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Vancouver Photo Workshops | PhotoHaus Gallery
PhotoHaus Gallery and Vancouver Photo Workshops (VPW) were founded with the aim to serve and support the photographic community as it exists in Vancouver and beyond. We're comprised of a carefully selected team of industry professionals who pride themselves in their ability to inspire and share their unique vision and style. VPW's seminars, workshops and courses are held in professional working photography studios, state-of-the-art meeting facilities and local galleries including PhotoHaus Gallery - dedicated exclusively to photographic work.
Charles Margison
Samer Abdayem
Marwan Al Rehaili
Alex Alvarez
Larry Miller
Orhan Taymaz
Noor Hazwan
Traveling Artist
Luis Soto
John Campbell
Francois desrosiers
ziggi jan
B Zeiden
Axel Qi
Beth dos Santos
Eugen Gard
Harry Lew
Christine Balshaw
Mayenkar Rohan
Filipe Marques
sto sabot
Jaime Pavón Avilés
AmyandChris Cannon
Gianni Fantauzzi Photographer
Brian Irwin
Gerard Rousseau
Rick Hernandez
Stacey Shanks
J Alejandro Reyes
C.Henry Horne III
NT Tommy
Mike - Photo Dabbler
Vernier Dominique
Francesca Adrienne
Wael Onsy
Orelha Peach
Crystal Newland
Hrbrt Serpas
daniele gì
Jago Alvar