1 minute read
Site & Context
from Technical Report
by Phil Win
The site consists of an area of 2145m2. The site is flat and rectangular in shape, with dimensions of 60m x 35m. It is land locked on two sides by surrounding buildings. The main long elevation is North facing and faces out onto Howard street, predominantly used as a bus route and for vehicles from St Enoch car park. The short elevation is Eastward facing and faces out onto Dixon Street, a local road which continues the axis down from Buchanan street and St Enoch Square. The existing building on site was previously used by Air Lingus and is now derelict, with only the ground floor being used as a local charity shop. There are many derelict buildings around st Enoch square and the riverside, some of these being listed buildings. This area provides oppurtunities for high quality regeneration projects, upgrading the derelict riverside and connecting it to the deprived Southern bank.