Cameratalk June-July 2017 web

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NZ CameraTalk To p r o m o t e t h e w i d e r e n j o y m e n t o f p h o t o g r a p h y

T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E P H OT O G R A P H I C S O C I E T Y O F N E W Z E A L A N D I N C June/July 2017

Winner Canon Online Round 2 - Still by Carolina Dutreal APSNZ

Editor’s corner WELCOME TO THIS, the second ‘online only’ issue of CameraTalk!

PRESIDENT Peter Robertson LPSNZ PO Box 2, Westport 7866 t. 03 789 8745 e:

VICE-PRESIDENT Moira Blincoe LPSNZ 16a Burleigh Street, Grafton, Auckland 1023 t. 09 379 7021 e.

TREASURER David Knightley PO Box 99470, Newmarket, Auckland 1149 e.

SECRETARY Patrice Nilsen 8 Raroa Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 5028 t. 04 232 1565 e.

The Convention Special took some completing, and some uploading, but we made it in the end. CameraTalk can now be downloaded, allowing readers to enjoy it in the way that suits them best. We know that progress means change, and change often causes disruption, and your comments and suggestions will always be welcome. As for me, I enjoyed being able to view a large number of images at a size that does them justice. Special thanks to Paul Whitham LPSNZ for all the work he did to bring CameraTalk to your computer. Club secretaries; please let your affiliated non-PSNZ members know that CameraTalk is available at www. (search for CameraTalk)

Sadly we’ve had to accept the resignation of Annikka Pugh LPSNZ from her position of CameraTalk designer/producer. Annikka was our editor for a time and then concentrated on putting together a very attractive publication of which we can be proud. Family responsibilities as well as work, study and camera club commitments have combined to bring Annikka to her decision to take ‘time out’. We’ll look forward to renewing acquaintance with Annikka, perhaps at a PSNZ convention.

Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ Editor

EDITOR Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ 14 Poynter Place, Whanganui 4501 t. 06 348 7141 or m. 027 653 0341 e.

ADVERTISING & INSERTS Paul Whitham LPSNZ PSNZ Councillor t. 04 973 3015 or m. 021 644 418 e.

CAMERATALK DEADLINE The next CameraTalk deadline is 1 August 2017. Email your contributions to the Editor at his email address. Editorial should be sent as Word or .txt files. JPEG images generally should open to not more than 150mm x 100mm at 300 dpi, compressed to high to medium quality. Include return postage if you wish material to be returned. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Council of PSNZ.


Remember that CameraTalk is now a digital production. Please remind your club members that the digital version of CameraTalk can be found by searching for the word “CameraTalk” at

AS WE LOOK ahead to sharing our thinking on the strategic direction of the Society over the next few months, we are conscious, once again, of the vital role that our member volunteers play in the overall success of our activities. From those who put their hands up for election to Council, to the Clubs that volunteer to manage the conventions and competitions on our behalf, to all those individual members who contribute their time and energy to dozens of little niche jobs, we are grateful for the contributions you make, big and small, to the overall goal of helping photographers grow. As we move towards a higher digital presence, with its advantages of quick, up-to-date, high-resolution communications, we have a greater need for those members who have the time and skills to help in this area. If you think you might have some time and ability to help the Society, please contact me so we can discuss how we can make it happen.

From the President's desk

Kind regards Peter Robertson LPSNZ President

Second in Canon Online The trap made by Kerry Saul

New PSNZ Accredited Judge Congratulations to Don Kelly Hon PSNZ APSNZ who has recently been appointed as an Accredited PSNZ Judge – Category Open. Don can be contacted by email or phone 027 242 1476.


PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 2, 2017 WE ARE GRATEFUL to Tracey Scott FPSNZ FNZIPP AFIAP of Rotorua for judging 137 entries in round 2. We really appreciated the time Tracey has put in to judge our entries. Congratulations go to Carolina Dutruel APSNZ from Henderson Photographic Society for her beautiful 1st placed image, ‘Still’, and to the other nine place getters. It’s hard to win places in this competition, but keep trying! Round 3 closes on 25 June 2017 so you can send your image now. All entries are to be submitted online; go to nz and enter under the Member Login area. Sally Phillips APSNZ PSNZ Canon Online Coordinator

Comments from the judge: Tracey Scott FPSNZ FNZIPP AFIAP Thank you once again for the privilege to judge this round of Canon Online. There were 137 entries in this round and the variety of subject matter was vast. The top 30 Images stood out immediately from the rest. Some of my initial standout images didn’t make the grade on scrutiny, leaving me with 11 images. This made it a little tricky as the last two both deserved to be included, but 10 it must be so one was let go.

