40 minute read
Transfer Programs/Options
Scholarships are awarded based on a student’s merit and grades, not financial need. 1. High School four-year: The national high school four-year, active duty scholarship is for high school students planning on attending a four-year college program. Applications should be submitted by November 15. Applications submitted past that date are considered; however, late applications may not be as competitive due to selection time frames. Applications may be obtained at armyrotc.com/edu/azstate/index.htm. 2. College four-year: These active duty scholarships are for college freshmen in their First-Year of a five-year undergraduate plan. Contact the department for more information. 3. College three- and two-year: These active duty scholarships are for students already enrolled in a college or university with three or two academic years remaining. 4. Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty: These reserve component, two- and three-year scholarships are strictly dedicated for those students desiring to serve in the U.S.
Army Reserve or Army National Guard. Living Expenses. Scholarship and all Advanced Course students also receive a monthly, nontaxable living allowance for each school year. The amount depends on a student’s level in the ROTC curriculum: freshman: $300; sophomore: $350; junior: $450; senior: $500 per month. Simultaneous Membership Program. Under this program, ROTC students may simultaneously be members of the Army Reserve or the National Guard. The combination of advanced course living allowance and pay for Army Reserve or National Guard participation can provide between $550 and $1,000 per month. Graduate and Professional Studies Programs. Graduate students may also enroll in the ROTC program. Outstanding students who desire to earn graduate or professional degrees may request and receive an educational, active duty delay of up to four years. Nurse Program. By joining Army ROTC, nursing students can enhance their leadership skills and critical-thinking abilities while obtaining financial support. Besides great scholarship opportunities, Army ROTC nurse cadets may also qualify for cash bonuses. In addition, nurse cadets have an opportunity for a unique summer nursing experience. The paid, three-week Nurse Summer Training Program assigns cadets to Army hospitals throughout the U.S. and Germany. This program is designed to introduce nurse cadets to the Army Medical Department and to the roles and responsibilities of an Army nurse. Cadets work under the supervision of an Army nurse and obtain hands-on experience. This one-on-one clinical experience allows students to hone their clinical skills, develop their problemsolving techniques, and become comfortable with developing their professional skills as a member of the U.S. Army Healthcare Team. Being an Army nurse provides opportunities not found in the civilian world. Army nurses also have the opportunity to train and serve in a variety of specialties.
CONTACT: Honors Program Office (602) 285.7305 Honors
The Phoenix College Honors Program provides opportunities for bright and talented students to make the most of their higher education through access to small classes, outstanding faculty, campus involvement, community service, travel, and interaction with other like-minded students. We promote intellectual, social, and personal development to help prepare you for an increasingly complex world. There are two pathways into the Honors Program. Recent high school graduates may qualify by graduating with a 3.25 GPA or higher. Current Phoenix College students qualify once they have earned at least 12 college-level Maricopa credits and carry a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. See the application for complete eligibility requirements. Qualified students must apply for the Program in the Honors office (Room HB-111). To graduate with Honors Program designation, Honors students must complete at least 15 semester hours of Honors courses at Phoenix College and earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5. Call 602.285.7305 for more information. Honors offerings vary from semester to semester: check with the Honors Office to verify.
The program to be followed at Phoenix College depends upon the requirements of the four-year institution to which the student plans to transfer and the specific major of the student. Students should consult the catalog of the institutions to which they expect to transfer. Faculty and academic advisors will assist students in their selection of courses for transfer. Contact: Transfer Center Information: 602.285.7110 Appointments: 602.285.7777
Associate in Arts − AA/8400
The Associate in Arts degree is designed for students planning to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. See page 120 or visit the Transfer Center for more information.
CONTACT: Mr. E. Erspamer, Program Director: (602) 285-7171 and/or lisa.saper-bloom@phoenixcollege.edu
Associate in Arts, Fine Art — AAFA 8105
“College Art” is used to designate the curriculum students should follow if they expect to transfer with the Associate in Arts degree after two years to a four-year college or university out of state. The courses which are offered at Phoenix College include the customarily required subjects for the first two years of a four-year curriculum. Students planning to take their first two years of work at a community college should take only those courses in art that are offered as lower division level courses at the college or university to which they plan to transfer. Entering students should always consult the catalog of the college or university to which they plan to transfer so they can determine the specific requirements and select courses accordingly. A student may find that the courses required for the Associate in Arts degree would not fulfill the requirements necessary for the program of study at the university. In that case, it would not be advisable to pursue such a degree.
For specific transfer information on the programs at the three Arizona universities, students should follow the AAFA-Art degree, refer to the respective university catalogs, and review the general transfer statements, see an art advisor, or visit the AZCAS Web site: http:// az.transfer.org/cas/students/index.html
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts (AAFA) Degree
Description: The Maricopa County Community College District Associate in Arts, Fine Arts (AAFA) degree requires a minimum of 60 semester credits for the program of study; however, minimum total credits for the AAFA vary by specific emphasis (Art, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree) Search at https://curriculum.maricopa.edu for credit minimums for individual degree programs by emphasis. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 and grades of C or higher are required to earn the degree. The AA-FA degree is governed by the MCCCD General Academic Policies for Transfer Degrees (https://curriculum.maricopa.edu/curriculum/ degrees-certificates/associate-degrees/academic-policies).
