How to Protect Your Old Relations Photos and Slides Before it is Too Late Here is a common concern
"My pictures are fading away! I wanted to show to my grandchildren the pictures when I was pregnant with their mother but now is too late; the pictures have almost completely faded away". Here is part of the difficulty Chemicals on the pictures keep reacting over time. Some color images show marked deterioration in only 10 years turning blue, yellow or red in most cases. The color dyes used in photo prints, slides and negatives will irreversibly decay overtime. Changes in temperature and humidity produce one kind of fading. Changes in lighting conditions are responsible for other kind of fading. The oil in our hands and dust in the environment are also responsible for deterioration that will become more evident overtime. Here is what we can do to protect our valuable pictures
The decaying process is progressive and irreversible but it can be slowed down by careful storage and handling of the pictures. Color photos will last longer if stored in the dark and cool dry location. The worst place to store old photographs is in the basement (too damp) or attic (too hot). Do not stack photos on top of each other, pictures are easily scratched and should be stored in archival plastic or paper sleeves. Most inexpensive photo albums could damage the pictures. Particularly, avoid albums with sticky adhesive pages. Be careful when removing fragile photo prints, slides and negatives from boxes, sleeves and photo Old Photo Restoration Near Me albums. Avoid touching of surface areas and do not force the pictures off from the photo album or from each other. Another more permanent solution would be to professionally transfer them to CD or DVD. If professionally scanned with specialized scanners, pictures, slides or negatives can then be digitally enhanced with specialized software to help restore the faded dyes to a point somewhere near to original appearance depending on the extend of the damage. Some minor scratches could also be repaired by qualified technicians. This solution has many benefits; not only the pictures will last a lifetime on a CD or DVD but can also be easily copied and share with family and friends all around the world. Visit here to see an example of color and contrast restoration of scan photos and slides. Read More Details-Old Photo Restoration Near Me
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