My congratulations go to the final 10, with thanks to all the authors who submitted work and who make this competition as challenging as ever.

few years’ time. The lighting, posing and composition have been very thoughtfully handled.

1st Still by Carolina Dutruel APSNZ

This was another of those wow factor images. Great symmetry combined with the use of black and white to remove distractions and an interesting camera angle have created a very beautiful and unusual study of this spider.

This image was a standout from the very first time I saw it. A very simple and serene image yet at the same time very powerful, this shows me the beauty and innocence of this young girl and hints of the great beauty she will grow into in a


2nd The trap made by Kerry Saul

A day f ishing by Constance Fein Harding

3rd A day fishing by Constance Fein Harding

5th A light in the darkness by James Gray Gibson APSNZ AFIAP

So very Monet, this delightful impressionistic image conjures up all the wonderful sunny feelings and memories of summer days.

There are so many astro images on the net today that one can become a little desensitised to their beauty, but this one had the extra wow factor for me - the pathway leading to the lighthouse and that wonderful light being emitted from the lighthouse into the darkness. My only distraction was the hint of the sun to the right, competing a little with the main attractions.

4th The clash by Helena Gratkowski A very cleverly composed image and the stormy moody sky adds to the drama. I would like to have seen the entire sword at the top; as it is the sword leaves the image and leads the viewer’s eye out of the frame.

The clash by Helena Gratkowski

A light in the darkness by James Gray Gibson APSNZ AFIAP


continued from page 5

PSNZ Canon Online: Judge’s comments round 2, 2017 6th The spiral manoeuvre by Lezanne Gibbs

8th Spare parts by Bill Hodges APSNZ EFIAP

The decisive moment was well captured. A very good photo journalistic capture, the use of B&W has helped keep distractions to a minimum, with good use of tonal range and vignette to keep the viewer’s eye trained on the action.

Fun, vibrant almost carnival-like colours, tones and textures add to the quirky steam-punk type subject matter. I’d like to have seen a little more in the reflection in the goggles to add even more depth to the image.

7th Fern drop by Stephanie Forrester LPSNZ This is a serene, gentle and understated image with strong diagonal composition and a lovely soft colour palette, along with a shallow depth of field which draws the viewer to the droplet. There is no second guessing what the photographer wanted us to focus on.


The spiral movement by Lezanne Gibbs

Fern drop by Stephanie Forrester LPSNZ

Spare parts by Bill Hodges APSNZ EFIAP


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PSNZ Canon Online: Judge’s comments round 2, 2017 10th Dew drops by Shona Jaray APSNZ 9th Safe passage by Barbara Lee APSNZ This is one of those images that grew on me each time I viewed it. I enjoyed the twisted turbulent undertones, giving me nervous butterflies for those on board and reminding us all that we are always at the peril of the ocean when we voyage out into its vast green seas.

In some ways this was very similar to the 7th placed image. For a moment I wondered if it was by the same author, and then reminded myself that we are only allowed one entry per person. I enjoyed the simplicity of the image and the tension created by the sheer weight of those three droplets on that tiny leaf tip. What a great selection of images I had to choose from! It was a very hard task to select only 10 images from the wealth of talent submitted.

