Auction 8 - Sect 3

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*3 :39.1 -.8 8:))*3 )*&9- .3 !*59*2'*7 <&8 & 1.+* 143, &3) 5&88.43&9* (411*(947 <-4 14;*) -.8 -4''> .8 *&71> .39*7*898 <-*7* &3) 7.9.8- 4143.*8 <.9- & '.9 4+ )&''1.3, .3 7&3(* 4143.*8 3 9-* 1&89 >*&78 47 84 -.8 .39*7*898 '*(&2* +4(:8*) 57.2&7.1> 43 #.(947.&3 54892&708 &3) 1&9*7 :**381&3) 54892&708 *3 -&) & ;*7> 51*&8.3, <&> 4+ 24:39.3, -.8 (411*(9.43 .8 5&,*8 -&) & )*9&.1*) 2&5 <.9- 9-* 4++.(* -.,-1.,-9*) -* 9-*3 )*(47&9*) 9-* 5&,* <.9- -.8 5-494 4+ 9-* 47 & 8:.9&'1* &3) 9-*3 24:39*) &11 9-* 54892&708 +47 9-* '* 9-*> 3:2*7&18 47 )&9*89&258 * &184 24:39*) 8*;*7&1 (45.*8 4+ *&(- (&3(*1 94 8-4< 9-* 7&3,* 4+ :8* 8 & 5*72&3*39 242*394 4+ -.8 (411*(9.43 <* -&;* 8(&33*) '49- -.8 2&.3 :**381&3) (411*(9.43 &3) -.8 2&.3 #.(947.&3 (411*(9.43 "-*8* <.11 '* )*;*145*) .394 &3 * '440 <-.(- <.11 '* &;&.1&'1* 43 # 84 9-&9 -.8 +&2.1> &3) 49-*78 (&3 -&;* & 7*(47) 4+ -.8 *39.7* (411*(9.43 "44 4+9*3 ;&1:&'1* .3+472&9.43 .8 1489 <-*3 2&/47 (411*(9.438 &7* '740*3 :5 +47 8&1* &3) 9-.8 .8 43* <&> 94 57*;*39 9-&9 1488 4+ .3+472&9.43 *3 -&) ;.79:&11> +.3.8-*) <470.3, 43 & '440 4+ 9-* )&9*89&258 4+ :**381&3) <-*3 -* ).*) "-.8 '440 -&8 &12489 *;*7> 54892&70 .11:897&9*) &3) 7:38 94 3*&71> 5&,*8 9 <&8 &1<&>8 *3?8 .39*39.43 9-&9 9-.8 .3+472&9.43 '* 5:'1.8-*) 43 9-* <*' ':9 :39.1 9-&9 -&55*38 <* -&;* )*(.)*) 94 2&0* -.8 '440 &;&.1&'1* .3 57.39 $* *=5*(9 '49- 9-* '440 &3) 9-* # 94 '* &;&.1&'1* .3 :1>

+:11> .3)*=*) * '440 4+ *;*7> 5&,* 4+ -.8 (411*(9.43 4+ :**381&3) 54892&708 +&':14:8 &)).9.43 94 9-* 7*+*7*3(* 1.'7&7> 4+ &3> 5489&1 -.8947> (411*(947 =5*(9*) 57.(*

"-* &9*89&258 4+ :**381&3) #41:2*8 <.9- & 7&7.9> 7&9.3, +47 *;*7> )&9*89&25 &3) 3*&71> &11 .11:897&9*) =5*(9*) 57.(* *&(- 47 9-* 8*9

"-.8 +:11> .11:897&9*) (&9&14,:* 4+ 9-* 3:2*7&1 (&3(*18 4+ :**381&3) .8 *88*39.&1 +47 &3> 3:2*7&1 (411*(947 11 9>5*8 &3) 8:' 9>5*8 &7* 7&9*) 55 85.7&1 '4:3) 7.(*

"-.8 +:11> .11:897&9*) (&9&14,:* 4+ 9-* (4143.&1 )&9*89&258 4+ :**381&3) .8 *88*39.&1 +47 &3> )&9*89&25 (411*(947 11 9>5*8 &3) 8:' 9>5*8 &7* 7&9*) 55 85.7&1 '4:3) 7.(* ;&.1&'1* .3 &>

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Section 3 begins no earlier than 2:00pm QUEENSLAND | Collections and Accumulations 764 **/*/U A/B 1862-1909 Sidefaces Collection study of most issues mint and used in range SG #166-300, includes wide range of shades, SG-listed and other varieties with many in positional multiples, perforation varieties, burelé bands. More useful noted include used 1d red P9½x12 SG #176 and 2d blue SG #183, 1890-94 2/- brown shades one unused ng and one used, and impressive 1d corner block of 30 SG #67 with nine LA joined varieties (tone spots), a nice * 1895 1d red with oval broken by tip of bust SG #202a, smattering ‘OS’ perfins, odd cleaned fiscal cancels and some unused ng, pmk interest. Some helpful hand-written notations and overall an important assembly with minimum retail well over $3,000, sound lead-in to a comprehensive specialised collection. (c285) 765 */U A/C 1900-60 Stamps and Covers [1] 1d 4-Corners x47 (in blocks - many faults) [2] 1950 & 60s paid datestamps x5 [3] wrappers x4 & lettercard [4] Qld Centenary on Sigma FDC, attractive 1951 Lindeman Island advertising cover, plus two other covers. 766 */U A/B Collection on New 7-Seas Hingeless Pages with better than average range of mainly used, noted good imperf 1d & 6d Chalons, perfed Chalons to 20/-, perf Registered (mint), 1900 1d Charity (mint), 1866 Postal Fiscals to 5/-, 1871 Postal Fiscals to 2/-. Great starter collection. (65+) QUEENSLAND | Proofs & Essays 767P W A 1874(C.) 2d Plate II Colour Proof imperf pair of SG #75. 768 * A 1882-91 Sideface 1d vermilion-red proof pair on gummed wmk 2nd Crown/Q, fine. 769P W A 1890-94 Lined Oval ½d blue-green imperf plate proof horizontal pair on ungummed watermarked paper. 770P W A C2 1895-96 Void Oval ½d blue-green roughly perfed proof on ungummed thick unwatermarked paper. QUEENSLAND 771 * A1879-80 Sideface Wmk 1st Crown/Q group containing: 2d blue SG #130, 1d reddish brown SG #134, 1d dull orange Die II with side margin (tear) SG 135a, 1d scarlet Die II SG #136a. CV £200. (4) 772P * A B2 1895 Small Chalon Reprint Wmk Truncated Star Perf 13x12 6d yellow ‘REGISTERED’, double perf at top and possible imperf at base. An interesting item for future study. 773P * A B1 1860 Small Chalon Wmk Large Star Clean-Cut Perf 14-16 2d blue nice bold colour, slightly off centre to top left, SG #5, Cat £750. 774P * A B2 1860-61 Small Chalon Wmk Small Star Clean-Cut Perf 14-16 2d blue, part og, damage at top, SG #7, Cat £700. 775P F A B2 - 6d green, very fine used, SG #9, Cat £75. 776P * A B1 1860-61 Small Chalon Wmk Small Star Clean-Cut Perf 14 At Somerset House 2d blue, SG #13, Cat £450, part o.g. 777 F A/A- - mounted used selection 1d x3 & 2d x9 (incl pair and strip of 3), SG #13-4, Cat £630, generally fine. (12) 778P W A1860-61 Small Chalon Wmk Small Star Rough Perf 14-16 1d carmine-rose pair, SG #14, Cat £160, no gum, a few stained perfs. 779P * A A2 - 3d brown, SG #16, Cat £60. 780P * A B1 - 6d orange-yellow ‘REGISTERED’, SG #20, Cat £75. 781P W B B2 1862-67 Small Chalon Thick Toned Paper, No Wmk Rough Perf 13 1d Indian red, SG #21, Cat £350, thinned. 782P * A C2 - 6d apple-green, SG #26, Cat £130. 783P * A B2 - 1/- grey, SG #29, Cat £190. 784P * A A2 1868-78 Small Chalon Wmk 1st Crown/Q Perf 13 4d yellow, diagonal handstamped ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #89s, Cat £70. 785P * A B2 1879 Small Chalon No Wmk Perf 12 1/- mauve, SG #117, Cat £140. 786P * A B2 1880 Small Chalon Litho Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12 2/- blue pair with good colour, SG #119, Cat £200. 787P F A B1 - 2/6d dull scarlet SG 121, Cat £60. 788P * A B2 - 2/6d dull scarlet, SG #121, Cat £160. 789P F A B1 - 5/- yellow-ochre SG 124. 790P W A- B2 - 5/- yellow-ochre, SG #124, Cat £225, off-centre to left. 791P * A A2 - 20/- rose, small black spot at LR otherwise a very fine item, SG #127, Cat £1100. 792P * A- A2 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 1st Crown/Q 1d reddish brown Die I, SG #128, Cat £90. 793P * A C2 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 1d scarlet Die II with QOEENSLAND, SG #136ab, Cat £130. 794P * A B1 - 4d orange-yellow SG 141, Cat £160. 795P * A A2 - 6d deep green and 6d yellow-green, SG #142-3, Cat £210, both with nice colour and usual rough perfs. (2) 796P U A/A- 1882-95 Large Chalons Recess 2/- blue reconstructed sheet of 30, including 11 pairs, all fiscally used. Ex Kiddle. 797P U A/A- 1882-95 Large Chalons Recess Wmk 1st Crown/Q Sideways selection of fiscally used shades; 2/- x3, 2/6d x10, 5/- x2, 10/- x5 & £1 x4. Nine plated stamps including 2/6d block of 6. Ex Kiddle. (24) 798P F A - selection of Kiddle’s earliest and latest dates for each value (ex 5/- latest date), all fiscally used. Plus selection of used and cancelled cleaned fiscals 2/- x3, 2/6d x5, 5/- x2, 10/- x2 & £1, one 10/- has a watermark from the side of the sheet. (22) 799P F A 1882-95 Large Chalons Recess Wmk 3rd Crown/Q Thick Paper selection of Kiddle’s earliest and latest dates for each value (ex 5/- latest date), all fiscally used except the 2/6d late date. (9) 800P V A - selection of CTO stamps in different shades, 2/6d x2, 5/- x3, 10/- x3 & £1 x2, six stamps have been plated including £1 with retouched BRC (SG #161b). Ex Kiddle. (10) 801P - shade selection with fiscally used examples; 2/- x4, 2/6d x4, 5/- x4, 10/- x3 and £1 x3, four stamps have been plated. Ex Kiddle. (18) 802P U A/B - collection of used examples with 2/-, 2/6d x5, 5/- x5, 10/- x3 & £1 x3. While most are probably cleaned fiscals several are undoubtedly commercially used, including a 2/- in combination with a Tas 2d Pictorial on piece with a black rubber Sydney Parcel Post cancel. Six stamps have been plated. Ex Kiddle. (17) 803P * A B2 - 2/6d vermilion, SG #158, Cat £45, and 2/6d vermilion wmk ‘2nd Crown/Q sideways, minor creasing SG #162, Cat £65. (2) 804P V A/A- 1882-95 Large Chalons Recess Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Sideways Perf 12 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- all with Brisbane CTO cancel, SG #162-4, BW does not record CTO for the 5/-. Ex Kiddle. 805P U A/A- - selection of used 5/- x7 and £1 x4. Most appear to be commercially used although the odd cleaned fiscal has also been seen. Noted ‘193’ of Mayfield on 5/-, ‘[REGIS]TERED/[COOK]TOWN.’ on 5/- & ‘131’ on £1. Ex Kiddle. (11) 806P W/* A-/B SPECIMEN Handstamps 1882 1/- mauve unused ng with perf damage, 1890 2/- brown o/c low *, SG #173,197. The 2/is particularly difficult. (2) 807P * A B2 1882-91 Lined-Oval Die II Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12 2/- pale brown, nice colour, SG #182, Cat £60.

