A15 Section 3

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Auc t i o n1 5Bi ds he e t

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

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Section 3 will commence no earlier than 3:00pm AUSTRALIA | Engraved Issues 978 * 6d Kookaburra Plate No 2 imprint pair from the top of the sheet, Cat $1,250 as a block of 8. AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Collections and Accumulations 979 * 1913-30 Selected Issues lightly hinged mainly well-centred and fresh from 1913 1d engraved, then [1] single wmk 4d orange and violet, 4½d violet and 5d brown line perf; [2] no wmk 1½d red; [3] SM wmk P14 4½d violet, P13½x12½ 1d green Die II x2 (both with slightly yellowish gum), 1½d red, 3d blue Die I & II, 5d. Nice clean lot, Retail c$475. (13) 980 U 1913-36 hagners with mainly fine collection all wmk and values with wide range of shades and some listed varieties (and many unlisted as well), includes ‘OS’ and other official perfins, surcharge and ‘OS’ opts. More useful are single wmk 1d reds incl Die II and III (and an NWPI opt), 4d orange shades x3 incl lemon (rounded corner), 5d line perf, 4d blue x3 incl cracked electro - State II [1L32] ACSC #112(1)d, 1/4d (single, CofA x3), couple more common wmk varieties. Plus a stock page with 20+ extras. Big variety, min Retail well over $900. (165+) 981 * 1918-39 in mixed condition including single wmk ½d green on long envelope Melbourne, two 1d red rough franked mourning envelopes Bendigo, what may be a 1d smooth paper in scarcer pink shade on long Schute, Bell & Co envelope with machine cancel ‘SYDNEY/FE1/3-PM/1918/N.S.W.’ (exactly right date for this shade), PPC of Circular Quay to France 1928 with pair 1d green, various others with values to 5d CofA wmk on roughly opened redirected Airmail to GB 1939. Worth a look. (14) 982 * Accumulation including Single wmk 1d red, 2d orange, 4d orange (paper inclusion), 1d pale blue, SM wmk P13½ x12½ 2d brown, 4d olive, CofA wmk 3d blue, etc. (15) 983 U —- lower values in envelopes and glassines in a shoebox, noting one with over 80 s/wmk 1d green varieties dot before ‘1’ [VI/21] $25 each in local Retail list. Looks to be more 1½d and 2d than anything else and more varieties likely to be lurking. Must reward at estimate, condition varies. (100s) 984 U —- on Hagners or loose, values to 1/4d (20) with various varieties including 1½d HALEPENCE (2), No top to Crown, shades, perfs, wmk inverted, Dies, etc, few ‘OS’ opts and perfins including some ‘private’, much postmark interest. Worth inspection. (1,000s) 985 U Bundleware old time bundles of 100, ½d orange x2, 1d green x72, 1½d green x1, 1½d red (both dies) x92, 2d orange x1, 2d red x30, 3d blue x1 & 4d olive x1. A check of one 1½d bundle revealed a few minor flaws and mainly Victorian pmks including the very rare O’Shannesy’s Weir. Needs an efficient search engine. (20,000) 986 **/* Coil Pairs with Joins fresh MUH ex noted comprising 1d green 1st wmk, SM wmk P14 x2 (one with wmk inverted), 1½d red Die II SM P13½x12½ MUH; 2d red CofA wmk. Trimmed perfs as to be expected left or right side, very fresh. (6 prs) 987 U Collection of all watermarks and perforations (63) from ½d to 1/4d plus ‘OS’ opts (7) and Surcharges (2). High Retail. (72) 988 U Perf ‘OS’ on Hagners with [1] 5d single wmk x2; [2] 4d olive single wmk x4; [3] 4½d single wmk; [4] 4d olive Sm Mult P14 x3; [5] 4d olive Sm Mult P13½x12½ x2. [6] 3d Die Ia Sm Mult P13½x12½ x4 [7] 3d Die II Sm Mult P13½x12½ x14. Odd fault, but seriously damaged not counted, Cat $700+. (30) 989 V Range including Small Mult P13½ x12½ 1d Die II, 4½d CTO (2), few ‘OS’ opts incl 3d (2), 4d (2), 5d. (12) 990 **/*/U Selection ½d to 1/4d all wmks almost all used with ACSC-listed and other lesser varieties not all correctly identified (eg compartment lines descibed as kiss prints). Includes c80 1d red shades smooth and rough papers incl wmk inverted, ACSC-listed varieties incl subs cliché Die II and a number of lesser ones (eg secret mark, thin ‘G’, wattle line, run ‘N’, several more), official and private perfins, 1d greens include LM wmk perf ‘OS’ SM wmk P13½x12½ NY joined, several other ‘OS’ and other official perfins. Mint includes MUH 1d engraved, 1d violet block of 4. Needs re-organising. (150+) 991 **/* ½d Orange Perf ‘OS’ single wmk ACSC #66ba MUH, SM wmk P14 ACSC #67ba VLH (the scarce one - POR in most Retail lists), SM wmk P13½x12½ ACSC #68ba MUH and VLH (latter nibbed perf). Fresh well-centred group with min Retail c$330. (4) 992 U ½d to 5d Accumulation mostly sorted separately into envelopes by value, watermark, ‘OS’ perfin and opt, ‘VG’ and other perfins. The entire caboodle crammed firmly into a reasonably sized shoebox (Size 9) and providing the successful bidder with days, even weeks, of serious eye-strain in the quest for those elusive varieties (we can vouch only for a considerable number of wmk inverted and a goodly range of shades). 993 U ½d to 5d Perf ‘T’ various watermarks and colours in mainly well-centred fine condition with one major variety noted on 5d chestnut comb perf retouch NE corner - State IV as ACSC #122uc. More useful values include ½d green LM wmk, 2d red SM wmk P13½x12½ appears dry ink, 3d blue x4 incl SM wmk P14 Die 1 with non-constant flaw between ‘A’ of ‘POSTAGE’ and ‘N’ of ‘PENCE’, 4d orange, 4d olive x2, 4½d violet. As unperforated stamps, Retail c$225. (30) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark | Collections and Accumulations 994 U 1d Reds variety collector’s “surplus to requirements”. Some rough paper seen but great majority smooth paper, includes Die II, ‘OS’ and other perfins, and a wide range of shades (collector says he’s hopeless at these so surprises possible). Postmark potential too, mainly fine. (1,450+) 995 U 1d Reds Smooth Paper velvet-covered stockbook with variety collector’s “extras”. Includes some Die II, ‘OS’ and other perfins, and a big range of shades unchecked (by us at least). Postmark potential too, mainly fine. (1,100+) 996 F 1d Red Smooth & Rough Paper Shades specialised on leaves annotated old-time shades collection of ACSC #71 Die I & II (279 stamps incl 28 Die II) & ACSC #72 Die I only (57 stamps) recorded by issue month/year and by ‘G’ number many shades within several of the numbers - eg seven different within ‘G12’. The ever-popular eosin shades aren’t here but many of the better ones are, eg at least three ‘G24½’, ‘G28’ x10, very difficult ‘G32’ x6. Odd ‘OS’ and other perfin, generally fine to very fine condition throughout, marvellous opportunity. (c335) 997 F —- specialised on leaves annotated old-time shades collection of ACSC #71 & 72 on smooth and semi-surfaced paper (214 stamps) and rough paper (52 stamps) recorded by issue month/year and by ‘G’ number (with many shades within several of the numbers - eg six different within ‘G10’). The ever-popular eosin shades aren’t here though a couple remain with a later notation “eosin reaction” against two ‘G28’ shades (not bright enough however for us to doubt the ‘G28’ allocation). In generally fine to very fine condition throughout, marvellous opportunity. (c265) 998 * 4d Orange Shade Group comprising orange (patch of gum toning), lemon-yellow, pale buff-orange, deep buff-orange (few toned perfs) & yellow-orange, centring variable, Cat $520. (5) 999 F Perf ‘OS’ 1918-23 ½d to 1/4d set of 10 SG #O66-75 and 1924 changed colours 1d green to 4½d incl both 3d dies SG #O79-84 with second shades 1½d, 2d and 4d. All Victoria cds (many are Melbourne numbered types), min Retail $340, excellent value. (20)

‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.




$100 $150 $250 $200 $800 $120 $250 $140 $125

$300 $140



$250 $180


$500 $300 $125

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

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ex 1002


AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark 1000 W 1d Red Prancing Horse Essay single with large even margins. 1001 * 1d Red Smooth Paper from the top of the pane with double perfs at top ACSC #70ba, well centred, upper margin hinge remains just touch the stamp, Cat $200. 1002 * —- ACSC #71 (small faults) on three envelopes to USA, [1] two 1915-16 censored (dark blue d/ring ‘OH.1/(crown)/PASSED BY/ CENSOR’ handstamp) to New York from Tasmania (one ‘H Jones & Co Ltd’ cachet with pair + single with Hobart machine cancel, the second social with pair + ½d green and KOONYA cds); [2] 1917 (Apr 11) Sydney to Chicago with pair + ½d green, social incl contents (to Annie from Jack & Fanny - poetic?). (3) —- perf ‘OS’ block of 4, ACSC #71bb, on registered unclaimed Titles Office cover from Perth, ‘DUMBLEYUNG/13OCT15/WESTN 1003 *F AUSTRALIA’ (A1) on face.

1004 1004 F 1005 V 1006 ** 1007 *

1009 F 1010 F 1011 V

ex 1009

ex 1010


$120 $100



—- perf ‘OS’ Die I-II o/c right rejoined pair ACSC #71bb/fc. Appears carmine-red shade (G31) with crisp ‘BENDIGO/19OC20/VIC’ cds. —- variety dry ink ACSC #71ca, Cat $150. Nibbed perf, very well centred with light October 1917 cds (Tasmania). 1d Red Die II Smooth Paper ACSC #71(1)f Intermediate State (Pane II No #50), some gum bubbles, MUH, Cat $330. —- ACSC #71(1)f tied Melbourne machine cancel November 1918 to env (damaged flap) to Launceston. Couple lightly toned perfs, very well centred, min on cover cat (least expensive shade) $150.

ex 1008 1008 U



$90 $100 $140 $80


1d Red Die I & II seven pairs with range of shades with one Die I-II, four Die II-I, two Die II-II (one vertical) ACSC #71(1)fa etc. Very reasonable centring with only small blemishes; five cds, two machine cancels. —- Substituted clichés [IV/34 & 35] ACSC #71(2)ia & ja. Neat cds examples with min Retail $265 (least expensive shade). 1d Red Smooth Paper variety NY joined [VIII/25] ACSC #71(4)m. Three shades, one cds, two machine meters one with private perfin ‘FG/&Co’ (woolly perfs). Reasonably well-centred with Cat $375 (least expensive shades). —- variety ‘CNE’ for ‘ONE’ [VIII/45] ACSC #71(4)p. Tied to small piece by s/ring cds ‘APSLEY/9AU/16/TASMANIA’. Very difficult stamp, Cat $1,500.

$120 $130 $125 $1,000

Phoenix Auctions is very pleased to announce that we have been appointed the auctioneers for the legendary

‘Stuart Hardy Commonwealth of Australia Collection’, If you would like to receive the catalogues, please let us know.

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012




1015 1012 * 1013 * 1014 ** 1015


1016 F


1d Carmine (Aniline) Smooth Paper run ‘N’ of ‘ONE’ - first state [VIII/60] ACSC #71Z(4)s, well centred, MLH, Cat $350. 1d Red Variety run ‘N’ of ‘ONE’ - second state [VIII/60] ACSC #71(4)sa on Perth to Wellington, NZ, PPC of Tea Rooms, Kings Park, Perth (published by The Austral Stores, Perth). Light machine cancel, fine and very attractive. 1d Red Rough Paper fresh block of nine [III/21-3,27-9,33-5] incl two major varieties PENAVY and rusted top right corner [III/23 & 29] ACSC #72(2)d&e. Couple small separations, two units trivial gum disturbance (NOT the varieties), min $1,080 (as least expensive shade). An excellent positional block. 1d Red Die II Rough Paper solo franking on PPC (‘Cottesloe Beach’) to London tied by ‘SHIP ROOM/PERTH’ cds, ACSC Cat $200 on cover. 1d Rosine Die II Rough Paper perf ‘OS’ Die II.


$200 $120 $550 $100 $100


ex 1019 1018

1020 1022 1017 V 1018 * 1019 F 1020 F 1021 F 1022 F 1023 F 1024 V 1025 **




—- dull shade (G68), ACSC #72I(1)f, Cat $250. 1d Red Die II Rough Paper ACSC #72(1)f tied env (missing flap, stains) Tasmania 1918 (Apr 29) to E. Risdon by ‘HELP TO WIN THE WAR. . .’ slogan machine cancel. Appears common shade min on cover Cat $200. 1d Red Rough Paper two slightly o/c shades with variety substituted cliché Die II [IV/34] on normal (BN cancel, small stain) and Perf ‘OS’ (neat cds) ACSC #72(2)ia and 72bb(2)ia, Cat $250 (least expensive shade). (2) —- roughly cancelled hinge-reinforced double variety vertical pair with private perfin ‘GW/A’ slightly o/c with substituted cliché Die II [IV/34] and thin G [IV/40] ACSC #72(2)ia & k, Cat $155 (as normal least expensive shade). Indistinct March 1918 cds (poss Adelaide), nice positional pair. 1d Red Die III wmk inverted ACSC #75a. Just o/c, Geelong cds portion of machine cancel. Quite a deep shade, min Retail $175. —- white flaw under emu’s tail, etc [posn 10] ACSC #75h, Cat $150. NE corner rounded and centred a bit low, light Hobart slogan cancel, fresh colour prob carmine-red shade (G109), Retail c$175. —- white flaw in lower frame at right [posn 120] ACSC #75t, Cat $150. Light tone spot, August 1918 Victoria cds, fresh colour prob carmine-red shade (G109), very well-centred, Retail c$175. 1d Violet dry ink ACSC #76c, Cat $150. Very well centred with light November 1923 cds (Adelaide) 1½d Red-Brown Die I wmk inverted ACSC #85Aa. A very fresh and well-centred top marginal, min Retail $175.

$160 $100 $110 $110 $100 $80 $80 $100 $100

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

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ex 1027

1026 1026 F 1027 */** 1028 F 1029 *F 1030 F 1031 F


ex 1030


1½d Green Die I Perf ‘OS’ dry ink ACSC #88ca, Cat $150. 1½d Red Die I Mullett printing wmk inverted very small light hinge trace ACSC #89a, Cat $75. Plus six shades with small imperfections only, includes ACSC or BSAP-listed varieties, two MLH [15R60 & prob 18R60], four MLH including [25R9]. Fresh. (7) —- perf ‘OS’ (rounded BLC) on rough unsurfaced paper prob ACSC #89ab,ba. Indistinct cds, Cat $750 as MLH, not priced used. —- perf ‘OS’ with the appearance of rough paper printing plus 3d blue Type A on registered unclaimed cover from Perth. 2d Orange perf ‘OS’ variety dry ink ACSC #95c, Cat $100, indistinct meter cancel. PLUS 3d blue Die I Harrison same variety ACSC #104c Cat $50, neat corner cds ‘7MY24’ (one week after issue date). Both woolly perfs, well centred. (2) 2d Red Die I retouched face [14L12], ACSC #96(14)e, Cat $400.

$90 $100 $240 $70 $80 $200


ex 1035


1032 1032 ** 1033 **

2d Red-Brown Die I fresh block of 4 ACSC #97, Cat $140 (Retail $200 as singles). Very fresh. —- top marginal block of 4 from Electro 16 including varieties on both upper units small crack through top of crown and flawed third bloom right wattles [16L1 & L2] ACSC #97(16)d&e Cat $120 each. Just o/c left, quite a bright shade and very fresh with total min Cat $310 (as 4 singles). Excellent positional block. 1034 F 2d Red-Brown pair the left-hand unit right frame largely missing with additional crack [16L55] ACSC #97(16)ha, the right hand unit retouched SW corner - State II, right frame missing opposite emu [16L56] ACSC #97(16)ia, cds postmark does not impinge on flaws. Nice specialist item, Cat $175+. 1035 *F/G 3d Blue Die I (shades) selection, ACSC #104, Cat $720+, of solo frankings including on ‘AR’ cards (2, one perf ‘OS’), and overseas cover usages to Germany and US, odd fault. (12)

ex 1036

ex 1037

$160 $140 $160


—- (shades) perf ‘OS’ selection, ACSC #104ba, Cat $990+, in combination with 1½d red covers registered at Perth and addressed to and unclaimed at Albany, Bicton, Bridgetown, Claremont, Maylands, Mount Lawley, Sawyers Valley, Subiaco, South Perth, Trayning and Victoria Park, most with handstruck ‘Unclaimed’ and/or associated markings, variety of registration labels, generally fine condition. (11) 1037 *F/G 3d Blue Die IA dull blue shade Type A solo franking on cover to US. (opened at left), and perf ‘OS’ bright blue shade Type A combination with 1½d red on unclaimed registered cover Perth to London, ACSC #105,105b, Cat $400. This printing scarce on cover. (2) 1038 ** 4d Lemon-Yellow ACSC #110C, centred to the top, couple nibbed perfs, MUH, Cat $750 (Retail POR).




$250 $120 $200

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012


1041 1040

1039 F 1040 ** 1041


4d Lime-Yellow ACSC #110D fresh horizontal pair just o/c low with slightly smudged ‘SPECIAL/31OC16/SYDNEY’ cds. Watermark clearly seen from front, very difficult stamp, Retail $550 each as singles. [With lemon-yellow shade for comparison.] 4d Pale Milky Blue Cooke Plates ACSC #112F. Left marginal block of 4 with small selvedge adhesion and one unit tiny natural inclusion noted for accuracy. Just o/c and very fresh, Cat $1,600. 4d Pale Miky Blue Cooke Plates ACSC #112F, Cat $200, cancelled with Sydney Krag of AU28/1923.


$550 $750 $100

ex 1043 1044

1042 * 4d Blue Harrison Plates wmk inverted, ACSC #113a, couple of tiny thins. 1043 *F/G 4d Olive perf ‘OS’, Harrison and Mullett printings in combination with 1d green, on 1925 and 1928 registered letter rate (3d + 2d) covers (legal size) Melbourne to Mortlake, Cat $200+. (2) 1044 * —- Harrison two-line imprint pair with diagonal white line on King’s neck ACSC #114(4)za, suntanned gum, mounted in central gutter with stamps just touched, Cat $350 as a block of 4.

$130 $100 $85

ex 1046 1045 1045


1046 *

4½d Violet Die I perf ‘OS’, ACSC #118b, Cat $350, rare solo franking tied by Elizabeth St, Melbourne cds to 1927 (4 Aug) registered cover (flap missing) to Mortlake, vertical crease at far left. 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Single Line Perf three shades reasonably well-centred ACSC #122A Retail $75 each. Light hinge traces, very fresh.

