Apps world mag good camerabaodong june july 2016

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June-July 2016 | Volume 02 | Issue 08-09






32 smArtPhone shoPPinG

Latest news from the world of mobile apps

GMASA 2016, Bangalore




PLAY zone

Reviews of new apps

Games and other fun apps


A feature about apps used in daily life

News, Reviews and more about the latest Smartphones

36 instALL 3 must-have apps

39 iGAdGets 40 @events

Editorial Chief Editor: Venkatesh C R Senior Associate Editor: Padma Iyer Design Consultant: Shakthi Girish Design Head: Sankaran n Senior Designer: umashankar R Writer: Deacon Joseph Suaiden Editorial Coordinators: Raja T M, Ambili S, Maureen Fernando, Content Coordinators: Ratheesh K, Bramakalai B. R, Vijay Prasanna R C Advertising Business Development: Gnana Sampath P.S Manager Circulation: Vivek Anandan Social Media Coordinator: Mercy livingstone Website Coordinator: Mangalam Krishna App Coordinator: Senthil nayagam Printing Press: Safire Offset Printers Special Thanks to... late Mr. C.n.Ramdas GnG Group of Companies, Mrs. nirmala Ramdas, Director, GnG Group of Companies Mr. C. R. Rajendran & Mrs. Kamalam Rajendran, Directors, Pandian Textiles Mr. Girish Ramdas - CeO, Magzter Inc. Mr. Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan - President, Magzter Inc. Mrs. Kalai Selvi - Consultant Mrs. Poornima Venkatesh - Director, Dot Com Infoway limited entire team of DCI and Galatta for helping us put this issue together To advertise on Apps World Mag, contact Gnana Sampath P.S at +91-8220789911 Mail us at: For more info, log onto ReAD APPS WORLD MAg On THe GO! DOWnlOAD THe APP MAGZTeR FROM WWW.MAgZTER.COM IT’S FRee! PICK uP yOuR COPy OF APPS WORlD MAG On MAgZTER - COMPleTe WITH lATeST neWS, VIDeO ReVIeWS AnD lOADS OF COOl STuFF. ReADInG-ReADy FOR yOuR IPAD, IPHOne, AnDROID DeVICeS AnD eVen On THe nOKIA OVI STORe AnD HTMl 5 PlATFORM


ell, the wait is finally over. GMASA 2016, a two-day event is scheduled to be hosted on 6 & 7 July at the beautiful Sheraton Grand Hotel in Bangalore. While the GMASA events have grown phenomenally to garner the affection and patronage of the global mobile app industry, the latest edition is set to create a new benchmark with an overwhelming participation. GMASA, an Apps World Mag initiative, was conceived with an aspiration to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that continually shapes the mobile applications segment. In its previous editions, GMASA 2015 in Chennai and GMASA 2016 in Bangkok set a stage for building new avenues for a more cohesive, coordinated and interactive mobile app community in the Asia Pacific region. GMASA 2016 at Bangalore highlights India’s position at the fore in the global mobile app industry. Along with it are news on the latest and interesting apps in the market, a list of must have games and the upcoming buzz in the digital arena.

We are looking forward to hear your ideas, please feel free to send in your comments

Chief Editor, Venkatesh C R


YoutuBe’s new messenGer meAns You’LL never hAve to LeAve YoutuBe the streaming Giant is Positioning itself Against snapchat and Facebook YouTube has made a surprise move that is already turning heads: the streaming powerhouse’s mobile app now has the ability to allow users to message friends directly with favourite videos. In one of the most powerful muscle flexes, the Google service has ever exercised, users can now message friends directly, meaning that there is no need to switch between services. While YouTube has always had sharing features, this move frees users from having to share what they see on YouTube with other services, instead keeping users within the ecosystem. On average, users spend 40 minutes a day on YouTube, and this helps to ensure that they stay there even longer. The question of YouTube’s success in this endeavour ultimately hinges on whether or not they can make a feature complete experience that effectively substitutes for other social media outlets. Previous attempts at making viable social networks such as Google+ (and Google Buzz before it) have had only limited success. On the other hand, Google+ was heavily strengthened by YouTube integration (over the protests of many prominent YouTubers). This looks like a middle ground strategy: give YouTube itself more credibility as a full-featured social network itself. Certainly Google strategies are driven by data. This might be the combo that bursts the social door open. We’ve heard that before, however. The real question is: does YouTube have what it takes to be more than a streaming platform? Google is betting yes, but there’s only one way to find out. verdict: Snapchat and Facebook have been busy building up their video offerings to compete with YouTube, and they’ve made some inroads in the market. YouTube’s response might change not only the way videos are shared, but could shift the direction of social media as well.

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sAmsunG sPins out 5 new stArtuPs to BuiLd smArt BeLts, APPs, And An ‘ideA Printer’ the company’s start-up incubator is helping to create new iot Projects Samsung showed off the work of some of its new start-ups at CES this year, demonstrating rather remarkable how the company’s venture into start-up creation is beginning to bear fruit. C-Lab, or Creative Lab, as the company calls it, is a company-sponsored business incubator which helped create nine start-ups last year and five this year. Employees from the Creative Lab are given a year off to build their own start-ups, designing and marketing new projects. This year’s graduates have already begun designing new and very interesting projects. One such project is the Welt- a connected belt that tracks your movement and heart rate, making it easy to see how much activity the body undertakes throughout the day. Another is the Idea Printer, making it easy to create hard copies of brainstorms and ideas wherever the user is. Clearly Samsung and its child start-ups are very interested in the developing Internet of Things, making it easier for users to take advantage of technology to get more done. Certainly there is an advantage to creating start-ups for new and risky ideas rather than having them directly under the Samsung aegis. In some sense, start-up culture and classical corporate culture come from and promote radically different models. And in this, Samsung has wisely chosen not to pit itself against the start-up model, but adopt it as its own. verdict: Samsung has a smart idea-- large companies are often incapable of making a drastic systemic change that the market requires, and by sponsoring small ventures, entrepreneurs are freer overall to innovate and bring disruption to a market. Rather than compete with newer market models, by embracing them, Samsung is already seeing innovation in ways previously not possible for large companies.

