PHL Architects Company Profile

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PHL Architects Patrick Lim Hendy Lim Architects Architecture | Urban Design | Sustainable Tall Building | M.I.T Studio Telp. Fax. Email Web

: Kondominium Taman Anggrek 5-46 A Jl. Letjen. S. Parman, kav.21 11470, Jakarta Barat - Indonesia : +6221 56951108 : +6221 56951109 : :

Jakarta, 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of PHL Architects.

| contents |




The Way We Work

Awards & Publications


| introduction |

PHL Architects is an award winning architectural firm with specialization in commercial, hospitality, office, leisure and cultural buildings, including urban design and sustainable tall buildings. Since its formation, PHL Architects has won several awards nationally and internationally and their works have been exhibited in numerous events such as in Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong and The Netherlands, as well as being published in numerous magazines, books and online websites.

Practice Profile Since its formation, PHL Architects has completed wide range variety of projects. The firm continually seeks for better and creative way of design, materiality, and thinking in architecture combine with strong technical support. Above all, in PHL Architects, we believe that design is a process and an intense discussion between the client, other stakeholders and the architect. We have a lot of expriences from different scale of projects, from research and developing a project, feasibility study, design idea until realisation of the projects. The firm's clients have included major corporations, private developers and private owners. 

| people |

Patrick Lim, Ir., MA, MSc.(Arch), IAI, SBA Licensed Architect (Indonesia, The Netherlands)

Principal Architect

Patrick Lim was born in 1979 and graduated from University of Tarumanagara in 2001. Later, he was trained at Venice Architectural Association (Italy) in Tall Building Design. He received his first Master Degree in Architecture & Critical Theory at The University of Nottingham (UK) and second Master Degree from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) majoring in Materialisation and Design Development with Sustainable Tall Building Design as the main topic. He was one of the curators for "Indonesian Architecture Public Exhibition 2012" in The Hague held by Indonesian Embassy in The Netherlands, IAI-EU and Archicentrum. One of his writing had been presented in the 15th Asian Congress Architects at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 2012. He is a lecturer in University of Tarumanagara and Pelita Harapan University. Also, he is invited as speaker in several national-wide events.

Hendy Lim, Ir, IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects)

Principal Architect

Hendy Lim was born in 1971 and graduated from University of Trisakti in 1996. After graduating, he practiced in architectural and interior field at Movindo (Movement Architecture and Interior Design Office) before founding PHL Architects together with Patrick Lim. He gives lectures and design advice for property management institute and association of exhibition in Indonesia. He is co-founder of Jakarta Architecture Triennale (JAT).

Hendro Lim, MBA, MSc.


Hendro Lim was born in 1974 and graduated from University of Tarumanagara in 1998. After graduating, he worked in several companies and now he is incharge of PHL Architects' business development and financial. He has master degree in business management from University of Wales, Cardiff and master of science from Liverpool University (UK).

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| services |

Architecture Design Commercial | Hospitality | Office | Leisure | Cultural | Education | Complex Building/Mix-Used

Urban Design / Masterplan Mix-used Development | Single Used Development

Sustainable Tall Building M.I.T Modification | Intervention | Transformation A design based on a research to intervene, to modify, and to transform cities and unused existing building into new programmes, form, and life


| scope |

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

preliminary concept

design development

construction documents

schematic design

tender documents

site visit and supervision


| the way we work |

Research Every project in PHL Architects starts with research

Design Design is the creativity process of discussion, development and testing of the idea

Implementation When we design, we intend to be built with high quality and satisfaction 

Function Safety Space Materialisation

The Merger of Interest


Cooperation and balancing the needs of every stakeholder in a project

Aesthetic Economy 

| awards | SKALA+ Award | 2011 (Indonesia) IAI Jakarta | Main Award 2012 (Indonesia) FUTURARC | Green Leadership Award 2012 (International) DFA | Design For Asia Award 2012 (International) Equator Monument (Tugu Khatulistiwa) Redesign Competition Winner | 2013 (Indonesia) Arcasia | Architecture Asia Awards for Emerging Architects | 2014 (Datum KL-International) WAF 2014 | Future Project Competition:Shortlisted | 2014 (International)

