Auction 31 session 2 23rd august

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Se s s i on2

Auc t i o n3 1Bi ds he e t

Pl e a s ec o mpl e t ea l lde t a i l sa nd t ur nt r e ous . Na me : Addr e s s : e ma i l : pho ne :


Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

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Session 2 will commence no earlier than 12:30pm

ex 517

ex 518

AUSTRALIAN COLONIES - General 517 */W/U NSW 5/- Coin P13 optd ‘SPECIMEN’ somewhat aged; Queensland imperforate 1d with three complete margins & weak ‘Q.L’in-rings cancel & and defective 2d (thinned & creasing) which may be a cut-down perforated issue, also mint 5/- yellow-ochre Small Chalon SG #124 (peripheral aging) & 2/6d Large Chalon SG #158 plus unused 2/- Small Chalon & Large Chalons 2/- (2), 5/- & 10/- all without gum or aged (some may be cleaned fiscals) & First Sidefaces 1/- SG #145 mint (toning & gum crease); Tasmania imperf & perforated 1d Chalons both cleaned fiscals; high catalogue value. (13) 518 */U NSW various Diadems to 1/- x4 including Numeral Wmk P13 6d unused & Crown/NSW 8d SG #213 mint, 5/- Coin used pair & P12 single mint, 5/- Map with Rays ‘117’ cancel; Queensland Small Star Clean-cut P14 1d used 1864-65 1d orange-vermilion mint, 1880 Litho 2/- mint & 20/- fiscally used, Large Chalons 2/- x3, 2/6d x3, 5/- x3 & 10/- x2 with indistinct or fiscal cancels, Sidefaces with 2/- brown mint, QV Stamp duty to 10/-; SA with Second Roulettes 2d unused, Broad Star 2/- mint, “Long Toms” to 5/-, Tasmania 4d Chalon P10 mint, others to 1/- fiscally used, Sidefaces to 5/- (cleaned fiscal) with 4d yellow & 10d black x2 mint, Pictorials with Crown/A 4d orange-yellow block of 4 */**; WA 1861 1d rose P14 & 2d P14-16 x2, 1871-73 Crown CC 3d x2 mint, 1885 1d on 3d SG #91 pair MUH; also a little Australia & AAT; condition variable but mostly fine. (100s)

ex 519



ex 521

AUSTRALIAN COLONIES - General | Postal History with [1] NSW 1896 registered from Hurstville (NSW) to USA with 5d & ½d tied by BN ‘1486’ cancel; [2] SA 1883 cover to 519 * England with Broad Star P10x11½-12½ 6d tied by indistinct cancel, Lancelot, Railway PO (SA) & Terowie transits & Norwich arrival backstamps, defects; [3] Victoria 1887 1d Postal Card used Queenscliff to Geelong and [4] 1912 QV 1d pink tied by Sydney machine cancel to cover addressed to Mossman. (4) 521 * Assortment of Covers & Postal Stationery with NSW 1906 PPC (Wesleyan Corner, Orange NSW) to Junee with ‘TRAVELLING PO WEST/NSW’ cds tying stamp; [Queensland] 1908-11 PPCs to Ireland x5 with fair/poor Finch Hatton datestamps, 1908 PPCs to Scotland x5 all with TPO cancels tying stamps; [SA] 1855 stampless outer to Edinburgh with ‘PAID/ ADELAIDE SA’ datestamp in red & ‘AUSTRALIAN PACKET/PAID/LIVERPOOL’ arrival datestamp; [Victoria] 1901 registered Tatts cover with 5d brown pair, 1912 to USA with two largely fine strikes of ‘SOUTHERN CROSS/AU19/12/VIC’ datestamps; [WA] 1896 use of 3d green Postal Card (corner fault) from Perth patent office to Switzerland; condition rather mixed. (55)



522 NEW SOUTH WALES 522 U 1885-97 High Values CTO 1885 10/- SD optd ‘POSTAGE’ in blue P12x11 SG #241c, 1890 20/- Carrington P12x11 SG #264cb, 1897 5/- Coin P12x11 SG #297ce (tone). All with concentric oval cancels, 10/- and £1 quarter corner types, from MPs 1901 presentation sheets. Retail as FU c$300. (3) 523 V 1850 1d Sydney Views With Clouds Hard Greyish or Bluish Paper 1d dull carmine SG #11, 1½mm scissor nick upper-left corner, ink annotation on reverse, good even margins, very fine, Cat £375. 524 F 1850 3d Sydney Views Soft Yellowish Wove Paper SG #39. A neat 4-margin example with BN ‘71’. Very nice, Cat £300.

$125 $120 $175

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 526 525



527 528

* W

1850 3d Sydney Views Bluish to Grey Wove Paper 3d emerald-green SG #43, four clear even margins, repaired 3mm tear at top, unused, Cat £5,500. RPSV Certificate (2012). 1854 Imperf Laureates Wmk Double-Lined Numerals 4-margins 1d orange-vermilion SG #83 imaginatively “tied” by indistinct cancellation to 1852 envelope with Molong crowned oval datestamp, addressed to the renowned John Smith at Gamboola (detailed historical write-up on display page). PLUS neat 1897 (Apr 12) plain env to England with 2½d ultru SG #265 tied ‘NSW’ in bars, Sydney cds alongside; small s/ring arr backstamp ‘ST.HELENS/MY16/97’ (5 weeks is quite a swift passage). (2) 1862-65 DLR Wmk Single Lined 1 Perf 14 1d dull red SG #186, fine mint, Cat £180. 1891 Surcharges ‘Halfpenny’ on 1d imperforate plate proof (from deteriorated cliché) in grey on ungummed wmk Crown/NSW paper, margins just touching (at base) to huge. Very scarce.


$100 $120 $65

ex 529 529 530

**/* *

1897 Charity 1d (1/-), SG #280, four pairs and singles x5, some small faults, Cat £624. (13) 1905-10 Wmk Crown/A 2d cobalt Single-line P11 BW #N18, fine mint, Cat $200.

$200 $65


ex 533 ex 532

part 534

NEW SOUTH WALES | Official Stamps 531 **/* 1892 ½d Grey Overprinted ‘OS’ P11x12 marginal block of 12 (11 **), SG #O58a. NEW SOUTH WALES | Postage Dues 532 U Set of 10 with quarter CTO cancels from 1901 Member of Parliament presentation sheet, BW #ND1-37 range. Comes with an extra 6d, one with doubtful cancel, the other quite a worn copy. The key 5/- is P11x11½ BW #ND34, the 10/- a left wing margin. On the original presentation sheet, cat $1,000. Like this, a bargain. (11) NEW SOUTH WALES | Revenues 533 U 1868-1901 Range: incl 2/-, 2/6d, 5/-, 10/-, KEVII incl 4/- (3), 5/- (both), 8/- (perfin), 10/-, £1, KGV-VI range to 16/-, £1 (4), various perfins throughout, few documents with various issues also odd decimal issues, few Relief Tax opts incl 10/-, £1 & decimal issues. Generally fine (140+ & 12 documents). 534 W 1865 Stamp Duty: Colourless £5 ‘STAMP DUTY’ embossed Proof on white Cowan & Sons wmked paper (130x210mm), framed and overprinted ‘Specimen’ in blue in a Gothic font. Unusual.



$250 $250

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NEW SOUTH WALES | Railway Stamps 535 * 1914-17 perforated 6d (defect) tied to reverse of illustrated Bennett & Wood (Bicycle manufacturers) address label by boxed ‘244’ cancel. Unusual. NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 536 PS 1908 USA Fleet Cards 1d red on white NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official) 537 * 1912 (Mar 7) Australian Museum (Sydney) use of 1d Shield Postal Card perf ‘OS/NSW’ uprated with QV ½d perf ‘OS/NSW’ for transit to France, Paris arrival datestamps. Fine condition.

NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal History 538 * 1838 (Feb 17) outer to Rothschild’s in London via James Pattison (once an East Indiaman, now a convict ship), ‘POST PAID SHIP LTr/(crown)/FE*17/1838/SYDNEY’ unframed oval and mss charge marks ‘3’ (NSW ship letter) and ‘1/3’ (India sea postage 4d + GB mileage to London 11d). On the back both in red, boxed ‘INDIA LETTER/PLYMOUTH’ (CBP #14/19 £90+) and London s/ring ‘E/6 JU 6/1838’. Descriptive write-up on display page. 1841 (Oct 30) aged envelope to Plymouth in England pmkd black framed oval ‘YASS/(crown)/OC*30/84/NEW S. WALES’ (sic), 539 * and in red boxed ‘YASS/POST PAID’ and unframed oval ‘PAID SHIP LETTER/(crown)/NO*3/1841/SYDNEY’, various mss charge marks. On the back ‘GENERAL POST OFFICE/NO*3/1841/SYDNEY’, chamfered ‘12AP12/LIVERPOOL/SHIP’ (CBP #14/15) and arrival d/arc ‘PLYMOUTH/AP14/1841’. Descriptive write-up on display page. 540 D 1851 (Jul 31) entire fragment with 3d emerald-green SG #41 (Cat £300), margins close to good (mounted on a hinge & may not belong) with Sydney bars cancel, manuscript “P Gambia” & ‘PAID SHIP LETTER/(crown)/JY31/1851/SYDNEY’ d/s in red alongside.

$130 $150 $140


$125 $80

ex 543









1852 (Jan 9) stampless cover from Sydney to Edinburgh endorsed “by the Kate”, rated “3” in red, cancelled with poor Sydney Ship Letter of JA*9/1852, Edinburgh arrival of ‘MAY/F 1 M/1852’ (A2). 1852 (Jun 22) folded entire to Beale French in London franked pair and single Laureate 1d brick red SG #48 cat £140 each all with clear margins (single close at right) tied three strikes Sydney barred obliterator (11 bars only in centre, upper and lower bars segmented squares), inscribed p Maitland. On the back in black unframed d/arc ‘SHIP LETTER/(crown)/JU24/1852/ SYDNEY’ overlaid London thimble s/ring ‘FL/18NO18/1852’ in red. Contents is a letter and invoice for 10 bales of corks. Very attractive, neat typed write-up on display page. 1853 & 1856 entires from Wesleyan minister James Someville based in Moruya to a fellow minister in Goulburn both with imperf 2d Laureates (margins complete on the former) tied by indistint cancels, the latter cover with Broulee transit & Goulburn arrival backstamps, small blemishes. (2) 1855 (Mar 20) outer inscribed ‘OHMS’ addressed The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gosford. Sydney 10-bar cancel of 2d Laureate Plate III, backstamp ‘SYDNEY/(crown)/MR*20/1855/NEW S WALES’ (quite late use). Neat double rate Official cover.


$350 $180 $60

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

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ex 545 545






1880s & 90s Travelling Post Offices two envelopes to Sydney in somewhat aged condition [1] 1886 (Mar 17) 2d blue tied ‘T.P.O/No 1.W/A’ (Peck #1W2), backstamp oval ‘TRAVELLING POST WEST/MR17/86/N.S.W’ (#W5)and Sydney arr following day; [2] 1898 (Dec 24) 2d PSE cancelled ‘TRAVELLING POST SOUTH/DE24/98/N.S.W’ (#S5), another alongside, no backstamp (quite late usage). (2) 1896 (Apr 23) use of NSW PTPO 1d violet Envelope, with full back panel advert for Wall & Molesworth/Custom House Sydney, cancelled with very fine The Exchange duplex, to Newtown, Sydney. Curiously has violet boxed ‘PIROSCAFI/ESTERI’ (foreign steamers) paquebot handstamp on face. 1899 ‘Botanic Gardens, Sydney’ printed OHMS registered stampless envelope to Linnean Society in London, fine ‘POSTAGE PAID SYDNEY/JU12/1899/NSW’ & ‘REGISTERED/JU12/99/SYDNEY NSW’ datestamps, London registered arrival datestamp on face, fine condition.

$100 $400 $180

548 548






1901 (Sep 24) use of 6d orange x5 on long Louis Gille cover to Lyons, endorsed P&O RMS Himalaya, 2½d blue Jubilee added and fine ‘LATE FEE/PAID/G.P.O/*’ handstamp on face. 1902 (Jul 9) use of delightful Coronation patriotic cover from William Brooks & Co, Sydney, sealed without enclosure and used locally to the Deputy PMG, GPO. 1908 (Mar 19) solo use of 4d Cook on printed matter cover from Sydney to Clare, South Australia, minor faults. Unusual rate. [4d = 12-16oz interstate rate.]

ex 551 551

ex 552

ex 553

ex 554

$300 $250 $90

ex 555

Postage Paid Array predominantly early 1930s era, noting advertising slogans for Top Dog Shirts & Hats, Bond’s ladderproof Lingerie, Kayser silk stockings, NSW Government Railways ‘Rail Service, Real Service’, Cornwells extract of malt, Weldon radio, also 1932-33 OHMS ‘POSTAGE PAID NEWCASTLE’ datestamps in red x7, mostly cancelled in Newcastle or Sydney. (96) NEW SOUTH WALES | Numerals | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 552 S Rated R Selection comprising Type 2R20 ‘19’, Type 2R24 ‘20’, Type 1B & Type 2R20 ‘21’, Type 2R20 ‘22’, Type 2R22 ‘26’, Type 2R20 ‘34’, Type 1B ‘37’, Type 3R16 ‘39’, Type 2R20 ‘53’, Type 2R21 ‘60’ on perforated (6d) Registered, Type 4B (6x10mm) ‘62’, Type 3R16 ‘71’ & ‘77’, Type 2R21 ‘80’, mostly fine strikes. (15) 553 SD Rated R Selection comprising Type 2R20 ‘140’, Type 3R16 ‘160’, Type 3R16 ‘171’, Type 2R23 ‘182’ bold strike on perforated 1/- Large Diadem, Type 4B ‘205’ twin strikes tying QV 2d x2 to piece, Type 5R30 ‘234’ bold strike on DLR 2d, Type 2R25 ‘253’, Type 3R16 ‘272’, Type 3R12 ‘281’, Type 3R16 ‘367’ fine twin stikes tying 1d Shield to piece, Type 4B (7x14mm) ‘430’, Type 3R12 ‘617’, ‘647’, ‘680’ & ‘721’, generally fine quality of strikes. (15) 554 SD Rated R Type 4B Selection comprising ‘978’ on 1d Shield pair, ‘989’, ‘997’, ‘1150’, ‘1189’ twin stikes tying 1d Shield pair to piece, ‘1206’, ‘1207’, ‘1240’, ‘1241’ twin strikes on 1d Shield pair, ‘1324’, ‘1627’, ‘1716’ & 1825, strikes generally of fine quality. (13) 555 SD Rated RR Selection comprising Type 3R16 ‘135’, Type 3R16 ‘283’, Type 3R16 ‘310’ multiple strikes tying 1d Shield x5 to piece, Type 2R26 ‘389’, Type 4B ‘407’, Type 3R12 ‘709’, Type 3R12 ‘712’, Type 3R12 ‘729’, Type 3R12 ‘735’, Type 4B (7x13mm) ‘868’ & Type 4B ‘883’, quality of strikes good to very fine. (11) *



$65 $60 $75

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ex 556 556 557


558 559




ex 557

ex 558




563 564


ex 560

Rated RR Selection comprising Type 2R20 ‘4’, Type 2R24 ‘25’, Type 2R19 ‘27’, Type 2R20 ‘32’, Type 4B ‘40’, Type 2R21 ‘47’, Type 2R20 ‘63’, Type 2R20 ‘89’, Type 2R19 ‘123’ (superb), Type 3R16 ‘135’, good to fine quality of strikes. (10) Rated RRR Group comprising Type 2R20 ‘33’, Type 3R16 ‘36’, Type 2R20 ‘49’ & Type 2R20 ‘61’ on perforated (6d) Registered, very good to fine strikes. (4) Rated RRR Group comprising Type 2R20 ‘75’, Type 2R21 ‘88’, Type 2R21 ‘92’, Type 2R20 ‘138’, very good to fine strikes. (4) Rated RRR Group comrising Type 3R12 ‘794’ on opt ‘OS’ 1d, Type 4B ‘802’, Type 3R12 ‘824’, Type 4B ‘905’ & Type 5 ‘939’, good to fine quality of strikes. (5) Rated RRR Group comprising Type 2R23 ‘185’, Type 2R28 ‘247’, Type 3R16 ‘249’ & bold Type 2R25 ‘256’ on perforated (6d) Registered, very good to very fine strikes. (4)

ex 561 561

ex 559

ex 562

$80 $80 $90 $80

ex 564

ex 563

Rated RRR Type 4B Group comprising ‘985’ (5x13½mm) tying 1d Shield x3 to piece, ‘1073’, ‘1081’, ‘1102’ (6x13½mm) & ‘1167’, good to fine strike quality. (5) Rated RRR Type 4B Group comprising ‘1180’, ‘1208’, ‘1222’, ‘1250’ twin strikes tying 1d Shield x4 to piece & ‘1252’, very good to fine strikes. (5) Rated RRR Type 4B Group comprising ‘1208’, ‘1559’ & complete ‘1805’ tying 1d Shield strip of 3 to small piece. (3) Selection of Rated Cancels with Rated RR x4, Rated R x20, plus lesser rated/unrated or unidentifiable strikes x12, quality of strikes are variable but many are fine. (36)