The Associate in Arts, Fine Arts degree includes the following components: I. Program Prerequisites (if applicable, for versions with an emphasis only) II. Required Courses (for versions with an emphasis only) III. Restricted Electives (for versions with an emphasis only) IV. Arizona General Education Curriculum for Arts (AGEC-A) V. MCCCD Additional Requirements (Oral Communication and
Critical Reading) VI. General Electives (if needed to reach minimum credits for degree)
Purpose of the Degree
The Associate in Arts, Fine Arts (AAFA) degree is designed for students planning to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. In general, the components of the degree meet requirements for majors in the Fine Arts. The degree is designed to prepare students to meet selective admission criteria for programs such as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a portfolio or performance requirement. In most cases, courses used to satisfy the MCCCD Associate in Arts, FIne Arts (AAFA) will apply to general university graduation requirements of the majors that align with the AAFA degree; however, students need to be aware of any specific requirements of their intended focus at the university to be sure they select courses that will meet them. Information regarding the articulation of the AAFA degree with majors at the Arizona public universities can be accessed via the following website: www.aztransfer.com
Degree Requirements
The requirements for the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts (AAFA) follow. No versions of the AAFA require fewer than a minimum of 60 credits; however, minimum total credits for the AAFA vary by specific emphasis (Art, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree) Search at https://curriculum.maricopa.edu for credit minimums by emphasis. The following websites identify the courses that apply to the different General Education Core and Awareness Areas: AGEC-A and the AGEC matrix. Courses available for both Areas during a current or upcoming semester can also be found using the "Find a Class" tool on maricopa.edu and on each MCCCD college’s website.
Requirements Credits
I. Program Prerequisites......................................Number varies
Program prerequisites for the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts degree vary by specific emphasis (Art, Dance, Music, Musical
Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree) Search at
https://curriculum.maricopa.edu for specific courses and credit minimums by emphasis. II. Required Courses...............................................Number varies
Required (major-specific) courses for the Associate in Arts, Fine
Arts degree vary by specific emphasis (Art, Dance, Music,
Musical Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree)
Search at https://curriculum.maricopa.edu for specific courses and credit minimums by emphasis. III. Restricted Electives...........................................Number varies
Restricted electives for the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts degree vary by specific emphasis, and are not required for version of the degree without a specific emphasis (Art, Dance, Music, Musical
Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree) Search at https://curriculum.maricopa.edu for specific courses and credit minimums by emphasis. IV. Arizona General Education Curriculum -- Arts (AGEC-A) ...................up to 44
The AGEC-A requires a minimum of 35 credits (32 if FYC is met by single transfer course)*, however, prerequisite/required/ restricted elective courses may also meet AGEC-A requirements and credits count once toward the total for the degree.
Therefore, the AGEC-A may be met with fewer than 35 credits (fewer than 32 if FYC is met by single transfer course)* as long as all requirements listed in this section (IV) are completed.
Courses applied to meet AGEC-A requirements vary by emphasis (Art, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre). Refer to the Program (Degree) Search at curriculum.maricopa.edu for specific course requirements. Some courses may be met by Required Courses or Restricted Electives. Some of these courses also have Awareness Areas designations and can be used to satisfy [C], [G] and/or [H] requirement(s) as well as other AGEC requirements, Required Course(s) or Restricted Elective(s). AGEC designations are subject to change. Courses may meet more than one requirement but are only counted once toward the total credits for the degree. See AGEC matrix for each course's value(s) in the semester it is taken.
A. First-Year Composition [FYC]....................................6* ENG101 OR ENG107................................................(3)* AND ENG102 OR ENG108......................................(3)* *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full.
B. Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L]...................................3
C. Mathematical Applications [MA].............................3-6 Requires a course in college mathematics (MAT140, MAT141, MAT142, MAT145, MAT146) or college algebra (MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, MAT155, MAT156) or precalculus (MAT187) or higher [MA]approved general education course. D. Computer/Statistics/ Quantitative Applications [CS]...........................................3
E. Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]..............................6
F. Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]..................................6 Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline.
G. Natural Sciences [SQ/SG]............................................8 The lecture courses selected for Natural Sciences must include or be accompanied by the corresponding laboratory courses for a total of four credits each. Credits for lecture and lab components may be combined or each may carry separate credit. At least four credits must be designated as SQ -Science Quantitative. Eight (8) credits of SG -Science General will not satisfy this requirement.
H. Awareness Areas......................................................0-6 Some courses may be used to satisfy other AGEC requirements and one or more Awareness Area(s). (See AGEC matrix for current course values.) 1. Cultural Diversity in the United States [C].............(0-3) 2. Global Awareness [G] OR Historical Awareness [H]......................................(0-3) V. MCCCD Additional Requirements........................................0-6
These requirements may be shared with other AGEC requirements. See the AGEC matrix on aztransfer.com for course designations.
