Health Within and Beyond Welsh Boards March 2016

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Health Within and Beyond Welsh Borders March 2016

Third Health Programme The EU Health Programme Calls for 2016 Announced Now! More on page 6

Welcome Welcome to the new IHCC European and international e-bulletin! Our new-look newsletter is an information source for Welsh health and related professionals on key European activities, funding calls, events and opportunities relevant to health and wellbeing and their wider determinants. It also includes wider international / global health developments with importance to Wales. Follow the IHCC on Twitter for regular updates #IHCCWales and on the IHCC website.

Contents In Focus - Europe 2 In Focus - Wales 4 Opportunities 6 International Organisations and Newsletters


In Focus Europe

The Health of Migrants and Refugees WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Commission and Wales recent developments and responses to the refugee crisis: Public Health Wales Briefings. A series of briefings have been developed and published by the IHCC, Primary Care and Health Protection and circulated across NHS Wales to provide information and advice on the current migrant and refugee crisis. WHO EURO agreement on common framework for coordinated action on refugee and migrant Š lassedesignen - #52167920 health, based on solidarity and mutual assistance. Read more at the WHO Europe website. State of Play: Measures to Address the Refugee Crisis EC update on areas such as financial pledges, relocation schemes, hotspots and returns. Read more at the European Commission website. WHO EURO Portal for migration and health with news, events and the Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe (PHAME) project newsletter. Read more at the WHO Europe website.

Global Recommendations to Stop Childhood Obesity Launched The World Health Assembly adopted a global target for all countries to renew their efforts to halt the rise in overweight among children under 5 by 2025. Read more at the WHO Europe website.

WHO Urges European Countries to Prevent Zika Virus Disease Spread Now The WHO Director-General has declared that the recent cluster of microcephaly and neurological disorders in Latin America and the Caribbean constitutes a public health emergency of international concern and requires a united response. Read more at WHO Europe website.

WHO Regional Office for European New Appointments - Congratulations! Dr Piroska Östlin, expert in Social Determinants of Health and Vulnerability, has recently become the new Director of the Division of Policy and Governance for Health and Well-being in WHO EURO. In addition, Monika Kosinska, leading on inter-sectoral governance for health, has taken over the European Healthy Cities network. A key mission of the Division is to lead and coordinate implementation of the European policy and strategy for health and wellbeing ‘Health 2020’.

In Focus Wales

Here we would like to share recent examples of Welsh activities, collaborations, events and other work related to protecting, improving and promoting health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities linking to Europe and the world. If you are a Welsh health or related professional involved in such international work and would like to share it with your colleagues, please, email to All contributions welcome!

New IHCC Team Member I am delighted to join the IHCC as the new International Health Policy Officer. I am looking forward to contributing to the European and international work of Public Health Wales. Since I left my home country, France, I’ve had the opportunity to work for various NGOs across Europe on different global and European health issues and policies. This diversity has been an amazing learning experience which, I hope, will help me support and promote the objectives of the IHCC in Wales and abroad. I am looking forward to meeting and working with all our partners in Wales and abroad. Elodie Besnier, Policy Officer, Public Health Wales

European Funding and Collaboration for Health and Well-being in Wales European Funding and Collaboration for Health and Wellbeing in Wales: Bridging the Gap between European Funding and Health This event took place on the 8-9/02/16. The first day provided an overview of available EU funds, with the afternoon focusing on details on two major EU funding programmes, the Third Health Programme and Horizon 2020. The second day focused on particular issues related to accessing EU funds such as the applying and finding partners. It also offered the opportunity for participants to meet experts and speakers in 1-to-1 sessions. Read more on the IHCC website.

Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) Recent Activity WHIASU has been providing training across the UK, the Greater London Authority commissioned 2 Rapid HIA Competency Courses to representatives from 20 Boroughs including the London Mayor’s Office. WHIASU will deliver the same to the Northern Ireland by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) in April and a tailored version to practitioners and policy makers from the Institute of Public Health, Netherlands (RIVM) in summer 2016.