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GooGLe news is GoinG hYPer-LocAL wire services make it difficult For Quality information to come through

For those who are fans of Google News, another change is coming to make local news more relevant as a factor in your regular reading. Google announced changes last week to how Google’s News’ algorithms will operate: when local stories become of broader interest, Google News will make local stories and reactions on the matter more prominent, making it easier to follow stories that appear nationally and then go local. It will also give readers the opportunity to form a more complete picture of what is happening in a news timeline. Google News will now highlight which stories are “local” on a given news timeline so readers can see what is happening locally with the news as it happens. Even more importantly, local versions of stories are usually more up to date than versions that come from nationwide sources and often have better accuracy. With over 75,000 news sources, Google News certainly has plenty of sources to choose from. Google’s interest in making change this seems to be that when local stories get picked up by national wire services, the stories go nationwide, and the local perspective of a story-- usually the most accurate-- gets lost as national publications try harder to fill in blanks and details as they beat each other to publication. The company’s move will help local news producers get credit for stories, as well as provide readers with what is often essential local background to a news story. verdict: It’s not surprising that Google is finally taking the next step in information-gathering when it comes to its News feature-- Google News was already to some degree localising news, but never placing national news in the context of where it occurred. The change should mean news will be easier to follow in their local context.

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twitter hArAssment tooL uPdAte A cumbersome improvement, but welcome nonetheless

Twitter has updated their harassment tools so that users can more comprehensively report a case of harassment. The social media giant has been a favourite for anonymous trolls to harass and bully users because of its overly simplistic reporting tools which would require much more human investigation, which is incredibly difficult to do. The new system allows users to collect and report multiple posts in a harassment report, which makes it more comprehensive to the investigator and allows for a more immediate decision. On the surface, this seems like a marked improvement: after all, catching Twitter trolls is difficult, and getting all their words “on the spot” is a huge plus. On the other hand, the system itself is not an easy one: the victim must collect the cases of abuse and put them together themselves. While the ultimate solution is likely an algorithmic one, this doesn’t seem to be in the cards anytime soon. The new system definitely makes it easier to capture trolls for users aware of the new policy, and can reduce problems with users violating other users’ rights. Unfortunately, for new users unaware of how the system has improved, it makes reporting harassment ultimately a lot more cumbersome, and may reduce the number of reports simply on the basis of the difficulty in reporting alone. verdict: Twitter’s harassment tools have been notoriously slow and difficult to use, making it difficult for users without a lot of followers to report harassment against people threatening them with larger followings. Unfortunately, this system, while better and more comprehensive, leaves a lot to be desired—and this is probably not the end of harassment on Twitter.

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tech tALk


PAuL noh - Founder & CEO, Ubinuri, Inc “I am really looking forward to join this mega edition of GMASA 2016 at Bangalore as it is going to be the grandest of all the events. I have a young start-up

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WhY GMASA 2016 IN BANGALORE? Bangalore, also known as the ‘Silicon Valley’ of India, is a city that offers great cultural heritage and a vibrant start-up environment. hosting GMASA 2016 in this pragmatic city is quite symbolic in many ways. GMASA, an Apps World Mag initiative, was conceived with an aspiration to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that continually shapes the mobile applications segment. With the maximum number of IT and mobile application start-ups being in Bangalore, it is more of a home coming for GMASA this year. In its previous editions, GMASA 2015 in Chennai and GMASA 2016 in Bangkok set a stage for building new avenues for a more cohesive, coordinated and interactive mobile app community in the Asia Pacific region. GMASA 2016 at Bangalore highlights India’s position at the fore in the global mobile app industry.

business and looking forward to scale the operations. There could be no other place in my industry where I could network with so many people at once. I am keen to learn from people’s experiences and exchanging insights on probable ways to attain organic / inorganic growth in my business.”

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whY is An APP-centric event such As GmAsA imPortAnt? Events like GMASA enable market players to keep abreast of mobile industry trends in India and provide them with a unique platform to connect with innovation, beneficial for their businesses. An event of this scale will also enable participants to understand the challenges and the dynamics of the mobile industry in a better way and deliver quality insights to address market needs. It also provides an excellent opportunity for developers and app marketers to showcase their value proposition to a diverse set of audience of influencers and decision-makers. On a macro level, this will initiate fruitful conversations around existing policies and regulations that will help enhance the entire ecosystem. mArtin nYGAte Founder & Chief Executive Officer nanu

whAt is the APP scene in indiA? how does it comPAre to other countries?

There has been an exponential growth in mobile phone adoption over the last couple of years in India. India contributes to about 17% of the 6 billion mobile phone population across the world and is adding 6 million subscribers every month. Owing to increasing demand for better applications by consumers, mobile application development in India has further propelled. The Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) has declared that the Indian mobile app market was worth $150 million in 2014 and is expected to grow to $626.23 million by end of 2016. This would mean a quadruple rise in the app market in next two years. here Are some keY industrY insiGhts Across the GLoBe: Mobile apps are the most preferred and popular form of communication With smartphone penetration outgrowing traditional desktop devices, most Asian countries are transformed into mobile-first nations With 57 apps installed on an average,

Korea stands to be the undisputed leader in app installations

Singapore, hong Kong, and Taiwan follow the race with over 40 installed apps per consumer on average

cAteGories oF APP usAGe Across mArkets:

“Social driven” - In Australia, India, and Indonesia, social-networking apps are the most frequently used apps “Messaging driven” - In hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, smartphone users message on a daily basis, making it the leading app category in those countries “News/search driven” - Japan and Korea are countries where news, weather, and search apps were the most actively used The most common new installs across APAC countries are gaming, social networking, and messaging apps Consumers in India are more keen to spend their money on education apps, while in Singapore they’re spending on productivity-related apps Consumers open to making in-app purchases in free apps than in paid apps

whAt is the one keY tAkeAwAY theY wouLd Like For visitors to GmAsA? We expect GMASA to initiate conversation on breakthroughs required in the mobile advertising segment. We believe, the industry needs to re-invent the existing framework and drive non-intrusive ways to aid in effective mobile marketing, maximize brand engagement and provide value to consumers.