$130 $130 $80 $80

ex 571

NEW SOUTH WALES | Numerals 565 s 71: (B2) Type 2R25 strike on 2d DLR, [Rated RRRR]. Allocated to Tamworth-PO 1/1/1840. 566 s 73: (A2) bold Type 2R20 strike on imperf 2d Small Diadems. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Warialda-PO 1/1/1848. 567 s 106: (B1) watery but obvious Type 1A strike on 3d Views bluish to grey wove paper (ironed-out crease, incomplete margins). [Rated RRR - Not previously recorded on Sydney Views] Allocated to Euston-PO 1/5/1852; closed 31/10/1853. 568 s 114: (A2) Type 2R21 bold strike on perf 6d Large Diadems, [Rated RRRR]. Allocated to Tambaroora-PO 9/7/1852; closed 31/3/1923. 569 s 1272: (A2) bold strike tying 2d QV to small piece, [Rated RRRR]. Allocated to Upper Coldstream-PO 1/1/1885; closed 31/10/1963. 570 * 1732: (B1) smudged but complete Type 4B strike tying 1d Arms x2 to printed envelope addressed to New Zealand, backstamps include Glenorie departure cds. [Rated RRR] Allocated to North Dural-PO 1/8/1894; renamed Glenorie PO 1/10/1894. NEW SOUTH WALES | Datestamps | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 571 * Selection on Turn-Of-The-Century PPCs including Currabubula & Annandale on same card, Casini & Moree on same card (Casino Post Office and Commercial Bank), also Blackheath (Lookout, Govett’s Leap, Blackheath), Michelago, Morpeth, Tweed Heads, etc. (9)

$65 $65 $150 $65 $80 $65


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Page 70

ex 574 NEW SOUTH WALES | Datestamps 572 * Mascot Aerodrome (1): (Feb 7) Airport Opening Day registered cover to Parramatta franked KGV 4d tied by relief ‘RG/NSW’ another tying provisional registration label Nº 013 and another on reverse, manuscript Mascot Aerodrome. Pictormarks unlisted. Rare. PO 7/2/1938; closed 20/6/1942. 573 * Round Hill: inwards stampless postcard (Soudanese Children, Omdurman) addressed to “Round Hill, Post Office”, with improvised receiving office cancel ‘pO/RH/08’ probably configured using a basic John Bull printing kit, the card with faults. Rare. PO 1/10/1886; closed 31/12/1897.

NORTHERN TERRITORY | Postmarks 574 * 1930s-60s Commercial Range: of air covers from ‘BATCHELOR’ (1961), ‘BIRDUM’ (1933), ‘DALY WATERS’ (1942), ‘FINKE’ (1956), ‘NEWCASTLE WATERS’ (1937, with registration label ‘No 001’, poor), ‘PINE CREEK’ (1965, SDL), ‘TENNANT CREEK’ (1942, registered) 1957 (registered) & 1967, ‘VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS’ (1957) & 1964 (registered, pen-cancelled “#”), condition a bit mixed but generally fine. A scarce group. (11)

ex 575



ex 576

1941-42 Military PO Range: of Leek or Gavin covers (minor faults) with steel cds of Mil PO Alice Springs, Mil PO Darwin No 1 (with ‘MIL PO/LARRAKEYAH’ handstamp on label) & Mil PO Darwin No 3 (h/s on label), and rubber cds of ‘MIL PO/ADELAIDE RIVER NT’ (‘MIL PO ADEL RIVER NT’ handstamp on ‘ADELAIDE RIVER’ label), all registered, very fine strikes of quite rare cancels. (4) 1942-75 Trio of Covers: comprising [1] 1942 surface to UK with KGVI 2½d tied by fine ‘DALY WATERS/10DE42/NT’ cds, cover 576 * with repaired tears; [2] 1947 Alice Springs registered to UK with 1/6d Hermes & KGVI 3d brown tied by ‘ALICE SPRINGS/ 29SE47/NORTH AUST’ cds; [3] 1975 Cyclone Tracy stampless illustrated cover to Victoria with Darwin Paid ‘2 JAN/1975’ slogan cancel. (3) NORTHERN TERRITORY 577 * Adelaide River (4): two fine strikes of ‘ADELAIDE RIVER/26NO35/N.T.’ on 5d KGV and on red provisional C2 registration label. A Howard Johnson cover. TO 19/11/1919; PO 1/10/1934; closed 6/9/1941.





$80 $150

ex 579

ex 580 578 579






Arltunga: large-part squared circle cds on Thick Postage 2/6d perf ‘SA’. PO 1/1/1891; RO c.1917; PO 4/3/1920; closed 31/12/1928. Darwin: collection including a few early types, 1931-41 commercial airmail covers x5 (one registered & one with ‘TOO LATE’ handstamp), ‘TO DARWIN’ backstamp on 1951 flight cover, rubber ‘AIR MAIL SECTION/1MAR1946/DARWIN NT’ (previously unrecorded), GPO ‘MOO/NO 1’ & ‘P.R.’ (Poste Restante), ‘DARWIN-NORTH AUSTRALIA/SECTION/14JUN1943/ADELAIDE’ on defective cover (status?), 1975 Cyclone Tracy free mail, etc. Plus a range of 18 largely different commemorative covers. (200+) Darwin: suburbs including ‘ASSISTANT POSTAL MANAGER CASUARINA’ on 1991 commercial cover, ‘FANNIE BAY’ LDL & SDL (1957 & 1967), ‘NIGHTCLIFF’ (1957) & ‘PARAP’ both types (1961 & 1967). [17 covers & 21 pieces] Darwin Military P.O. No. 5: perfect strike of double-circle ‘MIL. P.O./14OCT1941/DARWIN, No. 5’ in violet on 4d Koala on Leek cover, straight-line handstamp on provisional C5 registration label. [The PO was located at Vestey’s Camp, situated at the former Vestey Meatworks. A similar registered cover sold for $575 in 2008] PO 18/9/1941; closed 21/2/1942.


$125 $150 $350

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

Page 71

QUEENSLAND | Proofs & Essays 582 * 1882-91 Lined-Oval Die I Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 4d pale orange perforated plate proof pair on gummed wmked paper, defaced with blue crayon, large-part og. Ex Colonel Evans. 583 W 1882-91 Lined-Oval Die I Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 1d brown-red imperforate proof pair on thin ungummed card, creased at base. Scarce. QUEENSLAND 584 U 1860 Imperf Small Chalon 1d carmine-rose, 2½ margins, some tonespotting on reverse, rays ‘87’ cancel of Ipswich, also an oxidised 2d blue with margins indents & probably a cut-down perforated issue, Cat £800 (excl 2d). (2)







588 589

* W

1860 Imperf Small Chalon 1d carmine-rose SG #1 being an enormous example with very good to huge margins, outer framelines complete and a fragment of the adjoining stamp at left (a further portion has been separated), well-struck ‘QL’-in-rays cancel, Cat £800++. The finest example we have seen. Magnificent! Bolaffi (1963), Sismondo (2008) & Brandon (2008) Certificates.

1860-61 Small Chalon Wmk Small Star Rough Perf 14-16 1d carmine-rose SG #14 pair, good colour, large-part gum, Cat £190+. 1868-78 Small Chalon Wmk 1st Crown/Q Perf 12 2d deep blue Plate II SG #100 strip of 3, some nibbed perfs at base, fine mint, Cat £180+. 1880 Small Chalon Litho Wmk 2nd Crown/Q Perf 12 2/6d bright scarlet SG #122, strong colour, mint, Cat £250. 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 1d dull orange with ‘QOEENSLAND’ flaw SG #135ab, unused, Cat £200.

$80 $90 $75


$100 $120 $140 $100

ex 581 590 591

** U





part 592 part 593 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 4d orange-yellow, SG #141, tiny gum fault, rough perfs, MUH, Cat £275. 1886-95 High Values 2/6d to £1 with Brisbane quarter cds comprising thick paper 5/-, 10/- and £1, latter with Re-entry [R1/2], SG #159, 160 & 161a; 2/6d thin paper SG #162. Very woolly perfs, good colours, min cat £330. (4) 1895 1d Vermilion-Red UnWmked Paper blue burelé band at back SG #206a, complete sheet of 120 (full selvedge). Includes variety Oval broken by tip of bust [R10/3] SG #206a plus Double perforations upper left between selvedge and first column. Small peripheral imperfections (in selvedge), very fresh. 1897-87 Zigzag Roulettes 1d vermilion (type b - plain rouletting) SG #257 lower-right corner block of 30 (5x6) with sheet number #247, twenty-four units MUH, Cat £480++.

$200 $140 $160 $250

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ex 595

ex 597

594 F 1900 Charity 2d (1/-) violet, SG #264b, fine postally used, Cat £275. QUEENSLAND | Revenues 595 U 1890s QV Long Stamp Duty: 6d green to £5 black Barefoot #38-47. Some cancels almost cutting thru the stamp, 6d may be unused, £5 light soiling cleanable with care. (9) 596 ** 1944 £5 Orange Queensland Tax Instalment Stamp: nicely appraised by Dave Elsmore at $350+. May have been issued as early as 1942 though Barefoot lists under Queensland #29 and suggests issue date of 1944. Very fresh MUH. 597 U QV-KGV Range: incl 1895 Impressed Duty (18) to £70, most with clear embossing, Stamp Duty 1899 ‘Widows Weeds’ (4, shades), also range of ‘Adhesive Duty’, etc. Usual condition. (83)

ex 599







ex 602

$200 $100


$140 $80

ex 603

1898-1908 Scenic Postal Cards HG #10 & 10a, seven unused (small blemishes) with rounded corners at top of photo six different scenes, two of Parliament House, Brisbane on different paper stocks. Of note, Vineyard Nudgee with ‘a’ for ‘d’ in ‘Nudgee’ and a seriously defective stamp impression, several other Collas varieties. Better condition than usually seen, attractive and popular postcards. (7) 1898 Scenic Postal Cards two each of the 1d and 1½d (small blemishes) HG #10 & 11, [1] A Queensland Schoolhouse incl varieties Defective L in second POSTALE plus stop for comma after second POSTALE Collas #34(c) & (d); [2] and Sheep under a Bottle-tree, Western Queensland. Much better condition than usually seen, very attractive and popular postcards. (4) 1898-1904 1d Scenic Postal Cards two lines in heading x2 different scenes, four lines in heading x6 different scenes, HG #1112. All commercial usage Collas List B range with top corners rounded, shades incl bright chestnut and almost red. Some small blemishes and some Collas listed varieties. Popular and attractive postcards. (8)

Your material could have been here! Contact us to find out how.


ex 600

QUEENSLAND | Railway Stamps 598 U 1927 2/6d Blue & Orange Rouletted 9 x P13 for Edwards Dunlop, indistinct cancel. Rare especially for a private user [Elsmore only records perf x roulette for the 6d value] QUEENSLAND | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 599 PS 1880-86 1d Chalon HG #1-3, a mainly fine to very fine selection with two used (prob H&G #1&3) and 12 unused. Shades range between vermilion and lake with many subtly different hues in between (including one with an albino SPECIMEN handstamp), paper stock includes buff, cream and white. (14) 600 PS 1891-92 QV Sideface With UPU Heading 1½d+1½d brown HG #9, three fresh unused all P9 approx (one almost completely separated), slightly different paper stock shades; plus one prob philatelic use (no message) to Berlin in June 1897. Very good condition. (4)

ex 601


$160 $100 $180

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ex 604 604

ex 605

ex 606


1911-12 1d Post Cards three as H&G #17, one unused with ‘A’ of ‘ADDRESS’ below ‘F’ of ‘OF’, two used (one no postmark) with ‘A’ below ‘OF’; plus one scarce PPC with photo ‘A DUCK POND, BOTANIC GARDENS, BRISBANE’ H&G #19a addressed Feb 1911 to Fred Hagen in Sydney but not posted (no pmk). Also fine and fresh unused 1912 Letter Card prob H&G #6. (5) QUEENSLAND | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 605 PS 1895-1902 2d Blue unused comprising H&G #1a, 2 & 2a, 3a x2. Greenish, greyish or ivory paper with some peripheral and other small blemishes, generally fine. (5) 606 PS 1911 1d Letter Card HG #6. Two very fresh unused examples (small imperfections), one has the scarce wmk of paper manufacturer ‘STRATHDEE/FINE’ reading vertically upwards at left. [Collas noted seeing one example only] (2)

$80 $80 $80

ex 607 607


1911 1d+1d Vermilion Reply Letter Card HG #6. Two unused examples (light foxing at horiz fold), one has the scarce wmk of paper manufacturer ‘STRATHDEE/FINE’ reading horizontally at bottom of outward portion. [Collas noted seeing one example only] (2) QUEENSLAND | Postal History 608 * 1869 (Aug 12) inwards cover Great Britain to Brisbane endorsed ‘via Marseilles’ franked with 4d vermilion & 6d mauve (cat from £140 on cover) tied by Winslow duplex, oval ‘ADVERTISED/JA1/1870’ and boxed ‘NOT CALLED FOR’ both applied in Brisbane, large DLO backstamp, later endorsed ‘Cawarral’ where presumably collected. Enclosed letter talks about the addressee’s hard work at the diggings. Rare. 609 * 1877 (Aug 15) inwards registered cover Great Britain to Charters Towers franked with 6d grey and 4d sage-green (cat from £475 on cover) tied by Carlisle duplex, Nenthead and London datestamps, on arrival endorsed ‘Registered/No Value’ (initialed) in red, at left ‘Unclaimed’, backstamps of Alston (Cumbria), Townsville (arrival port) and Charters Towers, together with ‘DEAD LETTER OFFICE/a/MR15/78/QUEENSLAND’ cds, on front ‘ADVERTISED/MR3178/UNCLAIMED’ in red. Rare and attractive.




ex 610 QUEENSLAND | Numerals | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 610 S Rated Cancels on Chalons comprising rays [1] ‘95’ (Brisbane) on 1d RRRR; [2] ‘110’ (Surat) on 2d RRR; [3] ‘63’ (Bowen) & ‘74’ (Gundawindi) RR; also [4] bars ‘59’ (Townsville) on 1/-, ‘87’ (Ipswich) on 2d & ‘201’ (Rockhampton) all RR; quality of strikes is good to fine. (7) QUEENSLAND | Numerals 611 s 55: ‘55’ (first ‘5’ weak but discernible) (B2) on 6d Chalon No Wmk. [Rated NNS] Allocated to Gatton-PO 1/1/1866. 612 s 92: (A1) fine strike on Crown/Q 3d Chalon, [Rated RRRR]. Allocated to Fassifern-PO 1/4/1867; RO 10/7/1897; PO 1/7/1927; closed 613




$65 $80



renamed Logan Village PO c.1886; closed 7/2/1969.

$85 $65

133: (A2) Type 1e rays on £1 Chalon thin paper SG #156 pair (Cat £280+). [Rated RRR] Allocated to Village Of Logan-PO 1/1/1870; 214: (A2) on NSW imperf (6d) Registered (shallow thins). Unusual. Allocated to Toowoomba-PO 1/1/1858.

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

Page 74

SOUTH AUSTRALIA 615 W 1855 Imperf London Printing 6d imperforate plate proof pair in the issued colour on ungummed unwmked paper, complete margins. Scarce. 616 W 1855 Imperf London Printing 1/- imperforate plate proof marginal pair in black on ungummed unwmked paper, mild crease, left-hand unit shaved at base. 617 F 1860-69 Second Roulettes 1/- chestnut SG #41 variety Prominent double impression, surface abrasion at top, tidy cancel. 618 * 1870-71 Wmk Large Star Perf 10 1d bright green SG #90, strong colour, large-part gum, Cat £225.