Thinking of Selling? Contact us today to discover how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment.

$180 $100

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

Page 96

1047 V

—- variety wmk inverted ACSC #122a. A very large perfectly centred premium quality stamp with left marginal wmk line and part May 1917 Sydney registered cds, Cat $1,500. Superb.

1049 1048 F/G

1049 ** 1050 /* 1051 F 1052 F 1053 * 1054 *

ex 1050






5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf used selection on pages with mixed single line & comb perfs, ACSC #123, Cat $400+, nice range of shades with 19 dated copies, so some pmk interest. Noted perf ‘OS’ x2, perf ‘OS/NSW’ and perf ‘Y/LD’. PLUS SM P13½x12½ used selection with 23 dated copies, 5 plated stamps, some pmk interest noting violet 1931 Money Order Burnie (Rated RR). (65) —- ACSC #123, with flaw kangaroo neck and shading behind, crown, etc [1R54]. Off centre right, every bit as clear a variety as the similar one at 1L55 and surely ought to be ACSC-listed. Very fresh. —- eight shades lightly hinged ex noted, comprises three BSAP-listed varieties RF dot 6½mm from TRC, crown top flaw and shading over emu back [1L10, 1R31 & 1R44], four “normal” plus another MUH with ‘T’ perfin poorly applied (vert bend). One bright shade, generally well-centred and fresh. (8) 5d Bright Chestnut Die I Rough Paper Line Perforation Perf ‘OS’ ACSC #124, Cat $175. —- ACSC #124 with neat corner part cds ‘LAW COURTS/27AU30/. .’ (extremely late use - if correct), min Retail $175. [Plus a cds smooth paper line perforation Perf ‘OS’ ACSC #122ba for comparison.] 1/4d Turquoise-Blue ACSC #128A, well centred, rough perfs, Cat $250. —- ACSC #128A, excellent centring, lightly mounted, Retail $225 +50%.

$100 $100 $200 $100 $100 $120 $160


1057 1056 1058 1055 * 1/4d Greenish Blue ACSC #128B, centred to the left, MLH, Cat $250. 1056 ** —- dry ink BRC marginal single, ACSC #128c, positional ‘+’ watermark in the sheet corner, reasonable centring, MUH, Cat $600. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 1057 * 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printing ACSC #74A with 1½d brown single wmk tied to long ‘COMMERCIAL PAPERS ONLY’ envelope to Toowoomba by ‘SHIP MAIL ROOM/24FE20/MELBOURNE’ cds. Corner of the 1½d was folded over prior to postmarking. LM 1d on cover quite difficult Cat $200+. Very nice. 1058 F —- perf ‘OS’ thinned left frame [VI/21] ACSC #74b(3)g, Cat $200 (2x normal stamp). Light part slogan for Empire Exhibition. All LM varieties are difficult.

$120 $260

$100 $100

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

ex 1061 1059 1059 ** 1060 ** 1061 *


1d Green perf ‘OS’ fresh unhinged block of 4 ACSC #78b, Cat $300 (Retail $500). Very woolly perfs and off-centre low left. (4) 1½d Black-Brown Die I wmk inverted ACSC #83a block of 4, upper-right unit moderate corner crease, MUH, Cat $200+. 1½d Brown Die I perf ‘OS’, ACSC #86ba on three OHMS long envelopes (small faults) of Commonwealth Audit Office, Sydney and addressed in October & November 1923 to AC Smith Esq at the Works and Railways Dept, Canberra (2) or the Royal Military College, Duntroon. All with slogan machine cancels.

ex 1062

ex 1063

ex 1064

$100 $125 $110

ex 1065

AUSTRALIA | KGV - No Watermark 1062 *F/G 1½d Red Die I (shades) selection comprising solo frankings on postcards (2) and covers (3), one of latter from Geelong Yacht Club with handstruck ‘unclaimed’ markings, odd fault, Cat $750+. (5) 1063 U —- sixteen mainly FU examples with three ACSC-listed varieties scratched electro right wattles to head, white spots over ‘S’ of Australia etc, scratched electro LVT [17R3, 17R48, 18L14] Cat $75 each, plus BSAP-listed flaw at top back of King’s head [17L17]. Min Cat $480. (16) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 1064 U Perf ‘OS’ Set with all dies and colours to 1/4d, plus extra 1½d & 4d, 4d is wmk inverted. Nice lot. (10) 1065 * Set to 1/4d (well centred), generally fresh MLH, Retail $650. (8)

$180 $150 $300 $400



ex 1068 1066


1067 F 1068 F 1069 ** 1070 *

ex 1069

½d Orange (shades) cover selection with combinations with KGV 1d or 1½d, and 1½d Sturt, and scarce strip of three, right unit unplated prominent break in right frame, odd fault, Cat $480+. (4) —- perf ‘OS’, ACSC #67ba, a nicely centred horizontal pair with Melbourne 1930 cds. Small perf imperfections one unit, difficult stamps. Retail c$450 as two singles. 1½d Red Die II three states of the void top right corner - corrections [2L59] ACSC #91(2)ea. All cds paler shades (one with SW corner rounded) probably Mullett printings, min Cat $75 each. Good specialist material. (3) —- plates 2, 3 & 4 each in plate dot blocks of 4, ACSC #91(2)z, 91(3)z & 91(4)z, Cat $230, mixed centring and some toning on reverse. Nice group. (3) 2d Red-Brown Die I Mullett imprint pair, ACSC #98z, Cat $400 as blocks of 4.

$100 $140 $100 $80 $130

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ex 1072

ex 1073

1071 ** 3d Blue Die Ia perf ‘OS’ wmk inverted, ACSC #106aa. Light storage-related bend, Cat $200. 1072 *F/G —- perf ‘OS’ combinations with 1½d red, registered at Perth, the 3d with Damaged crown top and left upper frame and Retouched upper frame at left (ACSC #106i,m), and constant unplated spot after right ‘3’ (2) and break in frame under ‘PE’ (3), one of latter the subsequent P13½x12½ issue, fine. (7) 1073 *F/G —- (shades) perf ‘OS’ combination with 1½d red covers registered at Perth and addressed to, and unclaimed at, Busselton, Claremont, Dangin, East Perth, Esperance, Fremantle, Gosnells, Leederville, Nedlands, Southern Cross, South Perth, Victoria Park and York, most with handstruck ‘Unclaimed’ and/or associated markings, variety of registration labels, generally fine condition, Cat $1,040+. (13)

1074 * 1075 * 1076 *F

1077 F 1078 *








1/4d Greenish Blue ACSC #129, centred to the left, Retail $375. 1/4d Pale Greenish Blue ACSC #129C, mild toning, MLH, Retail $375. —- and 4d olive, 2/- Roo (3rd wmk) and 3d Airmail remarkable combination tied by Perth slogan to 1929 (24 Jun) Joseph Charles catalogue cover to Sydney, the stamps lifted for verification and skilfully replaced in original positions. The rate of 3/11d represents 1d per 4ozs. Printed Matter x2 (2d) + domestic airmail 3d per ½oz. x15 (3/9d) for a 7-7½ozs. article. [Rod Perry records just seven postal articles bearing this issue 1/4d (two punctured ‘OS’).] 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ ACSC #129Ab, 1929 Gympie (Qld) cds, Cat $300. 1/4d Greenish Blue thick ‘1’ at right ACSC #129m [1R57], centred to the left, hinge remainder, Cat $450.



$150 $140

$2,000 $120 $180

ex 1081 1080

1079 V 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ CTO ACSC #129Awa, centred to the left, without gum, Cat $400. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 1080 W 1d Green Perf ‘OS’ Die I & II Pairs ACSC #81Bba(1)fc, two pairs in fresh well-centred gutter marginal block of 4 MNG, Cat $600. 1081 *F/G 2d Red-Brown Die II (shades) selection comprising solo frankings for letter rate (3, one dated three days after intro of the 2d rate), and combinations to NZ and as part of uprate of 4½d Registered envelope to US, fine and scarce stamp on cover, Cat $450+. (5)

$180 $240 $180

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ex 1082 1082

ex 1083

ex 1084


2d Red Die III Overprinted ‘OS’ selection of solo frankings on variety of Official envelopes from NSW, Queensland, SA, Victoria and WA, three with ‘unclaimed’ markings, odd fault, generally fine, scarce on cover, Cat $810. (9) 1083 *F/G 3d Blue Die Ia (shades) selection comprising Type A on airmail covers to US (2, one registered), 3d with 1½d registered, Type B solo (2, one rare ‘AR’ card), and perf ‘OS’ with 1½d on registered covers ‘A’ (2) and ‘B’ (2), shade variations, one Type B Retouch in front of nose (ACSC #107e), four with ‘unclaimed’ markings, odd fault, generally fine, Cat $800+. (9) 1084 *F/G 3d Blue Die II (shades) selection with solo frankings (12), mostly for domestic letter Late Fee and Foreign letter rates, latter including advertising covers and instructional marking, and combination frankings (8), mostly registered covers (differing labels), includes attractive pair (plus 2d pair) for airmail within WA and perf ‘OS’ (registered with ‘unclaimed’ markings), odd fault, generally good, Cat $585+. (22)

ex 1085 1085




$220 $200



4d Olive (shades) selection with solo frankings (8), for double letter rate, one with Kangaroo’s tongue out (ACSC #116(4)e), scarce double franking (pair) for second weight step domestic airmail, combination frankings (3, two registered), and perf ‘OS’ solo (rare – fault) and combination franking (with 1d), latter registered, some mixed condition as mostly larger than standard covers, Cat $800+. (14) —- & 1d green, both perf ‘OS’, ACSC #116ba, Cat $150, on 1931 registered unclaimed WA Office of Titles cover to Burracoppin.

$180 $70

ex 1087 1089


1091 1087 F 1088 */** 1089


1090 *F 1091 **


4½d Violet Die I two shades Perf ‘OS’ ACSC #120b. The first very well centred cds near premium quality, the second well o/c SW with rounded corner and machine slogan cancel, Cat $350. —- imprint pair the right-hand unit with deformed left bottom frame and white flaw from wattle to oval [1R55] ACSC #120z, minor perf separations, the left-hand unit MUH, Cat $550 as a mounted imprint block of 4. ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d Violet Die II + 1929 3d Airmail Booklet plate (Type A) scarce franking tied by Toorak cds to 1930 (4 Sep) registered airmail cover to Cairns, small blemishes. —- solo franking on registered letter from Sydney to Darlinghurst, ACSC #125, Cat $200, odd tonespot. 5d Light Orange-Brown Die II Perf ‘OS’ top marginal single, ACSC #126b, MUH, hinged margin only, Retail $325.

$120 $140 $210 $80 $180

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ex 1097




1092 */** 5d Orange-Brown Die II Ash Imprint block of 4, mild even gum toning, hinged in margin only, MUH, Cat $350 (as mounted). 1093 ** 1/4d Greenish Blue ACSC #130, Cat $500. 1094 * —- ACSC #130A, centred to lower-left corner, Retail $275. 1095 * 1/4d Bright Greenish Blue ACSC #130B, reasonable centring, vivid colour, Retail $275. 1096 * 1/4d Greenish Blue thick ‘1’ at right - retouched [1R57] ACSC #130ma, hinge remainder, Cat $325. AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark | Collections and Accumulations 1097 U CTO Range including 1d green marginal block 6, plus blocks of 4 of 4d olive, 5d brown and 1/4d blue-green all CTO at Melbourne. (18)

$180 $100 $100 $120 $140 $200

ex 1098

ex 1100



AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 1098 *F/G 2d Red Die III Overprinted ‘OS’ selection of solo frankings including usages in NSW, Queensland, Victoria and WA, one of the last with ‘unclaimed’ markings, noted a Bluish overprint (ACSC #102(OS)ca), odd fault, Cat $990+. (11) 1099 **/* 4d Olive Ash N over N imprint block of 4, ACSC #117(4)za, Cat $350, diagonal white line on King’s neck corrected, hinged in gutter only. 1100 *F/G 5d Brown selection of solo frankings for domestic airmail rate from NT, Queensland (8), SA, Tasmania (4), Victoria (2) and WA (14), no duplication amongst origins/destinations, two advertising covers, generally fine. (30) 1101 */** 5d Orange-Brown Die II Ash Imprint block of 4 lower-right unit [3R55] with flaw in crown ACSC #127(3)m, lower units MUH, Cat $150 (as mounted).

$180 $150 $220 $100

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ex 1102 1102


1103 ** 1104 *F

1105 1105



5d Brown Plate 3 specialized selection on mostly registered covers, some scarcer usages including solos for 5d ‘Printed papers’ rate and Officials (perf ‘W/A’ x2), nice example of orange-brown (aniline) shade (ACSC #127F – undercatalogued on cover at $100), curious Port Hedland cds dated ‘20 MAY 33’ (earliest date given is 26 Feb 1934), a number of plate varieties noted with ACSC-listed Flaw behind King’s neck (2, different states), Eight wattles at left (3, possibly two states represented), Broken top frame at left, Top frame broken right of crown, White flaw on ‘d’ of right ‘5d’, Flaw in crown (3), and Frame missing behind kangaroo (2, early states), odd fault, generally good. Interesting and valuable lot for the specialist, Cat $960+ as normal stamps. (32) 1/4d Dull Greenish Blue ACSC #131B, Cat $200, light even gum toning. 1/4d Greenish Blue plus 2d red KGVI Die I cancelled with ‘COBAR/915A1 JE37’ on air cover to Scotland, a few light tonespots, still a nice usage item.




—- plus 1/- Large Lyrebird and 3d NSW Sesqui on 4MY38 registered envelope to Delhi (redirected to Simla). Adhesions, pencil notations, roughly opened, still a nice example of registered double airmail rate. 1106 PS —- uprating 2d Letter Card with ‘3-AIRMAIL 3-2-P11DE36/SYDNEY N.S.W.’ to England. An attractive item slightly disfigured by ink blots for which the writer apologises via inscription on back, itself also blotted. 1107 ** —- (deep shade) ACSC #131A, centred to the left, MUH, Cat $300. AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals | Collections and Accumulations 1108 **/*/U 1913-65 Balance of Collection on three hagners from a fresh mint and FU 6d engraved Kookaburra, also noting 1931-38 6d Airmail CTO plus ‘OS’ opt FU, 1932-37 1/- Lyrebird mint, Robes thick paper set of 3, Arms set of 4 plus two extra £2, 5/- Cattle white paper cds, various used low value postage dues. Most mint (70 approx) are more common lower values (eg KGVI definitives). Good variety with min Retail $600. (130+) 1109 **/* 1914-65 Lightly Duplicated accumulation in 32 page Posthorn stockbook (no Roos or KGV Heads), almost complete incl 1914 6d Kooka (MLH), most KGV commems including 1935 ANZAC, Jubilee, KGVI includes Robes (both papers), Arms set (£2 has gum disturbance), 2/- commems (39), 2/3d (30), 1959-64 8d Tiger Cat Helecon paper pane of 80 from base of sheet (few tone spots), 1964-65 Birds (8 sets), etc. Mostly MUH. (100s) 1110 */U 1914-1965 Selection with 1914 6d Kookaburra x2 MH (one VLH right marginal), 1927 Canberra pair with Parliament House CTO og plus top marginal with flag half-mast [P15/10] ACSC #132f, 1928 Kooka MS plus single from MS (stains in margins), 1932-7 1/- Lyrebird MUH and optd ‘OS’ MH plus 6d Kooka poss MUH and perf ‘G/NSW’ used, 1940 AIF 1d broken rifle butt used. Also perf ‘OS’ 1½d Canberra and 3d Kooka, 1954 3½d Red Cross with kiss print, 1965 Xmas in altered condition. [All mint stamps in this selection have more or less sunburnt gum clearly showing their Queensland provenance; TLC should help.] (15) 1111 ** 1940s to 1960s retired mail order dealer’s stock in glassines with description and price label. Ready for resale with marked Retail in excess of $8,700. Inspection will reward, great value at estimate. (1,000s) 1112 1949 Arms Corner the market! 5/- x66, 10/- x284, £1 x283. Majority singles or pairs, almost all cds, current Retail c$2,900. Less than 5% for the better packetmakers only. (640+) 1113 U Bundleware variety including 1/6d Hermes 1934 no wmk and 1937 chalk-surfaced around 100 each, 1948 unsurfaced paper closer to 200, latter two including pairs and blocks; 1937-38 small animals P13½x14 including 1/-, over 600 incl c75 pairs. Also small box unused (no gum) including imprints noting 1935 KGV SJ corner plate no singles stated complete. Plus BMA Malaya opts range in SG #1-14 with some mint oddments. (100s) 1114 **/*/U QEII 5d Definitives Study study of booklet panes, coils and single stamps (over 40 used with annotated retouches and other varieties - some quite highly catalogued). Comprises [1] 1959 5d blue SG #314 group with Type A&B pairs in three booklet panes (2 MUH, one used), coil pair MLH, gutter block of 6 MUH; [2] 1963 5d green mint SG #354 group with normal booklet pane plus various structures with imperf betweens (incl horiz block of 24 8x3), wide margins and c22 used; [3] 1965 5d red ordinary and helecon paper types SG #354c group with 2 booklet panes, coils and singles mint plus 23 used. Remarkable assembly with min Cat $800. (100+) 1115 U QEII Pre-Decimal Varieties comprising [1] 1954 3½d Royal Visit Sheet D re-entry ‘ROYAL VISIT’, ‘3½d’, etc [8/2], five clear used examples (two cds) ACSC #308i (SG #272a), plus a mint and used normal for comparison; [2] 1960 5d Christmas Sheet B weak entry, missing left frame as well as retouched - frame added [7/2] ACSC #381e&ea, plus another small retouch, plus normal; [3] horiz pair 1965 2/3d Wattle on white paper retouch right side of first ‘T’ of ‘WATTLE’, State II ACSC #369fb, no obvious pmk but without gum. Clean lot, min Cat $300. (13) *

$550 $100

$200 $200 $150



$120 $2,400 $125




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Remainders mostly QEII period where noted 1959-64 Flowers set of 6 in blocks of 4 Retail $60 plus extras, 1964 QEII 5d green with imperf between pair x6 and imperf wide margin x6 total Retail $180. Earlies include imprint blocks KGV CofA wmk 1d and 2d, 1929 1½d Swan, 1931 2d KS all with hinge remains somewhere and total Cat $75. Some better oddments noted 5/- Cattle cream paper, 2/6d Aborigine no wmk on white paper, Navigators to 10/-. Also AAT first decimal set of 11 with extras fresh MUH. Good lot - minimum Retail $400. (200+) Variety in mixed condition comprising [1] seven WWII Concession covers, six to NSW and one to SA, all but one with RAAF PO cancels; [2] 1956 (Nov 22) Olympic Games set of 4 on commemorative to India with ‘Richmond Park Kiosk 1/XVI Olympiad . .’ reg label and special cancel; [3] in mixed condition 1932 1/- Lyre (4 mint, 5 used) and 6d Kookaburra (2 mint, 4 used). (23)

$100 $80


part 1118



AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals 1118 ** 1940(C) Coil Tester in green on watermarked paper, incomplete roll with joins. Scarce. (100+) 1119 *F 1928 3d Kookaburra (1929 Jan) use with ½d orange & 1d green KGV on air cover from Longreach to Rochester, white on red Western Queensland label. 1120 */** 1928 3d Kookaburra Miniature Sheet ACSC #133MS, upper-left unit with shallow gum abrasion, other units & sheet margin fresh MUH, Cat $150 (as MH). 1121 V —- with special Exhibition cancel in red CTO ACSC #133MSw, straight edge at top & right, mild stain in lower-right corner, Cat $300. 1122 V 1931 Kingsford Smith Overprinted ‘OS’ 2d carmine-red, ACSC #141(OS), Cat $200, light machine cancel.

