A42 issuu 2

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Lot 778: 1½d brown ‘Imperf at Top’.

Auction No.42 Friday 11th December 2015, commencing at 10:30am Level 2, 170 Queen Street, Melbourne. Australia.

Session 2

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Phoenix Auctions - 11th December 2015

Session 2 will commence at 1:00pm

ex 467

ex 468

ex 471

AUSTRALIA | Collections & Miscellaneous Groupings 467 **/* 1913-65 Collection to Christmas 1965 with mostly hinged through KGVI period, then majority MUH. Useful Roos 1st wmk x7 to 9d, 2nd wmk 2½d & 9d, 3rd wmk x4 to 2/- maroon (incl 2d grey Die IIA), SM 6d, CofA x3 to first 2/-. KGV from both 1d engraved, s/wmk various printings ½d to 5d line perf with some MUH, LM wmk all values (1d is Harrison), ½d and 1½d no wmk, SM wmk P13½x12½ to 1/4d (crease) incl both surcharges, CofA set of 8 complete (1½d MUH). Other pre-decimals lack some higher ticket items (eg no Kooka MS, 5/- Bridge, Robes, Arms 10/- to £1, £2 Nav). Officials incl OS opt 6d Airmail and Bridge pair, also AAT first decimals set of 11 MLH. Some small blemishes in places but overall fine to VF and fresh throughout. Roos retail c$1,500, KGV c$1,400 (incl OS opts), others (ex KGVI/QEII common rates) over $300. Very good value. (100s) 468 */U 1914-82 7-Seas Pages Collection near complete per pages ex Roos, KGV with only used opt surcharges and ‘OS’ set of 6. Other pre-decimals from 1914 eng Kooka and incl mint 1928 Kooka MS (removable storage related gum adhesions), KS pair optd OS and 5/- Bridge CTO (no gum), complete per pages to 1965. Decimals the same with just the odd gap to Xmas 1992. Also BCOF set to 2/- used, odd postage due. Mostly fine, min retail (only pre-decimal better values counted) over $1,000. (100s) 469 1928-65 Collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album, largely complete for period including KGV commemoratives (no 5/Bridge), Robes Thick paper, Arms & Navigators sets, many stamps are CTO, no Roos or KGV Heads, condition generally fine/ very fine. (100s) 470 U 2006-10 range of issues almost complete on VST pages, all cut from FDCs incl booklet panes, se-tenant strips, Internationals, M/Ss, peel & sticks, also few odd MUH issues. Generally fine used. (100s) 471 A Selection Of The Engraved Stamps Of The Commonwealth Of Australia boxed presentation book with 28 proofs reprinted in black from the original dies. Includes 1d Engraved, 1½d Canberra, 2d Bridge, £1 Robes, £1 Arms, 2/- Olympic Propaganda, 7/6d Cook, etc, also AAT 2/- Map.


$375 $200 $180 $160


AUSTRALIA | State/Roo Combination Covers NSW 1913 (Apr 23) OHMS cover to USA with NSW 2d & ½d Roo both perf ‘OS/NSW’ tied by Sydney machine cancel, cover 472 * reduced at left. 473 * NSW 1913 (Apr 28) cover to Denmark with NSW ½d plus 1d Roos x2 tied by Laurieton datestamp, Helsingør backstamp, opened on two sides, edge blemishes. NSW 1913 (May 16) Australian Museum OHMS cover to USA with 2d grey & NSW ½d blue-green both perf ‘OS/NSW’, tied by 474 * Sydney machine cancel, fine condition.


475 476


* *



$80 $95 $160


NSW PPC to Switzerland with 1d Roo & NSW ½d tied by Sydney machine cancel paying 1½d postcard rate. South Australia 1913 (Jun 23) use of South Australia rare black/pink ‘INTER-STATE PARCEL POST label adhered to fragment of parcel-wrapping with Kangaroos 4d orange pair and 1/- brown Thick POSTAGE pair & single tied by ‘MT/GAMBIER/STH AUSTRALIA’ datestamp. Extremely rare combination franking. [The 3/8d rate paid for an interstate parcel weighing between 6 & 7 lbs] South Australia 1913 (Jan 28) use of ½d & 1d Roo with NSW 1d x2 & ½d x3, WA 1d Surcharge, Vic 1d Surcharge & Tas 1d Surcharge, on registered cover to Sweden. This is also the earliest recorded use of the ½d Roo in SA (the ½d was not issued to Adelaide until March 1913). [8d is the correct rate for a double-weight registered letter.]


$2,700 $500

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South Australia 1913 (July 6) printed cover to USA with 1d Roo Die II pair plus SA ½d GPO tied by Pyap cds, horizontal fold at base & other trivial blemishes. Victoria 1913 (Mar 31) overpaid commercial cover to USA with 1d Roo & Victoria 3d orange-brown tied by Melbourne machine 479 * cancel, peripheral blemishes. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroo & Map Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 480 U 2d Study on Album Pages with varieties including First Wmk (1)d,j,o x2, (2)e,f,g x2 (both in strips of 4),i x2; Second Wmk (2)f (in pair), also a few unlisted flaws, Cat $1,400, condition variable with some stamps heavily hinged to album pages, generally fine. (17 items). 481 U 3d Assortment with First Wmk Die II x2, Die I pair, singles x10, Third Wmk Die I varieties White scratch over last ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’, Retouch on first ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ x2 (one has corner defect), also Die I block of 4, Perf ‘OS’ pair, plus various singles with cds cancels. (37) *

ex 483












$160 $145

$290 $160

ex 486

6d Blue Selection all but one used with First Wmk perf Small ‘OS’; Second Wmk x26 including unlisted variety Cut throat, perf ‘OS’ x3, perf ‘OS/NSW’ x2, private perfins x2; Third Wmk Die II x14 including pair and perf ‘OS’ x3 (one mint), Die IIB x5, some blemishes mostly fine. (46) 6d Brown Die IIB Group mostly used with Third Wmk variety Retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame BW #21(3)ha, also block of 4 & perf ‘OS’ strip of 3; CofA Ash imprint pair, variety Retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame BW #23(1)ha, optd ‘OS’ etc; condition variable, generally fine. (16) 9d Selection with First Wmk x23 including variety White flaw under ‘TA’ of ‘POSTAGE’ BW #24(1)d (tear), also block of 4 (perf fault), perf Large ‘OS’ x2, perf Small ‘OS’ x2; Second Wmk x12; Third wmk x20 including block of 4, perf ‘OS’ x3 & perf ‘OS/NSW’; condition a bit variable, some are fine. (55) Hagners Assembly used all wmks with some light duplication in places, mixed fair only to fine condition. 1st wmk to 1/- includes all 1d dies (9 stamps), 2nd wmk (3) incl a nice 1/- dull green BW #31C, 3rd wmk (19) incl 2/- brown x3 shades cds, SM wmk (15) three or more each 6d to 2/-, CofA wmk (17) incl 5/- x3 and redrawn 2/- mint x2. High catalogue near $1,000 but condition means inspection an absolute must. (c60) Perf ‘OS’ Array on Hagners and album pages with First Wmk perf Large ‘OS’ 4d, Third Wmk 2/- brown, 2/- maroon x4, 5/- x2, SMult Wmk 2/- & 5/- CTO; also perf ‘OS/NSW’ First Wmk 1/- plus Third Wmk 2½d, 9d Die II & 1/- Die II x2, etc, condition variable, many are fine. (69)

$180 $130 $180

$150 $180


Selected Issues mostly fresh well-centred and lightly hinged ex noted with [1] 1st Wmk ½d, 1d Die I, 2½d MNG, 3d (perf large ‘OS’) MNG; [2] 3rd Wmk 2d Die I, 2½d, 3d Die I (perf ‘OS), 6d chestnut, 2/- maroon; [3] SM Wmk 6d, 9d and 1/-; [4] CofA Wmk 6d, 6d opt ‘OS, 2/- redrawn. Nice lot, retail c$700 (excludes those without gum). (15) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 488 * Group To 1/- with ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 5d, 6d & 1/-, few centring issues, all MLH. (7) 489 U Perf ‘OS’ Selection with perf Large ‘OS’ ½d to 2/- (ex 2½d), 3d perf faults, perf Small ‘OS’ to 6d (ex 2½d) plus 1/- & 2/-; also Second Wmk 9d & 2/-; some perf blemishes, mostly good to fine condition, Cat $2,400+ (ex 3d perf Large ‘OS). (21) 490 U Perf ‘OS/NSW’ ½d to 2/- including 1d Dies I, II & IIA & 3d Dies I & II, some nibbed perfs (rounded corner perf 9d), generally fine condition. Challenging assembly. (14) 491 U Set To 2/- with ½d, 1d Die I & II, 2d x2 (one wmk inverted), 2½d blue & 2½d indigo with Heavy coastline, 3d Die I x3 (one Wmk inverted), 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d, 1/- x2 & 2/-, generally fine used. (17)

$140 $160 $400 $350 $120

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ex 492




½d To 1/- Selection cds ex noted with ½d x2, 1d Die II, 1d Die IIA, 2d, 2½d pair (slogan cancel), 3d Die I clearly different shades, 4d orange shades, 5d, 6d pair; plus single 9d and 1/- with White flaws in Gulf of Carpentaria [2R2] BW #30(2)l cat $150. Mainly fine, cat $700+ (20) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark 493 ** ½d Green a Plate 2 NE corner block of 4 incl ‘Bite’ out of tip of Roo’s tail [2R6], BW #1(2)j. Some trivial storage-related gum blemishes, very fresh, min extrapolated cat $375. 494 U 1d Red Die I Plate B assembly with Left Pane for 22 positions including ROSTAGE [L1], ‘1’ Flaw west of Tasmania [L40]; Right Pane for 15 postions including Right outer frame dented opposite Brisbane [R47] x2; also some examples of Pope listed flaws in progressive states; plus Thickened/retouched right frame x5 examples; condition mostly fine. (51) 495 ** 1d Red Die II plate E No Monogram perf large ‘OS’ left pane corner block of 10 with Large white flaw left of ‘P’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [L55], BW #3ba(E)z, gum crease through two central units, tonespots on three upper units, excellent centring, MUH, Cat $4,000++ for hinged perf ‘OS’.