Safe passage by Barbara Lee APSNZ

Dew drops by Shona Jaray APSNZ


The soapbox by Paul Whitham LPSNZ

Camera clubs in the age of Facebook. WHEN I FIRST starting taking and developing pictures in Gisborne (and then Hamilton), my choices of learning about photography were fairly limited. I could read a book or do a night class. My only way to get feedback on my images was if I chose to join a local camera club. At university I was a member of the university club, but that was only because it gave me access to the darkroom. As far as I remember we never met. Camera clubs were strong, as effectively they had the market to themselves. Fast forward to today and my options are vastly improved. From the comfort of my smart tv (I don’t even need a computer) I can easily download thousands of books, magazines, articles, videos and even full workshops on all topics relating to photography. I can look at images from around the world, and more importantly I can submit my images and receive feedback. The quality of some of the feedback may be questionable but that is another matter. If I choose to I can enter a myriad of competitions. The fact is that I can do all that without having to leave my home. With the power of Facebook, it is quite possible for large events to be organised by very few, in a short time frame. Whole communities of people in the creative sector are willing to work together. In March this year I took part in one such event, called the Great Trentham Collaboration (GTC). This was organised essentially by one person who had an idea and then brought together 20 photographers, 20 models, eight makeup artists, five clothing and two costume designers for a two-day event. He split and paired people up and over the two days I photographed eight different models in multiple fashions. No one was paid for anything and all it cost was $12.50 per day to cover the hirage of the venue.

will bring people in. It is in the one-on-one session where the person feels that they can ask the “dumb” questions and not be trolled as a result, and it is in the promise of friendship that this will really thrive. But to attract younger members there are a couple of things that you need to do. • Firstly, look at your own social media. Do you have a Facebook page and, if so, is it actively used? • Secondly, check the wording used in any promotional material to emphasise what people will get out of their involvement. • Thirdly, and most importantly, make sure that your club has systems in place so that anyone who walks through the door is made welcome.

The group that came out of GTC maintains a private Facebook group and we have done three subsequent smaller shoots together. Having all that material at my finger tips, why would I want to go out on a cold winter’s night to a camera club meeting? Put more succinctly, is there a future for camera clubs in the age of Facebook? In my opinion there is, but only if they adapt to the environment, rather than trying to ignore it. The one thing that a club can do, that Facebook can’t, is provide actual human contact and true connections. Therefore it is things like outings and workshops where people get together and actually do things that

Shieldmaidens by Paul Whitham LPSNZ from the GTC 2017


Audio-visual notes by Trish McAuslan APSNZ AFIAP AAPS – JSMT Coordinator CONGRATULATIONS TO Alistair McAuslan APSNZ who has achieved his Licentiate of the Australian Photography Society in Audio-visuals (AV-LAPS). For this photographic honour, Alistair had to achieve success with a number of different audio-visuals in several different competitions at either the national or international level. At present NZ photographers who would like to achieve recognition for their audio-visual skills can either work towards AV-AFIAP by entering international salons or they can join the Australian Photographic Society and work towards recognition in audio-visuals from Licentiate through to Fellowship. At the recent Adelaide AV Fest - an international audio-visual competitionthe following were successful. Gail Stent APSNZ: Best Creative Imagery with ‘Human Impact’ and this AV also won Popular Choice, chosen by the audience during the judging session. Gail Stent APSNZ: FIAP Acceptance with ‘A Stranger in a Strange Land’ Newell Grenfell Hon PSNZ FPSNZ FIAP Acceptance with ‘Proud’


Trish McAuslan APSNZ AFIAP AAPS: Two FIAP Acceptances with ‘A Tribute to Claude Monet’ and ‘Is Iceland Made of Ice?’

Jack Sprosen Memorial Trophy Competition 201718 This year the competition will be organised by the Wanganui Camera Club. Details such as closing dates will be sent out to members and put on the PSNZ website as soon as they are available.

Accreditation of AV judges The initial process of accrediting audiovisual judges is almost complete. Any PSNZ member who is interested in applying for accreditation as an audiovisual judge should check on the PSNZ website: members-login/accredited-judges/ Main requirements: 1 At least five acceptances or better, over the last five years, in at least two different national or international AV competitions with at least three different AV programmes. 2 The applicant will have attended an AV Judge Training Course or have completed equivalent judge training that would include preparation of feedback and a consideration of the elements of a successful AV. 3 The applicant will be a PSNZ accredited judge for still images or will have attended an accredited judge training course in the last three years.