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What to Expect At GMASA The foremost advantage that the participants can look forward to avail is the opportunity to network with fellow developers, innovators, investors and corporate honchos. In the past events, many GMASA participants collaborated to share their skills or capital to create something new and disruptive. With over 2,000 attendees (expected to join the two-day event), the possibilities of business networking are endless. GMASA 2016 is also hosting keynote speakers from top companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and other large organizations, who will share their wisdom and insights with start-ups and professionals, helping them learn wise business lessons. Moreover, there would be a series of panel discussions on challenges and opportunities in the industry. GMASA is a great place to be for all mobile app developers, as the event proves to be a great leap in understanding for them, drastically reducing learning cycles and associated pitfalls. ‘To see, is to believe’, this can’t be truer when it comes to display of technology at work. Over 31 exhibitors will demonstrate their state-of-art technologies and problem-solving innovations at GMASA 2016 at Bangalore. Furthermore, hundreds of mobile app development / support start-ups have already nominated with GMASA 2016 to compete for the best app / service slot. To further spice up the event, there are contests such as ‘Start-up Pitch Fest’ and ‘Your Start-up Story’ that promise to bring the best ideas and technologies under the spotlight. From ten-minute pitches to engaging workshops, GMASA 2016 has much to offer to its participants. Essentially a mobile app industry event, many queries pertaining to running a start-up will be answered by the experts at GMASA 2016. While investors and representatives of VC firms will share their insights on what they look for in a company while investing, ace marketers will share the emerging trends in the digital marketing space.

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Why you should not miss GMASA GmAsA16 is one event that no one in the mobile app fraternity or start up environment can afford to miss. here are 11 reasons why: 1. Riding high on the success of the previous two summits held at Chennai and Bangkok, the present instalment of GMASA in Bangalore is only going to get bigger and better. 2. Bangalore, the tech hub of India, is an iconic choice for the event as it perfectly symbolizes the synergy of various cultural minds over developmental technology. Drawing from that, GMASA16 aims to bring together app personnel from all walks of the industry, together…to discuss, brainstorm, connect and together shape the future of the mobile app industry. 3. Unsurprisingly so, the event has crossed 1000 registrations and is all slated to provide a common mega platform to more than 500 industry veterans, innovators, developers, novices, stakeholders, investors and entrepreneurs. 4. Apart from focussing on finding real solutions to real problems faced by the mobile app industry, the summit is also going to benefit those in the start up realm, as many stars of now-established innovative start ups will take up the centre stage to share their experience, business lessons and answer queries. 5. Seasoned executives from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Zoomcar, Voonik, App Annie, Magzter and many many more leading companies would be taking up the podium, sharing experiences, anecdotes, business tips, advice and real life lessons that are surely going to help GMASA participants avoid many pitfalls in the future. 6. Raising the temperature at the summit would be panel discussions between industry leaders on pertinent issues in the industry, and participants can throw in questions to the panel to make the debates more interesting and the experience more enriching. 7. GMASA16 is not just about talking, it includes ‘doing’ as well. There are technology workshops scheduled for participants to create better understanding and reducing learning cycles, organised by established companies. 8. Participants also get a chance to check out the face of changing technology as 31 exhibitors exhibit their state of the art technologies and innovations at GMASA 2016. 9. With 1000s of participants including seasoned veterans and industry barons, potential investors and sponsors, the event will provide unmatched networking opportunities to participants. 10. At GMASA16, get to see the best apps vie for the top spot. From inspiring startup stories to the most prolific pitches and game changing apps, GMASA brings to spotlight the best of the best in the industry. 11. With seamless support from leading companies sponsoring the event, lots of fun and learning awaits the participants, apart from the many awards, cash prizes and gifts such as iPhone6 and Xiaomi mobiles waiting to be won.

… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as GMASA gets bigger, bolder and better. hurry and make your registrations now. Being an industry insider, there is no chance you can stay away from this mega summit. 12 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

Let’s have a look at the itinerary of the GMASA 2016:

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the conFerence LocALe GMASA 2016 will be hosted at the beautiful Sheraton Grand Bangalore hotel at Brigade Gateway. A hotel that exudes subtle luxury and soothes with its architectural beauty, Sheraton Grand hotel is located in the heart of the India’s IT Capital and allows skyway access to The World Trade Centre and Orion Mall, the city’s largest shopping mall. Equipped with all the modern amenities, futuristic designs and an upscale ambience, the venue for GMASA 2016 compliments the pragmatic and forward-looking spirit of the mobile app community. Luxurious, comfortable and well connected to all major parts of the city; Sheraton Grand had to be the ultimate choice for hosting GMASA 2016.

our sPonsors

distinguished speakers at GmAsA 2016 Conquering the challenges of future requires immense experience and a mile-long lead on the learning curve. This is exactly what the leaders at world’s greatest companies posses. GMASA 2016 is special in many ways, but foremost in its list of distinguished keynotes speakers from world’s most innovative and agile organizations such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, App Annie, AppsFlyer, Microsoft, Mob Vista, App Life, Magzter and Zoomcar etc. In this edition of GMASA, the distinguished keynote speakers will share their insights on evolving trends, technologies and customer needs – and of course, their strategy to capitalize on each opportunity and to thwart away challenges. 16 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

the GmAsA 2016 speaker Line-up While the businesses may be similar, their core challenges are quite different. One start-up may differ only slightly from the other in terms of product offering, their constitution would be vastly distinguished. The keynote speakers at GMASA 2016 will address these varying challenges, citing their own experiences and challenges. These speeches are life lessons from the world’s biggest corporates and will be a treasure-trove for the start-ups.

ArJun rAvi koLAdY Business head-Facebook India

GreG morAn Co-Founder & CEO

shALini PoddAr App Developer Lead at Google Asia

Junde Yu Managing Director, APAC App Annie

ronen mense VP, Asia-AppsFlyer

sAmueL General Manager SEA, AppDrive

sAurABh ArorA Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lybrate

siddhArth Puri CEO, Tyroo

JoAnA PicQ head of International Business DevelopmentJampp

Girish rAmdAs Co-founder & CEO-Magzter

rAvi BhAskArAn head - Business Development, India_South Asia-Twitter

mArtin nYGAte-Founder & Chief Executive Officer nanu

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Panel discussions Imagine top industry leaders locking their horns to solve persisting issues plaguing the entire mobile app community! This is exactly what the panel discussions at GMASA 2016 aim to achieve – to brainstorm solutions for problems that impede the growth of industry allies and competitors alike. Attendees can benefit more from these discussions if they are prepared to raise relevant questions.