A. Oral Communication.......................................................(0-3) Refer to emphasis area (Art, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre) for specific COM course required from the following: COM100 [SB] Introduction to Human Communication OR COM110 [SB] Interpersonal Communication OR COM225 [L] Public Speaking OR COM230 [SB] Small Group Communication (3 credits) OR COM100AA & COM100AB & COM100AC [SB] (3 credits) OR COM110AA & COM110AB & COM110AC [SB] (3 credits)
B. Critical Reading................................................................(0-3) Students may demonstrate proficiency through assessment. CRE101 [L] College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking OR equivalent as indicated by assessment
VI. General Electives..................................................................0-25
Select courses 100-level or higher to complete a minimum of 60 semester credits but no more than a total of 64 semester credits, which is the maximum number of credits accepted toward most degree programs at Arizona’s public universities.
Ideally, students should select courses that meet requirements for their major/area of interest and transfer institution. See
General Associate Degree Academic Policies for further details, limitations and guidelines.
Maricopa courses and external courses evaluated as Maricopa equivalents, departmental electives (e.g., HISELC for a history elective), or general electives (GENELC) that are numbered 100 level or higher, and completed with a grade of C or higher, may be applied in the elective area, regardless of potential transferability to other institutions. It is recommended, however, that students planning to transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution meet these general elective requirements with courses that are transferable and applicable to their intended university degree. Transfer and major guides are accessible on the following websites: aztransfer.com, maricopa.edu/transfer/ partners, as well as those of individual universities. For appropriate course selection, students should consult with an academic advisor.
AAFA (No Emphasis)................................................................60 AAFA, Emphasis in Art.............................................................60 AAFA, Emphasis in Dance...................................................... 62 AAFA, Emphasis in Music........................................................66 AAFA, Emphasis in Musical Theatre.......................................66 AAFA, Emphasis in Theatre.....................................................61 *64 semester credits is the maximum accepted toward most degree programs at Arizona’s public universities. Some exceptions apply; consult with an advisor for additional transfer pathways. CONTACT: (602) 285.7651 and/or PC-Liberal-Arts@phoenixcollege.edu
American Indian Studies
60-64 Credits Suggested
The area of American Indian Studies (AIS) provides a multidisciplinary understanding of the history and present situation of the indigenous peoples of North America. AIS courses emphasize American Indian history, culture, language, literature, arts, philosophy, religion, politics, and sovereignty. Students wishing to transfer to a four-year degree institution with a major and/or minor in American Indian Studies may enroll in transferable general education and lower division AIS courses at Phoenix College. Students are advised to check with a Phoenix College academic advisor, as well as the transfer institution, before enrolling in any of the following courses. Suggested Courses: 60-64 Credits Social-Behavioral Sciences: 9 credits AIS101 . . . . . . . . . .Survey of Native American Issues .......... 3 AIS/SOC141 . . . . . .Sovereign Indian Nations.................. 3 AIS/HIS170 . . . . . .American Indian History of the Southwest . . . 3 Humanities, Arts and Design: 7 credits ENH259 . . . . . . . . .American Indian Literature ................ 3 HUM105AB . . . . . .Cultural Perspectives: Native-American Ideas/Values ........................... 1 REL203/AIS213 . . .American Indian Religions ................ 3
Restricted Electives: 12-15 credits AIS110 . . . . . . . . . .Navajo Government...................... 3 AIS112 . . . . . . . . . .American Indian Policy ................... 3 AIS160 . . . . . . . . . .American Indian Law..................... 3 AIS/MGT203 . . . . .Fundamental Economic Development for Indigenous Nations ...................... 3 CPD103BE . . . . . .Native American Cultural Pride and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Awareness ............................. 2 ENH260 . . . . . . . . .Literature of the Southwest ............... 3 HIS106 . . . . . . . . .Southwest History ...................... 3 Natural Sciences: 8 credits BIO109 . . . . . . . . . .Natural History of the Southwest ........... 4 CHM107 . . . . . . . . .Chemistry and Society ................... 3 CHM107LL . . . . . . .Chemistry and Society Lab ................ 1 Literacy: 3 credits REL203/AIS213 American Indian Religions ................... 3 Suggested General Education: 19 credits ENG101/107 . . . . . .First-Year Composition +.................. 3 ENG102/108. . . . . .First-Year Composition +.................. 3 CRE101. . . . . . . . . .College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking + 3 COM100. . . . . . . . .Intro to Human Communication (3) OR COM110 . . . . . . . . .Interpersonal Communication (3) OR COM230. . . . . . . . .Small Group Communication + (3) OR COM263. . . . . . . . .Elements/Intercultural Communication + (3) .. 3 MAT151 . . . . . . . . .College Algebra/Functions +............... 4 CIS105 . . . . . . . . . .Survey of Computer Information Systems .... 3
CONTACT: Business Department (602) 285.7387 and/or https://www.phoenixcollege.edu/business
The Department of Business offers curriculums of six general types: 1. That which provides the first two years of regular four-year college bachelor's degree programs. 2. That which provides the business student with a broad general education with reference to business. 3. That which provides specialized two-year training in six areas: a. Accounting b. Banking and Finance c. Computer Information Systems d. General Business e. Management f. Marketing 4. That which provides courses for job upgrading in selected areas for adults. Please see a Program Director or the Department Chair to ensure that you are completing the appropriate coursework.
