In this issue
JUNE 2015 • Power Plate at Asia Fitness Conference & Expo
asia pacific
Dear Distributors, Master Trainers and Sales Superstars We are excited that, for the first time ever, Power Plate will enjoy a formidable presence at AsiaFit in Bangkok Thailand. We will have an exciting exhibition booth along with a total of 10 Power Plate related sessions over the course of 4 days. Registration is now open for this event, so we would encourage our Master Trainers, CPPTs and others to sign-up soon. Space is limited and we expect slots for these events to fill up fast! We especially encourage Master trainers along with other Trainers to attend all the Power Plate workshops being offered. These sessions will demonstrate some neverbefore presented material – details of which can be found in this document. This is an excellent opportunity for trainers from your marketplace to learn more about the exciting use of Power Plate with their clients. We would also strongly recommend that both Master trainers and CPPTs attend as many of the Gray Institute sessions as possible. As you know, our Fundamentals follows the same training philosophy and methodologies – and for those on our Certified Master Trainer Pathway, these would be excellent additions to your learning journey. We are tentatively considering having a CMT Pathway event following the AsiaFit postconference CPPT Academy. We will keep you informed if and when we schedule this event. Since so many of you attend this event, we might be using this great opportunity to hold a distributor meeting just prior to AsiaFit, possibly over the 7th and 8th October. We hope to bring you more details very soon, and request that in the meantime you diarise these dates to ensure your availability. Yours in health
Steve Borre, Erica Minter, Grace Tang, Stephen Powell and Dr. Rich Colosi
What is AsiaFit? October 9th – 11th, 2015 @ BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand The Asia Fitness Conference & Expo 2015 is THE place for fitness professionals to be inspired by the best international presenters in the field, to network with regional leaders, to share ideas and experiences as well as to celebrate being part of the growing, prospering health and fitness industry in Asia. PHS will have its AFC debut in 2015, with multiple sessions containing never-before presented workshops by our International Master Trainers, Dr. Rich Colosi and Steve Powell, and also featuring Ji Sook Moon from Korea.
October 9th – 11th, 2015 @ BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand Post-conference CPPT Academy 12th October Registration now open: Register here Discount Code: PHS2015 Please note this is for Master Trainers/Disstributor Staff only and will be verified with PHS for authenticity
Workshops and Master Classes
8 Workshops 1 Morning Master Class 1 Post-Conference Academy
Gray Institute®: Assessment And Programming For The Core - A Global To Local Approach Presenter: John Perry
9th October: 9:30 am – 11:00 am As movement professionals, we strive for efficient, optimal performance, but what happens when movement creates negative reactions? We can’t improve what we don’t assess. This workshop will provide you with more than just a series of techniques to memorize. Instead, learn a process to empower assessment individuality for all populations. Although we will assess the whole core with live examples, we will emphasize the spine (core) complex. Be prepared to move and practice assessments and program strategies.
Golf Preparation for Performance Presenter: Stephen Powell
9th October: 1:15pm – 2:30 pm This practically focused workshop will allow the trainer, golf pro, performance coach and medical professional to take away an innovative approach to golf preparation for the beginner to elite golfer. Your best golf swing is your healthiest golf swing and in order to perform optimally from the first tee to the last, preparing the body for the demands of golf in a dynamic environment with Power Plate prior to a match, lesson or the driving range, could be the key to consistent and healthy golf while decreasing pain and injury risk.
Power Plate in Rehabilitation Presenter: Dr. Rich Colosi
9th October: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm Under supervision of trained professionals, Power Plate is an authentic means to deliver unique benefits, increasing the effectiveness of movement, with greater safety and comfort. Each person diagnosed with a pathology or functional limitation presents with individualized therapeutic needs. The clinical presentations of individuals who may benefit from Power Plate include muscle pain and/or weakness, joint disease or dysfunction, disuse atrophy, muscle hyperactivity or hypo-activity (insufficient force production and endurance), fatigue, impaired or heightened neurological sensation, poor balance, rigidity and tightness. We look at an evidence based approach to using Whole Body Vibration to help patients regain functional independence.
M Pilates With Trigger Point Grid On The Power Plate Presenter: Ji Sook Moon
10th October: 11:50am to 1:05pm Pilates exercises performed on a Power Plate machine help to elongate, strengthen and restore the body to balance. Adding the benefits of whole body vibration also helps to integrate the whole body to re-educate and restore optimum muscular and skeletal function. This session explores the use of the TP Grid as a training aid on the Power Plate machine. It covers a range of Pilates exercises adapted for use on the whole body vibration platform, used in synergy with the TP Grid to help optimize elongation, and restoration to function.
