousand years. We must ask ourselves – if all of our attention is focused on what others have done to us in the past and continue to do to us to this day, do we rob ourselves of the future? The following diagram best makes the point. Imagine focusing all of your energy on the past (and what others have done to us, even up-to yesterday). Just in using this very simple diagram, can you see a way to get to the future in so doing? PAST < ----------------------------------- PRESENT ------------------------------- > FUTURE

Perhaps, if 5% of our energy were focused on the negative aspects of our past history (as we have a clear record of it) and the problems with which we are all too

familiar, 20% could be used to focus on planning that would lead to 75% of time that could be focused on solving the problems. In the past, we exiled trouble-makers to remote parts of the world. If they could survive in these places, so be it. We did not kill them unless absolutely necessary, as this is a violation of the Law of Life. So, part of the solution is – we must get away from the trouble-makers and get all trouble-makers away from us. Trouble-makers manufacture trouble. Trouble-makers cause problems and sell you solutions to the problems they caused. Even with all the murder and killing going on today, new guns of every type are rolling off assembly-lines in the U.S., Germany, Belgium, Russia, Italy, the Ukraine, Turkey, China, and Korea. The same people who manufacture the guns say they want to protect and serve us. Therefore, it would be far more advantageous for us to embrace our own paradigm, adopt ideologies natural to our self-preservation, and embrace strategies for governing ourselves in the future – ideas that would make our victimization, enslavement and subjugation virtually impossible. In the words of Malcolm X, “Whites can help us, but they can’t join us.” We have to establish this paradigm amongst ourselves first. It is really the natural paradigm of anyone who wants to perpetuate existence, so “help us” means: 1. Admit that the present world operates under an adverse paradigm, perpetuated by whites. 2. Credit original people for contributing the foundation to all philosophy, science, and spirituality 3. Seek to understand the root causes for the present governing paradigm. 4. Lend financial support to those who are on the front-lines in the fight to dismantle the existing paradigm

5. Speak-out against the existing paradigm as unnatural and rage against it mentally, morally, and materially. I digress. Can you see how it would be to the advantage of others to have us continue to focus on the past? So, while others study every form of science necessary to obtain a glorious future, we study what others have done to us in the past. Again, even our study of history should be toward building a more glorious future for ourselves. So, the history we should study is ancient history – the history of many of the great civilizations and civilizers. We need not understand every aspect of the aberrant mind, which would love to continue to hide in a hall of mirrors using tricks and trap-doors to throw us off. The solution is simple. Leave the fun-house and get off the funny-farm. REMEMBER - The hope of those who hold to this present paradigm and ideology is that we continue to embrace it ourselves. In so doing, their world remains whether they are present or not. The reason the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “I will be the winner, living or dead” is because he knew the ideology he was advancing was based on a governing paradigm that was infinite and eternal. The Western Paradigm had a beginning and it will have an end. Remember the book of John reads, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” The Western world is founded in lies, deceit, trickery, and domination. In a world like this, war is deception. In the movie, I Am Legend, Will Smith played a

scientist who was fool enough to believe he could save a world that was built on a false foundation. Even though everyone in that world had become murderous and crazy (the logical end for a world like that), he held onto a false ideology of that dying world to the bitter end. Would our new paradigm mean that we would all hold hands and sing Kum-Ba-Ya? No! Does this mean that we will not have to defend ourselves? No! And, in defense of our-selves and our loved ones, lives may certainly be lost. This reality cannot be avoided. However, the loss of life (for all people) can be significantly limited. In later chapters, I may offer a few examples of how this can be accomplished. For now, it is better to prove the inestimable value to be realized in advancing one’s own paradigm and accepting one’s own ideology – not just for your own kind, but for others also. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the original man is “the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet Earth, Father (and Mother) of civilization, God (and Goddess) of the Universe.” We have no problem running around trying to convince ourselves and one another of this fact. However, we have not (on a large scale) adopted language that commands the respect of others in this regard. For example, we call one another “son”, but the Caucasian is in fact the true ‘son of Man’. They are simultaneously the “children” of every black mother. I am not suggesting that we adopt these terms out of animosity and vitriol, but that the establishment of a proper mind-set is more essential to our success than the making of physical war. The Talmud instructs the Jews – “Call them not your children, call them masters.” How much does physical war matter when in 2011 our little girls would rather have a white doll than a black one? Yet, we get angry at Nicki Minaj, who has probably done more to change this phenomenon than one could realize. Maybe she isn’t the icon of black womanhood that will one day exist among black girls, but all change begins with motion made in the direction of the intended destination. Humans in our present state respond to physical and