Gail Stent APSNZ holding the plate she won for the AV with the Best Creative Imagery at the Adelaide AV Festival


File format for audiovisuals If at all possible, please save your audiovisual in a format that can be played on both a Windows and an Apple Mac computer. The preferred option is .mp4, but, if that is not available, either .avi or .mov can be used. This is the last year that we will expect the organisers of the JSMT to have access to both Windows and Apple computers to play those programmes that are platform specific e.g. .exe and .app. This is also important for club competitions because judges normally only have one platform available - either Windows or Mac but not both. If your club has an AV competition and requiring entries to be able to be played on both Windows and Apple hasn’t been made one of the requirements, please talk to your club administrators about it. They are welcome to contact me for further information. (Email: mcauslanav@

Tauranga AV Salon This year the award-winning programmes will be shown on the evening of Saturday 5 August, and you, your family and friends are very welcome. The certificates and medals will be presented to award winners who are present that evening. During the afternoon of the Saturday 5 August there will be AV workshops for people who have never made an AV and would like to get started, for those who have made some AVs and would like to know more about competitive audio-visuals, and for people who have already entered competitions and would like to extend their skills. The topics include ‘Getting Started’, ‘What Makes a Good Audiovisual’, ‘Including Video’ and ‘Adding a Narration.’ For more information visit the Tauranga Photographic Society website: tga-av-salon/

Club news Cambridge Camera Club turns 60! As a tribute to the work of our photographic pioneers, the Cambridge Camera Club has chosen to celebrate its 60th anniversary with an exhibition of historic photographs taken in Cambridge. The exhibition will run from 24 to 28 July at the Cambridge library and will include images and memorabilia from early club members. A call to the Cambridge community unearthed images previously unseen by the public - old cameras, scrapbooks of club minutes, and slides of early club competitions. Among the images obtained was a photograph of the club celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Not only do we have a pictorial record of our town, but also a treasure chest of early photographic work from those visual historians. After the exhibition copies of the historical images, along with photographs of Cambridge taken by current club members, will be gifted to the Cambridge Museum to ensure the club’s images are preserved - ready to be rolled out for our centennial celebrations! In addition to our exhibition we are hosting members and ex-members on Saturday 29 July at the Resthaven Community Centre. It will be another opportunity to see the exhibition, catch up with old friends and share memories.


Fowler EFIAP, FPSNZ, PPSA, BPSA High Country Adventure Focus on Creative Photography

We hope to have a couple of guest speakers, so if you would like to join us please contact our club president, Eric Hill, and we will keep you in touch with our plans. Details of both events will be on our website

Club news If your club has information or events that it would like to share then email the details to Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at

Focus on Black & White Photography Focus on Autumn Colours Focus on Shearing Focus on Winter

Dates to be advised 2018 Contact Scott: 021 069 5583


Taken by Cambridge Camera Club member Eric Levesque in 1934. The Cambridge Town Clock surrounded by old plywood caravans - a typical 1930s Cambridge scene!

Events & services Services

Courier or storage boxes. Contact Sean Dick, Printcases for 16”x 20” prints. $75 plus post. Contact Jocelyn Barrett,

Club Scott Fowler APSNZ EFIAP PPSA Workshops For information on Scott’s courses, go to Email details of services, upcoming photographic workshops, seminars and exhibitions to Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at

Photography Tour Photograph the crowds and vitality of incredible Kolkata and the sacred city of Varanasi during the fun-filled Holi festival. We see tigers, leopards and more at Bandhavgarh National Park and photograph the big landscapes and soaring peaks of Himalayan Kashmir, the pearly beauty of Taj Mahal and the bazaars of Delhi. 20 days, departing on 24 February, 2018, small group (max 10), luxurious and hosted from New Zealand by Liz Light, an award winning travel photographer. We will also be accompanied by a photography-savvy local guide. This is India made easy. Liz has been there 17 times and still loves it.

Contact: Ph: 09 4220111 Web: •


Convention news PSNZ Southern Regional Convention 13–15 October 2017 in Nelson In four months’ time, the Nelson Camera Club will be hosting the South Island’s event of the year. It’s for the benefit of all those enthusiastic image creators who like to explore new opportunities and try new skills with their photography. Registrations open on 4 August. Salon entries will be accepted from 23 July, closing on 24 August. Don’t forget - if you live in the North Island and would like to enter images in the salon, you must also attend the Convention. We would love to have your company. Our four excellent speakers are Ken Ball and Wendy Verity from Melbourne, Keith Hawke from Nelson and Esther Bunning from the Wairarapa. Our main field trip will be to the Wakefield Steam Museum where we’ll have some beautiful and handsome Steam Punk models dressed for the occasion. They will enhance or test your abilities to create the next generation of salon buster images. For those who would like something different, a visit to the World of Wearable Arts and the associated car museum is a must see. If you like to get out of bed before the sun rises, our boat trip to the Boulder Bank and lighthouse is an excellent way to begin the day with some natural history and sunrise images. Please visit and read more about the speakers and what will be a wonderful convention!