| exhibitions | World Architecture Festival | Singapore, 2014   Indonesian Architecture Public Exhibition | DenHaag 2012 Pameran 50 Tahun Arsitek Untar | Jakarta 2012 IAWT - UIA (International Union of Architects) | Tokyo 2011 Healthy Movement in Architecture at Pacific Place Mall | Jakarta 2010 Archicentrum | 2010 The works of Indonesian Architects' Exhibition & Presentation JCC | Jakarta 2010 Jakarta Architecture Triennale | Grand Indonesia, 2009

| publications | magazine Indonesia Design | vol.10.58 | 2013

Archinesia | vol.01 | 2011

Architecture@13 | FuturArc | 2013

Space & Home Concepts Magazine | vol. 02 | 2012

Architecture@14 | FuturArc | 2014

Skala+ | vol.07.1 | 2012

Architecture@15 | FuturArc | 2015

Surface Asia Magazine | vol. 09 | 2012

Archinesia | vol.06 | 2014

FuturArc | vol.26 | 2012

Archinesia | vol.05 | 2014

Indesign | Issue 01 | 2011

Archinesia | vol.03 | 2013

Skala+ | vol.06.3 | 2011

Archinesia | vol.02 | 2012



Masonry Material and Structure | Tianjin

Archdaily | World Architecture | Architizer | etc


50 Karya Arsitek Untar | Univ. Tarumanagara INDONESIAN ARCHITECTS, for UIA Tokyo 2011 | Imaji Publishing IAI Jakarta Award 2003 | Pustaka Asri Bata | Gramedia 

commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used education cultural healthcare urban design competition


MoB - Mall



Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Client : PT. Surya Pajintan Phase : Construction Type : Shopping Centre and Hotel Year : 2013 Site Area : 58.000 sqm Gross Floor Area : 230.000 sqm Building Height : 41 m Floors : 4 floors of Mall, and 5 floors of Hotel

Above | site plan

This project is located on Arteri Supadio Km12 road, which lies between the airport and city centre. It is also located on the intersection of Trans Kalimantan road, which leads to Kuching (Malaysia). This area is expanding as a new business area and new neighbourhood. This mixed-used complex consists of mall, business-park, four-star hotel and apartment towers. The mall will be a landmark here and will be the biggest one in West Borneo after its completion. 


Top Right | Interior

Top Left | Lobby Interior

The architectural concept of this building originated from Kapuas River itself, which is the most famous river in Borneo. From the river, we took the notion of water and boat as the main inspiration source to be implemented in the building's facade. The lower part of the mall's facade is designed with curvy waves of skeletal object to resemble the water waves of Kapuas river. It also acts as the shading for the sun coming from west. It could reduce direct heat from the sun and in the end lowering the use of air conditioning power consumption. Then, shape's idea of hotel area on top of the mall, derived from the form of 'Bandung Boat' which is to be an indigenous house-boat along the river. 


Above | Business Park Elevation

Opposite Page | City Walk

This project is developed to be 'one stop business and entertainment complex'. It has shopping centre, hotel, business-park, theme park, city-walk, movie theatre and outdoor playground. The business park is designed using glasses and aluminium composite panels with modern look design which makes them integrate with the mall's design. Theme park will become the main attraction for visitors to the mall as Pontianak lacks for entertainment and recreational space. It will become the new destination of the city. There also citywalk area, which is designed as open space for people to hang out. It is equipped with coffee shop, sitting facilities and greenery area. It is fulfil the lifestyle of local people to hangout and drink coffee. The sight of people sitting in coffee shop can be found everywhere in the city and become a lifestyle of local people. 

Citywalk Balikpapan Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Shopping Centre; F&B Year : 2013 - ..

Balikpapan is one of the most rapid developing city in Indonesia at this moment. It has many natural resources such as oil and gas, therefore, many big international companies set their office and business in Balikpapan. Because there are many newcomer and ex-patriate come there, the city needs to provide more facilities for them. This citywalk project tried to capture the opportunity of the lifestyle and market caused by these needs. This project is located in the new development area of Balikpapan with contour site as its challenging condition. The design seeks a new concept of place for people to hang-out and shopping while providing a public space that enable people to enjoy it. It has outdoor and sitting area covered with 'big umbrella' and greenery surrounds it. 


Orchard City Gaperta Location : Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Shopping Centre;F&B Year : 2014 - ....

This project is the first phase of a masterplan project which will be developed into several phases. The masterplan itself will develop shopping and retail area, shop-houses, town-houses, school and offices. As beginning, this shopping and retail area will be used to attract people to come to this area and by the time other phases will be developed. The project is designed with 'Box to Box' concept, where tenants are grouped into several blocks of building and connected by outdoor circulation without mechanical air-conditioning. Every boxes contain specific programme and can be built into separated phases too depending on the confirmed tenants as the project starts. 



