NZ CameraTalk To p r o m o t e t h e w i d e r e n j o y m e n t o f p h o t o g r a p h y
August/September 2019
In this issue PRESIDENT Moira Blincoe LPSNZ t. 09 379 7021 e:
Karen Lawton t. 021 143 7764 e.
TREASURER David Knightley PO Box 99470, Newmarket, Auckland 1149 e.
WELCOME TO THE fifth edition of CameraTalk for 2019. The special feature in this issue covers the recent FIAP photo tour of Morocco. This differs from the previously advertised section on creative photography. In addition to our regular column, we also continue reviews of the PSNZ workshop series, and have the results from the Tauranga AV salon, the Trenna Packer Salon and Laurie Thomas landscape competitions.
Paul Whitham LPSNZ Editor
Patrice Nilsen 8 Raroa Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 5028 t. 04 232 1565 e.
Paul Whitham LPSNZ PSNZ Councillor t. 04 973 3015 or m. 021 644 418 e.
Canon Online results
D-Photo success
FIAP Morocco special feature
PSNZ Workshop Series
Online opportunities
Convention updates Audio-visual notes
29 34
Judge training
1 October 2019
Club news
Email your contributions to the SubEditor at his email address. Editorial should be sent as Word or .txt files. JPEG images generally should be saved at 300 dpi, compressed to high to medium quality. Include return postage if you wish material to be returned.
Salon updates
Creative photography
Situations vacant
Key dates for the diary
Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ 14 Poynter Place, Whanganui 4501 t. 06 348 7141 or m. 027 653 0341 e.
The next CameraTalk deadline is
The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Council of PSNZ.
On the cover Blue by Ann Bastion FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP taken on the FIAP Morocco adventure. You can read more about this event on pages 15.
IT’S BEEN A very busy few months with a lot of workshops, travel, meetings and ongoing planning for 2020 and beyond. The Workshop Series is well underway and it’s exciting to see that members have been enjoying these and the opportunity to enhance their skills. Chris and I attended the Astro photography workshop in New Plymouth. It was fantastic, as James has summarised. Neither of us had previously attempted Astro although I had nearly managed a trip with fellow member Greg Stevens. We quickly learned that there is far more to this speciality than ‘going out in the middle of the night and pointing the camera towards the sky’. After learning the theory and practical settings from Leith and James, I declared, “I would be happy if I came away with one good Milky Way shot”. There was something exhilarating about being out in the stillness of the night, capturing the sky and stars and as I said to my granddaughter, “Those stars really do twinkle”. Even more exhilarating was the fact that we were ‘learning and growing’ our photographic repertoire with other likeminded members. On a personal level I embrace learning and growth but fundamentally, that’s what the Society is all about – ‘Helping Photographers Grow’. Activity on the PSNZ calendar ramps up a notch as of this month with the opening of numerous salons. The PSNZ International Salon is now open. The entry fees have been heavily reduced in order to remain
A note from the President competitive on the international circuit and there are more medals up for grabs, including new medals and ribbons specifically for New Zealand photographers. Other salons of note include • the Southern Regional Salon https:// • the Wanganui Salon being held in conjunction with the Whanganui Camera Club’s 125th anniversary http://www. • the Dunedin Festival of Photography • the Nelson National Triptych Salon http:/ Check out all the associated websites and start organising your entries. Registrations are now open for the Southern (continued overleaf)
Regional Convention in Invercargill, from 11 to 13 October. This is going to be a great convention, hosted with true Southern hospitality. There’s an excellent line-up of presenters, workshops and field trips so to avoid the disappointment of not getting your preferred option, don’t leave it to the last minute to register! At our Annual General Meeting in April, and again in the June edition of CameraTalk, I highlighted the fact that the Society is a not for profit organisation and as such is managed and run by a team of very skilled volunteers. Some of the roles require more specialised skills than others; however in today’s climate and business pace, many of the roles require a varied set of skills. A list of the ‘vacancies’ that we require filling and what is involved in each role was published, calling for expressions of interest and for people to contact me. It would be an understatement to say that I am somewhat disappointed in not hearing from anyone. In the years that I have been on Council there have been only two occasions when there has been an ‘actual’ ballot to vote on a choice of members standing for Council. From a pool of 1000+ members we struggle to recruit new and skilled volunteers, and the time is fast approaching when this problem needs to be addressed in order for Council to act in the best interest of members.
can only do so many hours a week on their portfolios and other activities. We all have families, personal lives and work commitments, and it’s time for members to ask, ‘What can I offer the Society?’ rather than ‘What does membership offer me?’ In summary, if vacancies cannot be filled from within by members, the alternative will be for Council to contract people from outside to undertake key positions within the Society at a cost. The consequence of this would undoubtedly lead to an increase in subscription fees and the cost of other events we offer. We have repeated the various positions needed on pages 57-60. In the long and distinguished history of the Society we are perhaps reaching the crossroads faced by many societies with similar issues, but with a genuine desire to maintain the status quo and the benefits that one derives from membership. As mentioned, my door is always open to members if you would like to consider any of the roles that we are seeking or put forward any alternative suggestions.
Kind regards to all, Moira Blincoe LPSNZ
Councillors currently serving the Society
New accredited judges by Shona Jaray APSNZ Chairperson, Judge Accreditation Panel
Congratulations to Alison Viskovic FPSNZ who has recently been appointed as an Accredited PSNZ Judge – Category Open. Alison can be contacted by email – Congratulations to Cushla Moorhead, also recently appointed as an Accredited PSNZ Judge – Category Open. Cushla can be contacted by email -
Editorial : 50 years ago By Paul Whitham LPSNZ
TOWARDS THE END of July we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the moon landings or, if you believe the conspiracy theories, the 50th anniversary of the greatest con of all time. The moon landing was the end of a decade long race which had always been expressed as one between the USA and USSR. It was amazing to consider the achievement that culminated in Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon. Given our reliance on devices today, it is even more amazing that this achievement was completed using computers that have less processing power then our current microwaves, and much less than modern cameras. When Neil and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon, film was king and Kodak ruled the empire. If you didn’t have your own darkroom, you had to send the film away, as ‘one hour’ processing would not be around for another 20 years.
The iconic shot of Buzz Aldrin saluting the American flag
(continued on page 7)
A V E R S AT I L E M U L T I - M E D I A P O W E R H O U S E 4K UHD | 12 FPS | ISO 100-51200 | 273 AF POINTS | QUAD VGA EVF | 5-AXIS VR | 10-BIT 4:2:2 N E W Z M O U N T & N I K KO R Z L E N S E S | N I K KO R F L E N S E S C O M PAT I B L E W I T H F T Z C O N V E R T E R
W W W. M Y N I KO N L I F E .C O. N Z
The images captured on the moon by the astronauts using Hasselblad cameras are truly amazing. The cameras were modified to carry rolls of up to 185 images, but there was so little flexibility in the spaceship’s total load that all 12 cameras were left behind because they were too heavy. The photos are at the centre of the conspiracy as people point out there are things wrong with them, such as the fact there are no stars visible and the perfect exposure of the front of items despite the fact that they are clearly backlit. The NASA explanation is that there was a great amount of light reflected from the surface.
The fact that there are no stars in this image has fuelled the conspiracy theories.