$250 $150 $100 $120

ex 620







1868-76 DLR Wmk Crown/SA (Wide) Perf 10 2d orange-red SG #160 lower-left corner block of 6, upper row with variety Double perfs vertically, plate ‘2’ & sheet ‘366031’ numbers in lower selvedge, perf reinforcements at upper-left, small blemishes. Unusual specialist item. 1886-96 ‘POSTAGE & REVENUE’ Perf 11½-12½ 2/6d -£1, SG #195a-199a, with quarter d/ring Adelaide CTO cds. Some aging, adhesions, disturbed part og, fresh appearance ex presentation set, Cat £427 (as fine used). (5) 1902-04 Thin ‘POSTAGE’ Perf 11½-12½ £1 blue SG #279 CTO, without gum, Cat £225.

ex 622

$200 $240 $130

ex 623

SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Revenues 622 U KEVII Range: (15, with shades) to 6d incl TWO PENCE surcharge on 1d attached to invoice, various other invoices with KEVII some with illustrated or fancy letterheads from 1915-1927, odd filing hole, few later squared-circled or decimal low values with a little duplication plus Northern Territory 1935 1d, used & 1966 1c gutter block of 8 (MUH). Mixed condition. (75 & 14 documents). SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 623 PS 1890s To Early 1900s Selection: mostly used with [1] PPCs x4 including 1902 black and white Port Pirie to Germany with Melbourne tram scene, 1910 coloured showing King William St (Adelaide) tram scene; [2] Postal Cards x12 including Armbrüster & Uhlmann (tobacconists, Adelaide) PTPO to Kooringa; [3] Wrappers x6 including two uprated to UK or Germany plus another optd ‘OS’; also [4] with Wirrabara to Adelaide Shierlaw front & 1894 Glenelg cover to North Adelaide. (24) SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 624 PS 1870s OHMS Observatory and Telegraph Department printed envelope on blue stock, South Australia crest on flap, trivial bend, fine unused.


$120 $65

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 626 SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal History 625 * 1849 entire from Reverend G Stonehouse to “Wm Bliss Esq” Chipping Norton, England, rated “2” in black & “6” in red & further endorsed “Paid”, superb ‘GPO/[crown]/JU30/49/SOUTH AUSTRALIA’ datestamp in black [The writer George Stonehouse worked as a minister at a Chipping Norton church from 1838 but due to ongoing health concerns was advised to moved to a warmer climate and subsequently arrived in South Australia in 1846. His intention was to open a Baptist College in Adelaide but the promised funding never arrived so he opened and ran a boarding school in Angaston for two years before becoming pastor at the Baptist Church in Brougham Place, North Adelaide] 1867 (Jun 29) flimsy wrinkled envelope imprinted ‘VIA MARSEILLES’ inscribed pre paid and addressed to England with ‘TEN 626 * PENCE’ on 9d orange-red SG #35 tied cds ‘ADELAIDE/67/JU29/S.A’, another alongside, arrival backstamp ‘NOTTINGHAM/E/ AU13/67’, an exceptionally quick passage. [Includes examples of similarly surcharged single stamps in yellow SG #59 (faults) and #79] (3) 627 * 1880 OHMS registered cover with ‘SUPREME COURT HOUSE ADELAIDE’ crest on flap to London, franked with 6d Prussian blue optd ‘OS’ SG #O4 single & pair tied by GPO Adelaide datestamps, rated “8”, complete perforated Post Office admonition label affixed to reverse, stating ‘CAUTION/valuable enclosures should never be forwarded in/unregistered Letters…./This Letter has been registered because it contains—-/”Coins” - (in blue crayon)’, minor soiling mostly confined to reverse, arrival datestamps on both sides. Rare, with SG #O1-13 being unpriced on cover.




ex 630 628

1903 (Sep 25) registered cover to Charles Lathrop Pack in Ohio with long type thin ‘POSTAGE’ 3d Olive x2 tied by squaredcircle ‘REGISTERED/ADELAIDE’ datestamps, backstamps of San Francisco (1902 date error) & Cleveland, minor blemishes. 1912 (Jun 28) cover to New York franked with QV 1d red strip of three each stamp with ‘OK’ private perfin tied by Adelaide 629 * machine cancel. Scarce and fine. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Datestamps | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 630 * 1960s Adelaide to Yunta Postmark Selection of cds cancels on 1960s 4c or 5c rate Tatts covers x187 (some are fronts) with 95 different locations identified including Balaklava, Blair Athol x2, Cowandilla, Cowell, Daw Park, Farrell Flat, Gouger Street, Gumeracha x2, Karoonda, Kimba, Langhorne Creek, Leigh Creek Coalfield, Lobethal, Minnipa, Nonning, Parilla, Port Broughton, Rosewater East, St Peters, Tintinara, Virginia; also Northern Territory x4 comprising Alice Springs, Ayers Rock (commemorative) x2 & Elliot (with Tennant Creek backstamp + Alice Springs Registration Section oval backstamp in violet); some faults but mostly fine. (187) *

ex 631

ex 632




Selection on PPCs with squared-circles [Rated RR] for Lockleys (to WA with Southern Cross arrival cds), Mannanarie & Morchard; [Rated R] The Pinery, Millicent (27mm), Watervale (23mm); also framed datestamps for Rowlands Flat [Rated R], variable quality of strikes. (7) 632 Selection on PPCs a few rated with squared-circles for Mannanarie (poor) [Rated RR] & The Pinery x2 [Rated R], unrated including Hawker, Teal Flat, Yongala & Watervale; framed datestamps including Steelton, Two Wells x2 types, Woodchester & Yacka; quality of strikes poor to fine. (21) SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Datestamps 633 * Konetta: 1907 (Dec) largely fine strike of 28mm squared-circle datestamp tying QV 1d to PPC (Harvey’s Creek, Cairns, NQ) adressed to Wagin WA, [Rated RRRR]. Renamed from Woodleigh PO 29/1/1905; closed 31/5/1925.




$180 $125 $140

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part 634 634

ex 635

North Booborowie: ‘NORTH BOOBOROWIE/24DE23/S.A.’ (ERD by 7 yrs) on page from Date Stamp Record Book. Contains 32 daily impressions until 5MR24. These cancels begin only 7 weeks after the Office opened and they are the only examples recorded during the RO period. RO 12/11/1923; PO 1/7/1927, provisionally closed 12/9/1956; closed 30/4/1957. TASMANIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 635 */U 1870-71 Sidefaces Sideface Wmk Single-Line Numeral Selection including P12 1d red x9, 2d green x4, 4d blue x2 (one a proof thinned, other opt ‘REPRINT’), 10d black x12 (with mint block of 4, two optd ‘SPECIMEN’, five CTO and one used), P11½ 1d x2, 2d x8 (three are mint), 10d mint x24 (including irregular mint block of 13 and a corner strip of 4 with Current Nº 44 & variety Flaw on ‘T’ of ‘TASMANIA’), variable condition, Cat £1,950+. (80) TASMANIA | Proofs & Essays 636 W 1855 4d Blue a proof pair on unwmked wove paper - see SG footnote below SG #18 (Cat £750 each). Some evidence of cleaning (which may account for the quite pale shade), also faint traces of some other marks visible under high magnification. Scarce to rare in any condition. *

TASMANIA | Specimens & Reprints 637 **/* 1855-80s Chalons 2d, 4d, 6d & 1/- blocks of 4 overprinted ‘REPRINT’ for presentation sets on P12 gummed paper, mostly unmounted. (4) TASMANIA 638 F 1855 Imperf Chalon Wmk Large Star 1d carmine SG #14. A fine 4-margin example (close in places) with neat BN ‘18’ cancel of Campbell Town, Cat £800. 639 F 1855 Imperf Chalon Wmk Large Star 1d carmine SG #14. A fresh horiz pair, shaved at base, clear large margins otherwise, rich colour with BN ‘61’ of Hobart, Cat £1,600 (as 2x 4-margin singles). 640 V 1855 Imperf Chalon Wmk Large Star 2d deep green SG #15. A fine 4-margin example (close left) with light BN cancel. 641 V 1855 Imperf Chalon Wmk Large Star 2d green SG #16. A very fine premium quality 4-margin example with light BN ‘50’ of Hobart. 642 U 1856-57 Imperf Chalon No Wmk Thin White Paper 1d pale brick-red SG #19, close/very close even margins, Cat £600. 643 U 1855 Imperf Chalon No Wmk 1d pale brick-red SG #19. A vertical pair with margins touching or shaved left and right, well clear top and bottom. Rich colour, neat BN ‘60’ cancels (Launceston).



645 646 647

* W *

1856-57 Imperf Chalon No Wmk Thin White Paper 2d dull emerald-green, horizontal pair, 3-4 margins at places, SG #20, with BN 61 of Hobart. Extremely scarce in multiples. 1857-69 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d pale red-brown SG #26, complete margins, elusive shade, Cat £475. 1857-69 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d dull vermilion SG #28, complete margins, fine unused, Cat £275. 1871-78 Sidefaces Wmk TAS & Lines Perf 11½ 5/- purple SG #149, fine mint, Cat £275.




$200 $300 $350 $225 $200 $130 $200

$750 $100 $65 $160

Page 77

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part 648 648






ex 649

1891 Surcharged in Numerals Perf 12 2½d on 9d pale blue SG #169 complete sheet of 120, with Current Number Nº 50 and Plate Nº 7, very fresh MUH. Retail as hinged singles $2,400. Part sheet illustrated. 1892-99 Tablets Wmk TAS Perf 14 ½d to 10/- SG #216-24, MLH/MVLH, Cat £250.

$600 $150

1912 Pictorials Typo Wmk Crown/A Thin Paper 1d carmine-red, P12½ complete sheet of 60 with ‘CA’ & ‘JBC’ Monograms, BW #T20z/zb (SG #261), odd blemish, 54 units MUH, Cat $2,190++ as hinged singles (SG Cat £1,560+). Part sheet illustrated.


ex 651

ex 657 TASMANIA | Postal Fiscals 651 * 1880 Platypus Wmk TAS Perf 14 1d to 1/- SG #F26-29 set, fine mint, Cat £249. (4) TASMANIA | Revenues 652 * 1900 2d Platypus Optd ‘REVENUE’: 2d cinnamon with ‘TWO PENCE’ printed twice. No longer listed by Gibbons, but when listed in the 1980s was Cat £300, Barefoot #21b. 653 * 1903 Surcharged Platypus Optd ‘REVENUE’: 3d chestnut vertical pair both units with Surcharge ‘1d’ inverted, the upper unit Flat top to ‘1’, lower unit Angled ‘1’, Barefoot types 29a & 30a. Scarce as se-tenant varieties. 654 V 1900 £1 Overprinted ‘REVENUE’: as SG #F39. Fresh block of 4 (left pair vert crease) with neat revenue rubber cds. 655 ** 1900 £1 Overprinted ‘REVENUE’: SG #F39. Very fresh top marginal (selvedge hinge trace), retail c$325 as hinged (Cat £400). 656 ** 1900 £1 Overprinted ‘REVENUE’ and ‘5d.’: fresh MUH. 657 ** Stamp Duty: 1901 St George & Dragon Federal Presentation set of 3d, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- in blocks of 4 overprinted “REPRINT” on P12 gummed paper. Scarce. (4)

To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.

$120 $250 $200 $120 $240 $120 $450

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Page 78

659 658 TASMANIA | Railway Stamps 658 * 1919 Train & Map 2nd Series 3d light blue & 6d yellow on home-made parcel tag endorsed “Perishable/Goods”, from Antill Ponds to Launceston. Unusual. TASMANIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers (PTPO) 659 * 1882 1d Red 1891 (Jul 18) usage for The Federal Australian Philatelist with printed ‘BOOK POST’ at upper-left, sent from Hobart to Liege in Belgium, some small edge blemishes as to be expected. Rare destination for the period.

ex 661

ex 662

ex 663








ex 664

TASMANIA | Postal History 660 * 1907 (Jun 10) PPC (Hobart, town scene) to France with 1½d on 5d Tablet tied to face by Hobart datestamp, minor edge blemishes. 661 * 1923-28 covers x49 to same addressee in Newcastle (NSW) each with ‘PAID AT/1½D/HOBART’ slogan cancels in red, various slogans including ‘SAY IT BY/TELEPHONE’, ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/ALWAYS ASK FOR/AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS’, ‘POST EARLY/EACH DAY’, ‘COMMONWEALTH ROLLS/REMEMBER! CORRECT/ENROLMENT COMPULSORY’, ‘ADDRESS MAIL TO/P.O.BOX NO/IT EXPEDITES DELIVERY’, ‘USE THE/AIR MAIL’, condition generally fine. VICTORIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 662 U 1852-1912 small on leaves collection in generally fine condition, from 1850s with two 2d and a 1d QOT imperfs to 1912 ‘TWO PENCE’ surcharge. More useful in between - 2/- Woodblock SG #82, 3d and 4d Beaded Ovals, 1881 5/- SG #148, as well as other shilling values (no large SD nor SS types). Postmarks noted include barred ovals, numerals incl duplex, ENGLISH MAIL, Melbourne and Geelong alpha-numeric types, etc. Sound expansion base, retail well over $1,000, good value. (72) 663 1890s-1900s Double Perfs Array with Crown/A 1d pink block of 4 mint (some toning) & single unused, 1896-99 1½d applegreen & Crown/A 1d pinks with post office repairs; also used ½d green, 1d browns x5 1d pinks x11, 2d lilacs x3, plus a few misperforated stamps; ACSC Cat $850+ for 1d pinks alone. (28) 664 * Mint Selection with 1885-1901 3d brown x2 (shades), 2/- olive-green/pale green, 2/- apple-green x2 & 2/- blue-green; also Existing Stamp Duty 1884-96 3/- olive-drab, 4/- red-orange (gum residue on face) & 5/- purple/yellow, some blemishes, part to large-part gum, Cat £400+. (9)



1850-53 Half-Length Ham Altered 3rd State 2d lilac-drab SG #13b. Margins clear but very close except at base touching, cancelled ‘15’ butterfly in blue (Geelong), Cat £180. Attractive example. 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 6d in dull orange shade SG #32a, display pages with two fine used four-margin examples imaginatively affixed to January 1855 envelopes from Melbourne with unframed crowned oval datestamps, one to the Orkney Islands (Scotland), the second to Richmond, Surrey (England). Neither stamp was on the cover when it was put in the mail, an “artist” has attempted to convince the unwary that both are tied by barred oval handstamps, one ‘1/V’ (common), the second ‘30/V’ of Port Albert (rated RR). (2) 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 1/- ‘REGISTERED’ Die I SG #34, complete margins, part New York receiving cancel, Cat £190. 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 1/- ‘REGISTERED’ Die I SG #34, variety Pink line extending into ‘ONE SHILLING’ value tablet at lower-left, good even margins, indistinct BN cancel, Cat £190.



$160 $180 $140


$100 $90 $100

Page 79

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671 672


673 674

* W

1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 1/- ‘REGISTERED’ Die I SG #34, variety No centre bar second ‘E’ of ‘REGISTERED’, minor edge tone, complete margins, indistinct cancel, Cat £190. 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 1/- ‘REGISTERED’ Die II SG #34, complete margins, manuscript cancel & non-Victorian dumb cancel, Cat £190. 1857 Experimental Separations By Calvert 6d yellow-orange Serpentine Roulette 10-10½ SG #58, fine, Cat £150. 1857 Experimental Separations By Calvert 6d yellow-orange Compound of Serrated P19 and Serpentine Roulette 10-10½ SG #61, moderate thin patch at base, Cat £550. 1867-81 Laureates Wmk V/Crown Perf 13 8d lilac-brown/pink, SG #137, Retail $375. 1867-81 Laureates Wmk V/Crown Perf 13 5/- blue & carmine, SG #140a, with type 3 diagonal ‘SPECIMEN.’, small closed tear at base. Only 3 recorded in private hands.