A Pathfinder for Global Health: Potential Approaches in Wales Public Health Wales, The Learned Society of Wales and Aberystwyth University are developing a ‘Pathfinder’ presenting Wales’ response and potential approaches to the Global Health Emergencies concerns and recommendations of the 32nd Annual Plenary Meeting of the InterAction Council 2015. The document recognises that globalisation, environmental, social and economic challenges are related to planetary and human health and sustainable development. It offers examples of national developments contributing to increasing awareness of and strengthening response to global health security and aspires to strengthen Welsh position, promote partnership and contribute to mutually beneficial collaborations nationally and globally.

EU Funding Ambassadors in Wales EU Funding Ambassadors for Wales, Dr Grahame Guilford, Dr Hywel Ceri Jones, and Gaynor Richards MBE were appointed by the Minster for Finance and Business to help promote and maximise the opportunities presented by the EU directly managed programmes. An Interim Report has been published (December 2015) which outlines some of their initial conclusions and recommendations for the Welsh Government, with the full report due to be published this month. Read more at the WEFO website.


Funding The Third Health Programme 2016 work plan The third health programme is the main instrument the European Commission uses to implement the EU health strategy. It is implemented by means of annual work plans which set out priority areas and the criteria for funding actions under the programme. The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency has published a new call for proposals for projects - HP-PJ-2016 - under the Public Health Programme. The call is based on the third programme for the Union’s action in the field of health (20142020) and the 2016 Annual Work Programme. The 2016 work plan sets out details of the financing mechanisms and priority areas for action to implement the programme.Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 June 2016. Read more on the European Commission

Horizon 2020 The European Commission DG Research and Innovation has published a series of calls under the topic of societal challenges.

European Structural and Investment Funds During 2014–2020 Wales will benefit from around £1.8bn European Structural Funds investment. Please go to the WEFO website to see the current opportunities.

The Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2016 The Ireland Wales Co-operation programme supports businesses and organisations across both nations. The fund focuses on innovation, climate change, cultural and natural recourses, and heritage and tourism. For more information, please go to the WEFO website.

THET Africa Grants Programme 2016 The Africa Grants Programme 2016 (AGP) supports the training of health workers in low and middle-income countries, by engaging partnerships between health organisations in the UK and Ireland, and their counterparts in Africa. Stream 1: Surgical and Anaesthetic Care, Stream 2: Community Healthcare.

Hub Cymru Africa Grants The grants are available up to £1000, up to £5000 and up to £15000 available. The thematic areas are Sustainable Livelihoods, Lifelong Learning, Health and Well-being and Climate Change and the Environment.

Publications and Tools Wales Case Study in a Recent WHO Publication on Participatory Approaches A case study focusing on the development of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act has been published in the WHO book on ‘Taking a participatory approach to development and better health. Examples from the Regions for Health Network (2015)’ Download publication at the WHO publications website.

Tackling Health Inequalities in Wales – Synergies between Welsh Government and Public Health Wales Malcolm Ward, Health Promotion Specialist and Carolyn Lester, Lead for Health Inequalities have published an article in the latest EuroHealthNet Magazine, presenting examples of joint work on tackling health inequalities in Wales.

Wales Prison Health International Publication Noel Craine, Research Scientist, Public Health Wales is a co-author on the article, ‘Injecting drug use, sexual risk, HIV knowledge and harm reduction uptake in a large prison in Bali, Indonesia’. This work arose out of a three month sabbatical working in the Medical School in Denpasar Indonesia as part of the Kirby institute’s Field Research Training Programme. Read more at the International Journal of Prisoner Health website.

Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Adults in Wales who were physically or sexually abused as children or brought up in households where there was domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse are more likely to adopt health-harming and anti-social behaviours in adult life. Read more at the Public Health Wales website.

EU Funding for Wales study published Check out the EU policy and funding programmes grid developed by WEFO. Read more on the WEFO website.

Mapping of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in Health Published The mapping of the planned support of ESIF in health for the 28 Member States for 2014-2020 has been published on the European Commission’s website. The Guide for effective investments in health under ESIF The Technical Toolkit

Minsk Declaration on the Life-course Approach in the Context of Health 2020 The declaration was adopted at the “Act Early, Act on Time, Act Together” WHO European Ministerial Conference. Read more at the UNFPA website.

Regions for Health Network Twenty-Second Annual Report A report covering information on improving health and equity across regions and sectors, access the full report on the Regions for Health website.