$600 $90 $400 $675 $160 $200 $110 $80 $80 $400 $160 $60 $450 $450 $90 $60 $60 $60 $100 $100 $60 $100 $100 $100 $80 $130 $60 $700 $60 $80 $185 $300 $225 $110 $135 $90 $275 $110 $135 $60 $275 $225 $100 $50

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ex 796


ex 797













ex 795

ex 798

ex 799

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ex 800

ex 805

810 808P *

A B1

ex 801

ex 802



ex 811

ex 803


ex 812

ex 804

ex 809


1890-94 Lined-Oval Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12½,13 4d yellow with ‘PENGE’ variety, SG #193a, Cat £65, minor crease visible from rear. 809P U A/A- 1903 Large Chalons Recess Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Sideways P12½,13 selection of 2/6d highlighted for various perf combinations plus two copies perf ‘OS’, one P12 the other P12½,13. Ex Kiddle. (7) 810P V A C1 1905-06 Large Chalons Litho Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Sideways P12 £1 blue-green [12] with JA/07 CTO cancel, SG #274, Cat £120. Ex Kiddle. QUEENSLAND | Postal Fiscals 811P * A/B 1866 No Wmk 1d blue (pinholes) 1/- blue-green x4 (one with truncated S in SHILLING, faults), 2/- brown, 5/- yellow (pinholes), SG #F1,3,4,6, Cat £1,075. (7) 812P * A/B 1866-68 Wmk Crown/Q 1d blue (2 shades) 1/- blue-green (faults), 2/- brown (one mint, 1 damaged by colourless embossing), 5/- yellow (faults), SG #F9,12-13a, Cat £800. (6) 813P * AA2 - 2/- brown Stamp Duty, SG #F13, Cat £170. 814 W A 1871-72 Stamp Duty 1/- green proof on unwmked paper. QUEENSLAND | Railway Stamps 815 * A 1940 Essays for a proposed series, on thick unwatermarked paper, 1/- in deep blue, 2/6d scarlet, and 5/- apple-green. Rare and attractive. QUEENSLAND | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 816P * A/B 1880-1892 unused range with wide variety of shades, condition a bit mixed but many fine and noting in particular 1889-91 with three each 2d blue and 3d violet in good condition plus seven 1d shades a bit more variable H&G #4-6. High cat over US$500 (and that’s back in 1984!). (37) 817P *F A 1908 QV Sideface Views 4 Line Heading Commencing ‘POST CARD’ 1d chocolate with ‘Pineapple Plantation. Nundah. near Brisbane.’ scene, uprated with ½d green, 1907 use from George Street to “Institut Cartographique Militaire, Brussels”. 818P *F A - 1d chocolate with ‘Glengallon Station, near Warwick’ scene, uprated with ½d green, 1907 use from George Street to “Institut Cartographique Militaire, Brussels”. 819 *** A 1908 Fleet Card 1d, HG #16 very fresh mint. 820P *V A1911 QV Sideface 3 Line Heading With Dividing Line 1d 4-Corners with view ‘MARY RIVER AT MARYBOROUGH, NORTH COAST RAILWAY, SOUTH QUEENSLAND’, HG #19a, unaddressed and part Brisbane cancel indicating that it was posted under cover with the TRC removed, light stain on view side. QUEENSLAND | Postal History 821P *F A 1878 use of 2d blue Plate II P12x12½, cancelled with light ‘87’ BN tied by unframed ‘IPSWICH/MR5/78/QUEENSLAND’ to the Railway Commissioners Office Brisbane. 822P *F A 1908 (23 Aug) use of Qld 2d on PPC Brisbane to GB. A rare rate. [2d applied rather than 1d postcard rate where written message extended to both sides of a card, as in this instance.]

$50 $300 $175 $625 $550 $120 $160 $475

$125 $135 $135 $475 $110 $70 $95

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ex 816










ex 833

















ex 846


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QUEENSLAND | Numerals | Collections and Accumulations 823P S A/B Mounted Collection some duplication and better items removed by the vendor, still a useful collection with a few pickings; R 15, 125, 135, 138, 157, 164, 170, 209, 210, 235, 245, 254, 263, 272, 277, 307, 333, 341, 342, 343, 350, 370, 376, 414, 425, 442, 485, 489, 491, 513, 518, 553, 569, 581, 609, 631, RR 113, 181, 222, 271, 278, 287, 300, 318, 357, 381, 386, 420, 523, 586, 594, RRR 377, 601, RRRR 319, 617 (1d red KGV). Quite a few enhancements and mis-readings noticed, these have been ignored. (100s) 824 *DS A/B - with page for every type and allocation. This is a remainders collection with much still left in it including 60+ covers, with R x235, RR x118, RRR x44, RRRR 63 BN, 91 (Chalon), 121 (Chalon), 148 (Chalon) x2, 152 (N1a), 158 (Chalon), 167 (Chalon), 176 (Chalon), 236 x2, 258 (Chalon), 319, 358, 366, 677 x2, 683 x3, RRRRR 205 (Chalon), 244 (Chalon), 255 (Chalon), 368 (2nd type) x2, NNS 180 (Chalon). As would be expected from a remaindered collection, many of the strikes are 2nd-rate, but the purchaser will still find significant value here. (1000s) QUEENSLAND | Numerals 825P S A B2 14: worn strike on 2d blue 4-Corners. [Rated RRRRR] Unallocated 826P S A/B 34: R, 35 x2 RR, 40 RR, 62 rays RRR, 95 rays RRRR, 118 RR, 157 R & 189 RRR. (8) 827P S A/B 40: R, 157 R, 217 RR, 240 RR, 262 RR, 280 RRR, 298 RR, 299 R & 334 RR. (9) 828P S A B2 42: 3 strikes on 1868 2d blue Chalon strip of 3. [Rated RRR] Unallocated 829P S A A2 46: ‘46’ rays (1c) on 1879 2d Sideface. [Rated NNS] Unallocated 830P S B C1 55: on 1876 1d Chalon (tear). [Rated NNS] Allocated to Gatton-PO 1/1/1866. 831P S A A2 63: BN on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Brookville-Renamed from Barton RO c.-/12/1900; PO c.1902; RO c.-/10/1905; 832P

837P S 838P S 839P S

A A2

840P S 841P *

A- A2 112: ‘112’ on 1864 Registered. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Murphy’s Creek-PO 18/5/1868; closed 30/1/1987. A A2 121: ‘121’ on imperf? 2d Chalon tied by unframed ‘KINGS CREEK/OC15/1869/QUEENSLAND’ (B2) on cover to Toowoomba. [The only recorded tie to this very short-lived PO name.] Allocated to Clifton-PO 20/4/1869; renamed Kings Creek

842P S 843P S

B B2 A A2

844P S

B A2

845P 846P 847P 848P 849P


A A2+ A/B A- B2 A- B2 A C2

850P 851P 852P 853P 854P


A A2+ A A2A A2 A B2 B C2

833P S 834P * 835P S 836P *


B A2

closed c.-/10/1909.

- BN on 1d & 2d x3 tied with unframed ‘BROOKVILLE/330P/SP7/1903/QUE[EN]SLAND’ (C2 - the only date recorded by Smithies) on Tatt’s cover, fine ‘REGISTERED/BROOKVILLE’ on face. [Rated RRRR] A A2 68: of Lilyvale on 1868 3d olive-green Chalon and 82 of Forest Vale on 1868 2d Chalon. [Bothe rated RRR] A B1- 72: light cancel on 2d Chalon tied with unframed ‘HELIDON/OC25/18 /QUEENSLAND’ (B1 - year & decade ommitted) on cover, unframed ‘TOOWOO[MBA]/OC16/18 /QUEENSLAND’ (A2 also with year & decade removed) arrival. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Helidon-PO 1/8/1866. A A2 73: on 1868 1d orange-vermilion Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated A- C2 80: on 1d Chalon x2 tied by unframed ‘[MITC]HELL DOWNS/MY27/75/QUEEN[SLAND]’ on cover to Mt Sturt, Warwick. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Mitchell Downs-PO 1/1/1865; renamed Mitchell PO c.1878. A A2 83: on 2d blue Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Copperfield-PO 1/10/1866; RO c.1900; closed 31/1/1929; 1 1/15/1946. B A2 104: on 1868 6d Chalon (faults). [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Bowen Downs-PO 1/3/1868; RO 1/11/1884; PO 1/7/1927; closed 3/9/


855P D

A A1

856P D 857P *

A A2 C B2

$750 $150 $225 $125 $125 $150 $100 $100 $150 $80 $150 $100 $80 $100




$150 $80

PO 24/7/1869; renamed Clifton PO c.1869.

$200 $80

1/4/1871; closed 31/12/1871.



$150 $100 $225 $80 $80

PO 22/9/1881; RO c.1902; closed c.-/7/1909.

$150 $150 $150 $150 $150

108: ‘108’ 2nd type on 1871 2d blue Chalon pair (SG #61). [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to Jimna-PO 1/7/1868; closed 31/10/

122: ‘122’ on oxidized 1d Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Pine Mountain-PO 1/6/1869; RO c.-/4/1905; closed c.1919. 150: on 1871 2d blue Chalon (SG #61). [Rated RRRR - PO open 8 months only!!] Allocated to Western Creek Diggings-PO 154: ‘154’ on 1876 1d Chalon (trimmed perfs). [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Purga Creek-PO 1/9/1871; renamed Purga RO 7/5/

157: on 1d rose-red Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated - on 1d roo RRRRR, 217 RR, 298 RR, 359 RR, 377 RRR, 396 RRR, 415 R & 435 RRR. (8) 162: on 1882 2d Sideface. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 174: on 1d Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Elliott-PO 1/3/1873; RO 18/9/1901; renamed Musket RO c.-/8/1912. 182: ‘182’ on 2d Void-Oval and 2nd copy (A2) on 1d 4-Corners, Silkstone period. [Both rated RRRR] Allocated to Neardie-

192: on 1879 1d Sideface. [Rated NNS] Allocated to West End-PO 1/8/1874; closed 30/9/1882. 195: ‘195’ on 1868 6d Chalon. [Rated RRRRR] Unallocated - large type ‘195’ (7½mm high) on 1882 1d Sideface. [Not recorded] 197: on 2d Chalon. [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to Camboon-PO 1/6/1874; closed 16/10/1965. 199: ‘[1]99’ on 1d, 2d & 6d Chalons tied with light ‘BOOLBURRA/JU9/75/QUEENSLAND’ (C2) on cover to England. A few faults but nice 3-colour franking. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Boolburra-PO 25/5/1874; RO 1/8/1876; closed c.1878. 207: 3 strikes of mss on 1d & 2d 4-Corners pair. [Not recorded] Allocated to Coomera Township-PO 18/9/1875; renamed

Coomera PO 3/9/1889; closed 30/1/1973. 213: ‘213’ on 1d 4-Corners x2. Allocated to Mount Pleasant-RO c.1884; PO 1/2/1886; RO c.-/12/1905; closed c.-/6/1911.

858P S

219: ‘219 on 2d Chalon tied by unframed ‘CORK/NO8/80/QUEENSLAND’ (B2) on cover to Waverley, Broad Sound (near St Lawrence), a bit spotty but rare. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Cork-PO 1/7/1876; RO 1/1/1882; closed c.1896. A- A2 220: ‘220’ on 2d Lined Oval. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Brookfield-PO 12/8/1876; RO c.1914; PO c.1920; TO c.-/3/1924; PO c.1946;

859P 860P 861P 862P 863P 864P

A B2 A A2A B2 B A2 A B2 A B1



$200 $125 $80 $150

closed 7/2/1974.

$60 $150 $80 $100 $125 $100

closed c.1922.

$125 $100 $125

Kannungur PO 10/11/1905; renamed Kannangur PO 18/6/1906; RO c.1910; renamed Yimbun RO 6/8/1914.

$125 $100 $100

227: on 1d Chalon. [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to Cairns-PO 7/10/1876; renamed Orchid Plaza PO 1/5/1991. 236: unallocated on 4d yellow 4-Corners and 238 of Belmont on 1d 4-Corners pair. [Both rated RRR] 241: on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 257: ‘257’ on 1876 2d Chalon (faults). [Not recorded on Chalons - rated RRRR on later issues.] Unallocated 272: ‘272’ on 4d buff-yellow Chalon. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Slack’s Creek-PO 9/1/1878; closed 8/4/1885. 287: 2nd type (numbers 11mm wide) on 1d Void-Oval. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Brown’s Plains-PO 10/2/1872; RO c.-/11/1905;

865P S 866P S 867P *

A A2 296: on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated A- A2 319: on 1882 1d Sideface (faults) and 322 on 1882 2d Sideface, both unallocated. [Both rated RRR] B B2 324: on 1d 4-Corners pair tied with ‘MOORABOOL/6FEB1905/QUEENSLAND’ (A2) on Tatt’s cover. [Known as Moorabool for 9 months!!] Allocated to Cressbrook-PO 28/1/1886; closed c.-/2/1905; Re-allocated to Moorabool PO c.-/1/1905; renamed

868P S 869P D

A B2 344: on 1882 2d Sideface. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Boyne River-PO 1/1/1883; closed 30/11/1890. A- B1 345: on 1882 1d Sideface pair (small faults). [Rated RRRR] Unallocated

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853 854 855



















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ex 880







870P D 871P S

A A1 A A2

358: on 2d red KEVII Stamp Duty. [Rated RRR] Unallocated 368: 2nd type on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR now.] Allocated to Richmond Downs-PO 5/6/1879; renamed Richmond PO 31/5/

872P S 873P S 874P *

A A2A B2 C B1

375: ‘375’ on 1879 1d Sideface. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 388: ‘388’ on 2d blue. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 405: on 1d Postal Card tied with unframed ‘DULVADILLA/NO2/85/QUEENSLAND’ (B2), creased and mild toning. [Rated NNS - known as Dulvadilla for about 12 months only!!] Allocated to Dulvadilla-PO 26/8/1885; renamed Dulbydilla PO c.1886; RO



C C2

876P S

A B2

- on 1d pair tied with unframed DULBYDILLA/JY15/86/QUEENSLAND’ (B1), torn across face. [Rated NNS - known as Dulbydilla for about 15 months only!!] 433: BN (7mm high) on 2d 4-Corners. [This type not recorded] Allocated to Aitkenvale-Renamed from Mundingburra PO c.1896;

877P D

A C3

434: strike on 2d 4-Corners x2 tied by unframed ‘[E]AGLE FARM/SP13/97/[QUEENSL]AND’ (C2). [Rated RRRRR]

878P D 879P S 880P S

A B2 A/B A/B

881P S

A B2

882P S 883P S 884P S

A A2A A2 A A2

885P D

B B2

886P D 887P S 888P S 889P *

A A1 A B2 A B2 A- B2

890P S 891P D

A B2 A A2

892P S 893P S

A A2 A A2



$80 $80 $125

17/9/1887; closed c.-/7/1908.

$200 $200

RO c.1910; PO 1/7/1923; renamed Mundingburra PO 1/12/1955.