$100 $90 $130 $160 $150 $400

ex 678 ex 679 675


676 677 678

* F F



1870-73 DLR Wmk 1st V/Crown 2d mauve P13 with type 7a ‘SPECIMEN.’ ovpt. Hinged with full original gum. Three recorded in private hands. 1884-96 Stamp Duty Litho 1st V/Crown 1d blue-green P12½ SG #235b, large part og, unpriced in SG. 1889 £7 Rosine & Black SG #326 with August 21, 1900 Melbourne CTO. Small perf blemishes, centred left, fresh, retail c$275. 1901 Large Stamp Duty CTO’s with June 1901 (one appears June 21) Melbourne cds cancelling eight values various wmks 2/6d to £1 in SG #262-371 range. £1 is 1888 SG #262b, 15/- is 1897 SG #350 (cat £80), 2/6d and 3/- are 1900 SG #370-71 (cat £69). Good clean lot, retail c$700. (8) 1900 Empire Patriotic Fund 1d (1/-) & 2d (2/-) set SG #374-75, the later with a few mild tonespots on gum, Cat £390. (2)

$400 $130 $110 $240 $200

682 ex 680 680






1900 Empire Patriotic Fund SG #374-75. Usual yellowish brown gum, the 1d (1/-) hinged, the 2d (2/-) may be MUH, so extrapolated Cat £525. 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk 4th V/Crown Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 3d orange block of 4 Wmk inverted with Melbourne SE3/01 CTO cancel, unhinged with full gum. Multiples are rare. 1901-10 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk 4th V/Crown Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 1/- orange wmk sideways BW #V114aa x2, plus 1/- reddish orange wmk Sideways & Reversed BW #V114ac, Cat $750. Rare. (3)

‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.

$275 $150 $240

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Page 80

683 683








1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 1d pale rose vertical strip of with Double perfs at right (aberrantly so on lower unit), BW #V44b, unused, Cat $200+. 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 1d rose Perf ‘OS’ inverted with Double perfs at left, TPO datestamp. Rare and unlisted in the ACSC. 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 1d rose-red ‘CA’ Monogram single, BW #V51z, used and very scarce thus. 1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½ 2d mauve block of 9 with very rare Melbourne JY17/14 CTO cancel, unhinged full gum. Ex Australia Post archival sales.

$140 $160 $150 $350




1905-13 ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/A Perf 11 3d ochre block of 6 with very rare Melbourne JY17/14 CTO cancel, unhinged full gum. Not recorded in ACSC. Ex Australia Post archival sales. 688 * 1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 1st V/Crown Perf 13 1/- blue/yellow P12½ with type 12c ‘SPECIMEN’ diagonal ovpt. Hinged with full original gum. Three recorded in private hands. VICTORIA | Revenues 689 U QV-QEII Range: incl various to £10, various later issues, incl Relief stamps (11) to 1/6d, several high values with ‘RELIEF’ opt incl 4/-, 15/-, £1, £1/10/- & £2, few ‘CATTLE’ opts, also few decimal issues to $25, selection of invoices (2 illustrated), plus 3 share ‘Transfer of Rights’ (complete forms) for H C Sleigh Ltd with appropriate Duty stamps applied. Mixed condition. (138 plus 7 documents).

$300 $400


Page 81

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014 VICTORIA | Railway Stamps

ex 690 690


1887-1902 Sixth Series [1] Black on Coloured Paper with 1d, 3d, 6d x2, 8d, 9d, 10d, 1/- x2, 2/- & 3/-; [2] Coloured on Coloured Paper 2d, 5d, 8d & 2/-. Condition is typical for used parcels stamps. A rare offering of these difficult stamps. (15)

691 691 692

** **



1934 Winged Series 3d Die II emerald on white with grey pattern corner block of 4, Cat #3.1457II. Rare multiple. [Rated R1] 1934 Wing Series With Security Underprint 4d brown-red Die I on light blue (station ‘MACORNA’) marginal block of 4. Scarce multiple.

$200 $125

ex 693 VICTORIA | Postal Stationery 693 Frank Stamp Cut-Out Selection: of all different types incl the very scarce ‘ROYAL MINT’ in black, ‘THE SPEAKER’ in blue, ‘MINISTER OF LANDS & AGRICULTURE’ in blue, ‘MINISTER OF WATER SUPPLY’ in red, rubber ‘GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA’ in violet etc. Plus ‘CLOSER SETTLEMENT COMMISSION’ seal. Nice group. (20) VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 694 * 1893 3d Rose Red Size A optd with Type 6b italicised ‘Specimen’ handstamp in blue, fine unused. VICTORIA | Postal History 695 * 1854 cover to Brighton England endorsed “Pr Red Jacket” with Campbell 3d blue Half-length pairs x2 [14-15] & [20-21] tied by BO ‘1/V’ cancels, fair oval Melbourne crown oval datestamp, fine ‘16OC1854/LIVERPOOL/SHIP’ boxed transit handstamp in green & weak Brighton arrival backstamp. Uniformly aged which is a great pity.

$120 $100


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698 696






1855 (Mar 22) small envelope to London per Shalimar with horiz pair 6d dull orange SG #32a (shaved at top, otherwise large margins) and tied barred oval ‘V/1’ cancels, alongside an unframed oval ‘MELBOURNE/(crown)/MA23A/1855/VICTORIA’. Backstamp chamfered ‘8JU1855/LIVERPOOL/SHIP’ in dull green, small s/ring London arr next day. Slightly reduced, descriptive write-up includes a picture and short history of the ship. 1855 (May 26) local entire addressed to “Sheriff/Supreme Court” with 6d Woodblock (good even margins) tied by BO ‘1/V’ cancel, fine Melbourne crown oval backstamp. 1855 small piece of cover to Adelaide, probably originating in the Riverina with imperf 6d Woodblock SG #32a and NSW Laureate 2d Plate III SG #85. Indistinct postmark, appears to be a part of a scarce to rare Cross-Border piece, 2001 certificate of Briefmarkenprufstelle Basel (incorrect description of the NSW stamp) notes that the piece bears Holcombe signature (initials) beneath the stamps. Adelaide double arc receiving handstamp Feb 1855. Offered As Is.

$100 $200


699 699












1856 cover to Van Diemens Land, 3d Half-Length with rare Donnybrook crown oval backstamp with diamond ‘SHIP LETTER INWARDS FREE’ handstamp. A 6d Woodblock, cancelled with BN ‘2’ has been added. Few faults. 1857 three to London carried by the Simla, a P&O Lines ship on charter at the time to the European & Australian Line. All franked shades of 6d Woodblock SG #32a or 32b, one has damaged NE corner, two BN ‘1’ and one BN ‘6’ cancel; one addressed to an inmate (if that’s the right word) at No 1 Company, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, one to Miss Eliza Lambert, Foundling. Display pages include short history of the ship. (3) 1857 (Jul 6) inwards cover from London to Port Albert, endorsed via Marseilles, franked with 2d blue, 1d red & 6d lilac tied by barred numeral ‘8’, London backstamp in blue, Melbourne (3 Sep) transit and Port Albert (10 Sep) arrival datestamps. Cover addressed to John Williams/Messrs Schiller & Theil who was their store manager at Tarraville in Gippsland. One of the earliest overseas covers to this destination.

1857 (Nov 14) mourning cover with 6d orange-yellow Serpentine Roulette 10-10½ (on all four sides) SG #58 tied by BN ‘1’ cancel, sent from Melbourne to England, Brighton arrival backstamp, incomplete backflap & some spotting. Extremely rare stamp on cover. Ex Geitenbeek. RPSL Certificate (1958). 1858 (May 17) cover to England with 6d orange-yellow Woodblock Rouletted 7-9 by Calvert (marginal example with rouletting evident at left) tied by BN ‘1’ cancel, Melbourne & Birmingham backstamps, horizontal filing crease. 1861 (Mar 12) incoming entire letter written at Marseilles (February 8), addressed “Mr J.B. Were/Royal Swedish Norwegian/ Consulate/Melbourne/Australie”, bearing Napoleon imperf 80c with enormous margins three sides (portion of three adjoining units), slightly trimmed at left, tied by Diamond ‘1896’, Marseilles ‘12/MARS’ datestamp alongside, backstamped Melbourne. [Jonathan Binns Were, founder of the venerable sharebroking firm, was revered by his contemporaries for the extraordinary number of his consular posts he held. He was knighted by the Kings of Sweden and Denmark]

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.




$1,500 $300


Page 83

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1862 (Jan 10) cover originating in Scotland with GB No Corner Letters 4d & 1d red tied by ‘POSTED SINCE 7 LAST NIGHT/L/ JA19/EDIN/62’ datestamp, addressed to Melbourne where it received ‘ADVERTISED/AND/UNCLAIMED’ oval handstamp, returned to England on board P&O steamer Colombo which was wrecked off Minicoy Island, the cover subsequently receiving ‘Saved from the wreck of/the Colombo’ (Peace Type 3) boxed handstamp in London, cover in the typically poor condition of many of the surviving Colombo covers. [Remarkably Peace records three Colombo covers being returned from Victoria with the aforementioned instructional handstamp]


ex 707 706






1862 (Jul 26) Brown Brothers merchant’s outer to England, endorsed “via Marseilles” with perforated 1/- Octagonal, 6d Adapted Design & 3d Beaded Oval tied by Melbourne duplex cancels, Birmingham backstamp. 1863-65 6d Adapted Design solo frankings on [1] 1863 (Nov 13) Creswick (Vic) cover to Tasmania, Melbourne transit & diamond ‘SHIP-LETTER INWARDS FREE/27NO27/1863’ backstamps in red and [2] 1865 (Jul 25) Castlemaine (Vic) cover to Scotland with Castlemaine, Melbourne (in blue) and Tain (Scotland) backstamps. 1866 Riverina Combination Cover (Sep 18) use of Victoria 2d and NSW pair 1d wmk ‘1’ on neatly addressed cover to Captn Horatio Nelson R.N., P.&O. S.S. “Madras”, Melbourne. Indistinct Victoria BN cancel (must be ‘80’). Backstamp oval ‘SWAN HILL/ SE*18/66/VICTORIA’ and small blue s/r arrival cds ‘MELBOURNE/2H/SE20/66’. Neat display page write-up of a nice States combination cover. [Like most Riverina covers the extra postage was paid to ensure that the letter went the fastest way possible to reach a departing ship.]

$350 $120


ex 711 ex 710 709




1870 (Mar 28) Hastings mourning cover to Corinella, with 2d lilac tied by poor BN ‘425’ cancel (Hastings), boxed ‘MISSENT TO/ COLERAINE’ handstamp, Melbourne, Corinella & Coleraine backstamps, missing backflap.

Stamp Duty Issues on Cover comprising [1] 1896 (Sep 7) petite cover from Melbourne to Carlton with QV 1d pair cancelled by ‘MELBOURNE/11A/SE7/96’ datestamps; [2] 1902 (Aug 27) with Large Numeral 1d, inadmissible and taxed at double deficiency; some aging. VICTORIA | Postmarks 711 s A-Y Collection: with some duplication presented in alphabetical order with associated numeral types alongside. Wide range stamps from QOT to early Commonwealth period (few KGV and Roos seen), some on small piece, wide range postmarks including TPOs (well over 150 noting hexagonal ‘UP TRAIN/MG8’), coloured types, official perfins, 4 well-filled pages Melbourne alpha-numeric and numbered cds types, many rated types seen. Sure to reward careful scrutiny. (1000s)

$250 $100


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VICTORIA | DOCUMENTS & EPHEMERA 712 Post Office Reports: [1] 1856 Steam Postal Communication report; [2] 1871 Post Office & Telegraph Department report, includes all PO and their postmasters, Telegraph Offices, Mail routes etc; [3] 1872 Mail Service report on proposed mail service via San Francisco; [4] 1900 Post Office & Telegraph Department report, provides summary information only; Plus [5] NSW 1898 Land Tax documents x2. VICTORIA | Barred Numerals | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 713 Printed Pages For Barred Numerals ‘1’ to ‘2100’ in twenty-one matching 3-ring albums. Brand new.

VICTORIA | Barred Numerals 714 s 77: (A2) 1st type on 6d black Adapted Design. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Somerton-PO 1/1/1854; closed c.1864. 715 D 103: (B2) Type 1A on 4d Laureate. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Belvoir-PO 1/6/1856; renamed Wodonga PO 26/7/1869. 716 s 112: ‘112’ (A2) 1st type largely fine strike on 4d Emblems. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Dunkeld-PO 1/12/1855; LPO 8/3/1994. 717 s 283: 283’ (B2) 1st type on 4d Beaded Oval. [Rated RRRRR] Allocated to McCullum’s Creek-PO 1/1/1860; renamed Craigie PO 14/12/ 718 719

s s

1874; closed 31/12/1949.

326: ‘326’ (B2) on 1d Netted Corners. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Traralgon-PO 1/1/1861. 348: (B2) 1st type on 6d black Beaded Oval. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Alma-PO 1/7/1861; TO 31/10/1959; closed 30/4/1969.

$300 $100

$200 $150 $100 $270 $130 $110

725 720 721 722 723 724

s s s s s



350: (B2) part strike on 1d Netted Corners. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Bald Hills-PO 13/7/1861; closed 1/7/1895. 369: (A2) on 2d Bell. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Preston Hill-PO 4/11/1861; closed 25/1/1887. 549: ‘549’ (A2) on 2d violet SDuty. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Mount Cottrell-PO 1/1/1866; closed 1/7/1895. 776: ‘776’ (B2) on 1d Astley. [Rated RRRR] Allocated to Lake Town-PO 15/3/1872; closed 1/11/1897. 795: 795’ (C2 - as is usual) on 2d mauve Naish. [Rated RRRR - confirmed by Freeman] Allocated to Magpie-PO 1/1/1873; closed


900: ‘900’ (B2) in violet on 2d violet. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Springbank-PO 1/9/1875; closed 31/12/1966.

$80 $70 $70 $200 $130 $80

728 726 727 728

s s D



900: (B2) on 1d pink, [Rated RRR]. 1078: ‘1078’ (B2) 2nd type on 1d pink. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Strathbogie-PO 10/7/1878; LPO 1/7/1993. 1116: ‘MC/16’ (A2) on 2d sepia on piece with very small part [Woosa]ng alongside. Allocated to Woosang-PO 1/3/1879; closed 9/3/


2060: (C1) weak but complete strike tying 1d pink to black and white PPC (“The Hotel, Clifton Springs”), fair 1906 Clifton Springs datestamp alongside, card has age spotting. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Clifton Springs-PO 12/3/1902; closed 8/8/1921.

We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.

$60 $70 $110 $80

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ex 731 730


2063: ‘2063’ (B2) tying 1d pink to PPC, fair 1905 Mt Eccles cds alongdside. [Rated RRR] Allocated to Mount Eccles-PO 7/4/1902;

closed 30/6/1951.

VICTORIA | Datestamps | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 731 * 1960s Anglesea to Yea Postmark Selection of cds cancels mostly on 1960s 4c or 5c rate Tatts covers x253 (some are fronts) with 137 different POs identified including Ballan, Mil PO Bandiana, Beveridge, Boneo Road, Cowangee, Glenthompson, Gormandale, Goroke x2, Heyfield, Jeparit, Landsborough, Marnoo, Merberra, Moyhu, Nullawarre, Picola, RAAF Sale East, Strathmerton, Tangambalanga, Tongala, Wandin North, Warenheip, Wesburn, Yallourn North; some faults but generally fine. Good lot. VICTORIA | Datestamps 732 * Myrniong: straight-line ‘“16/12/07”/MYRNONG’ provisional cancel on 1d pink on Xmas PPC to Melbourne. Not seen by us before. Renamed from Pentland Hills PO 26/1/1872; closed 30/9/1970.

ex 733


$180 $150

ex 734

VICTORIA | Travelling Post Offices 733 s English Mail ‘OUT”: d/ring cds cancelling 1st wmk Roos - 4d orange BW #15 (Dec 24) and 2/- brown BW #35 (Aug 6). Nice duo, stamps alone cat $305. (2) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 734 U Official Imperial Punctures Selection including 1861 6d purple-brown (fault), later issues include 4d x 3, 6d x2 & 1/- x4, condition variable but mostly fine. (22) WESTERN AUSTRALIA 735 W 1854-55 Imperf Lithographs 4d blue SG #3a, MNG. Four large margins, BPA certificate (and George Buhler expert handstamp), superb example, Cat £450 for MNG. 736 W 1854-55 Imperf Lithographs 1/- pale brown SG #4c, complete margins, MNG, Cat £475 for MNG. 737 W 1854-55 Imperf Lithographs 1/- pale brown, close to large margins, SG #4c, MNG, also showing ‘OS’ of ‘POSTAGE’ in wmk, Cat £475 for MNG. 738 G 1860-64 Imperf Recess Wmk Swan 6d sage-green, 4 good to close margins, SG #28, Cat £400, 15 bar ‘2’ cancel.