CONTACT: Business Department (602) 285.7387 and/or https://www.phoenixcollege.edu/business
Associate's in Business -- GR/8900 and SR/8800
ABUS-GR: Purpose of the Degree
The Associate in Business General Requirements (ABUS-GR) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. In general, the components of this degree meet requirements for the various business majors (except Computer Information Systems) at Arizona’s public universities. Computer Information Systems majors should follow the Associate in Business Special Requirements (ABUS-SR) pathway instead. Generally, the degree transfers as a block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities and other institutions with district-wide articulation agreements.
ABUS-SR: Purpose of the Degree
The Associate in Business General Requirements (ABUS-SR) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. In general, the components of this degree meet requirements for Business’ Computer Information Systems majors at Arizona’s public universities.. Other Business majors should follow the Associate in Business General Requirements (ABUS-GR) pathway instead. Generally, the degree transfers as a block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities and other institutions with district-wide articulation agreements. See the ABus-GR and ABus-SR degrees on Pages 127-128 for more information. Pre-Law in Business Administration: A pre-law student may pursue a program of study in the field of liberal arts or in the field of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Students planning to meet their pre-law requirements by taking a business administration curriculum should see both the pre-law advisor and the business administration advisor before completing enrollment. CONTACT: Physical Sciences Department (602) 285.7138
Associate in Science — AS 8600
The Chemistry Department suggests these courses for students preparing to pursue a bachelor of science degree in chemistry at a four-year institution. Successful completion of this curriculum satisfies the requirements of the Arizona Associate in Science (AS) Chemistry degree, and should qualify students to transfer with junior status, but specific requirements may vary. Students should seek advisement from any institution to which they intend to transfer.
Recommended Courses:
CHM150 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry I + ................... 4 OR CHM151 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry I + ................... 3 CHM151LL . . . . . . .General Chemistry I Lab + ................ 1 CHM152 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry II + ................... 3 CHM152LL . . . . . . .General Chemistry II Lab + ................ 1 CHM235 . . . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry I + ............ 3 CHM235LL . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry I Lab + ......... 1 CHM236 . . . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry IIA + ........... 3 CHM236LL . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry IIA Lab + ....... 1 OR CHM238 . . . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry IIB + ........... 3 CHM238LL . . . . . .General Organic Chemistry IIB Lab + ....... 2 MAT221 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry I + ........ 4 MAT231 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry II + ....... 4 MAT241 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry III + ....... 4 MAT262 . . . . . . . .Differential Equations + .................. 3 PHY121 . . . . . . . . .University Physics I: Mechanics + .......... 4 PHY131 . . . . . . . . .University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism + ............... 4 The Chemistry Department suggests students take the following course: CIS162 C: Level I+ (or equivalent course in programming to solve problems). Students who wish to complete an AS are urged to consult with a Phoenix College academic advisor to plan an appropriate program of study. MCCCD degree and transfer options information is available beginning on page 113 of this catalog.
CONTACT: Rody Randon (602) 285.7312
For Professional, Academic, or Personal Development:
Communication courses are available during the day, evening, and on weekends. Courses are designed to meet general education requirements for an Associate in Arts (AA) degree and/or equivalent transfer requirements for universities. Courses may also be taken for academic or personal development. Careers in Communication: Communication majors today find high rates of employment in a wide variety of fields including public relations, law, teaching, consulting, human resources, mediation, and business. A communication degree provides a person with skills highly desired in today’s economy, which include writing, listening, and public speaking; critical thinking; research; and small group collaboration. Professional positions in communication usually require a Bachelor’s or post-graduate degree. The outlook for communication majors remains high in this age of information.
Communication Majors: A student may graduate with an AA Degree at Phoenix College. It is required, however, that communication majors transfer to a four-year college or university to obtain a bachelors degree in communication. Communication majors are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor in order to meet the requirement needs of your chosen four-year institution. Accurate advisement now will avoid transfer problems later. For details, contact the Advisement Center.
CONTACT: (602) 532-8700 and/or https://www.phoenixcollege.edu/iti
Computer and Information Technology
The following transfer options are currently available. Contact the Maricopa IT Institute at Phoenix College for more information.
Arizona State University:
75/45 Program: Bachelor of Applied Science: Cybersecurity
Northern Arizona University: 90/30 Program: Interdisciplinary Studies - Technology Management 90-30, Bachelor of Science
University of Arizona:
75/45 Program: Bachelor of Applied Science: Cyber Operations 75/45 Program: Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Computing: Emphasis in Network Operations 75/45 Program: Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Computing: Emphasis in Software Development
CONTACT: Counseling Department (602) 285.7392 https://www.phoenixcollege.edu/students/counseling
A new degree, the AA/8137 Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Counseling and Applied Psychological Science, is now available. Contact the Counseling Department for more information.
CONTACT: (602) 285.7319
Students wishing to pursue a four-year degree in Education, including Elementary, Special, Bilingual, English as a Second Language (ESL), Early Childhood, and Secondary Education, may enroll in general education and lower division education requirements at Phoenix College. Transfer requirements vary at four-year institutions and most universities require a separate application to Education programs. Students are urged to seek advisement on degree requirements, course selection, and transfer process. (Also see AAEE degree on this page.) Education courses are available for majors and for students exploring the field of Education. The following courses require field experience hours (additional observation hours in a classroom setting): EDU220 Introduction to Serving English Language Learners (ELL), 15 hours; EDU221 Introduction to Education, 30 hours; and EDU222 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner, 15 hours. EDU291 Children’s Literature, ENG213 Introduction to the Study of Language, MAT156 and MAT157 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I and II, are courses offered at Phoenix College that provide the opportunity for students to value literature, understand the development of the English language, and investigate mathematical principles and processes of various teaching methodologies in a classroom.