Looking at the strong shadows from the lander’s legs you would expect the astronaut and side of the vehice to be in deep shadow. This further fuelled the conspiracy theories that the landing was faked.
After Apollo 11 digital technology arrived and, despite inventing it, Kodak all but disappeared. Film was declared terminal but, like vinyl records, refused to die, and has recently had a resurgence, thanks to a generation born well after the moon programme ended. The cameras most people now use fit in their pockets - and can also make phone calls. And, for a programme bedded in a race between two countries, America now uses Russian rocket engines. We have come a long way in 50 years. It will be very interesting to see what happens over the next 50. How many of the brands that we know and love today will be around then?
New J.A.P. Secretary
by Shona Jaray APSNZ Chairperson, Judge Accreditation Panel
A big welcome to Jenny Dey APSNZ who will be taking over from Caroline Ludford LPSNZ LRPS as secretary from the end of August as Caroline is now a member of the J.A.P. The email address of will be used by Jenny from the end of August for J.A.P. matters. 7
PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 3, 2019 OUR JUDGE FOR this round was Annette Johnston APSNZ. A relative newcomer to photography (10 years with camera in hand), Annette enjoys a raft of photographic genres, including sports and travel, but arguably her passion is botanical art photography. Annette is currently the President of Tauranga Photographic Society and is a PSNZ-accredited judge. Congratulations to all the authors who achieved a place in the top 10 this round.Yet again we see an inspiring collection of images that show the skill and diversity of talent within PSNZ. Special congratulations go to Sue Riach APSNZ ARPS, who will shortly receive her trophy in the post! At this half-way point in the competition I am excited to see that we have received entries from 178 individuals. We currently have a three-way tie for first place at 16 points. Remember, you get one point for entering, then an additional point per placing in the top 10, so the overall championship for 2019 is still wide open. Round 4 is now open for submission, so feel free to enter your image! A brief technical note on submissions. This round I received many entries which were not correctly sized. In an attempt to help out with this, I’ve made a short video on exporting images from Lightroom and Photoshop (other packages have similar options I believe) which you can view here: watch?v=d59G9IrwCC0&list=PLPhOo3eQflcBPoXg3s98cMoKZQumVsdek Please ensure that your images are sent at a maximum size of 1620px wide by 1080px high. I do my best to ensure the authors of any incorrectly submitted images are given the opportunity to resubmit, but please bear in mind this is discretionary and can take quite a lot of time to resolve. To help the organisers run the competition smoothly, we would be very grateful if you could ensure the file sizing is correct; and please name your file exactly as per the title – it makes life so much easier! Thanks and good luck for Round 4!
James Gibson APSNZ EFIAP PSNZ Canon Online Coordinator
Comments from the judge:
Annette Johnston APSNZ
Opening the images submitted in this round of Canon Online was a little like lifting the lid on the box of Forrest Gump’s chocolates! Over ninety images spread across almost every photographic genre in existence, each one there for my tasting. The images I have chosen are simply those with the greatest personal resonance; no more, no less.
1st Rodeo rider by Sue Riach APSNZ ARPS Seen through a haze of dust, I am transported to this time and place. I can hear the cheers, I can smell the scent of cattle, of horses, of people. I can feel the tension, the anticipation of success, overridden by the knowledge of potential catastrophe as man pitches himself against beast. The bull is shown in magnificent detail, the cowboys on the railing are spellbound; this could be a scene from the wild west, bar the addition of the ubiquitous cell phone. A truly fabulous moment, beautifully captured.
PSNZ Canon Online: 2nd Blue maomao arch by Jacqui Robson The golden ratio, demonstrated in electric blue. Photographed beautifully. I am in awe and utterly fascinated by this natural phenomenon; nature’s example of a state where chaos and design combine.
3rd Wearing my poncho by Julia Home APSNZ EFIAP GPSA PPSA With long auburn hair, and more than a sprinkling of freckles, natural and undisguised, this young woman has the facial structure and features of a model. The dark background sets of a palette of oyster pink, a variety of browns, reds and gold, an ‘old world portrait’ look that is perhaps inconsistent with the green finger nail polish and the tattoo. It is the slightly coy tilt of her head, and the way her hand is clutching what seems to be the uncomfortable neckline of a garment not her own, that speak to me of the fragility of the young as they move towards bearing the garments of adult responsibilities.
4th NZ falcon 87484 by Paul Mason A fabulous moment has been captured as this beautiful New Zealand falcon comes in to roost. The crisp detail of eye, feather and talons ‘pop’ from the sympathetically toned background; the crop of the image, and the placement of the bird are, in my view, perfect.
5th Emily by Kelvin Aird I love curves. In this case, it is the luscious curve of her hair, together with the lovely arch of her brows that guide me through my exploration of this image. A beautiful and altogether elegant young woman, carefully posed, and an image superbly lit.
PSNZ Canon Online: 6th Berlin houses and steeples by Constance Fein Harding Strikingly, not quite perfectly symmetrical, this image has the air of a cartoon, the scene with a note of implausibility to a New Zealand eye. Further investigation is essential; I wonder what is going on behind those windows?
7th Steel punk by Shona Kebble APSNZ Typically incongruous, the steampunk, or in this case the ‘steel punk’ attire, neatly frames piercing eyes, and rugged bewhiskered features. I feel both bemused, and a little bit envious, of the passion demonstrated by the followers of this movement. For me, a portrait brimming with character.
8th Tilly in winter by Lynn Fothergill LPSNZ This irresistible wee button made me smile. Sparkling eyes, fluffy baby curls and a cute grin - all framed by a chic woollen hat and the triangle of open zipped jacket. I am sure those who love this child will treasure this image forever. For the rest of us we can simply enjoy a delightful story of happy innocence.
9th Roaring splash by Yan Yuan Superbly caught action, framed to perfection. The image is so sharp I can count the whiskers on their faces, and so resonant I can (almost) smell the fish on their breath.
10th Last light by Val Pohio LPSNZ An interaction of light, lines and curves, creating abundant mood and atmosphere; a delight for my exploration. The heavy vignette successfully directs my attention to the action; the people, small in the scene yet significant, providing a narrative of work in an isolated, but beautiful space.
D-Photo competition success for Toya Heatley APSNZ Former PSNZ Councillor Toya Heatley won the Still Life section of the 2019 D-Photo Amateur Photographer of the year. She tells CameraTalk about the success.
FOR THE LAST few years I have entered images into the Sigma D-Photo Amateur Photographer of the Year Competition (also known as APOTY) but never made it into the short lists, let alone placed anywhere. I had been entering in the Nature category because that is where I feel I am strongest. There are a lot of very good nature photographers in New Zealand and I just wasn’t good enough to compete with them. Still, this year I tried again, entered a bunch of nature images and sat back to wait. Then I decided to enter one of my crystal ball images as well to see if it would do any better. I struggled to decide which category to enter it into and, mindful of the feedback I had received from judges in the past, I steered away from Creative and entered it into Still Life. My thinking was that in still life, the wine glasses would become part of the focus and not a distraction. I am so happy I made that decision! I was super excited to find out that I had won the Still Life category of the 2019 Sigma D-Photo Amateur Photographer of the Year Competition with my image titled Light refractions. Thank you, D-Photo and White Studios, you made my day!