496 497


* *

498 499 500

U *



502 503 504

* U F



2d Grey variety BENCE BW #5(1)o, fine mint, Cat $300. 2½d Indigo [1] on 1915 (Jun 2) cover from Melbourne to Sicily, with sans-serifed ‘PASSED’ handstamp (55x8mm) on face.; [2] 4d orange on 1915 (Nov 8) local unclaimed registered Perth cover. 2½d Indigo Perf Large ‘OS’ and Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #9Aba&bb, used, Cat $650. 2½d Indigo Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #9bb, MLH, Cat $550. 2½d Light Bluish-Indigo Perf Large ‘OS’ and Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #9Bba&bb, used, Cat $650.

2½d Blue Selection with ACSC listed variety white scratch extending from Cape Leeuwin BW #9(2)e, also Pope listed variety Dark flaw between third & fourth lines under ‘S’ of ‘POSTAGE’ (with additional dark flaw over Bonaparte Gulf) [1L37], also unlisted Break beneath ‘U’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ & Shading break in east of Bight in a pair, plus one other item. ( 5 items) 3d Olive Die I BW #12, Cat $200. 3d ‘OS’ Perfins comprising Large ‘OS’ Die I & Die II (mild tone patch) plus Small ‘OS’ Die I BW #12ba,bb&bc, Cat $550. (3) 3d Olive-Green Die II with White flaw over ‘T’ of ‘THREE’ [1L55] BW #12D(1)d, Cat $500. The variety partly concealed by March 1915 Beaconsfield (Tasmania) cds. Difficult stamp cat $500. 4d Orange BW #15 horizontal strip of 3 with complete strike of ‘POSTED IN LATE FEE BAG’ straight-line handstamp, highly unusual to see a complete handstamp used to cancel stamps.

$180 $130 $180 $500

$180 $60 $130 $200 $120

$85 $60 $150 $80 $100

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509 510



4d Orange with colour-faded block of 4 (perf blemishes), perf Large ‘OS’, perf ‘OS/NSW’, singles x8 including yellow-orange shade, one with NSW Rays ‘118’ cancel (rated RR), mostly fine. (11 items) 4d Yellow-Orange Perf Small ‘OS/NSW’ solo usage on 1916 (Aug 9) NSW Treasury printed registered envelope to Singleton, The Exchange red/black registration label, backstamps for The Exchange, Sydney & Singleton. Elusive franking. 4d Yellow-Orange Perf ‘OS/NSW’ pair, right-hand unit variety White scratch from ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to map BW #15(1)g, Sydney datestamp barely impinges upon flaw, Cat $400+. 4d Orange variety Broken value circle BW #15(2)g, postmark just clear of the flaw, Cat $150. 5d Chestnut x9 including variety Retouch to shading between left frame and coast [2L37] BW #16(2)d, faults; also perf Large ‘OS’ x2 and perf Small ‘OS’; some defects, generally presentable group.

$100 $240 $150 $100 $100


511 512














519 520 521 522

** * F F

5d Chestnut perf large ‘OS’, BW #16ba, excellent centring, without gum, Cat $475. 6d Ultramarine Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #17bc strip of 4, some wrinkling at top of 3rd & 4th units, well centred, Cat $220+. Attractive multiple. 6d Blue variety Retouched second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ [1R60] BW #17(1)h, vertical watermark line at right, nibbed perf, without gum, Cat $3,750. 6d Blue variety Retouched second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #17(1)h, cds cancel slightly impinges upon flaw, excellent centring, Cat $1,500.

6d Blue variety Retouched second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ [1R60], few nibbed perfs, vertical watermark line at right BW #17(1)h, cds cancel on small part of the flaw, Cat $1,500. 6d Ultramarine Perf Small ‘OS’ pair, the right-hand unit Substituted cliché - Die IIA [1R59-60] BW #17(1)ha, horizontal watermark line at base, cds cancels do not impinge upon the frame breaks, Cat $4,500+. Rarely offered in a multiple. 6d Blue Substituted cliché - Die IIA BW #17(1)ha, some trimmed perfs at base, cancels well clear of the frame breaks, Cat $4,500. 6d Blue with unlocated constant variety Defective second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #17(U)d, few nibbed perfs, squared-circle cancel well clear of the flaw, Cat $2,000.

9d Violet BW #24, premium centring, fresh MUH, Cat $900+. 9d Violet BW #24, excellent centring, mint, Cat $175. 9d Violet variety Dry ink BW #24c, with normal stamp for comparison, used with Camberwell (Vic) datestamp, Cat $300. 9d Violet Perf ‘T’ (blind perfin) with variety Break in top frame over last ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [2L9] BW #24(2)g, postmark largely clear of the flaw, Cat $175.

$80 $100 $600 $600

$500 $1,500 $500 $600

$750 $100 $130 $100

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524 525 526

* F *



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9d Violet x3 with varieties Break in top frame over last ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ and shading line below [2L17], Break in bottom frame under ‘IN’ of ‘NINE’ [2L22] or Two white flaws between value circle & SA Coast [2L31] BW #24(2)g,i&l, cancels clear of the flaws, Cat $525. (2) 9d Violet variety Break in shading over first ‘N’ of ‘NINE’ [UCV2 - only 4 recorded], fine mint. 1/- Green with Watermark inverted BW #30a, Collingwood ‘DE30/13’ datestamp, Cat $500. Fine example. 2/- Brown BW #35, MLH, Cat $600.

$180 $200 $160 $140

2/- Brown BW #35 pair, plus 6d blue & 1d red Die II pair all tied by indistinct datestamp to rare black/red ‘INTER-STATE PARCEL POST’ label. The First Wmk 2/- is extremely rare correctly used on cover (Cat $4,000) so as a pair it is probably a unique franking. [The 4/8d rate paid for an interstate parcel weighing between 8 & 9lbs]



528 V 2/- Brown with Melbourne ‘DE3/13’ CTO cancel, very well centred, without gum, Cat $300. 529 G 2/- Brown vertical pair perf large ‘OS’, BW #35ba, Cat $1,000+. English mail TPO cancel. 530 ** 2/- Brown BW #35(1)g, variety Colour flaw off WA coast [1L39] BW #35(1)g, fresh MUH, extrapolated Cat $3,750+. 531 F 10/- Grey & Pink BW #47, couple nibbed perfs, 1917 Araluen (NSW) datestamp, Cat $1,100. 532 * £1 Brown & Blue variety White flaw over Cape York [R11] BW #51(D)k, well centred, fine mint, 3l. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark 533 * 2d To 2/- (ex 9d) with well centred 1/- & 2/-, fine mint; also First Wmk 1d Die IIA, MUH; Cat $2,475. (6) 534 F 2d To 2/- Group including 1/- green x3 (shades), 2/- small surface scuff, cds cancels, Cat $470+ (ex 2/-). (8) 535 * 2½d Indigo BW #10 on 1916 (Aug 7) cover from Sydney to Red Cross Switzerland, endorsed “letter/for Germany/enclosed” at upper-left partly obstructed by ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in violet, Geneva backstamp. 536 * 2½d Indigo BW #10 paying letter rate on 1918 (Oct 19) cover to USA, Cat $180. 537 ** 6d Ultramarine Perf ‘OS’ BW #18ba, MUH, Cat $1,750.