Allocated to Eagle Farm-PO 1/11/1886; RO c.-/9/1909; PO c.1910; RO c.-/9/1910; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/8/1948. 440: violet strike on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR, RRRRR in violet.] Unallocated

$100 $125 $200

463: (C2) RRR, 464 RR, 484 RR, 467 RRR, 495 RR, 502 (Ithaca period), 520 RR, 545 RRR & 550 RR. (10) 498: on 1d roo NNS on Commonwealth issues, 545, RRR, 551 RR, 552 RR, 593 RRR, light 609 on 1d roo RRRR, 619 RR & 695 (B2-) RRRR. (8) 503: on 2d blue 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Terrors Creek-Renamed from Hamilton PO c.1892; renamed Dayboro PO



$100 $80 $80




$100 $100 $100 $100

PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/2/1972.

$200 $100

Allocated to Lower Tully-RO c.-/9/1903; PO c.-/1/1907; RO c.-/4/1911; closed c.1920. 651: on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 676: on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to Limevale-RO c.-/7/1907; PO c.-/7/1908; closed 29/6/1990.

$125 $125 $125

511: light clear strike on 2d Lined Oval. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Mareeba Diggings-PO c.1893; closed c.-/12/1905. 517: on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Graceville-RO c.-/3/1889; PO 7/5/1894. 531: light 2nd type (7mm high) on 1d 4-Corners pair. [This type not recorded] Allocated to Hughenden-RO c.1874; PO 1/7/ 540: on 1d 4-Corners on registered piece. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Opalton-RO c.1895; PO c.1896; RO c.-/7/1908; closed c.-

- 3 strikes on 1d 4-Corners x5 on piece. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Graceville-RO c.-/3/1889; PO 7/5/1894. 571: on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 591: on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Seymour-RO c.1891; PO c.1899; closed c.1909. 592: BN on 2d 4-Corners tied with unframed ‘BENOWA/SP10/97/QUEENSLAND’ (A2) on Tatt’s cover, reduced slightly at top. [Rated NNS - datestamp is the only copy recorded by Smithies.] Allocated to Benowa-RO c.1896; PO c.1899; RO c.1920; 613: on 2d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 639: on 1d 4-Corners x5 (two damaged) tied by ‘LOWER TULLY/24JAN10/QUEENSLAND’ (C1) on piece. [Rated RRRR]

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ex 895






ex 900



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894P S A A2 689: on 1d 4-Corners pair. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated 895P S A A2- 694: unallocated - light strike on 2d 4-Corners RRRR plus ‘619’ of Morningside (A2) RR. 896P S A B2 724: on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Mungallala-RO c.1887; PO c.-/5/1911. 897P D A A2 725: on 1d 4-Corners on piece. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Booval-RO c.1883; PO c.-/8/1912; renamed Booval Fair PO 4/3/1991. 898 S A B2 731: ‘731’ on 1d 4-Corners plus ½-stamp, this is the left half of the item illustrated. [Rated RRRRR] Unallocated 899P D A B1 740: on 1d Roo x2. [Rated RRRR] Unallocated QUEENSLAND | Railway Numerals 900P DS B 1: , 1B, 27, 51, 83 & 397. Plus 225 on decimal Townsville parcel stamps. (7) 901P S A A2 53: BN of Murphys Creek on 1d 4-Corners. [Rated RRRR] 902P S A B2 72: BN of Dimbulah on ½d Lined-Oval. [Not recorded] QUEENSLAND | Datestamps | Ken Smithies Collections 903 A/B Abercorn to Ayton Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1969 Abergowrie, 1954 Aitkenvale West, per favour Louisa Creek mailbag seal on 1d red KGV, 1869 Allora cover, 1901 Almaden with time, 1949 Aloomba registered relief, 1951 Alton Downs, 1967 Andergrove, 1949 Angellala, 1935 Anyarro, 1969 Aramara, 1910 Argentine, 1935 Argoon, ‘485’ BN on 1d Roo RRRRR, 1967 Arrilalah, 1952 Ascot Factory, 1955 Atherton RRRR, 1907 Avondale registered cover, 1903 Ayrshire Downs registered 1927 & 1938 Ayrshire Downs (2 different). (100s) 904 A/B Babinda to Birralee Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1950 Mandanyi, 1962 Bambaroo, ‘24’ on 1868 Chalon, 1967 Bancroft, 1924 Baralaba, Baree mss, 1937 Barnesmore, 1933 Barney View, 1937 Barrine, ‘601’ BN, 1971 Beardmore Dam, 1936 Bedourie RO, 1940 Bellevue, 1923 Benobble, 1938 Berat, 1905 Bethania registered cover, 1967 Bethania, 1915 Biboohra, Bingera Plantation violet handstamp. (100s) 905 A/B Blackall to Bromelton Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as ‘38’ on Chalon RR, 1908 PPC of crowd waiting for mail at Blackall PO, ‘404’ RRR, 1949 Blaxland, 1926 Blythdale RO, ‘248’ RRR on 6d Sideface on 1882 cover to England, 1967 Bongeen, 1910 Boolboonda mss, 1963 Booloumba Morag Campbell piece, 1907 Bompa mss, 1967 Boonarga, ‘608’ RRR. 1934 & 1967 Borallon (2 different), 1973 Boreen Point, 1903 Bouldercombe registered cover, 1971 Bouldercombe, 1875 Bowen Downs cover, Boyne Island, 1973 Brampton Island, 1904 Brandon registered cover, 1918 Brassall, 1927 Bribie Island, ‘585’ tied piece, 1937 Bromelton (100s) 906 A/B Brooklands to Byrnestown Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1931 Brooklands, ‘63’ of Brookville RRRR, 1956 Brown’s Leigh, 1980 Browns Plains, 1937 Broxburn, 1967 Brymaroo, 1967 Buaraba, ‘376’ on 1d Roo RRRR, 1903 mss Bullyard, 1971 Bullyard, 1917 Bundaberg double-oval, 1976 Bungunya, 1966 Burrum, 1967 Burrum Heads, 1953 Bushley, 1969 Byee, 1948 Bymount, 1904 Byrnestown cover tied to ‘167’ (100s) 907 A/B Cabarlah to Ceratodus Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1939 Caboonbah, 1899 Calcifer, 1904 mss Callide, 1910 Callide, 1918 Caloundra (RO period), ‘120’ on 2d Chalon RRR, ‘62’ Railway BN, range of Cania mss, 1974 Cannonvale Beach, 1920 Cape York, 1968 Cardstone, 1876 Cardwell cover, 1922 Carmila R.O., 1966 Ceratodus (100s) 908 A/B Charleville to Coolum Beach Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1860s Charleville outer with red cds & numeral, ‘362’ RRR, ‘63’ on 1d Chalon RRR, 1973 Clintonvale, ‘149’ Rays RRRR, 1955 Cluden, 1966 Cobba-Da-Mana, ‘529’ RRRR, 1924 Collinsville, 1899 mss Coloseum, 1863 ‘151’ OHMS outer, 1927 27½mm Kirra, 1967 Coolgarra. (100s) 909 A/B Coomera to Dinmore Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1964 Coongola registered cover, 1969 Cordelia, 1934 Cotswold, 1947 Coulson, 1948 Cowan Cowan (TO only), 1937 Cowley, 1938 Croftby, 1979 Cunningham (TO period), 1967 Curra, 1977 Currajong, ‘367’ RRR, 1922 Dareel Town, 1980 Dartmouth, 1916 Terrors Creek, 1918 Dayboro, 1922 Deeford, ‘389’ on Diamantina Lakes cover, 1971 Didcot, ‘102’ used at Dingo RRRRR (100s) 910 A/B Dirranbandi to Ewan Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1951 Dittmer, 1949 Dobbyn, 1942 Doolbin, 1869 Drayton cover to Dublin, ‘630’ on 1d KGV Postal Card, 1977 Duchess with time, 1967 Ducklo, 1953 Dulbydilla, 1894 Dungeness cover, 1929 Eagleby, 1973 East Palmerston, 1913 & 1939 Ebbw Vale (2 different), c.1956 Eimeo, 1966 Elbow Valley, 1937 Ellinthorp, 1955 Elliott Crossing, 1889 Hewittville cover, 1954 Emu Vale, ‘177’ on Chalon RRRR, 1972 Evans Landing (100s) 911 A/B Fairburn Dam to Goodwood Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1909 Fairymead, 1947 Fassifern, 1974 Fernlees, 1922 ‘682’ on 2d orange KGV, 1967 Fletcher, 1901 Floraville, ‘268’ RRR, 1966 Flying Fish Point, ‘688’ RRRR, 1937 Gap View, 1937 Garadunga, 1945 36mm Gayndah on registered cover, 1964 Gheerulla, 1966 Giligulgul, 1941 Gilla, 1951 Gillen’s Siding, 1970 Gindie registered cover, 1907 ‘555’ cover, 1973 Gladfield, 1979 Gladstone Valley, 1925 27mm Glen Aplin, Gleneagle mss, ‘26’ on Chalon (faults) RRR (100s) 912 A/B Goombi to Hayman Island Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1871 Goondiwindi registered piece, 1905 mss Goondoon, 1967 Gooray, 1963 Gooroolba, ‘291’ on 1d Roo RRRR, ‘155’ RRR, 1967 Gundiah, 1977 Gunpowder, 1979 Guthalunga, 1948 & 1968 Habana (2 different), 1912 Wahoon, 1935 & 1967 Hambledon (2 different), 1914 Hampden, 1986 Harlin, ‘176’ on Chalon RRRR, 1966 Hatton Vale (100s) 913 A/B Hebel to Irvingdale Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as ‘37’ on Chalon RRR, 1967 Hendon, 1958 violet Heron Island, 1966 Hidden Valley, 1913 Hightville, 1950 Hillview, 1910 Hodgson, 1954 Holloway, 1966 Homebush, 1945 Horton, 1969 Howard, 1954 Hydro, 1869 Inglewood cover, 1920 Injune R.S., 1938 Inkerman, 1908 Geraldton, 1968 Innisfail West, ‘538’ RRR, ‘587’ on 1d roo RRRRR, 1900 mss Invicta, 1932 Irvingdale (100s) 914 A/B Isis Central Mill to Kinleymore Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1913 North Isis Central Mill, 1912 Jondowaie, ‘93’ on Chalon RRR, 1953 Jooro, 1956 Joskaleigh, 1974 Kalarka, 1967 Kalka, ‘596’ of Kallanda RRR, ‘174’ of Kallanda RRR, 1948 Kanyan, 1904 Karumba registered cover, 1938 Keppel Sands, 1903 Kincora cover, 1909 26½mm Kingsthorpe (100s) 915 A/B Kippa-Ring to Logan Village Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1967 Kleinton, 1969 Kotungo registered cover, 1915? Koolmarra, 1967 Koonkool, 1922 26mm Koulmala, 1956 Kowbi, 1953 Kulara, 1950 Kulgun, 1967 Kumbarilla, 1939 Kupunn, 1967 Kurrimine Beach, 1968 Kurumbul, 1949 Kyoomba, mss Labrador, ‘422’ on 1d Roo RRRR, ‘489’ Railway BN RRR, 1964 Lanefield, 1936 Langlo’s Crossing, 1909 mss Langmorn, 1925 Lethe Brook, 1966 Lilydale, 1968 Loch Lomond registered cover, Lochnagar registered handstamp, 1967 Lockyer (100s) 916 A/B Longford Creek to Maryvale Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1910? double-oval Post Office Longreach, 1937 Lower Tivoli, 1939 Lower Tully, 1906 Lucinda on PPC, 1865 Mackay outer, 1905 Macknade registered cover, ‘339’ tied to Macrossan Bridge RRR, ‘339’ tied to part Burdekin RRR, 1967 Makowata, 1912 Malakoff, ‘373’ on 1d Roo RRRR, 1937 Manton, 1971 Many Peaks, ‘250’ RRR, 1966 Marathon, ‘627’ RRR, 1967 Maroon, 1977 Maryvale (100s) 917 A/B Massie to Morven Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1910 Memerambi, 1979 Merinda, 1985 Middlemount PC 4708, ‘713’ RRRR, 1967 Middleton, 1938 Milford, 1971 Millaroo, 1874 ‘133’ on Millchester tied piece, 1912 & 1930 Milmerran (2 different). 1967 Minden, 1940 Mil PO Miowera registered cover, 1885 ‘24’ BN on Miriam Vale tied piece, ‘80’ on 6d Chalon RRRR, ‘665’ RRRR, 1938 Molendinar, 1904 ‘512’ Monal Creek cover, 1897 Registered Mount Albion, 1913 & 1925? Montville (2 different), 1959 Moola, 1966 Moongan, 1954 Moonmerra, 1950 Moorlands, 1947 Moresby, 1951 Moreton, 1937 Morganbury (100s)

