Opening Your Heart with a Picture to Text Memory

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Opening Your Heart with a Picture to Text Memory

Create your own jigsaw puzzle of memories by adding the words that created the moment, capture the picture to text and you’ll create the perfect gift.

In today’s world, there are so many opportunities to show someone how much they mean to you. And, there are so many choices to make when it comes time to get that special something. What is the best path to choose when trying to find the perfect gift? The best gift you can give is something that takes thoughtfulness, time and has personal meaning. Even when getting something special for yourself, you want it to be something you can hold on to that will always have meaning. By transforming a picture to text, you’ll create something that hits the deepest level of the heart and brings back the fondest memories. Using the words and phrases during the time when the picture was captured, can make it even easier to take your heart back to that place when the memory was put into print. Memories are more than pictures, they are moments created by the place, the emotions and the words chosen during those moments. These moments were captured in print to be held on to for as long as possible.

Open your soul to that special person and you will be able to turn a picture into magical text that comes from the heart. Think of your text as a group of musical notes that flow from cherished memories. Each musical note will flow out of your heart, transforming each memory into the

moment the picture was taken. Once you open your heart and let your soul start searching, all the special words or songs will transform into a beautiful image of picture in text, like music that flows from an instrument. A picture is always a cherished memory, people gaze upon pictures that they are part of or they fondly remember because it was someone they loved. Even a picture of a beautiful vacation is enhanced when text has been used to create it. Most people look into a picture, not at a picture. When someone looks into a picture, you’ll often see a flicker of light as they smile upon the picture that holds that memory. Sometimes, they will cry as they reflect to the moment when a loved one was still around. Building that picture out of carefully chosen text will find its way into their soul, further personalizing the memory. With each word they find that has personal meaning, a little bit of their heart will be further touched. Open your soul to find the words and use that picture with text to find the way around the mind and into the heart. By providing the words from your heart and built into a picture, the memory will not fade for others.

Match a beautiful photo image with beautiful words and you have created the ultimate gift of love, passion, happiness, or a fond, but sad memory that will resonate throughout the mind. Picture to text is a jigsaw puzzle of special meaning that draws out the emotions linked to the image. Some memories are full of fun and laughter. Within these pictures, there may be text like jokes that created the laughter, or a funny incident. Some images are of loved ones that we’ve lost, now only remembered by the memories of days past. Dive deep into the soul and search for the special meanings that created the love for that person. Put your special moments into text and use that feeling in your heart to put into the utter most precious gift someone can give. There may be tears that drop while looking into the image but the text that pops out will remind you, or

that special someone, what created that moment and it will never be lost because the text was chosen from the soul. With the right text, a picture will form like jigsaw pieces easily connecting. At the end, there will be a sigh of happiness because of the deep meaning that will be created from fitting all the pieces together.

Take gift giving to another level. Use your heart and soul to create the perfect gift by giving a memory. Every memory can be captured in its own special way with a picture that has its own special text. When you open your heart and soul, so you can capture the words that will have direct meaning attached to a picture, you will create the perfect gift. Create your own jigsaw puzzle by combining the imagery with the words. No matter who the picture is for, you can always find the perfect text to make the picture even more meaningful. A picture to text heightens the feelings and finds its way deeper into the soul because it brings back more than just a memory. It will lead you into that deeper than just an image. The text chosen for this picture, will stir the emotions and take you back to the moment when the image was captured. By choosing the perfect text with the perfect picture, you will be able to transport everyone that helped to create the memory back in time, feeling what was felt when the memory was caught. Memories are more than just a picture, they are a combination of feelings, images and special words that were spoken. Even the lyrics from a song can be used, if it’s part of a memory. Let the picture be the open door and the text be the path that leads you into the memory itself.

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