The inspiration of this project comes from bee honeycomb which we wants this project to become a destination place that attracts people to come and enjoying their time. It as a plaza in the middle and can be used as performance area, exhibition, and so on. All tenants' shop-front can be seen and reachable from the street.


Mall Medan Times Square Location : Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia Client : PT. Nusaland Phase : Design Type : Shopping Centre; Hotel Year : 2013

This project has two major programmes which are mall and four-star hotel. It is a three stories mall with parking basement and outdoor lifestyle al-fresco. The hotel itself has eight stories which is equipped with ballroom, meeting rooms and outdoor swimming pool. The design concept of this mall is to resemble cut of the diamond which is represented in the facade's design. It plays with the pattern, shade and colour to give the effect of triangular cuts. 


Mall Arengka Location : Pekanbaru, Riau Phase : Design Type : Shopping Centre; Hotel Year : 2015 Site Area : 5072sqm Gross Floor Area : 75489.55sqm

To create a public friendly and sustainable building, the design of the mall consist of the shopping centre with open space at the centre of the mall, which is using a natural ventilation. Injecting the Hotel program, the hotel will be operated by different system, so it is important to make the hotel still can be differentiated with the shopping area, but the design still can be seen as one. 



Royal Safari Garden - Commercial Area Location : Cisarua, Bogor Phase : Design Type : Al Fresco;Restaurant; Retail Year : 2015

Located near one of traveling spot at Taman Safari Puncak, Royal Safari Garden is redesigned to create an environment which using wild animal as one of the visitor attraction. It is designed to create natural environment and get a unique experience with the animals such as tiger birds, and others. 





hospitality office apartment mix-used education cultural healthcare facilities urban design competition


Grand Swiss-Belhotel Pontianak Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Client : PT Setia Baru Phase : Construction Type : Hospitality Year : 2013 - 2016 Site Area : 4500 sqm Gross Floor Area : 34500 sqm Building Height : 75 m Floors : 21 floors

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Golden Tulip Hotel Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Client : PT Setia Baru Phase : Construction Type : Hospitality Year : 2013 - 2014 Site Area : 2510 sqm Gross Floor Area : 14850 sqm Building Height : 70m Floors : 12

Golden Tulip Hotel Pontianak is located near the city center and an existing business complex. Eventhough this area is very busy in the daytime, it is quiet in the night especially with the lack of lamp along the street. The building is divided into two blocks and connected with a podium in order to maximize the space for room's configuration and views as well as avoiding the bulkiness of the mass if it is designed as one single block. The gap between two blocks is used as a space to bring the sunlight into rooms and allows for natural ventilation. All room's corridors can be penetrated by the daylight. 

The facade for the ballroom gets its inspiration from diamond as West Borneo is famous for the mining. It is designed and constructed with 98 steel frames and 900 pieces of tiangular aluminium panels which some parts can shine at night or during the event in the ballroom. Beside the aesthetic part, the lights on the triangular panel help to add light on the street. With the illuminated facade and the new easily accessible public spaces, Golden Tulip Hotel has became the catalyst in creating the lively street and places for people in the city. 

This hotel is designed to accustom with the local lifestyle. Places such as cafes, coffee shops and restaurants have become favorite places where huge crowd of people hanging out in kopitiam -traditional coffe shop- along the roadside is a typical sight to be seen every night in the city. To accomodate such a lifestyle, two public spaces are injected into the hotel on different levels; semi outdoor resto on the first floor and semi-outdoor cafe area with swimming pool and playground on the fourth floor. The lobby is in the first floor with the semi outdoor cafe and dining area facing the street in order to create a connection with it. Then, the intention by placing the pool in the middle horisontal part of the building is in order to shade it from the direct sunlight of Equator thus it has become favourite space for visitors. The void on top of it brings sky view to this pool area without getting direct sunlight and allows for natural cross air ventilation. 


