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Canon Online results
PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 6, 2019
HERE ARE THE results from the final round of this year’s PSNZ Canon Online competition. I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful few days socialising, eating far too much delicious food and are now soaking up the delightful weather. While we’ve all been relaxing, our judge for this round has been hard at work reviewing and selecting her top 10 images, also determining of course the overall winner for 2019!
For this round, our judge was Michelle Usher LPSNZ. Michelle is a Wairarapa-based photographer and has been a PSNZ Judge for a number of years. She is currently studying through the Open College of Arts to complete a BA in photography. She enjoys travel, documentary and landscape photography - you can see her work at www.mcuphotography.co.nz.
This is my final round as coordinator and I would like to thank all the selectors and the 224 entrants this year for making the task so enjoyable and allowing me the opportunity to view nearly 550 beautiful artworks over the six rounds.
From next year, Paul Willyams LPSNZ AFIAP MNZIPP will be taking over as coordinator.
Finally, congratulations to the following authors who managed to enter all six rounds this year:
Allysa Carberry LPSNZ, Deborah Martin, Dennis Tohovaka, Eunice Belk LPSNZ, Hartmut Joschonek, Helen Howie, Jeanette Nee APSNZ, Jo Curtis LPSNZ, Julia Home APSNZ EFIAP GPSA PPSA, Kate Beauchamp, Liz Hardley FPSNZ, EFIAP/b LRPS, Lynn Fothergill LPSNZ, Lynn Hedges LPSNZ, Peter Rodgers LPSNZ, Prashant Joshi, Richard Laing, Roger Ball, Ron Willems Hon PSNZ FPSNZ AFIAP ARPS FAPS, Shona Jaray APSNZ, Sue Riach APSNZ ARPS and Vivianne Baldwin APSNZ.
Well done everyone, and best wishes for your pursuits in 2020.
James Gibson APSNZ EFIAP PSNZ Canon Online Coordinator
1st Subtle Awakening by Jo Curtis LPSNZ
Such simplicity and power in this image. There is such a feeling of a cool misty morning walk with the dog. The soft tones really make this image.
2nd Out of the Fog by Roger Ball
Another great image that reminds me of walking across London Bridge on my way to work. Great use of leading lines which take you into the image. The tones and processing really give that feeling of Sherlock Homes.
3rd Lady of Shalott by Karen Moffatt-McLeod LPSNZ
A beautiful portrait of this little girl playing ‘dress-up’. The lighting gives a soft thoughtful mood to the image.
4th Into the Blue by Bryan Lay Yee
A strong image based on bold colours and geometric lines. I really like the simplicity and the use of negative space.
5th Please by Lynn Hedges LPSNZ
A powerful documentary portrait. Great interaction between subject and photographer. The tight crop helps to focus my eyes on all the fine detail, from the dirt under her nails to the dust on her eyelashes.
6th Ying Yang by Rebecca King
A powerful and well executed portrait. It really makes me think and question what might be hiding on the other side.
7th White Heron in Nest Plumage by Ron Willems HonPSNZ FPSNZ AFIAP ARPS FAPS
A simple and elegant image showing this delicate bird within its surroundings. The side lighting helps to highlight the beautiful detail of the plumage.
8th Perpetual Performer by Kathy Richards LPSNZ
A well lit, exposed and processed table-top study. Great use of repeating patterns to give a 3D feel.
9th Waitanguru Falls by Karl Tretheway LPSNZ
A well-executed monochrome landscape image of this waterfall. The zig-zag of the water takes my eye into and through the scene. Great detail in the shadows and the slow shutter speed have produced a lovely softness in the water.
10th Tranquil by Prashant Joshi
Another well-executed seascape. The posts take me into the water and out to the horizon. Great detail in the rocks which makes me want to explore the scene and it holds my attention.