$100 $90 $90 $180 $90


1128 1125 1123 **/* 1124 **/* 1125 PS 1126 * 1127 V 1128 *F


1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet Ash imprint block of 8 with re-entry to T of AUSTRALIA etc, ACSC #143za, Cat $150. 1931-38 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail Ash imprint block of 6 with four units MUH ACSC #144zd. Some typical gum wrinkles and woolly perfs, very fresh. 1931-38 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail Overprinted ‘OS’ specific uprate of KGV 2d Letter Card for domestic airmail 3d surcharge x2 Brisbane to Newcastle, the whole cancelled 1932 (Jan 29), minor opening faults, apparently contained an enclosure to Ship’s passenger. [This was the only Official stamp sold at POs to general public.] Scarce on ‘cover’. 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge ACSC #148, being a well centred marginal example, a few blunt/rough perfs, MLH. Fresh stamp, Retail $525. —- CTO, well centred, full gum. Retail $295. 1934 9d Macarthur & 1929 3d Airmail (Type A) x3 tied by Perth cds to 1934 (8 Dec) fashioned cover (note chamfered sides) to conform with second class mail provisions, endorsed ‘Card only’, small cover faults. Scarce franking and rate (9d Greetings card airmail rate to UK x2).

$100 $80 $140 $380 $180 $220

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1130 ** 1131 *F



—- (2) tied by Katanning cds to 1934 (Nov 30) miniature mourning envelope to London, small faults although scarce and attractive franking. 1935 1/- Anzac Plate 1 TLC single, ACSC #165z (as a block of 4), well centred, MUH. 1935 Silver Jubilee 2/- violet, ACSC #168, Cat $400, scarce solo franking on registered cover from Elizabeth St to England.

$140 $100 $270

1132 1139




1138 1141



1133 ** 1134 ** 1135 ** 1136 ** 1137 ** 1138 */** 1139 */** 1140 F 1141 ** 1142 * 1143 * 1144 **



1936 SA Centenary 1/- (3) scarce franking for double airmail rate Melbourne to London, KGV 1d for Late fee, few perfs trimmed on 1/- upper left as consequence of opening at top, otherwise attractive. 1950 ½d Roo Coil Perf No Wmk coil strip of ten with join including variety flaw from right ear to ‘O’ ACSC #180g (SG #228ca, Cat £75). —- imprint right pane of 80 comprising ACSC #180bj x19 blocks of 4 (one including flaw from right ear to ‘O’ ACSC #180g) plus 180zi. Very fresh. —- imprint left pane of 80 comprising ACSC #180bj x19 blocks of 4, plus 180zg. Very fresh. 1938-66 ½d Orange Kangaroo Perf 14¾x14 No Wmk complete pane of 80 with foggy hills retouch [Sh B R6/8]. Mounted in margin only. 1938-41 QM 1d Green Die II Coil strip of 3 with uniformly large holes as ACSC #182bh, lower unit with defective corner perf, muh, Cat $225+. 1938-41 1d Green QE Die II Coil strip of 4 with uniformly large holes as ACSC #182bh with coil join between 2nd & 3rd units, 3rd unit with pulled perf, three lower units MUH, Cat $375 as pairs mint & MUH. 1938-41 2d Red KGVI Die II Coil pair with uniformly large holes ACSC #188bh, upper unit with trivial gum blemish, Cat $400 (as MH). —- medallion flaw ACSC #188e. Very light machine cancel, premium quality centring, Retail from $175. 1937-41 3d Blue KGVI Die I White Wattles ACSC #190, excellent centring, dealer handstamp, MUH, Retail $325. —- ACSC #190, very lightly hinged. —- in combination franking for airmail to Canada via UK and US, early use day after issue (Aug 3) from Brisbane. Very scarce on cover. 1937-41 3d Blue KGVI Die IA ACSC #192, Retail c$325; o/c slightly right, very fresh.

$200 $80 $125 $100 $75 $120 $200 $140 $90 $150 $125 $280 $100

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ex 1146



1148 1145 * 1146 U 1147 1148 1149 1150

** ** ** *


1937-41 3d Blue KGVI Die I bottom frame thinned under AU. 1937-41 3d Blue KGVI Die IA with bottom framed thinned under AU x3 with normal for comparison, ACSC #192d, Cat $600, average used copies. 1941-44 2d Mauve KGVI Coil Perf wmk inverted ACSC #198c, centred to the right, MUH, Retail $175. 1937-60 6d Kookaburra Wmk CofA Perf 14¾x14 no imprint gutter block of 8 with burnishing marks ACSC #203zl, rare. 1937-39 1/- Lyrebird Perf 13½x14 Ash centre Imprint block of 4, upper-right unit with minor crease, stamps MUH, Cat $400. 1938-49 £1 Robes Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ ACSC #216x, centred to the lower-right corner, MLH, signed in pencil “WGH”, Cat $500.

$100 $120 $90 $160 $160 $300

part 1154

1151 1152

1157 1151 ** 1152 ** 1153 */** 1154 ** 1155 **/* 1156 B** 1157 **

1938-49 £1 Robes Thin Paper marginal example from the lower-right corner of the sheet, MUH, Retail $125. 1944-51 2d Purple KGVI Wmk CofA coil perf pair with large and small holes and selvedge join on bottom stamp. —- 2d bright purple and 2d bright red-purple (nibbed perf) coil perf pairs ACSC #228bd, the former with coil join, lower unit of each pair MUH, Cat $150 (as MH). (2) 1951-62 2d Green QM coil perf left part pane of 60 (6x10) with Authority imprint, ACSC #248zd, Cat $330++. 1951 3d Scarlet KGVI coil perf strip of 6 (1 hinged) with red 960 starter, ACSC #251bc, superb example. 1951 3d Scarlet KGVI Booklet Plate of 144 (folded thru centre), very fresh and giving 8 vertical blocks of 18 ACSC #251ca. Very fresh, min Cat $240. (144) 1951-57 7½d Thin Paper ACSC #257a corner block of 4, fresh MUH, Cat $200+.

Current starting prices are updated online whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.

$100 $90 $90 $180 $200 $100 $100

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1158 1158 **/* 1159 **/* 1160 **

** * * ** ** **


ex 1163



$180 $200 $190


—- set of 4, ACSC #268-71, well centred except 5/-, Retail $255. —- set of 4, ACSC #268-71, (Retail $120). —- ‘SPECIMEN’ set of 3, ACSC #268-71x, Retail $125. 1949-61 5/- Arms Thin Paper ACSC #268a, Retail $140. 1949-64 £2 Green Arms ACSC #271, MUH, Retail $175. —- roller flaw, ACSC #271d, Retail $375.

1167 1167 * 1168 F 1169 **

ex 1160

1949 1/6d Hermes Wmk CofA plate 1 (90%) left centre block of 4 with perf pip, ACSC #261ba,z, Cat $500 as mint, one unit lightly hinged. 1965 2/6d Aborigine Emergency Printing Authority left corner imprint block of 4, ACSC #267z, Cat $300, lightly hinged in margin just touching top left unit. 1949-64 Arms set of marginal singles, ACSC #268-71, Retail $255.

ex 1161 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166


$180 $80 $80 $100 $110 $270


—- roller flaw ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, ACSC #271d, Retail $1,250, a very rare combination. —- postally used imprint pair, vary scarce. —- Authority imprint pair with roller flaw, ACSC #271zb, Cat $1,000 for block of 4.

Thinking of Selling? Contact us today to discover how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment.

$900 $200 $380

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ex 1173

1171 ex 1174

1170 1170 ** 1171




1173 1174 1175 1176

*/** ** ** **


ex 1176

1959 3d Blue-Green QEII coil perf, Plate No ‘3’ dashes with lines after in left marginal block of 10, ACSC #350zc, small gum fault in margin. 1963 11d Bandicoot Helecon Paper experimental printing, ACSC #362A, solo franking tied by Clifton cds to 1964 (Jul 24) commercial cover (270x215mm approx) to Brisbane. ACSC states “Used is best collected bearing dated postmark prior to the distribution of the later helecon printing (4 June 1965)”. Rare. [11d third weight step letter] 1959 3/- Waratah scarce solo use on 1961 (Aug 28) Brisbane registered cover to Pittsworth (b/s). [3/- is the rate for £40 compensation.] 1963-66 Navigators set plus 7/6d shade and 10/- & £1 White Papers, 4/- is MLH, others are MUH, Retail $275. (9) —- set of 8 (both papers), ACSC #404-9, Cat $323, 4/- has couple of light gum bends. —- set of 6 simplified, ACSC #404-9, Cat $213. —- 4/- to £2. (6)

$200 $120 $80 $200 $225 $100 $120

ex 1177

1179 1177


1178 */** 1179


ex 1178

—- on various APO, Royal or Wesley FDCs including 4/- (11, 4 unaddressed), 5/- (17, 9 unaddressed), 7/6d (4, 1 unaddressed), 10/- (4, one registered), £1 (6, 1 unaddressed, 1 registered), £2 (unaddressed). Generally fine. (43) —- 10/- Cream Paper & £1 in Cream & White Papers in corner blocks of 4, each block with lower units MUH, Retail $540 as singles. (3 blocks) 1964 Air Mail Anniversary 2/3d, ACSC #424 on publicity envelope (small peripheral faults) prepared by QANTAS for handing to its passengers (probably pointy enders and probably in UK) and tied by machine slogan ‘ALL DAY EVERY DAY Telepost’ in Melbourne July 16, 1964. Definitely a very unusual usage!

$250 $280 $100

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AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues | Collections and Accumulations 1180 U 1966-84 Varieties on leaves and stockpages mostly annotated (we can’t always read these) from quantities first decimal QEII 1c to 7c (spotted the rare vertical plate fracture on forehead Cat $500, and 3 complete 4c panes with slogans), 1966-68 coils, later definitives PM and FA booklet types; also incl 1970-4 2c to 10c Floral Coils, 1973-83 marine life & gemstones, 1975-8 18c Wildflower, 1978-84 Birds, plus an esoteric range of generally more common special issues. Many ACSC-listed varieties seen, stated also to include helecon and non-helecon varieties, as well as numerous unrecorded incl flyspeck types. A highly specialised assembly which will benefit from reorganising and standardising the presentation. (100s) 1181 FU 1970-2000: retired dealer’s stock sorted in glassines and labelled for Retail sale. FU/GU/CTO condition throughout and ideal for market trader or eBay. Has been priced for Retail sale in excess of $2,200. Great opportunity! (1,000s) 1182 ** Reprints 1990s imprinted (Koalas etc) pairs and singles for Living Together and Sports definitives, some Threatened Species blocks of six and others to $1.20, Peel’n Stick coils and sheetlets of 5, 20c Wetlands ex bklt, 85c Cape Barren Goose block of 4. Specialised area (FV c$185) with Retail min $400. (400+)

$250 $480 $140

1183 1187


ex 1189

AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues 1183 ** 1966-73 1c Brown marginal block of 4 with strong offset, ACSC #436c, Cat $240+. 1184 ** 1967-71 5c Blue marginal block of 4 with very strong offset, ACSC #444c, Cat $300+. 1185 ** 1966 Birds & Marine Life 19 sets in various size blocks. ACSC #448-59 (152) 1186 ** 1966-74 75c Cook showing Plate 3 on both sides in block of 20 from top and bottom of sheet with ‘pips’, also an additional block of 20 Plate 3 from top of sheet. (60) 1187 ** 1966-74 $1 Flinders Plate 1 bottom gutter block of 4, ACSC #463z, Cat $400. Rare. 1188 ** —- four Plate No ‘3’ blocks of 4 from base of sheet, two blocks showing complete ‘3’ and pip, other two blocks showing partial ‘3’ and pip, also pair with part ‘3’ and pip. ACSC #463zb. (18) 1189 ** 1966-74 Navigators $1 Flinders P14.4x14 Plate No. 3 block of 4 top centre ACSC #463za and single. PLUS variety P14.78x14.1 ACSC #464 just o/c, fresh. (3)

1190 F

7c Purple Violent Corner - State II in used pair, ACSC #477(1)oa, Cat $1,500. The most extreme recutting of any Australian Commonwealth issue. An extra-ordinarily rare stamp, missing from virtually ever collection.

$120 $130 $100 $100 $200 $100 $50


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1191 1191 BF 1192 BF 1193





ex 1193

1968 Famous Australians 5c David Booklet pane tied by Riverton cds to 1968 (Dec 6) airmail cover to US, correct 25c ½oz airmail rate. Very fine and scarce. 1969 Prime Ministers 5c Deakin Booklet pane tied by Melbourne Captain Cook slogan and cds (where slogan did not extend) to airmail cover to US, correct 25c ½oz airmail rate, scarce frankings. 1970 Captain Cook issues including letterhead from Cook Bi-Centenary Committee signed “E.A. Crome” with Sutherland cds tying strip & 30c to page alongside special ‘Cook/Kurnel’ cancel (APM3081) and on reverse mss notation “one of sixteen only” also several covers including small Cook commem cover with ‘ROYAL VISIT/CANBERRA’ cds, 2 long Cook covers with ‘MACKAY’ & ‘COOKTOWN’ Bi-Centenary cancels, scarce Wesley ‘wide format’ FDC for strip & 30c, large Wesley FDC with M/S plus postally used M/S, set of 4 APO souvenir covers with Kurnell cancel plus several later misc items. Interesting lot. (14 items) —- accumulation of FDCs from APO, Excelsior, Wesley, and Royal with many sets, 6 M/Ss on covers, also 1970 Cook Bicentenary Celebrations set of 12 postmarks plus few extra, several ANPEX items, etc. Mixed condition, many unaddressed. (56 covers).

$160 $160

$75 $100


1195 part 1199 1195 ** 1196 ** 1197 F 1198


1199 ** 1200 ** 1201 * 1202 ** 1203 **


part 1202

1971-74 7c Sturt’s Desert Pea Coil strip of 4 all with buff omitted & misplaced green, ACSC #535ce, Cat $1,200+, Dunkerley Certificate. 1971 Christmas cream paper, five panes of 25 plus block of 7, MUH. ACSC #572-8. (132) 1972 Olympics 7c Rowing selection of the scarce 1st black cylinder varieties retouch to ‘Munich 1972’, retouch to ‘tral’ of ‘Australia’, and retouch in right of aqua band, ACSC #602d,f,g, blunted perfs in two, otherwise sound, also cover with ‘Munich 1972’ thin, Cat $900+. (4) 1972 Christmas 35c (very scarce on cover) with 2c & 20c Fruit on 1973 (Jan 3) Durham Lead registered cover to Ballarat. [Durham Lead: PO 10/8/1863; closed 14/5/1976] 1973 Opera House part pane of 25 with “ink stripping” of light blue cause major stippling effect, addidtionally the light blue goes further out of register across the pane. Nice item. —- light blue misplaced 1mm to right similar to ACSC #653cb, Cat $100, with normal for comparison. 1975 45c Wildflower vertical strip of 5 with dull yellow-green partially omitted from rows 7 & 8, ACSC #727cf, Cat $400. [Only 40 pairs believed to exist with this variety.] 1978 15c Christmas vertical strip of 5, central unit has magenta partly missing, ACSC #825ca, Cat $1,000. 1992-94 Emu Framas with machine impression printed on the gummed side, 1c (2) and 45c all with cliché ‘A59’ (Mt. Gambier, South Australia). (3)

$240 $200 $100 $80 $280 $60 $320 $400 $150

Page 109

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1205 1204 **/V

1205 ** 1206 ** 1207 ** 1208 **

1993-2000 Counter Printed Stamps range including REX, NPC (5 sets), PERTH GPO (3), BTH ST HBT (7 sets CTO), GPO PERTH, SINGAPORE 95, SYDNEY 95 (3), CAPEX 96, HONG KONG 97, CONGRESS (45c,49c,50c), SALISBURY (45c -2, 45c,49,50c-5), ST. PETERS (45c,49c,50c-7), 95c, $1.20 (2), etc. Most are in strips of 6 as issued. Several units have the backing paper imperf between the units. (300) 1994 International Year of the Family $1 vertical pair with misplaced perforations - 4mm up, ACSC #1716b. 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas unissued imperforate strip of 6, ‘LEIGH-MARDON’ on the back. —- imperforate strip of 6, SNP Cambec logo with four Koala symbols on back of each unit. Possibly no helecon, ACSC #1737Eba, Cat $750. —- imperforate strip of 6with Koala on ground at left photo-litho with 4 koala symbols and SNP CAMBEC logo on back, appears without helecon, ACSC #1742Eba, Cat $750.

1210 **

$240 $160


ex 1209 1209 **

$150 $360 $270

1995 National Trust Plate Proofs $1 & $2 in deep olive-green with selvedge, ACSC #1841-2PP(1), Cat $800, both units with wrinkles. —- $2 in deep olive-green with selvedge, ACSC #1842PP(1).

$400 $200


1212 1211 * 1212 ** 1213 ** 1214 **

1996 45c Children’s Book Council imperforate se-tenant block of 4, ACSC #1980bc, Cat $2,000, small faults and adhesions on back. —- unseparated imperf block of 20 (5x4) including central ‘ONLY 10 stamps LEFT’ labels, from Roll stamps, only issued in single strips. 1996 Atlanta - Sydney 2000 APO sheetlet pack with felt-pen signature of Cathy Freeman; some surface scuffs. 1997 the Dreaming 45c imperforate BLC block of 4, ACSC #2043b, small crease in bottom margin.