[details of Advisory Board]

shAkthi Girish L hemAchAndrAn Founder & CEO of Brand Editor, Avatar and Celebrity Galatta Cinema Badminton League

kAviPriYA A Founder & CEO – Adding Smiles Media Pvt Limited

moses tYchicAs Strategist Alpha Digitech

Justin kumArAveL c k sAmueL JAmes Co Founder & CEO, Founder & MD Naturals Alpha Digitech

organising committee

venkAtesh c.r. Chairman, GMASA CEO & Managing Director Dot Com Infoway

stePhen Andrews Business Development Sponsorship, GMASA

senthiL nAYAGAm Program Coordinator, GMASA

mAnGALAm Program Coordinator, GMASA

mercY Speaker Coordinator, GMASA

rAJA head - Registrations, GMASA

GnAnAsAmPAth Strategic Relationships, GMASA

vivek Program Coordinator, GMASA

AL ArAFAt mohAmed nAveed Program Coordinator, Program Coordinator, GMASA GMASA

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sAnJAY dAs Program Coordinator, GMASA

JAnni Program Coordinator, GMASA

rAkesh murALi Program Coordinator, GMASA

GmAsA 2016 exhibitors The number of exhibitors has constantly spiralled up with each GMASA event. This time also 31 exhibitors have already booked space with the GMASA team, leaving just a little space to accommodate few more exhibitors. With an expected participation of over 2,000 members, including prospect customers, stakeholders and investors, the exhibitors could not have asked for a more relevant target market to display their products / services / apps.

meet the Jury The jury for GMASA 2016 Bangalore edition consists of most celebrated, respected and revered individuals from the mobile app industry. They have cumulative experience of over 20 years and have devised technologies and ideas that changed (for better) the way things worked in the past.

Jury members - Awards

PAuL noh Founder & CEO, Ubinuri, Inc.

suJAYAth ALi Co-Founder and CEO, Voonik

thiYAGArAJAn Founder, IhCh, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Knobay

startup Pitch Fest You’ve got a start-up idea or a ready product; test its appeal and acceptance at the Startup Pitch Fest at GMASA 2016.

tArAnG BhArGAvA Founder, vCommission Media Private Limited

sArAs AGArwAL Associate VP- Ventureast

PrAsAnnA CTO - Microsoft Accelerator India

swetA tiwAri Associate Director at Zonestartups India

sAnJAY enishettY Entrepreneur, 50K Ventures

chArAnYA chidAmBArAm Communications head at Unitus Seed Fund

our Partners Our partners make each GMASA event unique with their support, expertise and commitment. GMASA 2016 Bangalore is no different. We gratefully acknowledge their seamless support from start to finish.

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eligibility All start-ups representing mobile industry and supporting industry in the broad eco-system are eligible to participate in the Startup Pitch Fest at GMASA 16. The overriding clause being that all applications entered must be supportive of, or be deployed over/ accessible through mobile networks. Applications, which are submitted, can be those which are funded (Angel or Seed only) or Apps that are non-funded. Also, the contesting products, applications, services, initiatives, campaigns, etc., can be developed, manufactured, delivered or provided anywhere in the world. BeneFits Opportunity to present your app / deliver your pitch to over 2,000 industry members Stand a chance to steal the spotlight at GMASA 16. Get noticed by investors, mentors and other stakeholders at one go Win exciting prizes and gain free media coverage for your app LAnGuAGe Entries will only be accepted when submitted in English Language. When uploading supporting files, please ensure that they are in English. Videos in other languages are acceptable with English subtitles. PresentAtion Participants will be given 10 minutes to make their pitch. Practice the pitch and get it down to 7 minutes to allow 3 minutes for questions. Come prepared with Business cards, stickers, info sheets, etc. Most importantly, be ready with the app on a mobile device so we can see it. Participants selected as winners will be asked to do a presentation on the app (2-3 min pitch) to the audience so that everyone can see how great the application is! Also, be ready with the mobile device adapter to connect to the projector. conFidentiALitY Entries will be treated by the GMASA as strictly confidential. The decision of the judges is final. No correspondence will be entered into. The nominees will be notified prior to the GMASA ’16 of 27th June, 2016 (Monday). The GMASA ’16 Pitch Fest will take place on 6th July, 2016 (Wednesday).

Your startup story If you have a start-up idea or a product ready to inspire people, better showcase it at the best platform. GMASA 2016 is inviting entries for most disruptive start-up stories, and the selected entries will get an opportunity to share their story with top players of the mobile app community. BeneFits: The best start-up story will be awarded by our distinguished delegates Best stories will be featured in all our digital and print news Endless business opportunities owing to the spotlight given by GMASA 2016 eLiGiBiLitY Anyone having a great idea that can be transformed in to a viable business operation is eligible to participate in the competition. ruLes Participants of the ‘My Startup Story’ contest will be given the podium to present their business idea / product within a time limit of 10 minutes. The contest will be held in a separate hall at the venue. A participation fee of INR 10,000 is applicable for each entry. Participants of the contest can apply and get the 20X Super Saver Pass for the event for free. This pass is transferable and can be distributed to your staff/ partners/clients etc. AwArds Besides the StartUp Pitch Fest and Your StartUp Story, GMASA 2016 is also inviting app developers and owners to nominate their apps / ideas at http://bangalore2016. The GMASA team will evaluate the nominations and will felicitate the winners 22 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

