1 minute read
FIAP News: 30th Colour Biennial, Greece 2023
By Ann Bastion Hon PSNZ FPSNZ EFIAP/b MFIAP FIAP Liaison Officer
It has been a long wait for members who participated in this free FIAP event. A reminder that FIAP holds a Biennial every year, alternating between colour PI one year and B&W prints the following year. The Biennial is a competition between all the countries that make up FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art).
This year it was a colour PI set of 20 images. Earlier in the year we invited members to submit images to be considered for selection in the New Zealand entry.
Forty countries entered and New Zealand was placed 30th. It isn’t the placing we hoped for but we have had years where we were in the top twelve. Maybe next year...
How does FIAP score each submitted set?

Each image is scored in its own right, and then the set is assembled and given a score for coherence. The 21 scores are then added together to give the final score for the country. You can go to FIAP and view the other countries' entries at https://www.fiap.net/en/ biennials. In addition to that, each individual score over 8 is eligible for an acceptance when applying for FIAP distinctions.
PSNZ also recognises the top three individuals’ scores. You will see that there are often more than one person with the same score.
Below is the list of authors in order of the images and rows.