$640 $480 $60 $480

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ex 1215 1215 ** 1216 **

1217 B** 1218 **


ex 1216

2000 Olympic Gold Medal Winners sheetlets set of 16 in special Australia Post album plus 3 sets of 15 Olympic pins in special album for the Olympic Torch Relay produced by the Herald Sun newspaper. (4 items) 2002-2009 APTA Overprints Selecton on various products with; Feb 2002 Melbourne on Australian Legends sheetlet; Oct 2002 Brisbane on Magic Rainforest MS & Booklet; Aug 2003 on Coronation Jubilee M/S; Oct 2003 Melbourne on Bugs & Butterflies M/S; Aug 2004 on Eureka M/S; Sep 2004 Convention on Lord of the Rings SES sheet; Aug 2008 on Flight M/S; 2009 Congratulations on Home Delivery sheetlet & booklet. (10) 2008 Christmas 50c Baubles in $10 PnS sheetlet with top row completely imperforate and 2nd row imperforate at top. 2009 Stargazing Limited Edition Imperf Sheet of 16 MSs with certificate in its original Australia Post storage and wrapping.



1223 B** 1224 B** 1225 BV


$90 $200 $90

ex 1222

AUSTRALIA | Booklets 1219 B** KGVI-QEII Range including KGVI 3d blocks of 9 (3) from ‘booklet sheet’, 1967 50c (10 x 5c), 1972 Prime Ministers 70c (both), $1.40, 1976 Nat. Stamp Week bklt (9), 1978 Nat. Stamp Week bklt with 20c Kooka optd ‘SPECIMEN’ (21), 1992 Christmas $8 optd for Sydney Stamp & Coin Show, selection of booklet panes including 1966 4c panes with a few helecon issues, many slogans, 1967 5c on 4c group, 1968 Famous Australians (2 sets), Prime Ministers (4 sets), 1970 Famous Australians (2 sets), 1972 Prime Ministers, also selection of ‘used’ booklets mostly cancelled on Day of Issue. (50 booklets & 75+ complete panes). 1220 B** 1930-35 3/- ‘AIRMAIL SAVES TIME’ complete, ACSC #B40, Cat $1,500, very fine with just a light crease on the front cover. 1221 B** 1942-49 KGVI 2/6d Black on Fawn Cover both panes wmk upright, ACSC #B53B (Pfeffer Cat $300). Appears to have been misstapled (near base) by PO and then re-stapled. 1222 B** —- two exploded booklets on annotated pages, one set of panes wmk inverted and the other wmk upright, ACSC #B53B (Pfeffer Cat $600).



$100 $1,150 $120 $240


1962-64 5/- 5d blue edn 1/1963 NSW ovpt GEN in black ad seq 20,18a,44,36,15,6,19a,68,16c (not recorded by BW), ACSC #B66Jdw. 1964-65 5/- 5d green edn G1 ad seq 20,18a,44,53,60,6,19a,52b,16c, ACSC #B67Ce. The Directories Australia ad on the inside front is an undescribed sub-type with both 14,000,000 and Pty Ltd. Very fine. 1966-67 60c Booklet 4c helecon ink ‘Send Money Orders...’, tropical interleaving, ed DS9, ACSC #B79Cdv, panes cancelled with ‘G.P.O. MELBOURNE - C.1./20NO67’.

$200 $120 $120

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ex 1226

ex 1227 1228


1226 B*

1967-70 Selection [1] $1 5c on 4c tropical interleaving G67/3 x2 (‘Registered ...’ pen marks on face, ‘Post your Parcels...’ missing pane) [2] 50c 5c blue x2 (plain back & letterpress back) [3] $1 5c blue V67/3 [4] Vietnam 5c Thornbill from sheet of 100 attached by left margin white UV reaction [5] 1970 $1.20 Famous Australians no edition number x3 (two blue stitching & one white stitching). (9) 1227 B** 1969-73 Prime Minister [1] $1 edition G69/3 with Wax Interleaving x2; [2] $1.40 ed G71/3 with wax interleaving, white stitching; ACSC #B132Cv,139Cev, Cat $330. (3) 1228 B** 1989 $3.90 Fishing four reprints P14x14.4 on Harrison cream paper ACSC #B164, Cat $200 each (two have covers with handwriting impressions). Comes with one original white paper same perfs ACSC #B163 for comparison. [Vendor says SELL.] (5) AUSTRALIA | Postage Dues 1229 U 1920s-30s Bundleware 3rd wmk ½d x200, 2d x100, CofA Wmk 2d P14 x300, ½d P11 x40, 2d P11 x200, 4d x400, ACSC #D105,108,116,113,117,119 (SG #D91,94,102,105,107,109), Cat $5,060 (£7,320). Bundleware like this is rarely seen these days. (1,240) 1230 F 1902 Converted NSW Plates 1d emerald single-line P11x11½ ACSC #D5, tidy ‘POSTE RESTANTE’ cancel. Fine example, Retail $225. 1231 G —- 1d emerald single-line P11 ACSC #D6, cleaned/faded pen cancel at top, fluid stain in upper left corner, well centred, Cat $750 (SG Cat £700).

1232 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237

F * F * * *

1240 * 1241 * 1242 ** 1243 **




ex 1239



ex 1242

$150 $140

$900 $150 $250


—- 2d emerald single-line P11x11½ ACSC #D9, pulled perf, mild toning lower-left corner, Retail $275. —- 8d emerald ACSC #D14, well centred, lightly mounted, Retail $175. 1902-04 Design Completed Wmk Crown/NSW ½d P11, ACSC #D17, Cat $300, faint crease. —- ½d dull green single-line P11 ACSC #D17B wmk inverted, exceptional centring, Cat $450 (SG Cat £450). —- 6d emerald single-line P11.8x11 ACSC #D38, well-centred, Retail $175. —- 10/- dull green wmk upright ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’, ACSC #D50x, Cat $300. Fresh bright colours.

1238 1238 * 1239 V



$100 $120 $100 $350 $100 $250

part 1243

1908-09 Stroke After Shilling Values 5/- ACSC #D72, centre to the left, good part gum, Retail $575. 1909-10 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thick Paper ½d to 10/- with Melbourne CTO of SE30/09, ACSC #D76w-91w, Cat $750. Only 480 sets created for UPU. (10) —- 10/- rose-red & green, ACSC #D91, Cat $425. 1931-37 Wmk CofA 6d carmine & yellow-green, ACSC #D120, Cat $400, light even gum toning. 1938-63 New Frame Plates ½d, 4d and 6d (very difficult stamp) SG #D112,116,117. Very fresh with near perfect centring. Retail c$290. —- 4d carmine & green fresh block of 4, upper left unit with unplated damaged value tablet frame lower right ACSC #D126, Retail $200 (as 4x normal).

$300 $430 $200 $220 $100 $100

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ex 1247


ex 1248



1244 *F 1953-59 New Value Plates For Shilling Values 1/- Die I x14, ACSC #D139, on 1956 Business Reply Post front. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official) 1245 PS 1928 ‘THREE/HALPENCE’ on 1d Green With Solid ‘OS’ in Die on School Committee meeting card, HG #D16, scarce. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 1246 PS 1917 Full Face Reply Card With REPLY Overstruck 1d+1d sepia zigzag perf outer half, ASC #L11, ‘GIANT REDGUM VIC’ AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Lettercards (PTPO) 1247 PS 1d KGV Die I Perf 12½ off-white within as ASC #L9, two examples slightly different shades of claret, officially overprinted to provide Birth Notification detail to the Council Clerk, Hamilton (Tasmania), filing hole punches; 1921 and 1922 use (latter with additional 1d red to pay the new rate). Illustrations are Mt Gambier, SA and Mount Gould, Tasmania. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1248 PS 1920-24 KGV Embossed Octagon With ‘Postage’ [1] 2d scarlet on cream paper, ASC #E11; [2] ‘THREE/HALFPENCE’ on 2d scarlet on cream paper (#E11), ASC #E14, slight sun discolouration; [2] 1½d red on white paper, blue within, ASC #E16a. 1249 PS 1930 ‘TWO PENCE’ Surcharge on 1½d octagonal with blue inside, ASC #E19a, 1931 use with 3d KGV for use airmail from Perth to Carnarvon.

$100 $300 $200

$100 $100 $70



ex 1255

ex 1253

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1250 PS 1938-51 KGVI Embossed Oval 1942 5½d brown/buff with printing in red & rounded flap at the right, ASC #R30, used July 21, 1942, Queenscliff to Geelong. Light cleanable soiling, neatly opened, very good overall condition. Rare. 1251 PS —- 1942 5½d brown/buff with printing in red & rounded flap at the right, ASC #R30, cancelled with light ‘MENANGLE/3AU42/N.S.W’ (B1-). Rare. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes (Formular) 1252 PS 1959-65 Printed Bank Aerogrammes Collection collection of PMG approved permit aerogrammes commercially used from various Commomwealth Bank or ANZ branches to Italy’s Banco Di Roma Ascoli Piceno branch all with 10d aerogramme rate frankings (a few not tied) and most with arrival backstamp, all have printed ‘APPROVED BY POSTMASTER-GENERAL/FOR ACCEPTANCE AS AEROGRAMME’ (or similar wording including reprints showing changes to font and/or font sizing) plus a registration number in the lower-left corner, generally fine. A remarkable hoard of great specialist interest. (34) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes (Official) 1253 PS 1944-81 Accumulation from two KGVI 7d ‘AIRLETTER’ diagonally optd ‘SPECIMEN’ one with Sydney CTO cds prob ASC #A2 and including another optd ‘SPECIMEN’ (1960 formular type for ‘Moomba Art Festival’), also two more KGVI 7d types mint and used. Others include Christmas Island 33c and Norfolk Island 33c x10, unused wrappers with KGVI 1½d green and QEII 2½d brown x6, oddments. Although stored flat most have been folded. Big variety. (44) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wartime 1254 PS WWI? Australian Commonwealth Military Forces envelope 118x94mm of Australian YMCA further inscribed at upper right ‘ON/ ACTIVE/SERVICE.’ Light peripheral foxing otherwise in excellent fresh unused condition. 1255 PS 1940 Australian Defence Canteens embossed 1d Envelopes in green (16) and brown (20), ASC #X1.5-6, Cat $840, good range of usages including Military and Field POs, variety of Censor markings, usual mixed condition for these. (36)

$200 $200


$80 $65 $120

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ex 1257


ex 1258

1256 PS

1941 Malaya & Johore Salvation Army/Red Shield War Services with printed d/ring ‘POSTAGE PAID/25 CENTS/MALAYA’ in red cancelled by indistinct s/ring Field PO cds dated ‘2DE41/No.18’, triangular crowned censor handstamp with signature, air mail etiquette, to Parramatta. Creased at left, few spots. 1257 PS 1916 Australian Imperial Force 1d red KGV Sideface Die I Military Envelope with ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE’ at base ‘Regimental’ 8mm below line, on white laid paper, ASC #X2.3A, a few tonespots. AUSTRALIA | First Day Covers 1258 * Diverse Array on unillustrated addressed covers including 1937-49 KGVI 1½d maroon, 3d blue Die I, also another cover with 3d Die I, 6d Kooka & 1/- Lyrebird, P14x15 1d & 2d (re-drawn) (2), 1941 2½d Surcharge. Very high Retail. Mixed condition. (7)

ex 1260 1259


1260 1261













ex 1264

$70 $150


ex 1261

1930s-2000s Range of covers, many First Day or commem postmarks including 1971 Christmas block of 7 FDC, 1986 Click go the Shears signed by designer, some Benham’s, selection of Alpha 1st or last day cancels, maxi cards, two taxed items, few stationery items, various unused FDC & PSE envelopes, Coin covers include 1997 $5 Bradman (2), 2003 Coronation. Few overseas including Norfolk Island 1947 Ball Bay (12) on FDC to UK, Tonga 1938 Tin Can Mail cover to Australia with letter from Quensell, etc. Interesting lot. (few 100) 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d and 6d tied to Registered cover by Unley cds 19MR31, airmail to England. 1935 ANZAC 2d and 1/- lightly foxed and tied to registered envelope by Hamilton, NSW cds with registration label, to Merewether, NSW, backstamp include Newcastle transit. Removable hinge remains and stains cleanable with care. Scarce FDC. 1937 3d Blue KGVI Die I 6d Kookaburra and 1/- Lyrebird combination on plain FDC registered from Mannum to Scotland.



$120 $110 $80 $70


1937 3d Blue White Wattles tied to plain FDC, by ‘GPO.MELBOURNE/2AU37/VIC-AUST’, unusual in that most FDCs seen were serviced in Queensland. [ACSC states ‘… distribution of the ‘white wattles’ variety seems to have been largely restricted to Queensland …’.] 1938 1½d Maroon KGVI [1] tied to Kufner green lyrebird FDC by ‘ALBURY/210P20AP38/N.S.W’, unaddressed.; plus [2] 1948 Mitchell tied to Bodin FDC, by ‘ALBURY/12JY48/N.S.W.-AUST’, unaddressed. 1940s-2000s range including 1955 Rotary with ‘INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS’ handstamp, 1969 Primary Industries (2), 1970 Cook with red flaw on sail, 1971 Christmas block of 7, 1972 Primary Industries (4 sets), 1979 $5 Painting, 1989 $10 Gardens (4), some PSE’s, few AAT, most items are unaddressed and many have South Australian postmarks. Generally fine. (approx 500). 1945 Gloucester set tied to official long cover by ‘MELBOURNE/19JA45/VIC-AUST’ (date wheel error) with printed ‘ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE’ header at top & ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA/Postmaster-General and/Vice-President of the Executive Council’ endorsement at base, addressed to AC Williams (privated secretary to PMG) at Parliament House Canberra, ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet, trivial blemishes.

‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.

$130 $90 $125


Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

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ex 1267 1267























$100 $100 $100

1272 $100 $100 $100


1949 £1 Arms tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/ 28NO49/NSW-AUST’ cds. 1949 Lord Forrest of Bunbury 2½d block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/28NO49/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in red. 1950 KGVI 2½d Scarlet block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/12AP50/NSW-AUST’ cds, ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet, tear on upper edge.

1276 1276


1949 5/- Arms tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/ 11AP49/NSW-AUST’ cds. 1949 Henry Lawson 2½d block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/17JE49/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet. 1949 UPU Anniversary 3½d block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY/130/10OC49/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in red.

1273 1273


1946-49 Range Including 1946 Wide World Peace cover, also Bodin Peace cover to NZ, 1947 Prince (Tas.) numbered Princess Elizabeth cover with block of 4, Miller Bros Lawson covers x3 (2 with ‘Bush’ background). Mixed condition. (7) 1948 Von Mueller 2½d block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 116/13SE48/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet. 1948 Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree 2½d block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by weak ‘GPO SYDNEY/15NO48/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet.

1270 1270


$250 $100 $100


1950 QM 1½d Green block of 4 & pair (+ Princess Elizabeth 1d) tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/19JE50/NSW-AUST’ cds, ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in red. 1950 8½d Aborigine (+QM 1½d) tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/14AU50/NSW-AUST’ cds, ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in red. 1951 KGVI 3d Scarlet block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/28FE51/NSW-AUST’ cds, ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in red.

$100 $100 $100

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1279 1279
















1951 50th Anniversary of Foundation of Commonwealth set tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/1MY51/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet. 1951 Gold and Responsible Government Centenaries 3d se-tenant block of 4 tied to registered PMG’s Department OHMS cover to Canada (Rodney, Ontario backstamp) by ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/2JY51/NSW-AUST’ cds, fine ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp in violet. 1970s-90s accumulation with moderate duplication, loose and in 2 albums with some ‘WCS’ (Wesley) or A. Post covers, noted 1979 $5 Painting (2) plus a group of PSEs (both unused and FDI cancels) with values to 45c, also 1953 2½d QEII Newspaper Wrapper (20) all unused and folded. All items are unaddressed. (100s) 1970 5c Grassland Congress tied to brown APO FDC, by ‘MOSMANS BAY/13AP70/NSW-AUST’, unaddressed.

ex 1283


$100 $70

$100 $160 $100

ex 1287

1988-90 Booklet Panes slightly duplicated range often two or more of each panes of 10 from 1988 (July 1) $3.70 Living Together LM & CPE to 1990 Bush Nativity, includes 1988 (Sept 28) Australian Crafts 80c and $2 panes on one FDC, 1990 (Sept 18) $4.10 Thinking of You 1K reprint x2 (light foxing) with Royal Botanic Gardens special cancel which appears be day of issue (which is not in catalogues). High catalogue over $500 (ex the last noted); specialised lot. (28) AUSTRALIA | Philatelic Numismatic Covers 1994-2010 Collection range with slight duplication, also medallion/FDCs (4) and embossed or badged FDCs (5). Retail over 1287 * $1,400. (43) 1286



1982-94 Selection of FDCs produced by Gary Wanstall & Ross Waugh after Wesley Cover Service had been sold by them. These covers were sold only at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, numbers issued are unknown. Issues include 1982, 1983 (2 different types with 4 of each), 1987 (3), 1990-94 (2 of each). Most with ‘SYDNEY SHOWGROUND’ cancellations. All unaddressed. Photocopy of all covers produced included. (22) 1983 Paintings High Values Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ tied to unaddressed APO souvenir cover by Summer Hill ‘9FEB1983’ FDI cancel. All POs received a notice that these stamps where not to be cancelled, hence the rarity of this FDC. 1985 Barred Edge 33c Frama FDC with Sydney Philatelic Centre cds, very scarce FDC. High Retail. (4)

ex 1286



ex 1288 1288




$80 $400


1999-2001 Selection of sought after issues with special $1 coins and comprising [1] 1999 (Feb 11) Year of Older Persons setenant pair; [2] 2000 (Jan 21) Last Anzacs se-tenant block of 4; [3] 2001 (Feb 15) Army Centenary se-tenant pair. Difficult trio McDonald 2012 Cat $345. 2000 For Valour (Victoria Cross) (July 24) special $1 coin with se-tenant strip of 5 ACSC #2334c, McDonald 2012 Cat $360.