during the awards ceremony at GMASA 2016 at Bangalore. view ListinG You may view the list of nominated apps / products /services at the link below: BeneFits On successful selection by the GMASA jury, your app / product / service will get treated with a host of benefits: Receive your award at a prestigious gala dinner Present your solutions in the winners exhibition Workshops on how to turn your local app into a global success Knowledge Sharing with the world’s most outstanding app developers Contacts to potential sponsors and partners Special placement on our website A coverage via all our editorial channels like Blogs, Articles, Success Stories, Twitter, Facebook contest ruLes All entries have to be real products. No drafts, demonstrations or unfinished projects can be accepted. The same product cannot be submitted twice (i.e. submitted again). The interface of the products can be in any language. All producer and project information must however be in English. A product can only be submitted for one category. You can also submit your favourite apps. In case of multiple submissions by the same organization, company or team, each product requires a separate registration. The GMASA jury has the right to switch submissions from one category to another if the category chosen by the expert is recognized as not suitable. Category switches can be made without notice. None of the materials submitted will be returned. One copy/version of each product submitted will be kept in the GMASA archive. No commercial use of this archive will be made. Incomplete submissions and those not following the GMASA guidelines will be withdrawn from the GMASA selection process without notice. There is no way of challenging such a decision legally. Submitting a product to the evaluation and selection process does by no means entitle a developer to any benefits. There is no way of challenging this decision legally. The GMASA organizers have the right to reject submission / entry without providing any further reason. The GMASA Organizers cannot be held liable for accepting of submissions or their contents and rights. The GMASA jury selects 3 winners in each of the award categories. The selection of winners has to be approved by the GMASA Board of Directors. JurY Mobile App Awards will be granted at a special award ceremony at the event in Bangalore. All award recipients will have the privilege of placing a GMASA “award winner” badge on their websites and marketing collateral, and enjoying the advertising value of this prestigious designation. Awards will be given in every app category in the Google App and Apple store. Awards will be based on the decision of our expert jury, as well as popular vote. Our expert jury will be made up of the top experts, analysts, and journalists in the mobile industry. The selection process for the awards will be done by a jury consisting of people having good industry experience GmAsA selection process will be split up into three phases: - Phase 1 is an Online Jury that will decide on a shortlist in each category to be presented to the Grand Jury. - Phase 2 the international expert Jury sorts once more through the shortlisted products and decide on the 40 global winners to be invited to the GMASA in Bangalore - Phase 3 will take place during the GMASA in 6th and 7th of July, 2016 in Bangalore. The 40 winners will get the chance to pitch their projects in front of an expert jury. They will decide on GMASA by category to be announced at the gala evening.

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ap-n-Chat (iOS/Android, Free, Paid) solves a problem that concerns people who don’t fall into the extremes of age, neither very young or very old: what if someone unaccustomed to your phone needs to make a call in an emergency and doesn’t know how to do it? Enter Tap-n-Chat, an app designed to make calling important loved ones in an emergency much simpler.

Tap-n-Chat solves this problem by using picture menus, so that important people who need to be reached can be reached with just a tap on their picture. You can also designate emergency contacts so that in case of an emergency a small child or older adult can get help. Premium versions of the service also allow for international calling and chatting, which can help with loved ones and relatives in other countries.

One of the biggest problems in using a smartphone for both very young children and older people is the ability to work with the standard contact list apps that exist inside modern smartphones: they usually require one or two clicks unless a number was recently called. If you don’t label them, they just appear as numbers. If your child can’t read yet, a name may or may not help.

verdict: This app solves a problem and resolves a fear that many parents and adult children can relate to: what if there is an emergency and a small child or elderly person doesn’t know how to use the nearby smartphone? With Tap-N-Chat, that problem is completely solved, and when your loved ones are in an emergency, this app could very well be a lifesaver.


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hotoDirector Photo Editor App (iOS/Android, Free) is a great app for people who like taking pictures but often find that they have to take a few to get “the right one”. PhotoDirector’s graphic tools, which are advanced but presently very simply, can easily help make all your pictures look just right with only a few clicks and make them look much more professional. PhotoDirector has a lot of features, and we can’t cover them all here, but they are very intuitive (changing effects on a part of a picture, often a complex operation, is accomplished with a few simple taps). Meanwhile, some of the app’s color correcting features help the color shift ever so slightly when


the camera didn’t quite catch the image as vividly as you remembered it. Finally, some of PhotoDirector’s features are just plain fun, such as the “Magic Erase” feature. have a beautiful wildlife scene suddenly ruined a random bystander? With the Magic Erase feature, you just indicate it and the app erases the bystander from your otherwise perfect picture. Excellent! verdict: PhotoDirector Photo Editor App is a lot of fun-- it really makes pictures look naturally better without having to use a large graphics program or photo editing app. PhotoDirector is not about creating cute effects or “dressing up” your pictures, but uses color and other effects to make pictures look better than they did when the user took them.


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oogle Play Music (iOS/Android, Free) is Google’s latest move into media, which makes sense because YouTube is still the king of video. And they’re tied together: the ad-free, paid version of Google Play Music also gives you access to YouTube Red, YouTube’s ad-free streaming experience. Google Play Music is interesting in that it contains the typical groups of playlists one would expect to find with other streaming services, but then goes a step further: it likes to know what you are doing. (For example, during a weekend it might give generic recreational choices.) Of course, at its most basic, this is Google wanting to know what you are doing. Google Play Music will then give you suggestions for a soundtrack of what you’re doing, in a


26 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

sense providing mood music for your life’s events. It’s somewhat disconcerting, but after a while it makes a sort of sense-- after all, we know a lot more songs than we remember at once, and as Google Play Music gets better at understanding your moods, it becomes kind of handy to see how your music choices are affected and affect you. verdict: Save for the fact that Google seems to be way too interested in how you spend your day, the Google Play Music app is very clever in that it intuits not just the music you listen to but why you are listening to it. For that alone, the app is worth a try: sometimes you don’t just need a playlist, but the right playlist.




olid Explorer File Manager (Android, Free Trial) is a very nice file manager. If you are used to other file managers, this is different: in the first place, it’s really nice looking, and takes advantage of Material Design, so it looks really smooth. The most attractive thing to many users is dual window usage-- many users are big on having dual windows to take care of multiple tasks in folders, so Solid Explorer is really effective here. Root access for power users and unpacking a wide variety of file-types make this a very versatile file manager. Another great thing about Solid Explorer is its compatibility with cloud services, such as Dropbox and almost a dozen other major services. You can easily

treat your cloud folders like regular device folders, and interact between your device and your cloud services. The biggest issue that one might have with Solid Explorer File Manager is that it is only free for 14 days. however, that’s more than long enough to decide if this is the perfect file manager for Android. It’s certainly a contender. Verdict: To buy or not to buy? In this case, it’s best to take advantage of the 14-day trial. Some Android users are die-hard when it comes to control over their files. If so, the fact that Solid Explorer File Manager allows root access and easily unpacks 7Zip and other files makes it worth it, as well as the productivity increasing dual-pane system.


