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Aligning career and technical education programs with the job market to create a pipeline from class to career is imperative for the future of our city. As a central place where children learn and grow, schools must offer a curriculum that prepares them for family sustaining careers. While the School District of Philadelphia does provide a wide variety of career and technical education programming and is working to make additional changes to its curriculum, we must work quickly and collaboratively to ensure that school district graduates are prepared for the competitive job market that exists in Philadelphia today.

This report details the findings from the Thursday, November 12, 2020 hearing on Resolution 200395. The report also offers recommendations for the School District, the Administration, and City Council to implement changes to improve our workforce pipeline for school district students.


The hearing findings make clear that the career and technical education curriculum in Philadelphia public schools needs to align better with current and future economic trends to ensure children in school now will be able to start a career when they graduate. Too many children feel that there are no opportunities and no ways to earn a better life. Providing career and technical education programming and exposing young people to different types of careers can help change that.

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