$140 $150

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ex 1290 1290


ex 1292

2000 Olympic Sports (Aquatics & Athletics) (Aug 17) special $5 coins on two separate envelopes franked related 45c stamp ACSC #2337 and ACSC #2343, McDonald 2012 Cat $245. Perfect for another Olympic Year. 1291 * 2002 Queen Elizabeth II Accession (Feb 6) special 50c coin with QEII 45c and $2.45 with Elizabeth SA special cancel. POR in current Retail lists, McDonald 2012 Cat $325. Very topical this year. AUSTRALIA | Commemorative Covers 1940s-90s Variety from smattering pre-decimals noting Jean B Flynn signed Inland Mission illust FDC (x2), includes Reliefs, PO 1292 * closure, Railways, Royal Visits, Scouting, Sports and a mass of other strongly thematic types. Majority clean unaddressed, very popular nowadays. (230+) *

ex 1293 1293












ex 1297




1940s-50s Geographical Society covers including 1945 Leichhardt (2), 1946 Mitchell, 1947 Kennedy (11), 1948 Kennedy (4), 1949 Fortitude (4), 1949 Flinders (2), plus additional Society covers (15) mostly cancelled on appropriate dates between 1945-57 for other celebrations. Mixed condition. (39) 1956 Melbourne Olympics complete sets tied by commemorative postmarks on [1] VPA cover with Stadium postmark & ‘Richmond Park Kiosk 1’ registration label; [1] PPC (depicting similar scene to 2/- value) with Olympic Village postmarks and registration label; fine condition. (2) 1962 ECAFE Railway Sub-Committee neat registered plain cover to Campbell ACT with temporary registration label, 2/5d Banksia cancelled with 38mm commemorative postmark. [Only 44 items registered - ex Perry sale July 1995]

ex 1296 1296 PS

ex 1294


$120 $130 $80

ex 1298

1962 Automatic Post Office comprising 5d PS Envelope & 5d Lettercard both with printed ‘AUSTRALIA’S FIRST/AUTOMATIC POST OFFICE/SEPT ‘62 R.A.S.Show, Melbourne’ with ‘POSTAL STATION NO 1/26SE62’ cancels. A fine pair. (2) 1974-91 cover collection with Exhibitions, including ANPEX 82 set of 7, WAPEX 84 set of 8, AUSIPEX 84 set of 10 with Cobb & Co. cachet, STAMPEX 86 set of 7 with Mounted Police cachet, various transport or horserace related postmarks, 1982 Mt. Morgan signed ‘Rotary’ cover, etc. All with Almeida numbers. (67) 1976-2009 Commemorative Postmark collection including [1] 1976 (13 May) Toastmaster, [2] 1977 (10 Sep) Underwater Congress, [3] 1978 (7 Sep) Geelong Trade Exhib, [4] 1979 Christian Youth, [5] (24 Sep) ITU, [6] (1 Oct) UNESCO, [7] 2002 Encounter (set 17), [8] 2003 Aust. Open (set 14), [9] 2004 Stamp News 50 Years opt on imperf Aust 99 M/Ss on signed covers (4), [10] (9-12 Sept) Swan River Stamp Show (set 2), [11] 2007 2 signed ‘Flying Surgeons, Roma’ covers, [12] (20-21 Oct) Swan River Stamp Show (7 sets), [13] 2009 (16 Jan) QANTAS to UK special flights (2). Retail $900+. (88) 1979 Melbourne International Music Week with ‘4OCT1979’ commemorative cancel (Cat $250). This is believed to be the only known example of the latest date usage. Fine condition.

$120 $120

$300 $150

Phoenix Auctions is very pleased to announce that we have been appointed the auctioneers for the legendary

‘Stuart Hardy Commonwealth of Australia Collection’, If you would like to receive the catalogues, please let us know.

Page 117

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

ex 1300

ex 1301

ex 1302

AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1300 * 1867-60s Covers Collection mixed range with many fdcs and some commemorative types (eg flight annivs), AAT and territories, commercial from late KGV period, some airmails, advertising types, odd AIF and censored. Also noting 1903 Tatts with NSW stamps, an 1867 Rutherglen to Melbourne with 2d Laureate wmk ‘4’ SG #127 and a damaged (silverfish) 1919 Paramount Pictures env with invitation to an event at Market Theatre (Sydney). Big variety. (c150) 1890s-1960s Cover Accumulation Including [1] AAT 1947 Expedition cover, [2] Australia pre-decimal range incl few KGV, 1301 * several RTS, Decimal incl large 1967 envelope with KGVI 2½d & 6½d blocks of 4 plus 3c QE and endorsed “Commercial Papers”, also few States period items incl Qld 1897 cover Oxley to Dr. Bernado in London with Qld TPO cds, [3] Flight covers include 1931 1st Airmail to UK (2), 1953 Coronation Flights (2), [4] Cocos-Mainland flight in 1955 (8), [5] Commem or pictorial range of covers incl 1932 Bridge 2d cover special cancel, 1940 Story Bridge cover & special label, few Olympic cancels, etc. (mixed condition). (126) 1302 U 1894-1951 Covers variety in mixed poor to fine condition from small group of six pre-Commonwealth noting 1895 Beer’n Baccy PPC (Steig #P18) fresh unused plus Queensland and WA used 1d PPCs mid-1890s. Later includes two 1930s flight covers with multiple frankings in poor condition, OHMS PS, advertising types, oddments. (14)

ex 1303 1303










ex 1307

$150 $80

ex 1305

1914-18 Censored Covers [1] 1918 frm Mt Larcom, Qld to Denmark with 3d Roo, red on white rouletted censor label at left; [2] 1914 Sydney to New York with 2½d Roo (faults), glassine censor label at left; [3] 1915 Prahran, Vic to Columbus, Ohio with 2½d Roo, ‘Passed’ handstamp on face; [4] 1918 Melbourne to Providence, Rhode Island with 2½d Roo, ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/7/3rd Military District’ on face; [5] 1918? Adelaide to New York with 2½d Roo (faults), ‘PASSED.’ on face; [6] 1918 Melbourne to Bridgeport, Pennsylvania with 2½d Roo, ‘PASSED’ on face; [7] 1918 to Adelaide to PHiladelphia with 3d Roo (faults), triple-oval ‘PASSED BY/4TH M.D./CENSOR.’ on face. Good condition. (7) 1915-19 Censored Covers to Sweden (2, one with 3d Roo & KGV 5d Censored in Victoria with the rare large red and white label in May 1919!!!!!), 1915 cover to ‘Cigar Manufacturer’ in Holland, 1917 cover to USA. Condition variable. (4) 1917-47 Kangaroo Advertising Covers selection comprising 1917 Mitchells (automobile manufacturers) with all-over Gordon Van illustration on reverse (repaired); c.1919 Australian Films Ltd with Simplex film projector; 1923 Famous Lasky Film Service with 3d tied by ‘SPECIAL/SYDNEY’ cds; 1935 Parker Pen with 9d plus 6d Large Kooka & 3d Jubilee; 1936 S.A. Fruitgrowers’ Co-Operative sent at triple-rate + 1d late fee & 1947 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co; some faults but all are collectable. (6)

1306 1306 PS

ex 1304


$250 $150


ex 1308

1924 (AUG 19) commercial use to England of 4½d on 5d Registration Envelope + 1½d red tied by ‘WARRNAMBOOL/VIC’ cds, small perforated parcel post label with ‘WARRNAMBOOL’ handstamp used in lieu of a registration label. 1930s & 1940s Collection KGVI-era airmail covers mainly commercial and social, majority overseas destinations, some censored incl military, mostly to GB, also Aden, USA, Germany, Switzerland, etc. More useful frankings include 1937 use of 1/6d Hermes, 9d and 2/- Die I and redrawn Die II Roo CofA wmk, several KGVI 3d blue Die 1A, other P13½x14 (and v.v.) definitives with a number 1/- Lyrebird ACSC #208. Good variety, min Cat $800. (28) 1930s-60s Covers Collection range in mixed condition majority Australia with [1] FDCs 1936-65 mostly neat addresses within East Geelong, from 2d SA Centenary NSW sesqui to 1965 Xmas (c65 mainly WCS or Royal); [2] Registered envelopes with 194348 use of nine more common KGVI 5½d brown plus a 1958 QEII 1/7d; [3] bundle c45 assorted types from three 1934 6th Aust Philtelic Exhib illust env with colourful labels (one registered) to 1965 and noting a neat 1940 Cooper Pedy illust env signed Alfred P. North P.M to the now famous Stan Davis in East Geelong, also including PTPO PS envelopes, metered envelopes. Plus [4] New Zealand group including 24 Health FDCs from plain 1932 and 1933 (latter removable stains) then illust types to 1966, plus c50 FDC and other commem types to 1971 noting 1934 Cape Crusader block of 4 on registered env to E Geelong Oct 29th (ie not FDC), couple first flights. (140+)




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ex 1309 1309






ex 1312 1312








ex 1310

ex 1311

1930s-80s Covers Collection inbound range including FDCs (noting Papua 1937 KGVI Coronation registered Air, PNG 1952 lower vals, GB incl 1969 ships & 1977 hi-val Machins, many more useful Singapore sets 1970s and 80s on registered banking mail, commem types (eg USA Space, NZ Health). Lots of commercial many registered from Singapore, Malayan States; university mail from GB, India, Italy, Zambia and elsewhere). Not to mention quantity of social correspondence. Well worth a look. (100s) 1930s-90s accumulation including range 1930s airmails, also 1941 Lady Gowrie label tied to cover, various 1930s-60s meters, registered covers, Paids incl 1940 FREMANTLE, advertising covers, also rare ‘1968 TRADE FAIR & MOTOR SHOW, GEELONG’ cds in green, Postal Stationery items, few overseas including large cover from GB with Festival 2/6d, 5/- & 10/-, some covers are to stamp dealers or ‘H.B.Smith’. Condition is very mixed. (150+) 1931 (April) use of Kingsford Smith set of 3 plus 3d Air pair cancelled with light Brock’s Creek, NT, on air cover to Switzerland, endorsed “By Airmail/to Sydney”. [Rate = 9d+3d+4d for 2-3oz rate, overpaid by 1d.]


$100 $100


1931-74 Range Of Official covers including some ‘C.I.B.’ (Police) covers with CofA 1d green optd ‘OS’ (3), perf ‘OS’ include SM 13½ x12½ 1d (5), 2d (4 with ‘F.C.T.’ pmks), later issues include ‘VG’ (some sideways or inverted) with few KGVI, QEII 5d blue (7), etc, also 1963 cover with 5d blue perf ‘T’. Various Departments include ‘Comm. Public Service Board’, ‘Superannuation Board’, ‘Country Roads Board’, ‘Office of Titles’, etc. Mixed condition generally fine. (25) 1932-2009 Covers Collection FDCs and commemoratives with Sydney cancels (many types) from 1932 (April 1) 3d Bridge on APEX cover and 27 more £sd 1945-65 generally more common values and types; earlier decimals include the odd booklet issue set. All on around 100 hagners. (c320) 1934 (Jan 4) Melbourne-King Island airmail use of Australian Provincial Assurance cover to Currie, King Is, bearing 1/- Lyrebird + KGV 1d for 1/1d 1-1½oz rate, a little roughly opened although an attractive and early example of Bass Strait airmail service. 1935 (Dec 3) airmail cover (roughly opened) to passenger aboard President Wilson, addressed c/o Nippon Yusen Kaisha at Yokohama, bearing KGV 5d x2 tied by Air Mail Sydney cds and paying 10d ½oz. rate via Aust-UK airmail service, shipping line Yokohama datestamps front and reverse. Rare and early airmail to Japan.



$100 $120 $80 $320

1317 part 1318

1316 1317 1318

* *F *F

1936 (Mar 12) cover to Lebanon with 6d Large Kooka solo franking paying letter rate + registration, Beyrouth bi-lingual backstamp. Scarce destination. —- (Oct 19) use of 3d Air Mail on cover to Puerto Rico, minor toning. Unusual destination. 1937 (Jan 22) 3/6d rate (3/5d double weight + 1d Late Fee) airmail cover Melbourne to Germany bearing late commercial franking of Kangaroo 3rd wmk 2/- maroon (sender J.C. Williamson Ltd maintained in-house stock of stamps) and 1/6d Hermes tied by Late Fee Melbourne cds, airmail service terminated in UK (bold ‘X’ through Air Mail label). 2/- rare on cover.

$75 $80 $280

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1319 1319 1320 1321

* *F *F

—- (May 13) registered airmail cover to Egypt (Heliopolis backstamp) sent 1/10d rate with attractive multiple franking including 1/SA Centenary, fine condition. Exotic destination & a scarce rate. —- use of 4d olive KGV x2 & 2/- roo x2 on air cover to USA via Hong Kong. 1938 (Aug 8) use of 5d KGV on air cover from Sydney to London. GB 1d applied and then redirected to “SS Orcades c/- General Steam Navigation, Hamburg”. [The Orcades was on the GB-Australia route so its presence at Hamburg is puzzling.]

1322 1322










$120 $90 $50


1940 use of 1d, 9d & 5/- Robes on air cover (via San Francisco) to “Aliens Department”, London from Internee at Hay Internment Camp 8, violet ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/S.51’ on face. [At this stage Internees were not given reduced postal rates.] —- (Dec 4) use on 5d Ram pair & 5/- Robes on censored Clipper cover from Melbourne to London, endorsed “Per AUSTRALIAN.Z.-U.K. AIR MAIL”. 1940(C.) underpaid letter to Holland, octagonal ‘T/16⅔C’ on face, violet boxed ‘INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID LETTER/...’ handstamp on back asks the addressee to return the envelope to the sender so that they will have the correct postal rates.

1325 1325


$300 $120 $50


1941 (Apr 2) commercial airmail cover Sydney to US bearing Robes 10/- Thick paper, etc, ‘CALIFORNIA/CLIPPER’ handstamp, Sydney Censor tape and handstamp, central crease clear of stamps, attractive and scarce franking. [11/10d: 4/- 1st oz + 3/11d per additional ½ozs x2] 1943 (Feb 3) use of 3½d Surcharge on Union Bank of Australia, Perth cover to Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco with red ‘DUPLICATE’ handstamp, boxed violet ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR 1’ (#H5-2) on face. Violet straight-line ‘SUPPOSED TO CONTAIN MATTER/SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF/EXECUTIVE ORDER 8389 AS AMENDED’ applied by US PO. [EO 8389 restricted funds being transferred to German-occupied countries.]



1328 ex 1327 1327




1943-45 Range registered commercial airmail covers from Brisbane to GB with rates including 1/9d (19), 2/4d, 3/3d (3), 1 cover with typed endorsement ‘PER STEAMER TO AMERICA -THENCE BY AIR’, some covers (13) with Sydney transit cds. Mixed condition. (23) 1944 (Feb 2) OHMS cover to Shepparton with ‘RATIONING PAPERS POST FREE’ handstamp in violet, 3d brown applied to pay registration only, flap repair on reverse. Unusual usage.

$100 $100

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ex 1329 1329






ex 1334 1332 *F 1333 U/C 1334








1944-45 Range censored, registered commercial airmail covers from Brisbane to GB with rates including 1/9d (6), 2/4d, 3/3d (6), 4/5d (3), 4/9d (2). Several different ‘Censor’ tapes noted. 4 covers with typed endorsement ‘PER STEAMER TO AMERICA THENCE BY AIR’, 2 covers with GB ‘Found open or damaged’ tape. Some covers with Sydney (5) or Perth transit cds. Mixed condition. (18) 1945 registered Rockhampton cover to Australian Base Post Office London, with 2½d & 3½d x2 Gloucesters & 5/- Robes, backstamps include R.A.A.F. Base P.O./Brisbane and R.A.A.F. Base P.O. London arrival cds in violet (not recorded by Proud but similar to D8). 1946 neat Kangaroo cover with 2/- marginal pair paying Clipper rate to USA.


$100 $150 $80


1950s Collection of 8 registered letters with their 8 ‘AR’ cards. All from Narrogin and all stamps perf ‘W/A’. (16) 1950s-70s Slogan & Meter Cancels in albums and a shoebox, mostly on piece with some on cover, also EFTPOS labels and some foreign material. Excellent opportunity for a low-cost entry into a new collecting area. (1,000s) 1960s-2000s Covers decimal accumulation of multiple franked envelopes and postcards (two or more stamps) various sizes to overseas destinations. Range of rates including registered, postmark types including some taxed, odd undeliverable and returned, booklet stamps, odd uprated PS. Frankings include AAT, destinations mostly GB and USA, also Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland (one Security Post 1995 with Gardens $2 and $5 x2), India, etc. Majority social use but some commercial. Condition varies. (200+) 1970s-2000s Array with better solo frankings including 12c Rehabilitation, 15c Timber, 15c Science Education, 25c Olympics, 25c Spiny Anteater, 35c Beef, Bower Bird, Mapping, 1972 Olympics, 45c Jubilee, 63c and 80c Living Together 85c Ayers Rock, 1978 55c Christmas, 1982 75c ‘Satellite’ Rose; multiple frankings including 1976 45c Christmas pair; also sighted PPC use & some registered items. Heaps of potential for the modern postal historian. (Many 100s). 2000s International Post Covers large accumulation with many $1 or $1.50 frankings (plus lots of others to $1.65) with some Christmas Island issues sighted (used in Australia), duplication as to be expected, overall good variety and an excellent lot for the collector of modern postal history. (100s)

$300 $100


$400 $350

ex 1340

1337 1338

AUSTRALIA | First Flight Covers 1337 B 1925 ‘Angel’ Vignette Booklet (minute cover stain) with two complete panes of 9 (three units on each became stuck to each other at one time, now rather roughly separated), the third with two vignettes remaining. 1338 B 1931 QANTAS White on Grey Air Mail Vignette Booklet (small cover stain and peripheral blemishes), two complete panes of 8, the third with two vignettes removed, Frommer #38b x2 plus 38a x6 Cat $650. Very infrequently seen. 1339 B 1938 ANA Complete Booklet of 3 panes of 8 dark blue with white text Air Mail labels. Small cover stain and partly erased pencil notation noted for accuracy, Frommer #55c Cat $450. 1340 B 1948 ANA Complete Stapled Booklet (2) of blue and red advertising Air Mail labels (small peripheral defects and foxing by staples noted for accuracy), one with 10 panes of 2, the other with 25 panes of 2, neither in the catalogue but otherwise as Frommer #80c - which, with 6 panes of 2, Cat $120 (individual panes of 2 Cat $20 - we have 35 such panes here = $700).

