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Change to Digital Image Dimensions
Change to Maximum Digital Image Dimensions
One of the many decisions that Council made at its September mid-term meeting was to increase the maximum size allowed for digital images from the current 1620px x 1080px to 3840px by 2160px.
This brings it up to 4K resolution. For portraitoriented images, the maximum height will therefore be 2160px. The following is an explanation to support this change.
Why was the change made?
The previous standard was based on the maximum resolution available in the technology that PSNZ and many clubs were using, particularly projectors. In recent years we have received many requests to either eliminate the maximums or increase them to recognise that technology has changed significantly. The constraints that set those sizes are no longer relevant.
All submissions in the major salons are now assessed using high-resolution televisions rather than projecting them. These mainly operate at 4K, so there is no question that we cannot operate at a higher standard than we currently set.
Although there are televisions and projectors that operate at 6K and 8K, they are not in widespread use; therefore we do not propose to move to those sizes yet. Equally, we do not propose an open standard, as the consistency of a maximum size makes assessing considerably easier.
Please note that these are maximum sizes and there is no plan to introduce minimum sizes, meaning that photographers are free to create images at smaller sizes should they wish.
What does it affect?
The change will be introduced in 2023 and will apply to all images entered into the PSNZ Sony National Exhibition, the North Island and South Island Regional Salons, the two digital Interclubs and entry into the 2023 Canon Online Competition, commencing with Round 1.
It will not affect the Jack Sprosen Memorial Trophy as that already uses a different sizing, reflecting that they are generating videos, and not still images.
Does it affect club salons and club-run events?
The change will only apply to PSNZ-organised salons. All other national salons are run by clubs and while they may choose to change their own image sizing, there is no requirement for them to do so. PSNZ will not be requesting them to make changes.
Each club is autonomous and can choose whatever terms and conditions it wants to set for its own events.
What about digital Honours sets?
The sizing of digital images submitted as part of Honours sets is set by the Honours Board, not by Council. We have advised the Honours Board of our intentions to make the change. Should the Honours Board wish to make any changes for digital submissions, members will be notified through normal communication channels. Until further advice from the Honours Board, the current maximums in the Honours Guidelines remain the same.
Will it affect my ability to take photos?
Simply, we would say No. However, the full answer is that it depends on whether you shoot to fill the frame or rely on cropping. A 4K image at the maximum size is only the equivalent of an eightmegapixel image. Most modern cameras and phones shoot well above this size anyway.