$120 $180 $2,300 $750 $3,800 $1,000 $140 $80 $50 $500

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538 539 540 541

* * ** F

542 543


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6d Ultramarine Perf ‘OS’ BW #18Aba. Crease, with barest hint of hinge trace, very fresh, cat $750. 6d Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #17(C)bc. Small light stain, exceptionally well-centred, retail c$675. 9d Violet BW #25, fresh MUH, Cat $2,250. 9d Violet Watermark Inverted BW #25a, exemplary centring, tidy part Brisbane Telephone Accounts corner cancel in violet, Cat $5,000. 5/- Deep Grey & Yellow BW #43, Cat $675. 5/- Grey & Yellow with Doubly printed frame plate BW #43c showing a characteristically weak second printing 8mm below the first, rounded corner & other small blemishes, part Grahamstown cds, Cat $9,000. Ceremuga certificate (2009) states “Extremely rare.” [Only a handful of used examples are recorded, with the two examples in the Royal Collection similarly used in Grahamstown]

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 544 U 2d Grey Array with varieties BW #7(1)g (perf ‘OS’), h(faults) & n and (2)d, f x2 (different states, one perf ‘OS); plus various singles with cds cancels including a perf ‘OS’ pair. (20) 545 U Die IIB Selection comprising 3d olive, 6d blue x5 shades, 9d violet x9 shades incl one with White flaw adjoining left of value circle [3L40] BW #29(3)f, 1/- blue-green x19 incl block of four plus two singles with varieties White flaw on left of ‘S’ of ‘SHILLING’ [4R6] and ‘1’ for ‘I’ in ‘SHILLING [4R38] BW #33(4)j and l. Majority cds incl noted varieties (these alone cat $365). There may be more varieties, mainly fine. (34) 546 * Set To 5/- with 2d Die I & Die IIA with White flaw adjacent to NSW coast, 2½d, 3d Die I & Die IIB, 6d blue Die I x2, 6d chestnut with Broken leg, 9d, 1/- x2 (one Wmk sideways), 2/- & 5/- (13) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark 547 F 2d Grey Die I Perf ‘OS’ with Military Camp cds on varieties - White scratch from map to value tablet [1L8], Retouch upper frame at left [1L18], Extra islands around Tasmania [2R43] - BW #7ba(1)e & h, (2)i. Some small perf imperfections, cat $400. (3) 548 * 2½d Intense Indigo BW #11D, patch of gumside toning, mint, Cat $400. Strikingly deep shade.



550 551 552 553 554

DF * U U V

2½d Indigo varieties Islands east of Cape York [2L11], Islands south of WA [2L30], Retouch first ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ (and heavy coastline WA) [2L43], Very heavy coastline WA - State I [2L55]. Some perf blemishes, all cds (couple quite heavy). Plus w/c lightly hinged example in paler shade (small gum imperfections). (5) 3d Olive Die II-II vertical pair from left plate on piece, top unit creased, Cat $400, cancelled Murrin Murrin on 8JE22. 3d Olive Die II-II Pair BW #13B, well centred, mint, Cat $750+. 3d Olive Die I Watermark inverted BW #13a pair, few mild tonespots, well centred, Cat $300+. 3d Olive Die II-II-I strip of 3 BW #13c, few tonespots & the Die I unit with trimmed perfs, Cat $400+ as a Die II pair. (3) 3d Olive Die II variety White flaw over ‘T’ of ‘THREE’ [1L55] #13(1)d BW #13(1)d, Perth datestamp well clear of the flaw, Cat $450.

$100 $140 $650 $800 $230



$180 $550

$100 $160

$110 $65 $350 $120 $180 $180

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556 557














564 565





ex 559

6d Blue Die II Watermark inverted BW #19a x2, one perf ‘OS’, unpunctured stamp with some nibbed perfs, cds cancels, Cat $550. (2) 6d Blue Die II Watermark inverted BW #19a, used, Cat $275. 6d Blue Die II Watermark inverted with unlocated constant variety ‘Islands’ in Bass Strait BW #19a(U)f, postmark well clear of the flaw, Cat $275+. 6d Pale Greyish-Violet Perf ‘OS’ BW #19Gba block of 4, minor wrinkles at top, well centred, stamps have retained large-part gum, Brisbane datestamps, Cat $600+. 6d Blue Die II x2 varieties comprising White flaw in Gulf of Carpenteria and White flaw off WA coast BW #19(1)d&e, postmarks clear of the flaws, Cat $300. 6d Blue Die II Perf ‘OS’ Substituted cliché - Die IIA, BW #19ba(1)ha, cds cancel well clear of the frame break, Cat $3,750.

6d Ultramarine Die II Substituted cliché - Die IIA, pale shade BW #19A(1)ha, perf faults at base, Sydney cds, well centred, Cat $3,750. 6d Blue Die II variety Bite out of kangaroo’s left leg - State II 2l, few nibbed perfs, excellent centring, Granville (NSW) datestamp does not impinge upon the flaw. Undercatalogued at $2,250. [BSAP bulletin article (Aug 2004) records just 4 mint and 8 used examples. A stamp of similar quality sold for $2,700+ at a 2010 Melbourne auction.] 6d Blue Die II with unlisted variety Shading flaw over second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’, light cancels well clear of the flaw. [Similar in appearance to the First Wmk variety Defective second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’.] 6d Blue Die II variety White flaw in shading below Albany BW #19(U)e, cds cancel well clear of the flaw, Cat $150. 6d Blue Die II unlocated constant variety ‘Islands’ in Bass Strait BW #19(U)f, some nibbed perfs, postmark does not impinge upon flaw, Cat $150. 6d Blue Die IIB variety Broken leg on kangaroo BW #20(2)d, some nibbed/short perf, typical centring, cds cancel, Cat $750.

$200 $120 $150 $250 $120 $1,000

$650 $2,500 $100 $100 $100 $250


567 568

* U





571 572

* **/*

6d Chestnut Die IIB variety White flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria [4R50] BW #21(4)f, well centred, fine mint, Cat $250. 6d Chestnut Die IIB varities selection comprising Broken Leg, White hairline from value circle to map in a pair, Retouched top frame, Retouched top frame and additional scratch from Broome to left frame, White flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria and unlocated White flaw over Arnhem Land 21(3)d,g,h,ha, 21(4)f & 21(U)e, some blemishes, mostly fine, Cat $640+. (6) 9d Violet Die II varieties comprising Watermark inverted BW #26a, plus Break in right frame at middle [2L13] & Break in shading over ‘N’ of ‘NINE’ with additional white flaw over ‘IA’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [2R36] BW #26(2)h&pa, some short perfs, Cat $500. (3) 9d Violet Die II variety Retouch to ‘PO’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [2L23] BW #26(2)k, heavily struck cds cancel well clear of the flaw, Cat $450. 9d Violet Die IIB variety Broken shading over second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #27(4)i, mint, Cat $250. 1/- Blue-Green Die IIB Perf ‘OS’ BW #33ba block of 4, premium centring, upper units MVLH, lower units MUH, Cat $700+. Very fine.

$130 $200 $140 $160 $120 $240

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573 574 575 576 577

F ** ** * *

2/- Brown Watermark inverted BW #37aba, very small pinhole, Cat $1,500. 2/- Maroon BW #38, good perfs, retail $650. Plus 3d Die I MLH. 2/- Maroon BW #38 marginal block of 4, very well centred, mild uniformly toned gum, MUH, Cat $2,000+. 5/- Grey & Yellow BW #44, fresh mint, Cat $400. 5/- Grey & Yellow with Misplaced kangaroo, BW #44ca, fine mint and unusually misplaced upwards, Cat $9,000. A lovely and rare stamp.


578 579 580 581

F F * V

10/- Grey & Deep Aniline Pink BW #48B. Well-centred, strong Sydney registered cds, retail c$475. 10/- Grey & Deep Aniline Pink BW #48B, characteristic rough perfs, very well centred, Cat $375. 10/- Grey & Pink perf ‘OS’, BW #48ba, small surface abrasion, Cat $2,000. 10/- Grey & Pink perf ‘OS’ CTO, BW #48wa, with unusual Thickening of shading around map etc reminiscent of a kiss print.

$80 $275 $460 $250

$180 $190 $800 $200




583 584 585 586

* * F **

10/- Grey & Pale Aniline Pink overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B with Shading flaws in Bight [R49], rounded upper-left corner, MUH, Cat $600 (mounted). 10/- Grey & Pink Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B BW #48B, faint stain, Cat $600. £1 Grey BW #53, marginal example with vertical watermark line at right, mint, Cat $900. £1 Grey BW #53, fine used, Cat $50. £1 Grey BW #53A, very well centred, mildly toned gum, MUH, Cat $3,250.



£2 Black & Rose with Melbourne CTO quarter cancel BW #56w, well centred, Cat $6,000.

$130 $140 $300 $300 $800


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AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 588 * Set To 2/- reasonable centring & perfs, good colours, 2/- is quite nice MVLH. Retail $400 (4) 589 U 6d To 5/- generally fine. (5) 590 ** 6d Chestnut Perf ‘OS’ Ash imprint block of 4 with variety White hairline from value circle to map BW #22b(3)z, lower units MUH, extremely fresh, Cat $450. 591 ** 9d Pale Violet block of 4 [4R50-51,56-57], gum slightly aged, top units gum faults, lower units MUH, nice looking block. 592 * 9d Pale Violet BW #28B plus KGV 1½d tied by Redcliffe (Qld) cds in violet to 1930 (May 12) registered re-used cover to infamous Hungarian stamp dealer Béla Sekula based in Lucerne Switzerland, festooned on reverse with Swiss Tell definitives (including se-tenants) from the original posting to Australia, opened on three sides with small blemishes. [The rate was for a letter weighing between 3oz-4oz charged at 3d for 1st oz + 1½d x3 for each additional oz, plus 3d registration]


593 594 595 596 597

* ** ** ** **

9d Violet Plate 3 imprint pair, BW #28(3)za, MLH, Cat $450. 9d Pale Violet variety Broken shading over second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #28(4)i, MUH, extrapolated Cat $600. 1/- Emerald Die IIB BW #34A, MUH, Cat $200. 1/- Blue-Green Die IIB BW #34B, MUH, Cat $200. 2/- Maroon gum lightly suntanned, MUH, retail $575.

