Know The Tips To CusTomize CorTana
show or ConCeal The searCh buTTon • Cortana allows you to customize its search button as per your requirements. You can select between two modes – either a full size search taskbar or a simple button that you just type and search your information. • To do so, you need to make a right click on the taskbar portion and take the cursor through the Search field, and then you will come across two options – Show search icon and Show search box. Select one as per your needs.
CorTana seTTings • When you first launch the digital assistant, it will ask you to name it. Just provide your name – this is what Cortana would address you whenever you use it. Then, you will have to mention your location so that it can give you personalized search results, though you can disable it for your privacy. • While setting up your Cortana, you may come across some technical hurdles. It’s common to experience such problems and you can easily overcome such situation as you can customize Cortana with tech support without any technical problems.
“hey CorTana” seTTings • Then it comes to “Hey Cortana” settings. If you wish the feature to work accurately for you, you need to click “learn my voice.” The program takes you through a set of process so as to ensure the microphone is functioning appropriately. Once you configure it, the digital assistant will identify your voice and bring out the result in accordance with your requirements.
CorTana home •
You can have your preferred contents on the Cortana home. When you open the assistant, it comes out with a series of stuffs that it believes you will be interested in. It all works as per your personalized settings.
While setting up its Home screen, you would get several categories such as Eat & Drink, Events, Finance, Getting Around, Meetings & Reminders, Movies & TV, and others – you can select as per your requirements.
So, these are some popular things that you can customize in accordance with your requirements. Cortana allows you to make it the most personalized assistant that can work only for you.
While personalizing the digital assistant, you may come across some potential technical problems. Don’t get dismayed as you can access Windows 10 technical support at all time.
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