Hotel d’ Praboe Location : Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Client : PT Kagum Bangun Nusantara Phase : Design Type : Hospitality Year : 2013 - 2015 Site Area : 2414 sqm Gross Floor Area : 12598 sqm Building Height : 41 m Floors : 12 floors

Above | Site Plan

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Hotel Aston Imperial Bekasi Location : Bekasi, Indonesia Client : PT. Surya Agung Manunggal Perkasa Type : Hospitality Status : Built Year : 2012 - 2014 Site Area : 4445 sqm Gross Floor Area :13.830 sqm Building Height : 56 m Floors : 15 floors

Above| Diagram Sketch

e n    


Oak Tree Hotel Location : Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Client : PT Merdeka Graha Indo Type : Hospitality Status : Built Year : 2010 - 2013 Site Area : 6600 sqm Gross Floor Area : 17000 sqm Building Height : 41 m Floors : 11 floors

Above | Corridor Opposite Page | Photo

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 a               



Hotel Neo Aston Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Hospitality Year : 2013-... Site Area : 600m2 Floors : 13


Top Left | Ground Floor Top Centre | Typical Floor

The site is extremely small and located in the busy street corner of city centre. Here, we try to create a project which can be an interesting point in the crossroad while achieving a high degree of space efficiency. The space is very compact and efficient which left almost no un-useful space without sacrificing the functions. We designed the facade as a patterned and textured skin which can be seen differently during daytime and night-time while on top of the building there are unique structure to house breakfast indoor and outdoor area, including penthouse of the owner. 

Hotel Harris Pontianak Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Hospitality Year : 2013-... Site area : 1500m2 Floor : 15


This hotel is located in the main business street of Pontianak city centre and enjoying a very strategic location in the main crossroad which can be seen from three direction of streets. Here, the design is very compact as the site is not big but it must houses lots of programmes inside. As previously in this site the owner has run their businesses in restaurant and specialties store therefore they would like to have their businesses to be inserted back in this new development. This project contains of parking area, specialties store, restaurant, hotel, ballroom, meeting rooms, swimming pool and roof top cafe. In this project, we try to represent the old custom of local people which is planting in the pot and put it in their shop-houses balconies. Shop-houses is very popular in local Chinese community, especially in the city centre, thus they do not have space for greenery. In order to have plants and flowers in their house, thus they put plants in pots and display it in the balconies. This custom is getting disappear nowadays. 



Hotel Harris Balikpapan

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Hospitality Year : 2013-... Floors : 8

This hotel is located in new area development in Balikpapan. It is part of a masterplan development of CBD Balikpapan and designated to become a business hotel for business traveller. It has two ballrooms, meeting rooms, swimming pool, cafe and restaurants which enable people to do their business and events conveniently. This hotel also connects to shopping area next to it and apartment in the other side of street using a tunnel. The site has contour and there is limitation for height because of the flight route regulations. 

Hotel Kuta 8 Location : Kuta Bali, Indonesia Phase : Proposed Design Type : Hospitality Year : 2015-... Floors : 5 Hotel Kuta8 is located 400 m from Ngurah Rai Airport and 500 m from Kuta Beach. The design is inspired by local architecture which is developed into more contemporary design. Kuta8 Hotel provide facilities such as restaurant, meeting room, standard room, and suite with pool and spa at the roof garden. It also open retail in the ground floor to make the building more inviting. The building mass is divided into 3 part "head-body-foot" as the principal of Balinese Architecture. The "Foot" is the retail area with glass facade and steel to open the entrance and inviting people. The "Body" part playing with the material pattern which using brick, and local knowledge. while the "head" part simple design to completed the building's design. 

Hotel Best Western Location : Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Phase : Proposed Design Type : Hospitality Year : 2010

This is a kondominium and hotel (kondotel) project as it targets for long-stay travellers to Semarang. It has meeting rooms, restaurant and ballroom to complete its other facilities such as gym and spa. The masses and facade is divided into two distinct treatments as we want to make a distinction for the regular hotel rooms and long-stay rooms. 

Hotel Fx Semarang Location : Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Phase : Proposed Design Type : Hospitality Year : 2008 Floor : 10

This is a local operated hotel in city centre Semarang and it has a city hotel concept. With meeting rooms and small function room. It has two floors of parking building. Here, we design the hotel with a modern and formal city hotel for thebusiness market. 


commercial hospitality

office apartment mix-used education cultural healthcare facilities urban design competition


GMT Institute


Property Management

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phase : Built Type : Office and Education Year : -2009-2010