$100 $200 $100 $100 $230

598 599 600 601

** **

2/- Maroon BW #39, well centred marginal example, fresh MUH, Cat $450. 2/- Maroon Perf ‘OS’ BW #39b, mildly toned gum, MUH, Cat $850. 5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange BW #45, premium centring, very fine mint, Cat $400. £2 Grey & Rose-Crimson Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D, BW #57x, superb centring, mint, Cat $900.

$350 $160 $350 $400




£2 Grey & Rose-Crimson with Duty Plate variety White flaw in Bight & Vignette Plate variety Hunch-backed kangaroo [L17] BW #57(D)f & (V)h, very well centred, fine mint, Cat $8,000.

$140 $80 $250 $190


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AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark 603 ** 6d Chestnut BW #23, marginal block of 10, fresh MUH, Cat $800+. 604 F 6d Chestnut Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #23(OS) block of 4 with Melbourne registered datestamp, Cat $280+. Scarce multiple. 605 V 6d Chestnut Overprinted ‘OS’ CTO at Sydney BW #23(OS)w, marginal block of 8, full unmounted gum, Cat $800+. 606 * 9d Violet BW #29 plus 1/- Large Lyrebird tied by twin strikes of ‘NV KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART/SS NIEUW ZEELAND/ MAATSCHAPPIJ’ cancel & ‘PAQUEBOT/SYDNEY’ cds to 1936 (May 8) cover to England, Airmail Sydney backstamp, backflap missing.


607 608

**/* *














9d Dull Violet Ash imprint block of 4 State II with Die II substitution [4R49], BW #29zc, lower units MUH, Cat $650. 9d Violet BW #29(4) Die II Subsitution showing variety Flaw over Second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ [4R6&12], no similar flaw recorded for Die IIB issue, excellent centring, MVLH. 2/- Maroon Die II x2 with varieties Retouched white flaw in Gulf of Carpenteria and Flaw on ‘S’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [2L39 & 2L45] BW #40(2)ka & i plus Thick Paper Robes 5/- & 10/- (corner fault) & KGVI 3d blue Die II tied by Mackay (Qld) datestamps to 1940 (Aug 16) censored clipper rate small cover to UK, cover with some minor blemishes. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die left part pane of 42 (6x7), BW #41, with margins intact, uniform gum toning, MUH, Cat $840+. Research opportunity.

ex 612


$350 $130 $450

ex 613

$260 $150 $140 $250


2/- Maroon Redrawn Die pair both with ‘A+R’ (Angus & Robertson) private perfin tied to cover by Sydney ‘6SEP/1946’ datestamp to USA, opening faults. Very rare private perfin on cover paying correct ½oz rate. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die Authority imprint left corner block of 4 x2 plus 14mm & 25mm gutter blocks of 4 BW #41z x2, 41zb & zd, some mild toning, MUH, Cat $500. (4 items) 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die By Authority imprint blocks of 4, left marginal (upper units hinged) and gutter MUH, BW #41z & zb (probably). Latter exceptional centring, both APO fresh, Cat $400’. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die By Authority gutter block of four (25mm) BW #41zd. Light lower selvedge bend, fresh MUH, Cat $300↕.

$100 $160 $150 $120

Phoenix Auctions - 11th December 2015

615 616 617

* ** V

618 619




621 622

F **

623 624 625

F ** *

626 627

* *

Page 57

5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange BW #46, MVLH, Cat $325. 5/- Grey & Yellow marginal single [L42], BW #46B. Fresh appearance, lovely centring and perfs. 5/- Grey & Yellow CTO BW #46w x15 (nine with gum, six without), including plated flaws L8, L39, L56, R4 & R44, Cat $900 with no premium added for varieties. (15) 5/- Grey & Yellow Ash imprint pair with Open-mouthed kangaroo, BW #46za, Cat $1,750. 5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange duty plate variety Spencer’s Gulf Short BW #46(D)j, additionally Kangaroo (vignette) displaced 1½mm to left, fresh MUH, extrapolated Cat $2,500.


10/- Grey & Pink plus 1d green QM on 1938 Tait Bros sextuple-rate airmail cover to Germany tied by ‘SHIP MAIL ROOM/ MELBOURNE’ datestamp, fine currency control handstamp on the face, Athens transit backstamp, minor spotting. Ex Arthur Gray purchased for US$1,700 ($A2570) in 2007, sold again in 2012 for $4,370 at a Melbourne auction house. [The 10/1d franking comprised was 1/9d for the first ½oz, plus 1/8d x5 for each subsequent ½oz for a cover weighing up to 3oz]


10/- Grey & Pink BW #50, Cat $275. 10/- Grey and Pink BW #50A, variety Edge of grass sliced at right [R56] faint discolourations upper-left & lower-left corners, well centred, MUH, Cat $2,000. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #50. Vignette very dark, crisp ‘LATE FEE’ cds, very fresh. 10/- To £2 Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D £1 some gum toning, MUH, Cat $435. (3) 10/- Grey & Aniline Pink optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D. The UV aniline reaction is very pronounced but ACSC says these opts exist only on the first three listed shades (A, B & C), none of which are described as aniline (shades D & E). Very light hinge trace, perfectly centred with almost perfect perfs. 10/-, £1 & £2 Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #50xe, 54x, 58x, Cat $270. Light hinge traces, very fresh. (3) £1 Grey BW #54, hinge remnant, Cat $1,000.

$250 $800 $350 $1,000

$60 $1,000 $80 $160 $100 $125 $600

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£1 Grey with Break in coast of SE Australia [L28] BW #54e. Couple shortish perfs, variety partly obscured by registered cds dateline. Strong original colour, Cat $900. 629 ** £2 Grey-Black & Rose-Crimson optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D with variety Coloured flaw at front edge of grass [L11] BW #58B(V)g. Vignette very deep shade almost black, exceptionally well-centred, MUH extrapolated catalogue c$475. AUSTRALIA | Engraved Issues 1914 6d Kookaburra used (Cat $2,500 on cover), with 2d & 1/- Vic Centenary, 1/6d Hermes and 2d Macarthur, on 1935 630 * registered air cover from ship passenger at Fremantle to Switzerland. An inexpensive way to acquire this stamp on cover. AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 631 U 3d Blue Stock on hagners range comprising [1] SM wmk P14 Die Ia P14 x27 incl Type B, two BSAP-listed primary flaws and two perf ‘OS’; [2] SM wmk P13½x12½ Die Ia x24 incl Retouch in front of nose (Type B) [3,4R4], Retouch back of emu’s head [3,4R25] BW #107Be & 107Af, Thickening upper frame at right [3L22] BW #107Ag, one perf ‘OS’; [3] SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ Die II x27 (perf ‘OS’ x7) and couple minor flaws; [4] CofA wmk x25 ( ‘OS’ opts x2, one CTO). Varieties identified by vendor displayed upside down - there may well be more! (100+) 632 U 4½d Violet Die I SM wmk shades [1] Perf 14 x12 cds; [2] Perf 13½x12½ x5 cds, one slogan, Cat $320+. (18)

ex 633

634 635

636 637

638 639

$150 $100

$160 $65

ex 635

ex 638



ex 639

1914-36 Mint Selection with [1] Single Wmk ½d green x5, 1d red x9, 2d red pair, 4d orange x4, 4d blue pair with part Harrison imprint, 5d brown x2 [2] CofA Wmk ½d 1d x3, 2d x3, 3d x2, 4d, 5d x3 & 1/4d x2 (one with Retouched thick 1 at right). Used and obviously faulty not counted. Good group. (39) U Georgian Heads complete used on a simplified basis as per Seven Seas album pages, condition mostly fine, some stamps CTO. (72) */U Hagners Assembly mostly used s/wmk with duplication (quite heavy lower values) ½d to 1/4d mainly fine. Includes 4d orange (13) group (one appears buff shade), 1d rough paper x5, 1½d no wmk x4, smattering mint to 3 different 2d colours and incl 1d green SM wmk P13½x12½. Two ½d varieties spotted - pale yellowish green LM wmk Flaw over E of POSTAGE [4L59], orange s/wmk White gash behind King’s ear [7R59] - others likely. Postmark potential, very good value. (210+) F Perf ‘OS’ Array on album pages to Single Wmk 1/4d & SMult P13½x12½ 1/4d with Single Wmk 1d red shades x14, No Wmk 1½d red x2 & SMult P14 4½d, also some perf ‘OS/NSW’ issues a few mostly CTO commemoratives, condition generally fine. (200 approx). U 1d Green stock on Hagners, small selection single wmk (9 with perf ‘OS’ x2) plus SM Wmk well over 100 each perf. Considerable numbers of listed (BW and BSAP) and unlisted (minor type) varieties displayed upside down with pencil notations as to what and where the variety exists. While we haven’t checked them out for the most part, we did see BW-listed S/wmk VIII/13, SM wmk P14 with perf ‘OS’ x2, also Ferns VII/54 and VIII/13 again, P13½x12½ includes perf ‘OS’ x14. Inspection recommended. (270+) **/*/U 1d Green Multiple Watermark Selection with SM Perf 14 Ash imprint pairs x2 mint and Mullett imprint pair unused; Perf 13½x12½ single with Inverted watermark; CofA Ash imprint blocks of 4 x5 (one without gum) and imprint strip of 4, other multiples with block of 4 Watermark inverted (three units MUH) etc; condition variable with toning on some items. U/* 3d Blue Die I & Ia used (ex noted) assembly comprising [1] Single wmk Die I x5 varieties (1L51, 2L19 x2 - one mint ng, 2L53 & 2R30); [2] Single wmk Die Ia x4 (3,4L41 x2 - one in mint pair (gum blemishes), 3,4R25 & 4L22); [3] SM wmk P14 x7 incl two perf ‘OS’ (Wmk inverted - Type A and Retouch upper frame at right [4R54]), block of 4 incl Type B and a variety [3,4L356 & 41-2], a normal with retouch [4R54]; [4] SM wmk P13½x12¼ Die Ia x10 incl horiz strip of 3 with central unit Retouch in front of nose (Type B) [3,4R3-5] and five other ACSC-listed varieties. Cat well over $1,100, nice specialist lot. (28)