FIAP Morocco - special feature In late June an intrepid group of PSNZ photographers visited Morocco to experience the 6th FIAP Photo Tour. In this special feature we hear from a number of them about the event.
Bus 4 Morocco! By Ann Bastion FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP
Sixteen New Zealanders were on this trip to Morocco and, along with a couple of Japanese and some French people, we had our own bus. Ours was bus number four and we were proud of it. We were a friendly bunch, especially down the back end, where occasionally there would be a raucous laugh over some matter. Our days were long and tiring but we saw many sights that will stay with us for ever. There were photo opportunities everywhere. For me it was mainly the backs of all the other photographers, so I tended to wander off and do my own thing. My flight to Morocco was long but finally I arrived, just in time to join the others for the evening meal. It was an introduction to the meals yet to come. Each course was ceremoniously delivered to every table and placed in the centre. The waiters then dished a portion onto each plate. One never knew how many courses were coming or, in many cases, what they were. My most memorable course was what I called Camel Vertebrae, tipped into the centre from a large pottery urn. In our final meal we had a whole baby lamb, curled up on the plate! Serving the meat was interesting, especially when the waiter was scraping meat from around the head for us. We were returned to our hotel by horse-drawn open carriages, all 200 of us, so you can imagine how many carriages were required to do the job. It was the same when we went to the Sahara Desert - there were 150 camels, all sitting down waiting for us - a sight to remember! I saw some interesting rock formations during our trip through the Atlas Mountains. Tne New Zealand team by Neil Gordon APSNZ
Life as we don’t know it by Ann Bastion
The culture is obviously so different; they appear to live on Moroccan time - and there is no rush. There was an interesting juxtaposition of modern, skinny, tar sealed roads, winding their way over parched red earth, and worn down mud buildings that resembled an ancient past crumbling back to the ground. There weren’t many people to be seen during the day as it was so hot, but come dusk, they emerged just to sit outside on the kerb or a rock. I have no idea how they keep their clothes so white. The children were also around in the evening, playing with simple things like balls and sticks. They live a simple life and try to make a living as best they can, with little stalls on the side of the road. Sometimes, when we stopped at a popular spot, the children would come to the bus to sell us a trinket or a piece of grass they had twisted and platted into the shape of an animal. We were entertained at every event with drums and ladies chanting little routines. This was often accompanied by what I call the tea ceremony. The tea was poured out of an elaborate silver teapot and was a sweet mint variety which was quite refreshing. Once I asked for a cup of black tea with milk and was served hot froth milk with a teabag sitting on it - not what I had in mind.
The harvest by Ann Bastion
The highlight for me was the camel ride. I had been a bit worried about it but was determined not to wimp out. I had been tasked with providing a picture of “me on a camel” for CameraTalk. At our last convention Paul Webster had kindly demonstrated the “hip movement” required when riding a camel.You can imagine that a demonstration without the camel was an interesting sight to witness. Needless to say, it was exactly as he had shown me. Picture this…… I’m sitting up very high, holding onto the front handlebar with one hand, gyrating hip movements with the lower half my body, trying to hold the camera up to my eye with the other hand…… It was not a happening thing. I couldn’t keep the camera up to my eye, let alone focus on anything or change any buttons. I gave the photography a miss and concentrated, with white knuckles, on staying on the beast. The worst part was when it got up. First you are sure you are going over the front headfirst into the sand, and next thing you know you are whiplashed in the opposite direction towards the back of the beast. It soon became evident why there were bars to hold onto.
Ann meets the camel by Neil Gordon
Well, I can tick that off my bucket list - which is interesting because it was never on it. Skydiving and parachuting aren’t there either. Anyhow I gave my family something to have a giggle over: me, on a camel!
Morocco murmurings By Bruce Burgess FPSNZ & Anne Burgess LPSNZ
This was an opportunity to visit a country which was originally not on our bucket list; an opportunity to view a country rich in history, culture and contrasting landscapes, just to mention a few highlights. 200 photographers from 34 countries was always going to be a challenge to organisers, but I felt that the 16 kiwis on tour added a balancing keel to right any felt frustrations, especially when the hour hand on the local clocks seemed to lose time. The programme was full on, with daily bus trips between towns and villages. We visited numerous festivals and Kasbahs where we were met by animated cultural welcomes. We visited museums, including the Museum of Water Civilisation and the Macro Gallery of fossils and minerals. The brave mounted camels (or 4WD vehicles) took us on a trek across the sand dunes at sunset. A visit to the coast provided great photos at a fishing port and markets, and the tour ended with a visit to a crocodile farm at feeding time. We survived the up to 40 degree heat and the long days. The food and sustenance were plentiful, with extensive lunches and late dinners. Our new libraries of captured photographs on tour are proof that the multitude of photo opportunities was not missed. We both really enjoyed the friendship among fellow kiwis and others on tour.
images by Bruce Burgess
Desert sand by Kirsteen Redshaw APSNZ
Rebecca and I were assured by our guide Abdel that we had to see the view from the top of the sand dune. (This was after we had climbed halfway up and decided to turn back.) However, we set off again to the top with our guide. It helped to empty our sand-filled shoes a couple of times and, nearer the top, counting every ten steps before we would rest again, saving what little hot water we had. When you think you’re fit, try climbing up a sand dune in 41 degrees!
Dune by Kirsteen Redshaw
We weren’t disappointed at the top: the vast magnificent panorama with the evolving changing hues of the late afternoon desert sand - yellow to the rich burnt oranges and shadows in the evening light. Footprints quickly disappeared, with the wind sweeping over the sand and making new patterns. Our cameras were put away at this stage, because of flying sand! We were entertained by a trio of local kids showing off their flips and wanting photos taken with their flag. We were the last few to leave and headed down, running bare feet - a lot of fun! We met Abdel along the Sand by Kirsteen Redshaw
way, and we had him on as he didn’t make it to the top when it was his idea! The last caravan of camels was waiting for us but we opted for the 4WD drive back, the faster option to get to some much needed water, seatbelts hurriedly fastened for the drive.
View from the top by Kirsteen Redshaw
Unique! By Neil Gordon APSNZ
The FIAP Photo Tour in Morocco was certainly a unique experience. There was great camaraderie among the sixteen New Zealanders on tour, and some patience and a sense of humour were needed when from time to time there were delays or issues with local arrangements. Overall we got to see some fantastic sights, and many local traditional performances, and the Moroccan organisers were gracious hosts.
Camels heading into dunes by Neil Gordon
I really enjoyed our camel ride into the Sahara dunes, even though it was very hot at around 42 degrees. I drank about five litres of fluid that day – and was still a bit dehydrated. Travelling around 1400 km over 10 days meant quite a lot of time on buses. We did our best to try to capture, through the windows, some of the life in the small villages as we passed through. Note the goat in the carrier on the bike on the left!
Village life from bus by Neil Gordon
Yes, there are goats in trees in Morocco! They have learned to climb argan trees to eat the argan nuts. There are also tourist traps where the goats have been coaxed up to provide a photo opportunity. This photo shows what was typical on our tour, with many photographers lined up and sometimes jostling, all trying to get their own unique photograph.