material stimuli far easier than we do to instruction and the expression of high ideals. So, we all have our place in the struggle. We can either be right or we can be successful. We have thrown so many of our people away in an attempt to be right that it is now nearly impossible for us to attain to any level of success using that approach. We need to take advantage of every opportunity to advance our position, toward eventually dominating this chess game. Linear thinking would suggest that we throw out the pawns and rogue knights when their positioning can be just as valuable in establishing to realizing the win. The movie 10,000 Black Men Named George illustrates how A. Phillip Randolph was able to utilize the individual efforts of every type of person toward the unionization of the Pullman porters. True leadership must be able to make order out of the apparent confusion that exists among our people and all people. This takes patience, ingenuity, and a commitment to creating the kind of change that will last. I cannot count how many times I’ve heard legendary activist and humorist Dick Gregory has point-out that anger and fear are more destructive to one’s vital organs than just about anything else. Thus, any ideology advanced on the basis of an appeal to negative emotion must be abandoned. Not only does it render the adherent ill-equipped to deal with the open enemy, such an ideology is unwittingly destructive of our own people. While the appeal to negative emotion is easier than the appeal to intellect and reason, there is a price to be paid for making such appeals. Once a thousand year plan is embraced, perhaps we will not be so moved by every individual in the nation who chooses to express him or herself at any given moment. When viewed from the governing paradigm in a millennial or multimillennial plan, what is one song or one album or one artist or one generation’s music in the scheme of things? Can any trivial thought last one-thousand years?

Certainly not! Eventually, everyone in our nation must adopt the mind-set that encourages us to consider whether what we are creating can last one-thousand years. What could be said about the quality of products and services (not to mention the minds) that would produce products and services at such a level? Is this the kind of thinking that went into the building of the Pyramids at Giza? So, don’t worry about those you might consider lost to the entertainment and sports arena. Who are we to judge their contribution when they were subject to the same paradigm and pervasive ideology as the rest of the 99.9999% of people who don’t know what a paradigm is – let alone how to embrace their own. Again, we are a people bombarded by every strategy and tactic of war, toward the complete destruction of our people. We have very little room to make costly mistakes. I believe that it is a mistake to be critical of anyone in our nation who has not exhibited clear and continued criminal behavior against our nation. As an example, some are critical of Minister Farrakhan, often not taking into account his major contribution to thwarting some of the most heinous attempts destroy us as a people. The first attempt to corral black Americans into prisons and concentration camps in the 80s was thwarted by the efforts of Minister Farrakhan with his “Stop the Killing” tour that followed his speech at Madison Square Garden in New York in 1985. This led those in power to develop other means of dealing with the problem of ‘the black man in America’. The history of this event should really be shared in some documentary or major motion picture. The thwarting of a plan to visit black America with wholesale genocide was again accomplished in the mid-nineties with the Million Man March. Over 1.9 million black men showed-up on a Monday morning to hear an address by Minister Farrakhan. We are not counting the other 10 million who saw the day’s events via television.

Yet, some of us act as if the idea of gross injustices, concentration camps, and calling-in the ‘armed forces’ is something new. Our open enemy is a tiger who doesn’t change his stripes. So, the playbook remains the same, generation after generation, until the goal is achieved. Still, when the story is written, I am certain one of Minister Farrakhan’s greatest achievements will have been his role in preventing a “Crusade” among members of the Black Church against the broader conscious community. For decades, the media has been used by our open enemies as a means of advancing the idea that it is alright to be militant and Christian, while simultaneously promoting love among all Judeo-Christians (no matter how filthy and demonic they may be) and hatred of Muslims, regardless of race, class, or culture. The idea was to create a class of black militant Christians who would fight a civil war against militant black Muslims and members of the conscious community. The programming is normally done through sci-fi, war, and action movies, where a few characters simultaneously find God and a reason to continue killing the enemy in the name of God. The idea is that once the people have accepted this programming, an attack, heightened media coverage, and the resulting in-fighting among blacks will rip the community apart permanently. Had Minister Farrakhan not created relationships within the Black Church, this scheme may have played itself out already. The point is – thank God someone knew the true value and benefit of black love and unity. It has been our only saving grace. Yet, everyday, arm-chair revolutionaries pass judgment on what others offer in service to the nation. This is due in-part to cognitive dissonance, the acceptance of a hybridized ideology for lack of understanding and acceptance of one’s own paradigm. With no clear over-arching program, one can accept ideologies that are both compatible and incompatible with one’s operating system. When following any leader, the ideology expressed by that leader should lead you to the program (or paradigm) that governs it. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the

bathwater. Just use your paradigm to clean the tub and make sure all fresh water in the tub (fresh ideas) is filtered through your paradigm. Another paradigm governs this world. So, steering clear and staying clean is like being set about a piece of driftwood in a toilet. Something is bound to drop down or splash-up on you eventually. Each person who accepts his natural paradigm can be likened to someone who managed to crawl-up out of the toiled.