$360 $180

$175 $150

$90 $100


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Phoenix Auctions - 11th December 2015

ex 644

ex 642


AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Postal History 640 * 1919-33 NSW Official Punctures on 8 postcards, 2 covers and a front, mostly single franked various KGV perf ‘OS/NSW’ x10, ‘G/NSW’ x2 - one in 1933 has 1d green and a ½d orange perf ‘OS’ only. Cards are NSW Registrar General’s Dept pre-printed incl 5 with 1½d brown shades single and LM wmks, two others incl a front. One 1933 (Dec 6) with 3d Die II ‘G/NSW’ to USA from The Australian Museum, Sydney. Scarce assembly, mainly fine. (11) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 641 */** 1918-23 Changed Colours ½d to 1/4d all values ex 1d violet and 2d orange, hinged ex 1½d black-brown and green MUH. Very fresh, retail c$380. (8) 642 U 1924 4d Olive and 4½d Violet Varieties mostly fine cds with [1] 4d Olive x15 shades with BW-listed [3L1, 4L18, 4L25, 4L37 in pair; 4R60], BSAP-listed [prob 3L9 x2, 3L10; 3R9; 4R13 x2], others uncertain; [2] 4½d Violet x8 shades with BW-listed [1L2, 1L24 (or BW #118g), 1R2 x2 (one in pair), 1R55 State 2], BSAP-listed [1R1], one uncertain. BW-listed alone cat c$350. (23) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark 643 **/* ½d Green Comb Perf Electro 7 Harrison one-line imprint (‘COMMQNWEALTH’) interpane block of 48 as BW #63(7)z, with three ACSC listed varieties including SW corner shaved - additional flaw on ‘2’ at left [7R58] BW 63(7)z, additionally a Preprinting paper fold runs through the fourth column of the left pane, perf reinforcements along central gutter, thirty units MUH, Cat $1,200+. 644 ** ½d Orange Watermark inverted BW #66a marginal block of 6 and horizontal strips of 3 x3, also vertical strip of 3 and a marginal single, fresh MUH, Cat $475+. (19)










$180 $95 $80

$600 $150


½d Orange Electro 6 Watermark inverted part left pane block of 30 [6L1-30] with ACSC listed varieties Two white flaws on back of King’s head [6L11] BW #66(6)da, Break in oval line over ‘U’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [6L29], all but five units MUH, Cat $550+. ½d Orange Electro 6 Watermark inverted block of 30 from top of the pane [6R1-30] with ACSC listed varieties White spot on back of King’s head [6R23] & White flaw on last ‘A’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [6R29], plus another positional flaw at 6R6, all but two units MUH, Cat $750+. ½d Orange Electro 6 Watermark inverted corner block of 20 [6R33-36, 39-42, 45-49, 51-54, 57-60] with ACSC listed variety Breaks in right frame opposite value tablet [6R54], plus other positional flaws at 6R39, 45 & 59, couple of perf reinforcements, all but two units MUH, Cat $500+. 1d Carmine-Red Line Perf BW #70 on New Year greeting PPC to Mt Morgan tied machine cancel ‘ROCKHAMPTON/30.DEC.14/QUEENSLAND’. The stamp affixed high slightly overlapping PPC edge and the card may have been mounted as the greetings side shows light adhesion marks.

$280 $350 $250 $50

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1d Carmine-Red (G1) Line Perf major variety Die II, BW #70A(1)i, Cat $5,000. One of Australian philately’s rarities. [A recent local realisation for another one of these gems exceeded $5,000]


ex 654

650 651








1d Carmine-Red (G1) Line Perf variety Dot before right ‘1’ [VI/21] BW #70(3)f, machine cancel clear of the flaw, Cat $250. 1d Carmine-Red (G1) Line Perf variety Thin ‘ONE PENNY’ (retouch) [VIII/14] BW #70(4)l, machine cancle slightly impinges upon flaw, Cat $250. 1d Carmine-Red (G1) Line Perf variety ‘Run ‘N’ of ‘ONE’ (first state) [VIII/60] BW #70(4)v, some creasing, postmark clear of flaw, Cat $250. 1d Red Smooth Paper collection of mint stamps organised by shade, mainly more commons shades and there appear to be some errors in the shade allocation, so inspection is recommended. Odd variety noted including Rusted top right corner & RA joined. Good group. (17) 1d Red varieties on Hagners with some listed flaws sighted including Dot before ‘1’ x4, PENAVY, ‘RA’ joined, Run ‘N’, Secret mark, lots of annotated lesser/minor flaws including various Flaws on crown, compartment lines etc; also a small group of shades. (150+)

$120 $120 $90 $240 $160

ex 655







1d Red Smooth Paper Die I (shades) selection comprising; [1] solo frankings (2), one to Rest Camp, Mont Park (rare inwards to military camp), other unclaimed at Cootamundra; [2] singles x2 perf ‘T’ or perfin ‘SH/&/Co LTD’ (S. Hoffnung & Co. Ltd) on cover to Apia with very light Samoan censor handstamp; [3] combination frankings (3) for 2½d Foreign letter (nice Melbourne ‘PASSED’ when in defective state), and 1½d and 2d Empire rates, latter with 1d for Late Fee, former late 1925 use, generally fine (7) 1d Red Smooth Paper (shades) selection of multiple frankings on cover selection including salmon-red x2 (arrangement suggests tête-bêche!), scarlet-red (deep) x3 censored to US, scarlet (aniline) x3 “Letter for enemy’s country” to Sweden, rose strip of four registered with handstruck ‘MISSENT’ applied in error for ‘UNCLAIMED’, carmine-red pair, and carmine (aniline) x2, the last two being late usages for 2d Letter rate, odd fault, generally fine. (6) 1d Red Smooth Paper Shades selection in combinations with other issues on covers (13) and postcards (2, one to New Caledonia), including bright red pair + ½d Roo (corner fault), reddish pink pair + ½d, deep red (aniline) pair + ½d, salmon + 2d Roo to Denmark, 1d + 3d Roo to US (1d pays Late fee), attractive late (1922) use x2 of an unusual shade which may be brownred, (BW #71W – exhibits characteristic ‘very bright red’ u/v reaction) + ½d & 1½d for the 4d Foreign letter to US, also underpaid item to US taxed at Brisbane but curiously scored-over, and six censored (one scarce provincial ‘PASSED’), odd fault, generally fine. Attractive group. (15)




Current online starting prices are updated instantly whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.

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660 661

* *





664 665

** *

666 667


668 669








1d Red Smooth Paper pair and single tied by Wirrabara (SA) datestamps to 1916 (Jul 17) censor cover to Red Cross in Switzerland, varieties Ferns on right-hand unit in the pair & ‘RA’ of ‘AUSTRALIA on the single stamp, Bern backstamp, cover with small edge blemishes. 1d Red Smooth Paper BW #71 solo franking tied by machine cancel to 1916 (Jul 3) to JWH Turner printed matter rate unsealed cover to Holland endorsed “per Makura”, Rotterdam backstamp, fine condition. 1d Pale Terra Cotta (Brick) (G25) BW #71Q, fresh MLH, Cat $900. 1d Red group of all mint on Hagner with 20 smooth paper, 5 rough paper and 3 Die III. Good range of shades. (28)

1d Red mint & used collection of shades a few of which appear to be optimistically allocated to their G numbers. Mint G16, G21 x2 (one with Run N), G61, G62, G64, G72 & G73 perf ‘OS’ x2; Used G24, G28, G32, G61 perf ‘OS’, G70½, G71 & G72. A valuable group if all correct. Inspection recommended. (17) 1d Red Smooth Paper comprising 1d carmine-red (G10) plus 1d bright red or salmon-red (G11-12) x3 with the correct orange u/v reactions, 1914 to early 1915 cancels, Cat $330. (2) 1d Red Smooth Paper Perf ‘OS’ Dry ink BW #71bb,ca, Cat $750. 1d Scarlet-Red (G17) BW #71G strip of 4 on 1916 (Apr 22) The Herald (newspaper) registered local cover, couple of small edge faults at base. Attractive.

1d Pale Terra Cotta (Brick) Perf ‘OS’ (G25) BW #71Q x5 used cds examples, Cat $1,250. (5) 1d Red Smooth Paper Substituted Cliché Die II and Die I, BW #71(2)ia & ja. Appear common shade cds examples, Cat $200. (2) 1d Scarlet-Red Smooth Paper (G17) with ‘CNE’ for ‘ONE’, BW #71G(4)q, dated ‘SE 16’, Cat $1,500. 1d Scarlet-Red Smooth Paper (G17) with ‘CNE’ for ‘ONE’, BW #71G(4)q, dated 23OC16, Cat $1,500.