27 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

PLAY zone

bejeweled stars

The Global hiT Game GeTs a Very Playable UPGrade Bejeweled Stars (iOS/Android, Free) is a fantastic sequel to Bejeweled, and fans who are still playing the original will love the new moves in the game. For those few unaware, Bejeweled is a strategy game with a grid of jewels that are then matched and cleared off the board. Bejeweled Stars takes this game-play to the next level. The biggest change to the basic game-play, which involves clearing pieces and unlocking powers to clear pieces more quickly, is the addition of gem clouds, which move throughout the screen and allow the player to clear massive amounts of gems, racking up points more quickly than before. Another noticeable change involves currents, waves of gems that can change and therefore make for new combinations. Of course, the goal of Bejeweled Stars is to clear the board-- and with the new powers, moves and abilities, that’s easier than ever before. That said, the game itself is much faster, which keeps the game from getting too easy, but provides a much more explosive experience as combinations cascade against each other. If you’re a fan of the original, you’ll probably love the new game. verdict: BEJEWELED STARS IS A VERY PLAYABLE SEqUEL TO BEJEWELED, WITh A LOT OF FEATURES ThAT FANS OF ThE GAME WILL ENJOY. STILL ONE OF ThE MORE INTERESTING STRATEGY GAME IDEAS OF ITS TIME, ThE NEW POWERS hAVE GREAT SPECIAL EFFECTS AND WILL LEAD TO A LOT MORE BOARD CLEARING FUN.


28 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016


Vector 2

The seqUel To The rUnaway hiT (Pardon The PUn) arriVes Vector 2 (iOS/Android, Free) is one of the prettiest sequels to one of the prettiest games ever seen on mobile: it uses stop-motion type graphics to create a realistic looking character, who basically does a lot of running and ninja-style jumps to progress through levels as he tries to escape his dystopian world. The Vector games have little in the way of a plot to advance (basically the plot is “escape”), but they take a back seat to stunning graphics and game-play-everything from a run to a jump looks completely and absolutely real. Like the original, a key to surviving this game as you run and jump is having very good timing, and Vector 2 goes in dizzying directions to use your Parkour moves to complete levels. You can also obtain gear that will help you survive under some circumstances. Vector 2 is good at what it does-- and that’s provide a really cool looking side scroller reminiscent of some of the classics such as Strider while looking much more modern and interesting than its predecessors, and definitely fitting the bill as a worthy sequel to the original. verdict: WhILE ThE PLOT SEEMS TO BASICALLY INCREASINGLY FOLLOW ThAT OF ThE MATRIX TRILOGY, WE ARE hERE FOR GAMES, NOT MOVIES! EVERYThING ThAT WAS GOOD ABOUT VECTOR IS BACK IN SPADES hERE, AND ThE PARKOUR ANIMATIONS ARE SIMPLY STUNNING OVERALL-- IF YOU WERE A FAN OF ThE ORIGINAL, DOWNLOAD ThIS ONE ALREADY.



29 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

APP-LY whAtsPrice

A Great Shopping App that Works on the Buyer - Seller Model to Build Buying Relationships Locally WhatsPrice (Android, Free) is a shopping app that uses a sort of price comparison model where sellers can offers their prices for the products on requests while building local business through online searching. Because WhatsPrice allows physical stores in a local area to get in on all the action of online shopping, its focus is on getting customers to find quality items in local stores rather than go through the online buy & ship model. WhatsPrice makes it easy to find prices in-app that are competitive with online pricing models, so customers can find that perfect item right near home-- and let them know if they’re available. Simple sign-up process and a clean, easy to use interface that helps you find what you are looking for and offer requests An extremely wide variety of everything from clothing to housewares to home appliances are available for purchase on the site Search from area stores so pricing, communication and product pick-up are extremely easy and straightforward Find local stores offering what you want online, while competitively priced and ready for pick-up that day Features such as MatchMyChoice make it easy for users to find their choice of products at nearby stores Takes advantage of real time product availability updates to help ensure the buyers doesn’t waste time with unavailable items. verdict: WhatsPrice is impressive in terms of the sheer size of the selection of items that are locally available at stores around the user, leveraging the power of online updating so users know what’s near them in real world stores. WhatsPrice has makes it easy to choose the best local price for an item and find what you want. For people who are interested in shopping and finding the items that they want nearby, WhatsPrice is the ideal app.


30 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

LeAFLets - hAnG out with us

Find the Coolest Things to Do Around Town and Meet New People Leaflets (iOS, Free) is a social media app that turns the question of “what to do” upside down. Instead of looking for friends online and then deciding what to do, Leaflets is useful because it starts with the question of “what to do” first. Designed around events in the area, you can see which events are already popular and which ones need attendees. Once you decide to attend and go, then you can rate the event, the attendees, and maybe discover a new circle of friends. Leaflets is unique in the fact by putting the events first, and the experience with others second. After all, you may find you like doing certain things, but you want to try different social circles. With leaflets you can jump in on new experiences with new people all the time.

Allows the user to create events to put up for suggestions; when enough people want to go, it becomes a live event Easy to use; once an event is established, attend and rate the event as well as attendees Find more to do as the app uses the power of the group to come up with cool new events and ideas Events for any type of day, or any size (wine tastings, filn showings, and more) are available Find events you want to try in your neighbourhood (currently testing in New York City)


verdict: Leaflets takes the traditional social media idea and turns it on its head: rather than find people to do things with and decide on what to do, Leaflets places interests before people (a la Twitter) and lets you find things you want to do as well as people who want to do them. Overall, a nice idea.

