Phoenix Academy Training Courses

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University Pathway *

Get Ready at Phoenix Academy




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With our super friendly, expert staff, and our fantastic campus facilities, we can give you the skills you need to succeed at uni or in a job. Take the next step to career success with us you won’t look back.

Years Of

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Go straight to uni... This program is the bridge between finishing school and going to university. If your grades were not so good, or you finished school at year 11, this program will give you the academic scores and the confidence for entry into 1st year uni at Murdoch, Edith Cowan, Curtin and Monash University.

Certificate III/IV Business Administration * Go straight to a job… Had enough of study? Want to get an office job? These Business Administration courses will teach you all you need to know to be successful in getting the job and keeping it. Learn to manage your time, be organised, use office software with confidence and be a confident communicator – how can you go wrong?

Diploma of Business * Go straight to uni…or kick start your career! Skip the first year of university and get ahead of the rest! The Diploma of Business offers you a pathway into second year University in a relevant business degree at selected Australian Universities. Or use it for the workplace. The Dip Bus will give you a broad understanding of contemporary business practices and is ideal if you have only a little, or no business experience. You’ll be a supervisor in no time with this qualification under your belt.

Certificate in Confident Communication Skills Oh oh too tongue tied and nervous to explain myself! Sound like you? We’ll untie that tongue and turn you into that super confident kid at school you were always jealous of! We’ll also teach you how to write well (okay not a book), but you will be able to confidently write that business letter, that report or that essay if you need to.

* These courses have been developed under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). They are government-accredited and nationally recognised. 223 Vincent Street, West Perth, 6005 WA T: (08) 9227 5538 | F: (08) 9227 5540 | E:

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A d e e N Take the First Step with Phoenix Academy

Business Admin

Need a career change? Want to fast track that promotion? Take a step in the right direction by choosing one of our great ‘employment guarantee’ courses.

TESOL Teaching

* These courses have been developed under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). They are government-accredited and nationally recognised.


Certificate III/IV & Diploma* ... Develop business skills in communication, administration, customer service, marketing, information systems and more. This course combines online self paced learning with face-to-face classes to give you the skills required for any Administration environment. Traineeships and PPP places are available.

Teach English and Travel ... Start your career with CELTA (great to travel with) or Certificate IV in TESOL* or upgrade your pay level by completing the Graduate Diploma in TESOL* (recognised by the Education Department with ESL Authorisation Number of EL 2.)

Success with IELTS Prepare for IELTS in the classroom (after work) & gain confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Continue learning at your own convenience (at home) with the online IELTS module offering over 120 hours of test preparation.

Workplace Safety Be a lifesaver at home & at work.. Learn essential first aid response, life support and management of casualties skills with a Senior First Aid* course. This flexible course combines online self-paced theory with 2 halfday practical sessions. Stay safe… Reduce accidents and incidents at your workplace with the Monitor a Safe Workplace* course. Focus on the health and safety legislation and your responsibility as a manager or employee to maintain a safe work environment.

Training and Assessment Use your skills to train others – Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (TAE)* ... Interested in working as a Workplace Trainer or Assessor? Delivered as a combination of online self paced study with face-to-face classes, this very practical course will give you the tools to train others and gain employment as a Trainer and Assessor in private and government Registered Training Organisations.

Skills Boosters Give your skills a shot in the arm! Whatever you need you’ll probably find it in our range of over 35 short courses in Communication, Customer Service, Administration, Information Systems, Management and Marketing. (View the full list online With an investment of only half to one day of time per course it’s got to be worth it! 223 Vincent Street, West Perth, 6005 WA T: (08) 9227 5538 | F: (08) 9227 5540 | E:

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