Social networking presentation of results

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Dear eTwinning partners, We would like to share the results of our study on the topic chosen “Social Networking”. Thank you for your collaboration in replying our questionnaire.

Class 9B Agrupamento de Escola de Sátão Portugal

The questionnaire created by Portuguese students

Q1. Do you have any social network account? (N=61)


Yes No


Q2. On which ones do you have an account? (N=59)


37,3 40,7 15,3 3,4 5,1

5,1 3,4 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7

Q3. Which one do you use more often? (N=58)







Youtube MSN



Email Whatsapp

Q4. What do you use the account you have identified in Q3 for? (N=58) 65,5 56,9

17,2 15,5


20,7 5,2


27,6 17,2




Q5. How often do you access the account you have identified in Q3? (N=58)


Every two weeks Once a week

13% 26%

Twice or three times a week 11%

More than three times a week Every day

7% More than twice a day 41%

Q6. How many friends do you have on your network account? (N=54)

9% Less than 50 17% 44%

50-100 100-150


150-200 More than 200


Q7.Do you accept any friend request? (N=56)





Q5. How often do you access the account you have identified in Q3? (58)

Every two weeks 2%

Once a week 13%


Twice or three times a week 11% 7%


More than three times a week Every day More than twice a day

Q8. How do you protect your privacy? (N=52)


26,9 9,6 1,9

7,7 1,9

Restricting I only share I don't I don´t tell By protecting No my my publish my password my account protection publications information personal to anyone and photos with my informations friends.

Q9. Have you ever had a problem on your social network account or do you know anyone who has had a problem on a social network? (N=56)

27% Yes



Q10.What happened (in Q9)? (N=56)

A person/friend was harassed/hacked by another


7% 2%


I was harassed/hacked by another.

I saw on TV strangers who pretend be other people and mark meetings, and can happen some terrible.

Conclusions drawn: 1. Expectedly, almost all students, except for 3% (2 students) have an account on, at least, one social network and 67% said they accessed their account daily, with 26% accessing their accounts more than twice a day. 2. The preferred social network is for 67,2% Facebook. We have observed that young people are exploring new or alternative social networks like whatsapp. 3. The majority of the project partners use their social network account mostly to share photos (65,5%) and to share information (59,9%), after what comes the online games playing (31%). Curiously, only a minority (5,2%) answered to use it to do research for school work. 4. Although the majority of the respondents (74%) have 100 or more friends on their account, with 40% declaring to have than 200, 89% answered that they do not accept any friend’s request.

5. Regarding the protection of one’s privacy on social networks, pupils have shown that they are not capable of referring to concrete measures to protect themselves, like not publishing personal information, or not identifying people on photos etc… 6. Another aspect to take into account is the lack of information about incidents and risks of social networking unsafely, revealed by the majory who answered haven’t ever heard about any problem. 7. We are aware that the conclusions presented are superficial and require deeper analysis. So, We intend to discuss these results more deeply in September and elaborate on these conclusions. We are interested in starting an eTwinning project next school year to address this issue of e-safety.

We are all looking forward to hearing from you soon. ď Š Enjoy your summer holidays bye!

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