Convention news PSNZ Central Regional Convention 29 September –3 October 2017 in Stratford AWARD-WINNING TONY Carter has an exciting presentation planned for the Central Regional Convention at Stratford, beginning on Friday 29 September. “A Life Unseen” will show portraits of people living quietly in our Taranaki towns. He will discuss the importance of documenting “our people” in small town New Zealand, and show us the techniques he uses in his work. Go to www. to see some of Tony’s work. Please visit and read more about the speakers and what will be a wonderful convention!


NZIPP Silver award winning photos by Tony Carter

Joining our team of presenters: Kevin Bone FNZIPP KEVIN BONE, FROM Hawera, prior to taking a leap of faith into a career in photography, worked as a large industry Maintenance Engineer. "They say the 40s can be a big time of change for a man. I always wanted to do photography and so I decided to do something different. In 2008 I gave work a week's notice and decided to study for a Bachelor degree in Applied Visual Imagery, majoring in photography, at Universal College of Learning (UCOL).”

The gardener by Ken Bone

special milestones of childhood and family life, and preserving those wonderful memories in portraiture. My photographic career started with skill in underwater photography – and fish certainly don’t swim to schedule – so I’m well placed to handle any photographic challenge.” “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” ~ Ansel Adams Kevin Bone has so much to offer and is still working on the content of his presentation, but he will certainly stimulate and motivate photographers of all levels.

The rigorous technical training involved in achieving a Bachelor of Applied Visual Imagery provided Kevin with an academic understanding of theory and concepts rounding out his natural ‘eye’ for photography. As a former dive instructor, Kevin had taken underwater photos for more than 20 years and in 2006 won gold in the final Oceanz marine photography competition. Numerous awards were to follow. “I’m passionate about creating treasured memories for the future. The well-worn quote advises, ‘Never work with children or animals’. Actually, I love to work with both. In fact, some of my most outstanding results have been capturing on film the


Nelson national triptych ENTER THE NELSON National Triptych Salon! Winter's here, and although that can mean some great outdoor photo opportunities, it can also bring on the temptation to stay well inside with the thermostat set on "tropical". If the temptation is really strong you might even find yourself going into semi-hibernation. Think - brain in power-saving mode, TV showing re-runs and an electric blanket on overtime. Desist! You are a photographer. Photographers are committed artists, always alert to the opportunity to test their creativity to the full, and here's a golden opportunity to display your creativity! Prepare an entry for the forthcoming Nelson National Triptych Salon! In the comfort of your own home or out and about, triptych opportunities abound. If you are a "venture out in all weathers” type you might be able to make the most of the elements to produce an award winning triptych such as Robin Short's 2015 winning digital image, "Oh dear".

This year, in addition to the Salon's usual handcrafted trophies for the best print entry and best digital entry, there is an additional award for the triptych which best depicts a well known phrase or saying of the entrant's choice. If you need inspiration in that direction, check Mr Google who lists 1,800 choices for a well-known phrase or saying. Sponsored by Canon, Post Haste and the Nelson Building Society, the Nelson National Triptych Salon opens for entries on 1 August. The team at Nelson Camera Club has made special efforts to ensure that submitting your entries is as pain free as possible. For further details please see national-triptych-salon-2/

His master’s voice by Carolyn Hope APSNZ


If you prefer the great indoors why not stimulate your still-life skills with a connected collection in the mode of Carolyn Hope’s award winning print entry, "His Master's Voice"?

