Camera Talk - April 2022

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Nelson National Triptych Salon Planning for this year's salon is underway, and it will open for entries on 1 August 2022. Entries must be made up of three separate images depicted together as a triptych. A successful triptych will tell a stronger story or provide a greater impact than a single image. The overall champion will receive a unique Nelson National Triptych Trophy to keep. There will be three Special Awards this year.

Best - The Road

Rural or residential, long and winding or straight and narrow, bustling or deserted, real or imagined. Roads come in all kinds, shapes, and sizes. Impress the salon selectors with your version of The Road.

Best - Cool Cats

Feline and furry or funky and fashionable; cuddly and comforting or cold-blooded killing machines. What's your concept of Cool Cats?

Best - Monochrome

With just one or no colour, your entry needs to be very strong in other aspects to capture and hold the viewer’s attention. This salon has just a few, but very specific, rules, so please visit the Nelson National Triptych website and read those rules before creating your triptych masterpiece.

For more information, please visit:

Artificial Intelligence, by Jill Jackson LPSNZ


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