Expanding the Circle Who are we? Are we black? Are we Moor? Are we African? Well, this debate can be argued to no end. Depending on the context, I say we are all and then some. The word the Honorable Elijah Muhammad used is all-encompassing. He said we are original people. Better said, we are the “Original Nation”. This term can be used to describe the total set of people who would choose to belong to the group called indigenous people of our planet. With all the naming that has gone on in the last 6,000 years, we are now more confused than ever about what to call ourselves. Before that time, we simply had an understanding. There were no arguments on the basis of origin, because there was no one’s origin to question. It would make sense that lighter races having little knowledge or understanding of their roots would argue over the names of things. It has taken a few millennia, but it seems we have adopted this practice ourselves. Well, the first step is to come to an agreement on the largest group. Then, we can accept all other classifications more easily. Truth be told, we are not catching hell because we call ourselves black or Moor or African-American. We catch hell because of our skin complexion, regardless of what we call ourselves or where we are on the planet. So, this is the logical grouping. And, since we catch

hell at the hands of children of original people, it is best to realize that the ones catching hell are “the originals”. I digress. Some might argue – well, how can they be your children if they are giving you hell? Well, my son is three years old. He gives me hell, from time to time. This does not mean he is not my son. Well, even if we never agree on the use of a word to describe ourselves, we can all agree and resonate with that one concept. We are all original. After we have all accepted a paradigm of our own and have a full understanding of the game that has been played, we can determine a way through all of this color mess. In the observable world, black accepts, embraces, or absorbs all other colors. So, it is natural that the master color be the one that embraces all others. When the color that is most associated with differentiating, contrasting, and reflecting all other colors is seen as the master color, things can and will get a little tricky. The difference being – if by nature I naturally embrace and accept others in my house, it is more likely I’ll treat you fairly. In contrast, if by nature, I put others where it best suits me, I might not be as capable of treating others fairly. Books by George Adamski, Robert Monroe, Shurlene Wallace, and others speak much of offworld beings. Upon reading descriptions of these beings, one notices that they are of every conceivable hue. However, race in the way we see it is never a matter of true importance to these beings judging by their accounts. Beings of a lighter hue are often found to be just as helpful, giving, and loving as beings of a darker hue. This is more evidence that the paradigm shift that occurred here was limited to our planet. Alex Jones is right. We live on a “prison planet”. It is no wonder why we are not embraced by the broader cosmic community. The existing paradigm just does not fit with the governing paradigm of the solar system, the neighboring galaxy, and various higher dimensions. You will observe that those who see everything through the lenses of ‘fear, fight, and flight’ also perceive aliens as dark, sinister beings, with the evil agenda of controlling the planet. Others who view the

observable world through the lenses of appreciation for life, love, and brotherhood often contact benevolent, helpful, giving beings. They describe their experiences as being heavenly. So, again, my concern is not what you call yourself. Just know that I am you and you are me – original. And, as an original being who accepts the natural paradigm of original beings, I embrace all other beings who accept this paradigm too. Don’t tell me you love me. Show me, through your actions, that you have embraced a paradigm that means “love”. Don’t tell me I should join your group, because we look alike. What is the paradigm that governs your group? My guess is – each group wants to make converts. So, it is beneficial to have every other group accept the “correctness” of the terms the group trying to make the converts uses. Well, NEWSFLASH! Whatever group you come-up with, it is a group inside of the larger group. And, this larger group includes straights, gays, men, women, children, Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, agnostics, atheists, and everything else you could possibly imagine. You might not accept these people into your smaller group, but guess what? You are part of the larger group, whether you like it or not. Even as originals, we are part of the larger group – humanity. And, even as humans, we are part of the larger group – souls. And, as souls we are part of the oneness called Allah (the all-in-all or the Prime Creative Force). Beyond the doorway of this plane of existence is a plane on which souls dwell. And, beyond the place where souls dwell is the place where GOD dwells. Imagine you are a rock being tossed into the waters of the cosmos. If you are at peace, you begin to float. If you begin to struggle violently to obtain and maintain stability, you cause ripples that affect others in the water. Within these planes of existence, we receive help or continue to suffer in-need and desperation based upon the vibration we send out. So, if you send out a vibration of violent struggle, you will get more turbulence to

struggle against. Imagine that souls are essentially walling you-in, so that your mess doesn’t affect every other poor soul in the soup with you. To ‘let go and let God’ does not mean to take all the crap people have to dish out. It simply means that you rise above emotions. You don’t react to everything out of fear, anger, and every other toxic emotion you can dredge-up from the deep. While we are on the subject of water, we have all heard of schools of fish. One suggestion is that the smaller groups or organizations call themselves “schools”. You have a “school of thought”. Within that school of thought is a body of ideas (an ideology). Your students learn about this ideology. And, these students can graduate and either choose to join the larger group, attend another school, or stick around and help the school through which they were initiated into a greater knowledge