$80 $80 $400 $250

$240 $120 $320 $95

$280 $60 $600 $525


1d Red Rough Paper collection of mint stamps organised by shade, mainly more commons shades and there appear to be some errors in the shade allocation, so inspection is recommended. Odd variety noted including PENAVY & Thin words of value in pair. Good group. (11) 1d Deep Red (Aniline) Rough Paper (G61) with just line of the wmk showing, so must be a left column stamp, small tear. Quite rare. Drury certificate (2010). 1d Rosine Rough Paper (G68) BW #72I, light slogan cancel, compartment markings at top suggest a top marginal from Pane III - these and compartment dots SW & SE corners sure to aid precise plating. PLUS smooth paper 1d pink (G28) BW #71T, VFU cds, BSAP-listed variety Irregular triangular compartment mark NE of cross [VII/4]. Both with 2015 Drury certificates, min cat $225. (2)

$200 $230


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673 674










1d Damson (G70½) perf ‘OS’, BW #72Kbb, good colour, but repaired tear, Cat $900. Drury certificate (2010). 1d Red Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ BW #72bb tied by Melbourne datestamp to Government Statist’s Office OHMS address label adhered to folded lettersheet, handstamped ‘20 Posted’. [The rate was ½d concessional rate for 20 items posted at same time, plus ½d war tax.] 1d Carmine-Rose Rough Paper (G74) Die II perf ‘OS’, BW #72Q(1)ib, tiny gum blemish, MUH, Cat $750 for normal. Drury certificate (2015). 1d Red Rough Paper Substituted Cliché Die II and Die I, BW #72(2)ia & ja. Appear common shade cds examples, Cat $250. (2) 1d Carmine-Red Rough Paper variety Substituted cliché Die II, BW #72(2)ja, Cat $150+, nice 28MY18 date.

$80 $80 $200 $80 $90




679 680

V **

681 682

* *

1d Red Rough Paper variety Substituted cliché Die II, right hand unit of pair plus single on piece, BW #72(2)ja, Cat $150+, nice 22JE18 date. 1d Red Rough Paper Substituted Cliche Die I BW #72(2)ka, good centring and perfs, Cat $150. 1d Green Perf ‘OS’ marginal block of 14 (2x7) with varieties Distorted ‘ONE PENNY’, Thin ‘ONE PENNY’, ‘NY’ joined, and Scratch behind kangaroo BW #77ab(4)k,l,m&n, slight perf separation otherwise fine fresh MUH, Cat $570+. 1d Green Perf ‘OS’ with mild Offset BW #77(ba)ca, faint corner bend, MVLH, Cat $750. 1½d Brown Die I block of 4 with White flaw obliterating emu’s rear foot [C130], BW #85(U)g, Cat $750 as a used single.

$110 $90 $300 $130 $320




684 685

* *

1½d Green Die I marginal block of 10 [17R26-30, 32-36] with ACSC listed varieties Major cracked electro from the righthand frame over the right-hand value tablet through the base of King’s neck to kangaroo’s back (early state) the adjoining unit with Cracked electro on white oval band under ‘POSTAGE’ [R26-27] BW #88(17)r&s, also Pre-substituted cliché - retouch - blurred flaw above and behind ear [R32] & Large blurred flaw behing King’s ear [R34] some perf reinforcing, mild gum toning, four units MUH including the major cracked electro. Cat $1,550+. 1½d Red Die I shade array noting variety Thin ‘RAL’ (retouched) [22L28], inverted wmk x2, etc, variable centring. (15) 1½d Red Die I (shades) selection comprising solo franking for Foreign postcard and pair for Foreign letter, perf ‘OS’ solo (4) Official covers unclaimed, variety of associated markings, strip of three (1st unit Cut lower frame) on unclaimed registered cover, and perf ‘T’ on Official cover, odd fault, generally fine (8), also four rather nondescript solos, one an unusual Moree Bore Baths illustrated letter sheet.

$750 $120


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ex 686



687 688

** F









693 694 695

* U F







699 700

U U/*

1½d Red Die I Inverted watermark block of 4 from Electro 22 [R29-30,35-36] with 3rd State variety Retouched flaw in crown resulting in left of crown darkened [R30], mild uniformly toned gum, MUH. Cat $600++. 1½d Red Die I Printed on gummed side (watermark inverted and punctured ‘OS’ as always), fresh MUH, Cat $750. 1½d Red Die I variety Moustache flaw - additionally with cracked electro - 3rd State BW #89(15)ia and Substituted electro - 2nd State (much of right frame missing) #89(15)ib, cds cancels largely clear of the flaws. Cat $1,500. (2) 1½d Red Die I variety Substituted cliché - deformed right frame [15R40] BW #89(15)ib, shallow thin at base, cds cancel, Cat $800. 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ variety Cracked electro from kangaroo to below emu (advanced state) [17R26] BW #89ba(17)m, MUH. Cat $400.

1½d Red Die I with variety Cracked electro from middle of King’s neck to emu’s foot [23R44] BW #89(23)r, some toning, cds cancel impinges upon the flaw a little, Cat $300. 1½d Red Die I with unlocated constant variety Cracked electro through right value tablet to right frame (advanced state) BW #89(U)n, some toning, cds cancel clear of the flaw, Cat $600. 2d Orange Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #95baa, mint, Cat $400. 2d Red group, noted White spot after ‘2’ at right [10R27] BW #96(10)f. Many cds, mostly fine, Cat $342. (19) 2d Red variety Retouched face [14L12] BW #96(14)e. Well centred cds, Cat $400.

2d Red-Brown Die I BW #97, with 1d green LM watermark BW #78, both tied Nov 27, 1924 SA slogan cancel to envelope of Commonwealth Bank in Adelaide addressed to Switzerland. Small peripheral blemishes, 2d single wmk on cover Cat $150, good usage. 2d Red-Brown Die I (shades) combination frankings of 1926-27, comprising [1] 2d + 1/- (Third wmk) for 1-2lbs interstate parcel posted at Paddington; [2] 2d + 1d for Foreign letter Adelaide to USA; [3] uprate of 1½d Stationery envelope Sydney to Holland (overpays 3d rate) 2d Red-Brown BW #97, late use tied to plain envelope by 1930 Devonport cds, addressed Government Printer, Hobart. Far from common on cover, very fine, min cat $175. 3d Blue Die I BW #104 used x 82 on six album pages with over 60 datestamps, unchecked by us for varieties, Cat $820. 3d Blue Die I generally fine used cds (ex one MLH) with selection of shades in BW #104 group incl varieties at 1L51 (and a couple somewhat doubtfully 1R30 & 1R32), perf ‘OS’ at 1R49, 2L19 & 2L53; also a normal MLH, another with early cds appears ‘17MY24’, three perf ‘OS’. PLUS Die Ia Type A-B cds vertical pair BW #105c (cat $100) believed left pane posns 11 & 17. Good specialist lot, min cat $390. (11)

$160 $400 $650 $200 $190

$110 $200 $250 $55 $100

$50 $130 $85 $80


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ex 701





703 704

* *



3d Violet-Blue Die I selection (4) comprising solo frankings for Foreign letter rate to Germany and USA, former tied by superb Melbourne ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION./ALWAYS ASK FOR/AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS’ slogan, a fortnight after stamp was issued, latter unusually cancelled by San Francisco ‘airplane’ slogan after being off-loaded from Packet Boat, and perf ‘OS’ (2) on registered, unclaimed Perth Official covers, one a rare solo franking (underpaid 1½d) cancelled by Registered Perth datestamp with year wheel error ‘36’ for ‘1925’, fine group. (4) 3d Blue Die I variety Dry ink BW #104c, tied to small envelope hand-addressed to Germany by Sydney Aug 5, 1924 slogan ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/ALWAYS ASK FOR/AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS’. Opened at left and partly at top, small peripheral imperfections, extrapolated on cover Cat $450. Excellent usage. 3d Blue Die Ia variety Strong offset Cat $300, mild crease, MLH, Cat $300. Drury Certificate (2004). 4d Lemon-Yellow with White scratch from crown to head [1R11] BW #110C(1)m. Hinge related gum imperfections, very fresh, Cat $600.

$120 $80 $180 $120


705 706 707 708

* * ** *

4d Orange variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12] BW #110H(2)r in a horizontal pair, fine mint, Cat $775. 4d Buff-Orange with Line through FOUR PENCE, BW #110F(2)r, mint. 4d Orange marginal single with Line through FOUR PENCE, BW #110H(2)r, MUH. 4d Yellow-Orange Plate 2 JBC Monogram block of 6, BW #110I(2)za, sensible perf re-inforcement. Selvedge trimmed showing 40% of monogram. Nice block.

709 710

* **/*





4d Violet Perf ‘OS’ BW #111b, mint, Cat $200. 4d Violet Plate 2 left pane block of 54 [2L1-48], sheet margins intact on three sides, all ACSC listed varieties between BW #111(2)d and m including Thin ‘FOU’ of ‘FOUR’ (retouch) [2L8], ‘4’ in right value tablet thickened [2L24] & Scratch in front of King’s face [2L45], some perf separations and reinforcements in upper half of the block, Cat $3,200+. Rare survivor. 4d Violet vertical pair with White spot in King’s hair and Thin FOUR PENCE retouched, BW #111(2)o,ra, very light tone, MUH, Cat $950++. 4d Violet Plate 2 part right pane block of 24 [2R1-24] with six ACSC listed varieties including ‘thin ‘FOUR PENCE’ (retouched Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’) [2R12] BW #112(2)ra, no sheet margin at right, some perf reinforcements, the four right hand units with some creasing, Cat $2,000+. 4d Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #112b, MUH, Cat $325.