$150 $250 $175 $175

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1341 1341 B 1342




ex 1344 1344






ex 1345




$125 $200 $180

ex 1346

1932 England-Australia plain env to WA with KGV 4d and 1/- SG #424 & 429 tied two strikes d/arc cds ‘LONDON F.S./21DE/31/ AIR MAIL’ and backstamp Perth slogan Jan 25, 1932 -AAMC #245 Cat $125. Plus 1935 (Feb 7) env to WA with strip of 3 KGV 5d SG #425, British Industries Fair slogan cancel. Both light soiling cleanable with care. (2) 1933-34 Ulm Flights [1] 1933 (Dec 12) Auckland - Invercargill on illustrated cover; [2] 1934 (Feb 24) New Zealand - Australia on blue on manilla cover; [3] 1934 (Apr 10) Australia - New Zealand - Australia signed black on white cover, addressed to AA Rosenblum; [4] 1934 (Jul 23) Australia - Papua - Australia signed cover. 1935 Australia - New Zealand - Australia (April 10-14) 26 covers of which 13 are boomerang types AAMC #369-71, Cat $1,300. Eleven one way originate Australia, and of the two prepared for the return flight only one made it, the other (for ‘The Bank of Adelaide’ neatly handstamped in reddish ‘Too Late’). All four envelope designs seen plus a long type for CTP Ulm himself which he, GU Allan and R Boulton signed. Also noted is one addressed to A. Rosenblum with the same three signatures. Many exotic, not to say esoteric, frankings including New Zealand 3d Chocolate SG #548 x6, 4d purple SG #549 x4, 7d Air Mail SG #550 x5 plus various KGV; Australia with odd pre-Commonwealth, lots of 3d Air Mail unchecked, Kingsford Smith 6d Air Mail Service x12 including one ‘OS’ opt ACSC #144(OS) Cat $250 on cover. Condition varies. (26)

ex 1347 1347


—- of 25 blue and red advertising Air Mail labels (small peripheral defects and foxing by staple noted for accuracy), not catalogued but otherwise as Frommer #80c - which, with 6 panes of 2, Cat $120 (individual panes of 2 Cat $20 - we have 25 such panes here = $500). 1927 Cloncurry - Normanton with the specially inscribed vignette, AAMC 106,107a, signed “Hudson Fysh/PILOT”. From Fysh’s personal collection, this may be the only cover he signed. 1930-40 Selected Flights in mixed condition plain envs ex noted, from 1930 AAMC #162 with better noting 1931 (Mar 19) KS set of 3 FDC AAMC #181a, four diff types (3 registered to Dunedin) various frankings Aust-NZ AAMC #369, ends with very nice 1940 TEAL Aust-NZ AAMC #900 to Dunedin. Nice lot, min Cat $635. (9)

$90 $130



1934-35 New Zealand - Australia selection in mixed condition in range AAMC #389a-503, and comprising [1] 1934 (July 2) to Hobart, destination could be added to AAMC #389a description; [2] two 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee attempt AAMC #499 one plain with contents (reasonable condition), the other addressed to England and additionally franked in Wellington (central fold, soiling, and other faults), Cat $175 each; [3] three 1935 illustrated envelopes intended for the return KGV Silver Jubilee flight but forwarded to Australia by sea AAMC #503 (one to Queensland NZAC #117c, two to England NZAC #117d), all franked various 1935 Air and Silver Jubilee values SG #570-75 and others. (6) 1937 McKay Aerial Reconnaisance Expedition AAMC #758, registered cover, 1½d Canberra, 1½d Sturt & 1d & 3d Kingsford Smith cancelled with ‘ALICE SPRINGS/23JL37/N.T.’ to Sydney, signed by “Lt. Bennett”, navigator, on annotated page. A rare item, only 57 covers carried.

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.

$65 $200

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

Page 122



1940 (Jan 22) KNILM Bali Crash survivor (AAMC 888) which originated in Mass, US, on Dec 29 1939, intended for Trans-Atlantic route but showing handstamped ‘Insufficiently Prepaid For/Trans-Atlantic Air Mail Service’, and sent westbound, meeting up with ill fated KNILM service departing Batavia Jan 21 1940 for Sydney, very fine strike of handstruck ‘RECOVERED FROM/LOST FLYING BOAT’, trauma consist with misadventure. Very few covers from this incident emanating from US exist.

ex 1350

ex 1351

ex 1352

1957-65 Inaugural Flight selection from Australia on annotated pages, mostly QANTAS including 1961 (Nov 14) Sydney-Tokyo, 1962 (Oct 3) Air India Perth-Bombay, 1963 (Nov 26) QANTAS Sydney-London (6) via Fiji, Mexico, Bahamas, Bermuda, 1965 55th Anniv of 1st Flight in S.Aust (1910) signed by 1910 mechanic “W.Wittber”, (Mar 31) Sydney-Vienna-London (8) via Indonesia, Singapore, India, Cairo, etc, (Apr 5) Sydney-London via Hong Kong, Philippines, India, Tehran, etc. Some of these return flights had a very low issue rate. Generally fine with a few minor tone spots here or there. (28) AUSTRALIA | Military & Censor Mail 1351 * 1960s & 70s covers (some very large) and small pieces in mixed condition from the Vietnam War and Malayan emergency periods with some philatelically inspired. Range of markings include Concession, Duty Free, FPO pmks and franked with a variety of Australian stamps including Navigators, 1972 National Development etc (10) 1972-73 with 1973 ‘Forces Mail’ covers (4) with 5c adhesive tied by ‘ANZUK F.P.O. 5/26 (or) 28 JA/73/3’ cds to South Australia, 1352 * also 1972 ‘OPENING OF ANZUK FORCE/POSTAL SERVICE, 1st SEPTEMBER 1972’ handstamp on commem GB FDC envelope with ANZUK F.P.O. 5/1 SP/72/2’ cds tying QE 1c to 4c to cover. (5) 1350



ex 1353

ex 1354


$60 $75


AUSTRALIA | Military - World War I Period 1914-16 range of covers (6, incl GB 2d KGV registered stationery envelope with ‘1st L.H.BDE/9-JU-16/DETAILS F.P.O.’ cds) and 1353 * postcards (16) with a selection of mostly Australian miltiary datestamps from Egypt, many with Censor markings. Generally fine. (22) 1354 * 1916-18 inbound to NSW, all part of the same Sykes correspondence from various theatres with majority appearing to be Egypt. Condition varies poor to fair only, many have original correspondence, range of mainly British postal/censor markings with a number more useful seen eg ‘10.X’ and ‘11.X’ (Canadian), ‘2.Y’ (Mounted Brigade). Includes a couple later (WWII period) oddments. (20) 1355 * 1921? use of OHMS ‘PACKET POST/WAR MEDAL’ ‘BASE RECORDS, MELBOURNE’ envelope to Adelaide, type V2 ‘Bulk Regn. Melb’ registration label, poor ‘Registered/2/Paid Melbourne’ cds, on reverse ‘[Opene]d by authority of the/[Po]stmaster General.’ handstamp.


$100 $100

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ex 1356 1356






ex 1357

Australian Troops in England 1916-19 covers mostly with ‘Undeliverable’ cachets, one with rare ‘RETURN/TO/SENDER.’ (Emery CA4C) plus 2 other markings, 1919 cover ‘AUSTRALIAN ORDNANCE/A.I.F. HQRS. DEPOTS IN UK’ (Emery CA182) in green, also cover with oval ‘AUSTRALIAN AUXILLARY HOSPITAL/FRANKED BY/Capt. Chaplain Terry/HAREFIELD PARK, MIDDLESEX’ (similar to Emery CA206), etc. Very mixed condition. Interesting lot. (9) Convoy Mail Range of covers (3) or postcards (7) with Convoy ship handstamps for ‘A20’ (not recorded by Emery), ‘A46’ (2, one not recorded by Emery), ‘A51’ H.M.T.Chilka, 3rd Convoy, ‘A31’ HMT Ajana, 6th Convoy, Censor label only known from 2nd Convoy, also ‘A46’ Clan MacGillivray. Generally fine. Interesting lot. (10) Egypt 1915 Postcard from ‘MILITARY CAMP/(Date)/AERODROME.HELIOPOLIS’ cds to GB with superb strike of ‘27th.BATTALION A.I.F./ON ACTIVE/SERVICE/..../POST FREE/7th. INF. BGDE.’ cachet. (Emery CA239).

1359 1359











—- use of mail label from ‘AUST. ARMY BASE P.O.’ (boxed cachet) (Emery CA26) in black alongside ‘A.I.F. BASE/15-JL-15/POST OFFICE’ cds (Emery DS 6) to “11th Company A.A.S.C., M.E.F., Base Y.” (Nothing on reverse). Only about half a dozen recorded. Rare. —- cover from ‘HILWAN/23XI15.12ooAM’ cds to NSW with superb oval ‘AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND/”E.B.Norton/Major.”/ CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL’ cachet (Emery CA56) in violet. CAIRO transit cds on reverse. Small blemish at left does not detract. —- cover from Egypt to Victoria with good strike of ‘AUST. IMP. FORCE/FREE/INTER BASE’ cds (Emery CA28) and mss “On Active Service/No stamp available” poor ‘A.I.F. INTER BASE/CAIRO’ cds alongside.

ex 1363





$250 $100

$150 $150 $100

ex 1364

—- (22 Jul) PPC to Pinnaroo, SA, showing fine cogwheel ‘27th. BATTALION A.I.F./7TH. INF. BGDE.’ cachet (Emery CA39) and maritime style ‘A.I.F./Passed by Censor....’ (CM15), poor Interbase Cairo cds. Egypt 1915-16 Range of Censor or military cachets including Emery ‘CA23’, ‘CA80’, ‘CA99B’, CA239’ plus 2 not recorded by Emery. (10) —- range of Censor or Military cachets including Emery types ‘CA21’, ‘CA23’, ‘CA80’, ‘CA99B’, ‘CM17’ and 3 others not recorded by Emery. Mixed condition. (8)

ex 1365




1362 1362


$120 $200 $250


Egypt 1916-19 [1] 1916 OAS PPC from Tel-el-Kebr to Hawthorn, Vic, poor red Military recreation Free E handstamp on face; [2] 1918 Egyptian 3m Postal Card from Cairo to Maj Simpson at the Australian Hospital Port Said; [3] 1919 use of stampless PPC of Egyptian Woman to Tasmania, cancelled with double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/X/19FE/91/T.M.1’ (date error). Plus [4] three Honour Envelope sall from Egypt? to South Australia (one with ‘COIN OR ARTICLES OF VALUE...’ admonition). (6) Egypt Hospitals 1915 (14 Sep) PPC to Melbourne showing cirular ‘FIRST AUSTRALIAN GENERAL HOSPITAL/FRANKED’ cachet (Emery CA 40).

$125 $80

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1368 ex 1369







France 1916-17 [1] 1917 use of NZ Salvation Army OAS cover to Melbourne, cancelled with ‘ARMY POS[T OFFICE]/A/ 2AP/17/S.W.4’ (B2 - France), magenta oval ‘PASSED FIELD CENSOR/[crown]/1934’ (A1) on face; [2] Field Service Post Card to Adelaide; [3] Field Service Post Card cancelled with double-circle ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/B/14JU/17/d.60’ (B1 - Western Front) to Murray Bridge SA; [4] poor ‘4th AUST.INF./BGDE/25-II-16/FIELD/P.O.’ on OAS cover to Orkney, Scotland, magenta ‘PASSED BY [CENSOR]/[crown]/NO 3188’ on face. Gallipoli 1915 use of part of an ammunition box cut to form a postcard, censored (Emery CM4) and addressed to Adelaide with ‘1st AUST. INF. BDE. FIELD P.O/-3JL15’ cds. Adelaide machine cancel ‘17.AUG.15’ on reverse. Some text has faded but nevertheless a scarce item. —- three censored postcards from Gallipoli to Australia, one stating “We are living in what we call dugouts....”, also unused PPC of ‘Indian Bivouacs at Anzac Cove. (Dardanelles)’, and ‘ANZAC’ Christmas card. Generally fine. (5 items)

ex 1370

$100 $200 $200

ex 1372 ex 1371







Hospitals selection including ‘FIRST AUSTRALIAN GENERAL HOSPITAL’ cachet (Emery CA41) on PPC, parcel receipt with ‘AUST. GENERAL HOSPITAL/P.O./12APR.16/No.3’ cachet (Emery CA46), PPC with poor strike of ‘AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND/(Signature)/CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL’ cachet (Emery CA56), 3 other PPCs including H.M.Hospital Ship ‘AQUITANIA’, plus 1916 ‘Australian Branch, British Red Cross Society, Shepheards Hotel, Cairo’ cover, locally used in Cairo (ex Emery). (8 items) Lemnos 1915 use of 4 censored postcards from Lemnos to Australia, 2 showing the scarce ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR’ cachet (Emery CA25) in red. Generally fine. Malta 1915 PPCs (3) to Australia from hospitalised soldiers in Malta. [Australian troops were sent from Gallipoli to Malta for convalesence.]

ex 1373 1373






ex 1374

$280 $150 $100

ex 1375

Military Camps 1914-18 selection including Mitcham (SA), Claremont (Tas) (2), two addressed to ‘Maribyrnong Camp’ (rare), most are roughly opened plus selection of datestamps on adhesives. (6 covers & stamps). Military Camps 1915-16 envelopes from same correspondence for the ‘Methodist Soldiers’ Home’ or ‘Tent’ at Broadmeadows Camp (2), and ‘Methodist Soldiers’ Institute, Military Camp, Maribyrnong’ (2) in different fonts. Not recorded by Emery. Some tone spots. (4) Western Front 1915-19 1916-18 group to Australia or AIF London with Army POs S1-S105, also SA1, R13 and R14 cds, one registered with generic blue label. (27)

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$200 $100 $160

Page 125

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 15th September 2012

ex 1377

ex 1376

ex 1378

AUSTRALIA | Military - World War II Period 1376 *U 1940s-80s PMG Post Offices Selection of Army/RAAF/Naval POs on covers/stationery, WWII and postwar, all States (and ACT) represented, apparently without duplication amongst datestamps, range of concessional postage markings, etc. Some faults, mostly reasonable strikes. (115) 1942-43 with one exception appears to be from a very mixed condition single correspondence Dvr AR Riley of the AIF to WRAN 1377 * M. Cilin variously at OTC, Flinders Naval Depot in Melbourne, HMAS Penguin at Sydney, later demobilised, married to a Bill Brodie and at County Council in Sydney. Letter Cards, censor handstamps, variety of frankings including Negri Sembilan, KGVI 3d blue (x3 on one envelope). (18) 1378 *F/G Air Force Mail RAAF Postal Concession markings apparently all different selection, mostly 1940s, excellent variety of types, some less often seen (including Townsville ‘undulating’), noted Lady Gowrie labels (2) on reverse of one, Brisbane 1943 with ‘R’ clearly omitted (‘A.A.F.’), superb strike of rectangular-framed ‘ON ACTIVE SERVICE’ type applied at London (lengthy letter enclosed), etc, some with faults, generally good. Worthy of expansion. (42)

1379 1379










ex 1381

England use of 4d Koala on cover to Longerenong College, Victoria, boxed ‘ON ACTI[VE SERVI]CE/ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE/CONCESSION POSTAL RATE’ (A2) & ‘R.A.A.F./BASE.P.O.NO4/23AP42/ENGLAND’ (B1) both on face but not cancelling stamp, triple-oval ‘Docum[?]g/23APR1942/No1 SIGNAL SCHOOL’ (A2) sealing flap. —- Xmas card produced by 10 Squadron RAAF in Great Britain, mailed to Melton SA on 17OCT44, blue boxed ‘WRITTEN BY MEMBER OF/RAAF ON ACTIVE SERVICE’ on face of cover. Malaya 1941 Censored Salvation Army covers (4, 3 from Negri Sembilan [‘AIF FIELD PO/No 17’]) to Australia one has nice “Mother & Child” ‘join the AIF’ label on back flap; plus Netherlands Indies 1947 cover to Aust from Salv. Army PALOE, MID-CELEBES, some blemishes. (5)

$60 $80 $80

ex 1384

ex 1382 ex 1383

Middle East impressive range of censor covers to Australia from varying locations including: Egypt, Palestine and Tobruk, good quality items on display sheets. (20) 1383 *F/G —- Australian Forces in Lebanon and Syria selection with good variety of locations (lightly penciled on reverse), cancellations and censor markings, some mixed condition. (16) 1384 *F/G Netherlands Indies Australian Forces scarce registered selection comprising ‘A.I.F. FIELD P.O./28’, ‘AUST F.P.O./170’, ‘AUST ARMY P.O.’ 197, 240 (rare), 510, 514, and ‘AIR FORCE POST OFFICE No 251’, quality of covers and cancellations generally good, four items censored. (7)



We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.

$200 $100 $220

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Page 126

ex 1385 1385

ex 1387

ex 1386

New Guinea 1944 (Jun-Oct) series of covers embellished with cartoon characters and the like by J.G. Brooks when stationed at Labu, to his wife in Cairns, including Ginger Meggs, Dagwood, Popeye, Donald Duck, etc, a few allocated cancellations, censored, generally good, appealing lot. [JG Brooks was a noted naturalist and a Chairman of the North Queensland Museum.] (35) New Guinea 1944-45 registered selection from Bougainville, comprising FPO datestamp nos. 12, 13, 14, 158, 169 and 161, in use 1386 *U at Motupena Point, Toko, and Torokina, variety of handstamped registration details and Censors (in violet, black, red, green), generally good strikes, odd fault. (6) 1387 *F/G New South Wales Selection of Field POs, different numbers/allocations, many scarcer, mostly censored, some mixed condition (21, one registered). *

Northern Territory Military/Air Force/Navy Field and other POs collection of different datestamps/allocations (per Proud – details lightly pencilled on reverse), many scarce/rare including rubber types (19), wide variety of censor and other handstamps (a few tapes), typical mixed condition, generally good. Useful lot for expansion. (71) 1389 *F/G Papua Port Moresby 1943-45 registered selection comprising ‘FIELD P.O.’ 081, 0138, 0139, ‘AUST F.P.O.’ 182, ‘AUST ARMY P.O.’ 213, 214, ‘A.F.P.O./No 74’ (nice red registration label), and ‘AIR FORCE P.O./No 74’ (handstamped registration details), generally good quality covers/cancellations, variety of censor handstamps. (8) Postagram 1945-47 RAAF covers endorsed or handstamped ‘POSTAGRAM’ (3 types), two from Pt Moresby (AF.P.O. 74), one 1390 *F Qld-SA, another Vic-NSW, odd fault, scarce. (4) 1388

ex 1392

ex 1394

1392 1393 1394 1395



ex 1391



ex 1390

ex 1389

ex 1388


$720 $170 $100

ex 1393

ex 1395


POW Mail Internment Camp No 7 (Hay, NSW) 1940-41 selection with various handstamped markings, some scarce, including unusual application to reverse of cover to USA, another to Mooragh Detention Camp, Isle of Man (punched postal card), odd fault. (5) *F/G —- Internment Camp 13 (Murchison, Victoria) 1944-47 selection comprising 1944 stampless with different handstamps (3), covers (2, one front - tear) with ‘Pay Office’ or ‘Cash Office’ handstamps, these with ‘MIL.P.O. MURCHISON’ cds, and 1947 inwards with mss. ‘Left unit’. (4) *F/G RAAF Flying Training Schools 1940-41 selection comprising F.T.S. Nos. 1 (Point Cook – faults), 3 (Essendon), 4 (Mascot), 6 (Tamworth - 2 types – one a front), No.1 Air Observers School (Cootamundra – missent Roberts NSW rather than to Robertstown SA), also front from RAAF Station (Richmond). Scarce group. (7) *F/G RAAF PO London 1940s (few 1950s) selection including 1943 with extensive letter enclosed ‘AUSPOST./MIDDLE EAST.’ Handstamps, range of censor markings/tapes, concessional handstamps and airmail rates, one taxed, some mixed condition, generally good. (24) D Range of Tatty Censored Covers from Guy Harriott (War Correspondent and Editor of Sydney Morning Herald) in the Middle East mostly to his wife in Sydney also selection of ‘FIELD P.O.’, ‘ARMY P.O.’, cds’s, etc, on piece. (13 covers & 58 on piece items).