Associate in Arts In Elementary Education (AAEE)/8101 Degree
The AAEE is designed for the student who plans to transfer to an Elementary Education program at an Arizona public higher education institution and/or who plans to become a classroom instructional aide. The degree has two major components: I. MCCCD General Education
Arizona General Education Curriculum for Arts (AGEC A)
MCCCD Additional Requirements II. Elementary Education Requirements
Education Foundations
Electives for Arizona Professional Teacher Standards Visit the following Web site for more information: www.maricopa.edu/academic/teachered/
CONTACT: Physical Sciences Department (602) 285.7143
Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. Engineering education requires four or more years of study to attain the skills required to become a member of this profession. Phoenix College offers the first two years of core courses along with additional prerequisites which may be transferred into engineering programs offered at four-year institutions. Phoenix College works directly with all of the Arizona universities to ensure that the lower division courses taken here will transfer directly into their engineering programs. The basic mathematics and science requirements are rigidly prescribed in engineering curricula. Students attending Phoenix College for lower division courses should complete the courses listed below for transfer to a four-year engineering program. In addition, students may complete the lower division general education requirements.
Suggested Courses:
CHM151 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry I and Lab+ ............. 4 CHM152 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry II and Lab+ ............ 4 ECE102. . . . . . . . . .Engineering Analysis Tools and Techniques .. 2 ECE211. . . . . . . . . .Engineering Mechanics-Statics+ ........... 3 ECE212. . . . . . . . . .Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics+ ........ 3 ECN211 . . . . . . . . .Macroeconomic Principles ................ 3 ENG101 . . . . . . . . .First Year Composition+ .................. 3 ENG102 . . . . . . . . .First Year Composition+ .................. 3 MAT151 . . . . . . . . .College Algebra/Functions + .............. 4 MAT182 . . . . . . . . .Plane Trigonometry+ .................... 3 MAT220 . . . . . . . . .Analytic Geometry and Calculus I+.......... 5 MAT230 . . . . . . . . .Analytic Geometry and Calculus II+ ......... 5 MAT241 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry III+ ........ 4 MAT262 . . . . . . . . .Differential Equations+ ................... 3
PHY111. . . . . . . . . .General Physics I+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PHY112. . . . . . . . . .General Physics II+ ...................... 4 PHY121. . . . . . . . . .University Physics I: Mechanics+ .......... 4 PHY131. . . . . . . . . .University Physics II: Electricity/Magnetism+ . 4 • Civil Engineers should take ECE241 Plane Surveying+. • Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering students should take
CHM151, CHM154, CHM235, and CHM236. • Mining and Petroleum Engineering students should take CHM151,
CHM154, CHM235, CHM236 and GLG140. It is suggested that students plan their engineering curriculum and general education electives in consultation with an engineering advisor.
CONTACT: Charlynn Brandom, Department Chair (602.285.7287) OR Tanya Mure, NAU Program Coordinator (602.285.7148)
Family and Consumer Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) Career and Technical Education
Phoenix College/NAU Transfer Pathway
The Phoenix College/NAU Transfer Pathway for students seeking the Family and Consumer Sciences emphasis must complete the following lower-division courses: AGEC A/S. . . . . . . . .................................. 35-38 CFS116 . . . . . . . . . .Discipline and Guidance .................. 3 CFS/ECH176 . . . . .Child Development ...................... 3 CFS178 . . . . . . . . . .Survey of Early Childhood Education ........ 3 CFS256. . . . . . . . . .Management in the Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 FON104 . . . . . . . . .Certification in Food Service Safety and Sanitation .............................. 1 HRM110 . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management ........................... 3 HRM Elective . . . . .Any HRM Course (Except HRM110)......... 3 INT105 . . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Interior Design ............. 3 INT150 . . . . . . . . . .Color and Design ........................ 3 INT170 . . . . . . . . . .Interior Materials + ...................... 3 MKT/TEC109 . . . . .Introduction to Fashion Merchandising (3) OR TEC125. . . . . . . . . .Fashion Design ......................... 3 TEC111 . . . . . . . . . .Clothing Construction .................... 3 TEC122. . . . . . . . . .Sewing with Knits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CFS/FON/INT/TEC Electives (Except courses already listed) ..... 8
CONTACT: (602) 285.7651 and/or PC-Liberal-Arts@phoenixcollege.edu
Liberal Arts and Sciences
This option is suggested for those students planning for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science Degree. It is a four-year curriculum path, with the first two years (lower division) given at Phoenix College by completing either the Associate in Arts/8400 or the Associate in Science/8600 degree. The requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees are similar in that both call for a considerable distribution of studies; yet they also permit specialization, and require sufficient emphasis in major fields to insure some degree of mastery. The distinction between the curriculums offered for the two degrees generally lies in the fact that for the Bachelor of Arts degree, emphasis is placed on a broader humanistic program, whereas for the Bachelor of Science, greater emphasis is placed on a special scientific field. Upper-division work (last two years), which the student will begin on transferring to a four-year college/university, is usually concerned with mastery in the field of a student's technical or professional interest. Major and minor requirements are usually made in reference to this field of concentration. The Bachelor of Arts degree is granted usually to students who major in English, art, foreign language, social science, and similar subject fields; the Bachelor of Science degree is given for work in mathematics and sciences. Students should decide as soon as possible which degree they intend to work toward, since there may be significant differences in requirements. It would be equally valuable for students to decide on the college at which they would continue their upperdivision work, and to carefully consult the catalog of that college, in order to conform with the specific requirements of the school to which they intend to transfer. Students should confer with an advisor prior to registering. Please see transfer information on pages 147-148.