31 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

smArtPhone shoPPinG

motoroLA moto G4 PLus review A soLid Phone with QuALitY Across the BoArd


he Motorola Moto G4 Plus is a solid piece of tech, and we’ll just say it’s a great phone overall. The Moto G4 Plus is very straightforward in terms of a crisp display: it’s 5.5:” touchscreen has a 1080x1920 resolution at 401ppi. Right as you start, you can see the crisp graphics at work. Combined with Android 6.0.1 (in a very standard build) this phone powers through apps like a champ. The Motorola Moto G4 Plus uses 1.5Ghz octa-core qualcomm Snapdragon 617 processor which Android Marshmallow simply loves (it was designed for quadand octa-core processors. Onboard the phone comes with 2GB of RAM and then 16GB of (expandable up to 128GB via a microSD) internal memory. The battery is a 3000 mAh battery, which is at this point the industry standard. The rear and front

32 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

cameras are 16MP and 5MP respectively and work very well with the apps tested on it. There have been reports that the camera doesn’t do as well in low light, but in terms of the pictures we took, it wasn’t really that noticeable. What was definitely noticeable was that this phone was really nicely designed overall, and if you’re already a Motorola fan or looking into buying a new phone, this is definitely worth your consideration. verdict: overall, this is simply a beautiful little phone. the camera doesn’t work that well in very low light but it works very well otherwise. everything else is exactly what one would expect from motorola in bringing a solid, quality device to market.

onePLus 2 FinALLY Gets Android mArshmALLow uPdAte But is the comPAnY Just too LAte with its uPGrAde?


nePlus has released an official build for Android 6.0.1 “Marshmallow”, eight months after the release of the OnePlus 2-- and on the heels of leaks of the specs of the OnePlus 3 expected to be announced next week. The result from users has been somewhat mixed for that reason. On the one hand, the update itself is good and fairly painless. For any potential issues the company has offered upgrade advice, so the upgrade itself is not problematic. And it does have a number of positives to it, including improvements to the UI and the overall user experience. The upgrade is a good, stable upgrade with real improvements. But many users are upset because the timing couldn’t

be worse: not only have they waited far longer than expected to upgrade to the latest Android version, but the release of the upgrade seems timed to almost coincide with the release of the OnePlus 3. The company’s timing leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many users who, after months of waiting for a promised upgrade for their phone OS, are now being offered another phone at the same time. verdict: it’s hard to sympathise with the company as onePlus 2 users are not happy with the length of time it’s taken for an official Android marshmallow Build. many users are very upset that the onePlus 2 release is coming just a little while before the release of the onePlus 3; existing onePlus 2 users are the one group that shouldn’t be alienated before the release of the new device.

33 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

smArtPhone shoPPinG

sAmsunG PAY LAunches in euroPe: First stoP, sPAin the service wiLL Be AvAiLABLe For sAmsunG GALAxY s7, s7 edGe, s6, s6 edGe And s6 edGe+ devices


amsung Pay has finally made it into Europe, after already arriving in South Korea, the U.S., and China. The contactless payment service allows the user to load payment options directly into compatible devices so that direct deductions can be made from the user’s account. Samsung Pay has begun a trial in Spain, while rival Android Pay arrived in the U.K. weeks ago. The service will be available for customers of CaixaBank and ImaginBank, with more banks to be added to adopting banking institutions soon. Part of the difficulty of these pay services is making sure there is proper encryption infrastructure on the part of the banking industry in question. An additional layer of the difficulty comes for vendors when public banks create a competing and equally secure

34 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

infrastructural model. Ultimately, in such cases, the services offered can look like reinventing the wheel, making it more difficult for companies like Samsung and Google to bring their payments systems to market. Still, if anything, Samsung’s move into Spain will make moving into the Euro market as a whole far easier and provide a blueprint for further growth. verdict: if you were considering buying one of lateseries Galaxy models, this is just another reason to confirm that decision, as samsung Pay is launching all over the world, and we can expect its footprint to continue to grow. using your phone as a payment method is becoming more common, and samsung is making sure that its customers stay in the game.

35 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016


BestEmployees (Android, Free) seems intent on putting power in the hands of workers looking to advance their career while showcasing their potential to employers who seek them. Designed around a model which demonstrates the high points of an individual’s career, contact features are private, meaning that the service is ideal for both workers who want to show off their qualifications, as well as those looking for a new job without having to announce it. BestEmployees is very simple and uses a rather attractive interface and layout

App works with current skill set, which allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader on the app Unique filtering system ensures that users don’t deal with bogus job offers by ensuring salary and other qualifications are met The app keeps track of the most important qualifications employers are looking for, giving qualified workers advantage Users can collect recommendations from former employers and colleagues, boost their credentials Private messaging system designed to give workers looking for new careers confidentiality Company blocking helps to ensure hiring managers at your firm don’t see any job searches Verdict: BestEmployees is equally focused on the job search and displaying credentials and qualifications, making it easy for quality workers to shop careers while showing off their qualifications. It’s hard not to recommend this app to job seekers or potential employers.


36 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016


HERE Maps (iOS/Android, Free) gets an upgrade, making it faster and more smooth than ever. For those unfamiliar with the app, it’s one of the world’s most popular on/offline mapping apps, downloading the maps of over 900 locales all over the world for offline use to ensure that you always know the way to go even without a data connection. HERE Maps is popular and efficient enough to be used for driving or walking directions and is even built with online traffic updates in over 40 different countries. Latest Upgrade Makes HERE Maps faster and more efficient than ever

Offline capabilities make the app just as efficient without a data connection as with one Makes use of partnerships such as Expedia and Wikipedia to enhance the traveller experience Easy to use, rivalling the abilities as pure GPS systems Lists all major landmarks, as well as useful landmarks such as ATM’s and rest stops Verdict: This app was already fantastic for its use of on- and off-line map browsing and navigation, and the latest enhancements just make it more valuable for travellers. With full maps available for over 900 cities worldwide and offline functionality that isn’t hampered, you can be sure that you’ll always get to where you want to go when you need.