technologies. Thus, the schools with the most capacity for growth would surface by means of friendly competition (all for the advance of the nation). This would alleviate all need for arguing over who is best, what works best, and which organization has the most members or adherents. None of that would matter, as the schools would be properly placed within the society. Instead of attempting to convince people that your God is the one most worthy of worship, the question could be asked of your school “What have the Gods (over-souls) given your school for the benefit of the nation?” YES! I am suggesting that all sensible people within the original nation abandon this practice of proselytizing for various groups in favor of understanding that we are all part of the ONE (Original Nation of Earth). All other groups are smaller circles within that larger group (whatever term you choose to adopt). Again, unless 100% of the people join your group, then you cannot say that we are all part of X or Y. All we can have is an understanding that we are original people,

whichever word you would choose to say it. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad even admitted that the Islam of the future would not look the way it looks today. He said “only the principles will remain”. So, while we want to wear the dress of old and talk like the ancients, we must realize that time marches onward. Only eternal ideas and universal principles remain. Religion, itself, was created for men who had lost their way. “Re-” means back. And, a “legion” is a brotherhood. So, a religion attempts to return you to the natural brotherhood that should exist among all men. The ancients has schools, were students were initiated into the esoteric and the sublime. We see remnants of that idea in Kung Fu feature films. In the movie Ip Man, it was school versus school and there was a mutual respect among teachers and students. Then, what happened? Barbarians came with a less sophisticated form of war-making. Then, the Japanese came with a more sophisticated, westernized form of war. How did humanity get lost? It accepted a paradigm foreign to the natural perpetuation of its existence. However, it is written that one day the whole Earth will be “the temple” of man. When will this happen? It will happen after we embrace the paradigm natural to the perpetuation of our existence. So, why are so many people who hold fast to religion still crazy? They have not embraced the master program. We are not meant to live in the wombs of churches, temples, mosques, and schools forever. We are meant to initiate, study, graduate, and contribute to the advancement of our world. The environment that facilitated learning yesterday might facilitate insanity tomorrow. Let me share an example. I know Christians and Muslims who use cut-throat business practices, because that is just the way the business world works. So, on Sunday a person hears “Honesty is the best policy.” Then, on Monday, they lie or cheat as a means of ‘staying in business.’ Again, that is a hybridized thinking process. The product of a positive and

a negative is always negative. You cannot treat the symptom by adjusting the ideology. You have to change your paradigm (worldview) altogether. Now, imagine a student in college being told he would have to stay in school his whole life. This would be unthinkable. Nature tells us that life is the best school and experience is the best teacher. So, if any school has no course toward eventual graduation, how can you blame anyone for determining that date for himself? It may be hard to accept, but most church organizations are founded on the existing paradigm.

And, where other organizations within the broader conscious-

community have tried to adopt a more natural paradigm, existence on American soil has caused many of these organizations to mutate into a sort of hybrid of what was intended (based on the paradigm within our nature) and what presently exists (the paradigm of our enemy). Bearing the burdens of this world, we are unable to get off the ground and rise to a higher state of consciousness. Like the turkey that has gobbled everything up, some of these groups (well-intentioned as they may be) cannot get off the ground. Converts lie in a tryptophan coma giving thanks for the very reality that has them suspended in a semi-conscious daze. So, to re-cap, once we have an agreement that we are original people (or whatever you decide that larger group should be called) then the next logical step is to say that this group should have an action plan. The first plan of action must be to instill our paradigm in the group. And, even if you included all earthlings in this plan, you had better have someone who is willing to govern or that plan will be coopted by those who have an interest in advancing plans of their own. Well, it is significantly harder to do when your plan extends throughout the next 50 to 100 generations. So, the next step is‌

Defining the Circle All we need is one single, over-arching paradigm (or world view) for the next 1,000 to 2,000 years. Once this is in-place, all ideologies will begin to straighten themselves out. If and when some ideology does not fit the Western paradigm there will always be a philosophy major willing to say something about it. “Oh, no! That’s not capitalism. That’s communism.” Or, “he is expressing pro-Black antiAmerican sentiment”. Or, my brother’s favorite condemnation of any unpopular idea, “That’s all a bunch of horse-shit.” To gain wide-spread acceptance, our paradigm must be simply stated. Any complex analysis of that paradigm is to be considered an ideological work based on the subject matter – our worldview. The paradigm will outlive some of the ideas expressed in this book. So, it is the paradigm that is important. It must also fit our nature, if we see ourselves projecting this paradigm into the future by 1,000 years, why not consider 2,000 years? In reality, our paradigm is a limitless and eternal one. Thus, if some opposing force has our nation in their 500 year plan, we have just stepped outside of that box by 500 years. And, if they lack a 1,000 year plan themselves, our plan encompasses theirs by however many years they have failed to plan ahead. Again, ours is an eternal paradigm (in the sense that it can last as long as the Earth itself, because it fits with the nature of the Earth and natural beings with respect to the Earth). So, why not make our action plan one of spreading ideologies that are in agreement with this paradigm throughout the earth, forsaking all other ideologies? Again, there are only two other existing worldviews. First, there is “global domination by any means necessary”. Someone has already claimed that one. Second, there is the illusionary ideology (not really a paradigm) of a global reality inclusive of everyone or “one world government”, where global democracy and apparent inclusion will act as a veneer for the true