Building base

4 storey-building

Move the function

Public (Open) Area


Opening for light and wind

Add to facade

Make barrier for sun & noise but let the wind through

This project consists of office spaces and training classes including a small cafeteria for an institute of property management which has a small site area. It is situated at the corner of a narrow road that faces to the railway in front of it. The appearance of this building becomes a unique attraction compared to its surrounding where this project is located in a straight row of two or three stories height likewise building in the site area. The basic idea came from a cubical form based on efficiency and basic functional programming considerations. Through the formation of abstraction and subtraction the final form evolved. Moreover, the uniqueness comes from the facade's material (exposed brickWs and concrete, rusty iron); which is composed in certain patterns to give texture to the "skin" of the building. 

above | site plan right | perspective



left| facade above | brick configuration Particularly, the facade is also treated as "secondary skin" which functioning to help to reduce the direct heat to inside. The openings' design considers the natural wind flow which circulates inside the building through its small holes constructed from the bricks combination. The brick wall was designed in a way at some area that was intended for glass windows and the result allows the natural light and wind to enter the room freely and thus creating the ambience or light pattern in interior. As well as the interior, the same idea is applied to the partition and furniture which is using natural and eco-friendly processed rubber wood as the main material.



right | interior&exterior perspective above| plan



Aneka Office Suites & Pavillion Location : Pontianak, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Office, Retail Year : 2014-2015 Site area : 4.750m2 Gross Floor Area : 11.143m2 Floor : 7

Aneka Office Suites and Pavillion is one building in a bigger complex consists of several buildings which is planned to be built into several phases. This complex is designated for the headquarter office of the owner, small community shopping area, and apartment tower. For the first phase, there are small shopping area with outdoor cafes, rent spaces and offices. It has also meeting rooms and function room for small event. 

Multicard Office Location : Daan Mogot, Jakarta, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Office, Production Area, and Warehouse Year : 2008

This is a project for a company that produce a phone-sim card and voucher. The programmes are office for their headquarter, production area, and warehouse. The requirement from the owner is that there are secure and dust free area for the production, therefore, the building is quite enclosed in its facade design. 

Premium Business Park

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Business Park Year : 2013

This project is a part of masterplan development of CBD Balikpapan and is targeting a premium business brand and companies. It has limited units and it is located in the centre part of the CBD area. The design is using glass as its skin facade with an undulating pattern to stimulate the vibrant energy which is expected in this business area. Each unit has their own private elevator which is located in front of the unit. 


commercial hospitality office

apartment mix-used education cultural healthcare facilities urban design competition


The Peak Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Apartment Year : 2011 Floor : 36

The project is a middle-high apartment project consists of three towers with identical lay-out plans. It has five stories of parking building and public facilities on the podium's roof top. Each of the towers has penthouse that overlooking to the city centre. 

Banjarmasin Tower Location : Banjarmasin, South Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Apartment, Hotel Year : 2011 Site area : 4.653m2 Floor : 28

Initially, this hotel and serviced-apartment tower is intended to become the highest building in Borneo once it has been completed. There are two blocks of masses connected by a podium which the higher tower is for serviced-apartment. The podium is used for facilities such as function rooms and restaurants. There are public spaces also on the ground floor to connect the building to the street and city. 


“B8” Apartment Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Apartment Year : 2011 Floor : 10

Sustainable living concept is the main goal and direction in designing this apartment building. The privacy also becomes important as we want to offer a design that enables the users to feel like living in landed house with their privacy. Thus, the units are arranged in a way that enables balconies and greenery to be inserted between them. 


The Courtyard

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Shopping Centre ; Apartment Year : 2012-...

The Courtyard design was developed adapted with the contoured site at the area. By adapting the contoured site and open the public space in the centre, we can maximize the view from each rooms from the apartment above. The Courtyard was consist of 4 floor of Shopping Centre at below, and 5 floor of apartment unit which is connected with open public space at 5th floor. By proposing this plan we can get 230 unit of apartment which will have maximum view, and natural lighting. 


Epicentrum Pavilion Location : Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia Phase : Proposed Design Type : Apartment; Hotel; Office Year : 2014

Located in Kuningan, one of central business district at Jakarta, this block tower has been designed to accomodate the lifestyle of business man at the area. This area will be consist of 4 tower which is 12th level and 10th level apartment block, 8th floor office tower, and 10 th floor hotel is connected by large public area to hang out, and relaxing from the busy schedule that has been experienced bty the people in big city like Jakarta. Not only at the below building we also injecting communituy space in each building, which is to create the lively environment 


Cilegon Apartment Location : Cilegon Phase : Proposed Design Type : Apartment; Hotel; Office Year : 2015

Located in Cilegon, as the extension of Cilegon Supermall, which targeted to become one of commercial business area. Consist of Apartment building for phase 1, and hotel building for the phase 2. 


commercial hospitality office apartment

mix-used education cultural healthcare facilities urban design competition


Office Complex & Bitec

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Office, apartment, exhibition and convention hall Year : 2012-...