CONTACT: Dr. K. Schindler, Department Chair: (602) 285.7273 and/or karl.schindler@phoenixcollege.edu
All courses in Music are open to all students. One does not have to be a music major in order to take private lessons or take courses. The faculty cordially invites every student of Phoenix College to take some music as an elective and to enjoy the benefits of the many recitals and concerts offered every semester. Scholarships are available to music majors as well as non-music majors for some Music ensembles. Contact the Fine and Performing Arts Department for information. Music majors are entitled to some private instruction fee waivers — see Program Director. Music majors must meet with an advisor in the M Building every semester before enrolling in courses.
CONTACT: Ms. S. Green, Program Director: (602) 285.7894 and/or stephanie.green@phoenixcollege.edu
The MCCCD Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Nutritional Science degree and AGEC-A meets major requirements and facilitates admission to the degree program at any one of the three Arizona state universities. Upon transfer, students will follow the additional requirements for a bachelor's degree. Nutrition majors study all things food! From food and nutrition management to nutrition communication to food studies, a nutrition major opens the door for students to pursue careers in food, health care, schools, supermarkets, athletics, and wellness industries. A Nutrition major's complete coursework covers the scientific method, statistics, nutrition, food production, food marketing, and more. With a bachelor's degree, nutrition students may also pursue graduate education in health care. Additionally, students may pursue a dietetics concentration which prepares students to apply to a dietetic internship and become Registered Dietitians through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
CONTACT: Ms. J. Laffoon, Coordinator, Photography Studies: (602) 285-7280 and/or lisa.saper-bloom@phoenixcollege.edu
Photography courses are open to all students. One does not have to be an art major in order to take photographs or take courses in the department. The faculty cordially invites every student of Phoenix College to take photography as an elective and to enjoy the benefits of learning principles of composition and darkroom techniques. Contact the Fine and Performing Arts Department for information.
CONTACT: (602) 285.7295 and/or marty.minton@phoenixcollege.edu
Physical Education
Phoenix College offers both a general and a transfer curriculum in Physical Education, Health and Recreation. Students who wish to transfer should see an advisor for easy transition to four-year institutions.
Suggested Courses:
HES100 . . . . . . . . .Healthful Living ......................... 3 PED101. . . . . . . . . .Physical Activities ....................... 2 BIO201 . . . . . . . . . .Human Anatomy and Physiology I +......... 4 BIO202 . . . . . . . . . .Human Anatomy and Physiology II + . . . . . . . . 4 HES154 . . . . . . . . .First Aid/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ..... 3 HES271 . . . . . . . . .Prevention and Treatment/Athletic Injuries.... 3 REC120. . . . . . . . . .Leisure and the Quality of Life ............. 3 General Education Requirements must also be met. Students should select courses in consultation with a department advisor.
CONTACT: Physical Sciences Department (602) 285.7143
The following curriculum is suggested for those students planning an advanced degree with a major in physics. It is designed to correlate with the lower division programs at four-year colleges and universities. Students should consult a department advisor regarding General Education Requirements.
Suggested Courses for Physics majors:
CHM150 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry I + ................... 4 OR CHM151 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry I + ................... 3 CHM151LL . . . . . . .General Chemistry I Lab + ................ 1 CHM152 . . . . . . . . .General Chemistry II + ................... 3 CHM152LL . . . . . . .General Chemistry II Lab + ................ 1 MAT221 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry I + ........ 4 MAT231 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry II + ........ 4 MAT241 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry III + ....... 4 MAT262 . . . . . . . .Differential Equations + .................. 3 PHY121 . . . . . . . . .University Physics I: Mechanics + .......... 4 PHY131 . . . . . . . . .University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism + ............... 4 CONTACT: Ms. C. Powers, Department Chair: (602) 532.8615
For Students Planning a University Program
University Transfer Students:
Students who are planning to earn the Bachelor of Science in Nursing may obtain their prerequisite courses at the Maricopa Community Colleges. For information on courses that meet requirements for admission into a baccalaureate program, please contact a program advisor. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at one of the Arizona public universities will find the required coursework at the AZTransfer Web site: http://aztransmac2.asu.edu/cgi-bin/ WebObjects/ATASS.woa/wa/DegreePathwayAZ. Consult with an Academic Advisor for more details.