$100 $100 $100 $75 $125 $100 $75 Offer $150




$800 $800 $700










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ex 921

ex 923

ex 922 ex 924


928 926

927 930

929 931 932

934 933


Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011 918

Page 87


Mossman to Muttaburra Largely intact with many rare postmarks such as 1971 Mt Chalmers, 1979 Mt Christian, 1952 Mt Colliery, 1966 Mt Cotton, 1937 Mt Darry, 1946 Mt Edwards, 1966 & 1971 Mt Glorious (LDL & SDL), 1949 Mt Hallon R.S., 1949 & 1963 Mt Irving (2 different), 1972 Mt Isa Mines, 1976 Mt Isa South, 1906 mss Mt Larcom, ‘701’ RRR, 1966 Mt Mee, 1937 Mt Pelion, 1917 Mt Shamrock, 1949 Mt Sturt, 1952 Mt Tamborine, 1932 Mt Tarampa, 1904 ‘Mount Usher’ registered cover, 1966 Mourilyan Harbour, 1948 Muan, ‘617’ on 1d Roo RRRR, 1937 & 1967 Mulei (2 different), 1966 Mullet Creek, 1957 & 1964 Munbilla (LDL & SDL), 1956 & 1966 Mundinburra (LDL & SDL), 1971 Mundoo, 1954 Munganna, 1907 Mungarr registered cover, 1967 Mungungo, ‘112’ on Chalon RRRR, 1937 Mutarnee, 1956 Mutchilba, 1952 Mutdapilly (100s) QUEENSLAND | Datestamps | Collections and Accumulations A/B Abercorn to Yungaburra Collection of cds cancels on covers/stationery, 1930s-60s £SD issues only, arranged in PO 919 * order, largely commercial, appear generally good strikes, many scarcer types present, stated to be all different. Terrific starter collection opportunity. (820) 920P D A/B Postal Manager Datestamp collection mounted on two pages, 27 different mainly dated 1988. A difficult assembly with several being the only copy recorded by Smithies. 921P DS A/B RO Manuscripts on 4-Corners issues “[Ep]rapah/Creek/18-1-13”, “Mt Rainbo[w]/P.O.”, “Comunju/24-3/04” overstruck with ‘203’ of Gin Gin & “Cloncurry” on registered piece. Plus quartered cork cancel. (5) 922P DS A/B RO Manuscripts & Handstamps on 4-Corners issues “AC/R.O./20/10/03” Alligator Creek?, “[Ba]rolin/[?]/10/99” alongside piece with stamps cancelled with “X”, violet ‘BINGERA PLANTATION/”14/2/02”/QUEENSLAND’, “Cania” x7 (2 different hands), “E Boyne” x2 (2 different hands), light violet ‘FAIRYMEAD/21JAN[1901]/QUEEN[SLAND]’, “Gordons Lane” x2, “Maroona/Ap 2//09”, “Maroond[an]”, “Miall[o]”, “Miara” x2 (2 different hands), “Mt Larcom” x4, violet straight-line ‘PARSON’S POINT’ x3, “Rain[worth]”, “San Jose” x5 (3 different hands), “[T]arginnie/Goldfiel[d]’ x3, “Toonda/19/1/03”, “Ulam/18/10/98”, “Wombah/2-6-13”, “Yarwun/29/1/1903”. A rare group. (40) 923P A/B Six Volume Remainder Collection significant quantities mounted on pages, strength in the 20th Century period, also a few numerals seen. Mainly cds on stamps & piece with a few covers included. Noted 1910 Argentine, 1966 Baking Board, 1936 Bedourie RO, 1926 Biboorhra, 1914 Callide, 1970 Carstairs, 1913 Cooroorah, 1934 Cotswold, 1933 Coulson, 1961 Elbow Valley, 1961 Gheerula, c.1910 Hodgson, 1967 Isis Junction, 1949 Moola, 1905 Moorabool, 1961 Nutgrove, 1908 OK Mine, 1934 Peacock Siding, 1934 Purga, 1911 Wolfram. Quite useful and a bargain at the estimate. (1000s) 924P *DS A/B WWII Military Camps [1] Registered Covers - 1946 RAAF 6312, 1943 & 1948 RAAF Garbutt, 1940 Mil PO Cowan Cowan x2; 1945 Mil PO Camp Cable & 1962 Mil PO Iron Range [2] normal covers - 1941 Archerfield Aerodrome, 1944 Mil PO Canungra, 1962 Mil PO Iron Range & 1987 Townsville Mil. PO; [3] two pages of thirty-one mainly different cancels from twenty-four different camps. (11+31) QUEENSLAND | Datestamps 925P D A A2 Alflafa: ‘ALFALFA/11JE30/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d Sturt. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies - TO only.] TO c.-/2/1923; closed c.1936.

Angellala (3): ‘ANGELLALA/29AP67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] RO c.1911; PO 1/7/1927; closed c.-/5/1968. Arrilalah: violet boxed ‘ARRILALAH/TELEPHONE OFFICE/31JUL1983/QLD. AUST’ on 22c on unaddressed cover. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies] Renamed from Forest Grove RO c.1887; PO 14/3/1890; RO c.1917; PO 1/7/



A C1



A A1

928P S

A A2

Ballara (2): ‘BALLARA/24JA16/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d red KGV. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies]



A A1

930P S

A A2

Bancroft: ‘BANCROFT/21OC64/QLD-AUST’ on 5d Xmas on Morag Campbell FDC. [Rated RRRR - Morag Campbell’s father was the engraver of the datestamps and frequently made FDCs for his daughter using datestamps before they were despatched to the PO.] PO 8/6/1932; closed 30/6/1969. Banyan: ‘BANYAN/25AP24/Q[UEENSL]AND’ on 1½d green KGV. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies]



A- A1 Baree: mss “Baree/10-10-11” on 1d 4-Corners (torn) on PPC. [RO mss on cover are very rare.] RO c.1901; PO c.1917; closed



A A1

Beardmore Dam: ‘RELIEF/12SE69/22/QLD-AUST’ on 30c on Waghorn cover with blue provisional registration label.



A B1



A A1

935P D

A A2

Benholme: ‘BENHOLME/13MY67/QLD. AUST.’ on 4c on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] RO c.1905; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 19/3/1971; closed 18/6/1971. - ‘BENHOLME/6FE70/QLD. AUST.’ on 5c & 25c on Brown cover with blue provisional registration label. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] Bilwon: ‘BILWON/16DE57/QLD.’ on 4d Xmas. [Rated RRRR the only copy of this type recorded by Smithies] PO c.-/1/1938;

936P D

A A1

937P D

A A1

938P D

A A2



A B1



A B1

941P S

A A2



A A1



A B1

944P D

A A2

Brightview: 3 strikes of ‘BRIGHTVIEW/12FE69/QLD-AUST’ (LRD) on 20c & 5c x2 on Brown cover with Lowood blue registration label. [Rated RRRR by Smithies - the 2nd copy recorded. Cancelled after PO reduced to TO and therefore registration labels were not available.] RO 1/4/1925; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/2/1969. Brisbane Exhibition: ‘BRISBANE EXHIBITION N.I/9AU47/QLD AUST’ on 2½d red KGVI on plain neatly typed local coverc. [A rare postmark.] PO c.1899. Bromfleet: ‘BROMFLEET/[40?]/QLD-AU[ST]’’ on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] RO

945P D

A A2

Buckinbah Weir: ‘BUCKINBAH WEIR/22JY68/QLD-[4393]’ on 5c blue. [Rated RRR the only copy recorded by Smithies]


$2,000 $125 $150



$175 $150 $100

1927; TO c.-/6/1971; closed c.1986.


Replaced Hightville RO c.-/11/1914; PO c.1915; RO 1/7/1926; closed 30/6/1927.

$125 $100

Renamed from Tully River PO c.-/11/1909; RO c.1910; renamed Tully PO c.-/12/1924.




Renamed from Kajarabie Dam PO c.1969, provisionally closed 10/6/1972; closed 9/9/1972.


closed 15/5/1981.

Bishop Island: violet ‘BISHOP ISLAND/17JY53/QLD-AUST’ on 6½d green KGVI. [Rated RRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies] TO c.1934. Blackridge: ‘BLACKRIDGE/3NO14/QUEENSLAND’ on ½d Roo pair. [Rated RRRR the only copy of this type recorded by Smithies] RO c.1900; PO c.-/10/1906; closed 11/8/1921. Bondoola: violet ‘BONDOOLA/23JY40/Q’L[D-A]UST’ on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies] RO c.1892; PO 1/7/1927; closed 7/9/1953. Boonarga (2): ‘BOONARGA/2FE70/QLD-AUST’ on 5c & 25c on Brown cover with blue provisional registration label. [Rated RRRR - the 2nd copy recorded by Smithies] PO c.1932; closed 31/10/1977. Boonooroo: ‘BOONOOROO/2[?68]/QLD-AUST’ on 5c on 4c on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies - TO only.] TO c.1940. Bowman: BOWMAN/23FE25/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] Replaced Black Pit PO c.-/7/1922; closed 26/6/1929.

20/11/1915; PO 1/7/1927; closed 16/4/1947.

PO c.-/5/1968; closed 1/5/1969.

$90 $150 $80 $125 $100 $100 $125 $125 $100 $150 $60 $100 $80

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938 937 936

939 940







ex 950

947 948 953





Page 89

Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011 946P


C A1

947P D

A B1



A C1

949P D

A B2

950P D

A B2

951P D

A A2

952P D

A B1

953P S

A B2

954P D

A A2

Bullyard: mss ‘Bullyard/Dec 1” (1903) on 2d 4-Corners cancelled with Gin Gin on the same day, quite a bit of toning. [Very rare on cover.] Renamed from Kolan RO c.1897; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/8/1972. Buneru: ‘BUNERU/22JE37/QUEENSLAND’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies] RO c.1920; PO c.1926, provisionally closed 1/7/1927; PO c.1930; closed 31/10/1944.

Bungeworgorai (1): unframed ‘BUNGEWORGORAI/DE10/1863/[QUEENSLAND]’ on face of cover to Brisbane, 2d Chalon cancelled with ‘151’ of Condamine 2 days later. [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies. Opened for just 27 months.] PO 1/9/1861; replaced by Roma PO 31/12/1863. Bushy Park: ‘BUSHY PARK/7FE■4/QLD-AUST’ on 7c Opera House’ . [Rated RRRR - the only copy recorded by Smithies - TO only.] TO c.1953. Cairns (1): [1] blue double-oval ‘POST OFFICE CAIRNS/22JUN98/QUEENSLAND’ on registered piece with 1d & 2d x3; [2] double-oval ‘CAIRN[S]/4SEP1915/QUEENSLA[ND]’ on 4d orange KGV. [Both rated RRRR the only dates recorded by Smithies] PO 7/10/1876; renamed Orchid Plaza PO 1/5/1991. Cameron Downs (2): ‘CAMERON DOWNS/21DE39/QLD-AUST’ on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1911; PO 1/7/1927; closed c.1939. Cameron Downs (3): ‘CAMERON DOWNS/9NO59/QLD-AUST’ on 1d violet & 4d lake QEII. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] PO c.1942; closed 1/4/1964. Cape Capricorn: ‘CAPE CAPRICORN/24NO54/[QLD.]’ on 3½d Red Cross. [Rated RRR - TO period] RO c.-/9/1875; PO

958P D 959P S 960P D


961P D

A A1



B B2

963P D

A A1


A A1



957P D


$125 $125 $125 $100 $100 $100 $80

c.1915; TO c.1922; closed 31/5/1967. [Curtis Island]

Cherry Gully (2): ‘CHERRY GULLY/4JE41/QLD-AUST’ on 2d red KGVI. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] Replaced Maryland RO c.-/10/1903; PO 1/7/1927; closed 5/9/1952. A- A2 Closeburn: red ‘CLOSEBURN/19MR51/QLD-AUST’ on 1d Princess (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] Renamed from Cedar Creek PO 29/1/1931; closed 29/8/1963. A A1 Conondale (2): ‘CONONDALE/16DE46/QLD-AUST’ on 2½d Mitchell. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded in TO period.] TO c.1925; PO c.1949; closed 29/6/1974. A A2- Coolangatta: light ‘COOLANGATTA/18OC29/QEENSLAND’ (misspelt QUEENSLAND) on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR 2nd date recorded by Smithies.] Renamed from Kirra PO 1/8/1928. B2 Crediton: ‘CREDITON T.O/23AP56/QLD-AUST’ on piece. [Rated RRRR - TO only - the only recorded date.] TO c.1940. A B2 Cressbrook (2): ‘CRESSBROOK/5JA1911/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d pair. [Rated RRR - the only date recorded by Smithies]

955P D


TO c.1910; PO c.1915; closed c.1920.

Culgowie: ‘CULGOWIE/18MY56/QLD-AUST’ on piece (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - TO only] TO c.1955. Daisy Hill (1): ‘DAISY HILL/21JA39/QLD-AUST’ on 2d red KGVI (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO 30/8/1890; PO c.1925; replaced by Slack’s Creek TO c.1943. Dakabin: violet double-oval ‘ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH [OFFIC]E/”28-10-32”/DAKABIN’ on 2d red KGV on cover to Brisbane. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.-/2/1903; PO 1/7/1927; closed 15/1/1964. Daraji: ‘DARAJI/7-JAN15/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d Roo on piece. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] Renamed from Daradgee RO c.1912; PO c.-/3/1913; RO c.1916; renamed Daradgee RO 5/9/1918.

Dunk Island: ‘DUNK ISLAND/1JE64/QLD-AUST’ on 5d blue on Morag Campbell cover. [The only date recorded by Smithies - TO only]

$100 $100 $100 $80 $100 $125 $100 $100 $200 $100 $150

955 957




960 961




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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011 965P D

A A2

966P D

A A2

967P S

Page 91

East Haldon: ‘EAST HALDON/6AP53/Q[LD-AUS]T’ on 3½d Coronation. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - TO only] TO c.1922. Ehlma: ‘EHLMA/20SE34/[QUEENSLAND]’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - TO only] TO c.1925; closed c.1951.



Emu Park R.S.: unframed ‘EMU PARK R[Y STN]/OC17/89/QUE[EENSLAN]D’ on 1d 2nd Sideface. [Not recorded by Frew or Campbell - only date recorded by Smithies.] PO c.1889; closed c.1890. A A1 Fishery Falls (1): ‘FISHERY FALLS/5JY37/QLD.’’ on 2d red KGV, (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] PO 1/2/1934; closed 30/9/1942. A- B1 Gard: ‘GARD/15[JA]60/QLD-AUST’ on 5d Xmas on cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] PO 1/7/1959;



A A1-

968P D

A A2

971P D

A A2

972P D

A A2



A A2



A A1



A A2

976P S

A A2



A A1

978P S

A A2



A A1

980P S

A A2



A A1

982P S

A A2

983P D

A B1



A A1



C B2

986P D

closed 8/12/1060.

