AIR 2015_S1_5 SOPHIE TRAN 570960
5 versions of lofting with 2 curves
5 versions of lofting with 3 curves
5 versions of lofting with 3 curves
When more curves are added as input, the form of lofting become more complex. This create interesting geometry.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 1
TASK 2 Reverse engineer a project Voussoir Cloud by Iwamoto Scott
By watching the tutorials video online, I learned the finding form of Voussoir Cloud using grasshopper, I also learned another useful plug-in in grasshopper called Kangaroo. This plug-in uses the basic ideas of forces and applies tension and compression onto a surface to create interesting form of parametric model. The designer will use the focus to determine the form of the surface by using different focus.
I started to play with the new plug-in and explore more on it. by changing the size of the bases and the height of it.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 1
At the end, I applied UForce of Kangaroo to change the form of the shape and create a Voussoir Cloud. However, the form did not turn out to be the form I wanted so I developed a new grasshopper file to test the form but using different definition.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 1
EXPLORATION The previous form of Voussoir Cloud was not the form I wanted to develop as the force broke the form of the voussoir, especially the edges of the voussoir. So I played with the Kangaroo plug-in and developed a more successful result by changing the form of the voussoir and more UForce was applied to pull up the whole structure and create the true form of voussoir.
The definition creates this form is really interesting and powerful as it can generate a new form of paramatric model from a surface (see picture below)
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 2
Undulating Ground Surface I tried to used the morphbox tool to create a surface with breps or meshes lay over it. I also developed a definition which I can use change the shapes of the breps and meshes on the surface. Grasshopper allowed me to lay a mesh along a surface which is powerful than others program as it will take a long time to copy and edit each mesh on the surface.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 2
Mesh Geometry
The shapes of these patterns are polygon and I can work as a model display shelf inside gallery as models can be placed into the tunnels of polygon
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 3
Patterning List A pattern list algorithm which I created from a list of point that was extracted from a picture. However, I cropped and only used a part of the picture to create the pattern. Finally, I baked the patterned and extruded them in many different ways.
The image and algorithm are changed to create new pattern in the definition.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 3
Patterning List The shapes of these patterns are hẽexagon. By changing the pattern list algorithm into hexagon I can create a new pattern list
This can be a table which is inserted into the floor and model can be displayed on top. Lighting can be installed at the bottom which create interesting lighting effect on the model
Strings attacted to the ceiling.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 3
Patterning List By changing the shapes I can create a new model shelf display design. The cylinder tunnels can be hanged from the roof and models can be displayed inside the tunnels.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 3
Fabrication The joint detailing is designed between adjacent elements to create a shelf for model displaying, at the end of semester exhibition in the Ceres Gallery. The open cylinders are attached to strings at each end which connect to the ceiling. This creates flexible for the cylinders as it can be attached anywhere in the gallery space. Also, the cylinders merged into each others which creates many interesting patterns. In additional, lights can be installed along the walls that creates lighting effect through the tunnels.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
Understanding Relationship
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
Fractal Geometry The fractal definition allows me to explore the surface of a mesh and breaks it into different shapes. I then take the shapes and mirror as well as orient them to create new mesh. This process allows me to create a new space with fractal or a sculpture by connect the fractal together as a whole.
I further explore the definition by changing the shape of polygon (number of sides) to change the fractal shapes. This shows me the variation of fractal from one definition.
I further explore the definition by placing the fractals at different angles and connect them together to create interesting sculpture.
I further developed the definition by changing the brep by a box and create fractals from the box rather than the polygon.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
Biomimetic Architecture From the definition, I changed the number such as radius as well as number of branches. This shows me the variation of definition by just changing a few number
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
Biomimetic Architecture I tried the sea urchin grasshopper file and try to change the number, however, I want to do something different so I tried to apply the pattern onto a sphere instead a cone. The pattern turned out to be interesting as the sphere create a complete form for the pattern.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
The Field I tried to change the charges and line direction to change the colours on the map and understand how the field work. The charges move the contour forward or outward that creates interesting patterns.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 4
The Field From the exploration from activities of the field, I understand the field better so I decided to explore more on how we can apply the fields in design. I watched another tutorial on field development. The definition is calculation of points on lines and those points create field in negative charges. So all the lines are drawn away from the circle near the charges.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
More Field 3 iterations with a different arrangements 3D curves, negative/ positive charges/graph mapping curve.
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Image Sampling
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Graph Mapper
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5
Algorithmic sketchbook WEEK 5