Top 5 Most Common Windows 7 Problems And How To Fix Them
1. Windows 7 Seems Slow
Windows 7 is eager for assets. It highlights numerous visual impacts
that draw substantial on your design card and framework memory. In the event that your framework was moderate out of the case, odds are you can without much of a stretch settle that by killing pointless impacts. Go to > Start and type ‘performance‘ in the search field. Select >
‘Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows‘ from the results. The > Performance Options window will open. Under > Visual Effects select > Adjust for best performance. If you would like to retain a nice interface, select > Custom and check > ‘Use visual styles on windows and buttons‘.
2. Windows Aero Not Working
Go to > Start and type > ‘regedit‘ into the >
search option. Launch regedit and browse to > KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\DWM. The value of the entry > ‘EnableAeroPeek‘ should be set to 1, rather than 0.
3. Older Programs Not Compatible To install a program in Compatibility Mode, right-click its >
installation file and select > Properties. In its > Properties windows switch to the > Compatibility tab, check > ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for:‘ and from the > pulldown menu choose the latest version of Windows of which you know that the program was running on. You may have to repeat this step with the program itself once
it is installed. Right-click the > program icon, select > Properties, switch to > Compatibility tab, check > ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for:‘, and choose the respective Windows operating system.
4. DVD Drive Not Found Click > Start, search for > ‘regedit‘ and launch it from the >
results. Navigate to > ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class‘. In the > right-hand panel delete > ‘UpperFilters‘ and > ‘LowerFilters‘, restart Windows and see if the problem was resolved. If not, click > Start, type > Disk Management, and select >
‘Create and format hard disk partitions‘. In the > Disk Management window right-click on the > optical drive icon and select ‘Change Drive Letter and Paths‘. In the > Change Drive Letter and Paths window click the > Change… button and choose a new drive letter. Restart Windows and hope the issue was fixed
5. New Themes Change Custom Icons
So you switched themes and found that some of your
custom icons where changed? That’s quite annoying, but it’s easy to prevent. Right-click > desktop, select > Personalize, in the control panel windows that opens switch to > Change Desktop Icons, and in the > Desktop Icon Settings window uncheck > ‘Allow themes to change desktop icons‘.
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