Gilbert River: ‘GILBERT RIVER/5JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies - TO period] RO c.1896; PO 29/7/1898; TO 22/7/1965. Glenview: ‘GLENVIEW/3AP47/QLD-AU[ST]’ on 2½d red KGVI. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO 1/7/1909; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/12/1947. Goondoon: ‘GOONDOON/24AP51/QLD-[AUST]’ on 3d red KGVI (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1890; 1920s c.1900; closed 23/10/1962. Gootchie: ‘GOOTCHIE/8JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1895; PO 1/7/1927; closed 17/8/1971. Goranba: ‘GORANBA/14JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1911; PO c.1916; closed 1/12/1971. Granada: violet ‘GRENADA/10AU70/QLD-AUST’ on 5c blue on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] TO 6/1/1911; PO c.1915; RO 27/1/1922; TO c.-/3/1924. Greenmount East: 2 strikes of 27½mm ‘GREENMOUNT EAST/8AP14/QUEEN[SLAND]’ on 1d Roo strip of 4. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] Renamed from Greenmount PO c.-/2/1910; RO 1/7/1914; PO 2/9/1921; closed 17/12/1976.

Grosvenor (2): ‘GROSVENOR/25JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] PO 24/8/1949; closed 2/4/1968. Gurrumbah (2): ‘[GU]RRUMBAH/20DE28/QUEENSLAND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - a very short-lived PO.] RO 12/10/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/12/1930. Gurulmundi: ‘GURULMUNDI/25OC66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO 26/3/1914; PO 14/8/1915; closed 8/10/1971. Hampden: ‘HAMPDE[N]/19MR21/QUEENSLAND’ (H 2½mm wide) on 2d orange KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO 21/8/1884; PO c.-/8/1904; closed 14/10/1924. Hampton: ‘HAMPDEN/11OC66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1887; PO 19/5/1913; closed 29/1/1977. Headington Hill (2): HEADINGTON HILL/16DE26/Q[UEENS]LAND’ on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1901; PO 1/7/1927; closed 15/3/1938. Helenvale (3): ‘HELENVALE/20JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] PO 14/12/1949; closed 13/8/1971. - ‘HELENVALE/23FE70/QLD-AUST’ on 25c on 5c Envelope with blank provisional M17 registration label. [Rated RRRR the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] Highfields (4): unframed ‘KOOJAREWON/JU15/07/QUEENSLAND’ on face of 1d pictorial Postal Card (broken in two and repaired), indicia cancelled with illegible ‘220’ (rated RRRR). [Old cds remained in use after name change.] Renamed from Koojarawon PO 15/3/1907.

987P * 988P D

A- A1 Hightville: ‘HIGHTVILLE/6DE13/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d Roo pair. [Rated RR by Smithies - surely an error as the recorded date range is only 6-13DE13.] RO c.-/2/1909; PO c.-/9/1909; replaced by Ballara RO c.-/11/1914. A A1 Hinchley: ‘HINCHLEY/24MR62/QLD-AUST’ on 5d on Morag Campbell cover. [Only recorded date - TO only] TO c.-/4/1962. A A1 Hoya: ‘HOYA/16DE54/QLD-AUST’ on 6½d orange. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO 22/1/1892; PO

989P D




991P S 992P




1/7/1927; closed 1/4/1955.

Hunter’s Gully: ‘HUNTER’S GULLY/9SE38/QLD-AUST’ backstamp on piece. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] PO 24/11/1937; closed 16/9/1938. A A1+ Ingoldsby: ‘INGOLDSBY/21JY67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] Renamed from Hessenberg RO c.-/9/1916; PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/6/1971. A A2 Innot Hot Springs (1): ‘INNOT HOT SPRINGS/5JE14/QUEENS[LAND]’ on 1d Roo. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1892; PO c.1899; closed c.1916. A- A1 Isis Junction (2): ‘RELIEF/9SE67/7/QLD-AUST’ (Last Day) & ‘ISIS JUNCTION/9SE67/QLD-AUST’ (First Day) on plain envelope. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies - new CDS used for 8 months only!] Renamed from Isis PO 6/1/1955; closed 1/5/1968.

994P S

A- A1 - ‘ISIS JUNCTION/9SE67/QLD-AUST’ (First Day) on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies - used for 8 months only!] A A2 Iveragh: ‘IVERAGH/23JY71/QUEENSLAND’ on 6c orange. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies]



B A1



A A2



$125 $100 $150 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 $100 $100 $150 $100 $100 $100 $150 $80 $150 $80 $80 $125 $100 $100 $100 $125 $100 $100 $80

PO 1/9/1882.


Jimbour: mss “‘Jimbour/11/1/24’” on 1½d green KGV on cover to Brisbane, light foxing and corner crease, opened out.





A B1

999P D


Renamed from Eurimbula RO c.1898; PO c.1924; closed 4/1/1972.

Kaban: ‘KABAN/14FE66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c coil (first day) on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] PO c.1912; closed 29/12/1973. A A2 Kapaldo: ‘KAPALDO/1AU67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] PO c.1928; closed 1/4/1968. A A2+ Kilbirnie: ‘KILBIRNIE/20DE37/QLD-AUST’ on 2d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - not known as an archival strike.] RO c.1916; PO 1/7/1927; TO 14/9/1929. A- A2 King’s Creek (2): ‘KING’S CR[EEK]/28SE37/QLD-[A]UST’ on 2d red KGV (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO 18/9/1879; PO 1/7/1927; closed 10/9/1954. A A1 Kolijo: ‘KOLIJO/26NO69/QLD-AUST’ on 5c & 25c on Brown cover with blue registration label. [Rated RRRR] RO c.-/9/1924;

998P S


PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/5/1970.

Koonkool: ‘KOONKOOL/9FE70/QLD-AUST’ on 25c on 5c Envelope with blue registration label, Brown cover. [Rated RRRR] PO 9/11/1954; closed 30/4/1975.

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

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1010 1008


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1002 S

A A2



A A1

1004P D

A A1











1010P S

A- A1 Lappa Junction: unframed ‘LAPPA JUNCTION/15OC/1903/QUEENSLAND’ below 1d & 2d pair cancelled with illegible ‘595’, ‘REGISTERED/LAPPA LAPPA’ on face of Tatt’s cover. PO c.1900; RO c.1915; closed c.1920. A A1 Lethebrook: ‘LETHEBROOK/7AU67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] Renamed from Lethe Brook PO c.1951; closed 1/1/1969. A B1 Longford Creek (2): ‘LONGFORD CREEK/13AP70/QLD-AUST’ on 5c & 25c on Brown cover with blue registration label. [Rated RRRR - the only date of this type recorded by Smithies] RO c.1924; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/6/1976. A B1 Malbon (3): ‘MALBON/12FE70/QLD-AUST’ on 5c x3 & 15c on Brown cover with blue registration label. [Rated RRRR - the only date of this type recorded by Smithies] Replaced Malbon Rail PO c.-/4/1967; closed 31/5/1975. A B1 Martynvale: ‘MARTYNVALE/27AP70/QLD-AUST’ on 5c & 25c on Brown cover with blue registration label. [Rated RRRR the only date of this type recorded by Smithies] PO c.-/6/1948; closed 31/12/1981. A A2 Maryborough Railway: unframed ‘MARYBOROUGH.RY/MY12/91/4 QUE[ENSLA]ND 4’ on 1d Sideface pair. PO 6/8/1881;

1011P D

A A2

1012P S

A A2


1024P D

Mill Hill: ‘MILL HILL/3NO66/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1892; PO 1/7/1927; closed 8/1/1967. A A2 Milora: ‘MILORA/27JE49/QLD-AUST’ on 2½d red KGVI (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1876; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 1/1/1955; closed 1/4/1955. A A2 Mocatta’s Corner: ‘MOCATTA’S CORNER/25AU38/QLD-AUST’ on 2d red KGVI (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1886; PO 1/7/1927; TO c.1931; closed c.1940. A B2 Mothar Mountain: ‘MOTHAR MOUNT[AIN]/24MR63/QLD-AUST’ (A1 backstamp) on 5d Camberra on Morag Campbell cover. [No commercial examples seen.] TO c.1963; closed c.1971. A- A3 Mount Albion: unframed ‘MOUN[T ALBIO]N/MY27/89/QUEENSLAND’ alongside 2d blue Sideface x3 cancelled with ‘[40]3’ on cover to McMillville, Tennessee, USA, ‘PAID/ALL’ on face, enclosed letter, from James Laughlin, requests £500 from Major Mercer. Renamed from Silverfield PO c.1887; renamed Montalbion PO 12/10/1889. A B2 Mount Cannindah: ‘MT CANNINDAH/20FEB10/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d 4-Corners pair. [Rated RRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1906; PO c.-/11/1907; closed c.1910. A A1 Mount Darry: ‘MOUNT DARRY/3NO66/QLD-AUST’ alongside 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies - TO period] RO c.1898; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/2/1966. A A2 Mount Emlyn: ‘MT EMLYN/5AU48/QUEENSL[AND]’ on 1d purple-brown QE pair. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies - TO period] TO c.1925; PO c.1949; closed 31/7/1974. B B2 Mount Kent: ‘MT KENT/24JL23/Q[UEENSL]AND’ on 2d Vic Centenary. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] Renamed from Back Plains, Clifton PO 1/1/1887; RO 1/2/1894; PO 1/7/1927; closed c.-/12/1952. A B1 Munbura: ‘MUNBURA/23MR70/QLD-AUST’ on 25c on 5c Envelope with blue provisional registration label, Brown cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO 15/7/1913; PO 1/7/1927; closed 24/1/1975. A A2 North Killarney: ‘NORTH KILLARNEY/15NOV05/QUEENSLAND’ on face of Tatt’s cover, 2d blue pair cancelled with ‘101’. [Rated RRRR - very short use before name change.] Renamed from Killarney North PO c.1897; renamed Killarney PO 27/10/1905. A A2 Nyamba: ‘NYAMBA/1MR58/QLD-AUST’ on 4d (cut-to-shape). [Rated RRRR the only copy recorded by Smithies] PO 1/2/




1014P D 1015P D 1016P




1018P D 1019


1020P D 1021 S 1022




A A1

Koumala (2): ‘KOUMALA/21SE27/QUEENSLAND’ (arcs 2,1½) on 1½d red KGV. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.1916; PO c.1918. Kureen: ‘KUREEN/3AU67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red on Waghorn cover. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] RO c.-/10/1910; PO c.1924; closed 7/10/1969. Kuridala: ‘KURIDALA/15AU67/QLD-AUST’ on 4c red. [Rated RRRR - the only date recorded for this type by Smithies] Renamed from Friezland PO 6/10/1916; closed 16/8/1975.

closed c.1892. [TPO between Maryborough & Gympie]

McGrath’s Crossing: ‘MCGRATHS CROSSING RO/8-AUG14/[QUEE]NSLAND’ on 1d Roo. [Rated RRR - the only date recorded by Smithies] RO c.1878; PO 1/7/1886; RO c.-/11/1909; closed c.1917. McGregor Junction: ‘MCGREGOR JUNCTION/13MAR18/QUEENSLAND’ on 1d red KGV pair. [Rated RRRR] PO c.-/9/ 1913; RO c.1915; closed 10/8/1921.

1957; renamed Anglers Paradise PO c.-/6/1962.

O.K. Mines: ‘O.K.MINES/7MAY08/QUEENSLAND’ tying 2d blue to Glamour PPC, light soiling. [Comes with two used 1950 illustrated envs In memory of John Moffat . . . who was the major investor in the O.K. Mine - near Chillagoe.] (3) QUEENSLAND | Registered Handstamps | Collections and Accumulations 1026P D A/B Collection on Tatt’s Pieces with some duplication, generally good strikes, 62 different handstamps from Aramac to Yuleba, including Bogantungan, Bundamba, Burketown, Calcifer, Duaringa, Engelsburg, Grantham, Isisford, Lakes Creek, Rosedale & Watsonville. (200+) QUEENSLAND | Travelling Post Offices | Collections and Accumulations 1027P DS A/B Barred Numerals Selection 169, 233, 234 RR, 235 R, 395, 410 R & 411 RRR. (7) 1028 S A/B - 169, 233, 234 RR, 235 R, 395, & 410 R. (6) 1029P *DS A/B Selection of Covers [1] ‘234’ (B1) tied with ‘T.P.O./?20OC03/S&WRY·QUEENSLAND NO4’ (C1); [2] ‘395’ (A2) tied with ‘[T.P.O.]S&WR/A/UP/OC2/91/6=QL=6’ (B2), rare with UP; [3] ‘T.P.O.NO5.S&W/DOWN19DE07/QUEENSLAND’ (A1) on PPC; [4] ‘T.P.O.NO1.N.C./DOWN-5JE07/QUEENSLAND’ (A1) on PPC; [5] unframed ‘T.P.O.NO2 N.C.R’WAY/DOWN/ JA4/07/QUEENSLAND’ (A1) on PPC; [6] eleven assorted cancels on piece or stamp. (5+11) QUEENSLAND | Travelling Post Offices 1030P * A B1 Southern & Western Railway: ‘T.P.O./D-1-MAR01/S & W. RY-QUEENSLAND NO1’ transit on PPC from Berlin, plus a 2nd similar PPC but with code A. (2) SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Collections and Accumulations 1031P */U A/B Collection on New 7-Seas Hingeless Pages with better than average range of mainly used, noted good imperf 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/- Chalons, perfed Chalons to 1/-, 10/- Postage & Revenue Long Toms plus 2/6d, 5/- £1 & 50/- specimens, Postage Long Toms to 5/-. Fine starter collection. (6+) 1032P * A Selection [1] three ½d green GPO Adelaide and 10d thin POSTAGE SG #274; [2] ‘OS’ overprinted range with two each 1898 ½d brown Bantams P13 SG #O68 cat £27 each, 1900 ½d green SG #O80 cat £16 each, 1896 2d orange-red SG #O59 cat £25 each, 1900 2d bright violet SG #O82 (surface rub on one) cat £21 each. [3] a 5d dull purple Tannenberg P13 (SG 238) with ‘OS’ opt as SG Type O3 (which should be viewed with suspicion!). (13) SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1033P * A B1 1904-11 Thick ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 12 5/- rose-scarlet, SG #290, Cat £55. 1034P * A B1 - 10/- green, SG #291, Cat £140. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Official Stamps 1035P FU A/A- group of ‘OS’ ovpts consisting of 6d star wmk O4, O9, 1/- O12 (2), O27 (2) and 2d orange-red O55c no stop after ‘S’ and O57a ‘OS’ doubled. (8) *