$140 $90 $140 $90 $75

Page 127

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ex 1396 1396

ex 1397

ex 1398

Tattersalls Covers on annotated pages with steel cds cancels identified as per Collas types, various censor cachets used at locations around Australia (including Northern Territory) or PNG mostly with QM 1d, KGVI 3d or 4d Koala frankings including ‘No 7 AUST ADV BASE PO - B’ (4), ‘No 7 AUST ADV BASE PO - C’ (2), ‘No 7 AUST BASE PO - C’ (2), ‘NO 3 AUST BASE PO - B’ (2), ‘AUST FPO’ (33), ‘AUST UNIT POSTAL STN’ (24), ‘FIELD PO’ (26), ‘FIELD POST OFFICE’ (25), ‘AIF ARMY PO’ (1), ‘AIF FIELD PO’ (21), ‘ARMY POST OFFICE’ (3, one is registered), ‘ARMY PO’ (2, one is registered), ‘AUST ARMY PO’ x5, mixed condition. Interesting material for the WWII specialist. (150) 1397 *F/G USA Forces in Australia Army and Navy selection from various POs, nine with Australia frankings, censor handstamps, security cancels, etc, odd fault, generally good. (19) 1398 *F/G Victoria Military/RAAF/Navy POs selection, largely wartime, all different cancellations, various censor and/or concessional rate handstamps, odd fault, generally good. (57) *

ex 1399

$400 $80 $200

ex 1401 ex 1403

AUSTRALIA | Postmarks 1399 D 1910s-1980s Postmark Collection: on leaves of miscellaneous cancellations on piece and stamp, includes Paquebot, military, TPO, relief used in PNG etc, noted 1970 Mail Office HMAS Hobart, Peace & Mitchell sets in blocks of 4 used in Rabaul, roos to 1/- and 1/4d KGV also seen. (100+) 1400 S Colonial to Recent: issues mostly on piece with all states represented, strength being in early WA, NSW, etc, many KGV heads & interesting postmarks noted. Generally fine. Hours of fun. (1,000s) 1401 D Commonwealth-Period Postmarks: entry level mostly on small piece, mainly common value pre-decimals from smattering preCommonwealth issues, Roos and KGV to 1960s, preponderance of KGVI and early QEII periods with all states represented, official and private perfins. Mostly complete clear datestamps incl odd RAAF and other military, SHIP, etc. Terrific starter. (750+) Selection Including: [1] FCT ‘MOLONGO SETTL.M’T/21AUG36/F.C.T.’ cds on piece, (Opened 1926-Closed 1947). [2] NSW 1402 * ‘NEPEAN DAM/21AUG36/N.S.W.’ on piece (Opened 1926-Closed 1936), [3] Vic 1966 Christmas FDC with ‘GLENHUNTLY S.E.9/ 19OC66/VIC-AUST’ (WWW 20B LRD) Rated RRR, 1967 Banking FDC with ‘GLENHUNTLY S.E.9./-5AP67/VIC-AUST’ (WWW 40B ERD) Rated RRRR. Few FDCs incl 1967 Soil/Medical gutter thick lines (addressed) otherwise unaddressed. etc. (8 items) AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY 1403 ** 1973 Pictorial Definitives 100 sets in complete sheets, SG #23-34, Cat £875 (FV Aus$300). (1,200)



$150 $150 $125

$150 $180


AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY | Postal History 1954 (Feb 15) possibly commercial registered cover from Mawson to USA franked at correct 2/9d for registered airmail rate. 1404 *F 1405 * —- registered airmail cover to USA with unusual franking of 9d Platypus & 2/- Tasmanian Sesqui tied by ‘MAWSON’ cds, blue label. 1406 * 1960 (Feb 10) 2/3d Map/Penguins FDC from the Mawson Base with unframed 2-line DAMAGED/BY WATER cachet. [M.V. Thala Dan sprang some plates letting water into the hold and allowing a small amount of philatelic mail to be damaged. The unframed 2line cachet was believed to have been applied upon the arrival of the ship in Melbourne].

To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.

$100 $100 $100

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1407 NAURU 1407 ** 1408 * 1409 W



1916-23 ‘NAURU’ At Base 6d purple BLC pair with ‘I.16’ control number. 1916-23 Seahorses DLR Printing 10/- pale blue, SG #23, ovpt has thick N & is unusually high, Cat £250. —- 10/- pale blue, SG #23, MNG, centred right, Cat £250.

$250 $300 $150

ex 1410




ex 1411 1415 1410 U 1937-48 Ships White Paper ½d to 10/- and ½d P14 (#26Bc), very fine used, SG #26B-39B, Cat £235. (15) 1411 ** 1979 Rowland Hill Imperforate set in vertical strips of 3, SG #204-6a. (9) 1412 ** —- M/S, SG #207a. NAURU | Postal History 1413 * 1916 (Dec 3) plain registered and censored envelope (small peripheral faults) to England franked optd KGV 6d and 1/- each tied ‘P.O.PLEASANT ISLAND/DE 3/NAURU’ s/ring cds alongside handstamped registration cachet and ‘CENSORED’ both in deep violet. Transit backstamps Sydney, Liverpool and London. 1414 * 1925 (Feb) cover to United States (Leavenworth backstamp) with philatelic franking of Rough Paper Ships 1d, 2½d & 3d with a weak strike of the very worn ‘PLEASANT ISLAND/(NAURU)’ registration handstamp in violet & American ‘REGISTERED’ handstamp in purple. 1415 * 1946 (Aug 9) registered cover to England with philatelic franking of Shiny Paper Ships 2½d, 3d & 2/6d tied by ‘NAURU/CENTRAL PACIFIC’ cds, blue registration label, Sydnet transit backstamp.

$120 $150 $180

$200 $80 $120

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NEW GUINEA | ‘G.R.I.’ Overprints | Postal History 1416 * 1915 (Mar 22) insured cover to Sydney (b/s) with extremely rare combination franking of GRI opts on Marshall Islands 5mm Setting 1d on 5d marginal pair the right-hand unit with ‘1’ & ‘d’ spaced SG 51e (Setting 4 ?, rated very scarce by Gibbs), ‘G.R.I./3d. Rabaul/(Deutsch Neuguinea)’ SG #33 and NWPI 2½d pair, tied by three fine strikes of oval ‘RABAUL/NEW BRITAIN’ d/s in violet, endorsed in manuscript “Passed By/Censor/JB” (J Bell), three ‘KAISERL.DEUTSCH POSTAGENTUR/STEPHANSORT’ wax seals on reverse, peripheral blemishes. A wonderful cover.




NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints 1417 F 1915-16 KGV Single Wmk ½d green (ac) horizontal pair, transfer error. 1418 * —- ½d bright green (acccbc) strip of 6, transfer error, perf separation between 2nd & 3rd and 3rd & 4th units protected with small hinges, light vertical crease on 1st unit.

1419 1419 * 1420 * 1421 **


$150 $350


—- 4d yellow-orange with line through FOUR PENCE [2R12], SG #70c, mild gum disturbance. —- 4d yellow-orange with line through FOUR PENCE [2R12], SG #70c. 1915-16 Kangaroos 1st Wmk 1/- green pair (aa), SG #81, curious light vertical band in right hand stamp.

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.

$350 $625 $110

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1432 1428

1422 1422 **/* 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428

* F F * * *

1429 1430 1431 1432

* * V F

—- 10/- grey & pink (abc) [R42,48,54 - setting 4 last printing (large dot after S in pos 12)], SG #84, top unit hinged, bottom unit short perf, Retail $900+. —- 10/- grey & pink (b), SG #84 —- 10/- grey & pink (b) [4th setting pos 18], SG #84, odd slightly nibbled perf, very well centred, Rabaul 5JL16 cancel. —- 10/- grey & pink (c), SG #84, one nibbled perf, well centred, Nauru cancel. —- £1 brown & ultramarine (a), SG #85, one nibbled perf, well-centred, Retail $875. 1915-16 Kangaroos 2nd Wmk 5/- grey & yellow (a), SG #92, one toned perf & slightly truncated TLC. —- 5/- (abc) strip of 3 with purple-black overprint, SG #92, slight abrasion to TRC of top unit and light ink smudge on 2nd & 3rd units, gum faults. —- 5/- grey & yellow (a), SG #92, woolly perfs. 1915-16 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk £1 brown & blue (a), SG #99, good perfs & centring, Retail $675. —- £1 brown & blue (b), SG #99, light 1917 Rabaul cancel —- £1 brown & blue (b), SG #99, good centring, Retail $900.

1433 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437

* V F * *


* * ** *


$200 $100 $440 $500 $700



—- £1 brown & blue (c) [R26], SG #99, good perfs & centring, Retail $675. —- £1 brown & blue (c), SG #99, o/c to right, couple of nibbled perfs, Retail $675, Nauru cancel. 1918 ‘One Penny’ Surcharges 1d on 5d & 1d on 1/-, SG #100-1. (2) 1918-23 KGV Single Wmk 1d red with rare dot on Y (ACSC #71(2)l), SG #103. —- 1d red Die II-I pair, SG #103b, bubbly gum on Die II unit.

1438 1438 1439 1440 1441

ex 1435

$650 $180 $240 $140 $540 $60


—- 4d yellow-orange, SG #104 with white scratch behind emu [2R29] (ACSC #110(2)l). 1918-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 6d greyish ultramarine Die II pair, SG #110a Retail $150. —- 5/- grey & black, SG #116, MUH. —- 5/- grey & black, SG #116, with short Spencer’s Gulf [R15].

$440 $350 $150 $200 $120

1441 $100 $100 $120 $100

Page 131

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ex 1445

1442 ** —- 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, SG #117, small gum bend, Retail $275 for hinged. NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints | Official Stamps 1443 F 1919-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk Perf ‘OS’ 3d olive Die I, SG #O8, poor 1925 Talsea, 2 small cuts caused by postmark. 1444 ** 1919-23 KGV New Colours Perf ‘OS’ 2d orange pair, SG #O18, right unit with compartment lines, Cat £240. NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Collections and Accumulations 1445 *U Selection on Hagners with Huts to 6d MH or MNG & Airs to 5/- MLH (9d toning), Dated Birds to 1/- & 5/- (faults) plus Airs to 2/(4d, 9d & 1/- with sheet edge tabs adhered to gum), Undated Birds to 2/- MH plus 5/- & 10/- MUH & £1 fine used plus Airs to 1/(tonespot) MH & 2/- used, & optd ‘OS’ 1½d, 2d & 3d MH, Bulolo Airs to 1/- (toning) MH & 2/- used, plus other oddments with a few German New Guinea & NWPI, condition variable, Cat £700+. (125 approx).

ex 1447




$70 $150



NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues 1446 ** 1925-27 Huts 2d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 1/- in imprint blocks of 12 from base of sheet. Some tropicalisation of gum. Cat £500+. (60) 1447 * 1932-34 Undated Bird set of 15, SG #177-89 Retail $325. MVLH. 1448 V 1932-34 Undated Bird Airs 2/- dull lake pair, SG #200, Cat £96+, cancelled with ‘WAU/19OCT35-818AM/NEW GUINEA’. 1449 * 1935 Bulolo Airs £2 bright violet, SG #204. 1450 * 1939 Bulolo Airs £1 yellow-green Panelli forgery. Scarce.



$100 $250 $80 $280 $180


NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Official Stamps 1451 * 1932 Undated Birds complete set of 13, SG #O42-54, Retail $375 for mint. NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Postal History 1452 * 1931 (Sep 8) Rabaul registered cover to England with philatelic solo franking of 5/- Huts optd ‘AIR MAIL’. 1453 1934 1934 (Nov 22) inwards commercial cover (small handling faults) from GB to Rabaul per Imperial Airways service IE296 which experienced three flight interruptions: (i) Delayed Athens Nov 26-27 owing to inclement weather, (ii) Engine trouble at Rutbah (Iraq) Nov 28 necessitating return to Cairo and transfer of mail load Hanno to Hannibal, and (iii) Engine trouble at Jodhpur Dec 1, backstamped Melbourne and Sydney. [9d is a rare rate to New Guinea: 6d airmail to Karachi + 3d Australian internal airmail service] 1938 long OHMS registered cover to Port Moresby with 1d green x2 & 2d vermilion x3 Undated Birds all overprintd ‘OS’, tied by 1454 *F Rabaul cds 30 SEP 38 with Rabaul Registration handstamp at lower left, nice Official mail.

Current starting prices are updated online whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.

$240 $80

$320 $175

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ex 1455


NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | First Flight Covers 1455 * 1936 (Oct 28) Guinea Airways cover endorsed “Lockheed Electra, C.J. Levien” piloted by Tommy O’Dea AAMC #P107 one of only two covers despatched from Bulolo (fine cds tying stamps + backstamp) departing Port Moresby on Oct 29th with Melbourne backstamp; also 1933 (June 20) flight cover to same addressee; some toning particularly on the latter item. (2) NORFOLK ISLAND | Collections and Accumulations 1456 **/*/U 1947-96 duplicated stock with fragmentary £sd from various mostly MH 1947 Ball Bay, better noted two lightly hinged 10/- Tropic Bird optd SPECIMEN at base 13½ and 15½ mm. Decimals from heavily duplicated 1966 optd pictorials SG #60-71 mint and used/ CTO with both 1c and $1 types. Clean lot, MUH/MH decimals FV $500+. (100s) NORFOLK ISLAND 1457 ** 1960 2/8d Local Government imprint block of 4. Rare MUH.



ex 1462


$100 $120 $110

ex 1463

1980s-90s Airmail Covers at varying rates from 20c to 45c to Mail Order firm in Sydney, no duplication amongst frankings, many uncommon on commercial cover, generally fine, difficult to source material. (72) PAPUA | Collections and Accumulations 1462 **/* 1907-39 Mint Collection - including New Guinea. Over 300 unhinged and lightly hinged with some duplication, odd bits of tone but great majority fine. Papua more useful include 1910-11 2/6d Types B and C SG #82 & 83 hinged (latter wmk inverted), various 1929-31 overprints, 1932 9d and 1/3d Lakatois SG #127-8 with rift in clouds, 1934 Declaration SG #146-9 six sets MUH. New Guinea with both Huts sets to 2/- MLH, various dated and undated Birds including Airs, various ‘OS’ optd Huts and Birds. Current local Retail getting close to $2,000, excellent value. (c320) 1463 *U Array on Hagners with optd Large ‘Papua’ 2d used & optd Small ‘Papua’ (3, two MH), Monocolours to 4d & 2/6d MH plus 2d with Brisbane ‘LOOSE/SHIP/LETTER’ oval cancel, Bicolours to 1/- MH plus 1/6d & 2/6d used, Pictorials to 2/6d MLH, 1934 Declaration plus 1938 & 1939 Airs (ex1/6d) used, also some low values used duplicates, condition variable, Cat £350+. (96) 1461



NORFOLK ISLAND | Postal History 1961 (6 Jul) use of 2/8d Local Govt on airmail cover to Germany bearing, overpaying 2/3d airmail rate, used from Melbourne 1458 *V (illegally). 1459 * 1966 (Mar 1) apparently commercial registered cover to Sydney with 20c on 2/- Petrel, 4c on 5d Flower & 2c on 2d Flower x2 tied by worn ‘NORFOLK/ISLAND’ cds, blue registration label, Pennant Hills backstamp. 1460 *F/G 1980s-90s selection of commercial airmail covers to Mail Order firm in Australia, comprising different franking compositions during 22c to 45c rate regimes, mostly fine, hard-to-get material. (c.45)

ex 1461



$300 $200

Page 133

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ex 1464

1465 PAPUA 1464 * 1465 ** 1466 **

1917 ‘ONE PENNY’ Overprints on 2d and 6d SG #107 & 110 in fresh VLH lower marginal monogram singles. 1929-30 Airmails 6d dull & pale purple Harrison imprint block of 15, unit 6/2 with POSTACE (SG #116a), couple of small tone spots. 1931 ‘TWO PENCE’ Surcharge in Mullett imprint block of 10, odd small tonespot.

$100 $200 $100

ex 1472

1467 ex 1469

ex 1471

PAPUA | First Flight Covers 1931 Samoa - Port Moresby Frank A Cook PAPUAN AIRWAYS cover, AAMC #P30, with 3d Kingsford Smith & ½d, 1½d & 3d Air 1467 *F Lakatois for additional air service from Brisbane to Sydney and then by sea to New Zealand. PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Collections and Accumulations 1468 */**/U 1952-70s Array mostly used with 1952 Pictorials to 10/- (4) & £1, 10/- Map MH & £1 Queen MUH, lots of duplicated low values, condition is very mixed. 1469 ** 1952-80s Collection almost complete including 10/- Map, £1 Fisherman, 1963 Rabaul, £1 Queen, 1966 Butterflies, many commem sets. (100s) 1470 **/*/U 1952-2007 on 7-Seas pages fairly close to complete, pre-decimals mainly used or CTO but more useful noted include 1/7d Cattle fresh MUH, 1963 10/- Rabaul MH, 1963 £1 QEII and 1964 10/- Bird optd SPECIMEN fresh lightly hinged and total £sd local Retail c$270. Some earlier decimals MH but majority MUH, total decimal FV cK1,200. (100s) 1471 */**/U 1957-90s Collection including 1963 Rabaul 10/-, £1 Queen, 1964-65 Birds, 1966 Butterflies, 1991-93 Birds to 5k plus 2 sets of large ‘T’ Birds, 1993 Bangkok M/s, 1994 Hong Kong strip, etc, all MUH also 1960 Dues (March set 5 MVLH), few packs and small used range. (100s) 1472 * 1963-95 FDC Collection almost complete from 1970s with most issues on unaddressed FDCs including 1982-85 Corals, 1994 Hong Kong strip, 1995 Pope, etc, plus few commem postmarks (170+), also AAT 1983-99 unaddressed FDCs (24), and Norfolk Island (7), generally fine. (200+)

$270 $75 $100 $300 $250 $100

Phoenix Auctions is very pleased to announce that we have been appointed the auctioneers for the legendary

‘Stuart Hardy Commonwealth of Australia Collection’, If you would like to receive the catalogues, please let us know.