Goats in trees by Neil Gordon
I really enjoyed the amazing variety of interesting geological features, including spectacular formations in the Dades Gorges.
Dades Gorges by Neil Gordon
My favourite location By Shona Jaray APSNZ
Essaouira was my favourite location. It had a village feel to it; in fact, I believe it was originally a fishing village. Now, with a population of around 80,000 it is probably no longer classified as a village. It was also an opportunity for us to wander around on our own, to photograph unimpeded by 199 other participants of the trip. The real highlight for me was the wonderful friendship of the New Zealanders. There were 16 of us in total – otherwise known as Bus 4. Thank you all, I really enjoyed your company and friendship – and getting to know you better.
A colourful patchwork of sights and sounds By Rebecca MacDonald APSNZ
We had never travelled in such a large group before, so this was a truly unique experience with so many people from all over the world. The people we met, especially those we travelled with on bus No.4, both from abroad and our own fellow kiwis, made the trip truly memorable. This was our second trip to Morocco and we saw much more than I could have imagined possible, from the beautiful red dunes of the Sahara to golden sandy beaches of Essaouira.Villages perched precariously on the side of the Atlas Mountains, donkeys and motorbikes stacked high with all sorts of cargo, the bustle of Marrakech to the tranquillity of community gardens in Toudgha El Oulia, an oasis in the valley with nothing but red dirt on either side... Morocco is a colourful patchwork of sights and sounds truly unique in every sense. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” (Neale Donald Walsch)
Photography Tour Photograph the crowds and vitality of incredible Kolkata and the sacred city of Varanasi during the fun-filled Holi festival. We see tigers, leopards and more at Bandhavgarh National Park and photograph the big landscapes and soaring peaks of Himalayan Kashmir, the pearly beauty of Taj Mahal and the bazaars of Delhi. 20 days, departing on 4 March, 2020, small group (max 10), luxurious and hosted from New Zealand by Chris van Ryn, photojournalist and architect. We will also be accompanied by photographysavvy local guides. This is India made easy. Colour India has perfected this tour over the years and we love it.
Contact: Ph: 09 4220111 Web:
An update from James Gibson APSNZ EFIAP Councillor for membership
AS THIS ISSUE of CameraTalk is published we’re gearing up for the fourth in this year’s PSNZ workshop series - a portrait and lighting workshop led by Scott Fowler FPSNZ. Sixteen PSNZ members from around the country will spend the day working with four different models, under various lighting setups, all overseen by Scott’s expert tutelage. I’m personally looking forward to seeing some of the photographers’ images on Facebook in the coming weeks!
Advanced creative Photoshop with Helen McLeod FPSNZ The second workshop in the series took us to Blenheim, where Helen McLeod took us on a creative Photoshop adventure. With a full set of sample images and a very detailed step-by-step manual, Helen expertly and patiently guided us through three exercises aimed at giving us a whole gamut of extra tools to try out on our own images – deliberately warping buildings to create fun and unique altered perspectives, turning these into ‘pseudo-planetary’ cityscapes and then adding a few birds for … realism, perhaps. I mean, why not? After a delicious lunch we embarked on the final project which gave us a host of new tools to play with. Using a series of shapes and clipping masks we gradually filled a sphere with a variety of images, then added some highlights and reflections to create a 3D-look, inserting it back into a landscape image and adding shadows. This was a testing project that really helped to reinforce the importance of naming your layers! It was great to catch up with several clubs from the top of the South Island, finishing the day with a dinner and a glass or two of wine with new friends, making it all worthwhile!
Astrophotography with Leith Robertson Just two weeks after Helen’s workshop, the Series headed to New Plymouth and the stunning Mt Taranaki for a weekend of astrophotography. Hosted by the New Plymouth Astronomical Society, fifteen intrepid photographers were treated to a great presentation by Leith Robertson. He worked through the entire genre of astrophotography – from capturing images of the moon, wide-field Milky Way shots and even explaining how to capture and process deep space telescope images.
The attendees by James Gibson
His in-depth knowledge, coupled with the perfect setting at the New Plymouth Observatory, inspired us all as we headed out for two shoots. The first was to the picturesque Lake Mangamahoe, photographing across the lake to the Milky Way core as it poked its head over the horizon. The added challenge of passing clouds and the odd rain shower didn’t dampen our spirits and everyone settled in to ‘have a go’ at good focussing and composition. It was great to see the camaraderie and enjoyment as everyone mucked in, helping each other with different camera settings and their own personal tips and tricks.
image by Klein Ovink
Unfortunately the weather gods weren’t entirely on our side and the planned trip up the mountain was likely to result in photos of the inside of clouds, so we went to Plan B and headed around the coast to one of Leith’s favourite beach spots. As tired heads dragged themselves out of bed for the 1.00 am trip to the beach, we were rewarded by crystal clear skies and a wide expanse of beach and dunes. We were able to spread out to reduce the impact of each other’s head-torch beam and have a go at capturing a full Milky Way as it ‘set’ off the coast. As the group dispersed for a few hours’ sleep, the last stragglers sat by the dunes for coffee and conversation until 4.00 am when, having set the world to rights, we called it a night.
Lake Manganahoe stars by Andrew Thompson
To wind up the weekend in style, we headed back to the observatory for a post-processing masterclass, helping to bring out most of the Milky Way and foreground. He gave us examples of pre- and post-processing, different projections, and stitching techniques to get the best possible image.
Coming up This month, August, takes us to Ashburton for a model shoot; then, in September, we head to Orewa on the Hibiscus Coast where Shona Jaray APSNZ and our trade partner Epson will take a group of PSNZ members through tips and techniques to create their own fine art prints, using a variety of papers to look at soft-proofing, ICC profiles and other tools to move that awardwinning image off the computer and onto the wall.
Online opportunities! By Toya Heatley APSNZ
SO FAR THIS has been a very exciting year for me, photography-wise, with opportunities presented to me that have truly blown me away. I have a website dedicated to my photography and have been writing a blog and posting images in it since 2010. I am not one of those writers who post on a regular basis; rather I write up something after each successful photo shoot. It may be a nature trip, something creative or even a landscape image taken on a family outing. It was one of those landscape images that caught the attention of a Wellington graphic design company recently; they were doing a project for NZ Post. When they first approached me they didn’t say who the client was, so I wasn’t overly excited. I asked the question that I always ask when someone wants one of my images, “What will it be used for?” In the past I asked this question to another company, and now I believe somewhere in Nelson there is a river that has a DOC sign on it displaying the birdlife that can be found there – one of my kingfishers is on that sign. I have never seen the sign, but they paid for the image, so I assume it was used. This time the answer came back, “Oh, it would be for a new stamp in a set on rock legends for NZ Post.” Instant excitement! They asked how much I wanted for the use of the image and if I had a high-resolution copy of it. I quickly messaged a few people for advice and a number was suggested that had been paid to others in the past for similar projects. I wrote back and they accepted the price. On 7 August the Rock Legends stamp issue goes on sale, featuring nine different rock formations that appear to have either a head or a face in them. My image of the Castle Point Reef taken on a family trip in 2013 is one of those featured. The whole exercise has highlighted a couple of things for me. The first is the importance of back-ups. I have had a couple of computers since 2013 but thankfully I found the high-resolution image on an old back-up drive. Without keeping the old drives, the opportunity would have been lost. Second is the importance of being online and having my own website that has low resolution images that will display on a google search. For me, creating websites is fun. It is also part of what I do for a job. Having a presence on the internet has presented several opportunities to me that I would never have dreamed of. It has also allowed me a creative outlet for my photography. I enjoy sharing the images, getting comments on the posts, and generally having a purpose for my images. If anyone would like their own website and doesn’t know where or how to start, I am happy to share my knowledge and experience. I am also willing to take on new site builds for a reasonable price to get you started. Don’t miss the opportunities; they are out there, and you never know when an email will arrive in your in box asking for the use of an image.