$100 $100 $100 $80 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 $100 $100 $100 $100 $150 $75 $125 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 $100 $90 $150

$150 $125 $75

$300 $60


$120 $60 $120 $80

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ex 1027

ex 1026

ex 1029

ex 1028

ex 1031

ex 1030

ex 1032

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1036P F A A1 1899-1901 Opt ‘O. S.’ 4d violet with ‘S. O.’ (caused by sideways shift of the overprint). An impressive flaw. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Revenues 1037P V A Tax Instalment: 1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 3/-, 4/- 5/-, 7/-, 10/-, 15/- & £1. (11) SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Railway Stamps 1038P W/U A/B 1885-1927 Train [1] VR ½d, 1d, 3d, 6d & 2/- all P12 [2] GR 1d & 2d (no gum). (7) SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 1039P *** A1887 Specimen Postal Note Booklet: with fourteen values from 1/- to £1, all with serial number 00012. Each postal note has ‘PAYABLE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA ONLY’ at base. Cover has been re-attached with sellotape. Very rare. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1040P *** A 1908 Scenic Views 1d black, HG #8, with ‘POULTRY FARM’ view. A - 1d bright rose, HG #8, with ‘PRINCE ALFRED COLLEGE’ view. 1041 *** A - 1d slate-green & 1d brown-orange (slightly discoloured on reverse) both with ‘SAVINGS BANK’ view (bicycles out the 1042P *** front). (2) 1043P *** A - 1d black, HG #8, with ‘VIEW/OF/SOUTHERN RAILWAY’ view. A - 1d black-brown & 1d sepia-brown both with ‘STACK OF WHEAT’ view. (2) 1044P *** 1045P *** A - 1d bright rose, HG #8, with ‘ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL’ view. A - 1d deep lilac, HG #8, with ‘CARTING FAR NORTH’ view. 1046P *** A- [1] 1d bright rose with ‘DAIRY FARM/NEAR ADELAIDE’ view; [2] 1d deep blue with ‘HINDLEY STREET’ view, both have 1047P *** minor blemishes, unused. 1048P *** A - 1d slate-green, HG #8, with ‘WOOL CARTING’ view, slightly discoloured reverse, scarce view. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1049P *F A1854 Stampless Entire to Curator of Intestate Estates Melbourne (poor backstamp in red ) with very fine Paid Adelaide My 26 1854 cds in red and mss “6” rate marking in red, vertical fold. B 1857 use of 3½-margins 6d deep blue (SG #3) cancelled with clear ‘[3]3’ (A2) tied by unframed ‘RIVERTON/AP25/1857/ 1050P *F SOUTH-AUSTRALIA’ (B2) with ‘TOO-LATE’ alongside, on cover to England, part of back removed. A ‘d3’ handstamp in blue on face has been struck out. Also has 2 separate pieces of paper attached by wax to inside of cover, one which has the addressee written on it and is cancelled with a fine ‘RIVERTON/AP28/1857/SOUTH AUSTRALIA’. Presumably this is related to the too late handstamp. 1051P *F C - (Oct 14) use of 6d deep blue (SG #3) on entire to England, nice stamp but, unfortunately, entire is poor and falling to pieces. 1052P *F B 1858 use of poor 6d deep blue (SG #3) cancelled with illegible ‘33’ tied by unframed ‘RIVERTON/AP8/185[8]/SOUTH[AUSTRALIA]’ (A2), on cover to England. 1053 *F/G A/B 1900-42 Postage Due Selection [1] 1908 2d violet on cover to Adelaide with 4d Pdue P11.8x11 on face (Cat $100); [2] 1913 stampless cover from Warooka to Adelaide, 2d Pdue on face; [3] 1911 1d on cover from Mt Gambier to USA, ‘T/ 30CTS’-in-circle (A1) on face; [4] 1903 GB 1d red on PPC Edinburgh to Walkerville, ‘3’ on face; [5] 1937 Irish 1d red on PPC from Cork to Port Pirie ‘T1D’ on face; [6] 1942 ½d roo on cover Port Lincoln to Tumby Bay, ½d Pdue block of 4 x2 on back (one block with break in top value tablet frame near left corner & other with large break in lower left value tablet frame) [7] 1937 1d KGV & 2d SA Centenary on cover from Tumby Bay to Dulwich, 2d PDue on face [8] 1903 2d violet on cover to Canada, ‘T/5CTS’-in-circle on face; [9] 1909 1d red on PPC to USA, ‘T/10CTS’-in-circle and USA 2c PDue both on face; [10] 1905 1d red on PPC to Egypt, ‘T/15CTS’-in-circle on face and then obliterated at Port Tewfik.

ex 1037


ex1038 1034




ex 1039


$150 $100 $125 $5,750 $150 $150 $150 $100 $200 $150 $100 $100 $100 $250

$325 $150 $140


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ex 1047





ex 1064

ex 1056

ex 1054







ex 1063


Page 97

Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011

SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Diamond Numerals 1054P * A B1 138: on 1d DLR tied by part ‘HAR[ROGATE]/JA23/09/S_A’ on PPC. [Rated RR - but appears to be quite difficult.] Allocated to Harrogate-PO 11/4/1860; TO 1/1/1974.

1055 S B A2- 222: light ‘222’ on 2d orange DLR (faults). [Rated RRR] Allocated to Bordertown-PO 1/10/1865. TASMANIA | Collections and Accumulations 1056P */U A/B Collection on New 7-Seas Hingeless Pages with better than average range of mainly used, noted reasonable 1d & 4d Couriers, imperf Chalons to 1/- (incl 1d with pre-printing crease), perfed Chalons to 1/-, Sidefaces to 5/-, Tablets to 2/6d plus £1 fiscal, 1863 5/- brown Postal Fiscal (mint), 1864 Postal Fiscals to 10/- £1 REVENUE Tablet. Excellent starter collection. (c.60) TASMANIA 1057P F A 1857-69 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d dull vermilion with Double print, three good margins, not recorded in SG. 1058P * A - 1d dull vermilion 4-margins, SG #28, Cat £140. 1059P U A/A 1858 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1/- vermilion 4-margin example with very faint cancel. Fine looking item, SG #41, Cat £75. 1060 U A/A 1860-67 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 6d dull slate-grey 3 - 4 margin examples, one on piece, another with a small tear BLC, SG #44, Cat £260. (4) 1061P * A A1 1871-91 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 11½ 6d lilac SG 136. 1062 ** A B1 1899-1900 Pictorials Engraved 2½d indigo plate 2 sheet of 60, SG #232, minor perf separation but otherwise in very good condition. Retail value $1,500++. TASMANIA | Revenues 1063 F A/A- 1880-1950 Platypus: [1] 1880 1d (single & pair), 3d, 9d & 1/- (single & block of 4); [2] 1900 3d P14; [3] 1900 P11¾ 1d blue (single & pair) 1d light blue, 2d, 6d & 1/-; [4] 1903 1d (serifs) on 3d; [5] 1930 9d green, 9d black on green & 7/6d black on orange; [6] 1930 roulettes 1d blue & 9d red on brown. (24) TASMANIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 1064P *** A/A- 1900 Unframed Views Small Arms 2d violet set with 6 different views on reverse H&G #A2, couple of minor faults. 1065P *** B 1908 New Unframed Views 2d violet with view ‘A Peek at Barn Bluff from Lake Windermere’. A bit grubby, but scarce mint. TASMANIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1066P ** A1898 Views QV 2½d with view of Government House, Hobart HG #B3 (in 1984), creased flap, small rust mark mainly seen on back (from paper clip?), light soiling cleanable with care, very attractive unused example. TASMANIA | Postal History 1067 *U A/B 1930-70s (mostly) Official Mail (approx 250), many ‘T’ perfins, and Advertising covers (approx 220), diverse range of Govt Depts and commerce subject matter for the specialist. (c.470) TASMANIA | Numerals - Second Allocation 1068P * B A2 308: on 2d Sideface tied with fine framed ‘HENTY/*/SP8/90/TASMANIA’ (A2+) on cover to River Forth, cover is a bit spotty. Very rare. Allocated to Henty-PO 1/4/1890; closed 31/12/1891. TASMANIA | Datestamps | Collections and Accumulations 1069P * A/B 1970s-90s Allonah-Zeehan Collection of cds cancels on covers/stationery, largely commercial, appear generally good strikes, many scarcer types, stated to be all different. (c.575) 1070P *DS A/C Collection of Postmarks in stock book, about 50% are on Pictorials. Noted 1906 Flinders Island, various King Islands, range of numerals including ‘306’ (RRR), minor duplication. (c.500) TASMANIA | Datestamps 1071P * AA Augusta Road: mss “Augusta PO/1-2-75” arrival on face of redirected cover, originally sent from Melbourne to New Town. Endorsed “Aug Rd” on face. Not seen by us before. Renamed from Augusta Toll-Gate PO 16/3/1874; closed 30/11/1927. VICTORIA | Collections and Accumulations 1072 */U A/A- 1886-1900 Study of ½d, 1d, 6d & 1/- with mint & used for [1] ½d grey, pink & green SG 310,311 (including reversed wmk),330,331; [2] 1d green SG 312; [3] 6d blue SG 318,339; [4] 1/- brown SG 321,341,367; [5] 1d brown, red & olive SG 313,329,357-8. Mint alone Cat $400+. (100+) 1073 U A/A- 1901-12 on leaves mainly fine to very fine SG #384-461 duplicated range of to 9d x5 and 1/- x6 shades including yellow; includes die, shade and perforation varieties plus postmark interest in a mainly fine to very fine starter-type collection on leaves with minimum current retail c$1175. (c115) 1074P */U A/B Collection on New G&R Hingeless Pages with better than average range of mainly used, noted reasonable 1d x2, 2d & 3d Half-Lengths, 2d QOT, 6d Too Late, 2/- blue Woodblock, Stamp Duties to 2/6d, £5 Bi-Colour fiscal, 2d green Charity, Stamp Statute to 2/-, Stamp Duty Postal Fiscals to £100 including 45/-, £5 rose, £9 green & £25, Postage dues to 5/- (both blue & red and red & green). Superior stater collection. (c.120) 1075P */U A/C Miscellany Stamp Duties to £5 bi-colour, including 45/- lilac, 1973-81 Hunting stamp range (generally poor) & 1989 Kakadu block of 4.




ex 1069

$65 $80

$750 $125 $100 $80 $160 $125 $600

$90 $400 $90 $95 $380 $200 $380 $400 $150

$250 $140

$1,000 $100

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ex 1074


ex 1075





1084 ex 1087

1086 1085







ex 1091

ex 1096

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VICTORIA | Proofs & Essays 1076 W A 1922 Emblems Posthumous Proof 2d in dull violet from defaced proof (reduced). 1077 W A - 2d in blue from defaced proof (reduced). VICTORIA 1078P W C 1854-57 Half-Length Campbell & Ferguson 1d rose, 3-margins, SG #28a, Cat £1000, badly creased. 1079P U A- 1d dull brown-red SG #28c and 3d greenish blue deep shade SG #31a tied to small piece by two strikes barred oval ‘1/V’. 1d almost 4-margins, 3d shaved at top and touching SE corner. Attrctive. 1080P F A 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 1/- Registered three good margins SG 34. 1081P * A 1856 Imperf Queen-On-Throne Wmk Large Star 1d yellow-green 3½-margins, part og, SG #40, Cat £200. 1082P W A 1857 Imperf Emblems Wmk Large Star 1d yellow-green, large margin at top, others close or touching, SG #41, Cat £140 no gum, fresh colour. 1083P F A1857 Imperf Emblems No Wmk strip of 4 showing 2 gutters, SG #45, as would be expected several stamps are cut-into, but not too badly. Strips of 4 are quite uncommon. 1084P * A B2 1859 Perf 12 By Robinson 2/- dull bluish green on pale yellow Woodblock, SG #82, Cat £350, couple of trimmed perfs otherwise a fine stamp. 1085P ** A- C2 1882-84 Wmk 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ 2d mauve block of 4, SG #211, Cat £116+, gum cracking and tonespot on one unit, Uncommon. 1086P * A C1 1884 Stamp Statute Wmk 1st V/Crown Perf 13 6d blue, SG #223, Cat £100, marginal wmk, crazed gum. 1087P F A- 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6d orange, 2/6d yellow, 5/- x2, 10/- & £1; plus 10/- wmk 10, SG #223-9,219, fiscal cancels. (10) 1088P W A B1 - 2/6d yellow P12, SG #226ba, Cat £425, no gum, no evidence of removal of fiscal cancel. 1089P V A A1 1884 Stamp Statute Wmk 2nd V/Crown Perf 13 1891 reprint of £5 black & yellow-green with wmk upright. REPRINT obliterated by fake cancel. Ceremuga certificate. 1090P F A C3 1884-96 Stamp Duty Litho 1st V/Crown Perf 13 35/- grey-violet, SG #245, Cat £250 with fiscal cancel and small part double-circle cancel, usual rough perfs, but still a nice copy of this highly prized stamp. 1091 U A/B - [1] £8 brownish red on yellow (torn corner); [2] £5 rose-pink x5 & £5 pink; [3] £5 Bi-Colour x5, SG #251,278,278a,324. (12) 1092P F A A1 1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 1st V/Crown Perf 13 2/- deep blue on green P12½, SG 258b. 1093P F A B1 - 10/- chocolate on rose SG 261. 1094P * A B2 1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ 4/- red-orange, SG #269, Cat £95. 1095 *U B C2 - £5 rose-pink P12 & £10 mauve, plus blue on pink Exempt, variable centring on £5 (retail $175) and £10. (3) B C2 1884-95 £10 Stamp Duty Wmk 2nd Crown/V x2 plus blue on pink ‘Exempt’, with usual variable centring, pinholes. (3) 1096P *U 1097 DF A - with 1/6d orange & 2/- olive-green on green, SG #279, Cat £150, on Bank of New Zealand linen-backed piece, poor English Mail TPO duplex, no indication of previous fiscal use. 1098P U A/B - mauve x10 (wmk sideways inverted x3) & lilac x2 with usual variable centring, pinholes. (12)

1099P F


1884-1900 High Values Recess 1st V/Crown Perf 12½ £100 crimson-lake with diagonally misplaced offset, SG #282(var), fiscally use on 31/1/82. Ceremuga certificates states “1st example known to me”. An extraordinary item.

