Trying to disintegrate the non-biodegradable waste into landfills has been the most drastic step we have taken to destroy our environment. It is needless to say that almost everyone knows about the types of waste that cannot degenerate easily into the soil yet we dumb it in the landfills. Due to the slow disintegration of the waste, piles of garbage can be seen everywhere. A lot of health concerns have emerged because of the toxins and gases that have mixed with the air we breathe. If we want to change the current scenario and save our environment, we have to stop landfills from turning into dumping yards. Following are the ways through which we can solve landfill issues.
Treating Toxins When we dump waste into the landfills, a lot of toxins are released and absorbed by the soil that stays there for a long time. Electronic waste, batteries, and other chemical substances get mixed with the soil making it toxic. Such a situation poses a serious threat to the environment. To treat the landfill properly, we must treat the wastage of toxins in the right manner. More landfills should be constructed with synthetic membranes with underground pipes so that all the toxins can be drained through them instead of mixing with the soil.
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Greenhouse Gases One of the major issues that we are currently facing is the depletion of the ozone layer because of the excessive emission of greenhouse gases. Dumping organic waste is no doubt considered the right way, however, it also paves way for other problems. When you put such waste in landfills, it reduces the oxygen in the air and releases more carbon dioxide in the air. It is better to create methane catching tunnels or design an in-vessel composting method so that the aerobic breakdown procedure can reduce methane production.
Food Management The amount of food wasted every year in our country is uncontrollable. We have to be very careful about our food water management because landfills can no longer bear it. If you have leftover food at your home, give it to some needy, mix it with your next meal, or dispose of it right away. Shop your grocery smartly and do not buy any extra items that cannot be stored for long. To eat fresh and healthy every time, use measuring equipment so that no food will be wasted
Recycle Cheap local skip hire offers separate recycling bins where you can dispose of the recyclable items such as plastic, aluminium, metal scraps, glass, and paper. These items are recyclable and contribute to a better environment.
Say No to Plastic Bags Plastic bags are nor recyclable, nor they can be disintegrated in the soil. Plastic shopping bags are the biggest landfill issue. It can take 10 thousand years for the plastic bags to decompose, which is why we should ban it. Try to take your own reusable shopping bags when you go for grocery so that you won’t be contributing more to the damage.