Students interested in careers as lawyers, doctors, or physical therapists are advised to meet with an academic advisor in the Hannelly Center One Stop as early as possible. Academic advisors will help students plan their path through their associate’s degree, on their way to a bachelor’s degree, in order to submit a competitive application to graduate/professional school. Phoenix College offers an array of high-quality courses that are required for admission by professional schools in law, dentistry, medicine, chiropractic, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy, podiatry, public health, and veterinary medicine. The courses listed in the suggested curriculum are minimum requirements for students who wish to enter professional schools. Students should check the catalogs of each school to which they plan to apply in order to determine specific admission requirements, since there are differences among schools. Students should understand that while many professional schools do not technically require a bachelor’s (baccalaureate) degree for admission, because admission is highly competitive it is rare for students without a bachelor’s degree to be accepted. Thus, an educational plan for a pre-professional student should include transferring to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree, prior to applying to professional school. An associate's degree from Phoenix College is the first step in this process.
Associate's degree (Phoenix College) > Bachelor’s degree (from a university such as ASU, U of A, or NAU) > Professional school (i .e . law school, medical school, chiropractic school) Academic advisors will support students’ degree and course planning, as well as provide information on required admission tests (e.g., LSAT, MCAT, PCAT, VCAT), strategies for securing letters of recommendation, and resources for gaining needed clinical experience.
Law schools require a bachelor's degree for admission, but they do not require that you select a specific undergraduate major or degree. Moreover, there are no specific prerequisite courses required to apply to law school. The best preparation for law school is to take a variety of courses which challenge you intellectually through reading, writing, critical thinking, and analysis, all of which can be obtained from any major. The American Bar Association recommends that students pursue a bachelor’s degree that interests and challenges them, in addition to improving their research and writing skills. An academic advisor can assist you in understanding your degree and
transfer options, as well as selecting courses and experiences that will help you on your path to law school. For information on pre-law programs of study, contact Academic Advising in the Hannelly Center One Stop (602.285.7777) Students interested in Phoenix College’s Paralegal degree program should contact an advisor in that area at lasadvisor@phoenixcollege. edu.
The following list is not all-inclusive. Each school and field has subtle differences in the requirements for admission. Many students planning a pre-health career choose to earn an Associate of Science degree at Phoenix College, on their way to earning a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, or biochemistry. However, no specific major is required in order to apply to medical school, as long as the pre-requisite coursework has been successfully completed. For a complete list of prerequisites, check with the professional schools to which you plan to apply.
Core courses:
BIO181, BIO182 . . .General Biology (Majors) I-II with labs + ..... 8 CHM150 or CHM151 and CHM151LL .. General Chemistry I and Lab (also known as Inorganic Chemistry + ..... 4-5 CHM152 and CHM152LL. . General Chemistry II and Lab + (also known as Inorganic Chemistry)............. 4 CHM235 and CHM235LL. . .Organic Chemistry I and Lab + ..... 4 CHM236 and CHM236LL. . .Organic Chemistry II and Lab + ..... 4 ENG101 . . . . . . . . .First-Year Composition + (3) OR ENG107 . . . . . . . . .First-Year Composition for ESL + (3) AND ENG102 . . . . . . . . .First-Year Composition + (3) OR ENG108 . . . . . . . . .First-Year Composition for ESL + (3)......... 6 MAT212/213. . . . . .Brief Calculus + (4) OR MAT220 . . . . . . . . .Calculus with Analytic Geometry I + ...... 4-5 PHY111, PHY112 . . . .General Physics I and II and Labs + ........ 8 Microbiology (BIO 205), Biochemistry (CHM 260 and CHM 260LL), and statistics (e.g., MAT 206 or PSY230) may be required by some professional schools. In addition to the aforementioned, many dental, pharmacy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy schools require two semesters of anatomy and physiology (BIO201 and BIO202). Many physician assistant and optometry programs require only one semester of anatomy and physiology (BIO201). Some bachelor’s degrees require up to 16 credits of a second language, as well as additional general education requirements that must be completed. Consult with an academic advisor regarding transfer options and specific degree requirements. For information on pre-health programs of study, contact Academic Advising in the Hannelly Center One Stop (602.285.7777)
CONTACT: (602) 285.7794 and/or deborah.webster@phoenixcollege.edu
Careers In Psychology - Psychologists are concerned with the scientific study of behavior. Psychology is a beneficial major or minor for students interested in education, business, journalism, medicine, law, social work, management, or any of the human service fields such as nursing, child care, medical technology, law enforcement or real estate. Professional positions in the field of psychology require a master’s or doctoral degree. Employment for individuals with graduate degrees will be growing in counseling, clinical and business settings. Related areas are personnel management, public relations, sports and recreation, speech pathology, educational psychology, vocational rehabilitation, gerontology, business management, and computer science. Employment in colleges and universities remains competitive. Psychology Majors - You may graduate from Phoenix College with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree, and major in psychology at a four year college or university. Psychology majors are strongly encouraged to consult with a psychology department faculty member for advisement. Transfer requirements for majors in Psychology differ at various colleges and universities. Accurate advisement now will reduce transfer problems later. In addition to specific psychology courses, psychology majors are usually required to take some courses in related areas such as mathematics, computer science, and a foreign language. General Education areas are always required. General Education areas are usually in English Composition, Oral Communication, Mathematics, Humanities, Arts and Design, SocialBehavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences. There may be other requirements in addition to these. Contact the four year college or university for details.