1100P F


1101P 1102P 1103P 1104P

AA C1 A B1 A-

1884-1900 High Values Litho 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ [1] £25 yellow-green wmk upright x2; [2] typo £25 blue-green x3, SG #286a,289, fiscal cancels, pinholes. (5) 1884-1900 High Values Typo 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ £25 dull blue-green, SG #289, Cat £275, NO20/00 CTO, crease. 1884-92 Naish Stamp Duty Wmk 2nd V/Crown P12½ 2/6d yellow, SG #292a, Cat £85 (retail c$250). 1885 Stamp Duty Overprints Wmk 2nd V/Crown 4d rose red with blue overprint SG 309. 1886-96 New Stamp Duty Designs Wmk 2nd V/Crown £5 to £9 set, £8 wmk inverted, £9 wmk sideways inverted, SG #324-8, Cat £810, all fiscally used between 1892 and 1907, some pinholes, £6 has thin. - £5 to £9 set, £6 wmk sideways inverted, £8 wmk upright, SG #324-8, Cat £810, all fiscally used between 1891 and 1908, some pinholes, £8 has small thin. 1896-99 New Stamp Duty Designs Wmk 3rd V/Crown £50 dull purple, SG #352, FE21/01 CTO, crease. 1897 Hospital Charity Fund SG #353-4, current retail c$240. 1d (1/-) very well-centred with some gum stripping where hinge removed, 2½d (2/6d) just o/c left light hinge rems, both strong fresh colour. (2) 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ ½d green line P12.4 marginal single with double perfs at right. 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 11 2d bright mauve pair, wmk inverted, SG #435b, Cat £60, large part OG, with large hinge remnants, well centred. Scarce. 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Compound Perf (12x12½ or 12) & 11 ½d blue-green P11xP12½ block of 6, SG #446, Cat £180.

V * * F

1105 F


1106P V 1107P *


1108P * 1109 *

A A-

1110P **/*


VICTORIA | Revenues 1111 A/B Stamp Duty: on intact Share Transfer documents bearing good range of issues to £5 and $10 denominations, largely £SD issues, small number without stamps and with ‘NOT CHARGEABLE’ handstamps, generally fine. (c.200) 1112 U A/A- Stamp Duty No Value Instruments: [1] purple Penalty Paid [2] Comptroller of Stamps grey-blue on yellow [3] RegistrarGeneral carmine on yellow; [4] red on pink x5; [5] blue on pink x5. (13) 1113 F AC1900 Stamp Act Instruments: blue on pink Exempt x3 (2 shades) & Payable x3 (2 shades), used between 1906 and 1913, minor faults. (6)

$180 $175 $75 $80 $120 $150 $100 $100 $250 $100 $100 $150 $200 $425 $400 $150 $100 $170 $100 $100 $100 $125 $175

$1,500 $150 $275 $100 $120 $150 $200 $375 $100 $200 $70 $225 $600 $175 $100

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ex 1100 1102




ex 1104

ex 1105


1107 1108 1110

ex 1114


1120 1119

ex 1121

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VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1114P ***/* A/A- 1883-91 Mint Selection with 1883 1d, 1885 1d x3 (shades), 1886 1d, 1887 1d x2 (one with flawed right side of indicia), 1889 2d x2, 1890 1d red-brown x2, 1890 1d orange-brown & 1891 1½d on 2d x3 (greeny grey and buff stock), generally fine condition. (15) 1115 *** A 1908 Fleet Cards 1d, Stieg #P33, very fresh mint. VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1116 ** A1912(C.) ‘REGISTERED’ Box 31x8mm 3d vermilion with carmine text, minor tonespots, quite rare, Stieg #C13, plus 1881 4d lilac Steig #C1, flap stuck & pen marks,1887 4d rose on horizontally laid paper, Stieg #C5, hinged on front. (3) VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers (PTPO) 1117P DF A 1885 ½d+½d Doubleton cut-out, Stieg #KE5, cancelled with 1887 Melbourne duplex. Stieg notes that only 5,000 were printed and no used copies are recorded. VICTORIA | Pictorial Envelopes 1118 ** B ‘MELB FROM QUEEN’S WHARF’, unused and a little battered, but rare. VICTORIA | Postal History 1119P *F A1854 entire to Scotland with Paid Melbourne FE 16 1854 handstamp in red and receiving backstamp Montrose MY 26 1854 in green, interesting contents of correspondent working in rural Kyneton. A - entire from Melbourne to Albury, rated “2” in red, cancelled with ‘PAID/[crown]/MA*31/MELBOURNE’ (C2), ‘ALBURY/ 1120P *F [crown]/AP*6/NEW.S.WALES’ (B2) arrival. A/B 1865-98 Selection [1] 1865 use of 4d Laureate on Bishop’s Registry cover to Malmsbury, poor crowned-oval backstamp; 1121P * [2] 1881 use of 6d Laureate from Ballarat East (nice 139 duplex) to England; [3] 1883 use of 6d Laureate from Ballarat to England; [4] 1884 use of 2d violet Naish from Melbourne to Waverley, Qld, (stained); [5] 1898 use of 2½d red on yellow pair on cover to Tring, England. 1122P * C 1867 (June 27) reinforced front of mourning envelope Ballarat to USA franked 1863-74 6d blue Laureate and 1/- Hexagonal tied Ballarat duplex plus London transit, mss “8”, black ‘5/AUG/23/N.YORK BR PKT’ arr and ‘16/CENTS’ charge. Attractive. 1123P * B 1883 (Mar 21) use of wrapper fashioned from Thomas M. Fairfoul memorandum from Melbourne to Scotland per ‘Cephalonia’, franked 3d Laureate x2 (scarce on entire) with printed label ‘Per PACKET POST/Samples of Merchandise only./Packet without Letter or Writing’ alongside, the likes of which not seen by us previously, further embellished by framed ‘TOO LATE’ and ‘DEFICIENT POSTAGE/FINE’ markings. A few faults tolerable for such an article, wonderful Postal History. 1124P *G B 1894 large fragment of parcel-wrapping to Scotland bearing 2d block of eight (for 1¾lbs.) tied by ‘M.O&S.B/JY23/94/ KILMORE’ datestamp, and three rare P.O. labels: ‘INLAND PARCEL POST’ (fault), ‘British and Foreign/PARCEL POST’ (black on lemon), and ‘VICTORIA./FOREIGN AND COLONIAL/PARCEL POST.’. Remarkable survivor.





1896 (Jul 4) Melbourne to Argentine Republic registered ‘Ackland’ (cacheted) cover bearing 2/- Stamp Duty tied by circled R and London registered transit datestamp, backstamped on reverse. Exotic destination. Ex Kiddle. (Sold for $900+ at auction 30 years ago!).

1898 (June 15) damaged envelope to New York with 7½d franking made up by two pairs and single 1897 1½d apple-green SG #333 each tied cds ‘MELBOURNE/10O/JE15/98’; on the back resealed with stamp selvedge tied three magenta strikes ‘H M C/(crown)/VIC’ unframed, part New York arr cds in black. A bit fragile. 1127P * - 1898 (Aug) OHMS registered use Postmaster General Frank stamp in black to USA uprated with 1½d green pair, 2d violet and 3d ochre tied by circled ‘R’ and Melbourne datestamps, Minneapolis arrival backstamp. Attractive three-colour franking. 1128P *F B 1899 ‘PASS BOOK ONLY’ cover from The Savings Bank Shepparton, 1d brown cancelled with framed duplex ‘SHEPPARTON/B/MY9/99/VIC - 170’ (A1) to “Charlie Ah Sing Numurkah”, unframed ‘M.O&S.B/MY10/99/NUMURKAH’ (B1) arrival on back, a bit tatty around the edge. 1129 * A/B 1970s-90s Advertising Covers for Victorian firms and institutions, standard-sized, diverse subject matter, noted media/ entertainment, sport, automotive/transport, political, community services, primary industry, health, domestic, mining, tourism, etc, graphically from the mundane to quite striking, good range of stamp issues. Nostalgia-a-plenty. (c.625) 1130 * A/B - 9x4’ commercial advertising covers mostly, odd earlier item and with diverse subjects, technology now becoming more prevalent, plenty of automotive, education, and of course ubiquitous Real estate industry noted, advertising content ranges from plain to spectacular, good range stamp issues. (c.750) VICTORIA | Postmarks 1131 S A/B hagners, bundleware and packets (significant qty from 1880s & 1890s) from same European source as similar material under Western Australia; totally unchecked by the vendor or us, and, except for one packet opened for display on hagners, are as originally packed/bundled. Includes postage dues, shilling values, postmark interest for sure. Similar lots in earlier sales realised $500 or $550 each. (c.4000) *

$110 $150 $220 $80 $175 $150 $150

$120 $85

$400 $400



$100 $200 $65 $500 $280


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1122 1123


1124 1127





















Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011 1132 S

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hagners, bundleware and packets (significant qty from 1880s & 1890s) from same European source as similar material under Western Australia; totally unchecked by the vendor or us, and, except for one packet opened for display on hagners, are as originally packed/bundled. Includes postage dues, shilling values, postmark interest for sure. Similar lots in earlier sales realised $500 or $550 each. (c.4000) 1133 S A/B hagners, bundleware and packets (significant qty from 1880s & 1890s) from same European source as similar material under Western Australia; totally unchecked by the vendor or us, and, except for one packet opened for display on hagners, are as originally packed/bundled. Includes postage dues, shilling values, postmark interest for sure. Similar lots in earlier sales realised $500 or $550 each. (c.4000) 1134 S A/B hagners, bundleware and packets (significant qty from 1880s & 1890s) from same European source as similar material under Western Australia; totally unchecked by the vendor or us, and, except for one packet opened for display on hagners, are as originally packed/bundled. Includes postage dues, shilling values, postmark interest for sure. Similar lots in earlier sales realised $500 or $550 each. (c.4000) 1135 S A/C 1871-1912 Collection: quantity mostly early 20th century on common values including ‘OS’ and private perfins, few pen cancels, Melbourne numerals and alpha-numerals, duplex types etc. Good entree. (1200+) VICTORIA | Barred Ovals 1136P A/B 31: no tie recorded, on 1d Emblem close margins all round. [Rated RRRR] VICTORIA | Barred Numerals 1137P S A B2 1520: ‘MD/20’ on 1d green Stamp Duty. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Marraweeney-PO 1/7/1886; RO 1/10/1907; PO 1/7/1927; closed 1138P S 1139P S


A A2 A B2



$375 $120 $125


$75 $160

Silvan PO 20/8/1913.


1596: ‘MD/96’ on 2d violet. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Wychitella South-PO 4/10/1887; closed 31/10/1907. 1925: 1st type on 2d violet. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Wandin-PO 19/8/1892; renamed Wandin South PO 2/8/1893; renamed

VICTORIA | Datestamps | Collections and Accumulations 1140 *DS A/B 1930s-80s Collection in 12 fat volumes, many fine strikes throughout with an extensive range of covers. While a senior collector has removed the top items there is still much left and inspection will be rewarded. A/B 1930s-90s Aireys Inlet - Yinnar Collection of cds cancels on covers/stationery, largely commercial, appear generally good 1141 * strikes, many scarcer types, stated to be all different. Useful starter collection. (c.1390) 1142 A/B Abbotsford to Yarraville Registered standard-size covers/stationery of 1950s-60s with different registration labels (from mostly different Post Offices), noted scarcer frankings and cancellations (including Ascot Vale Central – RRRR), some faults, appear largely good commercial quality. (230) VICTORIA | Travelling Post Offices 1143 * B A1 English Mail T.P.O.: 6-bar machine cancel ‘ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O.210MY1912’ backstamp on on cover from Germany (stamps removed), flap torn through cancel. [This is the postmark which Purves describes as 6 unbroken bars. This example has 4 unbroken bars and appears to be complete. normally found on PPCs, rare on cover.] WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1144P U A1854 Imperf Recess 1d black close all round with hinge remnant, SG #1, Cat £225. 1145P U A- 1d black huge 5mm side margin other close with top cut into, SG #1, Cat £225, cancelled with void grid cancel. 1146P F A - 1d black four margins close to good SG 1. 1147P F A1854 Recess Roulette 7½-14 1d black roul 12 on 4 sides, SG #2, Cat £550, cancelled with fine 15-bar ‘2’ of Perth, small notch in top margins, Ceremuga certificate.