Speed Date: Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and More with Evan Osar, Carl Petersen, Dr. Rich Colosi, Anthony Carey and More
10th October: 11:50am to 1:05pm Do you have injury or rehabilitation-related questions or concerns you wish to have answered? Well, look no further…. AFC presents Speed Date – your opportunity to ask our group of experts your own questions and get personalized answers! This interactive opportunity gives you the chance to pose your question or share your challenges with our experts who can then answer or demonstrate ideas to you – you get to walk away with solutions and applications you can use immediately. 9
Program Design: Individualized Approach for Variability and Purpose with Applied Functional ScienceÂŽ Presenter: John Perry
10th October: 1:20 am – 1:35 pm This Gray Institute session empowers trainers to assess and program based on the individuality of each and every client. Every BODY is different, has different gifts and abilities, and has certain needs, wants and goals. Applied Functional ScienceŽ (AFS) guides this session, thus equipping you with principle-strategy-technique process and numerous movement variables and observational essentials that lead to authentic and individualized programming. No matter your expertise, this session is a-cannot-miss opportunity to enhance the results your clients attain. 10
Soccer Conditioning for Performance and Injury Prevention Presenter: Stephen Powell 10th October: 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm We explore a functional, integrative approach to performance enhancement and injury prevention. Using the common ACL and hamstring injury as a frame of reference, an innovative thought process will be shared using a ’movement matrix’ with practical examples specific to conditioning for soccer performance. The environment of WBV will then be integrated to elicit a specific neuromuscular and proprioceptive stimulus to enhance the body’s response to task-driven situations to maximise the potential carry over to the desired sports specific movement. These strategies are synergistic and complimentary to existing systems and methods, intended to close the gap between ’training’ and performance.
ACL Injury Prevention Presenter: Dr. Rich Colosi
10th October: 4:40 pm – 5:55 pm The ACL is one of the most commonly injured structures in the knee, sidelining many athletes. It is critical to implement a prevention program focused on each participant based upon individual needs, with respect that the male and female athlete differs greatly in their functional strength, mobility and stability. Proprioception, three dimensional mobile stability, and strength should be at the forefront of any well rounded program. Power Plate offers a unique environment to stimulate the neuromuscular system with rapid, repeatable and consistent stimulation to allow the player to spend more time safely on the field. 12
Workout- Pilates On The Plate Presenter: Ji Sook Moon
11th October: 7:00 am – 8:00 am Pilates exercises performed on a Power Plate machine help to elongate, strengthen and restore the body to balance. Combine this with the balls and TP Grid in a session designed to awaken, invigorate, and restore optimum muscular and skeletal function, ready for the day ahead. 13
Workout - 3D Flexibility and Strength – The Triplanar Lengthening and Strengthening Presenter: John Perry
11th October: 7:00 am – 8:00 am Dramatically enhancing how you think and what you do with all of your clients. Traditional flexibility techniques simply don’t cut it. Applied Functional Science® allows practitioners to understand and apply the truths of how the body functions in three planes of motion. This workshop will discuss and demonstrate triplanar lengthening and strengthening techniques throughout the body.
Medical Integration (Ankle, Knee and Hip) Presenter: Dr. Rich Colosi
11th October: 8:30 am – 9:45 am Introducing a 3-dimensional, functional approach toward integrating the lower extremities from both the ground up, as well as from the top down, utilizing a specialized whole body vibration environment tweak. The goal is to empower the practitioner with the skills and knowledge to successfully assimilate Power Plate technology within their clinical and rehabilitation setting
Power Plate and ViPRÂŽ - Functional Movement Integration Presenters: Stephen Powell and Pete McCall
11th October: 10:10 am – 11:25 am
Loaded movement training with ViPR combined with the reflexive environment of whole body vibration can create a unique movement experience. Using the universal language of movement and a functional compass combined with Power Plate to create task driven reactions in the body upregulates the nervous system and creates dynamic, multi-dimensional stimuli. Loaded movement training with ViPR will be used on the Power Plate and on the ground and attendees will experience how to build a movement matrix to create tri-plane loading and unloading using ViPR tilting, lifting, flipping and shifting patterns to augment authentic movement responses and sequencing.
3D Movement and Analysis Systems (3D Maps) – Applied Functional Science in Action Presenter: John Perry
11th October: 10:10 am – 11:25 am This session will dramatically and systematically enhance how you assess the entire body efficiently and effectively. 3D MAPS is Gray Institute’s strategic arrangement of succinct movements that allow for assessment of the entire body in all three planes of motion. Learn not only how to assess the entire body, but how to progress the entire body based on the priorities of the individual-our clients. Learn about Applied Functional Science® in a manner that can be quickly understood.
Fall Prevention with Power Plate® Presenter: Dr. Rich Colosi
11th October: 1:20 pm – 2:35 pm Power Plate offers a fast and clinically effective way to stimulate our proprioceptive system, coordinating neuromusculoskeletal excitation with our vestibular system, activating our conscious and subconscious orientation to space through reflexive stabilization of our core stabilizers. Provoking the potential of reflex activation of the entire neuromuscular system in synergy is a vital and life changing application of Power Plate to positively influence balance. Reflexive stabilization through Power Plate, utilizes triplane feedback to simulate the body’s reaction to gravity and ground reaction forces, thus simulating real life interactions with our dynamic and changing environment, creating stability with mobility. 18
Certified Power Plate Trainer Fundamentals Presenters: Dr. Rich Colosi and Stephen Powell
12th October: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm In order to integrate Power Plate into your everyday programming, the CPPT pathway was created to empower the trainer, coach or practitioner with the skills and knowledge to successfully assimilate Power Plate technology within their business, facility, or clinical and rehabilitation setting. Our goal is to provide the most current, relevant, and up to date information regarding whole body vibration (WBV). This includes education on the mechanisms by which WBV enhances the neuromusculoskeletal system; the method of nerve to muscle adaptation called Reflexive Stabilization; and the opportunity to experience the fundamentals of functional movement and integration. CECs: REPS UK – 4 CPD points; ACE 0.6, NASM 0.7, Can Fit Pro 3, NSCA 0.7, SCW 5.5, PTAG 0.7