Oh dear by Robyn Short APSNZ

PSNZ member profile:

Don Hadden FPSNZ Recounts some of his adventures in photography SITTING IN A HIDE at a drying waterhole in a remote part of the Kimberley, Western Australia, I noticed a snake appearing at the far side, about 20 metres away. With no birds to photograph at the time, I concentrated on obtaining some shots as it passed by. Suddenly I realised it wasn’t going to pass by. This snake was headed straight for the hide. As it disappeared into the shadow from the hide I scrambled out the back and watched to see what it would do. But there was no perfidious intent; it just curled up under the hide, ready to sleep for the day. As I wanted to continue my photography I moved the snake on, advising that it would be preferable for both of us if it found somewhere else to sleep. Being a specialist bird photographer has taken me to many remote and wild places in several countries; I could never have foreseen this as a little nipper when I first became interested in bird photography. I must have been eight or nine years old when I suggested to my father that I could find a sack and put a hole in it to photograph the sparrows that came to our bird table. I didn’t know the word ‘hide’. I didn’t know about bird photography. I didn’t know any bird photographers in the early 1950s when I

started. My photography grew together with my keen interest in birds. I have never been any good at any other sort of photography. In my late teens I heard about Geoff Moon, an expert bird photographer. He lived in Warkworth at the time so one day, driving home to Auckland after a day’s surfing at Pakiri Beach, I called in to ask Geoff for his advice regarding hides. Over the following years he became a valued mentor and friend. I would show him some of my early efforts to which he was invariably polite. When he realised I didn’t mind my work being criticised he would point out faults and so I learned a lot from him. We photographed Spotless Crakes together in swamps in Waingaro, we drove miles up Pakiri Beach together in his converted Volkswagen, and we got bogged in shingle down Kaitorete Spit while looking for Banded Dotterel nests. Altogether he was very influential on any success I may have had in bird photography. In those days, there were very few of us in New Zealanders who were serious bird photographers; you could count us on the fingers of one hand. After all, it was manual focus,

dodgy light meters and an expensive $1.00 spent every time you pressed the shutter. Today, bird photography is so stunningly easy and so cheap you can count on the fingers of one hand the people who aren’t bird photographers. Besides encounters with snakes, I have had a couple of difficult encounters with people. Once, in Taiwan, I had to persuade police that I wasn’t interested in photographing some sensitive installations, just the birds nearby My wife and I also spent three years from 1999 to 2002 working with NZ Volunteer Service Abroad on Bougainville Island, immediately after the civil war there. At one time, I was up in the mountains, mist-netting birds with the permission of a local village chief. However, when the boss of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army heard I was there he sent his men, ordered me out and took all my camera gear. It was some months before I could negotiate its return – at some cost. After all it was important that I pay them for looking after my camera gear while it was in their possession. Mist-netting at high altitudes in Bougainville jungle produced two species of birds new to science. One I named after my wife and it is known as Megalurulus llaneae and the other the American Museum of Natural History named after me, Cettia (Horornis) haddeni. Beside battling difficult humans, a bird photographer battles difficult conditions. On Bougainville I caught both malaria and dengue fever (which was nearly the end of me and necessitated a mercy flight direct to hospital in Australia). In outback Australia, heat and isolation can be a killer. I have been photographing where the ground temperature in full sun is well over 50º.

Spotted Harrier with mouse by Don Haddon FPSNZ


continued from page 17 Whenever I photograph in remote desert places I always take a satellite phone when I know I won’t see people for days. I’ve even done battle with the sea. We lived on Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean. Just north of the 26 atolls making up the main area is Pulu Keeling Island, a designated National Park of Australia. Ships could not reach the island shore so I was dropped off outside the breakers with all my camera gear and clothes in a watertight barrel. Swimming in was no problem but when I had finished photography I had to swim out on my back carrying my barrel on my chest. Being in my early 60s at the time I found it tough going. It did occur to me, as each breaker knocked me shoreward, that being a studio photographer might have been a good idea. I eventually made it to the ship again, pleased with my day’s photographic efforts. For a few years, I worked intermittently as a “guest lecturer” for Coral Princess Cruises who took tourists from Darwin to Broome along the Kimberley coast. As the bird specialist among the other tour guides, it was my job to explain anything to do with Australian birds we encountered. I used my photographs


to give lectures on the birds of the area as well as point out birds as we sailed and when we were ashore. I didn’t mind if they wanted to pay a Kiwi to tell Australians about Australian birds. These days we spend half a year at our home in Teal Valley near Nelson and half at our place nestled in tropical rainforest on the Atherton Tablelands in far north Queensland. There I have befriended a species of Bird of Paradise known as Victoria’s Riflebird which has a remarkable display. Last year a BBC film crew visited our place to photograph it for their new ‘One Earth’ series due out later this year, 2017. Bird photography has been a wonderful hobby, and even after pursuing it for more than 60 years, still occupies me almost daily. Don Hadden FPSNZ

Fairy Martin feeding a fully fledged chick by Don Haddon FPSNZ

PSNZ Council member profile:

Vivianne Baldwin APSNZ AT THE AGM held in April 2017, two new councilors were elected. In this issue we profile them both.