1148P W 1149P F


1854-55 Imperf Lithographs 4d blue with tilted border, 4 margins, SG #3i, Cat £1,800 for no-gum. Exceptional quality. - 4d blue with tilted border, 4 margins (just touching at top), SG #3i, Cat £1,300.

1150P 1151P 1152P 1153P 1154P



1155P F


1156P F


1157 G


1158P 1159 1160P 1161P



1162 1163P 1164P 1165P



- 1/- deep red-brown cut square with 4-margins, SG #4a, Cat £850, cancelled with light void grid, Ceremuga certificate. - 1/- grey-brown, three clear margins, SG #4b, Cat £375, cancelled with 8 bar void grid cancel. - 1/- grey-brown 4-margins, SG #4b, Cat £550 for no gum. Ceremuga certificate. - 1/- pale brown 4-margins, SG #4c, Cat £400 for no gum. 1854-55 Lithographs Roulette 7½-14 4d pale blue full margins, roulette 11 visible on 3 sides, SG #5, Cat £550, cancelled with untidy cancel, cut in margin not affecting design. - 1/- pale brown roul 12 on 3 sides, SG #6a, Cat £850, cancelled with Perth Maltese Cross of MR22/1862, Ceremuga certificate. 1857-59 Imperf Hillman Litho Wmk Swan 2d brown-black/red 4-margins (just touching at right), SG #15, Cat £550, cancelled with 15-Bar ‘20’ (B2) of Champion Bay. BPA certificate. - 2d brown-black/red from lower left corner of the sheet showing marginal watermark lines only (no swan), indistinct 15bar numeral cancel; nick upper right SG #15, Cat £550. - 6d grey-black margins close or touching, SG #19, Cat £550, small crease in TRC. - 6d grey-black, SG #19, Cat £4500, no gum, cut-to-shape, small tear in top margin. - 6d grey-black 4-margins, SG #19, Cat £550, on piece cancelled with red grid ‘11’ (C1) of Fremantle. RPSL certificate. 1857-59 Litho Wmk Swan Rouletted 7½-14 6d grey-black four clear to close margins, rouletted 13, SG #23, Cat £1000, slight horizontal crease, cancelled with 15 bar ‘3’ cancel. 1860-64 Imperf Recess Wmk Swan 6d sage-green 4 close to touching margins, SG #28, Cat £400, small cut in BLC. - 6d sage-green 4 margins, SG #28, Cat £400. - 6d sage-green 4 good margins, SG #28, Cat £400, cancelled with 15-Bar ‘6’ (A2) of Albany. - 6d sage-green 2 clear margins others close, SG #28, Cat £400, cancelled with 15 bar ‘3’ cancel.

$500 $850 $400

$90 $100 $80 $200 $625

$2,400 $800 $800 $160 $480 $360 $135 $725 $360 $250 $250 $675 $460 $525 $180 $225 $400 $230

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ex 1173


ex 1175







ex 1183









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1166P W


1861 Perkins Bacon Imperf Proof, 6d purple block of 4 on unwatermarked paper, right 2 units creased. Very rare.

1167 U


1168P V 1169 F/G

A C1 A/B

1861 Recess Wmk Swan [1] 2d blue clean-cut perf 14-16 x5, SG #41, shades, few small perf faults [2] 6d purple-brown intermediate perf 14-16 x2, SG #36, shades, perf faults [3] 1d rose-carmine rough perf 14-16 x3, SG #44, shades. (10) 1861 Recess Wmk Swan Clean Cut Perf 14-16 2d blue with significant pre-entry on POSTAGE & AUSTRALIA. 1863-64 No Wmk Perf 13 6d lilac shades x22, SG #51,51a, Cat £950+, noted 15-bar ‘1’ & ‘18’ in blue.

1170P *


1171P 1172 1173P 1174P 1175P

A C3 A/B A A1 A A1 A

G F * V *

$1,600 $200 $125 $135

1879 2d Mauve Error of Colour SG #55b. Fine mint with traces of gum. One of the classic rarities of WA philately. This stamp will proudly grace any WA collection. [It is almost certain that this stamp is from the part pane sold to Stanley Gibbons by the Albany PM. Mogens Juhl notes that the PM apologised for charging 6d each but that was the amount he needed to account for, indicating that he was supplied these stamps as 6d stamps and not 2d stamps.] $25,000

1864-79 Wmk Crown/CC (Sideways) Perf 12½ 6d violet wmk sideways, a few pulled/sort perfs, very rare. 1882-85 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 2d x2, 6d lilac shades x11 (mixed wmk directions) - 6d lilac shades, both nice examples of this stamp, SG #80, Cat £190. (2) 1882-85 Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 12x14 1d yellow-ochre, SG #81, Cat £150. 1885-93 Typo Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’, all values, except ½d green, 2½d missing perf TRC, Cat £450 for complete set, SG #96s-101s. (5) 1176P * A A1 1888 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’, 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey with double ovpt, 4d redbrown, complete set, SG #103s-5s, Cat £225. (3) 1177P * A A1 - ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’ 2d grey and 4d red-brown, 1d missing from set with Cat £225, SG #104s-5s. (2) 1178 *F A A1 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 12½ or 12½x12 2d dull yellow single line P12.4, wmk upright (BW# W17B Cat $250, unpriced on cover), SG #118a, on Tatt’s cover cancelled with poor 1904 Mount Magnet, ‘T “4d”‘ in circle on face. [Very rare, BW notes “...only a small number of used examples have been recorded”.] 1179 * A B1 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 11 2/- bright red on yellow, SG #134, wmk inverted. 1180 * A B1 1905-12 Wmk Crown/Double-Lined A Perf 12½ or 12½x12 5/- emerald-green, SG #148, wmk inverted. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Fiscals 1181 F A 1882 I.R. Surcharges 10/- with pen cancel (3) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Revenues 1182P V A A1 1881 Internal Revenue Wmk Crown CA: £1/10/- dull purple vertical pair fiscally used August 1900, Cat #R29. 1183P V A 1896 Internal Revenue Wmk Crown CA: 1d to £1 fiscally used group, five pairs including the three higher values balance as singles. Worth a look at estimate, Cat #R32-40. (9) 1184P * A A2 - 2/6d dull purple, Cat #R36. 1185P V A A1 - £1 block of four fiscally used, Cat #R40. 1186 V A 1897 Internal Revenue Wmk W Crown A: 1d dull purple block of four, 6d, 1/- and 2/6d strips of 4 all with fiscal cancels and 10/- strip of 4 mss ‘6th July 1900’, Cat #R44-R52. 1187P **/* A A1 1893 Internal Revenue Wmk CA/Crown: 1d (**) and 3d (*) dull purple, SG #F11,13, Cat £91. (2) 1188P * A A1 - 2d dull purple, SG #F12, Cat £200. 1189P * A B1 - 6d dull purple, small tone spot, SG #F14, Cat £85. 1190P **/* A A1 1897 Internal Revenue Wmk W Crown A: 1d dull purple (**) & 3d dull purple, light toning, SG #F19-20, Cat £82. (2) 1191P * A A1 - 6d dull purple, SG #F21, Cat £65. 1192P * B B1 - 1/- dull purple, stained at top, SG #F22, Cat £150. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Telegraph & Telephone Stamps 1193P * A A1 1886 Telegraph Stamps Wmk Crown/CC 1d bistre both perfs and 6d violet, very scarce and missing from most collections, SG #T1-2. (3) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Local Stamps 1194P W A 1895 Coolgardie Express Company 6d to 5/- camels, no gum, 5/- with perf fault. (3)

$250 $90 $140 $120 $480 $260 $160 $180 $200 $140 $135 $120 $200 $200 $140 $140 $60 $200 $100 $60 $100 $100 $800 $675

Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011

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ex 1201



1212 ex 1205

Phoenix Auctions - Friday 13th May 2011

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WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 1195P * APostcards & Envelope: small mint group consisting of: [1] ½d brown PC1, [2] 1d blue PC2; [3] 2d carmine, small closed tear at top, PC3; [4] 1d+1d red with reply attached RPC1; [5] 1d rose Envelope, unstuck, EN1. Some minor ageing and tone spots. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1196P * A 1879 ½d Brown on Salmon PSSA #PC1 uprated with ½d green swan for postage to Melbourne, ‘ALBANY/MY10/90/W.A’ duplex and Melbourne backstamp. A 1879 1d Blue on Thick Stock PSSA #PC2 uprated with ½d green swan for postage to Germany, ‘ALBANY/MY20/ /W.A.’ 1197P * duplex (no year slugs) and 1897 Stettin arrival. A1902 1d Blue Melbourne Zinco Printing , PSSA #PC8, with all-over advertisement for Dunlop tyres on reverse, unused, 1198 ** faint discolouration on obverse, attractive nonetheless. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Franks 1199P *F A Land Titles Department: 1898 use of long OHMS registered cover to Melbourne with Land Titles Department Frank handstamp in violet at left with fine NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIERS MELBOURNE oval handstamp in black and fine Dead Letter Office Perth backstamp in red AU8/98. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Pictorial Envelopes

1200P *F


1909 use of ‘GRANDSTAND KALGOORLIE CUP DAY WA’ envelope, 1d Swan x2 cancelled with ‘KALGOORLIE/3P15MY09/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’ (A2) to England. A rare and terrific horse racing thematic with only a few small faults.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1201P * A 1890s OHMS Envelopes mainly late 90s (one 1927) with numerous handstamps applied, including: ‘UNCLAIMED’ in box, ‘D.L.O.’ in box, ‘R’-in-circle, ‘NOT KNOWN/BY LETTER CARRIER’, ‘INSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED’ and various other registered, cds and government frank stamps. Well worth a look. (8) 1202 *F B 1908 use of ½d & 1d pair on Western Australia AR form, all stamps damaged. 1203P *G B - (11 Dec) registered Official cover to Cairns bearing 5d pale olive-bistre perf ‘OS’, unclaimed and Officially opened and resealed with stamp selvedge (top and bottom), Brisbane (2) and Perth (2) differing D.L.O. markings, reverse with fine ‘T.P.O.6.S&W.R/DOWN20DE08/QUEENSLAND’ cds, faults from multiple handling not unduly detracting. 1204P * A 1911 ½d green swan pair on cover, ‘SYDNEY/14OC/N.S.W./1911’ machine cancel, 1911 Sydney Philatelic Expo cinderella on face, ‘Fred Hagen’ seal on rear. A1911-12 Unclaimed registered Titles Office covers from Perth, one with 2d yellow P12.4x12.2 perf ‘OS’ pair, the other with 1205P *F 4d P12.4x12.2 perf ‘OS’. (2) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postmarks 1206 S A/B common value Swans on hagners, packets and bundleware from a European source; not checked by the vendor or us and, except for one packet opened up for display, are as originally packed/bundled and, in many cases, signed (presumably) by the original packer before 1908. Certain postmark interest - similar lots in earlier sales were knocked down for $850 or $900. (c.3400) 1207 S A/B common value Swans on hagners, packets and bundleware from a European source; not checked by the vendor or us and, except for one packet opened up for display, are as originally packed/bundled and, in many cases, signed (presumably) by the original packer before 1908. Certain postmark interest - similar lots in earlier sales were knocked down for $850 or $900. (c.3400) 1208 S A/B common value Swans on hagners, packets and bundleware from a European source; not checked by the vendor or us and, except for one packet opened up for display, are as originally packed/bundled and, in many cases, signed (presumably) by the original packer before 1908. Certain postmark interest - similar lots in earlier sales were knocked down for $850 or $900. (c.3400) 1209 S A/B common value Swans on hagners, packets and bundleware from a European source; not checked by the vendor or us and, except for one packet opened up for display, are as originally packed/bundled and, in many cases, signed (presumably) by the original packer before 1908. Certain postmark interest - similar lots in Auction 5 were knocked down for $850 or $900. (c.3400) 1210 S A/B common value Swans on hagners, packets and bundleware from a European source; not checked by the vendor or us and, except for one packet opened up for display, are as originally packed/bundled and, in many cases, signed (presumably) by the original packer before 1908. Certain postmark interest - similar lots in earlier sales were knocked down for $850 or $900. (c.3400) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Datestamps | Collections and Accumulations 1211 A/B Albany to York Extensive cds collection arranged in PO sequence, largely 1950s-90s, plenty of short-lived rubber handstamps and other scarcer types, stated by vendor to be without duplication, strikes appear generally good, as does cover/stationery condition. Very useful starter collection. (640) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Datestamps 1212P S A B2 Warrawoona: violet double-oval POST & ‘TELEGRAPH OFFICE/23SEP1899/WARRAWOONA, W.A.’ (#ORS 1 - ERD) multiple strikes on 2d yellow block of 30. [PMI only records one copy with the same date. A similar block realised $550 in Auction #5.] Replaced Salgash PO 22/9/1898; RO 23/3/1914; closed 16/5/1914.

$230 $65 $65 $140



$340 $70 $140 $80 $90








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