$120 $150 $160 $160 $160 $80

ex 744 739






742 743

W *



1860-64 Imperf Recess Wmk Swan 6d sage-green, shaved (at top left) to good margins, SG #28, tidy cancel, Cat £400. RPSV Certificate (2006). 1861 Recess Wmk Swan Clean Cut Perf 14-16 1/- yellow-green SG #43 wmk inverted & reversed, light bars cancel, unlisted in Gibbons. 1861 Recess Wmk Swan Very Rough Perf 14-16 6d dull purple on lightly blued paper SG 45, tidy 15-bars ‘6’ cancel of Albany, Cat £475. Elusive stamp. 1864-79 Wmk Crown/CC (Sideways) Perf 12½ 1/- bright green SG #61, regummed, Cat £225. 1864-79 Wmk Crown/CC (Sideways) Perf 12½ 1/- bright green handstamped ‘SPECIMEN.’ SG #61s, large-part gum, fine & undercatalogued at £200. 1871-73 Wmk Crown/CC (Sideways) Perf 14 3d pale brown and 3d cinnamon SG #63 & 63a, fine mint, Cat £100. (2)

To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.

$160 $100 $360 $120 $250 $100

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ex 745 745




747 748 749

W W *

1882-85 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 2d chrome-yellow SG #77 vertical pair, each with pencil annotations on reverse, lower unit MUH; also 1905-12 Crown/A 9d orange Wmk Upright SG #145b mint; Cat £136+ (2) 1882-85 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 4d carmine wmk upright SG #78a, mild central age spot & a single pinhole, unused and unpriced as such by Gibbons. Rare 1882-85 Recess Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 6d lilac, handstamped ‘SPECIMEN.’ SG #80s, unused, Cat £140. 1885-93 Typo Wmk Crown/CA (Sideways) Perf 14 ½d green handstamped ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #94s, without gum. 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 12½ or 12½x12 10/- deep mauve with Colour flaw in curved line above ‘E’ of ‘POSTAGE’ BW #W65Ad on registered small printed cover to Hungary, fine ‘REGISTERED/17AP03/PERTH WA’ oval datestamp, Napoli & Budapest backstamps. Rare on cover. RPSV Certificate (2012).

$65 $250 $100 $80 $900

ex 753 750


1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 12½ or 12½x12 £1 orange-brown, marginal example from right of the sheet with Colour flaw below ‘ND’ of ‘POUNDS’, fine mint, SG #128 Cat £375 (as normal stamp), BW #W66Ad, Cat $750. 751 * 1905-12 Wmk Crown/Double-Lined A Perf 12½ or 12½x12 5/- emerald-green SG #148, fine mint, Cat £170. 752 F 1905-12 Wmk Crown/Double-Lined A Perf 11 9d orange-yellow perf ‘OS’ BW #W52A, Parcel Post Perth ‘AU6/06’ datestamp, Cat $200. Fine example. [ACSC states that the orange-yellow shade is only found perf ‘OS’] WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Fiscals 753 U 1893-97 Swan Type Selection comprising Long Type Wmk Crown/A 2d (the key value), 3d, 6d, & 1/-, 1897 Wmk W crown A 1d, 6d & 2/6d (postal cancel over manuscript cancel), ‘IR’ Surcharges 2d, 3d & 6d plus 1d ochre with single green bar unused (faults) and 1860 2d orange with commissariat puncture, variable condition, retail approx $1,800. (12)

$500 $120 $120


ex 754

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Revenues 754 U Stamp Duty: 1906-30 “Sinking Swan” selection with Central vignette misplaced to base with shading lines more or less impinging on value tablets below, most noticeably on 3d, 6d (red) & 2/-. (5) 755 W Stamp Duty: 1922-30 2d light blue P14x13½ vertical Misaligned perforations & reperforated P11 Dzelme #R129Aa, fine unused. 756 * Stamp Duty: 1964 share transfer form (tear at right) for transfer from a Victorian to Western Australian resident with WA 9/- & 9d Impressed Duties in red with Victoria 10/- & 5/- Stamp Duties affixed over the top. Remarkable usage.

$150 $140 $130

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ex 760 WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 757 D 1d Perf ‘OS’ Envelope (?) Cut-Out: with ‘OS’ in colourless dots, tied by Perth ‘10JA13’ datestamp. WASG handbook states at page 167 “is thought to be from an envelope” & “known in cut-out form only, of which five examples are recorded”. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Franks 758 D Justice - ‘MR JUSTICE RENSHAW’: cut-out in violet Karman #W250.1 tied by Perth duplex in blue. Rare. [Karman states at page 138 “this & W255.1 (Justice Pennefather) are the only known frank stamps in Australia with the name of an official inscribed”] WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal History 759 * 1900 (Oct 29) Fremantle cover to London with 2½d SG #97 tied by ‘FREMANTLE/OC29/00/RAILWAY STATION’ duplex, London arrival backstamp. 760 * 1949 advertising postcards for Lamson Paragon each with 2½d Perth meter impression and overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ in black. Fine & Unusual. (3)

ex 761






$120 $100 $225

ex 762

WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postmarks 761 s Letter Code Selection: comprising ‘AL’ (Albany), ‘D’ (Dongarra) x2 types, ‘E’ (Broomehill) in violet, ‘BE’ (Beverley), ‘GR’ (Greenough) & ‘K’ (Kojonup). (7) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | 12-Bar Numerals 762 s Selection: comprising ‘12’ (Boyadine) ‘14’ (Marradong) ‘32’ (Sharks Bay) & ‘35’ (Northampton). (4) WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Datestamps | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 763 The Postal Markings Illustrated by the Western Australia Study Group (1984-2002), 975pp looseleaf in two binders. Long outof-print with ten years having passed since the last supplements were completed. An essential reference with recent copies selling for $1,100+ at auction. AUSTRALIA | State/Roo Combination Covers 764 * NSW 1913 (Feb 20) to Germany with attractive combination franking of NSW QV ½d, SA QV 1d & 1d Roo tied by Newcastle (NSW) datestamp. Sent by a German officer on board SS Rheinland which was docked at Newcastle at the time. NSW 1913 (Sep 15) cover to Germany with attactive combination franking of NSW 2d blue & ½d Roo tied by ‘Elizabeth St South 765 * (Sydney) datestamp, fine condition.



NSW 1913 (May 7) use of 1907 NSW 1d Postal Card with Mosman’s Bay view in steel blue H&G #30a uprated with ½d Roo for onward transit to Germany, fine condition. Queensland 1913 (Mar 5) use of Queensland 1d+1d Postal Card & Reply Card H&G #20 from Brisbane with ½d Roo added for overseas transit to Germany tied by Brisbane cds, the attached unused Reply Card also with ½d Roo added, fine condition. Tasmania 1914 (Feb 6) PPC (Corra Linn Bridge, nr Launceston) to USA with Pictorials ½d plus 1d Roo tied by weak Cressy datestamps.

$100 $100

$600 $300 $300

$160 $180 $150

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Tasmania 1916 (Apr 11) WH Robinson (Brisbane stamp dealer) registered cover to USA with combination franking of Tasmania 6d Dilston Falls plus Roos Second Wmk 2d grey pair (creased) & single plus KGV 1d tied by Registered Brisbane cds in blue, red/black registration label, ‘PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE’ censor datestamp in red, customs label and stamp dealer’s address label adhered to reverse. Visually appealing. Victoria 1913 (Jul 15) registered cover to New Zealand with scarce combination franking of 1d Roo paying empire rate & Victoria 3d paying registration fee, GPO Melbourne red/white registration label, fine Wellington Registered backstamp, mild aging. Western Australia 1914 (Nov 2) cover to USA with WA ½d + First Wmk 1d red Die II pair tied by ‘TORBAY/WESTN AUST’ datestamp, minor edge defects.

$400 $350 $250

ex 772

ex 774 ex 775

ex 773

AUSTRALIA | Collections & Miscellaneous Groupings 772 */** 1913-84 Collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages few Roos to 1/-, 2/- (2), KGV Heads (54) to 5d (3), Heads optd ‘OS’ (7), ‘OS’ commems (6, incl Kingsford Smith pair with dubious opts), Commems complete incl 5/- Bridge (with gum crease), KGVI incl Robes (both papers), Arms (possibly MUH), 1963-64 Navigators incl 10/- (2), £1 (2), Decimals incl many MUH issues with 1971 Christmas 2 blocks of 7 & block of 25, etc. Condition of many pre-decimal issues is very mixed. Close inspection recommended. (100s) 773 */**/U 1913-65 Collection in ‘Old World Stamps Colour Album’ with various used Roos incl 2nd wmk 2/- brown, 3rd wmk 5/-, SM wmk 5/-, CofA 10/-, both 6d optd ‘OS’, few large and small perf ‘OS’ issues, CofA £1 & £2 (2), all 3 optd ‘SPECIMEN’, mixed wmks of KGV to 1/4d (5, incl perf ‘OS’), mostly used, KGV Heads optd ‘OS’ (7), perf ‘OS’ commems and ‘OS’ opts (13, mostly CTO from packs), Kooka M/S, 1932 Bridge set, 1934 Vic Centenary (2 sets P10½), most KGV-KGVI issues incl 1937-49 Robes (both sets, plus 10/- opts ‘SPECIMEN’), 1948-56 Arms (4, plus £2 optd ‘SPECIMEN’), 1963-65 Navigators to £1 (MUH/MLH), £2 CTO, also BCOF 1946-48 set (MLH) with Roller flaw on 1/-. etc. Mixed condition. (Approx 400 & M/S). 774 **/*/U 1913-40 Balance of A Collection with plenty of useful items remaining including KGV Engraved 1d pairs x3 */** one with Spear Flaw, 6d Kooka x2 used, KGV Single Wmk ½d green, 1d red & 1½d brown group mostly mint, 3d Airmail with ‘C’WEALTH OFFICES/20MY29/VIC’ datestamp, mint multiples including WA Centenary 1½d block of 6 two left-hand units with Roller Flaw, Kingsford Smith 6d violet corner block of 6 MUH, 6d dull brown & 6d grey-brown pairs MUH, 1/- Large Lyrebird optd ‘OS’ used, 6d Large Kooka block of 4 **/*, Vic Centenary P10½ 3d Flag on Tower with Miva (Qld) cds and 1/- Perf 10½ pair with Whitewood (Qld) cds, 1/- ANZAC pair & single MUH, Jubilee 3d block of 6 with Strong retouch under ‘U’ & ‘POSTAGE’, 3d bright blue block of 4 MUH, 2/- Jubilee pair MUH (gum bends), AIF set in pairs MUH plus 6d imprint strip of MUH, also lower value plate and imprint multiples, etc, condition generally fine. (100s) 775 **/*/U 1913-2008 Assortment in two stockbooks with Roos including First Wmk 5d mint plus 3d & 4d with ‘OPL’ private perfins used, 4d perf ‘OS/NSW’ changeling used, Third Wmk 2½d MUH, 2/- maroon mint & CTO, £1 grey optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C (small thin), CofA 10/- x2 used plus 2/- & 5/- perf ‘OS’ CTO, KGV Single Wmk 4d lemon used, SMult P13½x12½ 1d green Die I-II pair (Die II unit MUH), 4½d Die II CTO, 1/4d used, CofA 1/4d used, also Kooka M/S mint (poor), KGVI 3d blue Die I x mint & MUH, Thin Paper Robes 5/- imprint block of 4 & 10/- single, 10/- optd ‘SPECIMEN’ plus 5/- 10/- & £1 with telegraph punctures & defacing dye, Arms 10/- mint and £1 x2 & £2 used, BCOF to 2/- mint, patchy array of decimals, condition variable with toning in places.





Page 89

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 776 776

ex 777

ex 778

ex 779


1913-81 Collection in Seven Seas hingeless album including Kangaroos 1st Wmk 1/- variety wmk inverted commercially used, 2nd Wmk 5/- perf ‘OS’, 3rd Wmk values to 5/-, SM Wmk 5/- (2, one perf ‘OS’), £2 optd ‘SPECIMEN’, CofA £1 and £2, various KGV heads, commems, KGVI simplified, QEII to £1, 1966-81 decimals fairly complete, BCOF opts to 5/-, few Dues, etc, variable condition. (many 100s). 777 V/** ‘AUSTRALIAN POSTAGE STAMPS’ presentation folder of the Postmaster-General’s Department (mid to late 1932) containing [1] Kangaroo the three high values MUH optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C, SM wmk 10/- BW #48x (cat $750), 3rd wmk £1 Grey BW #53xb (cat $750) and £2 purple-black & rose with overprint variety Shaved ‘P’ BW #56Cxf (extrapolated cat $2,000); [2] CTO x62 including all KGV values from 1d Engraved and including ‘OS’ perfins and overprints (2d and 4d SM wmk) to 1/4d (‘OS’ perfin is single wmk, normal is SM wmk P13½x12½), Roos 6d chestnut ord and optd ‘OS’ are CofA wmk, to 10/- perf ‘OS’ 3rd wmk BW #48Bwa, includes 5/- SM wmk and perf ‘OS’ 3rd wmk. Also special issues thru 1932 Bridge set incl ‘OS’ opts and perfins. Cat as individual stamps well over $5,000 - having them all together is a serious bonus. (65) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroo & Map Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 778 U 2½d Indigo range of shades with some mixed condition comprising [1] 1st wmk x6, one (light stain) Islands east of Cape York [2L11] BW #9(2)f, one machine cancel, others cds incl variety (one blunted corner - not the variety); [2] 2nd wmk x8 cds incl horiz pair; [3] 3rd wmk x5 with perf ‘OS’ BW #11b vert strip of 3, Islands south of WA [2L30] (cat $125) and Retouch first A of AUSTRALIA + + [2L43] (cat $150), BW #11(2)g & l. High catalogue over $1,100. Good value. (19) 779 F 3d Olive Die I Wmk Inverted 1st wmk very w/c greenish shade, 3rd wmk yellowish shade BW #12a and 13a. Small perf blemishes, cat $375. (2)

ex 781

ex 782



$180 $100

ex 783

ex 780 780 781 782 783

*/U/D 1916-30 Selection comprising Roos Third Wmk 2d & 1/- plus KGV 4d lemon x3 on 1916 dated piece, Third Wmk 1/- & 2/- brown on piece, SMult Wmk 1/- Ash imprint pair mint, 2/- maroon mint x2, 5/- used/CTO x3 (two perf ‘OS’), variable condition. (8 items) V CTO Selection comprising First Wmk 5d, Third Wmk 10/- perf ‘OS’ x3 (two without gum), SMult 1/- perf ‘OS’ (no gum), CofA 5/- x2 (one without gum), variable centring, Cat $800+. U Perf ‘OS’ Selection in mixed fair to fine condition with 1st Wmk Large ‘OS’ x5 incl 4d orange x3 and small ‘OS’ x7 to 6d; 3rd Wmk x10 to 2/- maroon with some Die varieties, SM Wmk 6d, 9d and 1/- fine CTO. Plus KGV ½d green Single wmk x5 and LM Wmk x12 (one has ‘T’ perfin). (42) U Perf Small ‘OS’ Selection in mixed mainly fine cds condition [1] 1st Wmk 1d Die II poss unused, 2d pair machine cancel, 3d Die I, 6d, 9d; [2] 2nd Wmk 2/- short perfs top left; [3] 3rd Wmk 2½d x2 machine cancels. Nice variety, Retail c$500. (9)

ex 784 784






$300 $240 $100 $65

ex 785

Selection incl [1] 3rd wmk 6d chestnut (MLH), used range incl [2] 3rd wmk 2/- brown (14), [3] 5/- (8), [4] CofA 2/- maroon (4), [5] 5/- (2), [6] Perf ‘OS’ incl 3rd wmk 2½d blue (3), [7] SM wmk 6d chestnut (8). Condition is very mixed. (40) Selection with First Wmk perf Large ‘OS’ 1d, 2d, 4d (very fine), 6d & 9d plus 1/- with fake punctures, Small ‘OS’ 1/-, Second Wmk 2d, 6d & 5/- (parcels cancel), etc, centring variable, retail $600+. 3d Olive-Green Die II Perf ‘OS’ plus KGV 2d red perf ‘OS’ on 1923 (22 Jan) OHMS registered window-faced Tax Office envelope (corner crease) used from Sydney to Singleton, ‘AR’-in oval handstamp, BW unpriced on cover. Very rare shade, especially on cover.