The original image
The stamp available from
Wanted for 2020 – Treasurer for PSNZ Council is seeking expressions of interest for the role of Treasurer to the Society.
This position is an appointment confirmed and approved by Council on an annual basis. Our current Treasurer David Knightley has indicated he will retire following the Annual General Meeting in 2020 after a tenure of seven years of valued service in this position.
Ideally we would like the appointee to spend up to three months leading up to April 2020 during which time David can advise and brief the appointee on the processes and various nuances that go with the role.
The Treasurer’s role is primarily that of governance of all aspects of financial management to safeguard the Society’s finances. While not necessarily handling the day-to-day financial processing, it does include overseeing the financial administration of the Society, reviewing procedures and financial reporting on all aspects of the Society’s activities and to advise Council on financial strategy (refer Clause 4.6.5 in the PSNZ Constitution).
Skills and experience should ideally include a qualified person with knowledge of financial management and budgeting. A good working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word as well as MYOB Account Right Live, used for the financial recording of the Society’s bookkeeping transactions, is essential.
A portfolio description of the role of Treasurer is available by contacting Moira Blincoe LPSNZ, President at
If you are interested in being an integral member of Council and making a valued contribution to the future direction and success of the Society then we would love to hear from you. Please call Moira on 027 473 3038 or David on 021 901 122.
By Karen Alsop
By Cole Thompson
By Craig Bullock
By Julieanne Kost
When? 11 to 13 October 2019 Where? Invercargill! Registrations Open Now! Proudly Hosted by the Southland Photographic Society Friday evening is sure to please convention delegates with two exciting speakers, Jane Trotter APSNZ of Dunedin and Aaron Harivel from Sydney. Jane is an abstract artist and creates amazing images from everyday items. She will follow up with a hands-on workshop on Saturday afternoon. Places are filling fast. Aaron is an Olympus product and education specialist. He will facilitate a practical light painting activity outdoors at the end of the evening so come with your camera, tripod and warm clothing. Saturday morning’s speaker is James Reardon who received an Emmy nomination for cinematography in 2004. James will speak on his work as a conservationist, zoologist, wildlife cinematographer and film maker. Read his full write-up on our website. Saturday afternoon has a variety of workshops and fieldtrips for you to attend and enjoy. Saturday evening is sure to please with the venue being the Ascot Park Hotel. Bring your camera and your dancing shoes as we will be joined by members of the Invercargill Rock and Roll Club who will entertain us and then dance with those wanting to get up and get moving. Sunday Jo Boyd APSNZ of Queenstown will take us on a magical journey, recounting the adventures she and Val Pohio LPSNZ had when travelling from Southern California to Ushuaia in South America. After morning tea one of our very popular club members and speakers, Kevin Tyree APSNZ, will talk about his trip to India in search of the endangered Bengal tiger. PS For those staying on in Invercargill we have organised a night sky shoot on the Sunday evening, with SPS club member Les Ladbrook LPSNZ. Les is an experienced aurora and night sky photographer and has a wealth of knowledge to share about photographing the night sky. This is the only PSNZ regional convention for 2019! Grab your friends, pack up your car and make the trip south for a weekend of friendship and fun. Photograph your way home via one of the many scenic routes in the South Island. Stephanie Forrester APSNZ COC Chairperson 32
COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHT:FREE TO BE MORE CREATIVE. Shoot longer. Move easier. Enjoy more creativity when your camera system doesn‘t weigh you down. At up to half the size and weight of other interchangeable lens systems, our compact cameras and lenses deliver image quality valued by the world’s top pros. #breakfreewitholympus
*In comparison to other brand‘s interchangeable lens camera systems with comparable focal length lens.
Up to half the size, half the weight*
Audio-visual notes by Trish McAuslan APSNZ AV-LAPS EFIAP AAPS AV Coordinator for PSNZ
Jack Sprosen Memorial Trophy Competition 2019/20 This year the competition is being organised by the New Brighton Photographic Club. Entries will open on 13 October and close on 16 November. Now is the time to put your thinking caps on and prepare an AV to support this competition.You can enter an AV that you entered in the Tauranga AV Salon as long as it has not previously been accepted in a JSMT competition. Note that the main differences between the Tauranga AV Salon and the JSMT are that your AVs must be no longer than five minutes.You can only enter a maximum of two AVs and there are only three categories. The main change this year is that you may include a limited amount of video in your programme. It is up to the judges to decide if there is too much video. For full details check the PSNZ Website ->About->Rules and Bylaws->Rule 22
321 Competition Congratulations to Elaine Ashton APSNZ who received an acceptance for Maria’s memories and also to Gail Stent FPSNZ who received an acceptance for Water dance in the ‘321’ competition. ‘321’ is an international competition in which the length of the audio-visuals cannot be longer than 3 min 21sec. The idea of this competition is to have an international exchange of audiovisual work. It was organised by a group from Germany and judged by AV groups or clubs in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. This year there were 102 entries from 15 countries.
Tauranga Audio-visual Salon This was another very successful competition. A record 81 entries were received from New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands, making it an interesting international event. In particular our congratulations go to the successful PSNZ entrants. Sue Riach APSNZ ARPS from the North Shore Photographic Society was the winner of the Novice Award with her audio-visual Bull riding. This was Sue’s first entry into an AV competition. Her Bull riding by Sue Riach
AV was about the rodeo where the bull tries to dislodge its rider and the rider attempts to resist, inevitably ensuing in a dismount that looks unfortunately uncontrolled rather than skilled or athletic. Alistair McAuslan APSNZ AVAAPS from the Tauranga Photographic Society was awarded a Merit Certificate for his audio-visual Wrangel Island. This was an account of a three-day journey across a nature reserve in the Russian Arctic, enjoying the unique landscape and encounters with polar bears and woolly mammoths.
Wrangel Island by Alistair McAuslan
Grace Choi from the Howick Camera Club was awarded a Merit Certificate for her audiovisual Stunning flowers in close-up. All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. Grace created this AV by taking close-up photos of flowers and inserting Sarah Brightman’s ‘Nella Fantasia’.
Stunning flowers in close-up by Grace Choi
Judith Hodgson AV-AAPS LAPS from Adelaide was awarded a Merit Certificate for From 1844 to evermore. This AV was also successful in last year’s JSMT competition. It is the story of the famous Penfold winery in South Australia.
From 1844 to evermore by Judith Hodgson -
Judith Hodgson was also awarded a Merit Certificate for Arkadi. Arkadi is a monastery in Crete. It is now a popular tourist destination but it has a dark history.
