Battery check
How to charge
How to use
:22 4X 90 mm i j , J :C ,
Solar Travel Charger ! "# $ % & '( The solar travel charger is a great backup battery for your mobile devices. The lightweight,but durable compact size is designed for travels. ! "# $ % & '( ) * + , # - . / 0 1 2 ' 3。 5 6 7 、9 : ; < = , ? ) $ % @ A 。 It conveniently attaches to anything to be exposed to the daylight and recharge. B CD E F + "G H , I J / 0 1 2 ' 3 K =。
Always keep the power more than 75% for the power peak will be helpful and to extend the battery cell life. 0 LM N> 75 %+ 'O J P = ' Q R 0 K= , S 0T I U V 'W + X Y 。
Includes Inclut
Specifications: Capacity: 1250mAH Battery type: Lithium-polymer batteries Rated input: DC5V 800mA Rated output: DC5V 800mA Charging time: 2 hours Operating temp.: -20~+60℃ Products size : 130 * 70 * 10mm Weight : 100g [ \] ^ : m O: 1250mAH ' Wn o: pq rs 'W t uv w: DC5V 800mA t uv x: DC5V 800mA & '0 y: 2 hours z {| }~ .: -20~+60℃ : 130 * 70 * 10mm O: 100g Package contect cable:1pc Tips: 2pcs (mini USB and micro USB) ` ab c : d ef :2g h ei :2j (mini USB l micro USB)