$250 $200 $400 $320

$150 $1,250 $500 $800 $180

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4d Ultramarine Perf ‘OS’ rare solo franking on Official registered cover (265x95mm) to Mortlake tied by Registered Elizabeth St cds of 25 Mar 1927, unusually late usage for a ‘blue’ [1d Printed matter rate + 3d registration.] 4d Pale Milky Blue Perf ‘OS’ and ½d green perf ‘OS’ tied by Registered Elizabeth St cds to 1923 (24 Aug) Official registered cover (265x95mm) to Mortlake. The ‘milky’ shade is rare as an Official on cover.

5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation varieties, three BW-listed Break in right frame... [1L21] BW #122i, both states Damaged NE corner [1L59], the second perf ‘OS’ BW #122s & 122ba&sa. Plus BSAP-listed Upper frame notch 2½mm from right frame [1L9], another possibly small tin-shed marks. All well-centred cds, good perfs. (5) 5d Brown Comb Perf cds (ex noted) varieties in BW #123 group of shades comprising 1L59 x2 (one machine cancel), 1R42, 1R56 x2 (one perf ‘OS’), 1R59 x6 appears State III x4 & State IV x2, Some woolly perfs and less than perfect centring, nice clean specialist lot, cat $420 (as all least expensive shade). (11) 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf varieties, four BW-listed Broken NE corner [1L13], Retouch NW corner [1L25], Broken top to crown [1L30], Retouch NE corner - State III [1R59] perf ‘OS’ BW #123f, i, j and b/ub. Plus four BSAP-listed [1L4, 17, 43 & R3] and likely tin-shed and a ‘don’t know’. Mainly well-centred cds with good perfs, all cds ex one machine cancel. (10) 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf Wmk inverted, BW #123a (SG #23bw), Cat $1,000.

$100 $190

$80 $80

$80 $500


720 721

* *

722 723 724 725

* ** * */**

5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf Wmk inverted BW #123a, MVLH, Cat $1,000. 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf bottom right corner JBC Monogram pair, varieties Retouched NE corner (State III) and Flawed P of PENCE, BW #123zb, fresh, Cat $1,250. 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #128B, premium centring, MVLH, Cat $300+. 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #128ba, fresh MUH, Cat $375. 1/4d Greenish Blue with Thick ‘1’ at right [1R57], BW #128Bn. Some woolly perfs, good colour. 1/4d Greenish Blue Harrison imprint block of 4, typical trimmed imprint, BW #128z, one unit MUH, Cat $8,500 for full imprint.

$500 $675 $180 $350 $100 $900

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Phoenix Auctions - 11th December 2015

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 726 * ½d Green Perf ‘OS’ BW #65ba (Cat $150 on cover) plus KGV Single Wmk 1d perf ‘OS’ tied by Melbourne machine cancel to 1918 Public Works Department lettersheet. 727 V ½d Green with Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65(5)m, VFU, Cat $250. 728 F ½d Green with Thin fraction at right [5R43], BW #65(5)m. Light part Special Sydney machine cancel. Much scarcer than mint. 729 **/* ½d Green Electro 5 ‘CA’ Monogram both sides block of 36 BW #65(5)zf including ACSC listed variety Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65(5)m, some sensibly reinforced perf separations, about half of the units are MUH, Cat $3,000++. Very scarce.





1d Rose-Red Cooke Printing (G102) BW #73B, dull purple-red u/v reaction, hinge remainders, Cat $7,500. Ex Stuart Hardy selling for $5,290 at our sale of 2/11/2012. Drury certificate (2012). 1d Deep Red Cooke Printing (G103) BW #73C, machine cancel, Cat $5,000. Rare! Drury certificate (2008).

$80 $100 $60 $1,250

$3,200 $2,400





733 734 735

** V






1d Carmine Harrison Printing collection of four mint stamps organised by shade, plus MUH set of five Large Multi wmk stamps. Good group. (9) 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printing Perf ‘OS’ and probably deep shade BW #74Bb. Strong rich colour, Cat $400. 1d Red Harrison Printing Dry ink perf ‘OS’, BW #74c, Cat $450. Quite scarce. 1d Dull Green and Single wmk 4d olive, both perf ‘OS’, tied by Registered Elizabeth St cds to 1925 (12 Mar) Official cover (265x110mm) to Mortlake, red registration label, two Melbourne backstampings. The 1d Official very scarce on cover. [5d: 1d Printed matter rate x2 + 3d registration.] 1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 12 [1L1-12] Watermark inverted, unit 7 with catalogued Left frame pointed and curved, BW #84a, hinged in margin only, Cat $900+. 1½d Black-Brown Die I Watermark inverted block of 8 [1R33-36,39-42] with variety White flaw on 4th bloom of right wattles BW #84(1)i, upper-left unit gum toning, six units MUH, Cat $550++.

$240 $80 $240 $65 $290 $180

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1½d Black-Brown Die I Electro 1 Watermark inverted right pane lower right corner horiz block of 8 (4x2) [1R51-4/57-60] with selvedge (hinge reinforcement, notation at right) and noticeable ACCC flaws at R58 & 60. Five units MUH, others just the lightest hinge trace. Minor gumside imperfections scarcely detract form well-centred and fresh positional, extrapolated Cat $525. 739 **/* 1½d Black-Brown Die I interpanneau block of 42 Wmk inverted with imprint [1L31-60,R31-32,37-38,43-44,49-50,55-56], BW #84a(1)z, some re-inforcing on left side of gutter, 32 units MUH, Retail of just the MUH as singles is $4,800. A rare positional piece. 740 F 1½d Brown Die I Perf ‘OS’ with unlocated constant variety White flaw obliterating emu’s rear foot (C130) BW #86U(g), cds cancel not impinging upon the flaw, Cat $500. AUSTRALIA | KGV - No Watermark 741 U 1924 Selection majority cds with [1] 1d Green BW #79 x5 incl Dot before right ‘1’ [VI/21], ‘NY’ joined [VIII/25], also BSAPlisted TLC notch [VI/16]; [2] 1½d Red BW #90 x10 incl Scratch ‘O’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to King’s neck [17L53]. (15)





$1,300 $160 $60


742 U 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ BW #90ba genuine used examples x8, Cat $1,200. (8) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 743 F ½d To 1/4d complete ex 1½d brown and with two 1½d red shades, 2d and 3d CTO, later has BSAP secondary flaw Left frame bulges at top [3L23] 1d light slogan, others cds, mainly well-centred, retail c$245. (9) 744 * ½d Orange Watermark Inverted BW #67a. Exceptional perfs, very fresh, Cat $150. 745 ** 1d Green positional block of 4 [VII/31-32, 37-38] with varieties Wattle line - State II, Nick near top of left frame & Neck flaw - State III corrected by re-entry with duplication of bridge of nose and below right value tablet BW #80(4)fa,g&hb, fresh MUH, Cat $400+. 746 ** 1d Green Plate 4 triple variety left marginal block of 4 (selvedge hinge trace) with Wattle line - State II with tick 0.5mm right of LVT, Nick near top of left frame and Flaw under neck - State III, corrected by re-entry (duplication of bridge of nose and below RVT) [VII/31, 32 & 37]. Minute gum spot on non-variety unit, some woolly perfs, very well centred and fresh. Wonderful positional block, Cat $400+ (as individual stamps).



1d Green Mullett imprint block of 24 BW #80(4)za with ACSC listed varieties comprising Ferns, Retouch to joined ‘RA’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’, White spot in SE Corner, Kangaroo’s tongue out & Retouched run ‘N’ BW #80(4)ia,ja,s,u & vc, minor bends, all but three units MUH, Cat $400+. 1½d Red Die II Perf ‘OS’ in the very scarce and distinctive pink/salmon group of shades, singles (3) in both P14 and P13½x12½ on separate Jan 1928 Official covers Perth to Bencubbin and Perth, unclaimed and with associated markings. These shades are rare on cover, particularly this attractive. [The simultaneous use of both perforations in these unusual shades, for Official purposes, suggests the pronounced departure from the designated ‘red’ was considered too great for general public use.] (2)

$320 $60 $60 $120




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ex 749

749 750 751


** *

3d Blue Die Ia (shades) selection comprising solo frankings to USA, Types A (advertising cover) and B, and combinations with 1½d Canberra for registration Footscray to Boulder, and with 1d green Adelaide to Canada, 3d paying double British Empire rate and 1d a Late Fee, odd blemish, generally fine. (4) 4d Greenish Olive Perf ‘OS’ centred to left. BW #115b, Cat $850. 4d Greenish Olive Perf ‘OS’ rare solo franking tied by Elizabeth St cds to 1930 (11 Dec) Official registered cover (265x100mm) Elizabeth St to Mortlake, the canceller applied unevenly leaving stamp (which is off centre to lower left) largely uncancelled. [1d Printed matter + 3d registration.]

ex 752







$105 $600 $100

ex 754

4d Greenish Olive Perf ‘OS’ rare solo franking and combination with 1d green on 1929-30 Official registered covers (265x100mm) Elizabeth St to Mortlake. [1d Printed matter plus 3d registration.] (2) 4½d Violet Die I BW #119, varieties x5 cds, two perf ‘OS’ [1L4 & 1R55], three normal [1L31, 1L58 & 1R16]. One may be a better shade, min cat $370 (in 2007). (5) 4½d Violet Perf ‘OS’ BW #119b solo franking on 1929 (Feb 23) Dept of Lands and Surveys OHMS cover from Adelaide to Pinnaroo, Adelaide red registration label, ‘UNCLAIMED’ handstamp, edge blemishes. Rare on Cover.