Vivianne Baldwin APSNZ has been an active member of the Tauranga Photographic Society since 2007 and joined the executive committee in 2011. She was the Chairman of the committee which ran the 2015 PSNZ Convention, Exploring Pixels, in Tauranga. Vivianne is also a member of the TPS Audio-visual group. Vivianne’s first foray into photography was as a young child when she ‘borrowed’ her father’s film camera and happily took a couple of photos! Unfortunately the evidence was discovered when the film was developed! Fast forward to 1999 when Vivianne went to work and live in the UK she bought a SLR camera, joined the Maidstone Camera Club, and her love affair with photography was born!

Vivianne enjoys a variety of genre including nature, portraiture, sport and street photography. After obtaining her LPSNZ in 2014 Vivianne decided her APSNZ would be entered in the nature catagory. After the 2015 convention Vivianne and husband Richard headed to Ireland to attend an Irish seabirds workshop run by Guy Edwardes, renowned UK photographer and one of their convention speakers. However, trolling through the many images she felt there were not 12 that would fit together to the high standard expected for an associate set, so decided to focus on gannets. After two visits to the gannet colony at Cape Kidnappers and then later the colony at Murawai, Vivianne spent many hours photographing the birds. After careful consideration 12 images were chosen and she was delighted when her APSNZ was awarded at Queenstown in 2016.

lifetime members of the Maidstone Camera Club in the UK. She enjoys reading, quilting, and painting, and lives in Tauranga with husband Richard. Together they enjoy their passion for photography, travel and family. Joining the PSNZ Council this year, she sees her role of membership (with Rodney Adamson) fitting perfectly into the PSNZ mission ‘Helping Photographers Grow’. Vivianne’s email is

Vivianne and husband Richard are

Gannet by Vivianne Baldwin APSNZ


PSNZ Council member profile:

Karen Lawton APSNZ THANK YOU TO the Photographic Society of NZ (PSNZ) Council and PSNZ members for offering me an opportunity to participate as a Councillor. I joined Auckland Photographic Society (APS) in 2008 and have been an active member of that club since that time, participating in a number of off-committee roles. I edited the APS newsletter Focal Plane for three years and have more recently initiated several innovative club educational opportunities that aim to offer support to new and existing members alike. In 2010 I was responsible for the sponsorship and funding portfolio as a member of the APS Convention Organising Committee (COC) planning the Northern Regional Convention Rhythm of Light. That was a big job and we found that support from partners and donors was invaluable to the ultimate convention experience we were able to

offer to participants. That was why, in 2016, I put my hand up to be a member of the APS COC organising the 2017 PSNZ National Convention Photography on the Edge. On this committee I again took on the sponsorship role and worked closely with the major industry sponsors to finalise contractual, speaker and other agreements. I participated in the PSNZ Judge Accreditation Panel mentoring scheme in 2015 and was confirmed as an accredited PSNZ judge at the beginning of 2016. I get a real buzz out of the judging role and feel it is a great means by which to give back to the photography community that has supported my own endeavours. And it helps me to learn – all the time – which is great. Photographically I gravitate towards a bit of non-conventional interpretative imagery. I always try to ensure I enter

the set subject each month at APS, simply because those subject constraints put me out of my comfort zone. More often than not my interpretations of the set subject kind of miss the mark in terms of judge appraisal, but that’s just fine. I am a habitual entrant in the Black and White Spider Awards and the International Colour Awards; I love the imagery those awards share with the world and highly recommend browsing their winners’ portfolios - stunning and inspirational. One of my favourite genres is the audiovisual (AV). I find an AV gives me licence to explore a theme both literally and laterally. I find AVs to be expressive and I feel the pure harmony that can be found between images and soundtrack can be magical. My audio-visuals (and there are not many of them as I don’t create an AV if I don’t have anything to say) are often thought-provoking and – to some viewers - a little ‘off key’. Until recently my commercial/work history centred on writing applications for New Zealand companies seeking funding from Government agencies for R&D and business growth. Currently I am involved – amongst other things - in the work towards regulation of the Chinese medicine profession. These professional roles honed my expertise and skills in writing and marketing, supplementing them with the essential attributes of attention to detail and organisational abilities. I believe these attributes, combined with my APS and COC involvement, offer skills that will make a valuable contribution to the PSNZ Council.