over-arching paradigm of “global domination by any means necessary” held by the supremacist elite. Now, we can always seek to achieve smaller goals and plans of action within that broad-scale paradigm. However, there can be no better first step than advancing one’s paradigm if that paradigm is not shared by every member of the society. Once this paradigm and any complementary ideologies take root and cannot be uprooted, another broad-range goal can be set. Again, let us restate our worldview. “Ours, as the Original Nation, is the stewardship of the Earth and its resources, energy, and inhabitants, toward the perpetuation of life on this planet, the perfection of human existence on this plane, and the maintenance of healthy, productive relationships with our Mother Earth, the Earth Life System that maintains us, and the neighboring cosmos.” You might say – I don’t like that ideology. Well, what would you rather it be? Elijah Muhammad said, “The Earth belongs to the righteous – the sun, the moon, and the stars.” Would you rather we not concern ourselves with these things, perhaps taking some other course of action? Perhaps, there is some God out there and we should wait on His return? Admittedly, I am someone who believes in and knows a little bit about worlds beyond this world. Yet, I would not suggest leaving stewardship of this world to demons and satanic influences in favor of waiting on a mystery God? From the point of view of what we can observe, we are threedimensional, material beings and this is a three-dimensional, material Earth. If no God has yet materialized to stop this insanity we are presently witnessing, we must be capable of doing the job ourselves. If we were not capable, we would not be imbued with the desire to do so.

What about the resources and energy of the Earth? Perhaps, we should NOT concern ourselves with the Earth’s energy and resources. Perhaps, we should have as a goal “to get money” instead. Well, William Cooper, in his book Behold a Pale Horse discovered that the ideology of the elite included the controlling of the wealth of the American public. In a paper entitled, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, these bankers indicated that wealth was not money, but “the natural and social energy” of a State. So, any ideology that does not include control of such should not be considered. There was a song called Money, Power, Respect that encourage people to first get the money, then the power, and then respect. This is truly backwards. Respecting one’s self and the nature in which one was created is absolutely empowering. That empowerment is the natural energy out of which money and anything else one wants is produced. The elite of this world would love for us to continue to chase money in our pursuit of power in order to get respect. It helps them to maintain the idea of “rugged individualism”, which is really “rabid individualism”. They will continue to print ‘almighty dollars’, since we continue to hold them as almighty. Imagine an entertainer worth billions – someone with a true sense of self-worth and self respect. He would know that he had the power to print coins with his own face on them. If they were pure silver, they would be worth something beyond the commemorative value and far more than paper money. So, even if U.S. currency (with all the “great” presidents of this nation pictured on their faces) tanked, that rapper would still have the respect and power that the currency he produced made available to him. Yet, we continue to chase ‘dead presidents’. What comes to mind are words from the movie Higher Learning “Run nigger run.” Perhaps, we should not concern ourselves with the perfection of humankind. Well, according to a February 11, 2011 issue of Time Magazine, those who hold to the present ideology of world domination and human subjugation state

that 2011 is “the Year Man Becomes Immortal”. They are not talking about perfection in the sense of a significant increase in mental, moral, and material wellbeing. They intend that man be merged with machine, toward whatever hybrid perfection might come of that. Examining the sociopathic behavior of these madmen might take one-thousand years in itself (if we would even have time to devote to the healing of others after ensuring our own collective physical, mental, and moral healing and return to perfection). What about the “Back to Africa” movement? Why not just focus our attention on Africa? Well, the Olmecs (who were original people) placed stone totems (heads of original people) on every continent as a sign of the true heads of every continent. They purposely made ensured that these heads weighed tons to offer a compelling weight of evidence to all disbelievers. So, it’s not just about Africa, though many of us might choose to settle or work there. Where were we before the poles shifted? An Australian friend told me that the history of the indigenous there dates back 50,000 years. Should we rush off to Australia too? And, according to Horace Butler’s book, When Rocks Cry Out they attempt to send a message about our origins in the Americas too. Having no well-established paradigm of our own, we are left to champion this point or that point – this idea or that, without really making any serious strides in one direction or another. With one well-established worldview (even if every member of the nation cannot repeat it verbatim), there will always exist a tip to the spear regardless of where it is thrown. While everyone doesn’t readily know or have occasion to agree (whether verbally or in writing) to the present, existing Western world paradigm, I see people acting on it 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 46 seconds of each and every day. It has become totally pervasive and completely self-perpetuating. So, first, we must create a wheel big enough to be the mother

plane onto which everyone can spin. Second, we must set that wheel in motion by determining the paradigm that will act as the axis about which the wheel spins. Then, the next step is‌