Promoting Rights and Community Living for Children with Psychosocial Disabilities Some children are born with disabilities, and others develop disabilities in their early years. This report underscores the urgent need for countries to move from institution-based care to community-based care. Read more at the WHO website.

European Code against Cancer Every year, on 4 February, WHO promotes ways to ease the global burden of cancer. Under the tagline “We can. I can”. World Cancer Day 2016 will show how everyone collectively and as individuals, can do their part in reducing the global burden of cancer using the European Code against Cancer.

EU Funding Checklist Try the EU Funding online check-list to identify the type of funding that could be available to you.

Horizon 2020 Briefing The NHS European Office has provided a briefing for EU funding for NHS research and innovation.

Upcoming Conferences and Events Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health - Evidence to Impact in Public Health 27 - 28 April 2016 Newcastle - Gateshead, UK The conference will explore the debate surrounding what counts as ‘evidence’ and whether impact can be created in relation to public health and well-being. Read more at the WHO website.

Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference and Public Health Exhibition 13 - 15 June Brighton - England, UK The Faculty of Public Health is joining forces with the Royal College of Nursing and heading to the south coast in 2016 for its annual conference and public health exhibition. ‘Public health in a cold climate: melting hearts and minds with evidence’. Read more at the Faculty of Public Health website.

8th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference (NHPRC) 20 - 22 June 2016 Jyväskylä, Finland The NHPRC will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland on the 20-22 June 2016. The main theme of the 8th NHPRC is: “20 years of Health Promotion Research in the Nordic countries: health, wellbeing and physical activity”. Read more at the conference website.

Other Call for Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy The call is for those who are innovators in the field of Active and Healthy Ageing, creating workable solutions that improve the lives and health of older people. Read more at the European Commission website.

EuroHealthNet Technical Working Groups: Opportunity for Public Health Wales In 2015, six Technical Working Groups (TWIGs) were launched for member and partner organisations of EuroHealthNet aiming at linking expert colleagues; exchanging evidence, experiences and good practice; analysing European developments; and working together on common positions and activities. Read more at the EuroHealthNet website.

WHO/Europe consultation on preparation of the European Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights The consultation aims at developing an action plan with a framework for country-specific policy responses, action plans and programmes for improving sexual and reproductive health. EuroHealthNet would be keen to be part of a Consortium. If you are interested in this call, please contact Claudia Marinetti. Read more on the European Commission website.

International Organisations and Newsletters WHO Europe Get up to date with public health news from around the WHO European Region by reading the WHO Europe February e-bulletin.

WHO Regions for Health Network This bulletin provides up to date information on the work developed by WHO’s RHN network, the latest issue featuring their 22nd meeting in Milan, Italy and other relevant gatherings.

WHO Panorama Public Health Panorama provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

EuroHealthNet Through the publication of its magazine, EuroHealthNet aims to explain its projects, its objectives and its ways of working. Go to the EuroHealthNet magazine website.

European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) EUREGHA is a network of 14 European Regional and Local Health Authorities focused on public health and health care. Read the latest news on the EUREGHA website.

WHO Europe European Commission: SANTE Health-EU View the SANTE Health EU newsletter on the European Commission website for information on, News from the EU, EU Press Releases, EU Health Award for NGOs, Forthcoming events, New publications and Reporting from across Europe.

European WHO Europe Public Health Association (EUPHA) The latest issue of EUPHA’s newsletter, available on their website, provides the latest updates in Public Health, including the upcoming European Public Health Conference in 2016 and the 6th European Conference on Migrant and Minority Health MEMH 2016.

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Read the latest newsletter on Active and Healthy Ageing on the European Commission website.

NHS Confederation NHS confederation offers a variety of newsletters that can be subscribed to by registering on their website.

NHS Confederation Europe The NHS Confederation European Office e-bulletin lets you know about policy, funding and the sharing of knowledge.

Interburns Newsletter The first newsletter from Interburns, covering work in 2015 and forthcoming plans for 2016. Read the Interburns Newsletter online.

Contact Us

Email Telephone 02921 841938 Post International Health Coordination Centre c/o Public Health Wales Hadyn Ellis Building Maindy Road Cardiff CF24 4HQ Website Twitter @IHCCWales

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