755 ** 1/4 Greenish Blue BW #129, fresh MUH, Cat $1,250. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 756 U Varieties Hagner selection comprising ½d orange shades CTO x7 (perf ‘OS’ x2), then BW-listed group majority cds with 4½d violet x3 [1L4, 1L55 & 1R55] cat $75 each, ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d with opt Narrow last ‘E’ in ‘PENCE’ [2,3L6]; 5d orangebrown shades x8 incl Broken right frame... [2L18] the only BW-listed type, others incl perf ‘OS’ x2; 1/4d x6 incl Flaw in crown [1L3] and Colour flaw in king’s hair [1R11] cat $80 each, four others incl Wajer Compartment marks each side of crown top ++ [1L2], and unplated Break right frame behind emu’s leg in pair. (25) 757 **/* ½d To Surcharged 5d on 4½d Selection of Mostly Mint Multiples with 1d green block of 10 plus corner blocks of 4 x2, 1½d red block of 12, block of 8 x2, blocks of 6 x4, blocks of 4 x10, 1½d brown block of 4, 2d red Die II blocks of 4 & 5 plus Ash imprint block of 4, 2d red Die III blocks of 4, 5 & 6, 3d Types B-A/B-B block of 4 (upper units thinned), 2d on 1½d Ash (‘N’ over ‘N’) imprint blocks of 4 x2 both with Sliced ‘O’ in Surcharge; some annotated varieties, large proportion of stamps being MUH, Retail $3,000+ as single stamps. (50 items) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 758 V 1d Green Die I-II pair BW #81(1)ia, VFU, Cat $250. 759 ** 1d Green Die II Perf ‘OS’ BW #81(1)ib, very well centred, marginal MUH, Cat $500.

$220 $80 $160



$380 $200 $400

Phoenix Auctions - 11th December 2015










764 765 766 767

V F ** F

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ex 761

1½d Golden Scarlet on Thin Paper, BW #92aa. Fresh block of 4, small perf imperfections, light single hinge remains, lower units MUH, Cat $900. 1½d Red-Brown Perfins comprising perf ‘OS’ [1] solo on Official postcard; [2] uprated with ½d orange (unusually not punctured) for Letter rate, unclaimed at Clifton Hill; plus [3] perf ‘G/NSW’ solo on The Mitchell Library postcard. Scarce trio. (3) 2d On 1½d Surcharge Varieties array with Sliced ‘P’ in surcharge [1,2L22] x2, Short left arm of ‘T’ in surcharge [1,2R34] x3, Sliced ‘O’ in surcharge (at right) [3,4L60] x3 (two marginal with part imprints); also [1L50] x2, plus two stamps with Kiss print on ‘O’ of surcharge; some perf blemishes, generally fine. (12) ‘TWO PENCE’ on 1½d on-cover accumulation to Govt Depts in Sydney, noting a few adverts, possible datestamp interest, etc, covers opened three sides otherwise generally sound, ACSC $25 each on cover. (100+)

2d Red Die III with No Watermark, BW #102aa, Cat $7,500 (SG 99ab Cat £2,750), very fine corner cancel. 3d Blue Die Ia Type B-B pair, BW #107B. Nicely centred 1929 Hay (NSW) cds. 3d Blue Die Ia Types A and B Watermark inverted pair BW #107a & aa, fresh MUH, Cat $975+. 3d Blue Die Ia Type B-B pair with left unit Retouch in front of nose [3,4R4], BW #107B(3,4)i, the right with BSAP-listed Left wattle spray shading breaks [3,4R5] - small scuff.

$120 $130 $90 $100

$1,800 $60 $600 $80

ex 769











770 3d Blue Die II varieties from Plates 5 and 6, BW-listed comprises Plate 5 [5L12 x2, 5R33 x4, 5R38 x8 (one in vert strip of 4)], Plate 6 [6R20 in perf ‘OS’ pair]. Others incl 6L5, 6L30 x3, 6R10 x2, 6R29, annotated as Dry ink x4, range of others incl minor types. About half are perf ‘OS’, majority cds, good range of shades. Just the BW-listed varieties cat $375. (55) 4½d Violet (shades) selection of combination frankings with ½d orange or 3d Airmail (2) for Domestic registered airmail (30 May 1930 very early use ‘BY AIR MAIL’ blue and white etiquette), 1931 registered Merchandise, Patterns & Samples rate, and 1929 to Germany via Domestic airmail service (rare jusqu’a airmail item), generally fine. (3) 5d Orange-Brown Die II John Ash imprint pair, part BW #126z. Storage-related light gum discolouration over lower half, very fresh appearance, cat $475 as hinged block of 4. Good value. 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #130A on air mail envelope (light foxing) to London (with 2d Cable to make up the 1/6d airmail rate) tied by ‘CARLTON/2-P-3AU36/VIC’ cds. Scarce commercial usage, TLC certain to help. 1/4d Greenish Blue Thick ‘1’ at right, BW #130n, Cat $300.

$80 $130 $100 $120 $100

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AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 773 * ½d To 1/4d complete set of 8 (SG #124-31). Very fresh, retail c$250. (8) 774 * ½d To 1/4d complete with extras 1d and 2d Watermark inverted, ½d with Thick upper frame at right retouched [9L7]. 5d slightly rounded SE corner, overall fine and fresh, retail c$300. (11) AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 775 * ½d Orange Overprinted ‘OS’ FDC with block of 4, plus 3d Air perf ‘OS’, tied to airmail cover to Brisbane by three light clear strikes of ‘AIR MAIL/2 3P 8JE32 2/SYDNEY NSW’, ‘BRISBANE/1P 9JE32/QLD’ backstamp. Exceptional quality. [PO records prove that 8JE32 was the first day of issue of this stamp. Colaco Belmonte was the Dutch consul in Sydney and he was an enthusiatic collecter who often self-addressed his covers.] 776 **/* 1d Green Thin paper Plate 4 Ash sans-serif imprint block of 4 with the three ACSC listed varieties BW #82ab(4)z, lower units MUH, Cat $800+. 777 F 1d Green Overprinted ‘OS’ with wmk inverted, BW #82(OS)a, slight surface abrasion, very rare, Cat $2,000.







$50 $80

$2,800 $250 $460

1½d Red-Brown Die II vertical pair from the top of the sheet variety Imperforate at top BW #94b, fine mint, Cat $12,500. [ACSC state that just 11 examples are recorded; the strip of 3 in the Arthur Gray KGV Collection sold for $14,280 on 30/10/ 2015]


2d Red Die III tied to small piece by part Air Mail slogan, Kiss print BW #103cb, evidenced by fairly noticeable doubling in lower portion of the stamp, particularly beneath the bottom frame and in the letters of ‘TWO PENCE’ and ‘POSTAGE’, and by an overall blurring of the image. Off centre high, some light perf tone. Rare stamp. [Image on next page.]


3d Blue Die II Watermark inverted BW #109a, light cds cancel, Cat $20,000. [Just three mint and three used examples are recorded. This is probably the finest used example. ACSC states ‘Watermark inverted is of considerable rarity.’]


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part 781


3d Blue Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ Plate 7 complete sheet of 120 with full selvedge, Retail $3,000+. Fine condition with minor perf separation. 3d Blue Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ horizontal strip of 4 [8R15-18] showing progressive deterioration of the ‘OS’ overprint, 8R17 with overprint in deepish blue showing variety Hollow ‘S’ in overprint and unit 8R17 showing deteriorated overprint in pale blue shade, Cat $140+.

$800 $100

ex 784

783 784









4d Olive with rare NSW ‘OS’ perfin, a few nibbed perfs. The first example we have sighted. 4d Olive (shades) selection on five leaves comprising solo frankings (4), including scarce Merchandise, Patterns & Samples rate x4, 1935 Hobart to Melbourne [rare 1d Printed matter + 3d Airmail fee], and perf ‘VG’ registered cover, pair and multiple of four, and combinations with 1d (2, these from same correspondence showing dramatic shade differences in 4d) or 3d for registration, generally fine. (9) 5d Brown Perf ‘G/NSW’ on registered long window cover from department of Lands, neat Exchange cds of 4MY36.

5d Yellow-Brown variety Frame missing behind kangaroo - State II [3R60] BW #127(3)na, Bundaberg (Qld) cds does not impinge on the flawed area, Cat $500. 5d Orange-Brown Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ yellow-brown shade, BW #127(OS), Cat $750, on large Office of Titles OHMS cover to Mortlake, Vic, cancelled with ‘REGISTERED ELIZABETH ST/130P29DE33/MELBOURNE’ (B2) & bearing Elizabeth St registration label, minor creasing.


$80 $100

$180 $300

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