Circles within the Circle (Wheels within Wheels) I hear a lot of talk about black organizations (organs) unifying into one body, as if an engine-locked Volkswagen, a belt-torn Ford, Chrysler with a slipping transmission, a Honda that’s running hot, and a beat-up Toyota can form Voltron. Diseased organs do not a healthy body make. My intention is not to knock these organizations, but to point out something that can clearly be observed by anyone with two eyes. If one organ is incapable of performing its intended function, how do we expect that organ to function in the body of an organism with multiple health problems? Further, what can be done if and when each organ thinks it is the head and wants to function as the brain of the organism? While each cell has memory, all the cells in the body are content with functioning in their natural capacity. How is it that the body knows how it is to take shape and maintain its functioning? Yet, we are so lost. So, aside from the idea of what the organism will be and the ideology (or over-arching program) for the organism, I am against creating the Frankenstein monster (a hodge-podge of parts strung together and electrocuted into life). Let us start with cells. Cells naturally join with other cells to become tissue, then organs, then organ systems and organisms. This process is called cell differentiation. If we study the factors that cause people to choose this or that group (called chemotropic and chemo-tactic), we can begin to determine what will most likely attract these individuals and where they would be the best fit. It may take a few

generations before we can clearly recognize and accept those who are natural fits as brain cells. A saying comes to mind – “Accept your own and be yourself.” Until that happens, there is really no use in forming a body governed by a head. Perhaps, it is better that we act as a sort of amoeba-like cell organism (or blob) until that time. I mean – at least no one can figure us out. A changing structure and a moving nucleus have their advantages when dealing with a highly-structured, complex organism. Let’s talk practically on the topic for a second. Again, we hear so much talk of unity. What does that mean anyway? We can all agree that unity is a good thing, but ask twenty people how this would best be accomplished and you are certain to get at least ten different answers. You would not be hearing an unwillingness to unify, but the process of natural selection. We have a tendency to naturally choose the group that we would work best with and the manner in which we’d contribute the most. In corporate America, they call this classification process “human resources”. Again, wealth is natural and social energy. The neglect, mismanagement, and misappropriation of this energy leads to a poverty class. We know that this energy has been neglected, mismanaged, and misappropriated where our people are concerned. In certain cases, these damaged cells cannot be used in a working organ because cell damage is too severe. Cell necrosis (or cell death) can be caused by injury, infection, cancer, inflammation, lack of oxygen, and poison. Venomous spiders and snakes can kill-off many cells and result in the need to cut-off or cut-out limbs and organs completely. So, before we start considering organizing as a body, we must start at the cellular level. Can he take care of himself? Ok. Can he take care of a family? Great! Can those families in that group start a town? Can that town maintain itself, without outside help or intervention? Super! Can the people in our town establish trade with the people of

that town? Wow! This works! Ok. Can all of these towns agree to on a central point at which we can establish a metropolis (central nervous system for trade and learning)? Amazing! Can we develop a brain-trust for the governance of this group? This is how a working body is formed. Minister Farrakhan often tells the story of how the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told him to bring together as many black professionals as he could find. After bringing them all to Chicago, he met with them and sent them all home. To me, the point the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was making with this action is – you can bring a lot of people together, but that’s not unity. That’s assembly. The difference is subtle. If we come together in another man’s house, we have assembled or we have been assembled. If we come together in forming our own house, we have unified. Further, a group in another man’s house is always an assembly. The owner of the house can dismantle that assembly at-will.

Adding Mass to the Circle (Spinning Wheels) Much can be written concerning the direction our nation can take. Thing is – no one person has all the answers, because we all have a certain perspective that creates the present and near-future reality. So I would much rather write about our responsibility to the next fifty to one-hundred generations than to attempt to provide those answers. Many of us will not be here one-hundred years from now, let alone one-hundred generations from now. So, individually, we can only matter to the degree that we contribute something to as many of the members of the nation existing at present as possible, toward creating the best possible future for the collective. That should be the standard. And, ego-gratification, however stimulating to the individual, must not be considered by the whole. Our only gift to you will be that history will remember your good work. You may receive some

award in your chosen field of study or a few extra kisses from your wife, but this nation will keep it moving. The Holy Quran states, “They did not become divided until knowledge came to them.” Ideologies divide where there is no over-arching paradigm to connect them. Each mind holds to ideas. These ideas must be collected under some governing concept, not an individual but a worldview. No longer should we expect great leaders to emerge and shoulder the full responsibility of carrying the nation. We must all be leaders in our chosen field driven by our individual creative inspiration. Please – point to the cell in your body that governs the whole. This cannot be done. What governs the body is a program set in place by your Creator? So, what must govern the nation is a program, a paradigm, a mind-set that lends to the eventual and total benefit of all its members and all of humanity. Cells will die. Organs will fail. The body will be renewed in the form of future bodies, which will have cells that will be programmed, that will require nourishment from the Earth and an understanding of its connection to the Earth and the cosmos. Did our ancestors have this understanding? Omar Buckley, in a series of presentations given on, talked about how hieroglyphics relating ancient Kmt (Egyptian) history illustrated a 3,000 year cycle in which the moon (and the people of the Moon) were naturally afforded control over the planet Earth. This period would eventually give way to another 3,000 year cycle where the people of the Sun would regain control. At the height of this cycle, there would be a 3,000 year waning period and this process would begin again. This seems to correspond with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teaching about the past 6,000 years and Yakub’s (Ya meaning moon) genetically engineering a light race on our planet. Further, according to some in Freemasonry, the “Year of Light” is considered 4,000 B.C. The A.L. used in this reference appears to refer to “Anno