Arkadi by Judith Hodgson
Acceptances were awarded to Alistair McAuslan APSNZ AV-AAPS, Tauranga Photographic Society, for La Feria Elizabeth Carruthers FPSNZ AFIAP, Tauranga Photographic Society, for A Slice of History Gail Stent FPSNZ, Auckland, for Water dance John Smart LPSNZ, Whanganui Camera Club, for Sometimes we die Bob McCree FPSNZ, Howick Camera Club, for Architecture in the abstract Bruce Burgess FPSNZ, Henderson Photographic Society, for Abstracted light Chris Parkin APSNZ, Lower Hutt, for Boom Helen McLeod DDP DPP FPSNZ ARPS GPSA, Christchurch, for On the factory floor John Hodgson EFIAP AV-AFIAP FAPS AV-FAPS, Adelaide, for Spring clean John Hodgson EFIAP AV-AFIAP FAPS AV-FAPS, Adelaide, for First snow Judith Hodgson AV-AAPS LAPS, Adelaide, for Winging it Newell Grenfell Hon PSNZ FPSNZ FNPSNZ, Christchurch Photographic Society, for Whose amusement? PSNZ AV group
Join this closed Facebook group which is open only to members of PSNZ and members of photographic clubs affiliated with PSNZ. It has only just been started so there is not a lot of information on it at the moment.You can share AVs and ask for feedback, ask questions or help someone else. Go to the Group page and click on join.You will have to wait a day or two until you have been approved. Alternatively email me ( and ask to join. I will send you an invite to join the group. Note: you do need a Facebook account to join the group.You could however create a Facebook account using a pseudonym, maybe just your first name.You could use it only to participate in a group as long as the Group has some way to identify you.You can set a personal privacy setting if that is the main concern. Please contact me to discuss it if you want to join in this way.
Judge training weekend - Invercargill by Shona Jaray APSNZ Chair, Judge Accreditation Panel
9–10 November Community Trust South, 62 Don Street, Invercargill
PLEASE DON’T LEAVE it until the last minute to register as these workshops fill up quickly – we have a maximum capacity of 30. The workshop starts at 9:30am on Saturday and runs until approximately 5:00pm. On Sunday it starts at 9:30am and finishes at approximately 4:00pm. Members of PSNZ and members of affiliated clubs are invited to attend. There is no charge for financial members of PSNZ and a charge of $60 for those who are not financial members. There is no expectation that those who attend will continue on to the training to become a PSNZ Accredited Judge. The workshop aims to provide those attending with a good understanding of the standards expected for club judging.You will be taken through a process of image evaluation and critiquing which will help you to put aside your personal prejudices and bias to give a balanced and informed critique. Comprehensive handout notes are provided at the beginning of the workshop. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea are provided. To register, please complete the online form which can be found at
Wellington judge training by Neil Gordon APSNZ
Join the Celebrations! IN THE 1840s Whanganui’s European settlement was developing at the same time as the popularity of photography. It is not surprising there is a remarkable photographic record of early Whanganui. No wonder amateurs caught the enthusiasm for this magic and gathered to discuss and ponder the science and art of the new technology and techniques. The fug of smoking pipes and the rapidly diminishing level of the whisky bottle attested to the depth of the discussions. The lady of the house lost her husband and her washroom after dark to the fumes of chemicals and utterances of joy and otherwise as ‘the magic happened’. The decision to form a club was a foregone conclusion and the first meeting, of all male members, held on 26 July 1894, was reported in the Chronicle the following day. After a recess during the two World Wars the club again proved popular and reached its peak membership of over 100 in the 1960s when PSNZ was also flourishing. WCC members have been involved at a high level with PSNZ since its inception in 1952, holding key roles of patron, president, secretary, treasurer, councillor, historian, recorded lecturer author, club liaison and print circle organiser. More recently WCC in 2018 hosted its sixth PSNZ Central Regional Convention and this year a further four members gained PSNZ Honours. Inspiration and synergy is definitely gained by sharing enthusiasm, knowledge and images. From the black and white of ‘real’ (do-it-all-yourself) photographers, through coloured and colour photography, slide transparencies and horror of horrors trade processed prints, to the world of digital, the evolution of the photographic art has provided spikes of interest and membership in the Camera Club. Today, with over 80 members and once again its own clubrooms, the enthusiasm and joy of ‘capturing the light’ is still in focus.
Club news If your club has information or events that you would like to share, email the details to Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at dilinz@
Sharing photographic images and knowledge is what the club has always been about and the WCC national mounted print Salon and audiovisual Photoshow was a major day’s event in the WCC and PSNZ calendar. Initially held in the Sarjeant Gallery and Memorial Hall Concert Chamber it was recognised for its quality and usually delightfully controversial top print, the Metcalfe Medal award winner. In latter years the WCC has held an annual exhibition of prints by local members. This 125th Anniversary year the club is celebrating with lenses blazing. As well as the Club’s annual Exhibition of members’ prints, there is an exciting new national projected image Whanganui Salon based on the overall theme of Humanity and Earth. Entry is open to all PSNZ individual and affiliated members. There will be three categories and the overall winner will receive $1000. What enticement! But wait! There’s more! On the final weekend of the celebrations, 12 and 13 October, Club and PSNZ members and friends, past and present, are invited to the final glorious 125th Anniversary Weekend with viewing of the Exhibition and Salon entries, an afternoon of Presentation and Workshop by two of the three Salon panel judges, Petra Leary and Simon Woolf FPSNZ,followed by the Anniversary Dinner with guest speaker, long-time WCC supporter Simon Woolf, and the presentation of awards and the grand prize. On Sunday morning there’s an open invitation to visit WCC Patron Vonnie Cave’s wonderful garden and share a cuppa and chat. It’s a weekend not to be missed. The programme is detailed in the advertisement with this article. Prior registration is essential for the Saturday Afternoon Programme in the WCC Clubrooms and the Evening Dinner. For Anniversary Weekend information, registration and the photographic record see It will be a blast of old and new happy memories! ENTER THE SALON! REGISTER FOR THE WEEKEND!
Convention group at Whanganui Central Regional 2018 by Beverley Sinclair
Nelson National Triptych Salon 2019 Entries are open! Entries close on 31 August. Awards will be made for the best Triptych, best Monochrome, best Humour and best Abstract. Now is your opportunity to exercise your imagination and show us what you can create using three images to tell a story or present an imaginative design that soothes, excites or awakens the viewer. If you can move the judge’s emotions in some way with your triptych presentation you will have succeeded and we’ll print your image in a large A4 size catalogue for others to enjoy. Please visit to view the rules and other information. Please also note that a new rule has been added: “There must be no text on the background.Text within the images is allowed.” This includes titles. Titles are not needed on your presentation as all accepted entries will be displayed with their title and your name, wherever they are exhibited. A presentation evening will be held on 14 October at the Johnny Cash Auditorium, NelsonMarlborough Institute of Technology, Nile Street, Nelson at 5.30pm.
