Problem With The World By: PhuongUyen Tran Racism? Have you been affected? I know I have ever since I moved to a different country even a different state. I got stereotypes everywhere I went and people even ask “Do you eat dogs?” or assumed that I’m Chinese based on my appearance when I just moved to the US. At the first it didn’t seem like a big deal because I felt powerless, like I couldn’t do anything to stop people from saying things that were not appropriate. I hated being myself around people because I felt judge everywhere I went. It’s not just happening here in the US, but all over the world too with many other different ethnicity. In the source BBC News, “A Killing in Paris: Why French Chinese are in uproar”, the author Kevin Ponniah states “ Community groups say such attacks are driven by a perception that chinese people are weak, will not fight back and carry a lot of cash.” This made realize that people who are making these assumption aren’t being educated to know that many different ethnicity has different values and cultural. By being different we can teach those who may not understand the difference. In another article in New York Times Magazine the author Michael Luo is Asian-American, he was with his family when a white women yell “Go back to your China!” His daughter ask him “”Why did she say, ’Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”” It broke my heart seeing a little girl not knowing that racism existed and the way we get treated unfairly because we’re different. My parents really care strictly of education since they want me to become successful. Since I studied and get A’s, my classmates assumed that all Asian parents are strict and that we
are genius. Since they judge us based on a person's appearance we have to be the bigger person and educate them that we aren’t all the same. Remind them to not indicate or conclude anything about anyone they don’t know. By indicating that they are something they’re not can set a person off and the person will think that you’re being offensive. However, for anyone who been in my situation I think that we should speak out and not just cooped up because we’re afraid of what the outcome might be. We can’t let people walk over us and make us feel like being different is bad. We can’t express who we are inside and let our personality fulfill who we are, but it’s time to change that, be proud of who you are and make sure to let people know your ethnicity and represent it but also stand up for what you believe in.
Photo Credited to: Pax Ahimsa Gethen
2 Work Cited Luo, M. (2016, October 9). An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back To China. Retrieved from o-told-my-family-to-go-back-to-china.html?action=click&cont entCollection=N.Y.%20%2F%20Region&module=RelatedCoverage&re gion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
Ponniah, K. (2016, October 26). A killing in Paris: Why French Chinese are in uproar. Retrieved from