Using PSNZ Accredited and Trainee Judges By Caroline Ludford LPSNZ LRPS Chairperson, Judge Accreditation Panel
SITTING DOWN TO evaluate a bunch of images for a club takes time, and has been estimated to take 15 -20 minutes per image for an accredited judge and much longer for a trainee. If you do the maths, you will see that many hours are taken up performing this essential task. We ask our clubs to consider the following please: 1. Plan well ahead and if you are emailing a number of judges, please use bcc to avoid having all the email addresses and details on view. 2. Please make sure you provide the definition given to your members of any set subject. 3. Please ensure that you give the judge your club’s clear guidelines on how you would like the images to be assessed. 4. Please keep the number of images to a maximum of 50 to 60. If you have more, consider splitting the images between two judges. 5. Please ensure that the judge has enough time to assess the images for you. A minimum of three weeks is preferable. 6. If you are wanting to use trainee judges, please make your request in good time with full comprehensive details. Our secretary (Jenny) will do her very best to source trainees for you BUT we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fill all your requests. 7. Please don’t forget to complete the online feedback form. We encourage all clubs to send in feedback to all judges, not just the trainees. 8. A ‘thank you’ email or card is always appreciated and will encourage our judges to volunteer again. At the end of the day, please remember that all the judges and trainees are volunteers and we are continuing to work hard for PSNZ. Any ideas or suggestions are always welcome. Please feel free to contact me direct at