Born to fly by Wynn Gemmell
23rd Laurie Thomas NZ Landscape Salon 2019 By Carolyn Elcock ANPSNZ AFIAP QPSA, Team Leader
THE AWARDS EVENING for the salon was held at the Christchurch Photographic Society (CPS) clubrooms on Wednesday 10 July. The winner of the salon was John Hawkins, who is pictured with his trophy below. Congratulations, John! John is a CPS member and we were unashamedly delighted to have the trophy awarded to one of our club members again. On the night two AVs were shown - one with all the CPS entries, followed by the award winners, building to the honours and medal winners. Michael Venz APSNZ was the only entrant to have all four entries successful; two Bronze medals and two Acceptances. We had a last minute change to the South Island judging panel and we thank Julia Home APSNZ EFIAP GPSA PPSA for agreeing to join the panel at short notice. Thank you Ian, Andris and Julia for judging the 571 images received. Thank you Ian for inviting me to record the results as the judging progressed - a great learning experience for me. All 92 images receiving an Acceptance or above were included in the catalogue which has been sent to all entrants who provided postal address. Ian Walls FPSNZ, our judging convener, commented: I was delighted to be involved with the Laurie Thomas judging this year.To have Andris Apse on the panel was to be working with New Zealand landscape photographer royalty, and his experience and judgement helped our work immensely. Julia Home also deserves a special mention for stepping up at the last minute.
John Hawkins (centre) receives the trophy from judges Jula Home and Ian Walls
There were 571 entries this year with a great variety of “landscape� interpretations, and a high standard was evident. The judging process took all afternoon and each image was studied several times. Firstly, all of the images were viewed, and each judge gave a Yes/No response as to whether the image should proceed to the next level.We then had three groups: 3 Yes, 3 No and many with one or two Yes responses (the Maybe group). The 3 No entries were reviewed to see if any images deserved to be re-evaluated. Some were elevated to Maybe.The 3 Yes entries were then reviewed and those that remained formed the beginning of the accepted images. Next we reviewed the Maybe images and eventually elevated around 25% to Accepted. The process continued with the now accepted images reassessed and an Honours group selected. Finally the medal winners were selected from within the Honours images. I hope you enjoy the great range of successful photographs. Both 2018 and 2019 AVs can be viewed from our salon webpage - Next year our judges will be from the North Island and we look forward to your entries in the only Salon celebrating our New Zealand landscape.
Laurie Thomas - Gold & Trophy Winner
On a wing & a prayer - Lake Heron by John Hawkins
Laurie Thomas - Silver
Solo by Shelley Wood LPSNZ
Untitled by Miriam Godfrey LPSNZ
Laurie Thomas - Bronze
Stepping Stones by Michael Venz
Tussock & mist by Micheal Venz
Under a kiwi sky by Judy Stokes APSNZ
48th Trenna Packer Salver Salon By Coordinator Carolyn Elcock ANPSNZ AFIAP QPSA
The Trenna Packer Salver is the only salon for New Zealand nature photography. Images must meet the PSNZ nature definitions. The salon calls for clubs to create sets showing diversity and coherence. It sounds easy, but creating a set that shows flow and diversity takes time, patience and skill. For the first time, there were more North Island entries (11) than from the South Island (10). The salver has headed to the North Island for a second time. Howick Photographic Society won with a beautiful set of diverse New Zealand Nature images. Howick have fewer than 100 members, and the rules allow photographers to have more than one image in the set. Our judge this year was from the North Island, Chris Helliwell LPSNZ of Napier, and he joined us for finals night. Each year the quality of sets is higher and Chris would not have had an easy task. As the images are digital, they were judged 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, etc. His comments on the sets were very insightful and would be a great help to members of the Nature Photography Society (NPSNZ), present on the night, who may be thinking of going for honours next year. The Salon was established by the Hagley Camera Club in 1972 as a tribute to Trenna Packer who was killed in an accident in 1970. NPSNZ took over in 2007. We were joined on the night by Norma Robson, Trenna Packer’s niece. Norma didn’t know about the salon until she came across the club’s salon webpage with details of the competition. Honours awards were given to • Annemarie Clinton of Tauranga Photographic Society for Frost heaving • Charlotte Johnson APSNZ of Auckland Photographic Society for Kea • Gavin Klee of Kapiti Coast Photographic Society for Porzana tabuensis • Owen Dunne of Marlborough Camera Club for Crepidotus sp • Torben Neilsen of Howick Photographic Society for Green and golden frog Although we asked Chris for the top three sets, he found that one set was so close to making the top three that he wanted to award a 4th placing.
Norma Robson with the salver, whose aunt Trenna Packer the salon is a tribute to
Chris’ comments on the top four sets: Christchurch Photographic Society 4th I like the diversity in this set; the flow of images works well. Look at the size of the images.The first image is a little larger than the rest.The last image is a portrait or head detail. I would have liked to have seen this in the title. I like how the subjects in the first and last image are both looking into the set.
Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club 3rd and Bronze Medal A very nice set. All images are the same size which helps with the transitions.The titles on this set add to it with the level of description given. I would have liked to have seen the whole weta in image 3, as the right leg is cropped off. Having two bird images lets the diversity down.
Nature Photography Society of New Zealand 2nd and Silver Medal This set starts off with a very strong image and finishes with a strong image. It is a nice diverse set; watch the size changes, especially from image 2 to 3.The square to rectangle shape change is distracting.
Howick Photographic Society 1st and Gold Medal A very diverse set with no repeated subjects; there are no large changes in size either. Look at image 2 and the transitions around it; there is a big colour change here. Consider swapping image 2 and 3 to see how this works. I love the soft feeling that this set has; the lighting on image 5 is very nice. I also like the extra information included in the titles.
Members’ images making up the winning Howick set were Hoar frost on pine tree, Twizel MacKenzie Country by Bob McCree FPSNZ Armillaria spp. in the Clevedon bush by Sheryl Williams APSNZ Windblown cumulonimbus clouds over the Southern Alps by Shona Kebble APSNZ Green and golden bell frog,Litoria aurea on Harakeke, Phormium tenax, by Torben Neilsen Chlorophyta spp. at low tide,Muriwai Beach by Sheryl Williams APSNZ Saddleback,Philesturnus rufusater on Harakeke,Phormium tenax flowers by Bob McCree FPSNZ Chris Helliwell presents Dawn Kirk (Secretary of Christchurch Photographic Society), with their set in background
Next year, James Thompson will be coordinating the salon. The AV can be viewed on the club webpage
Trenna Packer Salver Salon - Individual Honours
Porzana tabuensis by Gavin_Klee
Crepidotus sp by Owen Dunne
Frost heaving by Annemarie Clinton
Green and golden bell frog - Litoria aurea on Harakeke, Phormium tenax leaf by Torben Neilsen
Kea by Charlotte Johnson
Creative photography The original plan for the special feature in this issue of CameraTalk was to cover the area of creative photography. Despite appeals for contributions only one person, Rosita Manning FPSNZ, submitted any materials which we present below.
Rosita explains her approach. I don’t spend a long time at the computer preferring more time spent with the camera. but find preplanning works best for me; often a few hours on a cold wet day is spent making my images. Most of my photography is made in the office consisting of two windows. As the seasons differ with the strength of the light l note what images I wish to create and the time of day I will make them. My love is macro photography so I can please myself when I photograph. As a floral worker I plant what l would like to make into images.These are often in small tubs which can be photographed in my office, always with natural light. The textures l have used here are soft pieces of plastic posted around the purple crocus to give the effect of a cold foggy winters morning.The tulip is taken through the water with the autumn leaf sandwiched with bold colours reflected in a glass bottle..