The complex is developed to be one area with CBD Balikpapan as the final development phase. It consists of office towers, apartment towers, retail area, and convention and exhibition spaces. The location is facing the existing and the only one convention and exhibition building in Balikpapan (Dome). With the potential of Balikpapan city in natural resources especially oil and gas, therefore, the owner would like to provide an area and facilities that can hold international events and exhibitions regularly. 

The Dome

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Shopping Centre ; office; Hotel Year : 2012-...

In the masterplan of CBD Balikpapan, this is the first phase of development of the whole area. It located in the front part of the area and consists of shopping centre, rental office tower and four-star hotel. The site has a very challenging contour which made every sides of the complex has their own levels and entrances. 


The Ark

(CBD Balikpapan)

Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Shopping Centre ; office; Hotel Year : 2012-...

In the masterplan of CBD Balikpapan, this is the second phase of development of the whole area. The design of the mall is inspired by the model of Ark, with the outdoor area designed with beach ambience. Consist of supermarket, retail area, and apartment, The Ark is also connected with the other Mall in this CBD Area (the Dome, and the Courtyard). The apartment itself, is provided with complete facility as pool, tennis court, and jogging track. 


EU - Grand Atrium Project Location : Brussels, Belgium Phase : Proposed Design Type : Office, Serviced Apartment, Hotel, Conference, and Commercial) Year : 2012-2013

EU - Grand Atrium Project is a mix-used plan design for new European Union’ s headquarter in Brussels. As EU has dispersed offices in several cities in Europe, therefore, they would like to build a new headquarter that can become a symbol of their organization. 

Top | Site Plan Left | Perspective

1 | Office Facade Fragment 2 | Facade

3 | Office Indoor Climate 




Location : Batam, Riau Phase : Design Type : Shopping Centre ; office; Hotel Year : 2012-...

Batam is known as one of important port in Indonesia which is known as the gate that connect with Singapore and Malaysia. Mall of Batam is designed to become icon and a tourism spot of Batam. The programmes consist of 1 podium as shopping center, 18th floor of office tower, 8th floor of Hotel and 3 tower of apartment. 



commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used

education cultural health care facilities urban design competition


Stella Gracia School Location : Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Education Year : 2013 - 2015 Site Area : 22810 sqm Site Area for phase I: 7108 sqm Gross Floor Area for Phase I : 7690sqm

This project which is located at Pekanbaru will be developed as education area. It consists of primary school, secondary and high school, indoor sport facility, and international size football field. School is the basic foundation in forming children characters, both at academics and their social life. This basic foundation is similar to "tree" concept which is become our inspiration in designing this school. In order to grow become big and strong tree, it is important to have the strong foundation or root. Therefore, the school is designed to provide a comfortable and fun learning process, as its foundation. The climate problem at Pekanbaru becomes one of our considerations. With strong heat from the sun, it is important to keep the temperature inside building. In order to achieve the thermal comfort, we divide the mass of the school and placing the window based on the sun's direction and intensity. It is similar to the way of leaves on the tree working. 



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Left | Site Plan

• • •• • • • • • •

TAHAP 1 & 2



The first phase of this project is the primary school, which is targeted to finish at 2015. The design concept is creating fun and comfortable environment to let the children explore. Ramp and decking in the school provide indoor-outdoor concept that creates public spaces which can be used as social and play space for children. We also tried to increasing social skill, and the children's curiosity, by playing with the circulation and landscape. To achieve the thermal comfort, we reduce the wall opening and using skylight to optimize the natural light. 

BSD Education Centre Location : BSD, Tangerang Indonesia Client : Rudi Saputra Phase : Construction Type : Education Centre Year : 2014 Site Area : 1760m2 Gross Floor Area : 9026m2 Building Height : 28m Floors : 6 floors, 2 basements

The word of "Education" is mostly related to School, college or University. Nowdays, Education is not only obtained from these formal organizations. Many people are also searching for a private course or institutions out from their school to improve their education and skills. In this case, plenty of informal institutions running their education program at their own house or rent shop-houses. Besides, their location is also diverse and distant from one to another. In another point of view, Jabodetabek is very well known for its inefficient traffic. This phenomenon is interrelated to the peoples time, energy, and life efficiency. In response to this problem, an education center is proposed to gather some private institutions in one place. 