$100 $180 $500

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ex 788 ex 787 787

ex 789


Varieties Selection mostly used with [1] 1st Wmk 2d wmk inverted; [2] 3rd Wmk 3d Die I White scratch from left frame to Albany in a vertical pair (variety unit repaired corner) & 3d Die II, 6d chestnut Hairline from value circle to map & 6d chestnut mint pair (tonespot) the left-hand unit Broken leg, 2/- maroon Flaw on ‘S’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’; [3] CofA Wmk 6d Oblique scratch from Broome to left frame & mint 2/- maroon Die II corner marginal example Chopped neck State II with additional break in coast above kangaroo; condition rather mixed, Cat $600+. (8) 788 */U Well-Filled Stockbook mostly used, all wmks represented with First Wmk 1d Reds x200 (mostlly Die IIA) including annotated varieties, 5/- mint (perf fault); Third Wmk 2d wmk inverted with private perfin, 3d x70+, 6d blue x37, SM wmk 9d mint, etc., some private perfins, possible postmark interest. (100s) AUSTRALIA | Proofs & Essays 789 1911 Stamp Design Competition by Grant of Wonthaggi being an unusual group of composite ‘miniature sheets’ of the five designs comprising the 1972 Cohen offset print in six colours on matt paper plus shades for four colours, and the higher quality letterpress 1998 reprints by Brusden-White in six colours on glazed card (red card with some soiling), sequentially numbered on reverse (Nº 100 of 100 sets produced), also proofs in black (2, uncut 150 x 50mm on varying stocks), and copy of letter from Australia Post acknowledging donation of original Grant letterpress block after the latter reprints were made. [see BW Kangaroos 1/19]

$150 $250


ex 790

ex 792 ex 791

ex 794

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 790 * ½d To 1/- lightly hinged with just the odd small perf or gum blemish, includes 1d Dies I & II, 3d is Die I, 9d has Two white flaws between value circle and SA coast [2L31] BW #24(2)l cat $450. Strong original colours, Cat $1,700+. (11) 791 U ½d To 2/- complete with extras and only small imperfections. 1d is Die II, 3d x2 shades both Die I, 4d orange x2 shades assumed BW #15A&C, 6d x3 shades may be BW #17A and #17C x2, 1/- x2 shades prob both BW #30A, 2/- appears dark brown BW #35B. All cds ex 2/- Perth registered oval, Cat $800+. (16) 792 */U ½d To 5/- Array on Album Pages mostly used with ½d block of 4 **/*, 2d Retouched upper-frame at left or Inverted wmk, 2½d Islands south of WA, 3d Die I x7 including a pair with 1915 ‘REGISTERED BRANCH/LAUNCESTON’ cds, 4d mint part gum & used x15 including 2 pairs & single with White scratch from ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to map, 5d x5, 6d x4, 9d x4, 1/- x8 including scarce block of 4, 2/- x5 (variable condition), & 5/- (corner fault), some perf blemishes, generally fine, many with cds cancels. (92) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark 793 ** ½d Green wmk inverted plate 2 interpane marginal block of 4, BW #1a, gum toning, MUH, Cat $1,100. Very rare. 794 V ½d, 1d Die II & 2d all with DE[3]/[13]’ CTO cancels, 1d & 2d are from the flat top 3 cancel, BW #1wb,3wb,5wb, odd perf fault, Cat $145+.

‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.

$360 $130

$260 $360 $80

Page 91

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ex 799 795


796 797 798

V * V





1d Red Die I use for redirection fee on PPC from England, originally to Hawthorn and then to Camberwell. light boxed ‘NOT KNOWN BY/LETTER CARRIER/CAMBERWELL’ on face. 1d Red Die II with Melbourne DE CTO cancel, BW #3wa. Much harder than the catalogue suggests. 1d Red Die II CA monogram single, BW #3(F)za, small hinge remainder, rough perfs, Cat $350. 1d Red Die IIA Plate G Cracked electro - state II [G26] (Adams, Bell & Pope state 4) BW #4(G)ka being the upper unit in a vertical pair, woolly perfs, well centred, lightly cancelled, Cat $500+. 2d Grey selection incl Large ‘OS’ horizontal pair and Small ‘OS’ single (perf tone), two varieties [1R37 cds, 2R10 machine cancel], two others (one cds, one BN ‘174’). Small blemishes, good to very good centring, min cat $260. (7) 2d Grey with Melbourne 24 CTO cancel for UPU distribution, BW #5wa, hinge remainder, good perfs.

ex 802 801 802


803 804 805 806

* U V *





ex 803

$200 $80 $250

ex 805

2d Grey with Brisbane CTO cancel, BW #5wd. Only 17 can exist. 2d Grey varieties [1] Retouch bottom frame at right and flaw in Gulf of Carpenteria [1L6], machine cancel; [2] Retouch left frame and shading NW of map [1L55] BW #5A(1)j, 1915 cds. Cancellations well clear of varieties, BW #5(1)d & j min cat $280. (2) 2½d Indigo & 3d Olive Die I BW #9,12, Cat $300. Two fine stamps. 2½d Indigo perf small ‘OS’, part ‘BENA(LLA) VIC’ cds BW #9bb, Cat $350. 2½d & 4d with DE[3]/[13]’ round top 3 CTO cancels, BW #9wb,15wb, Cat $175. 4d Orange BW #15, fresh MVLH, Cat $150.

4d Orange Perf Large ‘OS’ on 1916 (Jan 16) Perth registered official cover, unclaimed locally, being an attractive late use of this issue which had been replaced by KGV 4d a year earlier, minor blemishes. 4d Orange Perf Large ‘OS’ tied to 1916 (Feb 3) OHMS registered long cover by Perth cds with large red Perth registration label, manuscript “Unclaimed” and Perth ‘21FEB1916’ DLO boxed handstamp in violet.

Your material could have been here! Contact us to find out how.

$125 $200 $180

$500 $100 $150 $150 $100 $90

$120 $140

Page 92

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 812 809 810 811 812 813 814

V ** * V * *

4d Orange with Melbourne quarter CTO cancel, BW #15wb. 5d Chestnut BW #16, Cat $550, from pos 55. 5d Chestnut BW #16, off centre, Cat $225. 5d & 6d with DE[3]/[13]’ round top 3 CTO cancels, BW #16wb,17wb, Cat $200. 5d Chestnut with Colour flaw inside left frame off WA coast [1R57], BW #16(1)d, 2 tiny thin, Cat $450. 6d Blue BW #17, fine well-centred mint, Cat $275 with nice unplated left column Thinned left frame opposite bulge in WA coast.


815 816 817 818

* W F V

6d Blue BW #17C, fresh MVLH. 6d Blue with White flaw off WA coast [1R55], BW #17(1)e, MNG, couple of lightly toned perfs, Cat $450. 6d Blue with unlocated flaw Defective 2nd ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #17(U)d, tidy Melbourne cds clear of the flaw, Cat $2,000. 9d Violet with part Melbourne ‘AP[15]/[13]’ CTO datestamp, BW #24w, a few repaired perfs. Very scarce, only 200 issued.

$70 $80 $900 $80



820 821




9d Violet with DE[3]/13’ round top 3 CTO cancel, BW #24wb, Cat $150, with unplated Missing outline to top left serif of first N of NINE. 9d Deep Violet with Brisbane CTO cancel, BW #24wd, trivial thin spot, large-part gum. Rare only 120 issued. 9d Pale Violet Plate 1 Break in left frame opposite ‘A’, and white flaw below ‘AU’ [1R30] BW #24(1)e, well centred, neat postmark slightly impinges on flaw, Cat $175. 9d Violet with Break in coast in Gulf of Carpentaria, BW #24(2)r, Cat $550.



824 825


826 827

* V

1/- Emerald with Wmk Inverted, BW #30a, Cat $500 for commercially used, cancelled with unframed ‘M.O&S.B/DE29/13/ MILDURA’ (B1). 1/- Green with wmk inverted, BW #30a, small tear in lower right perf, centred left, lightly cancelled, Cat $500. 1/- Blue-Green variety wmk inverted BW #30Ca, postally used with part Stock Exchange ‘LATE FEE’ cancel a bit uneven. Postally used are uncommon, Cat $500. 1/- Green perf large ‘OS’, BW #30b, slightly nibbed perf, Cat $600. 1/- Green wmk upright with quarter Melbourne 24 CTO datestamp, BW #30wa, no gum. Only 400 issued.

$150 $180 $100 $110 $175

$110 $450 $75 $250

$80 $100 $125 $250 $600

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

828 829 830 831 832

V * V * V

1/- Green with Wmk inverted, [DE]3/[13]’ round top 3 CTO cancel, BW #30wb, Cat $150. 2/- Brown BW #35, Cat $650. 2/- Brown with part Melbourne ‘AP2[4]/[13]’ CTO datestamp, BW #35wa, no gum. Only 400 issued. 5/- Grey & Yellow BW #42B MLH, Cat $900. 5/- Grey & Yellow with half cancel of Melbourne ‘DE[3]/13’ cancel BW #42wb, without gum, excellent centring, Cat $300.



£1 Brown & Blue BW #51, with Blue dot after POSTAGE, with forged machine cancel, otherwise a fine stamp.

$90 $250 $500 $300 $160


ex 835




£2 Black & Rose handstamped ‘Specimen’ with duty plate flaw Broken coast in bight [R3] BW #55x(D)r, couple short perfs at top, MLH, Cat $850+. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 835 U 2d To 5/- Group on Album Pages with 2d x9, 2½d x3, 6d x3, 9d, 1/-, 2/- (surface abrasions) & 5/- x2 (both with telegraph punctures), generally fine. (20) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark 836 F 2d Grey Perf ‘OS’ with Scratch from value circle through map to T of POSTAGE [2L34] BW #6A(2)f (Greg Pope second state). Couple perfs lightly toned, near perfect centring, medium sock-it-on-the-nose cds ‘CAIRNS/7AU15/QUEENSLAND’, cat $300. 837 * 6d Ultramarine BW #18, gum lightly aged, very well centred, good perfs, fresh colour, Cat $400. 838 * 6d Ultramarine BW #18, fresh colour, MVLH, Cat $400. 839 * 6d Ultramarine Plate 2 JBC Monogram single with Partial offset, BW #18c(2)zc, uniformly aged, well centred, MLH, Cat $9,000 ($6,000 for Monogram plus another $3,000 for the offset) . 840 * 1/- Green BW #31, fine mint, Cat $375. 841 F 5/- Deep Grey & Yellow Perf OS BW #43b. Very lightly cancelled and well-centred, Cat $700 (retail rather less).

$400 $130

$100 $170 $180 $1,200 $160 $240

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

Page 94

ex 844

ex 845

ex 842


ex 843

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 842 U 2d To £1 Array on Album Pages with good range of shades including 2d Die I x12 plus Die IIA strip of 3; 2½d x17 including strips of 3 x2 plus two stamps with unlisted Island flaws; 3d Die I x12, Die II x7 including a possible Die I-II pair, Die IIB x8 including pair; 6d blue Die II x14, Die IIB x13, 6d Brown x27; 9d x19 including Die II Oblique Scratch from ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to Map and Die IIB Shading flaw above ‘I’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’; also 1/- x23; 2/- brown x7, 2/- maroon x5 including a pair, 10/and £1 Grey (crease); condition variable but mostly fine, Cat $3,000+. (160+) 843 **/* Mint Selection with 2d Die I, MUH 2½d single & marginal pair, 3d Die I, Die IIB x6 including marginal examples x2 MUH & a vertical pair */**, 6d blue Die IIB x2 (one with nibbed perfs), 6d brown x12 MUH including corner block of 4 and pair, condition variable but many are fine, Retail $1,200+. 844 SMult & CofA Wmk Range on Album Pages mostly used with SMult 6d x9, 9d (perf flaw) with Colour flaw off coast of Brisbane MUH plus used x9 including 2 pairs, 1/- x11, 2/- maroon x17 including two pairs, CofA 9d x2 MUH (one has gum toning) and used x16 including a pair, 2/- maroon Die II x3, 2/- Re-engraved strip of 3 MUH plus imprint block of 4 mint, 5/- used, etc, some blemishes but mostly fine. 845 U Wmk Inverted 3d olive Die I BW #13Aa o/c NE cat $150, 9d Die II BW #26a w/c cat $250. Both cds and small perf imperfections. (2) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark 846 U 2½d Blue Plate 2 flaws comprising [1] Very heavy coastline to WA - state I BW #11(2)da, stamp is torn; [2] Islands east of Cape York & [3] Islands south of WA BW #11(2)g; Cat $250 (excl 1st item). 847 * 2d Grey with wmk inverted BW #7a, well centred mint. 848 U 2d Grey Die I lower marginal CA monogram single, BW #7zb. Missing perf NE corner, part cds, cat $900 mint hinged (not priced used).








$575 $360

$240 $80 $65 $100 $140

ex 850

2d Grey Die IIA Substituted Cliché late state with Inner frame largely absent to left of A of AUST, BW #7(1)jb, two short perfs, Cat $2,000. 2d Grey Die IIA range in mixed generally fine condition cds (ex noted) with [1] varieties Break inner frame opposite TWO. . . [3R1] Pope p75, Shading line breaks upper third of stamp [3R54] BW #8o; [2] perf ‘OS’ with LATE FEE cds; [3] three normals, one only cds. Nice selection, min cat $250. (7) 2d Bluish-Grey Die IIA Plate 3, looks to be on milky-toned paper BW #8B. A nicely centred SW corner block of 4 [3L49-50/5556], couple small gum wrinkles noted for accuracy, strong fresh colour Cat $600 (4x singles).

$700 $80 $240

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

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853 854

* F



3d Olive Die I Perf ‘OS’ solo franking on 1918 (Aug 8) Melbourne OHMS local cover paying ½d per 2oz plus ½d War Tax printed matter rate x3 for item weighing up to 6oz, opened on three sides, some blemishes, BW #13Eb, Cat $350 on cover. 6d Grey-Blue Die II BW #19E. Nice example of a scarcer shade, Cat $475. 6d Blue Die II with Wmk Inverted, BW #19a. Quite a pale shade with Nov 1916 part registered cds. Very well centred, Cat $275. 6d Ultramarine Die II variety wmk inverted, BW #19Aa. Couple shortish perfs, part 1917 Adelaide registered cds, very well centred and fresh, Cat $175.

$120 $100 $120 $70

856 856 857 858 859

** V F **



6d Blue Die IIB MUH block of 20 (4x5) from bottom right of the pane, BW #20. Large blocks of this stamp are quite rare. 6d Blue Die II with small GPO Melbourne quarter CTO cancel, BW #20w. 6d Blue Die IIB Broken leg on Kangaroo, BW #20(3)d, Cat $750, faults. 6d Chestnut & 1/- Die IIB perf ‘OS’ BW #21ba & 33ba retail c$325. 1/- has small gum stain, both o/c and very fresh appearance. (2) 9d Pale Violet Die IIB Perf ‘OS’ marginal block of 4 [4L1-2,7-8] with complete GPO Melbourne CTO datestamp, unit 1 with Broken shading lines below POSTAGE (BW #27(4)d), no gum, BW #27wa. Multiples are elusive.

$6,500 $275 $80 $60 $250

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

861 862 863 864 865

** ** ** U F

1/- Emerald Die II BW #32, one short perf, Cat $275. 1/- Emerald Die IIB perf small ‘OS’, BW #33ba, Cat $225, off-centre to base. 2/- Maroon marginal pair, BW #38, woolly perfs, evenly aged gum, retail $1,250. 5/- Grey & Yellow perf ‘OS’, few nibbled perfs, BW #42, Cat $500. 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow BW #44D, odd short perf.

866 867 868

** F V

869 870

* F

5/- Grey & Deep Yellow variety Two breaks in NSW coast [R12] BW #44(D)l, fine unmounted, Cat $2,000+. 10/- Grey & Deep Aniline Pink BW #48B, lightly cancelled, Cat $375. 10/- Grey & Pink Perf ‘OS’ CTO, BW #48wa, with Misplaced roo (not as extreme as the catalogued variety), no gum, Cat $200. 10/- Grey & Pink Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B [L56], BW #48x, excellent centring, full gum, lightly hinged, Cat $600. £1 Brown & Pale Blue BW #52D.

871 872 873 874

G F * V

£1 Brown & Pale Blue with slightly misplaced Roo. £1 Chestnut & Blue Wmk Inverted BW #52Ba, few perf faults, Cat $4,250. £1 Brown & Blue Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B [L56], BW #52x, nibbed perf, full gum, lightly hinged, Cat $900. £1 Grey CTO with gum, very well centred, BW #53w, Cat $750.

$650 $650 $500 $600

875 876 877

W * *

$120 $100



£1 Grey Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C BW #53xb, few nibbed perfs, well centred, without gum, Cat $375. £1 Grey Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C BW #53xb, hinge remainder, full gum, very fresh, Cat $375. £2 Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B [L50], BW #56x. Some woolly perfs, minor gum adhesion & hinge-remainder, wellcentred and very fresh, Cat $500. [Unit L50 was used by Sperati to make his famous forgery.] £2 Purple-Black & Rose optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C, mild uniform gum toning, excellent centing, MUH, Cat $750.