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Page 134

ex 1474


ex 1475

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1473 ** 1964-65 Birds 10/- optd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #71s. 1474 ** 1994 Provisional Surcharges set of 11 SG #730-40, Cat £225 (2002) and local Retail $300+. Plus 1995 21t on 90t and 90T first opt type SG #756 & 758. Fine and fresh. (13) PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Booklets 1475 B** 1970 Booklets comprising [1] (Jan 28) green on yellow-olive cover inscribed in seriffed type ‘POSTAGE STAMP’ SG #SB1; [2] (May 25) green on cream cover inscribed ‘POSTAGE STAMP’ without serifs, SG #SB2; both in fine condition, Cat £393. (2)

ex 1476

$100 $120 $300

ex 1477 ex 1478

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Postal History 1476 1938-52 group including 1938 Port Moresby to NSW with Papua 5d Pictorial & Australia 3d & 2d, 1941 NSW censored to Pinikidu Mission with Rabaul backstamp, 1941 Papua to Qld with ‘PASSED/BY/UNIT CENSOR’ boxed handstamp & concession handstamp, 1948 PMG’s Department Letter Mail Advice with ‘MILNE BAY/7MY48’ cds, postmarks on Australian stamps including 1947 Maprik, 1946-47 Rigo x3, 1947-48 Kairuku x2, 1952 Finschafen x2 & Talasea. (33 items) 1950s-60s Ship Mail Covers including 1951 Sohana-Buin with oval ‘AK ROVIANA’ ship cachet for trip Kangu-Kihili and Buin1477 * Queensland with oval ‘MV MALAKUNA’ (in red) for trip Kihili-Kangu (edge faults), 1958 (?) with Sohana-Buin with oval ‘MV KILINAILAU’ cachet, others with ‘PATRICIA’, ‘MV BULOLO’ or ‘MV MALAITA’ straight-line handstamps, plus two others, mostly fine. (8) 1478 * 1959-60 Taxed Articles comprising [1] 1959 inwards cover from GB to Port Moresby with 1/3d Wilding franking, mss “Tax 6d” with 3d Policeman pair added in lieu of postage dues; [2] (1960?) Customs Assessment Card addressed to Burns Philp in Lae for charges due on article received from Australia with 1/3d due tied by ‘PARCELS OFFICE/LAE’ cds; both in fine condition. 1479 *F/G 1960s-90s accumulation of commercial covers, appear largely airmail to Australia and few to further abroad, plenty of cds and slogan cancels, reasonable variety of heavily duplicated frankings, typically mixed commercial quality. (c.550)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | First Flight Covers 1949 (21 Jun) New Britain District ‘Catalina’ first flights, complete set comprising flights from Rabaul to Jacquenot Bay, Kandrian 1480 * (Gasmata) or Talasea, all signed by pilot Hugh Birch and addressed to Hudson Fysh, AAMC #P180-182 and tidily presented on annotated album pages. Ex Ray Kelly. (3)

To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.


$140 $120 $160


Page 135

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ex 1481 1481

ex 1482

ex 1483

—- (Dec 7) Tasman and Mortlock Islands flights: Sohano - Nukumanu and Sohano - Tauu covers, both franked 5½d and cancelled 7 December, both with ornate hand-illustrated maps of the route to the isolated islands, signed by Hugh Birch & addressed to Hudson Fysh, AAMC #P187-188. Ex Ray Kelly. (2) PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Postmarks 1955 Voyce Registered Quintet: addressed to Buin comprising [1] from Namatanai with ‘SUB-DISTRICT OFFICE/7DEC1955/ 1482 * NAMATANAI’ oval d/s in violet; [2] from Maprik with boxed ‘MAPRIK’ handstamp; both with black/red registration labels: also illustrated covers from [3] Kukupi with boxed ‘KUKUPI’ handstamp in violet & black/red registration label, [4] Pomio with ‘PATROL POST/11AUG1955/POMIO’ boxed handstamp without a registration label but endorsed “Registered” & [5] Kavieng with black/red registration label; minor aging on three of the covers. Badili - Bolubolu: 1960s-90s collection comprising 79 mostly philatelic covers with various cds types some with makeshift/ 1483 * provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Badili (10 are registered), Baimuru (4 registered), Baiyer River (4 registered, one with Mt Hagen registration label), Balimo (5 registered) also off-cover 1962 ‘SUB-DISTRICT/BALIMO’ boxed handstamp on 2/- Dancer pair or 2/6d Conference pair, Banz (8 registered), Bereina (3 registered), Bialla (2 registered), Bogia (12 registered, one is a 1974 commercial cover) & Bolubolu (2 registered); also some commercial airmail covers, condition generally fine. *

ex 1484 1484











ex 1488



ex 1486

Badili - Boroko Relief Cancels: 1960s-70s collection of registered covers comprising Badili (2), Baimuru, Baiyer River, Balimo (3, including provisional use of Momote registration label), Banz, Bogia (3, including Relief No 4 on 2/5d Cattle) & Boroko (4), generally fine. (15) Boroko: 1960s-90s collection comprising 125+ covers (38 are registered) with a good variety of cds types, earlier covers mostly philatelic with 1980s-90s covers being mostly commercial airmails with some meters, condition variable. Reserved at around $1 a cover. (125+) Buambub - Dogura: 1950s-90s collection comprising 100+ mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Buambub (3, all registered), Buin (11 are registered, one with 10/Bird solo) plus 1958 use of a Formular Aerogramme, Buka (6 registered), Bulae (3, all registered), Bulolo (6 registered), Bundi (4 registered), Bwagaoia (5 registered), Cape Rodney (6 registered), Chimbu (1 registered), Chuave (8 Registered), Daru (7 registered), Didibuna (3, all registered), Dogura (5 registered); condition generally fine.

1487 1487

ex 1485


$180 $140


ex 1489

Buin: (July 23) commercial use of formular aerogramme from Voyce to South Africa with 4d & 7d Surcharges tied by ‘BUIN/23JY57/ PAPUA NEW GUINEA’ cds, sealing fault. PO 28/5/1949. Buka - Finschhafen Relief Cancels: 1960s-90s collection of registered covers comprising Buka (3, one taxed), Bulae (2), Bululo, Bundi, Bwagaoia (3), Cape Rodney, Didibuna (2), Dugura (4, one with provisional registration label), Esa’ala (2) & Finschhafen (2), generally fine. (21) Bwagaoia - Buin Relief Cancels: 1950s-90s collection of registered covers comprising Boroko (6), Buambub (3) & Buin (6, including 1956 Relief No 6 on Voyce cover from the second period of use at Buin), generally fine. (15)

$120 $240 $160

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ex 1490 1490
















ex 1494

ex 1497

$260 $180 $200

ex 1495

Kabwum - Kieta: 1950s-90s collection comprising 100+ mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Kabwum (3 are registered), Kagua (4 registered) also 1962 ‘SUBPOST OFFICE/KAGUA boxed handstamp on 2/- Dancer strip of 3 off-cover, Kaiapit (2, both registered), Kainantu (4 registered), Kairuku (3 registered), Kandrian (6 registered), Kar Kar (4 registered), Kavieng (7 registered), Kawito (2, both registered), Keravat (4 registered, one with hand-drawn registration label), Kerema (9 registered), Kerowagi (5 registered, including provisional use of Kundiava registration label) & Kieta (7 registered), generally fine condition. (100) Kikori - Kwikila: 1950s-90s collection comprising 110 mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Kikori (6, all registered), Kimbe (6 registered), Kiunga (5 registered), Kaugere (3, all registered), Koitamata (3 registered), Kokoda (5 registered), Kokopo (9 registered), Koroba (5 registered), Kukipi (6 registered), Kundiawa (10 registered), Marshall Lagoon/Kupiano (8 registered), Kwalakessi (3 registered) & Kwikila (4 registered), toning in places, generally fine. (110) Kita - Kwikila Relief Cancels: 1960s-80s collection mostly on registered covers comprising Kieta (4), Konedobu (3), Kikori (2), Kimbe, Kaugere, Kokoda (5, including 1959 with 1/7d Cattle, toning), Kokopo, Koroba, Kwalakessi (3) & Kwikila (2), generally fine. (23)

ex 1496 1496

ex 1492

Erave - Jomba: 1960s-90s collection comprising 120+ mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Erave (3 are registered), Esa’ala (5 registered), Ewasse (1 registered), Finchhafen (4 registered), Garaina (6 registered), Gembogl (4 registered) also complete ‘PATROL POST GEMBOGL’ on 5d block of 4 (off-cover), Gerehu (3 registered), Goldie River (5 registered, one with Boroko registration label), Goroka (13 registered) also commemorative postmark covers including 1960 ‘HUMID TROPICS SYMPOSIUM’, Gumine (4 registered), Gusap, Hohola (8 registered), Hoskins (4, all registered), Hula (2, both registered), Ialibu (3 registered), Igam/Igam Barracks (6 registered), Ihu (4 registered), Jackson (2 registered, both with Boroko registration labels), Jomba (2, both registered), some toning generally fine. (120+) Gembogl - Jomba Relief Cancels: 1960s-80s collection of mostly registered covers comprising Gembogl, Goroka, Gusap (2), Hohola (provisional use of Bainings registration label), Hoskins, Hula, Ialibu, Ihu (2), Jacksons & Jomba (2), generally fine condition. (13) Kabwum - Kerowagi Relief Cancels: 1960s-80s collection of mostly registered covers comprising Kabwum, Kagau (4), Kainantu, Kairuku (3) Kar Kar, Kavieng, Keravat (name scored through on registration label), Kerima & Kerowagi (2), mostly fine condition. (15)

ex 1493 1493

ex 1491


$250 $280

ex 1498

Konedobu: 1950s-90s collection comprising 55+ covers (20 are registered) with a good variety of cds types, including registered covers x2 with 1955 ‘POSTAL DEPT C3’ cds, 1962 OHMS registered with 2/5d Cattle, 1963 part envelope with provisional use of Rigo registration label, undated OHMS window envelope with ‘Postage Paid PN1/Konedobu TP & NG’ handstamp, others mostly philatelic including some Western Highlands Show (Mount Hagen) commemorative covers, plus a few meter and postmarks, condition variable. Lae - Kwikila: 1960s-90s collection comprising 115 mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Lae (24 registered) plus lots of 1960s covers with commemorative cancels, Laigam (5 registered, one with Wabag registration label), Lese (3 registered), Lombrum (9 registered, five with HMAS Tarangau cds), Lorengau (6 registered), Losuia (6 registered), Lumi (5, one with Wewak registration label). (115) Lae - Malalaua Relief Cancels: 1950s-80s collection mostly on registered covers comprising Lae (7), Laiagam (2, one with stamps tied by Relief No 2 plus Relief No 1 backstamp used at Mt Hagen), Losuia (3), Lumi, Madang (2) & Malalaua (5), generally fine. (20)


$250 $240

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ex 1499 1499






ex 1500

Madang - Mumeng: 1950s-90s collection comprising 120 mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Madang (7 registered), Magarida (5 registered), Malabunga (1 registered), Malahang (3 registered, one with provisional use of Momote registration label), Malalaua (5 registered), Maprik (7 registered), Matupit (6 registered), Mendi (9 registered, one with hand-drawn registration label, another OHMS commercial with 2/5d Cattle solo), also a taxed cover to New Zealand, Menyamya (2 registered), Milford Haven (3 registered), Minj (6 registered), Momote (2 registered) also three covers with boxed ‘RAAF/SERVICE’ handstamp & another with boxed ‘BASE STATION MOMOTE’ handstamp, Morata, Moreguina (1 registered), Mount Hagen (9 registered), Moem/Moem Barracks (4 registered) & Mumeng (4 registered), condition generally fine. (120) Mendi - Port Moresby Relief Cancels: 1950s-80s collection mostly on registered covers comprising Mendi (2), Menyanya (provisional registration label), Minj (3), Moreguina (2, both with provisional registration labels), Mount Hagen (4), Namatanai, Nuku (2), Okapa, Palmalmal, Panguna (2), Popondetta, Porgera (2, one with Mt Hagen registration label) & Port Moresby (3), condition mostly fine. (25) Namatanai - Rabaul: 1950s-90s collection comprising 100 mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Namatania (5 registered), Navunaram (1 registered), Nuku (2 registered), Okapa (4 registered) also ‘OKAPA PATROL POST’ part cancels on off-cover stamps including QEII £1, Palmalmal (1 registered), Pangia (3 registered), Panguna (7 registered), Parliament House (1 registered), Pomio (4 registered), Popondetta (5 registered), Porgera (1 registered), Rabaraba (6 registered, one with provisional use of Momote registration label) & Rabaul (10 registered) plus meters & commemorative cancels, condition generally fine. (100)

ex 1502 1502


1503 1504


ex 1503







ex 1504

Port Moresby: 1950s-90s collection comprising 200+ covers (47 are registered including Philatelic Bureau types) with a good variety of cds types, including 1956 Government Gazette ‘POSTAGE PAID AT PORT MORESBY’ x2, 1957-58 OHMS stampless covers (2, one airmail to UK), 1960 OHMS part-cover to Wabag via Goroka endorsed “By RUNNER/TO WABAG” in pencil, 1968 Customs Assesment Cards x2 each with 12c butterfly solo frankings, 1960-80s commercial airmail covers, others mostly philatelic with commemorative cancels including for 1969 South Pacific Games (5, all registered), FDCs plus a few meters & postal stationery items, condition variable. Can’t go wrong at around $1 a cover at reserve. (200+) Rabaraba - Taraka Relief Cancels: 1950s-80s collection mostly on registered covers comprising Rabaraba (3, two with provisional use of Momote registration labels), Rabaul, Rouna, Samarai (5), Salamo, Talasea (6), Tapini & Taraka (4), a couple of the earlier covers in mixed condition, generally fine. (22) Relief Cancels: tying adhesives comprising [1] 1952 (Dec 19) Relief No #5 (Kairuku); [2] 1953 (Nov 28) #4 (Lorengau); [3] 1953 (Feb 16) #2 being the first day of use at Mount Hagen; [4] 1956 (Oct 4) #6 (Buin); condition variable. ($)

ex 1505 1505

ex 1501

$240 $300 $80

ex 1506

—- on registered covers all addressed to Voyce in Buin comprising [1] 1958 (May 7) Relief #3 (Banz); [2] 1958 (Jan 4) #5 (Esa’ala); [3] 1953 (Mar 2) #2 (Goroka); [4] 1953 (Oct 3) #5 (Kainantu); [5] 1956 (May 28) #6 (Kandrian) with ‘KANDRIAN’ handstamp in violet; all with red/black registration labels, some blemishes tonespotting, fine overall. (5) —- mostly registered covers all but one sent airmail & all addressed to Max Bulley in Melbourne comprising [1] 1954 (Aug 25) Relief #2 (Finschhafen); [2] 1957 (Feb 10) #1 (Kerema); [3] 1955 (May 3) #4 (Sohano); [4] 1957 (Aug 29) #3 (Sohano); [5] 1953 (Mar 26) #2 (Mount Hagen); [6] 1959 (Feb 23) #3 being the last day of use at Maprik tying 1/7d Cattle (cover not registered); all but the latter with red/black registration labels, a few with trivial toning, mostly fine. (6)



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ex 1508

ex 1507 1507






ex 1509

—- all registered and addressed to Voyce in Buin comprising [1] 1957 (Nov 23) Relief No #6 (Losuia); [2] 1959 (Nov 21) #4 (Mendi) tying 1/7d Cattle; [3] 1956 (May 30) #1 (Minj); [4] 1958 (Nov 10) #5 (Namatanai) tying 1/7d Cattle; all with red/black registration labels, a couple with minor toning, fine overall. (4) —- all registered and addressed to Papuan Philatelic Society comprising [1] 1960 (Jun 1) Relief No #5 (Buin); [2] 1959 (Nov 28) No #1 (Losuia) tying 1/7d Cattle; [3] 1958 (Oct 13) No #6 (Mendi) tying 1/7d Cattle; [4] 1960 (Jan 23) No #3 (Mendi) tying 1/7d Cattle (+ 5d Surcharge pair); [5] 1962 (May 18) #4 (Popondetta) tying 2/5d Cattle; all with red/black registration labels, odd blemish mostly fine. (5) Relief Covers: all registered with red/black registration labels sent to various addressees comprising [1] 1961 (Dec 13) Relief No #3 (Bulolo); [2] 1956 (Dec 22) #3 (Goroka) used as backstamp on a Chimbu registered cover; [3] 1956 (Jun 5 & Jun 22) #4 (Kairuku) the former being first day use at this office; [4] 1955 (Oct 19) #4 (Namatanai) & #5 (Maprik) both addressed to Fiji, the former with Suva backstamp; some with mild toning, overall fine. (6)




ex 1511

ex 1510

ex 1512 1510






Rigo - University: 1950s-90s collection comprising 170+ mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Rigo (1958 registered to Fiji), Rouna (5 registered), Saidor (7 registered), Salamo (5 registered), Samarai (6 registered), Sogeri (2 registered), Sohana (3 registered) also two formular aerogrammes, Tabulil (2 registered), Talasea (3 registered), Tapiana/Goilala (7 registered), Taraka (2 registered), Tari (5 registered), Taurama Barracks (7 registered), Tinputz (6 registered), Malaguna/Toboi (11 registered), Tufi (7 registered), Ukarumpa (7 registered), Unitech (2 registered), University (5 registered). (170+) Telefomin - Woitape Relief Cancels: 1960s-90s collection mostly of registered covers comprising Telefomin (2), Toboi (4, including long airmail cover with 4/- Artefacts block of 4 + 4d), Unitech (2), University (2), Vanimo (2), Wabag (3), Waigani, Wakunai, Wapenamanda (registration label spelling corrected by hand), Wards Strip (2), Wau (3), Wasua, Wewak & Woitape (2), generally fine condition. (27) Vanimo - Yomba: 1960s-90s collection comprising 100+ mostly philatelic covers, with various cds types some with makeshift/ provisional use of registration labels, including emissions from Vanimo (5 registered), Wabag (6, one with Mount Hagen registration label), Waigani (3 registered, one with Ward Strip registration label), Wakunai (4 registered), Wapenamanda (6 registered, two with mispelled registration label - one corrected), Wards Strip (4 registered), Wau (6 registered), Wasua (3 registered), West Goroka (1 registered ‘26JE67’ being first day of office opening), Wewak (14 registered), Woitape (6 registered, including provisional use of Koroba registration label), Yomba/Jomba (6 registered), also a little unused postal stationery, condition generally fine. (125+)

ex 1513 1513







ex 1514

Wapenamanda: (May 1) first day of opening registered cover with 2/5d Native Artefacts tied by ‘WAPENAMUNDA’ cds which was withdrawn after 17 days (along with the registration labels) due to misspelling of the name. Very scarce. PO 1/5/1964. —- (May 1) first day of opening cover with 5d Electoral Roll tied with incorrectly spelled ‘WAPENAMUNDA’ cds, the canceller subsequently withdrawn after just 17 days service, minor blemishes.

$250 $100 $80

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