Above | Concept Diagram

1. Building Site The site is basically forming the building to be a square box building. 2. Deformation All sides of the box are diagonally pushed in, to create some strong diagonal line, and creating the cutting effect from the initial basic box

4. Transparency The solid and transparency are defined by the diagonal line.

5. Pattern Horizontal and vertical glass frames act as the pattern on the translucent section, where The Solid section are patterned by transparent stripes to consider natural daylight.

3. Entrance An Asymetric form carved the building to create an entrance that sync with the overall architectural design.




commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used education

cultural sport & leisure urban design competition


TMII Convention & Exhibition Centre Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Convention Hall Year : 2012

This project is located at the front site of TMII's main entrance. Here, we designed the masterplan of the complex that consists of hotel, exhibition halls and retail area. For the exhibition halls, we want to make it as the landmark that can be easily recognize from far. The inspiration comes from the 'Keong Mas' building in TMII area also. Thus, we design the building in futuristic form that takes idea from it. 

Site Plan


Vihara Maitreya Pontianak Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Client : PT Setia Baru Phase : Construction Type : Religious Year : 2014 - 2016 Site Area : 952.53 sqm Gross Floor Area : 1349.38 sqm Floors :3 floors

When it comes to the religious building, we need to consider in the symbolic signs and representation that sometimes will guide us through the whole process of design. If we talk about Vihara, we will think about a building that has oriental style architecture. In this project, we try to propose a design that still maintains the characteristic of oriental architecture but at the same time introducing some modern elements to it. We simplify the ornaments, but even we strip down the whole no-meaning ornaments into a clean element. 


The Depository in Rotterdam




Beuningen Museum

Location : Rotterdam, Netherland Phase : Design Type : Depository, Museum, Exhibition Gallery Year : 2011

The Boijman van Beuningen Museum needs to build another building to store its expanding collections and displays. It is planned also that it is not only to house the collections but also as the workshop to restore and repair them. The programmes include an exhibition hall and an open sunken plaza. Bricks is chosen as the material for the depository as it is the common material that has been used in the area and it can helps to keep the level of temperature inside that needed to preserve the collections. 



commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used education cultural

healthcare facilities urban design competition



Kharitas Bakti Hospital Location : Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia Client : Yayasan Kharitas Bakti Phase : Schematic Design Type : Hospital & Pharmacy Year : 2014 - 2016 Site Area : 1170 sqm Gross Floor Area : 9640 sqm Floors :12 floors

Kharitas Bhakti hospital is a privately funded hospital located in Pontianak. Founded in the 1960s, it started as a clinic and grew throughout the years to a hospital, serving much of the city's healthcare needs. Having the most reputable doctors and facilities makes Kharitas Bhakti the most crowded hospital in the city. Today, Kharitas Bhakti occupies three shophouses in Jl. Siam. The existing building is packed and crowded, and poses many problems, both physically and programatically. Physically, the existing building lacks space and is in dire need of more space to occupy more patients. The building also lack the basic health standard of a hospital. Light and air doesn't come through inside the building. Programatically, the existing buildings poses even greater problem. Circulation of hospital staff and patients intersects heavily making it highly inefficient. The Re-design of Kharitas Bhakti hospital seeks to remedy the existing problems, physically and programatically. To create more space for the city's healthcare needs, to create a healthy building in the relatively small plot of land and to design a programatically sound hospital. Moreover the renovation is to be done while the hospital still runs, therefore building phases needs to be considered. In the end, the redesign of Kharitas Bhakti Hospital is intended to elevate the quality of healthcare in the city of Pontianak. 


commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used education cultural sport & leisure

urban design competition


CBD Balikpapan Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Construction Type : Central Business District Year : 2012-......

Balikpapan is an expanding city in Indonesia at this present days. There are many new developments in large scale which are being built in the city and many are under planning. CBD Balikpapan is one of them and is intended to become a new icon in the region. It tries to attract the medium and high level market of business people especially in oil and mining field. The masterplan consists of ambitious programmes with three shopping malls, two hotels, office towers, apartments, business park, shop-houses, school and hospital. 




CBD Medan Times Square Location : Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Central Business District Year : 2013-....

Since the airport inside the city has been removed to its outskirt area, Medan is expecting to chase its pace for high-rise development. The project in Helvetia area of Medan is expected to be a new business district and neighbourhood. It is planned to have mall, four-star hotel, shop-houses, town-houses, international school, hospital, apartment and office tower. 


