10-Step Approach For Hassle-Free Networking In Windows 7 Window 7, an older version of the operating system, is still used by a large number of Windows enthusiasts due to its various features and added advantages. Yet, the OS is also a big headache for it users as it is prone to lot of errors and bugs that affect its overall performance. Windows 7 networking issue is simply one of them and you can dial a customer helpdesk support number for Windows 7 to get rid of such odd issues. Sometimes, Windows users find it hard to get rid of the issue of unidentified network and no internet access in Windows 7. In such a condition, the best they can do is to follow this 10-step approach to get a smooth and hassle-free networking in Windows 7. If you having any issues related to Windows 7, click here at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/phonehelp-desk/instant-and-reliable-resolution-to-common-windows-7problems/742796009155912 1. Put the network agent out of action: When your screen shows you the message of unidentified network and no internet access, all you need to do is to disable the network agent and a 3rd party firewall that can be a big culprit. 2. Network card driver update: To make a smooth networking, it is vital that you update your driver through Windows or you can also download the driver manually with some DIY instructions from the manufacture’s website. 3. Restart modem and router: It is useless to waste valuable time. So, simply restart the router and modem as it will help you know where the loophole really exists. 4. Reorganize TCP/IP stack: Another thing that you can do is to reset network settings with the TCP/IP stack. Here, you need to run the Microsoft FixIt solution.
5. Router firmware upgrade: If you are not able to reach any conclusion, you can also try to upgrade you router firmware. So connect to router via a web browser. 6. Use only one connection: Some Windows 7 users use an Ethernet and a wireless connection simultaneously on your devices. It is likely to cause an issue. So, you can disconnect and restart the one to know if you are getting Internet access for both networks individually. Bridging the connection can help you a lot. 7. Schedule adapter settings: You can also try another trick by checking adapter setting by going to Network and Sharing Center> tapping on Change Adapter Settings>clicking on Local Area Connection or Wireless Network Connection> and then selecting Properties. 8. Disable virtual Ethernet adapters: If you have installed virtual machine software in Windows 7, then unable the same by going to Device Manager. It will disconnect the Internet from your virtual machine. 9. Enable/disable network connection: Do the same by entering into the Network and Sharing Center> tapping on Change Adapter Settings>and choosing the network adapter. You can re-enable the network connection after a few minutes. 10.Dial a toll-free technical support number for Windows 10 upgrade if all is not well with the networking. These steps are proven and are likely to solve your issues in an effective manner.