37 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016


Hyperlapse (iOS, Free) is an app that allows you to create time-lapse videos and easily posts them to Instagram or other social networks. Time-lapse is a way of filming that speeds up or shortens the time between frames-- for example, a 20-minute sunset could be shortened to about a minute and a half, allowing users to see video at greatly accelerated speed for effect. Make videos using the app and easily post them to Instagram or other social media

Hyperlapse uses native stabilisation, allowing you to take videos while moving or while standing still Hyperlapse allows speeding up of up to 12 times the natural speed of the event Smoothing tool allows for choppy video due to movement to smoothly transition and looks its best Hyperlapse, though an Instagram product, does not require Instagram sign-in (though the app is optimised for Instagram) Makes time-lapse filming easier than ever before, and uses no special equipment Verdict: Hyperlapse is pretty interesting if you like posting videos and want to give them an added professional look. Time lapse photography that you can produce make for really cool effects and that makes Hyperlapse a very interesting app for making memorable videos.


38 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016


luma mobile PHone nigHt ligHt

Here comes a tiny lampshade will turn any smartphone into a fun and stylish night light. Just clip it onto your phone, launch your flashlight, and let there be light! The translucent “lampshade” clips over your phone’s flashlight to provide a makeshift night light wherever you are. The design, a collaboration between Peleg Design Studio and the Holon Institute of Technology, is simple yet gamechanging. The phone can be used as a soothing bedside night light as well as a portable reading lamp.

Zilker irrigation

According to the EPA, a typical home uses 30% of its water outdoors, and half of that water is wasted by inefficient watering systems. Based upon local weather data, Zilker has launched a device that can adjust water delivery to the lawn or garden. If it’s been hot, Zilker will water more. If it’s been raining, Zilker will water less. The product can be attached to a water faucet and a garden hose and does not require an in-ground sprinkler system, potentially saving users thousands of dollars in startup costs.

PerSonal 3D Viewer – Head mounteD DiSPlay by Sony

The Personal, Private, High Resolution Video Display! Imagine watching the latest movies on a large 76″ Screen from 11″ away on a device that weighs only 3.2 ounces—Personal 3D Viewer by Sony. Wear it anytime, anywhere, sitting or lying down, enjoy the large, vibrant picture and pure portability! You just have to connect it with your Blu-Ray disc player or gaming console or HDMI-capable PC or even pair them up with your smartphones wirelessly in order to enjoy your movies and games like never before.

SnaP! Pro Camera CaSe kit by bit Play

SNAP turns your iPhone into real camera. It not only functions like a camera but to feel and look very much like one as well. It has interchangeable ergonomic grips, an actual shutter button, tripod mounting and add-on lenses that let you expand the power of your iPhone camera. The kit includes two interchangeable lenses: one wide angle with 113 degrees and one macro to capture the smallest of details, three interchangeable and comfortable grips.

robomow robotiC lawn mower

Consumer demand for robotic lawn mowing technology is expected to expand in the coming decade. With rapid growth on the horizon, the Robomow team is reaching out right now to dealers who wish to obtain an official certification during the initial years. Using this technology is similar to playing a video game with a Smartphone application. The interface is intuitive, which makes the experience both enjoyable and practical. Powered by a lithium battery, this automatic lawn mower can power through up to ½ acre of grass in no time at all.

Solar Hat iPHone6 CHarger “BatteryFree” by SolSol

A fashionable and innovative fashion apparel accessory hat made of 100% Cotton Snapback Flat Brim. The hat can charge and extend the battery life of an iPhone, Android and other smart devices. The SOLSOL hat is Battery-Free and 100% off-grid solar charger. It’s safe and does not emit electromagnetic radiation. 39 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

@EVENTS AFFiLiAte summit eAst 2016

July 31 – August 02, 2016, New York Marriott Marquis, New York City The Affiliate Summit East 2016 Agenda is now live and is packed with sessions that will help better understand the evolving landscape of performance marketing. It includes three tradeshow areas packed with affiliates, merchants, vendors, networks, technology providers, digital agencies, traffic sources; multiple tracks of relevant educational sessions delivered by industry experts; a variety of networking events; and online tools to help you connect with other attendees before, during and after the event.

cALL to Action conFerence June 19 – 21, 2016 Vancouver, Canada The event has a slew of hand-picked speaker lineup to offer the perfect mix of digital marketing topics in a streamlined, singletrack event. The CTAConf environment is about problem solving, knowledge sharing and improving your online marketing. Share ideas and build relationships with advanced marketers from around the world.

mArketinG AnALYtics conFerence June 23 – 24, 2016, JW Marriott, Austin, Texas Success in today’s complex environment requires that organisations put in place consistent best practices of data collection, analysis and response while simultaneously examining advanced theories to determine next steps for their marketing analytics strategy. MAC 2016 offers the perfect eyeopening keynotes followed by interactive conversations from a choice of two tracks.

40 | Apps World Mag | Jun-Jul’ 2016

diGitAL PuBLishinG innovAtion summit July 13 – 14, 2016 Waldorf Astoria, New York digital-publishing-innovation-summit-newyork-2016 The Digital Publishing Innovation Summit is the biggest and most exclusive gathering of business executives leading digital publishing initiatives. This summit will tackle the 4 biggest points within digital publishing—How To Utilise Third Party Publishing Channels, Monetisation, Ad Blockers, & The Future of Your Revenue, Content Types and What Will Work Best in 2016 and How Big is Wearable Tech to Publishers?

PerFormAnce mArketinG insiGhts July 04 – 05, 2016, hotel Okura, Amsterdam

https://www.performancemarketinginsights. com/16/europe/ The intertwining of performance marketing channels is opening up plenty of opportunity for professionals in biddable media – that’s paid search, paid social and programmatic advertising – affiliate marketing and lead generation, but is not without its barriers. PMI: Europe 2016 is aimed at discovering how to effectively create, reach, monetise and convert audiences through performance marketing channels, delivered via actionable content and peer-to-peer networking.

corPorAte sociAL mediA summit June 20 – 21, 2016 MARRIOTT BROOKLYN BRIDGE| NEW YORK, US Returning for its 7th year, #CSMNY gives an unique opportunity to learn from, and network with, senior leaders from the biggest brands in the world. Over 350+ corporate peers are expected to discuss the pillars of social success in this event.

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