Aero City Location : Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia Phase : Design Type : Central Business District Year : 2012-.....

Aero city is a concept that we proposed to the owner as the site is near to Sepinggan International Airport. It is intended to become an interconnected central business district that can house many international companies' offices and activity. The masterplan consists of office towers, apartments, hotel, warehouse, business park, and retail area. The design is a concentric form that can enable further expansion in the future. 



commercial hospitality office apartment mix-used education cultural sport & leisure urban design



Orange Shelter Project Futurarc Competiton 2014 : Water and City WAF 2014: Future Building Shortlisted Location Year Programs

: Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia : 2014-.. : River Transportation Hub





Around 1970, Kapuas River was dominated by floating market which acts as the main factor for economic growth. People in West Borneo depend on boat as the main transportation which provides them accessibility to other places such as traditional market and their working places. However, these day person relies more on land transportation mode, especially motorcycle. The waterway turns to be sewer line. Only few people still use the water transportation. In order to revitalize the rivers' function, we need a medium which acts as a hub to deliver people, goods, and also information. The city already has its traditional "sampan" (little boat or kayak)and market, the only thing we need is something that acts as the "Agents of Change" to improve the rivers' landscape conditions, and the communities around it. 




Taman Tugu Khatulistiwa 2nd Winner for Equator Monument Redesign Competition Location Year Programs

: Pontianak, West Borneo Indonesia : 2014-.. : Equator Monument, Museum, Gallery

"Taman Tugu Khatulistiwa" was one of "Equator Monument Design Competition" winner at Pontianak. Thecompetition was held by the local government on 2013 to re-design the existing monument because people start to forget its existence. Furthermore, they also need to expand the building in order to facilitate the annual events. The equator monument itself has became the city icon, since found by an expedition team lead by a dutch geographer in 1928. It started by a stake with an arrow. Later on, it was developed by adding a circle in the stake as world symbol. It was perfected by one of Indonesian Architect, Silaban and has going through few renovation since then. Pontianak city is divided into three parts of land by the river, and the monument's position a bit far from city center. To connect the city and the monument, we make it tall so that the tower can be seen from the city. People who come to monument also can see Pontianak city from the viewing deck above.





“Batik” Museum "Batik" Museum at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Competition Location Year Programs

: Jakarta, Indonesia : 2014 : Museum

Batik has been recently acknowledged by UNESCO as one of intangible heritage from Indonesia. In order to preserve the culture and knowledge about Batik, "Taman Mini Indonesia Indah" plans to build the "Batik Museum" inside its area. Learning the importance of the culture, the design of "Batik Museum" is developed and inspired from the "batik" process itself and the value of "batik" in Indonesian society. On the ground floor, the design provides a public space, to socialize while learning the process of making Batik. Remembering that Batik has embedded in Indonesian social communities, the Museum will be expected to attract people to also involve with the batik activities inside museum. By targeting this museum as living museum and inclusive museum, this museum will be active and also could revive the other museum around batik museum. 


A Distance Past



MH 17- Memorial Monument and Park Competition Location Year Programs

: Netherland : 2014 : Memorial

   arki  


another projects Mall Arengka | Pekanbaru

Premiere Classe Hotel | Banjarmasin

Equator Leisure Park | Pontianak

Green CBD Kendari | Kendari

Premiere Classe Hotel | Banjarbaru

Venus Showroom | Mangga Dua, Jakarta

Royal Safari Garden | Puncak, Jawa

Hotel King Palembang | Palembang


Hotel Prasanthi | Bali

Kondotel Bromo Semarang | Semarang

Hotel Prasanthi | Jakarta

Cilegon Apartment and Hotel | Cilegon,

Roof Top Hotel | Balikpapan

Jawa Barat

Hotel Furama | Jogja

Apartment in Balikpapan | Balikpapan

Kemanggisan Office | Jakarta

Tall Stone of Venice | Venice

Pandurasa Office | Jakarta

Kuta 8 Hotel | Bali

Universal Office | Jakarta

K2 park | Tangerang

Bank Aceh Office | Aceh

Mercure Hotel Bekasi | Bekasi

The Prodigal Son Chapel | Medan

Hotel Cantya | Jogja

Equator Sport City | Pontianak 

 Architecture | Urban Design | Sustainable Tall Building | M.I.T


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