Lucio” or “Year of Light”. It could also be a reference to “Anno Latomurum” or “Year of Masonry” or “Year of Stone-cutters”. It is not hard to see the moon as both a secondary light and a lifeless piece of stone in the face of life-giving sun and an abundant mother Earth. We can easily see why the moon would be the symbol of a people born into darkness whose sole light was the borrowed knowledge of the “sun people” or the indigenous of our world. In short, we allowed all that we see to be. We simply shut-down our program (or put the computer to sleep) for a few thousand years to allow for all of this madness. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained it as the chosen form for an experiment undertaken by some of our people. Ultimately, the conditions were ripe for this experiment to take shape. When one learns that we are eternal, multi-dimensional beings, who escape physical death, existing both in this reality and others, it becomes a whole lot easier to see why we agreed to upheaval that would take 3,000 years to fully manifest and last another 3,000 years. From the perspective of trillions of years of History, this is a very short time and the unique experiences gathered in this time are to be cherished. Still, time is up! And, we must rid our world of this alien paradigm. Consider the words of Henry Martyn. The highlighted words from his 1701 “Considerations on the East India Trade” are engraved in the dome at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. As often as I consider these things, I am ready to say with myself, that God has bestowed his Blessings upon Men that have neither hearts nor skill to use them. For, why are we surrounded with Sea? Surely that our Wants at home might be supply’ed by our Navigation into other Countries, the least and easiest Labour. By this we taste the Spices of Arabia, yet never feel the Scorching Sun which brings them forth; we shine in silks which Hands have

never wrought; we drink of vinyards which we never planted; the Treasures of those Mines are ours, in which we have never digg’d’ we only plough the Deep, and reap the Harvest of every Country in the World. It is interesting that the author blatantly states that certain men neither have the “heart” nor “skill” to make use of the blessing (of access and time) bestowed upon them. He calls theirs “the least” and “easiest” of labor. On a few occasions, I have had members of the lighter races admit that theirs was not hard labor in comparison to what they witnessed of us. Such confessions have caused me to reflect on the class system that exists in America, if not in name then definitely in fact. While we might say that no class system exists, it is obvious that most black people are not in what we would call the professional class. We are often found doing shift work and making ends meet. We are only offered the illusion of fair and impartial treatment, while every aspect of the society is designed to crush any and all aspirations to greatness. The illusion of a post-racial America is designed to make us think that “we’re all in the same boat.” Hey! Look at all the poor whites and foreigners who are trying just as hard. Try harder! The saddest thing to see is people who leave their beautiful countries of origin filled with spacious land and sky to travel to America where they spend 18 hours sitting in a cab (or essentially a moving tomb). Then, there are those among us who get a “lucky break” and are moved to inspire and motivate the masses. I was disheartened to learn that this type of thing is on par with winning the lottery and that much of this is factored into the equation. If no one won this crazy game we play, no one would try to win and eventually we would be forced to find a new one. The root problem is RACISM – plain and simple! Dr. Frances Cress Welsing has dedicated her career to giving a thorough and comprehensive analysis of

racism as being a sort of demiurge in the forming of the existing paradigm. The unspoken name of the God of this world is “racism”. If a white man steals all of your money in some crooked business scheme, then that’s just the way it’s supposed to be. God (racism) intended it. If a white policeman shoots a black man in the back, there must be another explanation. God (racism) intended it. And, black people are forbidden from speaking God’s name in vain. You can curse the Lord in Heaven, but you’d better not say that someone is a racist. You’d be offending someone’s right to their religion. So, who is the God capable of wrestling with the God of racism? His name is TRUTH! The light of truth is capable of exposing racism for what it is. And, the paradigm governing the world of truth is capable of ending a world founded in falsehood (racism). So, as a first rule of thumb, we can neither trust the system nor those given to perpetuating the paradigm on which this system is based. It is a system of lies. Therefore, its adherents are perpetrating fraud. There are some of our own people who perpetuate the system, without understanding the ideologies or paradigm on which it is based. They are used as scapegoats and cannon fodder for and by the proponents of this paradigm when we should really be looking beyond them to the puppet-masters holding and pulling the strings. So, as a second rule, we should not judge our people for contributing to the only system that exists out of ignorance. If anything, those same people must be offered an opportunity to contribute to our rise once the conditions are ripe. They cannot be expected to leave their jobs as a means of proving they love black people. This is about as insane as asking members of the conscious community to leave their jobs as proof that they are conscious. We must establish our own first. Put the clean glass next to the dirty glass and walk away.