PSNZ membership benefits Helping photographers grow As a PSNZ member you can enjoy a range of benefits, including: • Expert advice to help improve your photography. • The opportunity to achieve a higher Society distinction (APSNZ, FPSNZ). • A complimentary copy of New Zealand Camera, and the ability to submit your images for selection in this annual publication. • Access to member only resources, including a member only PSNZ Facebook page for social chat and updates with other members. • The opportunity to enter the Canon Online Competition, with trophies for each round and for the overall winner each year. • Discounts for Society activities, such as the annual PSNZ national convention, special workshops, international competitions and much more. • The opportunity to participate in regional club meetings and events, including the PSNZ Workshop Series • A copy of our bimonthly magazine – CameraTalk, with news, reviews, events and some of the best photography around. • The opportunity to exhibit your work in exhibitions such as the PSNZ Canon National Exhibition, Regional Salons and other member only online competitions. • Access to judge training workshops which are free for PSNZ members. • Ability to promote your website on our website. • Receive our regular blog posts to stay up to date with the latest news on events, activities and special offers. • Product discounts and savings when they are offered from our corporate partners and associated companies. • Discounts for major NZIPP events as a PSNZ member.
Situations Vacant – PSNZ needs your skills! By Moira Blincoe LPSNZ
AS ALL MEMBERS are aware the Society is managed by nine members of the Council who are ably supported by many more volunteers. The Society is run to ‘help photographers grow’, and the generous assistance of our volunteers enables us to offer you many opportunities to participate and improve your photography. For all volunteers there are some ‘perks’ included. Council is very much in need of additional skilled people to assist with a number of key portfolios and also some off-Council roles. The skill sets are specific to the demands and responsibilities of the roles and these are expanded further in this article. The Executive Officers, supported by Council, believe that if we cannot fulfill our requirements from our membership pool, then we may be forced to engage non-members on a contractual basis. Naturally this will require us to pay competitive market rates, which will be funded from the Society’s resources. If you have skills and the time to be able to volunteer, then we would really like to talk further with you. In the first instance please make contact with President, Moira Blincoe at president@ or call me on 027 473 30 38 or (09) 379 7021, or any of the Councillors. Council appreciates the commitments given in volunteering and I point out that it is not all ‘take, take’ as there are benefits and rewards in volunteering, e.g. attending some of the events at no cost and reimbursement of expenses. We do not expect volunteers to be out of pocket. In some instances, a remuneration package may be negotiated.
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash
Councillor for Communications and Marketing The communications and marketing requirement for the Society is one of the most important portfolios on Council. Sadly we lost our very talented Melanie Dick following our annual general meeting, due to her other commitments. The role is varied, always busy and allows creativity, innovation and flair.
Responsibilities include: • Writing articles; proof reading/editing all marketing material. • Maintaining PSNZ’s brand profile, including the website and social media. • Creation of communication plans to assist the organising committees of various events with marketing and communication (advising not always doing). • Publicity of the PSNZ brand, member successes and events. • Maintaining social media presence. • Liaising with media and industry media partner (e.g. D-Photo).
Skills required: • Excellent writing skills. • Ability to edit and proofread. • Understanding of publicity and marketing. • Strong organisational skills, attention to detail and deadlines. • Understanding of social media. • Excellent computer skills – Word, Excel, Power-point. • Good customer service skills. A full portfolio description is available for this role.
Workshop Series - Coordinator We are looking for an organised and enthusiastic person to help with running the new PSNZ Workshop Series. This is an off-Council role, working with the Councillor for Membership.
Responsibilities will include: • Assisting with planning workshop venues, topics and tutors. • Helping to promote the series through social media and other channels. • Liaising with venues, tutors and catering companies regarding event logistics. • Liaising with registered delegates. • Tracking and updating registrations and payments for workshops, answering member queries (or forwarding them on to the responsible councillor as appropriate).
Skills required: • Good computer skills including both Word and basic Excel spreadsheet skills. • Good communication skills. • Social media awareness and skills. • Customer service skills.
This role includes the opportunity to attend one workshop each year free of charge (of your choice).
Trophy and Awards Coordinator Our present coordinator, Janice McKenna, has advised that she will retire following the 2020 national exhibition/convention. This is an off-Council role and probably best suited to someone who resides in a main city, in terms of access to key suppliers, couriers etc.
Responsibilities for this role include: • Collating and maintaining all PSNZ trophies, medals and awards. • Liaising with recipients of awards; distribution and re-calling for return. • Liaising with printers, engravers and other suppliers. • Liaising with Councillor for national competitions • Liaising with Organising Committee for national exhibition and/or national convention; Secretary Honours Board; Council. • Inventory control for stock, i.e. medals, ribbons, certificates. • Maintaining inventory of all awards; updating the coordinator’s manual.
Skills Required: • Good computer skills including both Word and basic Excel spreadsheet knowledge • Well organised with solid administrative skills. • Good communication skills. • Customer service skills. • Storage availability for trophies etc.
Webmaster/IT Liaison Our website is our main and key marketing tool. We have had outstanding advice and service from Toya Heatley APSNZ until she retired as of April 2019. Toya has agreed to assist us until we find a replacement.
Responsibilities include: • Management of the Society’s Information Technology (IT) requirements to meet the expectations of Council and PSNZ members. • Management of the day-to-day IT and web-based requirements for members and affiliated clubs. • Review, maintain and implement the PSNZ Information Technology strategy to ensure the web based platforms are robust, functional and current. • Manage the technical components of the websites and make recommendations to Council officers if and when there is an issue, and/or when upgrades are required. • Monitor the hosting packages with the supplier and advise Council officers if and when changes are required. • Assist and maintain the Society’s convention websites maintaining the Society’s brand, look and feel on all the sites. • Liaise with the Database Team to resolve issues for members who can’t log in.
Skills required: • Knowledge and experience in Wordpress content management system and visual composer. • Knowledge and experience in working with Jotform. • Warm, friendly interpersonal skills - dealing with a myriad of volunteers and professionals. • Team player. • Strong understanding and knowledge of IT. • Good practical experience of IT-based solutions. • Good understanding of database processes. • Good communication skills - written and verbal. • Excellent computer skills. • Organised, attention to detail. • Confidentiality, integrity. A full portfolio description is available for this role.
Southern Regional Salon 2019
Salon entries open on 10 July 2019 and Close on 22 August 2019 The Salon is open to any PSNZ member or member of PSNZ affiliated organisations and clubs in the Southern Region Members from outside the Southern Region can also enter provided they are registered to attend the Southern Regional Convention in Invercargill
Print and Digital Categories
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Key dates for the diary August 1 August 5 August 11 August 22 August 25 September 3 October 1 October 7 October 11-12 October 25 November 1
Deadline for next CameraTalk edition Entries for NZ International Salon open Entries for Whanganui Salon close Entries for Southern Regional Salon close Canon Online Round 4 closes Entries for Dunedin Festival of Photography close Deadline for next CameraTalk edition Entries for NZ International Salon close Southern Regional Conventions Canon Online Round 5 closes Registration for National Convention open
The last image
Just waiting by Ann Bastion FPSNZ AFIAP MFIAP