$80 $150 $260 $160 $60

$1,000 $130 $110 $250 $320

$125 $260

Page 97

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 879

AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 879 F 6d To 1/-, 5/- SG #107-111 range. Very good perfs and centring, local retail $275. (4) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 880 * 1/- Blue-Green Ash imprint pair from Plate 4 part BW #34za. Better than average centring, both units hinged, right unit light bend, usual gutter fold, fresh appearance. 881 ** 2/- Maroon BW #39, (retail $575), centred high. 882 V 2/- Maroon Ash imprint pair with small GPO Melbourne CTO, BW #39wa(1)za, Cat $1,000 for mint. Scarce multiple.



884 885 886 887

V ** V *

5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange BW #45A unplated Break in back of neck with small notch below, hollow left ear and weak shading lines off west coast of Tasmania, well centred fresh MUH, Cat $1,500 as normal stamp. 5/- Greyish Black & Yellow-Orange CTO BW #45w, well centred, Cat $225. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #49, centred to lower left. MUH, Cat $3,000. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink BW #49 with very fine corner cancel. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C sub-type 1 (damaged ‘C’) with unplated White flaw on roo’s back etc, BW #49xb, fresh mint, Cat $1,750. Very scarce only 256 printed.

ex 890 888

$120 $80 $65 $250

$650 $120 $1,200 $400 $675

ex 891


10/- Grey & Pale Pink overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ type C sub-type 2 (shaved P), and Damaged grass right of roo etc [R56], BW #49xd, gum lightly aged, Cat $1,750. 889 * £2 Grey & Rose-Crimson optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #57x, very well centred, Cat $900. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 890 U Telegraph Cancels 5/-, 10/-, £1 and £2 (BW #46, 50, 54 & 58) with telegraph office cds (could be all Tasmania) and punctures. Good centring and perfs, cat $1,450+ as postally used. Fill those gaps at less than 10%! (4) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark 891 **/* Overprinted Specimen Type ‘D’ Group comprising 10/- x5 (one without gum, three are MUH), also £2 (heavy gum tone), Cat $700. (6)

Thinking of Selling? Contact us today to discover how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment.

$900 $300 $140 $150

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

Page 98

892 892








896 897 898 899

* F V V



ex 893

2/- Maroon BW #40, a NW corner block of 12 (4x3) with full selvedge (hinge remains) and including Chopped neck Roo - State II, break in coast above Roo [1L1] and White flaw on second L of SHILLINGS [1L10]. Couple light gum tone spots (one on the first variety) and storage related gum wrinkles noted for accuracy. Extrapolated catalogue value c$550 (ACSC does not value MUH varieties). Excellent positional. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die Authority imprint left corner blocks of 4 x8 all but one from the left pane, a few toning issues, six of the blocks are MUH, Cat $800+. (8)

2/- Maroon Redrawn Die in very deep shade, a fresh left corner imprint block of 4 lower pair MUH prob BW #41Bz. Some coloured shading spots upper right unit (prob due of heavy inking), well centred, Cat $200. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die a fresh gutter imprint block of 4 (25mm) prob BW #41Azd. Couple shortish perfs do not detract from a fresh nicely centred block Cat $300.

5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange BW #46A, perf blemishes at base, Cat $325. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink BW #50. Just o/c with neat part ‘AIR MAIL LATE FEE/5NO37’ cds. £1 Grey BW #54, off-centre to top right. £2 Grey-Black & Crimson BW #58B. Couple trimmed perfs noted for accuracy, otherwise very fine used with neat corner cds, Cat $750. [Roo’s ears in the ocean don’t qualify this fine stamp as the mis-placed kangaroo variety] £2 Black & Rose BW #58, some nibbed perfs at right, cds cancel, Cat $750.

$180 $260

$80 $140

$120 $125 $325 $260 $180

Page 99

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 901

ex 902

ex 904

ex 905

ex 906

ex 907

AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 901 F 1/4d Greenish Blue four cds shades, one of each wmk and perf, BW #128-131. S/wmk with small corner bend, overall reasonable centring, cat $230+ (least expensive shade). (4) 902 F/V 1/4d Greenish Blue x7 cds perf ‘OS’, CTO with gum ex noted, comprising [1] s/wmk with Thick 1 at right [1R57] BW #128m&wa VLH cat c$100↕, plus one postal; [2] SM wmk P14 postal - quite scarce retail cat $300; [3] SM wmk P13½x12½ x4 (3 without gum). CTOs with usual variable centring, total cat $700+. (7) 903 U 1d Red Off paper accumulation, many shades, etc. Generally fine. (450) 904 */U 1½d Red Die II accumulation on leaves comprising [1] assembled by left and right panes with BW and other identifiable varieties (may not be all correct) with Plate 1 (12 left, 7 right), Plate 2 (15 L, 11 R), Plate 3 (15 L, 15 R), Plate 4 (19 L, 23 R); [2] 78 more similarly but less tidily identified on eight more pages, this time including booklet Type B types (few inverted wmks) and with smattering mint. Generally sound throughout, needs a keen-eyed enthusiast to ratify and/or reorganise the presentation. (c195) 905 */W Array on Hagners with Single Wmk to 1/4d with ½d green, 1d Red x31 with lots of shades & some varieties including Flaw under neck x2, 1½d red strip of 3 and pairs x5, 1½d brown x8, 1½d green x9, 3d blue pairs x2, 4d orange x4, 4½d violet, 5d x2 & 1/4d (thin); LMult ½d x9 including pair, 1d green x4 including Flaw under neck, 1d red x5, 1½d black-brown x8 including pair, 1½d brown x8; No wmk 1½d red x2, plus SMult & CofA wmk range to 5d; careful viewing suggested as some stamps are stuck down. (170+) 906 */**/U Collection Incl [1] 1913 Engraved 1d (7) incl marginal strip of 5 MUH, marginal pair with ‘No 3’ and part imprint, [2] SM wmk P14 1d vertical pair one unit ‘Roo’s tongue out - corrected by re-entry (MUH), 4d olive perf ‘OS’ used, [3] SM wmk P13½x12½ 4½ violet (2, both perf ‘OS’), [4] CofA wmk ½d orange ASH imprint block of 4 with unit L60 showing Break in frame, (2 units MUH). Generally fine. (16) 907 F KGV Heads Set comprising 70 values with Single Wmk Smooth Paper 1d red Die II & Die III, 4d lemon with fine ‘REGISTERED/D/AP17/15/BENDIGO’ unframed cds (date error or colour changling), LMult Wmk 1d carmine, No wmk 1d & 1½d, Small Mult P14 ½d, 4½d & 1/4d, P13½x12½ 1d green Die II, 4½d Die II CTO & 1/4d, ‘OS’ overprints complete, all with tidy cds cancels, current Retail $1,500+. (70)

ex 909

ex 910

$80 $180 $80





ex 911

ex 908 908







Multiples on Hagners Single Wmk ½d green Electro 7 lower-right corner block of 12 (4x3) with ACSC listed varieties x4, plus marginal blocks of 6 x2 & block of 4, 1d red Single-line Perf block of 6 with Compartment lines, 1d red Comb Perf Smooth Paper strip of 3 with Wattle line, & Plate 4 part Harrison imprint block of 4 with varieties Ferns & ‘RA’ joined, 1d violet blocks of 4 x2 one with Flaw under neck the other with Ferns & ‘RA’ joined, also pairs x2 with Wattle line or Secret mark; 1½d black brown block of 10 (2x5) & block of 4, 1½d brown blocks of 4 x5 (four are MUH), 1½d green blocks of 4 x8 (four are MUH), LMult ½d green gutter block of 4 & pair, SMult P14 1d green block of 8 with Ferns & ‘RA’ joined - retouched, condition variable but generally fine. (35 items) Overprinted ‘OS’ selection all values except 5d and comprising [1] SM wmk 2d pair slogan cancel, 4d x3 with small uncatalogued varieties - one with bluish overprint BW #116(OS)c; [2] CofA wmk large range including opt and other ACSC-listed varieties, CTO or per favour cancelled blocks (eg ½d imprint block of 8, blocks of 6 x2, blocks of 4 x6, 3d block of 4), overprint varieties throughout incl Hollow ‘S’ in overprint, 1d greens [VI/22, VIII/25, VIII/60 x2], 3d [7L26], could be more. (80+) Perf ‘OS’ hinged selection (ex noted) with single wmk 4d orange (crease), blue and olive (tone spot), 1d red rough paper crease but may be better shade, 1½d scarlet o/c high, 2d orange; LM wmk ½d green MUH, ½d black-brown and brown. Some small imperfections, fresh colours, retail over $700 - pity about the blemishes. (9) Variety Selection incl [1] 1d violet pair, one unit Spot below neck, [2] block of 4 (2 MUH) with one unit Roo’s tongue out, [3] 1½d red wmk inverted, [3] block of 4 (2 units MUH) one unit HALEPENCE & Retouched ‘LIA’, [4] also pair (MLH) one unit Thin ‘RAL’. [5] 2d red-brown White flaw in left value tablet, [6] 3d blue pair, one unit Broken leg of emu. Four with variety illustrated by Jack Peake. Generally fine. (16)


$175 $80


Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

Page 100

ex 912

ex 913

ex 914

ex 915

ex 916

ex 917

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 912 U 1d Green Accumulation in mixed mostly fine condition on stockpages with ACSC, BSAP, flyspeck and other varieties including compartment and other marginal markings, one Inverted wmk, some Dry ink’, odd ‘OS’ perfin. Many are positionally identified, even more are not, and there’s a wide range of pale to deep shades. Just the ACSC-listed varieties cat around $500, good research material. (c155) 913 U 1d Violet Accumulation stockpages with ACSC, BSAP, flyspeck and other varieties including pre-printed paper irregularities, tin sheds, compartment and other marginal markings, CTO and odd ‘OS’ perfin, even a few Dry ink (couple of these seem right to us - cat $150 each). Many are positionally identified, even more are not, and there’s a wide range of pale to deep shades. Just the ACSC-listed varieties cat almost $600, excellent research material. (190+) 914 U 1½d Browns, Greens & Reds in padded 48 page stockbook (10 strips per page). Includes ‘OS’, some other official and some private perfins. Seek and ye shall find - for sure. (3360) 915 * 4d Violet 4d blue, 4d olive horizontal pair, 1/4d greenish blue (2), mixed condition. (6) 916 V CTO Selection with 2d red and red-brown, 4d olive x3 shades all perf ‘OS’, 4½d, 1/4d perf ‘OS’ (small inclusion). Four hinged og, others ng, strong fresh colours and generally well-centred. (7) 917 U Over Four Thousand 1d Reds on smooth, semi-surfaced and odd rough paper, generally fine and clean condition in deluxe Euro stockbook. Ex variety collector who is not colour-capable so there’s a high probability that better shades await the sharpeyed. Brief examination reveals some line perfs, page with Die II, OS perfins and wmk inverted, others with rough paper only, ‘OS’ perfins only, other varieties lurk throughout, few other perfins (‘T’, ‘OS/NSW’, etc). Great majority fine to very fine, just the odd with obvious faults, lots of cds. (4000+)


$200 $325 $100 $100


ex 920

ex 918

ex 919 918

ex 923

ex 924


Varieties in Blocks of 4 or other multiples where noted with [1] 1st wmk 1d red pr with Secret mark, 1d violet with Ferns, 1½d red with HALEPENCE and Thin RAL; [2] SM wmk p13½x12½ orange imprint block BW #68(9)z x4, 1½d red unplated with NE corner comp mark, also Plate 1 block of 8 with selvedge, 3d blue Die 1a with Perf ‘OS’ with 5R33 & 38 plus irreg block of 3 with 5R33; [3] CofA wmk 5d with Flaw king’s neck [3L5]. (13) 919 **/* Line Perforation 1d carmine-red BW #70A lightly hinged, retail $20; 5d chestnut (light shade) BW #122A fresh MUH with very slight offsets, premium quality stamp retail $225+. (2) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark 920 U ½d Green choc box on and off paper accumulation noting odd ‘OS’ perfin, range of shades pale to deep, postmarks mostly cds, some on small piece with 1d reds, few multiples. Varieties waiting for the eagle-eyed? (100s) 921 F ½d Green from Electro 1, the scarce JBC monogram single, BW #63(1)z. Part 1915 cds, Cat $300 as mint (not valued used). 922 F ½d Green Comb Perf Plate 3 variety Crack through SW corner [3L58] BW #63(3)h, light machine cancel, fine Cat $2,000 (2007). 923 U ½d Orange perf ‘OS’ x6 & perf ‘OS/NSW’ x32. Retail $570. Noticed one cancelled at Stanthorpe, Qld!. 924 F 1d Red Line Perf twelve cds carmine-red and deep red shades BW #70A & B including block of 4. Several with distinctive compartment markings incl two very pronounced across the top strongly suggestive of the upper row Plate 2 Pane III. Study material. (12)

$125 $80 $160 $100 $800 $350 $120

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014



Page 101

1d Pink Salmon Eosin BW #71SA, off-centre to right, gum redistributed, BW #71. Very rare. Drury certificate.


ex 927

926 927

* U

928 929




1d Carmine-Pink with Wmk inverted BW #71Ua, well centred, fine MLH. 1d Red Varieties mostly fine with [1] seven on smooth paper with pale shades x2 (stated old G14) and plated varieties [V/1 & 30, VII/1 x2 (one with Tin shed) & 32]; [2] on rough paper Die II x2, one rosine G68, the other stated to be lilac-rose (we’re not convinced); [3] plus LM wmk Cooke printing carmine-pink shade BW #73A with proving slogan cancel (creased). Nice specialist group with local retail c$700. (10) 1d Carmine-Red (G10) Die II with wmk inverted BW #71Aa(1)f. Off centre, neat Sept 8, 1914 cds (possibly Albury). 1d Carmine-Red (G10) Die II a well-centred block of 4 slightly reinforced with Die I-II pairs x2 apparently 2/37-38/43-44 BW #71(1)fa, lightly cancelled with ‘STOCK EXCHANGE/25NO14/MELBOURNE’ cds. [BSAP descibes all these units Die II, the left pair as merged Die II flaw] 1d Red Smooth Paper vertical pair on small piece with Substituted cliché Die I and Thin ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ (retouch) [IV/35, 41] BW #71(2)ja & k, Looks a common shade. Good perfs, Kapunda (SA) cds.

931 931





$110 $100 $120 $100


1d Scarlet-Red Smooth Paper (G17) with ‘CNE’ for ‘ONE’ flaw BW #71G(4)p, superb well centred example, dated ‘AU 16’, Cat $1,500. 1d Orange-Brown Rough Paper perf ‘OS’ Die I BW #72S, excellent colour, surface rub at base, rounded lower-right corner and a few nibbed perfs, minor edge toning on reverse, tidy slogan cancel. Keenly sought-after shade, Cat $6,000. Drury Certificate (2011). BW states at page 4/77 “It is a rare shade of which all examples are punctured ‘OS’”.

$1,000 $1,100

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ex 933 933










ex 934

ex 935

ex 936

ex 937

1d Red Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ from Plate 2 Substituted clichés Die II & I [IV/34, 35] BW #72bb(2)ia & ja. Appear common shades, Die I with rounded corners at base. Good cds examples, Cat $250 (as most common shade). (2) 1d Red Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ three key Plate 2 Pane IV varieties - Substituted cliché Die II and Die I, plus Thin ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ (retouch) [IV/34-5, 40] BW #72bb(2)ia, ja & k, Cat $280. Some woolly perfs, well-centred ex the first o/c SW, cds cancels, min Cat $280 (as most common shades). (3) 1d Red Rough Paper Plate 2 ACSC-listed varieties - incl Substituted cliché Die II and Die I [IV/34-5] and Thin ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ (retouch) [IV/40] Also Pane III posns 23, 29 and 42, Pane IV posn 46. Some small perf imperfections and couple a bit off-centre, two machine cancels, others cds, min Cat $350 (as most common shades). (7) 1d Carmine-Red Die III eight mainly fine well-centred examples (cds x5), includes horiz pair. At least two distinct shades and one listed variety Diagonal break NW corner [68] BW #75q cat $150 (Adelaide machine cancel). (8) 1d Violet off paper accumulation in small box noting odd perfin (eg ‘T’), odd ‘TATTERSALL’ underprint, range of shades from quite pale to very deep (aniline?), postmarks look to be mostly cds, some multiples (pairs, strips of 3). Varieties waiting for the hawk-eyed? (100s)

$120 $125 $140 $140 $150

ex 938 938






1½d Brown Die I mint selection with two plated blocks 4 [12R5-6,11-12] & [11R5-51,56-57], plus unplated blocks of 4 x2, pair & single. Useful group. 1½d Green with Very coarse mesh paper BW #88a (SG #61a). Neat Victoria cds April 16, 1924, Cat $400. With 2012 Ceremuga certificate “genuine in all respects”. 1½d Green Plate 14 Harrison imprint block of 4 (2 units *), BW #88z, minor toning mainly in margins, Cat $500.