Again, if you claim that we already have a paradigm (an over-arching program or worldview) that works, then please write to inform me of what that is. Some say – we need to return to an African-centered perspective. I agree that the ancient wisdom held in tribes will be essential to re-establishing our ideology. Still, it must be asked, “What is the governing paradigm of those who were colonized by the European?” Are these Africans leaders in the world today? Why is there no United States of Africa? Why is there so much killing in certain nations throughout the Motherland? Could it be that many of these nations were plagued with the same destructive ideology under which we suffer here in America? Would they consider themselves part of the “Original Nation”? And, how would we gain the respect of these nations if we did not lead the charge? Again, no one can be forced to do or adhere to any one ideology (or body of ideas). There are ideas that work for some and ideas that work for others. If we can instill the paradigm, working systems will begin to form around it, expanding with the passage of time. Ego creates the desire to force others to do one’s will. Force is not a necessary component to the success of the nation. Still, a laser guided missile will hit a target faster than one-hundred rockets fired in the general direction of the target. So, it doesn’t hurt to have a little guidance.

Let the Circle Be Unbroken Racism’s primary concern is that of needling its way into the circle. Once an opening is created, it will drive its way into the circle and infect the body. This is the nature of racism. As a God, it seeks to be supreme. Thus, it makes its adherents believe they are supreme. All others are inferior in the face of racism. This is the nature of the existing paradigm – conquer and annihilate at all costs. And, a Jewish

co-worker would often remind me – “James – you cannot change the nature in which a thing is created.” I would wonder about why she was saying this each time I heard her say it. It was rather strange. Archimedes said, “Give me a lever long enough and I will lift the whole world.” Racism is the lever that has upheld the present world. In truth, anti-Semitism is reverse racism. Those who use this tactic are in-fact racists who are afforded an opportunity to call anyone they see fit a racist through use of this special terminology. We must never accept either of these terms when used in reference to our people. One of the strategies that must be employed among us is to put an end to “name-calling” altogether. This fits with the existing paradigm. Those who adhere to the Western paradigm, whatever race, color, or creed they may claim to represent, are often found demonizing others. Admittedly, this strategy is still employed because it works. In war, propaganda is produced to make one’s enemy (whether perceived or real) look bad. The problem is – we use this tactic on one another, not realizing it fits within an ideology governed by a Western paradigm. Our analysis of matters must be scientific and mathematical. Our reputation for presenting truth must be unassailable. We know who the culprits are. Why add energy to their life-force by continuing to speak them into existence? Just as we are invalidated in their world by their lack of mention of us, the existing paradigm would be invalidated by our lack of attention to it. We fan the flames of the present world with our words. Starve it of oxygen and it will die a natural death. If we didn’t talk as much, more energy would need to be spent figuring out what we were thinking, feeling, planning, and doing. So, we have to learn how to communicate effectively, while saying less. We must significantly increase our right-brain creativity, as a means of developing a language that is not easily corrupted by the uninitiated and those desperate to hold to the present paradigm.

In part, this will mean a return to the language of signs, symbols, and sounds, in asserting, maintaining, and perpetuating (or AMP’ing) our ideology.

A Word on the Cover There are so many great men and women within the original nation. I don’t know all the names and I don’t profess to know every idea ever advanced by scholars born to the original nation. Admittedly, I chose the names and faces of recognizable, well-respected leaders from among those who contributed to our uplift throughout our sojourn here in America. The only other strategies I employed were to try to list those who transitioned first and to attempt to maintain a relatively accurate timeline. I wanted a woman to appear as the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, as a visual representation of our continued existence. Beyond that, each picture faces the yellow words that represent the rising sun that is the Black Nation. The white letters represent the more transitory aspects in the depiction. My name is in white. I will pass and it will one day pass away. The e-book format of the ideas in this presentation will one day pass. And, hopefully, the need to remember the source code (or our own governing paradigm) will one day pass, as future generations naturally embrace our own worldview. I don’t plan to spend the next 10 or 100 years convincing people of the “correctness” of the ideas I have expressed in this book, but it is hoped that this book stimulates dialogue toward the advance of the nation. In the words of Dick Gregory, “You cannot invalidate my truth”. What is expressed here is information gathered in my 35 years of experience here on this earth. I am one voice in the nation’s mind, one speaker in the present assembly of the nation. I return to that

assembly to offer more of my creative expression. May others from among us make their presence known! I wish you all peace, love, and the limitless blessing of divine understanding. Go with God!

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