Why States are Emphasising Coercion on COVID Vaccines?

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Coercion on the COVID Vaccine

COVID 19 is a contagious virus with a high spread rate.

Why States are Emphasizing Coercion on the COVID Vaccine?

COVID 19 is a contagious virus with a high spread rate. It even gets worse when it is spread exponentially by super spreaders. Many business institutions and even health care facilities are affected by this outbreak. In an attempt to restore normal life and its social and economic aspects, states have resorted to mandatory administration of the COVID vaccine. One of the biggest reasons is that tests have shown that the vaccine is effective 96 per cent of the time without any unwanted effects, yet this figure cannot be reached without high population coverage.

Mandating the COVID vaccines has raised several questions from a legal and ethical point of view. A mandatory vaccine is unjustified because the acts passed to authorize the mandatory administration of the vaccine are coercive and do not take into account fully the safety of citizens. The acts passed are more like emergency provisions that have activated many human rights organizations. Here, we will see why it is that states are emphasizing coercion on the COVID vaccine.

COVID Will Keep Spreading

This virus is unlike any other the human race has ever encountered before. The biggest threat to the human race against this virus is that the immune systems of the majority of people around the world have absolutely no idea what to do with it. That is why it becomes extremely deadly and contagious. The key to defeating this virus is to develop herd immunity which is formed when people develop antibodies after getting infected. Considering the failure rate of successful antibody production to diminish the virus, it is unlikely that many people will develop antibodies on their own. That is why waiting for natural herd immunity is not a viable choice at the moment.

The Virus Mutates

This virus is a strain of SARS that is highly adaptable and changes itself quickly from host to host. This is evident from the fact that it had RNA signatures of both a pig and a bat, signalling that it can live throughout its lifecycle while mutating and shifting to other hosts. Statistics show that the virus strains in the states are starting to change as compared to the rest of the world. It seems like the virus changes as it spreads from host to host. Administration of the vaccine will eliminate the chances of the virus being able to mutate itself when it transfers from host to host.

People are Not Angels People will be people. A state has to ensure the well-being of its masses in any case. While it is true that it is difficult for people to trust the government regarding a vaccine that has so many conspiracy theories attached to it, the truth is that every vaccine in the world had to go through this. Take, for example, the polio vaccine; even now, in some remote parts of the world, it is considered as some drug to take over land by making people subject to some outer-worldly power. So people need incentives and laws to make them do what is necessary. It is a sad truth, but that is how it is. If you have concerns regarding mandatory vaccine administration, consult Manchester lawyers.

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