$100 $180 $250

942 941 942




1½d Green with Cracked electro [12R22] BW #88(12)l. Neat Queensland TPO UP cds Nov 9, 1923, Cat $400. 1½d Red Die I with Substituted cliché (deformed right frame) [15R40] BW #89(15)ib. Exceptionally well centred, neat cds. Very fine, cat $750. 1½d Red with Cracked electro [17R26] BW #89(17)m. Very small imperfections, off centre high with May 17, 1924 cds (early date), Cat $250. [Similar item in Hardy sale was knocked down for $290]

$180 $250 $120

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ex 945

944 945 946

** **/* *



2d Orange Die I perf ‘OS’ vertical pair, typical ‘OS’ centring. Retail $250. 2d Orange Die I (MUH) and 1½d green (MH) both perf ‘OS’, typical ‘OS’ centring. Retail $175. 2d Dull Red major variety Retouched face [14L12] BW #96F(14)e. Small part right selvedge, almost imperceptible hinge trace, Cat $3,000. 2004 Drury certificate. 2d Red Die I with Retouched face, BW #96(14)d, 1923 Ardmona (Vic) datestamp, Cat $400. Spectacular & underrated variety.

$120 $80 $650 $350

ex 951

948 948


949 950 951 952 953

**/* * F F **

ex 952

2d Red-Brown Die I Plate 12 top right corner block of 28 (4x7) with Diagonal white flaw through TWO, White flaw on 2nd A of AUSTRALIA & Broken top to crown (BW #97(12)h,i,j). Fresh MUH from Australia Post archival sales. 2d Red-Brown Die I Electro 16 marginal block of 4 [16L31-32,37-38?], BW #97, two units MH. Retail $150+. Very fresh. 4d Buff-Orange with wmk inverted, BW #110Fa, few gum bubbles, MLH, Cat $150. 4d Orange perf ‘OS’ in 5 different shades incl lemon-yellow, Cat $215. (5) 4d Orange perf ‘OS/NSW’ in 2 different shades incl lemon-yellow, plus 3 other shades perf ‘OS’. (5) 4d Orange variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ BW #110(2)h, MUH, Cat $900.

$1,200 $80 $80 $90 $90 $450

Page 104

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ex 958 954










4d Violet upper Plate (Plate 1) right pane part imprint block of four [1R49-50 & 55-6] including BSAP varieties, most prominent being Top shading line break right of crown [1R49], others less easily seen [1R50 & 56]. Also Prominent Jubilee line break over ‘NT’ of ‘PRINTER’. Some re-inforced separations and thinned selvedge, well centred and very fresh. [A full imprint block cat $5,000] 4d Violet variety Line through FOUR PENCE retouched (thin FOUR PENCE) [2R12] BW #111A(2)ha. With some woolly perfs, very light hinge traces, fresh colour, Cat $600 (SG #64b cat £450). Popular variety with the fuzzy flaw above RVT to margin less pronounced (prob owing to make-ready). [A CTO example was knocked down for $575 plus premium in Hardy KGV sale] 4d Violet brownish gum, some woolly perfs, variety Line through FOUR PENCE retouched (thin FOUR PENCE) [2R12], BW #111(2)ha. Very good colour, popular variety Cat $750. 4d Blue Cooke Plates Perf ‘OS’ prob dull ultramarine shade, variety Thin FOUR PENCE later state (deteriorated) [2R12] BW #112(2)b,hb. Appears BSAP’s third state, indistinct corner cds and evidence of cleaning. Very scarce Cat $900 (2x normal). 4½d Violet BW #118 x45 incl two horiz pairs. Very wide range of shades, Cat $450. (45)

ex 960










$320 $200 $200 $125

ex 961

4½d Violet left marginal block of 4 with selvedge (some separations) and incl Flaw in left wattles [1L31] BW #118i. Pale shade, nicely centred and fresh, Cat $250. 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation BW #122, right pane varieties R19, R29 x2 (one perf ‘OS’), R59 x2 (States I & II), R60. One light registered oval, others cds, Cat $240. (6) 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation BW #122, left pane varieties L21, L25, L42, L56 (State II), L57. All cds, one a bit oily, Cat $210. (5) 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation with wmk inverted BW #122a. As a bonus, also has White flaw in upper left frame [1L7]. Light March 1917 LATE FEE cds, Cat $1,500.

$125 $120 $100 $800

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014







5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation CA monogram single [L56] with Damaged NW corner - State II, additional flaw in beard BW #122zd. Lightly hinged og with part ‘MELBOURNE/MR 2/15’ CTO cancel, Cat $500 (as mint). 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation JBC monogram block of 4 with Retouch NE corner [R59] and Damaged P in PENCE [R60], BW #122zf (lower pair only, both MUH). Selvedge and one upper unit light hinge traces, two crisp strikes ‘MELBOURNE/MR2/15’ CTO cancel, the monogram pair Cat $1,000 (as mint hinged). 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation JBC monogram single [R59] with Retouched NE corner BW #122zi. Lightly hinged og CTO with part ‘MELBOURNE/MR2/15’ cds, Cat $500 (as mint).

ex 966







969 970

** F

971 972 973 974

* ** * *

Page 105

$350 $650 $350

ex 967

5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf BW #123, left pane varieties L1, L13, L24, L30, L55, L59. All cds (one registered), Cat $180 (years out of date). (6) 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf BW #123, right pane varieties R19, R42, R59 x2(States III & IV), R60. All cds (one MOSB), Cat $200 (years out of date). (6) 5d Chestnut with wmk inverted BW #123Aa. Light abrasion noted for accuracy, nicely centred cds example, Cat $500. [Similar stamp in Hardy KGV sale went for $360 plus premium] 5d Yellow-Brown Comb Perf 14 BW #123E marginial block of 4 from top of the sheet, MUH, Retail $800+. 5d Bright Chestnut Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ BW #124, neat sock-it-on-the-nose ‘MELBOURNE/7/25SP20’ cds. Quite an early date, Cat $175. 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #128B, light hinge rems, very fresh Cat $250. 1/4d Greenish Blue perf ‘OS’ marginal, BW #128ba. 1/4d Greenish Blue perf ‘OS’, BW #128ba, hinge remain. 1/4d Greenish Blue variety Thick ‘1’ at right [1R57], BW #128Bm, dullish shade, Cat $350.

To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.

$90 $100 $300 $300 $90 $65 $160 $80 $100

Page 106

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 23rd August 2014

ex 976

ex 979 977 975 * 1/4d Greenish Blue three mint, BW #131, mixed centring, Cat $450. (3) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 976 U ½d Green choc box on and off paper accumulation noting ‘OS’ perfins, range of shades pale to deep, postmarks mostly cds, some on small piece with 1d reds, few multiples. Includes small tin with ½d oranges similar mostly SM wmk, some on small piece with 1½d reds. Varieties awaiting the sharp-eyed? (100s) 977 ** ½d Pale Dull Green with wmk inverted from Electro 4 BW #65(4)a, upper right pane large block of 42 with full selvedge top, left and right. Includes four BW-listed varieties at R5, 10, 34 (this one very prominent) & 40 as well as a number of BSAP-listed varieties (eg. R4, 13, 16 & 25). Couple units slightly sweated gum (not on the noted varieties), odd wrinkle or bend as well as some selvedge adhesions, very conservative extrapolated cat $2,000. 978 F 1d Carmine-Pink Cooke Printing BW #73A. Clear Feb 1918 corner cds (quite an early date). Upper margin with very light (probably removable) pink stain, nicely centred, very good perfs. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 979 F ½d To 1/4d complete ex 4½d with 3d Die Ia Type A, 4d perf ‘OS’. All corner CTO ex ½d postal same quality. Hinged og 1d, 2d and 3d, other no gum, all very fresh, retail c$250. (7)

AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 980 ** 1½d Red Die II Translucent Paper NE corner Plate 4 block of 4 BW #91aa(4)z. Couple light hinge traces in selvedge, slight perf comb misregistration. Very fresh, min cat $750↕. 981 * 1½d Red Die II Plate 1a AJ Mullett hinged imprint pair with distinctive Narrow first A in AUSTRALIAN, part BW #91(1a)za. Very fresh, prob BW’s rose-red shade.



$550 $125 $120

$250 $160

Page 107

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983 984

** **

1½d Red Die II with private perfin ‘PL/&B’ incompletely punctured and with variety Type B re-rentry, duplicate shading above right wattles, etc as BW #91(4)ga. Rounded SW corner, part slogan cancel, good colour, as normal Cat $750. [‘PL/&B’ is ‘Paterson, Laing & Bruce’, a furnishings company - Stanley Melbourne Bruce was a former Australian PM] 2d Red-Brown Die I BW #98, block of 4. Very fresh, retail c$700+. 2d Red-Brown Die I perf ‘OS’ right marginal vertical pair, BW #98ba, Cat $1,700, minor toning on rear. A very nice pair!

$120 $180 $230

ex 989 985 986

** F



988 989

** F

3d Blue Die Ia with wmk inverted perf ‘OS’ Type B [3-4R60], BW #106ab, typical ‘OS’ centring, Cat $250. 3d Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ Type A wmk Inverted with additional flaw Retouched upper frame at right, centred to the right, tidy cds cancel, Cat $150+. 3d Blue Die Ia Plate 4 AJ Mullett imprint block of 4 Cat $350. Some wooly perfs, three units Type A, one [R55] Type B, all with part ‘VIC AUST’ per favour cds, Cat $350 (as mint). 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #129, deep heavily inked shade and very fresh, Cat $900. 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #129A, two reasonably well-centred singles in slightly different shades. Neat Victoria cds, one Hampton 1927, one Gardenvale 1937 (very late). Nice copies, cat $150 each.

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$100 $80 $120 $260 $120

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ex 991

ex 990 990

ex 992


1/4d Greenish Blue BW #129A, very fresh, retail c$375. Plus well-centred 1d green, 1½d red and 3d dull blue Type A. Retail $440. (4) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 991 **/* 2d To 5d Group MUH unless noted, includes 2d red Die II & Die III (MLH) in pairs, 3d blue Die Ia & Die II (both in MLH pairs), 4d olive TLC block of 4 (2 units creased) & 5d marginal single. Retail about $680. 992 V ½d To 1/4d CTO accumulation with ½d orange x5 (includes Die 1a), 1d green perf ‘OS’ x2, 1½d red x10 shades. 1½d brown x2 (one perf ‘OS’), 3d blue Die II x5 (perf ‘OS x3), 4d olive shades x6 (normal x2, perf OS’, opt ‘OS’), 4½d violet Die II x2, 5d brown x7 (perf ‘OS’ x4), 1/4d o/c, one each 2d and 5d surcharge. Some without gum, overall well centred and very fresh, min cat $775, excellent value. (42)

ex 993

$110 $130


ex 994


996 993


½d To 4d Officials Perf OS ex noted with hinged 1d, 2d red-brown x2 (one creased), 3d Die Ia; MUH ½d, 4d olive. Plus MUH 4d optd ‘OS’. (7) 994 */** Mint Group [1] ½d Orange block of 12 with one unit showing official substitution by Post Office (4 units MUH), ½d part imprint block of 12 [L49-60] unit 54 with Break in top frame (8 units MUH), [2] 3d blue Die 1 horizontal pair MUH (tone spots), [3] 3d blue Die II perf ‘OS’, [4] 5d brown, marginal (MUH), [5] 1/4d greenish blue (MLH). Generally fine. (29) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 995 ** 1d Green block of 8 containing two Die I-II pairs & two Die II-I pairs, fresh unmounted, Retail $400+. 996 ** 1½d Red Die II Translucent Paper Plate 3 BLC block of 24, hinged in margin only, Translucent paper not catalogued in this perf. Rare.

$75 $150 $300 $270

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ex 998 997






3d Blue Die Ia lower marginal block of 4 [4R53-54,59-60] with selvedge, the lower pair are Type A-B ** (Type A has BSAPrecorded variety White flaw in front of emu’s leg), upper pair lightly hinged both Type A, with 4R54 variety Retouch upper frame at right BW #107n. Excellent multi-variety positional with min cat c$650. 3d Blue Die II selected blocks with Plate 5 postally used block of 4 incl variety [5R20], horiz large block of 10 posns 25-36 incl variety [5R33], perf ‘OS’ John Ash imprint block of 4 og with June 1933 Adelaide cds prob per favour. Nice group, cat c$260. (20) 5d Orange-Brown Die II John Ash imprint block of 4 BW #126z. All units MUH (gutter hinge rems), very fresh, Cat $350.

$180 $120 $125

ex 1003

1/4d Greenish Blue rare franking in combination with 6d Kookaburra and 4d Koala tied by ‘LATE FEE/ADELAIDE RLY.’ cds to 1938 (3 Feb) airmailed commercial cover to Germany. Late use for this 1/4d printing, 2/2d aggregate franking representing 2/1d ½oz Airmail rate to Germany via Greece + 1d Late Fee. [It would appear Adelaide Railway experienced limited demand for a 1/4d denomination, and may not have requisitioned stock of the later printings.] 1001 * 1/4 Greenish Blue BW #130. Just the lightest hinge trace and couple barely perceptible gum tone spots. Unplated variety Small (½mm) compartment mark above crown. Well centred with very fresh appearance. 1002 ** 1/4d Greenish Blue centred low John Ash imprint pair being part BW #130A. Usual gutter fold, excellent colour, as two MUH singles Cat $1,000. AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1003 ** ½d To 1/4d set of 8 plus 2d Wmk inverted ASC #113-120. Some variable centring top three values, 3d with light stain, otherwise fine and very fresh, current retail c$590. (9) AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 1004 ** 3d Blue Die II block of 4 BW #109. 1005 ** 3d Blue Die II Plate 8 fresh MUH complete sheet of 120 with White flaw in beard, Distorted I in AUSTRALIA & White flaw on emu’s back (BW #109j,k,l,za). Ex Australia Post archival sales.



$260 $75 $300 $150 $240 $8,000

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ex 1009

1006 1006 ** 1007


1008 V 1009 */F 1010 V

4d Olive fresh MUH plate 4 top left corner block of 40 (5x8) with Kangaroo’s tongue out & White flaw on lowest bloom of left wattles (BW #117(4)e,f). Ex Australia Post archival sales. 5d Yellow-Brown BW #127B early use being tied by Emerald cds to 1932 (Mar 12) registered cover to Melbourne, blue and black registration label, nice use some fortnight after first reported date of issue. 5d Orange-Brown perf ‘G/NSW’ with Frame missing behind kangaroo - State II [3R60] being variety of BW #127A(3)na, cat $500 (in 2007). A very fine well-centred bottom marginal with full Jubilee Line selvedge and light cds. Missing from many collections. 5d Orange-Brown Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #127(OS), one fresh mint hinged, another with neat corner CTO (may be 2L25), a third postally used cds. Tidy lot, cat c$175. (3) 5d Orange-Brown Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ a fresh og John Ash imprint block of 4 BW #127(OS)z, part Melbourne 1933 CTO cds. Light hinge traces on selvedge, interpolated cat c$240.

$1,600 $70 $300 $90 $125

ex 1012

ex 1011 1011 ** 1012 F 1013 ** 1014 *

5d Orange-Brown Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ Plate 2 Ash imprint block of 4 BW #127(OS)z; also 3d optd ‘OS’ BW #109 block of 4; both items with mild gum toning, MUH, Cat $500+. (2 items) 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #131 x12 all with NSW datestamp cancels, fine/very fine used, Cat $180. (12) 1/4d Greenish Blue variety Retouched thick ‘1’ at right BW #131Ama, fresh MUH, Cat $375. 1/4d Greenish Blue (Sept ?) BW #131, with KGVI 2d Die I BW #187 alongside Air Mail etiquette, all tied to envelope paying ½ oz rate to London by Adelaide slogan ‘CONVEY CONGRATULATIONS BY TELEGRAM. . .’ machine cancel. Interesting combination franking usually paid by 1935 1/6d Hermes. 1/4d on cover Cat $250. [Redirected within London on arrival]

$180 $100 $200 $140

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