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Welcome to the New PSNZ Members
Welcome to Our New PSNZ Members!
Hamish Ashton Kara Beattie Robert Beckett Amilie Bentley Danny Beskalo Tony Bridge Jennifer & Lindsay Burton Geoff Butcher Michael Byrne Rodney R. Glasson Robert Jessopp Megan King Stephen Long Jo Martin Paul Mattingly Gary Steve McCraith Merchant Julie Milne Henrik Moller Shannon Molloy Mike Mulcahy Erin Palmer-Wilkins
Kate Parsonson
Paterson Eva Petro Dennis Pointer LPSNZ AFIAP Wendy Pointer Lynne Roberts Kimberley Salmond McKechie Cornelia Schulz Sharon Smith Deborah Stokes Shao-Yang Su Grant Udy Gretta Wallace
Nelson National Triptych Salon 2021
Entries open on 1 August
Your triptych photographic entry can be of people, photojournalism, landscape, nature, tabletop, abstract, marine, aerial, food, fashion, pets, creative… you name it, you can triptych it!
Think and plan your triptych before you capture your images. Your three images will more likely fit together better.
For those who like a project to get their teeth into, try one or all of the three Special Awards:
• Power - Illustrate power in some way.
• Love - Convey a message of love in some form.
• Monochrome - This ever popular medium in black and white or one colour can work wonders for the right images.
All entries including those intended for Special Awards will be entered in an “Open” category.
Only digitally projected triptych entries will be allowed for this salon, but we will make prints of the entries gaining High Awards and display these at the Presentation Evening in October.
There are some important rules to remember for this event:
• Your three images must be separated from each other with a clear division between each image.
• Background colours and shades are allowed but they must not constitute a fourth image to the subject matter.
• There must be no text on the background but text within any of the three images is allowed.
Your triptych can tell a story, compare three similar subjects, depict a captivating design with the use of texture or colour, or be a combination of all the above.
Please visit www.nelsoncameraclub.co.nz/salon-information.html for the full set of rules and other info concerning this salon.
Pole Positions Liz Hardley FPSNZ EFIAP/b LRPS