Suggested Core Psychology Courses for Majors
PSY101. . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Psychology ................ 3 PSY230. . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Statistics + ................ 3 PSY231. . . . . . . . . .Laboratory for Statistics + (Optional)........ 1 PSY290AB . . . . . . .Research Methods + .................... 4
Students majoring in Psychology should choose no more than 6 credit hours from the following list of electives. PSY132. . . . . . . . . .Psychology and Culture (SB, C, G) .......... 3 PSY143. . . . . . . . . .Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Studies (C) ............................. 3 PSY156. . . . . . . . . .Understanding Death and Dying ............ 3 PSY215. . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Sport Psychology + ......... 3 PSY218. . . . . . . . . .Health Psychology + (SB) ................. 3 PSY235. . . . . . . . . .Psychology of Gender + (SB, C) ............ 3 PSY240. . . . . . . . . .Developmental Psychology + (SB) .......... 3 PSY250. . . . . . . . . .Social Psychology + (SB) ................. 3 PSY260. . . . . . . . . .Psychology of Personality + (SB) ........... 3 PSY262. . . . . . . . . .Positive Psychology + .................... 3 PSY266. . . . . . . . . .Abnormal Psychology + (SB) .............. 3 PSY267. . . . . . . . . .Introduction to Forensic Psychology + ....... 3 PSY277. . . . . . . . . .Psychology of Human Sexuality + (SB) ...... 3 PSY292. . . . . . . . . .Psychology of Altered States of Consciousness + (SB).................. 3
CONTACT: Dr. C. Marín, Program Director: (602) 285-7303 and/or lisa.saper-bloom@phoenixcollege.edu
The Theatre curriculum covers the following fields: acting, scenic design, lighting design, stage make-up, technical theatre, study of theatre history and the great playwrights and play production. Students who enroll in this curriculum do so for both cultural and vocational purposes.
Several plays are staged during the year in both traditional and experimental forms. Students desiring to work on these major productions should arrange their schedules so they will be General to rehearse at the times scheduled. Auditions are held for each production and all students in the College are eligible whether or not they are in drama classes.
Theatre Majors: Students intending to transfer to a university to complete a degree in theatre arts should consult that university’s catalog to insure compliance with transfer requirements.
You may graduate from Phoenix College with an Associate in Arts/8400 or 8107 Degree, and major in theatre at a four-year college or university. Theatre majors are strongly encouraged to consult with a theatre department faculty member for advisement. Transfer requirements for majors in theatre differ at various colleges and universities. Accurate advisement now will reduce transfer problems later.
It is highly recommended that all theatre majors complete the required courses as indicated for transfer to any of the three state universities, particularly ASU. Failure to complete the lower division required theatre courses may result in the student being denied entry into their major field of concentration until lower division course requirements are met. Theatre majors must meet with Christina Marín, the Program Director for Theatre. Dr. Marín may be reached at 602.285.7303.
Unlimited Opportunities.
Your goals matter. We want to help you reach them.
Whether you want to earn an associate degree, get a head start on your bachelor's, or receive workforce training.
Fields of Interest organize degrees and certificates that share similar areas of study, allowing you to identify your skills and interests to find a career path that’s best for you.
For an overview of the Maricopa Community Colleges’ Fields of Interest, please watch the following video:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ QTk-powzIgI
Maricopa Community Colleges can help pave the best path for you.
From day one, you’ll see how our affordable tuition, world-class faculty, small class sizes, and innovative programs can support your success.
COVID-19 Updates: Visit together.maricopa.edu to get updated COVID-19 information and to see what we're doing to help you learn safely.
University Transfer
for students who want a bachelor's degree
Maricopa-ASU Pathways Programs (MAPP)
The Maricopa Community Colleges and Arizona State
University have a strong history of working together to support transfer student success. Our partnership is designed to promote positive and seamless experiences for Maricopa students who transfer to ASU.
The partnership goals are:
• Double the number of Maricopa students transferring to
ASU over the next five years. • Double the percentage of Maricopa students transferring to ASU with an associate degree. • Increase the success rate of Maricopa transfer students at
ASU in terms of earning a bachelor’s. • Ensure seamless transition of students between Maricopa and ASU.
• Expand opportunities for direct transfer to specified ASU degree programs.
The pathway programs are:
• Maricopa-ASU Pathways Program (MAPP) • Maricopa-ASU Exploratory Pathway Program • RN-BSN Pathway Program • AAS to BAS Program
To be eligible for the Maricopa-ASU Pathways Program, you must:
• Be currently enrolled at a Maricopa Community
College. • Be interested in transferring to Arizona State University in the next three years. • Know your intended major. ASU transfer staff is available at each of the Maricopa Community Colleges and are able to assist you with the transfer process.
NAU Connection
Find NAU on campus. Flexible scheduling, earn a bachelor's degree right here in the Valley.
U of A (The University of Arizona) Bridge Program
The Maricopa Community Colleges UA Bridge program is a life-changing opportunity, so learn more today!
Much more at https://www.maricopa.edu/academics/ university-transfer/partners