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Audio-visual news
Trish McAuslan APSNZ EFIAP/b FAPS AV-AAPS AV Co-ordinator for PSNZ mcauslansav@gmail.com
Congratulations to those who were successful in the Jack Sprosen Trophy Competition for Audio-Visuals. I have asked the winners to share something about their successful AV.
Sue Riach APSNZ ARPS AFIAP created I Am the Power of the Sea. This AV won the Music, Poetry and Song category and the Gold Medal for the winner of the Jack Sprosen Trophy. Sue also received a Merit in the Tauranga AV Salon with this AV last year. Here is how Sue describes her AV.
The AV explores the dynamic nature of the relationship between the surfer and the sea. The sea is the force and power which the surfer uses to harness momentum, and the surfer’s skill is developed for every change that the sea offers. This is revealed via free verse poetry and narrated in the first person from the viewpoint of the sea itself.
Liz Hardley FPSNZ EFIAP/s PPSA LRPS created Unfinished Business, which won the Documentary Category and received a Silver Medal. Here is what Liz said about her AV.
I had been procrastinating over making another AV for a long time, and the Auckland lockdown last year finally provided the impetus and time to do so. I had taken thousands of images at the 2020 Auckland ASB Tennis Classic and decided to make that my topic. It was then a matter of narrowing the focus, which became Serena William’s progress through the tournament. To this end, I started shortlisting appropriate and technically sound images. I had some early ideas for the soundtrack (like The Final Countdown and Simply the Best) but eventually decided to err on the side of caution and look for copyright and royalty-free music. Although it proved to be time-consuming, I finally found a piece of music that I felt could work. I was relieved to find that the ProShow Presenter software still functioned, and even better than that, I could remember how to use it. I wish I could say that the AV then all came together quickly and smoothly. However, it developed in fits and starts, and I almost abandoned it in frustration at one stage. It was only in the days before the deadline that it finally came into shape, and I was still tweaking it hours before it was due to be submitted. However, I am now pleased that I made an effort!
... Audio-Visual News
Gail Stent FPSNZ created Library Point: Past and Present, which won the Theme category and received a Silver Medal. Gail reminds us that there are stories to be told in the places we visit often.
Every morning I walk my dogs at a local reserve. There is a piece of land jutting out into the water, which has always been a special place for me − it feels very spiritual and peaceful under the beautiful trees. Library Point is steeped in history, so I decided to do an AV to delve into the past and include the present.
The start of my AV includes publicly available historic photos of Māori, superimposed over today's scenery and trees. I was concerned that I would be offending somebody by using these photos in the AV, so I consulted a local kaumātua who viewed the AV and assured me there was no offence. The AV then continues into the late 1800s with settler history, ending with current day usage of the reserve.
Jocelyn Barrett PSNZ SM created The Stripper, awarded a Bronze Medal. Here is what Jocelyn had to say.
The Stripper came about after receiving a pink feather boa as a mystery gift. I thought it was pretty useless, and feathers fell off it every time I picked it up to show anyone. Then I had that Eureka moment, and so The Stripper was born.
Lynette Vallely APSNZ for Emperor Gum Moth was awarded a Bronze Medal. This AV also won the World of Nature Category in the Tauranga AV Salon last year. Lynette says this about her AV.
I have many gum trees on my property in Whanganui and had often looked out for the Emperor gum moth to no avail. Then, this particular summer, I was surprised to find dozens on both my Eucalyptus globulus and Liquidamber styraciflua (also known as Sweet gum).
The images were taken over three months using my Canon EOS 5D Mark III.