Do androids dream by Karen Lawton APSNZ

Annual financial reporting for clubs

New charity financial reporting requirements by David Knightley PSNZ Treasurer

THIS IS THE biggest change in financial reporting in 20 years, and for many charities the biggest change to their financial reporting ever. Many of the Society’s affiliated clubs or societies are registered with Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) Charity Services and as such are deemed to be “Registered Charities”. For these registered charities, be they an Incorporated Society, a Charitable Trust, or just a Club or Society, there is now a mandatory obligation on these organisations to comply with the new financial reporting framework. DIA Charity Services expect the annual financial reports to be in compliance with the new standards. The financial reporting reform enacted in 2013 has heralded the most significant change ever in the financial reporting requirements imposed on charities in New Zealand’s history. The key drivers for the changes include • Recognition that charities/NotFor-Profit (NFPs) have some unique features that simply don’t apply to For-Profit entities. • An understanding that an annual surplus or deficit is not necessarily a key metric of a charity or NFP’s success. • An appreciation that the key interested stakeholders for many charities and NFPs will be external parties such as the donating public, funders, and service recipients. • And, charities by virtue of their nature have a tax exemption status granted by the Government and are receiving a subsidy by the general public. As such there is a logical expectation that charities should be financially transparent and obliged to report in a way that provides meaningful information to the public.

What are these accounting standards?

• These have been developed by The External Reporting Board (XRB) for all NFPs that have a statutory requirement to prepare financial reports. • There are four tiers (based on annual operating expenditure) of reporting for NFPs in the accounting standards framework. In general the accounting standards become progressively simpler as the entity moves down the tiers. • Tiers 1 and 2 are for the larger NFPs with annual expenditure that exceed $2m. • Tier 3 applies to those NFPs with annual expenditure more than $125,000 but less than $2m. These are known as PBE Simple Format Reporting standard – Accrual (SFRA(NFP)). •

Tier 4 applies to those NFPs with an annual cash expenditure less than $125,000; it is known as PBE Simple Format Reporting Standard – Cash (SFR-C(NFP)). I would envisage that most of our affiliated clubs or societies fit into this category.

For further information on both tier 3 & 4 standards, visit either the XRB website or the Charities website. Click on the various links which will give advice on what’s required and will include the financial reporting templates that can be used.

Any review of your status should be completed by someone competent and with expertise in this area. • Should you elect to stay as a Registered Charity, the additional reporting requirements will take more time to complete, especially in the first year, but will become easier to compile in the second and subsequent years - but more time will be required irrespective. • Think of the likelihood you may have in finding committee members with the expertise to compile the financial statements in accordance with the new reporting standards. • For those clubs and societies which are not Registered Charities, you have no specific financial reporting standards to follow. You can choose how you wish to present your annual financials to members. The exception is Incorporated Societies and there are changes afoot for these entities (registered Charity or not) to comply with the new reporting standards. It will be a couple of years before that becomes mandatory.

So there we have it! Where to from here? For those clubs and societies registered with DIA Charity Services, you may want to do a review of your society and evaluate whether you need to have Charity status. • I suspect there are no tangible advantages for small clubs or societies to have Charity Status. However, each club needs to assess its own requirements. No one size fits all.

The Register of Charities has several affiliated clubs which have not complied with the requirements of the Registrar. It should be noted that for those registered charities, not filing annual financial statements or in the required format, or both, is likely to result in the club/charity being deregistered. Failing to draft financial statements in the required format will result in the Registrar deregistering a charity, as the Registrar is not able to evaluate from


continued from page 21 the information presented whether the charity is fulfilling its objectives of being a charity.

club’s continued existence, you must comply with the Reporting requirements.


If anyone wants to discuss this further or seek further clarification, drop me a line at

If being a registered charity is important or necessary to your

The last image

Yellow crowned parakeet bathing by Don Hadden FPSNZ


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