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FIAP Distinctions: Requirement Changes, Beginning in 2023
These changes have been on the sideline since 2020 when Covid hit. At the moment FIAP has indicated that the new requirements will come into force from the beginning of 2023. There may be some slight alterations as a result of the congress meeting in December but by the time NZ sends in its applicants’ dossiers in September, things should be finalised.
Here are the basics of the new requirements:
To qualify for the AFIAP distinction you will need to have
• Taken part in and received at least five acceptances in PSNZ National Exhibitions. (This is a requirement of PSNZ, not FIAP.)
• Taken part with success in different international salons under FIAP patronage for at least one year.
• Gained 90 acceptances from FIAP-patronised salons or circuits.
• From 15 different countries (a circuit is deemed a single salon and a single country).
• With 30 different works/images.
• Five photographic works by the candidate in the form of a digital file. These submitted works must have obtained three FIAP recognised acceptances in different salons. In this respect, a circuit is considered to be a single salon.
(Each level starts at zero and requires the same number of acceptances etc as the previous level.)
For the distinctions EFIAP, EFIAP/b, EFIAP/s, EFIAP/g and EFIAP/p the candidate must
• Be the holder of the previous distinction for at least one year, based on the date of the diploma
• Have taken part with success in different international salons under FIAP Patronage in at least 30 different countries. In this respect, a circuit is considered to be a single salon and a single country.
• Have obtained 250 new acceptances
• With at least 100 different new works/Images in international salons under FIAP patronage
• Five photographic works by the candidate in the form of a digital file. These works must be different and not resemble or be similar to those submitted for the previous distinctions. The five submitted works must all have obtained an award in different countries and a circuit is considered to be a single salon and a single country.
Apart from the above requirements, there is also the following change to the number of acceptances that can be used.
The number of acceptances/awards for one title (work) is limited to five acceptances/awards. This means you can only count five of the acceptances you may receive from a single image/title, regardless of how many acceptances you actually receive from that image.
Scenario 1
You have gained seven acceptances for title (a). Only five of these will count to be entered on the distinctions application; the other two don't count for anything. This title is now deemed to be "used" and can no longer be used in any future application. Scenario 2
You have gained two acceptances for title (b), even though you only have two acceptances in this application. This title is now deemed to be "used" and can no longer be used in any future application.
An image (title) can only be used for one distinction. For the next distinctions, the applicant must use new images each time.
Titles/images that have not been entered in any previous FIAP certificate can now be used. They can be earlier acceptances for images collected before your AFIAP/EFIAP as long as they have not been recorded on any previous FIAP distinction certificate.
Any work without a title will not be accepted as counting towards applications for distinctions.
For more information and forms etc, contact Ann Bastion Hon PSNZ FPSNZ EFIAP/b MFIAP ajbastion@gmail.com
FIAP Distinction 2022
It is with much pleasure that I inform you of this year's FIAP distinction recipients. These members have worked towards their distinctions by entering world competitions and gaining acceptances and often medals. They have been putting their work up against photographers from all around the world in salons held in many countries.
Each distinction has a required number of acceptances in different salons and different countries. The recipients are:
Dawn Kirk LPSNZ EFIAP Jiognxin Peng APSNZ EFIAP Philippa Wood LPSNZ EFIAP Robert Weir LPSNZ EFIAP Brett Walter APSNZ EFIAP/b (Bronze) Liz Hardley FPSNZ EPSA LRPS EFIAP/g (Gold)
Congratulations to you all. If you would like to know more about the process, contact me at ajbastion@gmail.com